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Q1. Define heart failure. Types of heart failure. Write down the Q5. Define Bronchial asthma.

chial asthma. How will you manage a case of acute Q9. Name five common causes of vomiting. Define & classify
causes of heart failure? Write down the common causes of chest bronchial asthma? diarrhoea. Write down the causes of diarrhoea. Write down the
pain? Ans: Definition: Bronchial asthma is a clinical condition characterized management of diarrhoea.
Ans: Definition: It is a clinical condition when heart cannot maintain by cough, tightness of chest, wheezing & airflow obstruction. Ans: Five common causes of vomiting: 1. Carcinoma of stomach.
effective cardiac output. Management of bronchial asthma: A. Clinical feature: Sticky cough, 2. Peptic Ulcer Disease. 3. Appendicitis. 4. Pancreatitis. 5. Meningitis.
Classification: (A) According to cardiac involvement: 1. Left heart tightness of chest, respiratory difficulty, fever, bilateral chest pain, Definition of diarrhoea: Passage of loose stool more than three times
failure/LVF, 2. Right heart failure/RVF, 3. CCF. (B) According to onset: a day is called diarrhoea (WHO definition). Classification: 1. Acute
wheezing, tachycardia, tachypnea. B. Investigation: Chest X-ray, Blood
1. Acute heart failure, 2. Chronic heart failure, 3. Acute or chronic watery diarrhoea, 2. Acute bloody diarrhoea, 3. Persistent diarrhoea,
for CBC, FEV1 (Force expiratory volume in one second). C. Treatment:
heart failure. (C) According to cardiac output: 1. High output failure 4. Diarrhoea with severe malnutrition. Causes of diarrhoea:
e.g. Anaemia Beriberi, 2. Low output failure e.g. COPD. A. General treatment: Avoidance of allergen. B. Symptomatic
treatment: Antibiotic (If cough, fever present). C. Specific treatment: (A) Infective causes: 1. Bacterial: Salmonella, Shigella. 2. Viral: Rota
Causes of heart failure: 1. Systemic hypertension, 2. Cardiomyopathy,
1. Mild case: Bronchodilator e.g. Salbutamol 2-4mg 2-3 times daily. virus. 3. Fungal: Histoplasmosis. 4. Parasitic: Entamoeba histolytica,
3. Any valvular disease, 4. Ischaemic heart disease, 5. Pericardial
2. Moderate case: Bronchodilator + Corticosteroid. 3. Acute severe Giardia intestinalis. (B) Non infective causes: Inflammatory bowel
causes, 5. Other causes: anaemia, beriberi, thyrotoxicosis.
Common causes of chest pain: 1. Myocardial infarction, bronchial asthma: i. Propped up position in bed. ii. Inj. Hyrocortisone disease, Diverticular disease, Ischaemic colitis, Malabsorption, Pelvic
2. Myocarditis, 3. Mitral valve prolapses, 4. Pneumonia, 5. TB 100-200mg 8 hourly I/V. Or iii. Inj. Dexamethasone 8-16mg 8 hourly inflammatory disease. (C) Endocrine: Thyrotoxicosis, Zollinger-Ellison
I/V. iv. Antibiotic- Inj. Ceftriaxone (1-2 gm) I/V or I/M. V. Nebulisation- syndrome, Carcinoid Syndrome. Management of diarrhoea: Clinical
Bronchodilator + Corticosteroid. features: Symptoms: passage of loose watery stool more than three
Q2. Define & classify hypertension. Write down the causes of times a day, Fever, Abdominal pain, Abdominal cramps, Bleeding.
hypertension. Write down the management of hypertension. Write Q6. Define & classify ARI. Write down the management of ARI. Signs: (A) No sign: Patient is well alert, Eyes normal, Drinks normally,
down five anti-hypertensive drugs. not thirsty, Skin pinch goes back quickly. (B) Some sign: Patient is
Ans: Definition: ARI is the inflammation of respiratory tract anywhere
Ans: Definition: Hypertension is a clinical condition in which there is restless & irritable, Eyes sunken, Thirsty & drink eagerly, Skin pinch
from nose to alveoli caused by wide range of microorganisms.
sustained elevation of systemic arterial pressure, Systolic less than goes back slowly. (C) Severe sign: Patient is lethargic or unconscious,
Classification: (A). According to site of involvement: 1. Upper
140 mm Hg & diastolic less than 90 mm Hg. Classification: Systolic: Eyes very sunken & dry, Drink poorly or not able to drink, Skin pinch
BP= 180/80 mm of Hg, Diastolic: BP= 120/95 mm of Hg. Causes: respiratory tract infection: Common cold, Tonsilitis, Sinusitis. 2. Lower
respiratory tract infection: Epiglottitis, Bronchiolitis, Pneumonia. goes back very slowly. Treatment: Correction of dehydration by ORS
(A): Primary: Idiopathic. (B): Secondary: 1. Vascular: Coarctation of
(B). According to WHO classification: 1. Age < 2 months: Severe & cholera saline, antimicrobial agent, Anti-amoebic agent, Antiemetic
aorta. 2. Renal disease: Chronic kidney disease, AGN, Renal artery
pneumonia, No pneumonia. 2. Age 2 months to 5 years: Very severe drug for vomiting, Antispasmodic drug for abdominal pain, Treatment
stenosis. 3. Endocrine disease: Cushings syndrome, Hyper-
parathyroidism, Acromegaly. 4. Drugs: OCP, Corticosteroids, NSAIDs. pneumonia, severe pneumonia, no pneumonia. Management: according to causes.
5 Alcohol, 6. Obesity. Management: Clinical features: (A) Clinical features: 1. Symptoms: High fever, Cough, Wheeze,
(A): Symptoms: angina pain, Blurring of vision, Palpitation, Vertigo, Pleuritic chest pain, Headache. 2. Signs: Pyrexia, Tachycardia,
Headache, Dizziness, Family H/O hypertension. (B): Signs: BP, Pulse, Tachypnoea, Evidence of hypoxaemia, Stridor. (B) Investigation: Q10.What is PUD? What are the bacterial causes of PUD? Write
Temperature, Respiration, Added sound, If bilateral basal crepitation. Chest X-ray P/A view, Sputum examination, Blood for CBC. down the management of PUD.
Investigation:1. Blood for lipid profile, serum creatinine, blood urea, (C) Treatment: General measures: 1. Immediate hospitalization, Ans: Definition: Peptic ulcers are acute or chronic, most often solitary
blood glucose. 2. ECG. 3. Chest x-ray P/A view. 4. Ambulatory BP lesion that occur in any portion of the gastrointestinal tract exposed
2. Bed rest, 3. O2 inhalation, 4. Nebulization, 5. Analgesics, 6.
controlling. 5. Urine for R/M/E. 6. Echocardiogram. 7. Coronary to aggressive action of acid peptic juices. Bacterial causes of PUD:
Antipyretics, 7. Syrup pholcodine. Drug therapy: a.) If mild to
angiogram. Treatment: (A): General treatment: Relief of stress, Diet, Helicobacter pylori. Management of PUD: A. Clinical feature:
Avoid alcohol & smoking, Cholesterol restriction. (B): Specific moderate cases: 1. Amoxicillin 500 mg 8 hourly orally, OR
Flucloxacillin 500 mg 6 hourly orally. 2. If patient is allergic to i. Symptoms: 1. Recurrent upper abdominal pain, 2. Vomiting,
treatment: 1. Diuretic – a. Thiazide group, b. Loop diuretic- Frusemide
penicillin: Clarithromycin 5oomg 12 hourly orally. OR 3. Anorexia, 4. Nausea, 5. Weight loss, 6. Feature of complication.
