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Thermal Efficiency and Steam Quality Enhancement in

Rankine Cycles
Archit Dhakar (22110031), Debojit Das (22110067), Shrishti Mishra (22110246)
Tripti Sanjeev Vishwakarma (22110275), Viraj N. Vekaria (22110287)
Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar

21st November 2023

This report presents an enhancement study of a basic ideal Rankine cycle utilized in a power
generation facility. Despite the current cycle’s operation at a thermal efficiency of 41% and
steam quality of 76% at the condenser inlet, our objective is to propose modifications that will
surpass these benchmarks. Specifically, we aim to elevate the thermal efficiency beyond 46%
while also increasing the steam quality to above 85%. These improvements are constrained by
the operational limits of the boiler and condenser pressures at 15 MPa and 10 kPa, respectively,
and a maximum turbine temperature of 500°C. The implications of these modifications on the
thermal efficiency and net power output of the Rankine cycle are quantified and analyzed,
ensuring adherence to industry standards and sustainable engineering practices.

1 Introduction
The Rankine cycle is the fundamental operating cycle of thermal power plants around the globe,
revered for its relative simplicity and efficiency. However, with the increasing demand for sustain-
able energy production and the need for more efficient use of resources, there is a pressing need to
optimize these cycles. This report delves into the analytical enhancement of an ideal Rankine cycle
within the operational constraints of a given power plant. By adjusting the boiler and condenser
pressures and analyzing the resultant thermodynamic changes, we propose a set of modifications
designed to significantly improve the cycle’s performance. The report also examines the broader
implications of these enhancements for the power generation industry, setting the stage for a dis-
cussion on sustainable engineering solutions.

2 Problem Statement
The prevailing issue confronting the current power plant operations is the suboptimal performance
characterized by a thermal efficiency of only 41% and a steam quality at the condenser inlet
of 76%. These figures reflect a considerable margin for improvement, especially in an industry
that is under constant pressure to reduce fuel consumption and emissions while increasing power
output. The challenge lies in optimizing the cycle within the established parameters: a boiler
pressure not exceeding 15 MPa, a condenser pressure above 10 kPa, and a turbine temperature
threshold of 500°C. The report aims to articulate the thermodynamic feasibility of enhancing the
cycle’s efficiency and steam quality and to demonstrate the potential benefits through a rigorous
engineering analysis. This analysis will serve as a cornerstone for developing practical solutions
that align with the industry’s continuous pursuit of efficiency and sustainability.

3 Energy Analysis of the components
During a steady-flow process, the total energy content of a control volume remains constant.

˙ = dEsystem
E˙in − Eout
E˙in − Eout
˙ =0
E˙in = Eout
The general energy balance for a general steady-flow system can be written as:
X V2 X V2
Q˙in + W˙in + [ṁ(h + ˙ + W˙out +
+ gz)] = Qout [ṁ(h + + gz)]
2 out

where, Q˙in denotes the heat entering the system

˙ denotes the heat leaving the system
Win denotes the work done on the system
W˙out denotes the work done by the system
ṁ is the mass flow rate of steam
V denotes the velocity of steam
g is the acceleration due to gravity
z is the elevation of the system
h denotes the specific enthalpy at the inlet or outlet of the system

Figure 1: The Modified Rankine Cycle

• All processes are steady state, steady flow processes.
• Changes in kinetic and potential energy are very small relative to the work and heat transfer
terms and can be neglected.
• All the pumps and turbines involved in the cycle are adiabatic.
So, the steady-flow energy equation per unit mass of steam reduces to:
(qin − qout ) + (win − wout ) = he − hi
where qin denotes the heat entering the system per unit mass of steam
qout denotes the heat leaving the system per unit mass of steam
win denotes the work done on the system per unit mass of steam
wout denotes the work done by the system per unit mass of steam
he is the specific enthalpy at the exit
hi is the specific enthalpy at the inlet

Energy balance for the boiler (wboiler = 0):

Figure 2: Boiler

qin,boiler = h1 − h2

Energy balance for the high pressure turbine (qturbine = 0):

Figure 3: High Pressure Turbine

−wout,HP T = h2 − h1
wout,HP T = h1 − h2

Energy balance for the Reheater (wreheater = 0):

Figure 4: Reheater

qin,reheater = h3 − h2

Energy balance for the low pressure turbine (qturbine = 0):

Figure 5: Low Pressure Turbine

Here, y1 and y2 denote the fraction of steam going into open feedwater heater 1 and 2, respectively.

−wout,LP T = (1 − y1 − y2 )h6 − y1 h5 − y2 h4
wout,LP T = h6 − (h6 + h5 )y1 − (h6 + h4 )y2

Energy balance for Open Feedwater Heater-2:

Figure 6: Open Feedwater Heater-2

y2 h4 + (1 − y2 )h10 = h11
h11 − h10
y2 =
h4 − h10

Energy balance for Open Feedwater Heater-1:

Figure 7: Open Feedwater Heater 1

(1 − y2 )h9 − [h5 y1 + (1 − y1 − y2 )h8 ] = 0

(h8 − h9 )y2 − (h9 − h8 )
y1 =
h8 − h5

Energy balance for Pump-1 (qpump = 0):

