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I, (my name), being of legal age, do hereby solemnly swear and declare the following under
penalty of perjury and if I were called upon to testify, I would testify the following facts that are
matters within my personal knowledge. I have personal knowledge of the criminal activities
perpetrated by my spouse and have reported these criminal activities as under;

1. That I have been certified a certification of a victim of a crime by certifying agency

division law enforcement on January 17th, 2020, following the investigation and
detection finding of criminal activities perpetrated by my spouse, the perpetrator
abuser, ___________”

2. That On July 26, 2014, I married (spouse name), a ________ citizen. We lived in ______,
________. In 2017, my (spouse name) received a job transfer to work at his employer’s
office in Houston, Texas. My spouse had abruptly come into my office, where I was
working to hand me a letter of notification of his abrupt acceptance of the job offer
without any upfront discussion with me on the transfer to Houston, USA. At that time in
2017, I was a medical practitioner working and treating patients in a medical clinic with
active recurring patients in ______. Following the furnishing of the notice to transfer to
Houston, USA, per (spouse’s name) choice, he became physically escalating and
aggressive and exerted force on me to close down the clinic and agree to the transfer
against my will. He was physically abusive to my son (son’s name)prior to notification of
the letter. (Spouse name) threatened to get rid of me and kill me. I was very fearful for
my son (son’s name)’s life at that time and as a mother knew I had to protect (my son’s
name). I was not willing to transfer and expressed to (spouse’s name) my discontent
and unwillingness to transfer to the USA due to the fact I was fearful of my son’s and my
safety and security and the fact that I was working in a clinic with active recurring of
patients and bounded to the ‘Hippocratic Oath. (Spouse name) had then promised
financial security and benefits and claimed the transfer was temporary for 2 years and 6
months only to manipulate and exploit me to cease working and close my clinic for the
transfer to the USA.

3. That on April 26th, 2017 as a result of ongoing pain and force resulting from his
aggravated assaults to force me to stop working to transfer to the USA, a meeting was
scheduled with an attorney to address an internationally binding agreement contract
that highlighted the safety and security matters following (spouse’s name) intent to
transfer to USA. The agreement was made on 26th April 2017 following the fear of safety
and security following the force perpetrated by my husband upon me and my
employment. The perpetrator’s spouse had promised me financial promises and
benefits to transfer to Houston, USA which was structured in the form of an
internationally binding marital agreement. The transfer to Houston, Texas was
conditioned to the clauses of the agreement among which Bjorn promised a security
sum of $50000 paid for the transfer by the end of July 2017 and transfer to Houston for
a temporary 2 years and 6 months and for relocating back thereafter, with monthly
financial security for ceasing employment during the stay in Houston. Using this
agreement my spouse’s name transported me and my son to Houston, USA. Upon
arrival to Houston, Texas USA in June 2017, Spouse name had immediately and
deliberately breached the agreement in which he had promised security for my son
Matthias and me. Our family lawfully entered the U.S. with L-1 (the spouse) and L-2
visas as dependents. While we lived in the U.S.A, (spouse name) was the only financial
provider in our household. I was a full-time mother, caring for and raising our son (son’s
name) (currently 7-years-old), and (daughter’s name), our U.S. citizen daughter
(currently 4-years-old). As a primary caretaker, I cared for both my children around the
clock and during the live-in marriage. My spouse’s name had immediately and
deliberately breached the agreement which he had promised security. He refused to
compensate any finances for the transfer or comply with any security clauses as he
promised in the agreement. He escalated physical violence and aggression and said that
the agreement was only to get us to cross borders.

