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Journal of Chromatography A, 1480 (2017) 62–69

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Validation of an analytical method for simultaneous high-precision

measurements of greenhouse gas emissions from wastewater
treatment plants using a gas chromatography-barrier discharge
detector system
Raffaella Pascale a , Marianna Caivano a , Alessandro Buchicchio a , Ignazio M. Mancini a ,
Giuliana Bianco b,∗ , Donatella Caniani a,∗
Scuola di Ingegneria, Università degli Studi della Basilicata, Viale dell’Ateneo Lucano, 10, 85100 Potenza, Italy
Dipartimento di Scienze, Università degli Studi della Basilicata, Viale dell’Ateneo Lucano, 10, 85100 Potenza, Italy

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) emit CO2 and N2 O, which may lead to climate change and global
Received 1 August 2016 warming. Over the last few years, awareness of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from WWTPs has
Received in revised form increased. Moreover, the development of valid, reliable, and high-throughput analytical methods for
15 November 2016
simultaneous gas analysis is an essential requirement for environmental applications. In the present
Accepted 17 November 2016
study, an analytical method based on a gas chromatograph (GC) equipped with a barrier ionization dis-
Available online 18 November 2016
charge (BID) detector was developed for the first time. This new method simultaneously analyses CO2 and
N2 O and has a precision, measured in terms of relative standard of variation RSD%, equal to or less than
Barrier ionization discharge (BID)
6.6% and 5.1%, respectively. The method’s detection limits are 5.3 ppmv for CO2 and 62.0 ppbv for N2 O.
Carbon dioxide (CO2 ) The method’s selectivity, linearity, accuracy, repeatability, intermediate precision, limit of detection and
Gas chromatography (GC) limit of quantification were good at trace concentration levels. After validation, the method was applied
Greenhouse gas (GHG) to a real case of N2 O and CO2 emissions from a WWTP, confirming its suitability as a standard procedure
Method validation for simultaneous GHG analysis in environmental samples containing CO2 levels less than 12,000 mg/L.
Nitrous oxide (N2 O) © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction environmental equilibria and its anthropogenic sources. Increas-

ing attention is also given to the assessment of N2 O emissions due
In recent years, it has been ascertained that wastewater treat- to the high global warming potential (GWP) of N2 O, which is almost
ment plants (WWTPs) are potential sources of anthropogenic 300 times stronger than CO2 over an atmospheric residence time of
greenhouse gases (GHGs), which contribute to climate change 100–120 years [3]. In the last decade, N2 O emissions from WWTPs
and air pollution [1,2]. The United Nations Framework Conven- have been evaluated, focusing on the biological nitrogen removal
tion on Climate Change (UNFCCC) calls for the stabilization of GHG (BNR) processes (e.g., nitrification, denitrification, and nitrifier den-
concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent itrification) that are the major producers of N2 O [4,5]. Furthermore,
dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system. N2 O from WWTPs represents 3% of the global emissions from all
The Kyoto Protocol provides binding targets based on a ‘basket’ sources and represents the sixth most important contribution [6].
of six GHGs: carbon dioxide (CO2 ), methane (CH4 ), nitrous oxide In addition to N2 O monitoring, it is useful to also measure
(N2 O), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), perfluorocarbons (PFCs), and CO2 emissions produced by biomass growth through the oxida-
sulfur hexafluoride (SF6 ). tion of biodegradable organic matter [2]. Although organic matter
However, most studies dealing with climate change mainly degradation is considered a zero-emission process because the CO2
focus on CO2 because of its strong negative effects on produced should be involved in the natural carbon cycle [7], result-
ing in negligible impact in terms of the greenhouse effect, recent
studies demonstrate that some of the incoming organic carbon is
not of biogenic origin. Indeed, a considerable part of the incoming
∗ Corresponding authors. organic carbon is petroleum-derived (e.g., cosmetics, pharmaceu-
E-mail addresses: (G. Bianco), ticals, body care products, etc.) and is usually named fossil organic (D. Caniani).
0021-9673/© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
R. Pascale et al. / J. Chromatogr. A 1480 (2017) 62–69 63