(20-40 mg). 2. Anti-hypertensive drugs – a. ACE inhibitor-Enalpril
Erythromycin 500 mg 6 hourly orally. b) If severe cases: ii. Signs: 1. Examination is usually unhelpful, 2. Epigastric tenderness
20mg daily, Ramipril (5-10mg) daily. b. Angiotensin receptor blocker-
Valsatan (40-160mg) daily. c. Calcium cannel blocker- Amlodipine (5- 1. Clarithromycin 500mg 12 hourly I/V OR Erythromycin 500mg 6 is quite common in non-ulcer dyspepsia, 3. Anaemia from cronic
10mg) daily, Nifedipin (10-30mg) daily, Diltiazam (200-300mg) daily. hourly I/V + 2. Co-amoxiclav 1.2 g 8 hourly I/V OR Ceftrixone 1-2 g undetected blood loss. B. Investigation: 1. Upper GIT endoscopy.
d. β (Beta) Blocker- Propranolol 10mg 2/3 times daily, Metprolol (50- daily I/V + 3. Flucloxacillin 1-2 g 6 hourly I/V. 2. H.pylori antibody. 3. Blood for CBC. 4. Barium meal X-ray of
100mg) daily, Atenolol (50-100mg) daily, Bisoprolol (2.5 – 5mg). stomach & duodenum. C. Treatment: a. General measure: 1. Bed
e. Losartan potassium (25-50mg). Five anti-hypertensive drugs: rest, 2. Diet: Normal, 3. Anti-spasmodic drug, 4. Anti-emetic drug,
Frusemide, Atenolol, Ramipril, Losartan, Amlodipine. Q7. Define Pneumonia. Classify pneumonia. How will you manage a 5. Sedative, 6. Avoid smocking & alcohol, 7. Avoid aspirin & NSAIDs.
case of pneumonia? b. Acid Neutralizing drugs: 1. H2 blocker: Famotidine. 2. Proton Pump
Ans: Definition: Acute inflammation of lung with development of Inhibtor: Omeprazole, Esomeprazole, Pantoprazole. C. Triple Therapy:
Q3. Define Myocardial Infarction. Write down the management of Rabeprazole 20mg + Clarithromycin 500mg + Amoxacillin 1g/
radiological pulmonary opacity is called pneumonia. Classification:
MI. What are the components of acute coronary syndrome. Metronidazole 400mg. Dose: Each strip twice daily for 7-14 days.
Ans: Definition: Myocardial infraction is the irreversible necrosis of A. Anatomical: 1. Bobar pneumonia. 2. Bronchopneumonia.
myocardium occurring as a result of critical imbalance between the B. Clinical: 1. Community acquired pneumonia. 2. Hospital acquired
coronary blood supply & myocardial demand. Management of MI: pneumonia. C. Classification of pneumonia in children: No
pneumonia, Pneumonia, Severe pneumonia, Very severe pneumonia. Q11. Define & classify jaundice. What are the causes of obstructive
A. Clinical features: 1. Severe central chest pain radiating to arm,
throat & jaw. 2. Tightness of chest with respiratory distress. 3. Severe Management of Pneumonia: A. Clinical feature: i. Symptoms: jaundice. Give the management of obstructive jaundice.
weakness of fatigue. 4. Vomiting. 5. Sweating. 6. Hypotension. 1. Sudden onset of high fever with chills & rigor. 2. Cough. 3. Sputum: Ans: Definition: Jaundice is the yellow colouration of the skin, sclera
7. Tachycardia with low volume pulse. B. Investigation: 1. ECG- Rusty coloured or even frankly blood-stained. 4. Pleuritic chest pain. & mucous membrane resulting from an increased bilirubin
Changes. 2. Chest x-ray P/A view. 3. Eco-cardiography. 4. Coronary 5. Loss of appetite. ii. Signs: 1. Pyrexia, 2. Tachycardia, 3. Evidence of concentration in the body fluids. Classification: 1. Prehepatic or
angiogram. 5. CBC. 6. C- reactive protein (CRP): Elevated. 7. Other hypoxaemia, 4. Hypotension & confusion, 5. Pleurisy. 6. Upper haemolytic jaundice. 2. Hepatic or hepatocellular jaundice.
test: Blood sugar, Serum lipid profile. C. Treatment: i. Early Treatment: abdominal tenderness. B. Investigation: 1. Chest X-ray P/A view, 3. Obstructive or cholestatic jaundice. Causes of obstructive jaundice:
1.Immediate hospitalization (Under ICU). 2. Absolute bed rest in i. Extrahepatic: 1. In the lumen: Round worms, gall stone. 2. In the
2. CBC, 3. ESR with CRP: Raised, 4. Sputum study: Microscopic &
propped up position. 3. O2 inhalation, high flow. 4. Open I/V channel wall: Atresia, Stricture. 3. Carcinoma of bile duct & pancreas.
culture. C. Treatment: i. Symptomatic: Immediate hospitalization, O2
& give 5% DA. 5. Oral Aspirin 300mg stat, then 75-100 mg daily. ii. Intrahepatic: 1. Primary biliary cirrhosis. 2. Alcohol. 3. Cystic fibrosis
inhalation, Nebulization, Analgesics, Anti-pyretic, Syrup Pholcodin.
6. Sublingual glyceryl trinitrate. 7. Analgesics. 8. Lipid lowering agents: 4. Post operative. 5. Hodgkin lymphoma. Management of obstructive
Atorvastatin. 9. ACE inhibitor. 10. β-blocker: Metoprolol, Bisoprolol. ii. Drug therapy: (a) Uncomplicated pneumonia: 1. Amoxacillin 500mg
8 hourly orally. 2. If patient is allergic to penicillin: Erythromycin jaundice: A. Clinical feature: i. Symptoms: 1. Yellow colouration of
ii. Late treatment: 1. Secondary prevention by routine drug therapy:
500mg 6 hourly orally. 3. If staphylococcas is suspected: Flucloxacillin skin & eye. 2. Passage of pale colour stool & dark urine. 3. Itching.
