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Aerobic and anaerobic exercise capacities of elite middle-distance runners

after two weeks of training at moderate altitude

Article in Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports · January 2007

DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-0838.1991.tb00297.x


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4 authors, including:

Jan Svedenhag
Karolinska Institutet


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Aerobic and anaerobic exercise capacities of
elite middle-distance runners after two
weeks of training at moderate altitude
Svedenhag J, Saltin B, Johansson C, Kaijser L. Aerobic and anaerobtc J. Svedenhagl, B. Saltin3,
exercise capacities of elite middle-distance runners after two weeks of G. Johanssonz, L. Kaijserl
I training at moderate altitude. Departments of
lCllnical Physiology and
Scand J Med Sci Sports I99I: I:205-214. 20rthopedics, Huddinge University Hospital,
I 3Department of Physiology lll, Karolinska lnstitute,

The effect of short-term altitude training on sea-level physiological char- Stockholm, Sweden
acteristics in elite runners was investigated. Seven middle-distance run-
ners (6 men, 1 woman) belonging to the Swedish national team (mean
age 23 years) spent 2 weeks of training at 2000 m above sea level in
Kenya. Tieadmill tests were performed before and 6 and 12 d after the
altitude sojourn. Six other runners (4 men, 2 women) had a correspond-
ing training sojourn at sea level in Portugal (control group). Two of the
runners (1 man, 1 woman) in the Kenya group were omitted from the
study because of gastroenteritis. The maximal oxygen uptake (Vor*u"i
pretravel: Kenya grotp 212 and control group 188 ml'kg 075 ' min-r),
maximal treadmill time and oxygen cost of running were unchanged in
both groups. The maximal oxygen deficit increased in all subjects after
the Kenya sojourn (mean 19+6"/"). Heart rates during running at spec-
ified submaximal running velocities were lower post-altitude (Kenya
group), but tended to be higher after sea-level training (control group).
Maximal heart rate was unchanged in both groups. Perceived exertion
(Borg) during submaximal running was lower post-altitude. Submaximal
Key words: maximal oxygen uptake; maximal
and maximal blood lactate and plasma catecholamine concentrations
oxygen deficit; running economy; heart rate;
were not altered in any of the groups. Post-exhaustive plasma ammonia
blood lactate; blood ammonia; perceived exertion
levels were decreased 72 d after altitude descent in the Kenya group.
The results suggest an unchanged aerobic capacity in elite middle-dis-
tance runners after short-term training at moderate altitude. However, a Dr. Jan Svedenhag, M,D., Ph,D., Department of
Clinical Physiology, Huddinge University Hospital,
change in the circulatory regulation during submaximal exercise was
I observed. Furthermore, anaerobic capacity improved but this bore no
S-141 86 Huddinge, Sweden

clear relation to lactate or ammonia metabolism. Accepted for publication October 21, 1991

It is generally accepted that training during an concentration will also increase (9). Recent find-
extended altitude sojourn will improve perform- ings also suggest an anaerobic adaptation to alti-
ance at altitude. It is less clear whether training at tude as judged by post-altitude increases in maxi-
altitude is superior to sea-level training with regard mal oxygen deficit and muscle buffer capacity in
to performance at sea level (11).Tþrrados et al. athletes (7). Thus, the present study was undertak-
(8) found that, when bicycle training was executed en to evaluate what effects on sea-level exercise
with the same power at simulated altitude in a capacities could be achieved by a training sojourn
hypobaric chamber and at sea-level pressure, the at moderate altitude.
improvement in working capacity together with
the increase in activity of mitochondrial enzymes
was greater after the simulated altitude training. Material and methods
However, conditions may be different at actual
altitude. Because of the reduced oxygen pressure,
training intensity must be reduced compared with Thirteen elite runners participated in the study; 7
that at sea level. A cardiovascular adaptation takes belonged to the Swedish national team and the
place, including, for example, reduced maximal other 6 were just below this level. All were racing
heart rate. If the altitude sojourn is long enough at middle distances, but 2 of the runners were
and the altitude high enough, blood hemoglobin preferably aiming for 5000 m. Tþn of the runners

