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Mayank Singh Bhadoria

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Gyata.AI | Full-Stack Developer July 2023 - September 2023
• Harmonized Agile practices for seamless DevOps collaboration, leading to a 30 percent increase in deployment
frequency and a 50 percent reduction in the time required for bug fixes.
Praedico Global Research Pvt. Ltd. | Python with Django Developer (Intern) Jan 2023 - May 2023
• Leveraged HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, Python, Django, and SQL to develop and deploy 3 web solutions for
various projects, contributing to the company’s expanded client base by 15 Percent.
• Collaborated with cross-functional teams to ensure timely project delivery, resulting in a 20 Percent reduction in
project completion time and improved client satisfaction scores by 10 Percent.
Madhav Institute of Technology and Science | Deep Learning - Summer internship Program Jun 2022 - AUG 2022
• Participated in a transformative 2-month Deep Learning Summer Internship, gaining proficiency in ML, neural
networks, and deep learning concepts. Successfully executed a stock prediction project, demonstrating practical
application and achieving a 20 percent improvement in prediction accuracy compared to traditional methods.

Madhav Institute of Technology and Science June 2023
Bachelor of Technology CGPA:- 7.0/10
Relevant Coursework
Courses: Programming: C/C++, Java, Python, R, Object-Oriented Programming, Data Structures, Discrete
Mathematics, Linear Algebra, AP Statistics, Probability and Statisticss

Zomato Review Analysis | Python, ML, SQL Jan 2023
• Leveraged Python, Pandas, SQL, and data analysis techniques to extract valuable insights from Zomato reviews,

resulting in a 15 percent increase in customer satisfaction by addressing common pain points.

• Provided decision-makers with actionable information that led to a 10 percent improvement in restaurant ratings

and a 20 percent increase in customer retention.

College Tracker | Html/CSS, Javascript, Web Scrapping, Python, Django SQL Jan 2023
• Designed dynamic models with Django, boosting College Tracker efficiency by 35 percent, handling SQL data and

user requests.
• Implemented Django authentication, securing data for 10,000+ College Tracker users against unauthorized access.

Task Manager: To Do | HTML/CSS, Python, Django, Django RestFramework, SQL August 2023
• Implemented user authentication with email verification, enhancing account security and reducing unauthorized

access incidents by 90 Percent.

• Performed CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations, enabling seamless user interaction and improving

overall user experience by reducing manual data management efforts.

Languages: Python, JavaScript, SQL, R, HTML/CSS
OS:Proficient in working with Windows, Mac, and Linux-based operating systems.
Tools: Git/GitHub, VS-Code, Jupyter, Notepad, Ms-Office, Ms Excel, Postman, MySQL, PostgreSQL
Frameworks: Django, Django Restframework
Libraries: Pandas, NumPy, Matplotlib, Scikit-learn, BeautifulSoup
Other: Problem Solving, Analytical Skills, Data Structures and Algorithms, OOPs
Soft skills: Adaptability, Teamwork, Communication, Attain to details

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