Anti-platelet therapy, Lipid lowering agents, ACE inhibitor, Beta-
1-2g 6 hourly I/V + Clarithromycin 500mg 12 hourly I/V. 4. Pain in right upper abdomen. 5. Fever & rigor. ii. Signs: 1. The
blocker, Control of comorbid conditions (DM, HTN). 2. Lifestyle
modification: Regular exercise, Weight control, Must avoid read meat, 4. If mycoplasma is suspected: Erythromycin 500mg 6 hourly orally or depth of jaundice: marked. 2. Scratch mark on skin: due to pruritus.
yolk of egg & alcohol, Limitation of salts, Avoid high caloric & fatty I/V + Rifampicin 600mg 12 hourly i/v in severe cases. (b) Severe 3. Anaemia may present. 4. Ascitis. B. Investigation: 1. Blood for CBC.
diet, Sound sleep. Components of acute coronary syndrome: pneumonia: Clarithromycin 500mg 6 hourly I/V + Ceftriaxone 1-2g 2. Urine for R/M/E. 3.HBsAg. 4. Liver function test: S. bilirubin, ALP,
1. Ischaemia with no myocardial damage. 2. Ischaemia with minimal daily I/V + Flucloxacillin 1-2g 6 hourly I/V. SGPT & SGOT. 5. Plain X-ray of abdomen. C. Treatment: (a) Pre-
myocardial damage. 3. Partial thickness (non-Q wave) myocardial operative treatment: 1. Correction of dehydration & electrolyte
infraction. 4. Full thickness (Q wave) myocardial infraction. imbalance: i. Open I/V channel & give 5% DA/DNS. ii. Treatment of
Q8. Define TB. What are the risks factors of TB. Write down the hypokalaemia: Potassium ion (K+). 2. Correction of prothrombin time
management of pulmonary TB. What are the common side effects & other clotting time: Vitamin K supplementation. 3. Prevention of
Q4. Define rheumatic fever. Write down the major & minor criteria HRS: i. 10% Mannitol 500 ml I/V before & during operation. ii. Broad
of anti-tubercular drugs?
of rheumatic fever. Write down the management of rheumatic fever. spectrum antibiotics. iii. Catheterization & record pre-operative &
Ans: Definition: Tuberculosis is a chronic communicable,
Ans: Definition: It is a multi-system disorder characterized by- fever, post operative urine output (>40 ml/h). If decrease: 10% Mannitol
granulomatous disease caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis.
joint pain, followed by an episode of streptococcal infection. Criteria 200 ml I/V, If not improve- Inj. Frusemide, If not improve- Inj.
Risk factors: (A) Patient-related: Age, First-generation immigrants
of rheumatic fever: A. Major criteria: APRES- 1. A- arthritis, Dopamine. (b) Surgical treatment: 1. Choledocholithotomy: If
from high-prevalence countries, Overcrowding , Homelessness, chest
2. P- pancarditis, 3. R- rheumatic nodule. 4. E- erythema marginatum. choledocholithiasis. 2. Whipple’s operation: If carcinoma of head of
radiograph evidence of self-healed TB, Primary infection, Smoking.
5. S- sydenham’s cholera. B. Minor criteria: Fever, Arthralgia, Previous the pancreas.
(B) Associated diseases: Immunosuppression, Malignancy, DM,
history of rheumatic fever, Polymorph leucocytosis, Evidence of sore
Chronic kidney disease, Silicosis, Deficiency of vitamin A & D.
throat. Management of Rheumatic fever: A. Clinical feature:
Management: (A) Clinical features: Symptoms: Chronic cough, Low
i. Symptoms: Fever, Loss of appetite, Joint pain, Chest pain, Q12. Write down the causes of cirrhosis of liver. How will you
grade fever, Anorexia, weight loss, Weakness, Night sweating.
Palpitation. ii. Signs: Tachycardia, Fever, Erythema marginatum, diagnose a case of cirrhosis of liver?
Sings: Mild crepitation may be found, Signs collapse due to
Sydenham’s cholera, Carditis. B. Investigation: Blood for CBC, Throat Ans: Causes of cirrhosis of liver: (A) Common causes: 1. Prolonged
enlargement of lymph nodes, Signs of spontaneous pneumothorax
swab for C/S, Chest X-ray, Echocardiogram. C. Treatment: A. General excessive alcohol consumption. 2. Chronic viral hepatitis. (B) Others:
due to rupture of pleural cavity, Signs of complications.
treatment: Complete bed rest (until recovery). B. Specific treatment: 1. Any causes of chronic hepatitis. 2. Non-alcoholic fatty liver. 3. Cystic
(B) Investigation: 1. Blood for CBC, 2. Chest x-ray P/A view, 3.
1. Antibiotic therapy: a. Inj Benzyl penicillin 5 lac unit 8 or 12 hourly fibrosis. 4. Autoimmune liver disease. 5. Wilson’s disease. Diagnosis
Montoux (MT) test, 4. Sputum for AFB & Gene Xpert.
I/M for 7 days. Or B. Tab. Phenoxymethyl penicillin 250mg 1 tab TDS of cirrhosis of liver: (A) Clinical feature: i. Symptoms: 1. Anorexia,
(C) Treatment: Short course chemotherapy for 6 months by “DOTS” in
before meal for 7 days. C. Symptomatic therapy: 1. Joint pain: a. Tab. nausea & vomiting, 2. Upper abdominal discomfort. 3. Diarrhoea or
two phases - 1. Initial phases (2 months): 4FDC- Rifampicin +
Aspirin 70mg/kg body weight in divided doses (until symptoms constipation. 4. Amenorrhoea. 5. Loss of libido & impotence. ii. Signs
Isoniazide + Ethambutol + Pyrazinamide. 2. Continuous phase (4
relives). b. Tab. Corticosteroid 1mg/kg body weight. D. Prophylaxis (Stigma): 1. Face: Hepatic facies, Fetor hepaticus, anaemia. 2. Hand &
months): 2FDC- Rifampicin + Isoniazide.
treatment: 1. Inj. Benzyl penicillin 6-12 lac unit 3 weekly for 5 years. nails: Digital clubbing, Leukonychia, Palmar erythema. 3. Cheast:
Or 2. Tab. Phenoxymethyl penicillin 250mg 1 tab BD for 5 years. 3. If Spider naevi, Loss of axillary hair, Gynaecomastia (in male).
hypersensitivity to penicillin: Tab. Erythromycin 250mg 1 tab BD daily 4. Abdomen: Ascitis, Caput medusa, Testicular atrophy. 5. Leg: Pitting
for 5 years. oedema. 6. Skin: Generalised hyper-pigmentation. (B) Investigation:
1. CBC, 2. Liver Function Test, 3. Ascites fluid study, 4. Barium swallow
X-ray of oesophagus. 5. Endoscopy of upper GIT, 6. Liver biopsy.
Q13. How does hepatitis B virus spread? Write down the Q17. Define diabetes mellitus. Classify diabetes mellitus. Write Q21. Write down the causes of unconsciousness/coma. Write down
management of viral hepatitis. down the management & complications of diabetes mellitus. the management of unconsciousness/coma.
Ans: Route of transmission: 1. Parenteral route, 2. Sexual Ans: Definition: It is a clinical condition characterized by Asn: Causes of unconsciousness: 1. Brain cause: Brain tumor, Brain
transmission, 3. Vertical transmission, 4. Horizontal transmission, hyperglycaemia due to absolute or relevant deficiency of insulin. abscess, Head injury. 2. Haemorrhage: Pontine haemorrhage,
5. Share of shaving razors, blade, tooth brushes, towels, Classification of DM: 1. Type I diabetes/ Juvenile onset DM/ Genitical. Subdural haemorrhage, Extradural haemorrhage, Subarchnoid
6. Transmission by blood sucking arthropods, 7. Transmission of some 2. Type II diabetes/ Adult onset DM/ Acquired. 3. Other types: haemorrhage. 3. Cerebro-vascular accident: Intra-cerebral
body fluid of infected person. Management: (A) Clinical features: Gestational diabetes, Pancreatic diabetes, Endocrine disorder haemorrhage, Brain stem haemorrhage, Cerebral venous sinus
i. Symptoms: 1. Headache, Myalgia. 2. Anorexia. 3. Nausea & diabetes mellitus, Drug induced diabetes mellitus. Management of thrombosis. 4. Metabolic disorder: Diabetic coma, Renal failure,
vomiting. 4. Diarrhoea. 5. Mild fever. ii. Signs: 1. Jaundice. 2. Dark Diabetes mellitus: A. Clinical feature: i. Symptoms: Polyuria, Hepatic failure. 5. Others: Epilepsy, Hypoglycaemia, Hypoglycaemia,
urine. 3. Pale colour stools. 4. Liver moderately enlarged & tender. 5. Nocturia, Polyphagia, Weight loss, fatigue, Ulcer with delayed Hypotension, Hypothermia. Management of unconsciousness/Coma:
Mild splenomegaly. 6. Cervical lymphadenopathy. (B) Investigation: healing. ii. Signs: Obesity, Cataract, Hypertension, Ulceration of foot. A. Immediate assessment of airway, pulse, pupil, presence of trauma.