Figure 8: Pump-1

(1 − y1 − y2 )h6 + win,pump1 = (1 − y1 − y2 )h7

win,pump1 = (1 − y1 − y2 )(h7 − h6 )

Energy balance for Pump-2 (qpump = 0):

Figure 9: Pump-2

(1 − y2 )h9 + win,pump2 = (1 − y2 )h10

win,pump = (1 − y2 )(h10 − h9 )

Energy balance for Pump-3 (qpump = 0):

Figure 10: Pump-3

h11 + win,pump3 = h12

win,pump3 = h12 − h11

Energy balance for the condenser (wcondenser = 0):

Figure 11: Condenser

−qout,condenser = (1 − y1 − y2 )(h7 − h6 )
qout,condenser = (1 − y1 − y2 )(h6 − h7 )

4 Results and Discussions

Figure 12: T-S Diagram

The quality of steam at the inlet of Condenser = 0.8506 The thermal efficiency = 0.4690
The modified Rankine cycle does not involve any internal irreversibilities and consists of the fol-
lowing processes:

• 1-2: Isentropic expansion in the high-pressure turbine.

• 2-3: Reheating.
• 3-4: Regeneration (P4 = 2 MPa).
• 4-5: Regeneration (P5 = 0.25 MPa).

• 5-6: Isentropic expansion in the low-pressure turbine.

• 6-7: Constant-pressure heat rejection in a condenser.
• 7-8: Isentropic compression in pump-1.

• 8-9: Steam exits open feedwater-1 after mixing at constant pressure with steam from the
• 9-10: Isentropic compression in pump-2.
• 10-11: Steam exits open feedwater-2 after mixing at constant pressure.

• 11-12: Isentropic compression in pump-3.

• 12-1: Constant-pressure heat addition in a boiler.

Figure 13: Pressure vs Thermal Efficiency

• Theoretically we know that the average temperature during the heat-addition increases by
increasing the operating pressure of the boiler, which automatically raises the temperature
at which boiling takes place. This, in turn, raises the average temperature at which heat is
transferred to the steam and thus raises the thermal efficiency of the cycle.

• For a fixed turbine inlet temperature, the moisture content of steam at the turbine exit
increases in an ideal Rankine cycle. This undesirable side effect is corrected by reheating the
steam in the modified cycle.
• From the Thermal efficiency plot, we can say that higher the boiler pressure higher will be the
efficiency. For condenser pressure, lower the condenser pressure greater will be the thermal

Figure 14: Pressure Variation vs Net work output

• Theoretically we know that steam exists as a saturated mixture in the condenser at the sat-
uration temperature corresponding to the pressure inside the condenser. Therefore, lowering
the operating pressure of the condenser automatically lowers the temperature of the steam,
and thus the temperature at which heat is rejected. Thus the overall effect of lowering the
condenser pressure is an increase in the thermal efficiency of the cycle. Also lowering the
pressure increases the area enclosed by cycle on T-s diagram.

• From the net work plot of the cycle plot we can observe that lowering the condenser pressure
increases the net work output of the cycle. This is because lowering the pressure increases
the area enclosed by the cycle on a T-s diagram, due to which net work increases.

To raise the temperature of the liquid leaving the pump (called the feedwater) before it enters the
boiler. One such possibility is to transfer heat to the feedwater from the expanding steam in a
counter-flow heat exchanger built into the turbine, that is, to use regeneration. This solution is also
impractical because it is difficult to design such a heat exchanger and because it would increase the
moisture content of the steam at the final stages of the turbine. A practical regeneration process in
steam power plants is accomplished by extracting, or “bleeding,” steam from the turbine at various
points in the modified cycle . This steam, which could have produced more work by expanding
further in the turbine, is used to heat the feedwater instead. Regeneration not only improves cycle
efficiency, but also provides a convenient means of deaerating the feedwater (removing the air that
leaks in at the condenser) to prevent corrosion in the boiler. It also helps control the large volume
flow rate of the steam at the final stages of the turbine (due to the large specific volumes at low

Figure 15: The variation of work done and efficiency with condenser and boiler pressure

• From this table we can observe that for maximum boiler pressure and minimum condenser
pressure we will get maximum efficiency and maximum net work output of the cycle. The
vapor fraction of the steam at the inlet of the condenser is lower than 85%.
• At the minimum boiler pressure and maximum condenser pressure we will get minimum
efficiency and minimum net work output of the cycle.

5 Acknowledgement
The author would like to thank the institute for offering the course - ES211. This course has
been instrumental in bridging the gap between theory and real-world applications, equipping the
students with valuable tools to explore and analyze the thermodynamic aspects. The authors
would also like to extend their special gratitude to Professor Atul Bhargav, Professor Kaustubh
Rane, and Mr. Ravinder Kumar Daroch for giving them the opportunity to get comfortable with
the theory taught in the lectures.

6 References
• Bahrami M., Vapor Power Cycles - Simon Fraser University, Vapor Power Cycles. Available
• Çengel, Y.A., Boles, M.A. and Kanoğlu, M. (2006) Thermodynamics: An engineering ap-
proach. New York, NY: McGraw Hill.
• Deshmukh, M. (2014) Vapour Power Cycles, Available at: https://www.
• Zohuri, B. and Mcdaniel, P. (2015) (PDF) Vapor Power Cycles - Researchgate, Vapor Power
cycles. Available at:


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