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Muslim League (1906)

Q. What were the factors which led to the formation of Muslim League? [14]
Q. Do you think that success at Simla was the real cause of formation of Muslim
League? [14]
In the beginning of 20th century, the political circumstances so developed that
Muslims decided to have a countrywide political organization to safeguard their
national interest. Following were the factors which led to the formation of Muslim
1. Success at Simla:
On October 8, 1906 a delegation comprising 45 members under the leadership
of Sir Agha Khan visited Simla to put forward their demands before Lord Minto.
The Muslims made the viceroy realize their political, economic and strategic
importance. The Muslims, on the bases of their importance demanded separate
electorate, weightage and due share in the government services. Lord Minto gave
a patient hearing but did not make any promise. Thus, in order to put pressure on
the British to get their demands conceded, they decided to form a political party
to safeguard their rights.

2. Reaction to the partition of Bengal:

Bengal partition of 1905, was an important event of Indian history. It had

opened the ways for Muslim progress and therefore, while the Muslims
welcomed the partition, the Hindus opposed it. Series of communal riots started
to reverse the partition of Bengal. The Muslims, therefore realized the need of a
political organization of their own.

3. Congress claims to be the only representative party:

In the beginning the control of Congress was in the hands of moderate

Hindus. But in the first half of the 20th century, the Congress came under the
control of Hindu fanatics like B.G. Tilak, Lala Lajpat Rai and others. The Muslims
were not ready to accept Congress as the sole representative of all the people of
India. Thus, Muslims did have no alternative except to have a political party of
their own.
4. Sectarian Communal Organizations:

Besides Congress, the communal Hindu organization Arya Samaj sowed the
seeds of hatred and fanaticism against the Muslims. They raised the slogan that
‘Hindustan was for Hindus’. The Muslims had two ways open either embrace
Hinduism or leave the country. In 1900 AD, another Hindu organization Baharat
Maha Mandal was formed. Its aim was to oppose all legal demands of Muslims.
The Muslims decided to take practical steps in their national defence by forming a
separate political party.

5. Agitation against cow slaughter:

Cow was a sacred animal for Hindus. They insisted on a ban on cow
slaughtering. Societies for cow protection were established in 1882 AD. The
Muslims regarded a ban on cow slaughtering as an undue interference in their
basic rights. The communal riots started all over India and the Muslims therefore
decided to form a political party to safeguard their basic interests.
6. Hindi made official language:

The sectarian movements like Arya Samaj propagated communal hatred against
the Muslims. In 1867 AD the Hindus of Banaras agitated against Urdu language
and refused to plead their cases in Sir Syed’s court in Urdu. Such an attitude
disappointed the Muslims at large and Sir Syed in particular. Sir Syed got
convinced of Hindus and Muslims as two separate nations. The agitation
continued and in March 1900 AD, Sir Antony Macdonald, the governor of UP
made Hindi an official language. The Muslims therefore got an impression that
the Hindus were bent upon destroying the Muslim civilization. Thus, Muslims felt
the need of political party to protect their culture and civilization.

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