1. Blood for CBC. 2. Liver function test: S. Bilirubin, S. Albumin, SGPT Gangrene of toe. Investigation: Urine for sugar & ketone bodies, B. Immediate management: 1. Maintenance of airway. 2.
& SGOT. 3. Viral hepatitis markers: For A- Anti-HAV IgM, For B- HBsAg, Blood sugar, Lipid profile, S. Creatinine, ECG, USG. Maintenance of breathing. 3. Maintenance of circulation. 4. If head
For C- Anti-HCV IgM, For E- Anti-HEV IgM. 4. USG of HBS. Treatment: A. General treatment: 1. Maintenance of life style: injury presence, anticipate deterioration. C. Further assessment:
C. Treatment: There is no specific treatment. Treatment is only a. Exercise, Lowering of over weight, No smoking & Alcohol. 1. History from attendance of trauma, HTN, DM, epilepsy, Poisoning,
symptomatic that includes- 1. Bed rest (3-5 weeks). 2. Hospitalization 2. Diet: a. To maintain nutritional state, To avoid atherogenic diet, to Liver disease. 2. Level of consciousness – Glasgo coma scale.
may be required for severe illness. 3. Diet- Normal. 4. Drugs- All drugs avoid rich protein diet. 3. Health education & diabetic care. 3. General examination – Pulse, BP, Temperature, Skin colour, Smell of
should be avoided. 5. Alcohol should be avoided. 6. If severe vomiting B. Specific treatment: 1. Type I (IDDM): Insulin. 2. Type II (NIDDM): breath, Vomitting, Respiration rate. D. Neurological examination:
I/V fluid, glucose & anti-emetic. 7. Laxative to prevent constipation. a. Fatty person- Tab. Metformin. B. Under weight person- Gliclazide, 1. Signs of head injury. 2. Pupillary size, shape & reaction of light.
8. If there is fever: Ampicillin 500mg 6 hourly orally for 7 days & Glimipride, Pioglitazone. C. Associated treatment: 1. Hyper- 3. Findi, ocular movement, reflexes. 4. Limbs movement, signs of
Multivitamin 1 tab TDS. cholesteremia: Atovastatin 10mg daily. 2. Hypertension: Amlodipine meningeal irritation – neck rigidity. E. Specific management:
5mg once daily. Complication of DM: A. Acute complication: According to the causes.
1. Diabetic ketoacidosis, 2. Non ketoacidosis. B. Chronic complication:
Q14. Define Nephrotic syndrome. Give the management of 1. Eye- cataract. 2. CVS- Hypertension, IHD. 3. Kidney- Diabetic
nephrotic syndrome. Write down the complication of it. nephropathy. 4. Lungs- Pulmonary TB. 5. Nervous system- Peripheral Q22. Write down the causes of fever. Write down the C/F &
Ans: Definition: Nephrotic syndrome is a clinical condition neuropathy. 6. Infection- Fungal infection of genital organ. treatment of Mumps.
characterized by- Massive proteinuria, Hypoproteinaemia, Ans: Causes of fever: A. Infection (30%): Tuberculosis, Enteric fever,
Hypercholesterolaemia, Generalized oedema. Management of NS: Malaria, Dengue fever, Sepsis, Viral infections. B. Malignant disease
A. Clinical features: i. Symptoms: Gradual swelling of the whole body, Q18. Define vitamins. Classify vitamins. Name the diseases due to (20%): Leukaemia, Lymphoma, Myeloma. C. Connective tissue
Scanty micturition, Abdominal distention & discomfort, Anorexia, deficiency of each vitamin. disorders (15%): Rheumatic fever, Rheumatic arthritis, Polyarthritis
Nausea & vomiting. ii. Signs: Pale & puffiness of the face with baggy Ans: Definition of vitamins: Vitamins are low molecular mass organic nodosa. D. Miscellaneous (20%): Inflammatory bowled disease,
eyelids, Generalized oedema, Blood pressure- usually normal, Ascites- compounds occurring in natural foods, which are required in very Cirrhosis of liver, Sarcoidosis. E. Ediopathic (15%).
may be present, Pleural effusion- may be develop. B. Investigation: small amounts for the maintenance of optimal health. Clinical Feature’s of Mumps: 1. Fever. 2. Headache, Malaise &
1. Urine for R/M/E, 2. Blood for CBC, 3. Chest X-ray P/A view, 4. Blood Classification: A. Fat soluble vitamins: Vitamin A or Retinol, Vitamin D, Anorexia. 3. Trismus & pain near the angle of jaw. 4. Tenderness of
Urea, 5. Serum Creatinine, 6. Serum Electrolyte, 7. USG of KUB region, Vitamin E, Vitamin K. B. Water soluble vitamins: Vitamin B complex, one or both parotid gland. 5. Swelling of one or both parotid gland.
8. RBS, 9, HBsAg. C. Treatment: i. General measure: 1. Bed rest. Vitamin C or Ascorbic acid. Name the deficiency disorders of soluble Treatment of Mumps: 1. Bed rest. 2. Oral hygiene should be
2. Diet: Normal protein diet & salt restriction 80-100 mmol/day. vitamins are given below: i. Fat soluble vitamins: 1. Vitamin A- Night maintained. 3. Antibiotic therapy – Azithromycin. 4. Analgesics for
3. Control of oedema. ii. Specific measure: 1. Steroid therapy: blindness, Keratomalacia. 2. Vitamin D- Rickets, Osteomalacia. 3. pain. 5. Antipyretic for fever. 6. Prednisolone (40mg orally for 7 days)
Prednisolone (up to a maximum 80mg/day) in 4 divided doses for Vitamin E- Sterility, Alopecia. 4. Vitamin K- Generalized bleeding, to prevent orchitis. 7. Treatment according to cause.
next 4 weeks. For relapse- repeat the above the course. Prolonged clotting time. ii. Water soluble vitamins: A. Vitamin B-
2. Membranous glomerulonephritis: Corticosteroid + immune- complex: 1. Thiamine (Vit B1)- Beriberi. 2. Riboflavin (Vit B2)- Cheilitis,
supprasive drugs. iii. Prevention & treatment of complications: stomatitis. 3. Niacin (Vit B3)- Glossitis. 4. Pantothexin acid (Vit B5)- Q23. Define Covid-19. Route of transmission & Incubation period of
1. Infection (sepsis): Appropriate antibiotic. 2. Venous thrombosis: Fatty liver. 5. Pyridoxine (Vit B6)- Peripheral neuropathy. 6. Folic acid- Covid-19. Write down the Management of Covid-19.
