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Virtual and Physical Prototyping

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Achieving grain refinement and ultrahigh yield

strength in laser aided additive manufacturing of
Ti−6Al−4V alloy by trace Ni addition

Shang Sui, Youxiang Chew, Fei Weng, Chaolin Tan, Zhenglin Du & Guijun Bi

To cite this article: Shang Sui, Youxiang Chew, Fei Weng, Chaolin Tan, Zhenglin Du & Guijun
Bi (2021) Achieving grain refinement and ultrahigh yield strength in laser aided additive
manufacturing of Ti−6Al−4V alloy by trace Ni addition, Virtual and Physical Prototyping, 16:4,
417-427, DOI: 10.1080/17452759.2021.1949091

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Published online: 16 Jul 2021.

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2021, VOL. 16, NO. 4, 417–427

Achieving grain refinement and ultrahigh yield strength in laser aided additive
manufacturing of Ti−6Al−4V alloy by trace Ni addition
Shang Sui, Youxiang Chew , Fei Weng , Chaolin Tan , Zhenglin Du and Guijun Bi
Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology, A*STAR, Singapore, Singapore


Fabricating fine equiaxed grains without undesirable secondary phases is highly challenging for Received 26 April 2021
additively manufactured Ti−6Al−4V alloy. The reference amount of Ni addition, which can Accepted 25 June 2021
achieve grain refinement without secondary phase formation, is 0.9 wt. % based on Thermo-
Calc calculation. The Ti−6Al−4V−0.9Ni alloy produced by laser-based directed energy Nickel; grain refining; laser-
deposition demonstrate refined microstructure and an ultrahigh yield strength (1309 MPa). A based directed energy
modified quantitative model is proposed to analyse the strengthening mechanism, and the deposition; titanium alloys;
results demonstrate that the yield strength increment is mainly ascribed to the refined α phase. mechanical properties
This work can contribute to the development of customised titanium alloy using additive

Impact statement Obtaining fine and equiaxed grains instead of colum-

nar grains is one of the most effective ways to address the
An ultrahigh yield strength of 1309 MPa was achieved by
abovementioned issues. Many efforts have been made to
adding 0.9 wt. % Ni into LAAM-built Ti−6Al−4V; a
promote grain refinement and induce equiaxed grains
strengthening model was modified to reveal the under-
formation. Todaro et al. reported that high-intensity
lying mechanism.
ultrasound can be used to refine grain structure in the
additively – built Ti−6Al−4V (Todaro et al. 2020).
Through this method, the average grain size decreased
1. Introduction from 500 ± 354 to 117 ± 61 μm, the yield strength
Titanium (Ti) alloys have been widely used in the aero- increased from 980 ± 13 MPa to 1094 ± 18 MPa, and the
nautic and astronautic industries, medical implants, elongation remained unchanged. However, this
etc., due to their excellent specific strength, good method places high demands on the equipment and
high-temperature stability and corrosion resistance. the ultrasonic intensity will attenuate with increasing
Recently, the development of additive manufacturing built height away from the source at the base. In addition,
technologies infuse new vitality into the fabrication of Zhang et al. indicated that increasing powder feeding
Ti alloys and bring new opportunities into tailoring the rate could also promote equiaxed grain formation due
microstructure for improving the material properties. to heterogeneous nucleation caused by partially
The prior-β columnar grain is one of the typical micro- melted powders in the melt pool (Zhang et al. 2016b,
structure characteristics in most additively built Ti 2021b). They achieved equiaxed grains in Ti−6Al−2Sn
alloys, such as Ti−6Al−4V (Zhao et al. 2017), Ti−6Al −2Zr−3Mo−1.5Cr−2Nb (∼175 K under non-equilibrium
−2Sn−2Zr−3Mo−1.5Cr−2Nb (Zhang et al. 2016c), Ti- solidification condition calculated using Thermo-Calc)
12Mo (Mantri and Banerjee 2018), etc., which is ascribed (Zhang et al. 2016b) and Ti-5Al-2Sn-2Zr-4Mo-4Cr
to the solidification conditions conducive to epitaxial (∼238 K) (Zhang et al. 2021b) alloys. However, this
growth and lack of nuclei in front of the solid–liquid method may not be applicable to the Ti alloys with a
(S-L) interface (Bermingham et al. 2019). Consequently, small solidification range ΔT, such as Ti−6Al−4V (∼3 K).
anisotropy and reduction in mechanical properties are Additives (e.g. Cu (Zhang et al. 2019), B (Bermingham
observed in the additively built Ti alloys (Zhang et al. et al. 2015; Xue et al. 2019), Si (Mereddy et al. 2017),
2016c, 2021a). La2O3 (Bermingham et al. 2019), Ni (Tan et al. 2018;