Svedenhag et al

were men; 3 were women. The study was approved 30 s, 3.5 min and 5min, and a blood catecholamine
by the Ethics Committee of the Karolinska In- sample at 30 s after exhaustion.
stitute, Stockholm.
Lung ventilation, O, uptake and CO2 production
The 7 belonging to the Swedish national team (6 were measured using an open-circuit system con-
men, 1 woman) were selected for the altitude nected on-line to a Copam PC-401 computer. Ex-
training group. The other 6 served as a control pired gas was sampled from a mixing chamber at
group. After an initial treadmill test at sea level (in contant flow (Ametek R-1) and analyzed for O,
Sweden), the altitude group travelled to Kenya and CO2 with an Ametek oxygen (5-34/1, N-22M;
and spent 2 weeks of training at2000 m above sea zirconia cell) and carbon dioxide (CD-34, P-618;
level. The control group was training at sea level in infrared detection) analyzer system. Lung ventila-
Portugal during this time. During these sojourns, tion was measured on the inspiratory side by a flow
training was performed twice daily at normal train- transducer with an impeller (KL Engineering CO,
ing routines (with an adjusted intensity level in the K520). The sampling rate of 02 and CO2 was 140/s;
Kenya group, keeping the relative intensity the integrations with ventilation over 30 s periods were
same, and supervised by one of the authors). The made by the computer. The oxygen uptake during
training periods for both groups were carried out the last L-1.5 min of each velocity (submax test)
during first half of February in 1990. and the peak 30-s Vs, during the maximal tesî
After returning to Sweden, the Kenya group was were used. To minimize the dependence of Ve" on
tested on 2 occasions,6 (range 5-6) and 12(11-13) body weight during running, oxygen uptake is also
d after descent to sea level. The control group was expressed as ml .kg-ozs.min-l, which better de-
tested on one occasion, 5 (3-10) d after ending scribes the effect of body weight than
their training camp. Upon return,2 of the runners .min-1 (10). Since there was no system-
(1 man, 1 woman) in the Kenya group had devel- atic difference and only 6 d between test 2A and
oped gastroenteritis. Therefore, their post-altitude 2B afTer the altitude sojourn (Kenya group), these
treadmill tests were incomplete; these runners tests can be treated as duplicate determinations,
were omitted from the final analysis. with a calculated coefficient of variation of 2.1'/.
for Vgr.u" .
The maximal oxygen deficit was determined as
the difference (area) between oxygen demand (ex-
Submaximal and maximal treadmill tests were per- trapolated from the submaximal running velocity-
formed. After a warm-up of about 5 min, the sub- V6, relationship) and the actual V6, meâsufement
jects ran 4 min (2.8' uphill slope) at each of 3-4 at each 30 s period of the Vo,-u" test. Because
different running speeds (12.0, 14.0,15.0 and 16.0 Vo,.o" had to be determined by-Douglas bags in 2
km.h-r for the men; 10.0, 12.0, 13.0 and 14.0 control subjects, a technical error at early max test
km'h-l for the women; no stop in between). Ox- in another, and generally lesser number of sub-
ygen uptake (Vo,) and heart rate were measured maximal work loads, the maximal oxygen deficit
continuously. During the last 30 s at each velocity, could not be safely calculated for the control
3-ml blood samples for lactate and ammonia deter- group. Electrocardiogram was registered contin-
minations were drawn from a venous catheter in- uously on a Mingograph (Model 62, Siemens-
serted into an antecubital vein of the right arm. A Elema). The mean of repeated heart rate measure-
blood sample for catecholamine determination was ments during the last min at each velocity was
taken at the end of the third velocity. At the end of used. Perceived exertion was rated according to
each velocity the subject rated his or her perceived theÇ20 degree RPE scale (11). Plasma adrenaline
exertion. and noradrenaline concentrations were deter-
After exactly 10 min of rest, the maximal oxygen mined by means of cation-exchange high-perform-
uptake test was started. The subject ran at an ance liquid chromatography with electrochemical
individually set running speed (15.5-19.5 km.h-1) detection (12). Blood lactate was determined fluo-
with an inclination of 2.8'. Expect for one of the rometrically by a standard enzymatic method.
subjects, the speed was then futher elevated by Blood samples for determination of plasma NH,
0.5-1 km.h-r after 4-5.5 min of running time (in- were centrifuged immediately (within 90 s) and the
dividually set), to keep exhaustion time within rea- supernatant was stored on ice until analyzed
sonably close limits. For each subject the same (within 45 min) by flow injection analysis (13).
speed increase protocol was used in all tests. Blood Muscle biopsies were taken from m. gastrocnemius
lacfate and ammonia samples were obtained at