Heparin followed by oral anticoagulant. iv. Dialysis: Dialysis is advised Megaloblastic anaemia, GIT disturbance. 7. Vitamin B12- Ans: Definition: Covid-19 is a new respiratory disease caused by
if the patient goes into renal failure. Complications of Nephrotic Megaloblastic anaemia. B. Vitamin C- Scurvy. SARS-CoV-2, Which is usually manifested by fever, dry cough, fatigue
Syndrome: 1. Hypovolaemia. 2. Electrolytes imbalance. & shortness of breath. Route of transmission: Animal to human then
3. Thromboembolism. 4. Renal failure. 5. Hyperlipidaemia & human to human. Incubation Period: 2-14 days. Management of
atherosclerosis. Q19. Define & classify anaemia. How will you manage a case of Covid-19: A. Clinical features: 1. Fever. 2. Dry cough. 3. Fatigue.
anaemia due to PUD? 4. Shortness of breath. 5. Sore throat. 6. Headache. B. Investigation:
Ans: Definition of anaemia: Deficiency of haemoglobin is called 1. RT-PCR. 2. Chest X-ray P/A view. 3. Chest HRCT of Chest.
Q15. Define acute glomerulonephritis. Write down the management anaemia. Normal Hb% = 14-18mg/dl. Classification of anaemia: C. Treatment: Treatment is only symptomatic- 1. Immediate
of AGN. Write down the difference between AGN & NS. A. Morphological classification: 1. Normocytic – Haemorrhagic (acute hospitalization of the patient. 2. Bed rest with propped-up position.
Ans: Definition: Acute inflammation of glomerulus of kidney is called or chronic). 2. Macrocytic – Megaloblastic or pernicious anaemia. 3. High flow O2 inhalation. 4. Antibiotic (if respiratory infection):
AGN. Management of AGN: A. Clinical feature: i. Symptoms: 1. Age: 3. Microcytic – Iron deficiency anaemia. B. Aetiological classification: Azithromyxin, Cefixime, Moxifloxacin. 5. Steroid: Injection/Oral
5-15 years. 2. Scanty micturition, smokey colour. 3. Swelling of face. 1. Haemorrhagic - Acute or chronic blood loss. 2. Haemolytic – Dexamethasone. 6. Anti-leukotriene drugs: Montelukast. 7. H2
4. Fever. ii. Signs: 1. Periorbital oedema. 2. Hypertension. Thalassemia, malaria. 3. Haemopoiletic – Lymphoma, Leukaemia, blocker: Femotidine. 8. Antihistamine: Fexofenadine, Rupatadine,
3. Microscopic haematuria. B. Investigations: 1. Urine for R/M/E. Aplastic anaemia. Management of anaemia due to PUD: Ebastatine. 9. Vitamin C & Vitamin D3 . 10. Treatment according to
2. Blood for CBC. 3. Asotitre. C. Treatment: 1. Diet: Protein restriction. H/O the patient: Previous PUD. Previous haematemesis, melaena. cause.
2. Antibiotic: Inj. Cefitriaxone 1gm for 7 days. 3. Diuretics: Frusemide A. Clinical features: i. Symptoms: 1. Epigastric pain, nausea &
with or without spironolactone. Difference between AGN & NS: vomiting. 2. Fatigue, Headache. 3. Palpitation. 4. Angina. 24. Define dysentery. Name the organisms of dysentery. What are
Points AGN NS 5. Paresthesia in finger & toes. ii. Signs: 1. Epigastric tenderness, the types of dysentery? Write down the difference between
Aetiology Post streptococcal Other secondary haematemesis. 2. Pallor of skin, mucosa, palm of hands & amoebic & bacillary.
infection causes conjunctiva. 3. Tachycardia. 4. Cardiac dilatation. 5. Oedema in foot. Ans: Definition: Dysentery is an acute inflammation of large intestine
Urine Smoky colour Normal colour B. Investigations: 1. CBC. 2. Peripheral blood film. 3. RBC (MCV, MCH, characterized by diarrhoea with blood & mucus in the stool.
Albumin in urine Mild to moderate Moderate to MCHC) reduced. 4. Blood biochemistry. 5. Barium meal x-ray of Organisms of dysentery: 1. Amoebic dysentery. 2. Bacillary dysentery.
severe stomach & duodenum. 6. Endoscopy of upper GIT. Types of dysentery: 1. Amoebic dysentery (amoebiasis): Caused by
Blood cholesterol Normal High C. Treatment: a. General measures: 1. Bed rest, 2. Diet normal, Entamoeba histolytica. 2. Bacillary dysentery (shigellosis): Caused by
Treatment Antibiotic + Corticosteroid + 3. Antispasmodic, 4. Antiemetic, 5. Sedative, 6. Avoid aspirin & Shigella group, mainly – Shigella dysentery, Shigella flexneri, Shigella
Diuretic Diuretic NSAIDs. b. Acid neutralizing drugs: 1. Antacids, 2. H2 blocker, sonnei, Shigella boydii. Difference between amoebic & bacillary
Prognosis Usually good Usually bad 3. Proton pump inhibitor. c. Eradication of Helicobacter pylori: Triple dysentery are given below:
therapy – 1. Rabeprazole/esomeprazole/omeprazole/dexlansoprazole Point Amoebic Bacillary
12 hourly, Plus (+) 2. Clarithromycin 500mg 12 hourly, plus (+) 1. Number 6-8 motion a day Over 10 motion a day
Q16. Write down the causes of polyarthritis. What are the 3. Amoxacillin 1g 12 hourly or metronidazole 400mg 12 hourly. of motion
diagnostic criteria of rheumatoid arthritis? What are the drugs used For 10-14 days. d. Blood transfusion: If needed. 2. Amount Relatively copious Small amount
in rheumatoid arthritis? 3. Odour Offensive Odourless
Ans: Causes of polyarthritis: A. Common causes: Rheumatoid 4. Colour Dark red Bright red
arthritis, Viral arthritis, Osteoarthritis, SLE, Rheumatic fever. Q20. What are the causes of iron deficiency anaemia. Give the 5. Nature Blood & mucous Blood & mucous no
B. Less common: Juvenile idiopathic arthritis, Chronic gout. management of iron deficiency anaemia. mixed with stool stool
Diagnostic criteria of RA: Rheumatoid arthritis is diagnosed when 4 Ans: Causes of iron deficiency anaemia: A. Physiological cause: 6. Reaction Acidic Alkaline
or more criteria are present. These are – Morning stiffness (> 1 hour), 1. Children during period of growth. 2. Menstrual loss. 3. Pregnancy. 7. RBC In clump In rouleax form
Arthritis of three or more joint areas, Arthritis of hand joint, 4. Lactation. B. Pathological cause: 1. Hook worm infestation. 2. Peptic 8. Pus cell Scanty Numerous
Symmetrical arthritis, Rheumatoid nodules, Rheumatoid factor. ulcer. 3. Carcinoma of stomach, colon. 4. Ulcerative colitis. C. Dietary 9. Organism Entamoeba histolytica Shigella Species
Drugs used in rheumatoid arthritis: 1. NSAIDs – Naproxen/ causes: 1. Less intake of iron. 2. Less absorption of iron. Management 10. Bacteria Nill Many
Indomethacin/Ibuprofen. 2. DMARDs – Methotrexate or Hydroxy- of iron deficiency anaemia: A. Clinical features: i. General features: 11. Parasite Cyst & Trophozoite Nill
chloroquine. 3. Corticosteroid – Prednisolone 5mg daily. Anorexia, Weakness, Fatigue, Pallor, Palpitation. ii. Characteristic of E. histolytica
features: Angular stomatitis, Glossitis, Brittle finger nails, 12.Treatment Metronidazole Ciprofloxacin &
Splenomegaly (in severe cases). Investigations: 1. CBC. 2. Peripheral Rehydration
blood film. 3. RBC (MCV, MCH, MCHC) reduced. 4. Blood
biochemistry. 5. Barium meal x-ray of stomach & duodenum.
