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. Filter (lọc) /fil-ter/
The kidneys help filter the blood, removing some wastes from the blood.
.Filtrate (dịch lọc) /fil-treyt/
Product of body fluids after passing through the glomerular filtration membrane.
.Glomerular filtration rate (mức lọc tiểu cầu thận) : glomerular filtration rate.
 The amount of glomerular filtrate per minute in both kidneys. This term is abbreviated as GFR .
.Reabsorption (tái hấp thu)
 Tubular reabsorption , also known as tubular reabsorption , is the process by which nephrons
take up water and electrolytes from the renal tubular fluid and return them to the circulatory
.secretion /si-kree-shuhn/ bài tiết
Is the process of taking substances from the capillaries around the kidney into the lumen of the
kidney tubule. This process is the opposite of reabsorption.
.Excretion /ik-shree-shuhn/ The process of eliminating or removing a substance from the body. This
process is the opposite of reabsorption.
Excretion = Filtration - Reabsorption - Secretion.
. homeostasis /hoh-mee-uh-stey-sis/ Cân bằng nội môi
Is a state of balance in physiological and chemical factors in the body.
- Kidneys help maintain homeostasis by maintaining body fluid and salt levels and thus blood


SL43: Includes 6 ways:
Dipstick tesitng and Urinalysis (Kiểm tra que thử và phân tích)
 Assess kidney function through urinalysis
-Color, sensory, odor, pH, Protein, specific gravity, glucose, hemoglobin, nitrite, leukocyte
Renal Angiography (Chụp động mạch thận)
 After a physical examination, if the doctor suspects that the patient has a problem in the
blood vessels of the kidney, the doctor will prescribe the patient to perform a renal
SL45: Ultrasonography (siêu âm): Kidney ultrasound is one of the imaging diagnostic
 This ultrasound method helps determine whether the kidney position is normal or not,
evaluate the size and structure of the kidney, and the relationship of the kidney to
surrounding organs.
Cystoscopy (Nội soi bàng quang) :Cystoscopy is a technique to examine the inside of the
bladder and urinary system by guiding a hollow tube with a camera at the end (endoscope)
through the urethra.
 Operating principle: All image data from the tip of the endoscope will be magnified many
times and then transmitted to an external TV screen, helping doctors observe the inside of
the bladder lining and the human urinary system. disease in the most obvious way.
SL46: Pyelogram (đồ thị)
 The patient is injected intravenously with a radioactive isotope, dynamic images and
graphs of radioactivity over time of each kidney are recorded, graphs and images are
analyzed, thereby assessing the function of each individual kidney. kidney.
SL47: Urographie intra veineuse (Chụp tĩnh mạch tiết niệu)
 This means that after injecting contrast dye intravenously, the drug will reach the
kidneys, ureters, bladder... helping to evaluate diseases of the kidney and urinary system.
-Nowadays, the technique of intravenous urography is gradually being replaced by CT
scanning (CT Urography)of the urinary system with contrast injection.
CT Urography (CT tiết niệu)
 imaging tests. Used to evaluate the urinary tract including the kidneys, bladder, and the
tubes (ureters) that carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder.
- A CT scanner of the urinary system will use X-rays to create multiple images (of one slice).
SL49:( VIDEO) We have a song of urinary system. Let’s watch and listen <3.

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