Altitude training in elite runners

Table 1, Physical characteristics of the Kenya (K) and control (c) runners (pre{ravel test)

Subject Sex Age Stature Body mass Vo,,", Type 1 Best Best
(years) (m) (ks) l%l distance performance
(l'min-1) (ml'kg-ozs't'n-1) (ml'kg-1'min-1) (m) {min: s)

K1 (JD) M 25 .91 77.0 5.80 223 75.3 80 5000 13:21

K2 (ME) M 24 .76 65,0 4.33 189 66,6 57 800 1:47
K3 (MT) M 19 .78 65.0 4.86 212 14,8 55 1 500 3:42
K4 (MEx) M 31 .77 64,2 5.00 220 77,9 77 5000 13:45
K5 (PN) M ¿7 .i8 62.0 4.77 216 76.9 81 3000 8:32

Mean 24.8 '1,80 66.6 4.95 212 74.3 70

c1 (MA) F 19 1.72 51.2 2,97 155 58.0 56 800 2:08

c2 (AP) M 23 1.75 63.0 4.96 222 78.7 56 1 500 3:45
c3 (AK) F 20 1.65 51.3 3.30 172 64.3 1 500 4:12
c4 {KT) M 20 1.78 68,5 4.79 201 ô9,9 45 800 1:47
c5 (TJ) M 19 1.77 65,5 4.24 184 64,7 48 800 1:47
c6 (MEk) M 21 1,79 64.5 4.49 19t 69.6 49 1 500 3:5'1

Mean 20.3 1.74 60.7 4.12 188 67.5 51

Biopsies from m. gastrocnemius. Best performance notation from the preceding orfollowing summer seasons.

during local anesthesia with the Bergström needle Results

technique; details are given separately (26).
Physical characteristics

Age, stature, body mass, maximal oxygen uptake

(Vo,.u*i pretravel test), percentage type I fibres,
For comparisons of test occasions (within a group; best running distance and best performance of the
for example, test 1,, 2A and 2B in the Kenya runners are shown in Täble 1. The body mass was
group), two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) unchanged in both groups during the course of the
was used (the second way being submaximal run- study (66.8 + 2.7 and 66.6 + 2.7 kg in the Kenya
ning velocities or the different sampling times after group at test occasion 2A and 28, respectively;
max). For comparisons of test occasions with sin- and 60.5 + 3.2kg in the control group at test 2).
gle variables, one-way ANOVA was applied. The The hemoglobin (Hb) concentration (initially 145
relationship of Ve, (l.min-1) to the heart rate of g.l-t) was unchanged in the Kenya group (Tä-
each subject for each occasion was analyzed by bleZ). In the control group, Hb was found to
linear regression. The data are presented as means increase slightly (P<0.05).
+ SE.

Table 2. Hemoglobin concentration (Hb), aerobic running capacity and heart rate, ventilation and respiratory exchange ratio (RER) at peak exercise intensity
before and after training sojourns in the 2 groups

Kenya group (n=5) Control group (n=6)

2A 28 2

Hb (g.l-r) 14513 148!2 14613 137!4 144r3

Max running time (s) 285!17 288!12 2t0t23 321 r18 320r 1 6
Vo, to Vo, -.r-t (%) 79.0r2.3 78.8r2,3 78.51 1.9 86.i13.7 86.1r2.8
Vor ru'Vor.ur-1 (%) 85.312.5 85,6t2,2 84.9r2.0 91.613.1 91.7!2.4
1) 187!2
Max heart rate (beats.min 1 8814 18814 1 8613 189r2
Max ventilation (l .min STPD) 13218 127!S 128r9 114!7 10916

Max RER 1.1310.01 1.1410.01 1.1410.01 1.13t0.02 1.1410.03

Valuesaremeans*SE.ForV6r,o'Vo'u,-t{Verat14km'h lino/ootYsr-u*) andVor,u'Vo,u"-t,n=4inthecontrol group.