C. Treatment: 1. General treatment: Intake iron rich food.
2. Eradication of hook worm: Albendazole 400mg single dose, or
Mebendazole 100mg BD for 3 days. 3. Oral iron therapy: Tab. Ferrous
sulphate 200mg 1 tab TDS for 2-6 months.
Q25. Define dengue fever. Classify dengue fever. Write down the Q29. Define & classify PEM. Write down the management of PEM. Q32. What are the common causes of neonatal sepsis? Give the
management of dengue fever. Write down the differences between marasmus & Kwashiorkor. management of neonatal sepsis.
Ans: Definition: Dengue is an acute vector born disease caused by Ans: Definition: Protein energy malnutrition is a group of clinico- Ans: Common causes of neonatal sepsis: 1. Group B Streptococci,
dengue virus, which is transmitted during bite by infected aedes pathological conditions of varying degree of severity arising from a 2. Listeria monocytogenes, 3. Herpes simplex virus, 4. Enterovirus,
aegypti mosquito. Classification: 1. Dengue fever (DF). 2. Dengue lack in varying proportion of proteins & calories, occurring mostly in 5. Candida, 6. Plasmodium, 7. Toxoplasma. Management of neonatal
haemorrhagic fever (DHF). 3. Dengue sock syndrome (DSS). infants & young children & commonly precipitated by attacks of sepsis: A. Clinical features: i. Mostly nonspecific: 1. Not feeding well/
Management of dengue fever: A. Clinical features: i. Asymptomatic. infections. Classification of PEM: 1. Kwashiorkor, 2. Marasmic refuse to suck, 2. Lethargy, poor muscle tone, poor cry, 3. Low body
ii. Symptomatic: 1. Dengue fever: Headache, Retro-orbital pain, kwashiorkor, 3. Marasmus, 4. Nutritional dwarfing, 5. Under-weight temperature or fever, 4. No movement of all 5. Vomiting.
Myalgia, Rash. 2. Dengue haemorrhagic fever: Positive tourniquet child. Management of PEM: A. Clinical features: i. Clinical features ii. Specific: 1. CNS: Irritability, Seizure, High pitch cry. 2. GIT: Vomiting,
test, Petechiae, Epistaxis, Thrombocytopenia. 3. Dengue shock of Marasmus: 1. Wasting- marked, all skin & bone, 2. Muscle wasting- Diarrhea, Abdominal distention, Paralytic ileus. 3. Respiratory system:
syndrome: Rapid & weak pulse, Narrow pulse pressure, Hypotension, Severe, 3. Growth retardation, 4. Super-added infections are common Grunting, Fast breathing, Severe chest indrawing or cyanosis. 4. CVS:
Restlessness. B. Investigation: 1. CBC. 2. ELISA to detect NS1 antigen. ii. Clinical features of Kwashiorkor: 1. Oedema present of the lower Bradycardia or tachycardia, Hypotension, shock. 5. Skin changes:
3. Antibody titre: Four-fold rise in IgG titre. 4. Isolation of dengue segment, sometimes face, 2. Muscle wasting- sometimes, 3. Hair & Multiple pustules, Foul smelling umbilical discharge.
virus from blood. 5. Detection of dengue virus RNA by PCR. skin changes, 4. Diarrhoea. B. Investigation: 1. Blood for CBC, 6.Haematological: Bleeding, Purpura, Jaundice. 7.
6. Tourniquet test: positive in (DHF). C. Treatment: 1. Complete bed 2. Chest x-ray P/A view, 3. Throat swab for culture, 4. Urine for R/M/E,
rest. 2. Antipyratic – Paracetamol 500mg 8 hourly. 3. Aspirin should C/S, 5. Stool for R/M/E, C/S, 6. Serum total protein: Albumin: globulin
be avoided. 4. At least 2.2 liter electrolyte should be taken daily, e.g. ratio, electrolytes. C. Treatment: 1. Correction of water & electrolyte ------------------------------------- SHORT NOTE ------------------------------------
ORS, Rice saline, Dub water. 5. In case of DHF & DSS – even should imbalance, 2. Treat infections & worm infections, 3. Dietary support:
begive I/V fluid & needed blood transfusion. 6. No existing antivirals 3-4 g protein & 200 Kcal/kg body wt./day + Vitamins & minerals. 01. Short note on: AIDS.
are effective. 7. Patient are nursed under a mosquito net. 4. Prevention of hypothermia, 5. Counsel parents & plan future care Ans: Definition: AIDS is a communicable retroviral disease caused by
including immunization & diet supplements, 6. Feeding practice HIV which progressively reduces the effectiveness of the immune
should be: i. continue breast feeding, ii. Add frequent small feeds, system. Route of Transmission: 1. Sexual transmission. 2. Kissing or
Q26. Name five common causes of itching. Write down the iii. Use liquid diet, iv. Give vitamin A & folic acid. touching of an infected person. 3. From mother to fetus. 4. Parenteral
management & complications of eczema. Give the differences between marasmus & Kwashiorkor: i transmission. 5. Sharing of infected blades, razors, syringes &
Ans: Five common causes of itching: 1. Macular rash – chicken pox, Point Marasmus Kwashiorkor toothbrush. 6. Others: a. Organ & tissue donation such as kidney, eye
measles, vitiligo. 2. Papular rash – chicken pox, scabies, ance. Age 1-4 years 6 months to 1 year etc. b. Transmission of some body fluid of infected person such as
3. Vesicular rash – Chicken pox, herpes simplex, burn, insect bite. Cause Protein deficiency Protein & calorie semen, blood etc. Management of AIDS: A. Clinical features:
4. Erythematous rash – Cellulitis. 5. Pustular rash – Acne, psoriasis. deficiency 1.Weight loss, 2. Prolonged fever for more than 1 month, 3. Persistent
Management of Eczema: A. Clinical features: i. Acute eczema: Appetite poor Good cough, 4. Herpes zoster, 5. Oropharyngeal candidiasis.