CONTACT Guijun Bi Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology, A*STAR, 73 Nanyang Drive, 637662 Singapore,
Singapore; Youxiang Chew
Supplemental data for this article can be accessed at
© 2021 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group
418 S. SUI ET AL.

Xiong et al. 2021)) have been proven to be effective for This work aims to use ‘Thermo-Calc prediction +
refining grain structure and enhancing mechanical prop- power blown laser aided additive manufacturing
erties. Apart from Ti alloys, this method demonstrates (LAAM) process with in-situ alloying’ to explore a suit-
widespread application in steels (AlMangour, Grzesiak, able Ni content in LAAM-built titanium alloys fabricated,
and Yang 2017), aluminium alloys (Jiang et al. 2019) which can induce grain refinement with no undesirable
and superalloys (Zhang et al. 2016a). Bermingham phase formation. The Ti−6Al−4V alloy was investigated
et al. indicated that the introduction of La2O3 could as it has the smallest solidification range amongst the
reduce the grain size of Ti−3Al−8V−6Cr−4Mo−4Zr Ti alloys. Microstructure characteristics and room-temp-
alloy from ∼700 to ∼200 μm (Bermingham et al. 2019). erature mechanical properties were analyseed. Further-
Hou et al. found that the slight increase of C, O and Fe more, the strengthening mechanism was also
contents in pure titanium alloy contributed to the finer proposed for quantitative analysis. The findings in this
grain size and excellent mechanical properties (Hou work highlight an approach to choose appropriate addi-
et al. 2019). tive content and can deepen the understanding of the
However, these additives inevitably introduce unde- effect of additives on the microstructure and mechanical
sirable compounds, which deteriorate the mechanical properties of additively manufactured titanium alloys.
properties. Xiong et al. pointed out that adding 1.6
wt.% of Ni in additively manufactured pure titanium
alloy induced the formation of eutectoid Ti2Ni particles 2. Thermo-calc calculation
and causes brittle failure during room-temperature Constitutional supercooling is essential for promoting
tensile process (Xiong et al. 2021). In addition, Xue columnar to equiaxed transition (CET). According to
et al. illustrated that the volume fraction of TiB com- the criterion for generating constitutional supercooling
pound increased with increasing B content, resulting as shown below, it is easier to obtain equiaxed grains
in reduced deformation compatibility and decreased with higher solidification range DT.
elongation (Xue et al. 2019). Furthermore, Zhang
G mC0 (1 − k0 ) DT
et al. revealed that the Ti2Cu particles formed when , = (1)
R DL k0 DL
adding 8.5 wt.% of Cu in pure titanium alloy, lead to
low ductility of only ∼2% (Zhang et al. 2019). There- where G represents the temperature gradient, R rep-
fore, the challenge remains for fabricating equiaxed resents the solidification velocity, m is the liquidus
grains in additively built Ti alloys, such as Ti−6Al−4V, slope, C0 is the initial element content, k0 is the partition
without formation of undesirable secondary phase coefficient and DL is the diffusion coefficient in liquid. In
particles. order to depict the variation in the solidification range of
AM processing with in-situ alloying is a common Ti alloys with Ni addition more clearly, the Scheil solidifi-
approach to realise good metallurgical bonding of cation model was used to compute the non-equilibrium
metals/alloys with additives (Mosallanejad et al. 2021; process. Thermo-calc software was used for the thermal
Sing et al. 2021). This strategy proves to be highly calculation in this work. The used Database was TCTI1:
efficient in the manufacturing and verification of new Ti-Alloys v1.0. As shown in Figure 1(A), the variation in
materials, shortening the development cycle (Sing the DT values for Ti−6Al−4V-xNi demonstrated two
et al. 2021). Compared to the laser powder bed obvious stages. In the first stage, the DT value increased
fusion process, the powder-blown laser deposition quickly and linearly with increasing Ni addition. The
processes with in-situ alloying demonstrate more flexi- slope of the first stage is 681 °C/wt. %. In the second
bility in adjusting the chemical compositions of the stage, the rate of DT value increment has reduced
built part by controlling the powder feeding rates slightly with the increase of Ni addition, but a clear
using multiple hoppers. This advantage favours the linear relationship could still be observed. The slope of
investigation of the microstructural evolution with the second stage is 207 °C/wt. %.
chemical composition variation, thus deepening the Further analysis indicated that the change in slope
understanding of phase structure formation. For from stage 1 to stage 2 can be ascribed to the formation
instance, Collins et al. investigated the evolution of of Laves phase as shown in Figure 1(B,C). The Thermo-
the α and β phases in the deposited Ti-Mo and Ti-V Calc calculations showed that the chemical compo-
alloys with changing Mo and V contents gradually sitions of the Laves phases contained a large amount
along the building direction (Collins et al. 2003). Con- of Ni (∼33 wt. %). Hence, the Laves phase formation
sequently, deposition with in-situ alloying is quite suit- reduces Ni content in the melt, leading to the lower
able for investigation on the fabrication of multi- increment rate in the second stage. According to the
materials. aforementioned analysis, no other phases, except the β