Kenya 1: 4.95+-0.24
Svedenhag et al. Kenya 2A: 4.94+-0.25
Kenya 2B: 4.92+-0.23
Maximal oxygen uptake (l.min-l) Maximal oxygen deficit (l)
Control 1: 4.12+-0.33
5 Control 2: 4.13+-0.32


Kenya group Control group
Flg. 1. Maximal oxygen uptake (V6, -,., l.min 1) before and 3
after 2 weeks of altitude training in the Kenya group and
corresponding sea-level training in the control group. 2A and
2B refers to tests 6 and 12 d after descent in the Kenya group.
Values are means + SE. 0
TT 1
ï TtoTæT
Kenya group
Maximal oxygen uptake Fig. 2. Maximal oxygen deficit (l) before and after 2 weeks of
altitude training in the Kenya group. 2A and2B refers to tests
Pretravel Vo,.u* was 4.95 + 0.24l.min-1 in the 6 and 12 d after descent (see Methods and Results).
Kenya group and 4.I2 + 0.33 l.min-1 in the con-
trol group (the 4 male control runners: 4.62 + 0.16 .min-1. Likewise, the fractional utiliza-
l.min-r). Neither altitude training in the Kenya tion of Vo,.u" when running at 14 and 15 km . h-1,
group nor sea-level training in the control group (i.e. aerobic running capacity; Vo,,o.Vo..,"-t,
altered vo,,u*. expressed as I'min-1 (Fig. 1), Vo,,s . Vo,.u*-t) was unaltered in both groutris, the
ml 'kg-''min-r or ml .kg-ozs.min-r. latter being 84.9 - 85.6% and 91.6 - 91.7% in the
Kenya and control group, respectively (Table 2).
The mean calculated (i.e., extrapolated) oxygen
Maximal running time
cost of running at the initial speed of the Kenya
Time to exhaustion in the Ve,.u" test (pretravel K:
285 s, C: 321 s; Thble 2) did not significantly Oxygen uptake ( .m¡n-1)
change in either group.
Maximal oxygen deficit
Control group
The initial maximal oxygen deficit in the Kenya 170
group was 4.30liters and it increased in all subjects
Kenya group
at the first test (2A) after the altitude sojourn
(mean 19+6%). Six days later (test 28) it had Kenya 1 at 15 km/h: 180+-3
150 Kenya 2A at 15 km/h: 180+-3
increased further in 1, subject (MT), was un- 1
Kenya 2B at 15 km/h: 179+-3
changed in another (JD), and had decreased in the 2A
Control at 15 km/h: 185+-5
other 3 subjects. The overall response (test 1 to Control at 12 km/h: 145+-3
2B) (Fig. 2) was not significant with ANOVA 130 Kenya 1 at 12 km/h: 137+-1.5
(P:0.13), although the ¡-test between test 1 and Kenya 2A at 12 km/h: 136+-1.5
Kenya 2B at 12 km/h: 135+-2
2A was (t:4.08, P<0.05). Expressed per kgO75, 0
the corresponding values were 186+13, 218+7 and 01213141516
203+lZ ml . kg-o 7s, respectively. Running velocity
Fig. 3. Modified running economy (ml .kg 0.7smin-I, see
Oxygen cost of running
Methods) at different running velocities before and after 2
The oxygen cost of running at treadmill velocities weeks of altitude training in the Kenya group and correspond-
ing sea-level training in the control group. 2A and 28 refers to
of 12.0,14.0, 15.0 and (for the Kenya group) 16.0 tests 6 and 12 d alter descent in the Kenya group (n:5).
km'h-1 were unchanged in both groups, both Control group 12 km'h-1, n=6;74-15 km.h 1, n:4. Values
when expressed as (Fig.3) and are means * SE. Kenya 1 at 14 km/h: 169+-3
Kenya 1 at 16 km/h: 191+-3.5 Kenya 2A at 14 km/h: 168+-3
208 Kenya 2B at 14 km/h: 165+-3
Kenya 2A at 16 km/h: 189.7+-3
Kenya 2B at 16 km/h: 190+-3 Control at 14 km\h: 172+-3
Altitude training in elite runners
Respiratory exchange ratio Heart rate (beats'min-r)
1.t 190