4. That in the Houston, USA, throughout I suffered persistent torture and domestic abuse. I
was verbally, physically and emotionally abused, deprived of finances and support,
deprived of education or any form of thriving. My properties and belongings were
destroyed by (my spouses name). I was dehumanized in all senses and severely
impacted financially, economically, physically, and emotionally, my sense of self and
inner identity was obliterated due to the ongoing torture, physical assaults, and
domestic abuse. My immigration legal status was under threat as (spouse name)
threatened to revoke my status and deport me after physically and verbally assaulting
me. I was in persistent fear and duress as I would have to defend my life, myself, my
children, and my legal status. I was tortured on a daily basis within closed doors with
threats, deprived of education, friends, communication with the public, deprived of
mobility, deprived of having a Texas driving license, deprived of any form of security, or
thriving as (spouse name) continued to physically assault me aggravatedly. The
aggravated assaults were increasing weekly, especially with the consumption of large
volumes of alcohol by (spouse name) as he became unstable with excessive alcohol
consumption and the abuse became more and more unbearable and life-threatening as
I would fall down on the floor protecting my life in self-defense, screaming, sobbing and
seeking refuge behind anything bigger than him in the house that could shield me from
the torture and aggravated physical assaults. (Spouse name) is unsafe, violent, unstable
conduct with the excessive alcoholic habitual drinker. I no longer felt safe and secure
living with him and constantly fear the safety of my children.

5. That I have been extremely fearful of my spouse’s violence and instability during my
stay with my spouse and fear for my children’s safety in Houston amidst the torture,
domestic, violence, and dehumanization. My spouse had exploited me, confined me,
assaulted me aggravatedly, deprived me of finances, and gaslighted me conditioning me
into a cycle of violence while threatening to kill me if I report to the police the abuses, I
endured with him.

6. That I have been financially dependent on my spouse ever since I was together with my
back then 2-year-old son transferred to Houston, USA in 2017 involuntarily against my
will by my spouse, with a dependent L2 visa, using aggravated force and fraud. My
spouse’s abrupt decision to accept an intercontinental transfer with no upfront
discussion or plan about the transfer. My spouse became escalating aggressive, and
violent and used bodily force to get me to cease operations and shut down my
workplace against my will, and agree to the transfer to the USA. I feared for my son’s
and my safety and security when my spouse repeatedly assaulted us and withhold
information from me about the transfer. I am fearful of my safety and security and my
son’s safety and security from the aggravated assaults with breath impede. My
perpetrator spouse additionally exploited me by fraudulently promising financial
security and benefits for our son, born in ______, and me to be transferred to the USA.
These promises were structured in the form of a legally and internationally binding
marital agreement signed on 26th April 2017 in Malaysia, just before the transfer to
Houston, USA. I did not trust my unsafe spouse and feared for my son’s safety and the
breach of agreement according to the agreement.

7. That till today I fear for our safety and pray for expedited U Visa EAD to provide financial
security and protection for me and my children. I feared not being able to have a source
of income to provide for myself, my child (my son’s name), and my family being
exploited, tortured, and abused by my perpetrator spouse. I feared not being able to
have any savings and financial security in a foreign land for myself and my son. I fear the
act of reprisal and retaliation by my spouse as he has threatened to separate me from
my son and remove my son to Scandinavia misleading the legal and justice system in the
USA. I fear deportation as I was legally and lawfully admitted with my (country) born son
to Houston, Texas USA as a dependent(L2) of the perpetrator spouse visa(L1).

8. That in USA, I suffered persistent torture and domestic abuse throughout my pregnancy
with my daughter Marianne and during the post-partum delivery period. I was physically
and emotionally abused by my perpetrator spouse, deprived of finances and family,
friends and social support, deprived of education, or any form of thriving. I was
dehumanized in all senses and severely impacted financially, economically, physically,
and emotionally. I suffered financial loss, place of employment loss, and accrued loss
from my practice and was financially deprived when my spouse deliberately breached
the agreement and controlled our community property. I was made to be solely reliant
and financially dependent on my spouse. I was denied an Employment Authorization
Card to work. I was denied payment of tuition fees for Education to be American
certified after getting accepted into 2 universities in Houston, Texas (WTAMU and St.
Thomas University) to better my economic circumstances during my life in marriage
with (spouse name) in Houston. My financial security was a threat being dependent on