Figure 1. Thermo-Calc calculation of Ti−6Al−4V alloy with Ni addition. (A) Solidification range of Ti−6Al−4V-xNi. (B and C) Scheil
solidification of Ti−6Al−4V−0.9Ni and Ti−6Al−4V-1.0Ni, respectively.

phase, will be formed under the non-equilibrium solidifi- used to deliver the powders from the hoppers to the
cation condition when the Ni content is lesser than 0.9 coaxial nozzle and shield the melt pool to avoid oxi-
wt. % (as illustrated in Figure 1(B)). Although the Ti-Ni dation, as shown in Figure 2(D). The fabrication of the
phase diagram (Figure S1 in the Supplementary Ti−6Al−4V alloy (Sample 1) was achieved by using
Materials) illustrates that Ni2Ti Laves phase can be Hopper 1, while the Ti−6Al−4V−0.9Ni alloy (Sample 2)
formed during the solid-state transformation, the rapid was manufactured by using both Hopper 1 and
cooling rate during the LAAM process may suppress Hopper 2. Furthermore, the detailed LAAM process par-
the formation and maintain the microstructure charac- ameters are shown in Table 1.
teristics attained at higher temperature. Therefore, the The block size of the LAAM-built Ti−6Al−4V and Ti
reference Ni content, which can promote grain refine- −6Al−4V−0.9Ni alloys was 90 mm × 50 mm × 6 mm
ment without undesirable phase formation in the Ti (length × width × height) as shown in Figure 2(E). The
−6Al−4V alloy, should be approximately 0.9 wt. %. cross-sections of the as-built samples were ground by
SiC papers and etched using Kroll’s reagent for micro-
structure observation. Optical microscopy (OM) and
3. Materials and methods Image J software were used for quantitative analysis of
the grain size. The grains are considered to be elliptical
LAAM system, including a fibre laser with a maximum
and their sizes were estimated through the defined
output power of 1000W and a continuous coaxial
‘major-axis length’ and ‘minor-axis length’. At least 200
powder feeding nozzle, was used to fabricate the bulk
grains were analysed to ensure reliability and accuracy.
materials in this work. The selection of powder size is
The log-normal equation given below was utilised to
highly dependent on the powder feeding nozzle
fit the statistical results
design and fabrication quality. The nozzle used is
⎛ ⎞
capable to stably feed the fine Ti64 powders with the x 2
size range of 20–45 μm and form a fine powder focus A ⎜−( ln xc ) ⎟
f (x) = f0 + √ exp⎜
⎝ 2 · w2 ⎠
⎟ (2)
about 1.5 mm in diameter with additional channel for 2p · w · x
effective inert gas shielding. The utilised Ti−6Al−4V
powders are Grade 23, from LPW technology ltd. The
size of the Ni particles is approximately 45 μm, from where xc and w represent the median and standard devi-
American Elements. Two powder hoppers were utilised ation, respectively, in a weighted distribution. Further-
in this study. Hopper 1 contained Ti−6Al−4V powders more, the mean value x of a certain microstructure
with the size range of 20–45 μm in diameter, and characteristic can be expressed as (Li et al. 2018).
Hopper 2 contained the mixture of Ti−6Al−4V and Ni 1 2
with the mass ratio of 19:1. Figure 2(A-C) depict the mor- x = xc · exp w (3)
phologies of the pure Ti−6Al−4V powders, pure Ni
powders and mixed powders, respectively. It is evident Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was employed
that the Ti−6Al−4V and Ni powders are mixed together for phase observation. Room-temperature tensile tests
uniformly (Ni powders are indicated by orange arrows in were performed at a constant displacement rate of
Figure 2(C)). In addition, pure Ar gas (≥99.999%) was 1 mm/min by using the Instron 5982 test machine.
420 S. SUI ET AL.