carbon (FOC). This quantity of FOC in the influent wastewater is con- dielectric barrier discharge plasma. The system offers highly sen-
sidered a CO2 emission source, thus contributing to the net carbon sitive detection of all compounds (universal) except Helium (He)
footprint (CFP) of WWTPs [8]. These studies lead us to reconsider and Neon (Ne). It has a sensitivity more than 2 times higher than
the amount of CO2 produced during biological processes. FIDs and over 100 times higher than TCDs, enabling stable analyses
Therefore, N2 O and CO2 emissions must both be monitored dur- over a long period [29,30].
ing BNR and organic carbon oxidation processes, respectively, along In this study, a fully validated method for the simultane-
the water treatment line. Estimation of the potential gas production ous detection of N2 O and CO2 in gas environmental samples is
allows us to derive information about the effectiveness of the treat- described, and its successful application on off-gas emissions from
ment configuration and obtain better overview of the treatment WWTPs is presented.
processes and the net wastewater cycle.
Gas chromatography (GC) has been commonly used to deter- 2. Material and methods
mine N2 O and CO2 concentrations in gaseous emissions produced
by biological processes employed for wastewater treatment [9]. 2.1. Materials and reagents
Detectors measuring the concentrations of CO2 and N2 O in the
off-gas exiting the treatment units require different sensitivity, Pure N2 O (99.998%) and CO2 (99.995%) were purchased from
because of different concentration ranges of the gases in the same Sigma Aldrich (Milano, Italy). He 6.0 (SIAD Corporation, Berg-
sample. amo, Italy) was used as the carrier gas during chromatographic
The most common detectors used for CO2 analyses are the separation. Gas standard mixtures (SIAD Corporation Bergamo,
thermal conductivity detector (TCD) and the flame ionization Italy) containing mixed certified concentrations of CO2 (542 and
detector (FID), which are applied after catalytic transformation into 730 ppmv ) and N2 O (400 and 602 ppbv ) were used as reference
CH4 [10–12]. The most common detection system for N2 O is the materials. A 10–100 cc/min scale RMA-150-BV rotamer (Rome-
electron-capture detector (ECD), which, as reported in standard tec, Roma, Italy) was used to keep the pressure drop in the loop
methods [13–15], provided a detection limit of parts per billion by constant, for each injection. 10 ml, 1 ml, 250 ␮l and 100 ␮l gas-
volume (ppbv ). To our knowledge, even though a broad spectrum tight syringes (Sigma Aldrich Milano, Italy) were used for preparing
of detectors, chromatographic columns and operating conditions calibration standards and quality control samples at different con-
have been proposed for analyses of CO2 and N2 O, few studies deal- centrations in 10 l Tedlar sampling bags equipped with PTFE fittings
ing with their simultaneous analysis are presently available in the (Zefon International, Ocala, USA). By means of the off-gas technique,
scientific literature [14–18]. which is considered the main system for gas sampling [31], gas
Sitaula et al. [14] used a wide-bore capillary GC equipped with samples were collected from the treatment units (i.e., oxidation
three detectors, a TCD, a FID, and an ECD, for simultaneous analysis tank and secondary settler) of a WWTP located in Potenza (Basil-
of CO2 , CH4 , and N2 O with relative standard of variations of 0.7%, icata, Southern Italy) that serves 160,000 equivalent inhabitants
0.6%, and 2.6%, respectively. Wang et al. [19] used two detectors, a (EI). To test the GC-BID method, gas collection was carried out with
FID and an ECD, for simultaneous GC analysis of CH4 , CO2 , and N2 O. 1 l Tedlar bags (Zefon International, Ocala, USA) via a Gilian GilAir
