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Education Programs Consultant

School Fiscal Services Division

California Department of Education

Sacramento, CA 95814

From: Ali
Sent: Tuesday, March 1, 2022 1:54 PM
Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] Master (Instructional) Agreement signatures

Thank you very much for your previous reply.

I'm also curious, are teachers allowed to use current student work to satisfy
compliance/attendance for previous months? We (teachers) are being asked to sign
attendance, learning reports and master agreements for students that we have never
met and have never had actively participate in our classes, or who weren't active during
the months they are asking us to sign for.
Is there someone I can call or talk to, to ask specific questions? Many of us are
concerned and don't want to put our credentials at risk by signing and/or falsifying
Thank you in advance for your help,
Ali Diaz
On Monday, February 14, 2022, 03:01:23 PM PST, ATTENDANCEACCOUNTING> wrote:

Good afternoon Ali,

Local educational agencies (LEAs) have the ability to obtain signed and dated written agreements
at the beginning of the school year. In addition, for the 2021–22 fiscal year, LEAs have until 30
“calendar” days from the first day of independent instruction or October 15th, whichever comes
latest, to get all signatures on independent study master agreements (Education Code (EC)
Section51747(g)(9)(F)). Pursuant to EC Section 51747(g)(9)(E), written agreements may be
signed using an electronic signature that complies with state and federal standards.

Once an LEA has a signed and dated written agreement with all of the required signatures, the
LEA can document multiple periods of independent study participation through either a
supplemental agreement or addendum. This would ensure that the LEA has satisfied the
requirements of a written agreement while also avoiding the repetitiveness of creating additional
signed and dated agreements throughout the school year.

Please note that if the students meet the following age eligibility requirements of independent study
and are generating attendance for apportionment, then the requirements added by AB 130,
including those listed above, would have to be met.

• Continuously Enrolled: 21 years of age (School District/COE)

• Not continuously enrolled: 19 years of age (School District/COE/Charter)

• Continuously Enrolled: 22 years of age (Charter)

Please see FAQ #8 under Attendance Accounting and Reporting on the2021-22 AA&IT
Independent Study FAQs web page for additional information.


Lauren Gerig, Ed.D. (she/her/hers)

Education Programs Consultant
School Fiscal Services Division
California Department of Education

Sacramento, CA 95814
-----Original Message-----
From: Ali < >
Sent: Tuesday, February 1, 2022 1:34 PM
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Master (Instructional) Agreement signatures


I work for an adult charter school that offers IS. I read on the CDE website that an Instructional
Agreement must be signed within the first 30 days that a student begins IS before claiming ADA. I
don't know how often our organization claims or reports ADA (or how to find that out), but I'm being
asked to sign Master Agreements for students who started many months ago. Additionally, many
of these students weren't placed in my class until several months after their supposed start date
and they did not attend any class before mine. Is this legal?

Thanks in advance for your help,

Ali Diaz

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