Control group Control group

1.0 + 170
i b==== Kenya group
& a group
29 1

0.9 150
I 28

0.8 130

0 0
o 12 13 14 1s 16 0 12 13 14 1s 16
Running velocity Running velocity
(km.h-1) (km.h-1)
Frg. 4. Respiratory exchange ratio(RER) at different running Flg. 5. Heart rate at different running velocities before and
velocities before and after 2 weeks of altitude training in the after 2-week altitude training in the Kenya group and corre-
Kenya group and corresponding sea-level training in the con- sponding sea level training in the control group. For 2A,2B
trol group. For 2A,28 and dotted line, see legend to Fig. 3. *
and dotted line, see legend to Fig. 3. P<0.05 and
** P<0.01,
* P<0.05, effect of sea-level training. A tendency (P<0.10) to
effect of training sojourn (ANOVA). Values are means t SE.
RER increase at low running velocities in the Kenya group.
Values are means + SE.

Heart rate

group max treadmill test was 5.15+0.16, In the Kenya group, the overall heart rate during
5 .29 + 0.21, and 5. 25 + 0 .22 |' min- at test 1., 2A and submaximal treadmill running was lower
2B, respectively (NS). (ANOVA, P<0.01) at the post- as compared with
the pre-altitude tests. This change was most clearly
seen at the last test (12 d after descent; Fig. 5) (24:
Respiratory exchange ratio (RER)
4.0+2.5, 4.0+L.7 and -2.811.8;28: 1.2+3.8,
RER during submaximal exercise increased after
the sea level training period in the control group Perceived exertion (Borg)
(12-15 km'h-1: +0.016 to 0.030, P<0.05; Fig. a).
A tendency to an increase was also noted at lower
running velocities in the Kenya group (ZB t2-1'5
km.h-1: +0.015 to 0.042, interaction term
p:0.06). RER at maximal exercise did not change 14 Control group
in either group (Table 2).
Ventilation 11 2
1 k:1
V Kenya group
Submaximal and maximal (Täble 2) ventilation
(STPD) did not change with altitude or sea-level '1

training inthe2 groups. The ventilatory equivalent 28

(V, ' Vo,-1) tended (P:0.08) to be higher at the

last test in the Kenya group, being 19.3+0.8 (test
I),19.3+0.7 (24) and 20.5+0.7 (28) at L4 km'h-l 0
and 20.8+0.9, 20.4+0.9 and 21.4+0.8 at 15 0 12 13 14 15 16

km'h-1; control group 20.1+0.8 (1), 20.1+0,3 (2) Running velocity

and 21.9+I.2,22.4+0.9 for the corresponding ve-
locities. Fig. 6. General rated perceived exertion (Borg's 6-20 scale) at
different running velocities before and after 2 weeks of altitude
training in the Kenya group and corresponding sea-level train-
ing in the control group. 2A, 28 and dotted line, see legend to
Fig. 3. ** P<0.01, effect of altitude sojourn (ANOVA). Val-
ues are means + SE.