Hedley et al. [20] implemented an automated GC procedure Sampling Pump (Sensidyne, St. Petersburg, USA).
to monitor gas exchanges at soil surfaces. After chromatographic
separation, the column effluent was switched to the FID, via a
methanizer or to the ECD for analysis of CH4 , CO2 , and N2 O with 2.2. GC-BID analysis
precisions of 0.87%, 2.17%, and 0.74% and method detection limits
of 0.04 ppm, 25.5 ppm and 7.4 ppb, respectively. A Shimadzu 2010 Plus Tracera GC (Shimadzu, Kyoto, Japan)
Mondini et al. [17], by means of a TCD detector, used a micro-GC equipped with a Restek ShinCarbon ST micropacked column
designed for continuous gas analyses for measuring soil respira- (2 m × 1 mm i.d.) (Restek Corporation, Bellefonte, USA) and a BID
tion with detection limits for CO2 and N2 O equal to 2 and 1 ppmv , detector was used to analyse gas samples. The GC-BID system was
respectively. A Micro-GC coupled to a TCD detector was also used provided in a standard configuration, and a helium purifier (VICI,
by Cayuela et al. [18] for the evaluation of GHG emissions during Valco Instruments Co Inc., Schenkon, Switzerland) was used in
composting of lignocellulosic residues. order to obtain the lowest background in the BID. The injection
Field techniques have also been proposed [21–28] that have the temperature was set to 150 ◦ C. The oven temperature was 30 ◦ C
advantage of determining gas concentrations without the need to (the hold time was 5 min) and was increased to 120 ◦ C at a rate
capture, transport and store gaseous samples. However, most of of 10 ◦ C/min. All injections were made in the direct mode. Helium,
them do not allow simultaneous CO2 and N2 O detection and, com- which was used as the carried gas, was supplied at a flow rate of
pared to GC analysis, are less sensitive and are characterized by a 15.0 ml/min. The BID detector was operated at 250 ◦ C; 80 ml/min
narrow linear range, low precision and poor accuracy [21–28]. discharge gas flow was used for analysis. A 1 ml sample loop was
Although GC methods are more suitable for gas analyses, there employed for injection into the GC-BID system. Sample bags were
are still difficulties in using ECD and TCD or FID to estimate CO2 and connected directly to the inlet loop and squeezed to generate a
N2 O concentrations simultaneously. Indeed, N2 O concentrations pressure drop. When the pressure drop in the sample loop was con-
are commonly too low for TCD detection. ECDs areparticularly sen- stant, measured in terms of flow rate, the sample valve was thrown
sitive to electronegative compounds, but CO2 cannot be detected. to initiate the run.
The FID-methanizer combination can be used for CO2 analysis, but it
does not detect N2 O. Moreover, the use of three different detectors 2.3. Validation study
(i.e., TCD, ECD and FID) is highly time-consuming and expensive.
Therefore, the need to identify a better methodology to estimate During the evaluation process, the selectivity, response func-
GHG emissions from WWTPs led us to develop a simple and sen- tion (calibration curve), linearity, accuracy, precision (repeatability
sitive method for simultaneous high-precision measurements of and intermediate precision), limit of detection (LoD) and limit of
N2 O and CO2 emissions using a GC equipped with a barrier ioniza- quantification (LoQ) were investigated [32]. A good linearity was
tion discharge detector (BID). The GC-BID, to our knowledge, has achieved, with a determination coefficient not lower than 0.998,
not been used before for measuring GHGs. BID is a sensitive detec- by a series of three injections (n = 3) of five standards (k = 5) within
tor in which the ionization process is obtained by a helium-based concentration ranges of 50–1000 mg/l and 250–50000 ␮g/l for CO2
64 R. Pascale et al. / J. Chromatogr. A 1480 (2017) 62–69