Figure 2. Experimental details. (A-C) Morphologies and sizes of the pure Ti−6Al−4V, pure Ni and mixed powders, respectively. (D)
Schematic diagram of LAAM process with two hoppers. (E) LAAM-built Ti−6Al−4V−0.9Ni block.

Tensile coupons with a gauge size of 25 × 6× 4 mm were built Ti−6Al−4V alloy were counted and the statistical
used. result showed that the average value is 450.6 μm.
Trace Ni addition of 0.9 wt. % can significantly refine
the grain size as shown in Figure 3(B). The mean
4. Results and discussion major-axis length, minor-axis length and aspect ratio of
the grains in the LAAM-built Ti−6Al−4V−0.9Ni alloy
Figure 3 shows the microstructures of the LAAM-built Ti
were 385, 158 and 2.2 μm, respectively (Figure 3C, and
−6Al−4V and Ti−6Al−4V−0.9Ni alloys. It can be
Figure S2 in Supplementary Materials).
observed that the prior-β grains in the LAAM-built Ti
Further observation using SEM illustrated that the
−6Al−4V alloy grew epitaxially through multiple depos-
fine α laths phase appeared in both the two alloys
ited layers (Figure 3(A)), which made it difficult to accu-
(Figure 3(D,E)), which is closely related to the fast
rately measure their major-axis lengths. However, it can
cooling rate during the LAAM process. The quantitative
be inferred from Figure 3(A) that the major-axis length of
and statistical results demonstrated that the average α
the prior-β grains is larger than 1500 μm. In addition, the
lath width of the LAAM-built Ti−6Al−4V−0.9Ni alloy
minor-axis lengths of the prior-β grains in the LAAM-
(172 nm) is smaller than that of the LAAM-built Ti−6Al
−4V alloy (338 nm), suggesting that the trace Ni addition
Table 1. Detailed LAAM process parameters for fabricating the can also refine the α phase (Figure 3(F)).
Ti−6Al−4V and Ti−6Al−4V−0.9Ni alloys. Figure 4 demonstrates the TEM results of the LAAM-
Sample 1 Sample 2 built Ti−6Al−4V and Ti−6Al−4V−0.9Ni alloys. It is worth-
Laser power (W) ∼700 ∼700 while noting that the element distribution between the
Scanning velocity (mm/min) 1200 1200
Actual deposition rate (g/min) Ti−6Al−4V: 1.01 Ti−6Al−4V: 1.219 α and β phases was not uniform even though the
Ni: 0.011 cooling rate during the LAAM process was high. Specifi-
Shielding gas flow rate (L/min) 15 15
Carrier gas flow rate (L/min) 6 6 cally, the V and Ni were enriched in the β phase, while
Overlap distance (mm) 0.9 0.9 the Al was enriched in the α phase. In both the LAAM-
Layer thickness(mm) ∼0.35 ∼0.35
built Ti−6Al−4V and Ti−6Al−4V−0.9Ni alloys, the V