14 Scand J Med Sci Sports 209

Kenya 1 at 16 km/h: 5.9+-1.3
Kenya 2A at 16 km/h: 5.7+-1.3
Kenya 2B at 16 km/h: 5.7+-1.3 Kenya 1 at 15 km/h: 3.2+-1.1
Kenya 2A at 15 km/h: 3.0+-1.1
Kenya 1 at 12 km/h: 1.8+-0.4
Svedenhag et al. Kenya 2B at 15 km/h: 3.1+-1.1
Kenya 2A at 12 km/h: 1.8+-0.4
Blood lactate (mmol.l-1) Kenya 2B at 12 km/h: 1.8+-0.4 Blood ammonia/lactate conc. ('10-3)
10 40
Control at 15 km/h: 7+-1.8
Control at 14 km/h: 3.95+-0.9
I Control at 12 km/h: 2.5+-0.7
Kênya group

30 2A

b 1

2A 29

Control group 20 1

Control group
T 1

2 10
Kenya group

0 0
0 12 13 14 15 16 0 12 13 14 15 16
Kenya 1 at 14 km/h: 2+-0.3 Running velocity Running velocity
Kenya 2A at 14 km/h: 1.9+-0.3 (km.h-1) (km.h-r)
Kenya 2B at 14 km/h: 1.98+-0.3
Fig. 7. Blood lactate concentrations (mmol .l 1) at different Flg. 8. Plasma ammonia/blood lactate concentration ratio
running velocities before and after 2 weeks of altitude training ('10-3) at different running velocities before and after 2 weeks
in the Kenya group and corresponding sea-level training in the of altitude training in the Kenya group and corresponding
control group. For 2A ,28 and dotted line, see legend to Fig. 3. sealevel training in the control group. For 2A,28 and dotted
Values are means + SE. line, see legend to Fig. 3. Values are means -F SE.

-5.4+2,2 and -5.2+2.5 beats.min-1 at 12,14 and haustion in the max test were very similar and were
15 km.h-1, respectively). The heart rate-Vo, rela- also almost completely unchanged in both groups
tionships showed similar slopes (25.9 - 27.4 during the course of the study (around 11.8 and
beats.l-1) but the intercept tended to be lower 13.4 mmol .l-1 in the Kenya and control group,
post-altitud e (l: 65.7 + 12.0, 2A: 59.4+ 10.0, 2B: respectively).
56.6+7.5 beats .min-1, NS). The calculated heart
rates at Vo, 3.0 l.min-r (around 140
beats.min-1), and 4.0 I'min-1 (around 167
beats.min-l) were slightly (2A: -3.8, -2.9; 2B:
4.6, -3.1 beats.min-1, respectively) lower post-
altitude (NS). In the control group, tendencies to
increased heart rates were found after the sea-level Plasma ammonia "max" (¡rmol.l-l)
training. For the 4 control runners that were tested
at 12, 14 and 15 km.h-r (i.e. the male runners), 180
this increase was significant (P<0.05). The maxi- Kenya group
mal heart rate was unchanged in both groups (Th-
ble 2). 140
Control group
Perceived exertion
100 **
At higher treadmill velocities, the Kenya group
had lower ratings of perceived exertion after ys
before the altitude sojourn (28 vs 11Ç16 km . h-1: 60
4.9+0.4, -1.0+0.4, -1.4+0.5; interaction term
P<0.01;Fig. 6). No significant change was seen in
the control group. 0
Time after exhaustion
Plasma lactate (minl

The plasma lactate concentrations at the different Frg. 9. Plasma ammonia levels (¡rmol'l 1) at 30 s, 3.5 min and
5 min after treadmill test exhaustion at the different test occa-
submaximal running velocities were unchanged in
sions in the 2 groups. 2A and 28 refers to tests 6 and 12 d after
both the Kenya and the control group (Fig. 7). The descent in the Kenya group. ** P<0.01, effect of altitude
blood lactate levels 0.5, 3.5 and 5.0 min after ex- sojourn (ANOVA). Values are means + SE.

