Glossary Unit 8

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Glossary Unit 8

• company
(n) an organization that sells goods
or services in order to make

• coworker
(n) a person who you work with,
especially someone with a similar
job or level of responsibility.
• dance
(v - regular) to move the body
and feet to music.

• draw
(v-irregular) to make a picture of
something or someone with a
pencil or pen.
• fix things
(v - regular ) to repair things.

• have a break
(v-irregular) to have a short period
of rest, when food or drink is
sometimes eaten.
• have a meeting
(v-irregular) to have a planned
occasion at work when people
come together to discuss

• office
(n) a room or part of a building in
which people work, especially sitting
at tables with computers, phones,
etc., usually as part of a business or
other organization.
• paint
(v - regular) to cover a surface with paint.

• pay
(v-irregular) to give money to
someone for something you want
to buy or for services provided.
• play the guitar
(v - regular) to perform music on a guitar.

• read music
(v-irregular) to look at symbols and
understand music.
• sing
(v-irregular) to make musical
sounds with the voice, usually a
tune with words.

• skateboard
(n) a flat, narrow board with two -
four small wheels under each end,
which a person stands on and moves
forward by pushing one foot on the
• snowboard
(n) a specially shaped board that
you stand on to slide down a
snow-covered slope.

• surf
(v - regular) to ride on a wave as
it comes towards land, while
standing or lying on a special
• swim
(v-irregular) to move through
water by moving the body or parts
of the body.

• think
(v-irregular) to believe something
or have an opinion or idea.
• worker
(n) someone who works in a
particular job or in a particular

• work hard
(v - regular) to work needing or
using a lot of physical or mental

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