Figure 3. Microstructure characteristics of LAAM-built Ti−6Al−4V−0.9Ni and Ti−6Al−4V alloys. (A and B) Grain characteristics of the
LAAM-built Ti−6Al−4V−0.9Ni and Ti−6Al−4V alloys, respectively. (C) Quantitative and statistical results of the minor-axis lengths of
the prior-β grains. (D to E) α laths in the LAAM-built Ti−6Al−4V−0.9Ni and Ti−6Al−4V alloys, respectively. (F) Quantitative and stat-
istical results of the α lath width.

content in the β phase was almost three times that in the regions represent the CS zone of the Ti−6Al−4V and Ti
α phase, while the Al content in the former was approxi- −6Al−4V−0.9Ni alloys, respectively. For pure Ti−6Al
mately 0.4 of that in the latter according to the quanti- −4V alloy, it exhibits weak ability of generating consti-
tative measurements. Distinct Ni segregation was tutional supercooling, so that the degree of CS
observed in the LAAM-built Ti−6Al−4V−0.9Ni alloy, as ΔTCS_Ti64 is small, which is lower than the minimum
the β phase contained more than 20 times higher Ni supercooling required for nucleation ΔTN. Consequently,
content than the α phase. the initial grains continue to grow epitaxially, leading to
In addition, the volume fractions of the α and β coarser columnar grains. However, when Ni is added, the
phases were measured following the Cavalieri-Hacquert ability of generating CS is enhanced and the value of
relation. Based on the SEM figures, the LAAM-built Ti ΔTCS_Ti64-Ni exceeds the ΔTN. Thus, new grains will form
−6Al−4V alloys contained approximately 89.3 ± 1.1% α to inhibit the epitaxial growth of the initial grains. As a
phase and 10.7 ± 1.1% β phase, while the addition of result, the final grain size will be refined.
β-stabilising element Ni increased the volume fraction It is interesting to note that the Ni addition can also
of the β phase to 12.5 ± 1.5% and decreased the α refine the α phase, although no secondary particles
phase to 87.5 ± 1.5% in the LAAM-built Ti−6Al−4V that suppress the growth of the α phase are formed.
−0.9Ni alloy. The possible reason is as follows: The re-distribution of
Furthermore, no secondary phase particles could be Ni element occurs during the β→α transition. As
observed in the LAAM-built Ti−6Al−4V and Ti−6Al−4V shown in Figure 4(B), the Ni content in the β phase is
−0.9Ni alloys (Figure 3(D,E), Figure 4(A,B)), although approximately 21 times of that in the α phase. The
the equilibrium solidification calculation indicated the increased Ni content stabilises the β phase, which inhi-
appearance of α2-AlTi3 phase during the solid–solid bits the growth of the α phase.
phase transformation (Figure 5(A,B)). This is due to the Figure 7(A) showed that the LAAM-built Ti−6Al−4V
high cooling rate that inhibits the formation of the α2- −0.9Ni alloy demonstrated ultrahigh strength (yield
AlTi3 phase. strength: 1309.5 ± 3.4 MPa; ultimate tensile strength:
As mentioned in Section 2, Ni addition can enhance 1356.4 ± 4.5 MPa;) and a lower elongation (5.2 ± 0.3%),
the ability of generating constitutional supercooling compared with the LAAM-built Ti−6Al−4V alloy (yield
(CS) of Ti−6Al−4V alloy. Figure 6 is the schematic strength: 1034.1 ± 2.0 MPa; ultimate tensile strength:
diagram demonstrating the grain refinement effect of 1144.4 ± 1.6 MPa; elongation: 8.1 ± 0.9%). The decrease
Ni addition in Ti−6Al−4V alloy. The green and blue in elongation may be due to that the Ni addition
422 S. SUI ET AL.