Altitude training in elite runners

Table 3. Plasma catecholamine concentrations at submaximal and maximal running before and aftertraining sojourns in the 2 groups

Kenya group Control group

2A 28 2

Third velocity:
Noradrenaline (nmol. l-1) 25.813.6 25.9!2,4 23,011 .6 33.1r5.8 3\,2!5.7
Adrenaline (nmol .l-t) 3.2310.53 2.53r0.49 2.28r0.59 4.22!0.73 3,6510,83

Vo, -"- test:

Ñoradrenaline {nmol. l-1) 81.9r6.6 90.3r9.7 72.9!6.2 92.4t10.2 74.5!4.1
Adrenaline (nmol .l 1) 17.5!4.8 23.416.6 14.915.4 25.6r6.0 1ô.614.1

Values are means + SE.

so, most of the runners planned to participate in

Plasma ammonia
one or two indoor races (including the national and
The plasma ammonia concentrations and the am- European championships), and high-intensity
monia/lactate ratio at the different submaximal workouts were therefore included in their training
running velocities tended to be higher post- vs programs,
prealtitude in the Kenya group (most notably at
test 2A ; ratio 12-1.6 km . h-1 : + 53, 19, 21 and I4"/",
Aerobic aspects
NS) (Fig. 8). In the control group, these concen-
trations were unchanged. For maximal exercise in The altitude training did not influence sea-level
the Kenya group, plasma ammonia levels 0.5, 3.5 Vo,.u*. In some earlier studies with well-trained
and 5 min after exhaustion were significantly subjects, both increased (4, 5, 14) and an un-
(P<0.01) lower at test 28 than at test 1 and 2A(28 changed (I-3,6,7) postaltitude V6,*u* have been
vs I: -28+9, -26+7 and -23+1,07o, respectively; reported. Comparing these studies (including the
Fig. 9). For the control group, a tendency of a present one), no consistent differences (such as
decrease was noted after the corresponding sea- actual altitude or duration of training sojourn) are
level training period (NS). seen between studies reporting increased or un-
changed Vo,.u*. The only major exceptions may
be the 10-week alternated sea-level and altitude
regimen performed by Daniels & Oldridge (4) and
During the course of the study, the noradrenaline the 4-week 2500 m living, 1300 m training regimen
and adrenaline responses at the end of the third reported by Levine et al. (14). Thus, if long-term
running velocity (of each individual) and at 30 s and/or discontinuous regimens are excluded, alti-
after exhaustion (V6, *u" test) showed relatively tude training may not raise Vo,.u, in already well-
large intraindividual differences. However, no sys- trained individuals.
tematic or significant alterations within or between In spite of unaltered aerobic power, the exercise
groups were found (Table 3). heart rates were slightly lower after the altitude
sojourn in the Kenya group. In contrast, heart
rates during submaximal running were rather
higher in the control group after the training so-
We studied the effect of short-term altitude train- journ; the latter therefore supports a true differ-
ing on exercise capacity in highly trained elite mid- ence between the groups. With exposure to a
dle-distance runners of national to international reduced 02 pressure (at high altitude or in a hypo-
caliber. For successful performance, this category baric chamber), several cardiovascular adjust-
of runner may benefit from even small enhance- ments are seen. After the initial acclimatization
ments in aerobic and anaerobic running capacity. phase (with an increased cardiac output), most of
In seeking these performance improvements (such the studies at (or simulating) moderate to high
as before major competitions), many athletes have altitude and at submaximal loads have shown an
tried altitude training, even though it is still not unaltered cardiac output, reduced stroke volume
clearly known what effects that really can be antici- (possibly coupled to smaller plasma volume and
pated. venous return), unchanged cardiac contractility
The runners were studied during the off-season and an increased heart rate (15-18).
winter period when their training programs are at a With this in mind and the unaltered exercise
high and even level and can be controlled. Even catecholamines, the reduction in submaximal heart

l4* 211
Svedenhag et al.

