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How to balance between teacher and learner autonomy inside the

classroom ?
In education, the teacher serves as a facilitator of knowledge and guides the learning
process, while the learner absorbs this information and experiences growth, all while
exercising autonomy in their educational pursuits.

Autonomy is a widely used concept in education; it is seen as a mode of learning; one in

which the individual is responsible for all the decisions connected with his learning, and
undertakes the implementation of these decisions. To be autonomous is to be a law to oneself.

Teachers autonomy refers to teachers being in charge of how they teach. It means they
can study, learn, and instruct without too much control from higher-ups, allowing them to do
their job without fear or unnecessary restrictions.

scholars have been trying to define teacher autonomy from different aspects.

Little (1995) first defines teacher autonomy as the teachers capacity to engage in self-
directed teaching. After that , Richard Smith (2000) argues that , teacher autonomy refers to
the ability to develop appropriate skills, knowledge and attitudes for oneself as a teacher, in
cooperation with others.

Teacher autonomy is driven by a need for personal and professional improvement, so that
an autonomous teacher may seek out opportunities over the course of his/her career to
develop further.

Learner autonomy in language learning often creates ambiguity as to whether it denotes a

specific behavior, an attitude, a right, or a responsibility. It is widely defined as a
psychological attribute of individual learners, implying a capacity and willingness to take
responsibility for one’s own learning and actively manage it, both inside and outside the
Teacher’s understanding of autonomy:
The teacher’s understanding of autonomy refers to their comprehension and perspective on
learner autonomy in the educational context. This includes their beliefs, attitudes, and
awareness of the role that autonomy plays in learners learning processes. It involves how
teachers perceive and support learner’s in taking control of their own learning, making
independent decisions, and managing their educational journey.

Learner’s understanding of autonomy :

Learners’ understanding of autonomy involves how they perceive and approach self-directed
learning. It includes their attitudes toward taking control of their educational experiences, as
explored in studies such as Chan’s (2001) and Yıldırım’s (2012). This understanding
considers learners’ beliefs about the roles of teachers and themselves in promoting autonomy,
with attention to cultural influences and individual interpretations of the concept.

Relationship between teacher and learner autonomy :

The relationship between teacher autonomy and learner autonomy is interdependent, with
both concepts influencing each other. It involves fostering a balance between guidance and
independence. Teachers play a role in providing support, resources, and guidance, while
learners actively engage in their own learning, making decisions, and taking responsibility .
Additionally, it is asserted that teacher autonomy and learner autonomy are dependent on each
other, and that having autonomy supported by the teacher results in improved motivation,
interest in the classroom, and academic success. Teachers play a significant role in developing
learner autonomy, and their in- class autonomy support behaviors can boost students’
willingness to engage in autonomous learning. Therefore, there is a close relationship between
teacher autonomy and learner autonomy, with teachers’ support and guidance being essential
for the development of students’ autonomy.

how to make or create balance between teacher and learner autonomy?

To achieve a balance between teacher and learner autonomy in the classroom, there are
several strategies you can implement.

1-Clear expectations: Establish clear goals and objectives for the course while allowing
flexibility for learners to explore topics of interest within those parameters.

2-Structured guidance: Offer frameworks, resources, and guidelines to help learners navigate
their learning journey, ensuring they understand the scope and direction.

3-Encourage self-directed learning: Provide opportunities for learners to choose topics,

projects, or activities that align with their interests and learning styles.

4-Supportive feedback: Offer constructive feedback to guide learners’ progress, encouraging

reflection and self-assessment.
5-Gradual release of control: Start with more structured tasks and gradually shift
responsibility to learner’s, allowing them to take ownership of their learning.

6-Flexibility and adaptation: Be open to adjusting teaching methods based on learners needs
and feedback, allowing for adaptation in response to evolving learning preferences.

7-Foster a collaborative environment: Encourage peer learning, group discussions, and

teamwork, facilitating an environment where learners learn from each other.

The importance of making balance between teacher and learner autonomy

inside the classroom:
Balancing teacher and learner autonomy allows both learners and teachers to explore personal
interests, creating a meaningful learning experience. Tailoring education to individual needs
fosters inclusivity and a positive attitude towards learning. Learners responsibility cultivates
confidence and essential real-world skills, preparing them for a lifelong learning journey. This
approach strengthens collaboration between learners and teachers, fostering a dynamic and
adaptive educational experience.


1-Sehrawat,J.(2014) Teacher Autonomy : Key to Teaching success ,BHARTIYAM


2-Duruk, D.(2014) Investigation of Teacher Autonomy and Learner Autonomy in Turkish

EFL Setting.

3- Victoria, A.(N.D) Language Learner Autonomy: Both Sides of the Coin A study of EFL
teachers' and students' perceptions of autonomy in Spain

4- Ligang, H.(2020) On the Relationship Between Teacher Autonomy and Learner Autonomy
Ligang Han¹ English Department, North China Electric Power University.

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