Figure 4. TEM results of LAAM-built Ti−6Al−4V (A) and Ti−6Al−4V−0.9Ni (B) alloys.

enhance the resistance of Ti−6Al−4V alloy to plastic The yield strength of the LAAM-built Ti−6Al−4V
deformation. Furthermore, to enable a clearer compari- −0.9Ni alloy is increased by 275.4 MPa compared to
son between the different AM processes, the yield that of the LAAM-built Ti−6Al−4V alloy. The improved
strength vs. elongation to failure for Ti−6Al−4V alloys yield strength can be ascribed to the following three
fabricated by electron beam melting (EBM), laser contributors: (i) prior-β grain size; (ii) refined α lath; (iii)
powder bed fusion (LPBF), laser-based directed energy solid solution strengthening caused by trace Ni addition.
deposition (LAAM), (Cheng et al. 2021; Lewandowski
and Seifi 2016; Li et al. 2021; Ren et al. 2017; Xu et al. (i) Hall-Petch relation is commonly used to describe the
2017; Zhao et al. 2018) and LAAM-built Ti−6Al−4V grain boundary strengthening, which can be
−0.9Ni alloy were plotted in Figure 7(B). It can be seen expressed as:
that the yield strength of the LAAM-built Ti−6Al−4V
DsGB = kd−1/2 (4)
−0.9Ni alloy exceeds that of the other samples by at
least 100 MPa, which demonstrates the significantly where d is the grain size, k is the Hall-Petch coeffi-
high yield strength achieved by trace Ni addition. cient. Then, the yield strength increment caused by

Figure 5. Equilibrium solidification calculation results of the LAAM-built Ti−6Al−4V alloy (A) and Ti−6Al−4V−0.9Ni alloy (B).

Figure 6. Schematic diagram of the grain refinement effect of Ni addition in LAAM-built Ti−6Al−4V alloy.

difference in grain size can be computed as: expressed as

−1/2 −1/2 1/nb 1/na

Dsb = kb (dTi64−09Ni − dTi64 ) (5) n
DsSSS = fb Bbb, i Xb,i +fa Bnaa, i Xa,i
2 i i
where kb is 191.7 MPa/μm (Bhattacharjee et al.
2006). After calculation, the value of Dsb is equal to
6.2 MPa. where fa and fb represent the volume fractions of
(ii) Many prior investigations indicate that the depen- the α and β phases, respectively. Then, the yield
dence of yield strength on the α laths can also be strength increment between Ti−6Al−4V and Ti
computed using the Hall-Petch relation (Chong −6Al−4V−0.9Ni alloys caused by SSS can be formu-
et al. 2019; Zhang et al. 2018). Thus, the increase of lated as
the yield strength caused by the difference in α
lath size can be expressed as:
n nb
−1/2 −1/2
DsYS−SSS = fb, Ti64−09Ni Bbb, i Xb,Ti64−09Ni,i
Dsa = ka (wTi64−09Ni − wTi64 ) (6) i

Where wTi64 and wTi64−09Ni represent the α lath
width of the LAAM-built Ti−6Al−4V and Ti−6Al−4V +fa,Ti64−09Ni Bnaa, i Xa,Ti64−09Ni,i
−0.9Ni alloys respectively, and ka can be selected i
as 330 MPa/μm2 (Luo, Hu, and Wu 2016). The calcu- 1 1
lation result shows that the value Dsa is equal to n nb na
228.1 Mpa. −fb, Ti64 Bbb, i Xb,Ti64,i −fa,Ti64 Bnaa, i Xa,Ti64,i
i i
(iii) Solid solution strengthening (SSS) effect in a multi-
component system can be formulated by the fol- (9)
lowing equation (Zhao et al. 2019):
Due to the small size of the α and β phases (Figure 3),
it is difficult to measure the elemental content in these
DsSSS = Bni Xi (7)
i phases accurately through EDS. Considering the high
cooling rate in the LAAM process, the elements are
where Bi is the SSS coefficient for solute i, Xi is the assumed to be more uniformly distributed in these
atom concentration of solute i and n is a constant. two phases. The required parameters for calculation
The value of Bi is closely related to the value of n. are given in Table S1. It should be noted that the value
For Ti−6Al−4V alloy containing two phases, consid- of Ba,Ni cannot be found in the literature. However,
ering that the same solute has different SSS effect Sasano et al. indicated that the Ba,Ni is linearly related
on different phases, the Equation (7) can be to the atomic size misfit (Sasano and Kimura 1980).
424 S. SUI ET AL.