rates (with unchanged oxygen uptakes and thus

Anaerobic aspects
elevated oxygen pulse) in the post-altitude tests
(Kenya group) could indicate an altered circula- In the first post-altitude test, maximal oxygen def-
tory regulation by the autonomic nervous system icit had increased in all of the Kenya group. This is
during submaximal running. For example, atrial in line with an enhanced muscle-buffering capacity
B-adrenoceptor responsiveness could be reduced, of the same group at that time (26). Similar find-
since it has been shown elsewhere that both acute ings, i.e., increased oxygen deficit and muscle-
and chronic hypoxia lower the heart rate response buffering capacity after altitude training, have re-
to infused isoprenaline in human subjects (19). A cently also been reported for skiers (7). Such an
post-altitude increase in ventricular and/or vascu- effect on buffering capacity may be the result of
lar adrenoceptor responsiveness is another alterna- high muscle lactate and H* concentrations during
tive. An increase in exercise stroke volume medi- exercise, which probably prevail during acute ex-
ated by an expanded plasma volume on retufn to posure and early acclimatization to altitude. Fur-
sea level seems less likely, however, in view of the thermore, a compensated respiratory alkalosis
unchanged hemoglobin concentration in the Ke- may, at least initially, lead to decreased blood- and
nya group after their altitude training sojourn. probably also muscle-butÏering capacity with a
Further, altitude sojourns are known to increase larger fall in pH per mmol H+ release, which has
pulmonary vascular resistance (20). As a conse- been suggested (27) to inhibit phosphofructoki-
quence, right ventricular hypertrophy is known to nase activity. An increased buffering capacity
develop in most mammals (including humans) liv- could thus be an adaptive mechanism compensat-
ing at high altitude (21,). A thrilling alternative ing for such pH decrements. Furthermore, effects
explanation of our lower submaximal heart rates of this adaptation seem to persist for at least 1
could then also be an altitude-induced increase in week after return to sea level.
right ventricular performance leading to raised left It may seem contradictory that maximal tread-
ventricular preload and, thereby, stroke volume. mill time 6 d after the altitude training sojourn in
Regarding maximal exercise, earlier studies the present study did not improve (compared with
have shown Vo,.u* (acute effect) and also maxi- pre-altitude), whereas oxygen maximal deficit in-
malt heart rate (after a couple of days) to be lower creased and Vq,,nu" was unchanged. This could be
at altitude (I9,2225).In the present study, both due to a somewhat (NS) raised oxygen cost of
these variables were unchanged in the postaltitude running at maximal test treadmill speed after the
test. Furthermore, blood lactate levels were also altitude sojourn (determined by extrapolation of
unaltered after the altitude sojourn (first test after submaximal data). Such a tendency at high but not
6 d). Thus, at least after the reacclimatization pe- moderate running velocities may be explained by
riod, no effect of the altitude training were seen in lower training velocities at altitude compensatory
these regards. Furthermore, the lowered perceived to the decreased barometric pressure.
exertion seen at higher submaximal running veloc- A 13-d altitude acclimatization to 4300 m has
ities was unrelated to ventilation, lactate or ammo- been reported to attenuate plasma ammonia levels
nia (see also below). during submaximal exercise (28). This was, in
The present findings of unaltered sea-level turn, postulated to lower the glycolytic flux by less
Vo, -u* are in agreement with most previous alti- activation of phosphofructokinase (PFK), thereby
tude training studies (2,6,7) but seem to diverge explaining an altered substrate utilization at alti-
from a recent study of one-legged training at simu- tude, i.e. sparing of glycogen and increased ox-
lated altitude in a hypobaric chamber. In that idation of FFA (28, 29) (see also above). A re-
study (8), the simulated altitude and sea-level legs duced PFK activity by training at low barometric
trained at the same absolute work load and the pressure has also been reported (30). Further-
simulated altitude-trained leg showed greater im- more, the perception of fatigue has been suggested
provements in several variables, including working to follow an plasma ammonia decrement (28). The
capacity. However, if the subject is training with reason for a lower exercise ammonia level after
larger muscle groups (for example, in running), altitude acclimatization is not known, but may in-
the absolute load will most often be lower at alti- volve steps before inosine monophosphate (IMP)
tude because of the reduced Vo,.o*, and this can formation, since muscle IMP during maximal exer-
probably account for the differences seen. cise is also lowered at altitude (31).
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test were significantly decreased 1,2 d after the
altitude descent. This finding was unexpected and
is not readily explainable. It could be due to a late
effect of altitude training on the total ammonia
production capacity or on ammonia elimination.
Altitude training in elite runners

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