9. That the legal and internationally binding agreement promising safety and security for
me, and my child for the transfer to the USA was breached immediately and deliberately
upon landing in Houston, Texas. I did not feel safe with my spouse. After my perpetrator
spouse trafficked my then 2-year-old son and me into Houston, USA, involuntarily with
force and fraud promises which were then immediately and deliberately breached upon
touchdown in Houston, Texas, he confined me to the apartment denying me of my
physiological needs while exploiting me. I was forced with aggravated assaults and
confined to my home. He threatened to kill me if I reach out for rescue and threaten to
revoke and deport me without my children if I reported his criminal activities to the
police or reach out for rescue to the public. I constantly felt trapped in a foreign land
without knowing how to reach out or communicate the abuse due to fear, fearful for my
life and my children’s life, and I was severely obliterated of my sense of self from the
ongoing dehumanization and duress fighting for my life in self-defense, weary and
duress. In the end, I almost lost my life to the aggravated physical assaults, bodily harm,
and ongoing strangulation with breath impeded by my perpetrator’s spouse, if I was not
rescued and separated from the perpetrator’s spouse. The ongoing and persistent
torture and abuse with the intent to claim my life had violated, inflicted persistent and
ongoing torment and pain led to dehumanization and had severely damaged and
obliterated my conscious state of mind and sense of authentic self by December 2018.

10. That there were multiple life-threatening aggravated assaults and abuses reported to
police perpetrated by my spouse the aggressor on dates August 30, 2017, September
28th2018, October 8th, 2018, October 24th, 2018, November 8th, 2018, December 6th, 2018,
December 11-12th 2018. These aggravated assaults were life-threatening, increasing in
nature and severe causing pain and breath impede. Aggravated assaults including
strangulation which had impeded my breath in were multiple and recurrent times. I was
strangled aggravatedly till I could not breathe with intent verbalized to ‘end my life ‘on
October 8th, 2018, November 8th, 2018, and December 6th and 12th 2018 in Houston, USA
perpetrated by my spouse upon me during residence here in the United States of
America and reported to the police. The separation from my spouse in December 2018
was lifesaving as his aggression and perpetrated assaults upon me were escalating and
life-threatening with the verbalized intention to kill me.

11. That my son (son’s name) and me had been a victim of the crime of trafficking,
(transport and transferring without will, involuntarily with bodily force and false
promises of financial security to manipulate the transport and transfer), torture, and
domestic violence. I faced other forms of abuses misleading and false allegations, power
and control, physical, emotional, immigration, breach of fiduciary duty as a spouse, and
financial and psychological abuse by the perpetrator’s spouse. I have petitioned for a U
Visa following Supplement B Certification by law enforcement and pending U Visa
immigration protection to legalize my independent status from the perpetrator abuser,
following the divorce decree to my spouse and enable her to work to be financially
dependent to support and protect herself and her children following the criminal
activities perpetrated by the spouse.

12. That expediting the U Visa would provide me lawful status for the four-year period and
expediting my Employment Authorization Document (EAD) would allow me lawful
employment and independence from the abuser. The EAD would allow me to recover
from impoverishment resulting from my spouse’s criminal activities perpetrated upon
me and my children and allow me the capability to protect and provide safety, care,
financial security, and stability for my children and myself and meet necessary expenses
for needful thriving, pay down debts accumulated in the family proceeding.

13. That my son (son’s name) and I have been a subject of lawful entry into USA with an L2
Visa through my spouse (L1). My son, (son’s name), and I who were abused by the
perpetrator’s father need protection against deportation, immigration relief, and a work

14. That due to the criminal activities perpetrated by my spouse here in Houston, Texas
USA, I am grateful to the legal system and non-profit organizations for rescue, aid, and
survival. I intend to work here in the USA to be independent, free and self-sufficient
from my perpetrator abuser and continue to support, care, and cardinally protect and
ensure the safety and wellbeing of my children. My immigration legal status was under
threat as (spouse name) threatened to revoke my status and deport me after physically
and verbally assaulting me during the live-in marriage with him. In February 2022,
(spouse name) traveled with the children to Sweden to renew their visas at the U.S.
Embassy. My L2 visa was not renewed by my spouse. I applied for the U Visa in March
2020 as eligible following investigation, detection finding, and certification by law
enforcement of criminal activities perpetrated by my spouse. While pending the U Visa
and the U Visa Employment Authorization Document filed in a timely manner via
immigration attorney, I have utilized the downtime and awaiting period to complete all
necessary American examinations and certification necessary to be employed here in
Houston, USA for entry and intermediate level jobs in healthcare. Upon qualification and
completing the required examinations and certifications I attended interviews and was
offered several positions but was not able to complete the process to work as I was
pending a valid employment authorization document at that time. I am currently
awaiting my U Visa employment authorization document and hope that the EAD will be