Figure 7. Room-temperature tensile properties of LAAM-built Ti−6Al−4V−0.9Ni and Ti−6Al−4V alloys. (A) Engineering stress-engin-
eering strain curves. (B) Comparison of the room-temperature tensile properties of different AM-built Ti−6Al−4V alloys.

The radius of the Ni atom (empirical value of 135 pm) is In both the LAAM-built Ti−6Al−4V and Ti−6Al−4V
the same as that of the V atom (empirical value of 135 −0.9Ni alloys, the α/β phase boundary dominates. In
pm). Thus, it is reasonable to use the following relation- the LAAM-built Ti−6Al−4V−0.9Ni alloy, the width of
Ba,Ni = Ba,V . The calculation result demonstrates that the α phase is smaller than that in the LAAM-built Ti
the value of DsYS−SSS is 34.4 MPa. −6Al−4V alloy, leading to smaller dislocation slip dis-
It should be noted that the yield strength increments tance. Therefore, it is much easier for the dislocations
caused by the prior-β grains and the α laths cannot be in the LAAM-built Ti−6Al−4V−0.9Ni alloy to accumulate
added together since they both reflect Hall-Petch contri- at the α/β phase boundary and form stress concen-
bution. For the α+β type Ti alloys, numerous investi- tration. On one hand, the HCP-α phase has fewer slip
gations had indicated that the α lath was the main systems, and it is more difficult to start these slip
contributor and the strengthening effect of the prior-β systems, compared to the BCC-β phase. Thus, it is hard
grains was ignored (Chong et al. 2019; Zhang et al. to alleviate stress concentration by activating multiple
2018). In this work, it is also found that the strengthening slip systems. On the other hand, the small width of the
effect of the α laths was remarkably higher than that of α phase in the LAAM-built Ti−6Al−4V−0.9Ni limits the
the prior-β grains (Table S2 in Supplementary Materials). formation of twins, which is also an effective approach
Therefore, the total increment in yield strength should to relieve stress concentration. Under the combined
be calculated using contribution from the refined α effects of these factors, the ductility of the LAAM-built
laths and the solid solutes, which is 262.5 MPa. This Ti−6Al−4V−0.9Ni alloy is lower than that of the LAAM-
shows a good agreement with the experimental result built Ti−6Al−4V alloy.
(275.4 MPa increase in yield strength for Ti−6Al−4V
−0.9Ni), indicating that the model used in this work is
reasonable. Furthermore, it is evident from the quanti- 5. Conclusion
tative analysis that the contribution of the refined α This work demonstrates that using Ni addition of ∼0.9
lath phase (228.1 MPa) on the yield strength increment wt. % can significantly promote grain refinement
far, exceeds that of the prior-β grain (6.2 MPa) and SSS without inducing the formation of undesirable interme-
(34.4 MPa). tallic phases in LAAM-built Ti−6Al−4V alloy. The refer-
The reduction in ductility after adding Ni may be ence Ni addition was determined using Thermo-Calc
ascribed to the following reasons: (i) Although trace Ni calculation and supported by microstructure examin-
addition can slightly increase the volume fraction of β ation of the LAAM-built Ti−6Al−4V−0.9Ni alloy. The
phase (from 10.7 to 12.5 vol.%), it also bring about experimental results showed that the trace Ni addition
higher deformation resistance due to its hindering of 0.9 wt. % promote the formation of equiaxed grain,
effect on dislocation movement, especially with Ni reducing the minor-axis length (width) of the prior-β
enrichment in the β phase as shown in Figure 4(B). As grains from 450.6 μm to 158 μm, compared with
a result, dislocation pile-up is more likely to occur in LAAM-built Ti−6Al−4V using the same process par-
the β phase, which results in a decrease in ductility. (ii) ameters. The superior yield strength of the LAAM-built