1. Severe itching, burning sensation & pain. 2. Redness & swelling Appearance Moon face Monkey face B. Investigation: 1. Screening test for HIV antibodies, 2. Virus isolation
usually with ill-defined margin. 3. Papules, vesicles & occasionally Oedema present Absent by PCR. C. Treatment: 1. In mild disease two drug combinations
bullae. 4. Exudation, fissuring & scaling. ii. Chronic eczema:1. Severe Skin Pigmentation No skin change (Zidovudine + Lamivudine) are used, 2. In severe disease triple
itching, 2. Lichenification, 3. Fissures, scratch marks & pigmentation Treatment Protein Protein & other therapy (Zidovudine+ Lamivudine+ Indinavir) is effective,
changes. B. Investigation: i. patch testing to allergens. Ii. Prick testing, supplement supplement 3. Symptomatic treatment is given. D. Prevention: 1. Public
iii. Culture for bacteria & fungus. C. Treatment: i. General treatment: awareness campaigns for HIV, 2. Safe sex practices & safe sex
1. Explanation, reassurance & encouragement, 2. Avoidance of methods at sex works, 3. Not to share needles, blades, razors, surgical
contact with irritants, 3. Regular use of greasy emollients, Q30. What are the causes of joint pain in children? Write down the instruments & tooth brushes. 4. Reduction of unnecessary blood
4. Appropriate use of tropical corticosteroids. Ii. Local treatment: management of pneumonia under 2 months of age. What are the transfusions, 5. Disposable syringes & needles should be used,
1. KMnO4 solution wash twice daily, 2. Calamine lotion applied 4-6 danger signs of ARI in children? 6. Perinatal, 7. Social welfare measures, 8. Health & sex education on
times daily, 3. Tropical steroids 2-3 times daily. iii. Systemic treatment: Ans: Causes of joint pain in children: 1 Acute rheumatic fever, AIDS.
1. Bacterial: Flucloxacillin 500 mg 6-hourly for 7-10 days. 2. Viral: 2. Juvenile idiopathic arthritis, 3. Infection, 4. Haemorrhage
Acyclovir. 3. Fungal: Ketoconazole, fluconazole. 4. Antihistamine: 5. Reactive arthritis. 6. Systemic lupus erythematosus. 02. Short note on: Ascites.
Diphenhydramine 25-50 mg two times daily. 5. Oral corticosteroids: Management of pneumonia under 2 months of age: Ans: Definition: Accumulation of free fluid in the peritoneal cavity is
prednisolone. Complication of Eczema: 1. Superinfection, 2. Sleep A. Clinical features: i. Clinical features of severe pneumonia: called ascites. Causes: 1. Cirrhosis of liver, 2. Cardiac failure, 3.
disturbance, 3. Loss of schooling & behavioural difficulties, 4. 1. Stopped feeding well, 2. Convulsions, 3. Fast breathing, Nephrotic syndrome, 4. Hepatic venous occlusion, 5. Tuberculosis,
Reaction to local medication, 5. Psychological- anxiety. 4. Severe chest indrawing, 5. Wheeze, 6. Central cyanosis, 6. Pancreatitis, 7. Lymphatic obstruction, 8. Hypothyroidism.
7. Distended & tensed abdomen. Ii. Clinical features of no Management: A. Clinical features: 1. Abdominal distension with
pneumonia: 1. Cough or cold, 2. No fast breathing, 3. No signs of fullness of flank, 2. Distortion & evertion of the umbilicus, 3. Hernia,
Q27. Define scabies. Name the organism of scabies. Write down the pneumonia or very severe disease. B. Treatment: i. Treatment of abdominal striae, 4. Pleural effusion in right side, 5. Scrotal oedema.
management & complication of scabies. severe pneumonia: 1. Immediate hospitalization, 2. Give oxygen B. Investigation: 1. USG of whole abdomen, 2. Aspiration & analysis
Ans: Definition: Scabies is a highly contagious disease caused by itch inhalation if, 3. Antibiotic, 4. Nebulized salbutamol (5mg/ml), 5. Oral of ascitic fluid. C. Treatment: 1. Bed rest until ascites subside, 2. Diet:
mites on close contact characterized by superficial burrows, intense salbutamol ½ tab tds for 5 days, 6. Supportive care, 7. Reassess twice Sodium & water restriction.
pruritus & secondary infection. Organism of scabies: Sarcoptes daily. ii. Treatment of no pneumonia: 1. Advice mother to give the
scabiei. Management of scabies: A. Clinical features: 1. It occurs in all following home care: Keep the baby warm, Breast feed frequently, 03. Short note on: Bell’s palsy.
irrespective of age & sex, 2. Intense itching specially at night, Clear nose if it interferes with feeding. 2. No antibiotics. 3. Referral Ans: Definition: Paralysis or weakness of the muscle on one side of
3. Papular lesion in affected area with burrows, 4. Affects other knowledge- return the child quickly to health care centre if the the face due to lower motor neuron lesion of facial nerve is called
member in family, 5. Affects axilla, antecubital fossa, hands, following signs appear: Breathing becomes difficult, Breathing bell’s palsy. Causes of Bell’s palsy: 1. Idiopathic, 2. Viral infection,
areola,abdomen , genitalia, legs & feet. 5. Exemption of head, neck & becomes fast, Child not able to drink, The young infant becomes 3. Cold exposure, 4. Trauma, 5. Vascular damage.
face except infants. B. Treatment: i. Tropical scabicide can be used: sicker. Danger signs of ARI in children: 1. Stopped feeding well, Clinical features: 1. Onset is sub-acute, 2. Pain in face & around the
5% permethrin or 25% Benzyle benzoate is still used occasionally but 2. Convulsion, 3. Fast breathing, 4. Severe chest indrawing, region of stylomastoid foramen, 3. A unilateral facial paralysis. 4. The
it can be very irritant. Ii. Adjunct treatment with any one is helpful: 5. Wheezing, 6. Central cyanosis, 7. Distended & tensed abdomen. eye on the affected side cannot be closed, 5. Saliva & fluid escape
Crotaminaton cream or An emollient or A mild tropical steroid. from the angle of the mouth. On examination: 1. Paralysis of the
iii. Flucloxacillin 250 mg 6 hourly for 7 days or Clindamycin 300 mg 8 upper & lower parts of the affected side of the face, 2. The lines of
hourly for 7 days or Cefuroxime axetil 250 mg 12 hourly for 7 days or Q31. What are the causes of neonatal jaundice? Write down the expression are flattened, 3. Patient is unable to wrinkle the brow or
Tetracycline 250 mg 6 hourly for 7 days. iv. Antihistamine: management of neonatal jaundice? whistle or retract the angle of the mouth. Treatment: 1. 70-80%
Fexofenadine or Rupatidine. C. Complication: AGN, Eczematization, Ans: Causes of neonatal jaundice: A. Early jaundice ( with in 10 days patients recover spontaneously within 2-12 weeks, 2. Tab.
Lichenification, Scarification, Infection. of age): 1. Within first 2 days of birth: i. Haemolytic disease of new Prednisolone 40-60 mg daily for 7 days, 3. Antiviral therapy: Tab.
born, ii. Congenital spherocytosis, iii. Rh-incompatibility. 2. Within 3- Acyclovir 200-400 mg 5 times daily for 7 days, 4. If eye closure is
10 days: i. Congenital haemolytic anaemia, ii. Physiological jaundice, failed, use antibiotic eye ointment & wear a pad over the eye to
Q28. Name some common poisoning in Bangladesh. Write down the iii. Hypoglycaemia, iv. Sepsis. B. Prolonged jaundice (After 10 days for protect the cornea, 5. Physiotherapy, 6. Surgical decompression of
management & complication of OPC poisoning. age): 1. Prolonged unconjugated hyperbilirubinaemia: i. Breast milk fascial nerve is in the facial canal.