15. Additionally, my Employment Authorization Card Page 2 of 3 (EAD), category A18, which
was issued in March 2019, had expired in March 2021. I am now without any lawful
status in the United States, pending a U Visa. In March 2020, I filed a petition for a U
Visa, based on being a victim of crime. Based on this petition, in February 2022 I filed an
application for an EAD. I was informed that it will take several years before my EAD will
be considered for approval. However, due to emergent financial needs as a single
mother with 2 children who suffered multiple criminal activities and domestic abuse, I
need to be self-sufficient and financially independent from my abuser, I request an
expedite of my U-Visa EAD as relief.
16. That I am not able to legally work without my employment authorization card to
support myself and care for my children. Given the exigencies of the impact and
circumstances as a victim of crime, I pray fully request that USCIS expedite my U visa
Employment Authorization Document and U Visa.

17. Based on my skills, education, and work experience, I believe I will be able to find
employment in Houston, where there is a high demand for healthcare workers.
Currently, in USA with the American certifications completed between 2019 to 2021 and
prior skillset, I am employable as a researcher, medical assistant, phlebotomist, or in
clinical or administrative positions with entry to intermediate level position within the
healthcare field to contribute my service to the public as an essential certified
healthcare worker. Following certifications, I have in the past in the USA going for
interviews, in an attempt to better my circumstances for the mentioned position and
discussed employment contract and terms. I was told that I qualify for the position and
would be able to start a position in healthcare with a valid employment authorization
document. Unfortunately, I was not able to proceed to accept the contract due to not
having a valid employment authorization document. I will be more than grateful to be
granted a work permit where I can continue to contribute my skillset and be of good
service to humanity and the people. A job would not only allow me to provide financially
and care for my children, but it is also imperative that I show that I can have a
supportive income, a requirement for a crucial change in material circumstances for
contributing financial responsibility and custody of our children.

18. That expediting my employment authorization card would help to give me the ability to
be safe, and financially self-sufficient to provide security for my 2 children in sufficient
well-being and best interest. Furthermore, to honor necessary legal fees and debts for
legal proceedings and Justice.

19. That due to the activities of crime perpetrated by my spouse, it is needed to expedite
my EAD U Visa because it is super necessary to secure legal representatives for
immigration, divorce, custody, and matters to protect myself from the perpetrator’s
spouse and seek relief, safety measures, and justice. It is extremely difficult and
financially challenging to sustain our necessities and for legal custody proceedings to get
back physical custody of my children being the primary support and caretaker of my
children in a foreign country. My legal fees debts are recurring, and overwhelming and
had amounted to thousands of dollars close to $120000 for attorney fees.

20. That I have 2 minor children, ages 4 and 7 and I have rights and obligation to care for my
children in their best interest, safety, and well-being to provide the necessary basic and
physiological needs to support my children for their growth and activities to maintain
parent-child relationship and continue to bond with my children to continue their sense
of love and belonging, nurturing in a safe and violent free environment.

21. That I am currently temporarily residing in a residential and the current total rental and
utilities paid directly to the landlord amount to approximately 1114.68. (The water
public utility commission of Texas payable directly to the landlord is metered based and
subject to a non-fixed rate depending on the meter, out of the total rental monthly due
$1107.37 had been covered by DAYA Inc.) However, for 2 children, it is needed to have a
rental with at least 2 rooms for court compliance and maintain necessary safety and
space. For this reason, I have attempted to secure a quote for a 2-bedroom rental unit
prioritizing safety with a secured and gated, and guarded community from crime.

22. That after the divorce and when spousal support and nonprofit support cease, I am
unable to meet the cost of the rental. The necessary rental for an apartment with 2 beds
is $1680 and I have also submitted the quote to the family legal representative in the
meantime. Expenses of other itemized necessities will change to increase as necessary
post-divorce. A summary of post-divorce necessary expenses is as follows. Currently,
there is a budget deficit, and finances are insufficient to provide for the necessary
monthly expenses with 2 children.

23. That I am also the eldest daughter of my parents who are old and dependent on me. I
am also financially responsible to care for and support my 2 elderly parents who are
under medical follow-ups for hypertension and cardiovascular disease. Before the move
to Houston, Texas, and during my employment period, I was able to care for them
financially and provide them financial aid for their basic physiological needs and safety
and care. At this present moment, I am unable to financially provide for my parents
because there is an income deficit in my expense currently.