and N2 O, respectively. The validation experiments (precision, cal- The Analytical Method Committee suggests the estimation of
ibration curve, LoD and LoQ) were performed with calibration the mean square error (R2 ) and the Fisher ratio (F) as a reliable
standards following the requirements established by the Interna- approach to check the linearity of calibration functions [36]. F val-
tional Conference on Harmonization (ICH) [33]. The accuracy was ues calculated for 3 and 12 ◦ of freedom were 3.20 and 2.66 for N2 O
assessed by control repetitions (5 over non-consecutive days) using and CO2 , respectively. The critical value at a significance level of 95%
certified reference materials. Moreover, the effect of CO2 concen- is F0.05,3,12 = 3.49. Since the calculated values of F are less than the
tration on N2 O detection was established by measuring the N2 O tabulated values and the R2 values are greater than 0.998, indicat-
concentration in control samples with increasing CO2 levels which ing linearity, the proposed linear models are adequate to describe
could interfere with the N2 O peak. the observed data, as shown in Table 1.

3.3. Accuracy
3. Results and discussion
The accuracy of an analytical procedure is defined as the close-
3.1. Chromatographic separation and selectivity of GC-BID ness of agreement between the conventional true value or an
method accepted reference value and the obtained value [32]. The accuracy
of the GC-BID procedure can be assessed by analysing a certified ref-
A thorough optimization was accomplished for the injector and erence material and comparing the measured value with the true
detector temperatures, BID discharge gas, injection volume and GC value supplied with the material, using a minimum of 9 determi-
parameters, such as oven temperature programming, flow rate, and nations [33]. We tested the accuracy with 2 concentrations and 5
cleaning programme, in order to achieve the best possible separa- replicates for each level. The acceptance criteria for accuracy allows
tion of the test compounds. A typical chromatographic trace from for a bias of not more than 15% from the accepted reference value
the GC-BID system is shown in Fig. 1; CO2 and N2 O are eluted with [37,38]. As shown in Table 1, accuracy values were in the range
good peak shapes at 11.1 min and at 12.5 min, respectively. of 9.8-13.7% for N2 O and 12.4-12.6% for CO2 , reflecting acceptable
Selectivity refers to the extent to which the method can be used accuracy of the proposed CO2 and N2 O analysis method.
to determine analytes of interest in mixtures or matrices without
interference from other components with similar behaviour [34]. 3.4. Precision (repeatability and intermediate precision)
To investigate the selectivity of the method, major air components
(oxygen, nitrogen and CH4 ) were evaluated (see Fig. 2). As environ- The precision of an analytical procedure expresses the closeness
mental gas samples are not complex matrices, O2 , N2 and CH4 are of agreement (degree of scatter) between a series of measurements
well separated from the CO2 and N2 O peaks. obtained from multiple sampling of the same homogeneous sample
It should be considered that overlapping of the peaks of CO2 under prescribed conditions [33]. For the GC-BID method, the pre-
and N2 O, when both are present at relatively high concentrations, cision was assessed by calculating the relative standard deviation
could be detrimental to the quantitative analysis. Since CO2 usu- (RSD%) of repeatability (intra-day precision) and the intermediate
ally occurs at concentrations (mg/L) higher than N2 O (␮g/L), CO2 precision (inter-day precision). The ICH [33] requires repeatability
can be considered the most important interfering species for N2 O to be tested from at least nine replications covering the entire speci-
measurements when a GC-BID equipped with a ShinCarbon ST fied ranges, which were 50–1000 mg/L for CO2 and 250–50000 ␮g/L
micropacked column is used. To test the effect of CO2 concen- for N2 O, respectively. Intermediate precision was determined by
tration on N2 O detection, different control samples with a fixed analysing 6 replicates (n = 6) of a calibration standard (k = 1) on
N2 O concentration (approximately 400 ppbv ) and increasing CO2 three non-consecutive days (p = 3) over three weeks. As shown in
concentrations (in the range of 500–25000 ppmv ) were analysed Table 1, the relative standard deviation (RSD%) values for repeata-
(n = 3). In detail, for a 400 ppbv of N2 O, which can be considered bility were between 0.4% and 6.6%, and intermediate precision
the global average atmospheric concentration [35], 12000 mg/l values between 2.7% and 4.6%, in agreement with the acceptance
(273 mM) of CO2 represents the maximum tolerable value for criteria for precision (15% RSD) [37–39].
simultaneous measurement of N2 O and CO2 (as illustrated in Fig. 3).
However, lower CO2 concentrations should be reached in sam- 3.5. LoD and LoQ
ples for which N2 O has to be measured, and this can be obtained
by filtering gas samples through an absorption column (h = 5 cm, The limit of detection (LoD) of an individual analytical procedure
d = 1 cm) filled with sodium hydroxide (NaOH) before injection into is the lowest amount of analyte in a sample that can be detected
the GC-BID system. As shown in Fig. 4, a CO2 concentration higher but not necessarily quantified as an exact value, whereas the limit
than 12000 mg/l results in a broad chromatographic peak that does of quantification (LoQ) is the lowest amount of analyte in a sample
not allow N2 O peak integration and therefore results in incorrect which can be quantitatively determined [33]. The LoD and LoQ were
quantification. evaluated from the residual standard deviation of the regression as
LoD = 3.3 sb /a and LoQ = 10 sb /a, where (sb ) is the standard deviation
of the b-intercept and (a) is the slope of the calibration curve [40].
3.2. Calibration curve and linearity The LoD was 62.0 ␮g/l for N2 O and 5.3 mg/l for CO2 ; the LoQ was
188.0 ␮g/l for N2 O and 16.0 mg/l for CO2 (Table 1).
Calibration curves were obtained via the external standard
method. Each point on the calibration curves was generated as the 3.6. Analysis of CO2 and N2 O in environmental samples
area of CO2 and N2 O within a concentration range of 50–1000 mg/l
and 250–50000 ␮g/l, respectively. Calibration standards were pre- The effectiveness of the validated GC-BID method was evaluated
pared at five (k = 5) concentration levels on three non-consecutive by the analysis of several samples for the simultaneous presence of
days (p = 3) over three weeks: 50, 250, 500, 750, 1000 mg/l for CO2 CO2 and N2 O. These samples were collected using the off-gas sam-
and 250, 500, 5000, 25000, 50000 ␮g/l for N2 O. Each standard was pling method described in [31], from the treatment units (i.e., the
analysed in triplicate (n = 3). Linear regression equations and stan- activated sludge tank and the secondary sedimentation tank) of
dard deviations were calculated by the least squares method (see the full-scale WWTP in Potenza (Basilicata, Southern Italy), which
Table 1). serves 160,000 EI. A gas collection polyethylene floating hood
R. Pascale et al. / J. Chromatogr. A 1480 (2017) 62–69 65