Ans: Common poisoning in BD: OPC poisoning, Diazepam poisoning, jaundice, ii. Sepsis, iii. Hypothyroidism, iv. Rh-incompatibility.
Kerosene poisoning, Alcohol poisoning, CuSO4 poisoning, Harpic 2. Prolonged conjugated hyperbilirubinaemia: i. Infection, 04. Short note on: Dengue Fever.
poisoning, Rat killer poisoning. Management of OPC poisoning: ii. Galactosaemia, iii. Gaucher disease, iv. Billiary atresia. Ans: Definition: Dengue fever is a mosquito-born disease caused by
A. Clinical features: Vomiting, Diarrhoea, Abdominal pain, C. Persistence jaundice: 1. Unconjugated hyperbilirubinaemia: dengue virus which is transmitted to man principally by the bite of
Bronchorrhoea, Bronchospasm, Salivation, Pin point pupil, i. Breast milk jaundice, ii. Intestinal obstraction, iii. Ongoing Aedes female mosquito. A. Clinical features: i. Asymptomatic.
Respiratory failure, Circulatory failure. B. Investigation: CBC, Blood hemolysis. 2. Conjugated hyperbilirubinaemia: i. Neonatal hepatitis. ii. Symptomatic: 1. Headache, 2. Retro-orbital pain, 3. Myalgia,
sugar, ECG. C. Treatment: 1. Immediate hospitalization of the patient, ii. Extra hepatic billiary atresia. Iii. Total parenteral nutrition. 4. Rash, 5. Leucopenia. B. Investigation: 1. CBC, 2. ELISA to detect NSI
2. General measures: Clearance of airway & mouth, Stomach wash: If Management of neonatal jaundice: A. Clinical Evaluation: i. History: (Non structural Protein-I), 3. Serum electrolyte, 4. Isolation of dengue
patient comes within 4 hours of poisoning, O2 administration in high 1. Age of appearance of jaundice. 2. Order of pregnancy. 3. History of virus from blood, 5. Detection of dengue virus RNA by PCR.
dose , Keep the patient NPO, Open I/V channel & give I/V fluid, Broad- jaundice of previous child. 4. Blood group & Rh-typing of baby & C. Treatment: 1. Complete bed rest. 2. Antipyratic – Paracetamol
spectrum antibiotic, Catheterization, Care of skin & eye. mother. ii. Physical examination: 1. Extent of jaundice. 2. Pallor. 500mg 8 hourly. 3. Aspirin should be avoided. 4. At least 2.2 liter
3. Inj. Atropine 0.6 mg/ 1ml I/V. 4. Inj. Pralidoxime 1000mg/ml, I/V 3. Hepatosplenomegaly. 4. Any evidence of sepsis. 5. Abnormal electrolyte should be taken daily, e.g. ORS, Rice saline, Dub water. 5.
5. Inj. Ceftriaxone 1gm I/V. 6. Inj. Omeprazole 40mg I/V. neurological behaviour. B. Investigation: 1. Bilurubin level: In case of DHF & DSS – even should begive I/V fluid & needed blood
D. Complication: Aspiration pneumonia, Retention of urine, Conjencted & unconjuncted. 2. Blood for TC, DC, Hb%. 3. Platelet transfusion. 6. No existing antivirals are effective. 7. Patient are
Tachycardia, Heart failure, Pyrexia, Atropine toxicity. count. 4. Blood grouping & Rh-typing. 5. Peripheral blood film (PBF). nursed under a mosquito net.
6. Direct & indirect comb’s test. 7. VDRL test for mother & baby.
C. Treatment: 1. Most of the neonatal jaundice are physiological & 05. Short note on: EPI Schedule
usually do not require any treatment. Only exclusive breast feeding & Ans: EPI Schedule: The WHO officially launched a global
follow up is sufficient. 2. Drugs: Tab. Phenobarbiton 5mg/kg/day 2 immunization program known as expanded program on immunization
times a day. 3. Phototheraphy: If serum bilirubin >12mg/dl in term to protect all children of the world against some preventable disease
baby & more then 10mg/dl in preterm baby. 4. Exchange blood known as EPI. Latest EPI schedule in Bangladesh: 1. At birth: BCG,
transfusion: If conjugated bilirubin >18mg/dl in term baby & OPV-0. 2. At 6 weeks: Pentavalent-1, OPV-1, PCV. 3. At 10 weeks:
>15mg/dl in preterm baby. Pentavalent-2, OPV-2, PCV. 4. At 14 weeks: Pentavalent-3, OPV-3, PCV.
5. At 9 months: MR, OPV-4. 6. At 15 months: Measles.
06. Short note on: ORS
Ans: ORS: ORS means of oral rehydration salts. When ORS is
dissolved in adequate amount of water then the solution is called oral
rehydration saline. Aim: To reduce or prevent dehydration and reduce
mortality. Different types of ORS: 1. ORS- Citrate. 2. ORS -
Bicarbonate. 3. ORS - Cereal. (Rice based ORS).

07. Short note on: Oedema.

Ans: Definition: Excessive accumulation of fluid in the interstitial
tissue space is called oedema. Classification: i. Localized oedema:
1. Peripheral oedema, 2. Abdominal oedema, 3. Ankle oedema.
ii. Generalized oedema. Causes: 1. Renal causes: Nephrotic syndrome,
AGN, Renal failure, Nephropathy. 2. Heart cause: CCF, Right heart
failure. 3. Liver cause: Cirrhosis of liver, Carcinoma of liver.
4. Abdominal causes: Carcinoma of stomach, Carcinoma of large gut.
5. Other cause: Beriberi, PEM, Severe anaemia, Pregnancy.
Treatment of oedema: 1. Restricted dietary sodium to 100 mmol/day.
2. Diuretics: Thiazide or low dose Frusemide. 3. Specific treatment:
a. ACE inhibitor in the heart failure, b. Corticosteroids in the minimal
change of nephropathy.

08. Short note on: Scabies.

Ans: Scabies: It is a contagious infectious disease caused by sarcoptes
scabiei. Clinical features: 1. It occurs in all irrespective of age & sex.
2. Intense itching specially at night. 3. Papular lesion in affected area
with burrows. 4. Affects other members in family. Treatment:
A. General treatment: 1. Strict personal hygiene, 2. Scrub bath before
medication, 3. All member affected to be treated at a time, 4.
Washing of cloths with soap, water heated in sun. B. Specific
treatment: 1. Topical scabicide: 5% permethrin lotion single
application. 2. 1% GBH lotion use whole body below the neck. 3. For
secondary infection: Flucloxacillin 250 mg 6 hourly for 7 days.
4. Antihistamine: Fexofenadine, Rupatadine.

09. Short note on: Thalassaemia:

Ans: Thalassaemia: It is an inherited impairment of hemoglobin
production in which there is partial or complete failure to synthesis a
specific type of globin chain. Types: 1. Beta thalassemia. 2. Alpha
thalassemia. Diagnosis: By clinical triad of: Anaemia. Jaundice.
Splenomegaly. Treatment: Special treatment: Bone marrow

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