24. That I want to continue my obligations as a healthcare worker and intend to contribute
my service as a healthcare provider in USA America to help save lives and support the
healthcare system with my obligations, experience and credential as a crucial healthcare

25. That the Court had ordered temporary spousal support of $2000 following the
separation. There is a deficit in support and the inability to work due to pending the
Employment Authorization Card U Visa does not allow employment causing a deficit in
income for expenses necessary in 2022 for me and caring for my 2 children.

26. That Harris County Rental Assistance has supported me for 6 months in 2021 and
thereafter they notified me that I will have to be evicted with a court notice for the
continuation of rental assistance as there is no or limited grant funding. Thereafter
Victim Service Unit of law enforcement referred me to service to support the victim and
I reached out the DAYA Inc. I was screened for intake and DAYA Inc. has helped support
rental assistance in 2022. According to DAYA letter notification, their rental financial
assistance will stop in 2022. When the rental assistance stops and the temporary
spousal support cease following the divorce decree, I will not be able to recover
financial support and care for my children and myself due to no income and support.
This will result in me not being able to need basic physiological needs such as home,
food, clothes, fuel, basic needs, health, and medical cost, and expenses related to
survival and necessary for safety, health and well-being, and continuation of care and
relationship with my children and cause homelessness.

27. That a change of material circumstance is needed for custody of children as one has to
demonstrate financial responsibilities and secure school, supporting activities, and
support other responsibilities incurring the cost for the children for custody.

28. That the work permit would allow me legal employment and self-sufficiency as sufficient
as a change of material and circumstance and help with custody and help continue to
exercise my parental rights as a mother to my children and to continue to care for

29. That the work permit would provide my immediate ability to self-sufficiency and
recovery in financial and immigration abuses perpetrated by the spouse following the
loss of employment using force and fraud, breach of agreement, separation, and
30. That I would be able to accept the contract offered to me immediately in the field of
healthcare and contribute to saving lives and providing financial safety and security to
myself and both my toddler children.

31. That the work permit will allow me to cover for basic physiological needs and expenses
of me and my children as a continuation to care for them and allow me to keep them
safe and healthy of their wellbeing.

32. That the work permit will allow me to pay down my debts and attorney fees
accumulated for divorcing the perpetrator’s spouse and sought immediate relief
injunctions of safety and international travel restriction and retain an experienced
family law firm to address damages caused by spouse criminal activities and correct
false allegations and misleading facts to battle children custody to the children safety,
best interest and wellbeing and fair hearing/ trial preventing further misleading of facts
and false allegation based on truth for Justice.

33. That I understand that USCIS has a process in place to approve EADs based on U Visa
petitions and that in exceptional circumstances this agency may consider a request for
expedited approval. I am thus providing supporting documents which I pray will provide
proof and help demonstrate that in the immediate future I will be deprived of all forms
of financial support. The spousal support will end when the divorce is finalized
(November 2022), and the temporary rental assistance will stop around November or
December 2022 as per the statement in the DAYA document. I do not have family in the
U.S., and except for myself, there is no one else who can financially support me and my
children and risk homelessness. Prior to the transfer to the USA, I was working and
financially independent and responsible for my elderly parents as their security and
support. The loss of employment following the involuntary transfer to the USA, the
impact of domestic abuse, additional expenses, and debts from necessary legal fees has
greatly impacted my economic status. Herewith this affidavit, I attach DAYA Inc.’s letter
of support to USCIS. I am seeking expedited approval of the EAD so I may exercise the
fundamental right to work to protect myself and my children from severe economic
hardship, eviction, and homelessness.

34. That the given exigencies of my circumstances, I pray that USCIS will exercise its
discretion in favor of expediting the approval of my application for an Employment
Authorization Document.
Oath or Affirmation:
I verify, under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States that the foregoing is true
and correct.
Executed on November ……, 2022.



State of Texas §
County of Harris §
BEFORE ME, the undersigned notary public, on this day personally appeared (my name), proved
to me through satisfactory evidence of identification which was a (my country’s ) Passport to be
the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me
that he/she executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed.
Subscribed and sworn before me on this day of , of 2022.
My Comm. Expires on: Signature of Notary Public

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