Ti−6Al−4V−0.9Ni alloy (∼1309.5 MPa) is ∼275 MPa alloy and bulk spatially patterned heterostructured multi-
higher than that of the LAAM-built Ti−6Al−4V alloy materials parts using LDED.
(∼1034.1 MPa). A modified quantitative model is pro- Dr Fei Weng is a Research Scientist in Sin-
posed for assessing the strengthening effects caused gapore Institute of Manufacturing Tech-
nology (SIMTech). He received his PhD
by prior-β grains, α laths phase and solid solute atoms.
degree in Materials Science and Engineer-
The results demonstrate that the refined α laths phase ing from Shandong University, China. His
in the Ti−6Al−4V−0.9Ni alloy is the dominant strength- current research interest is in laser aided
ening contributor. This work opens up new methods for additive manufacturing of Ti-6Al-4V
the development of titanium alloys using additive man- alloys, nickel-based alloys, high/medium
ufacturing. In the future work, systematic investigation entropy alloys, and other novel high-performance alloys. The
emphasis is on microstructure evolution and property evalu-
on the effect of different Ni content on the microstruc-
ation. Dr. Weng also has experience in repair and surface medi-
tural evolution and mechanical properties will be per- cation of metal components by laser cladding.
formed. The effect of process parameters and
Dr Chaolin Tan is a Research Scientist in
deposition size on the solidification conditions and Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Tech-
resulting microstructure will also be studied for Ti−6Al nology (SIMTech). He received his PhD
−4V with the same Ni content. degree in Materials Processing Engineering
from South China University of Technology
in conjunction with University of Birming-
Disclosure statement ham (UK) in 2019. His research experience
on laser additive manufacturing (LAM)
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s). has been over 7 years, with rich research experiences in LAM
of advanced high strength steels since 2013. His research inter-
ests include LAM new materials and heterostructured materials.
Funding Dr Zhenglin Du is a scientist in the Agency
This research was supported by Agency for Science, Technol- for Science, Technology and Research
ogy and Research (A*Star), Republic of Singapore, under the (A*STAR). He graduate from Nanyang
IAF-PP program “Integrated large format hybrid manufacturing technological University during 2018
using wire-fed and powder-blown technology for LAAM with a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in
process” [grant number A1893a0031]. Mechanical Engineering with Honors. He
specialises in additive manufacturing,
process optimisation and metallurgy.

Notes on contributors Dr Guijun Bi is a Senior Scientist and Group

Manager with the Joining & Machining
Dr Shang Sui is a Research Scientist in Sin- Group in Singapore Institute of Manufac-
gapore Institute of Manufacturing Tech- turing Technology. He also holds the
nology. He received his B.S. degree in adjunct professorship with the National
Materials Forming and Control Engineer- University of Singapore. Dr Bi received his
ing in 2013 as an outstanding graduate, PhD in laser material processing from
his Ph.D. in Materials Processing Engin- Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology
eering in 2019, all from Northwestern and RWTH Aachen University, Germany. His research focuses
Polytechnical University of China. He has on additive manufacturing for surface modification, repair and
been engaged in Laser Additive Manufacturing (LAM) technol- 3D printing, development of new materials using additive man-
ogy for 6 years since 2013 when he was a bachelor student at ufacturing, hybrid technologies combined additive and subtrac-
Northwestern Polytechnical University. His research is focused tive manufacturing, process monitoring and control, modelling
on the microstructural optimization and mechanical perform- and simulation of additive manufacturing and joining processes.
ance enhancement of LAM-built nickel-based superalloy
Inconel 718.
Dr Youxiang Chew is a Research Scientist ORCID
and deputy group manager in Singapore
Institute of Manufacturing Technology Youxiang Chew
(SIMTech). He joined SIMTech in 2015 Fei Weng
and obtained his PhD in Mechanical Chaolin Tan
Engineering from Nanyang Technological Guijun Bi
University (Singapore). He has over 8
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