Fig. 1. GC-BID trace of CO2 (800 ppmv ) and N2 O (500 ppmv ) peaks at retention times of 11.1 and 12.5 min, respectively.

(1 × 0.7 × 0.4 m, L × W × H) with a cross sectional area of 0.7 m2 was points along the main axis of the oxidation tank and another 8
used for off-gas sample collection [31]. The off-gas was pumped positions over the secondary settler surface were chosen. N2 O
through a PTFE tubing sampling line to 1 l Tedlar bags, which were off-gas concentrations at several chosen points along the oxi-
taken to the laboratory for off-site GC-BID analysis. dation tank were 813.8 (±1.4) ppbv , 965.8 (±1.4) ppbv , 1179.9
Qualitative comparison of chromatographic profiles of samples (±1.4) ppbv , and 1160.8 (±1.4) ppbv . The CO2 levels in the same
collected from the activated sludge tank and the secondary sedi- points were 10211.5 (±2.5) ppmv , 10243.5 (±2.5) ppmv , 10280.7
mentation tank and a standard mixture (602 ppbv N2 O, 730 ppmv (±2.5) ppmv , and 10273.4 (±2.5) ppmv . In the off-gas from the sec-
CO2 ) is reported in Fig. 5. Gas sampling plans depend on the ondary settler (Fig. 6), at a fixed hood position, concentrations of
geometry of the tank and the presence/absence of the aera- 452.5 (±1.4) ppbv , 454.6 (±1.4) ppbv , 460.3 (±1.4) ppbv , 466.7
tion system. Therefore, the hood was positioned in 4 different (±1.4) ppbv , 470.6 (±1.4) ppbv , 475.7 (±1.4) ppbv , 485.0 (±1.4)

Fig. 2. GC-BID trace of major air components (oxygen, nitrogen and methane) at retention times of 1.4, 2.1 and 5.2 min.
66 R. Pascale et al. / J. Chromatogr. A 1480 (2017) 62–69

