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A. Description
Literacy and numeracy skills are the foundations of lifelong learning. These are the two
essential skills that empower students to make meaning, think creatively and critically, and reach
their full potential. These are also applied across all learning areas, that’s why a student/learner
needs to excel both in literacy and numeracy to perform better in different school activities. The
school designed this Project Reach to help learners improve both their numeracy and literacy
skills. With the assessment conducted using the San Diego Reading Assessment Tool (Literacy)
and RUNT (Numeracy), we found out that learners under struggling level in literacy were also
the learners having low performance in numeracy. Thus the project was implemented to address
their needs.

B. Objectives
The main objective of project REACH was to improve the reading level of the learners
from struggling to instructional and to reduce the number of non-numerates learners, thus
improve their performance across learning areas. Another objective was to design and develop
meaningful and worthwhile activities both in literacy and numeracy for the learners to actively
participate, interact and learn. Lastly, to tap the participation of parents and stakeholders was
also the objective of the Project Reach. Their shared part really helped the learners to continue
improving their reading and counting skills at home and in the community. Parents also played a
vital role in their child’s performance, so at home guidance and support were also given by them.

C. Outcomes
After the implementation of the Project Reach, the number of struggling readers and non-
numerates were reduced from 34 learners down to 5 learners only. It achieved 85% of
improvement both in literacy and numeracy. Students who underwent the program showed
greater improvement in their reading and counting skills. The school implementers of the project
concluded that learners need to develop their numeracy and literacy skills to perform better in all
learning areas. These two essential skills must be given greater attention by the school, teachers,
parents and community.

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