Fig. 3. Profile of detected N2 O concentration values in different control samples with increasing CO2 concentrations in the range of 500–25000 ppmv . CO2 levels, which are
less than 12000 ppmv , do not interfere with N2 O measurement.

ppbv , and 514.4 (±1.4) ppbv for N2 O and 600.45 (± 0.15) ppmv , several studies have investigated the emission levels of N2 O and
601.62 (±0.15) ppmv , 612.34 (±0.15) ppmv , 615.13 (±0.15) ppmv , CO2 from WWTPs [13,24,41–45], it is known that GHG emissions
615.39 (±0.15) ppmv , 629.66 (±0.15) ppmv , 633.21 (±0.15) ppmv , depend on wastewater plant configuration; therefore, a compar-
and 653.46 (±0.15) ppmv for CO2 were observed. Average values ison with the literature is difficult [5]. However, many studies
for N2 O were 1030.1 ppbv in the oxidation tank and 472.5 ppbv [21,22,44,46,47] report higher levels of GHGs emitted from aerated
in the off-gas exiting the secondary settler. CO2 average values of tanks due to the stripping effect from the liquid into the gas phase
10252.3 ppmv and 620.16 ppmv were observed in off-gas from the through aeration submerged devices [48].
oxidation tank and secondary settler, respectively. Even though

Fig. 4. GC-BID trace where high CO2 levels, corresponding to the very broad peak, interfere with N2 O measurement (ppbv ) (trace a). This kind of interference can be overcome
filtering gas samples through an adsorption column filled with NaOH before injection into the GC-BID system (trace b).
R. Pascale et al. / J. Chromatogr. A 1480 (2017) 62–69 67

Table 1
Validation parameters of analytical method for N2 O and CO2 measurements by GC-BID.

Calibration curve (k = 5, n = 3, p = 3)
Analyte Linear equation, y = ax + b R2 LoDa LoQb
CO2 y = (1.634 ± 0.042)104 x − (1.096 ± 0.260) 105 0.999 5.3 mg/L 16.0 mg/L
N2 O y = (2.112 ± 0.016)104 x − (1.428 ± 0.397) 103 0.998 62.0 ␮g/L 188.0 ␮g/L
Linearity (␣= 0.05; k = 5; n = 3)
Analyte F calculated F tabulated F test Relationship
CO2 2.66 3.49 H-null accepted Linear
N2 O 3.20 3.49 H-null accepted Linear
Accuracy (relative bias%) (k = 2, n = 5, p = 3)
Analyte Levels Relative Bias (%)
542 ppmv − 12.6
730 ppmv + 12.4
400 ppbv +13.7
N2 O
602 ppbv − 9.8
Analyte Levels Repeatibility (RSD%) Intermediate precision (RSD%)
(k = 3, n = 3) (k = 1, n = 6, p = 3)
50 ppmv 5.8
CO2 500 ppmv 6.6 4.6
1000 ppmv 0.4
250 ppbv 5.1
N2 O 5 ppmv 1.0 2.7
50 ppmv 1.1
LoD was calculated as 3.3 sb /a with sb standard deviation of the b-intercept and a the slope of the calibration curve.
LoQ was calculated as 10 sb /a with sb standard deviation of the b-intercept and a the slope of the calibration curve.

Fig. 5. Comparison of chromatographic profiles of gas samples collected from the activated sludge tank (black line), the secondary sedimentation tank (pink line) and a
standard mixture containing 602 ppbv N2 O and 730 ppmv CO2 (blue line). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the
web version of this article.)

4. Conclusion the simultaneous, sensitive and selective determination of N2 O and

CO2 emissions from WWTPs, and it is promising for other environ-
In this study, a new GC-BID method is described. The developed mental applications, provided that CO2 concentrations are equal to
method has been validated and demonstrated to be suitable for or less than 12000 mg/l. The GC-BID method allows us to measure
68 R. Pascale et al. / J. Chromatogr. A 1480 (2017) 62–69

Fig. 6. Comparison of chromatographic profiles of gas samples collected from different points along the secondary sedimentation surface.

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