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Instructions for using your Knowledge Organiser

Look – Say – Cover – Write - Check

At St Cuthbert’s Catholic High School, we are aiming to
create a five-year curriculum plan that builds effective
learning strategies into homework and lessons.

This is based on evidence, so we know that if you do it well, it You will carry out LSCWC from your knowledge organisers for
will work! Retrieval practice using the look-say-cover-write- homework, as guided by your teachers, following your Learning
check technique, when done in regular small chunks, is one of timetable.
the best ways you can learn relevant knowledge over time.
For this, you will use your LSCWC exercise book that you will take
At the start of every half term, you will be given a between school and home. To do this, look at a small section from
knowledge organiser for every subject. These will show you the knowledge organiser. Read aloud for 2 or 3 minutes then you will
the exact facts, dates, events, characters, concepts and cover up part of your knowledge organiser, write it out from memory
precise definitions that we need you to remember for that (in a black pen), then self-check and correct any spelling mistakes,
topic. Securing this knowledge base will allow you to develop missing bits or mistakes (in a red pen). You will be tested on this in
your skills of understanding, analysis and evaluation in future lessons. This way, you will learn the most valuable knowledge
lessons more effectively. in every subject by heart and free up space in your brain to develop
your skills.
You will be given an A4 Knowledge Organiser (KO) booklet for
each half term containing all of your KOs, and ‘look-say- We are really looking forward to teaching you!
cover-write-check’ (LSCWC) exercise books from your Form

Page 2
Make a note about
what we learn about
Find the definitions of Read the extract below from the book ‘Abomination’ Martha/Martha’s
and pick out quotes that tell us about Martha/Martha’s
the following words: life based on these
• Abomination quotes.
• Righteous Martha They chased me home again today and the new
• Abhorrent boy, Scott, joined in. When he smiled at me yesterday What further
• Isolated I hoped he was going to be my friend, but he’s not. He questions do you
was yelling Raggedy-Ann just like everybody else as I
• Soliloquy have about her
ran up Taylor Hill. When I got in Mother said, ‘You’ve
• Gothic been running.’ I’ve never told her the kids chase me and character?
• Prophecy she doesn’t like me to run. I said, ‘Yes, Mother, I’m
• Perspective sorry.’ She shook her head like she does, tutting. Looking at the tittle
• Bias ‘There’s a time, Martha,’ she says. ‘A time to every of the book
• Counter argument purpose under heaven.’ I hate my name. Martha. It’s in (Abomination,) and
the Bible but the kids think it’s a stupid name. They the main character
call me Arthur or Ma, and that’s when I’m lucky. Martha, can you
predict what may
Demonstrate your knowledge of the word ‘Abomination’:
happen in the story?
Come up with sentences that contain this word.
This might be a list of things that you would consider to be an abomination.

Page 3
Tier 2 Vocabulary:
Suggested Reading List:
• Freedom by Catherine Johnson Meek Define the following techniques:
• Kick by Mitch Johnson Righteous
Watership Down by Richard Adjective
• Harassment
Adams Abhorrent
• The Goldfish Boy by Lisa Adverb
Congenial Verb
• The Wolves of Willoughby Chase
by Joan Aiken
• The Dark is Rising by Susan Bewildered Noun (and the different types of
Reputation nouns.)
• Wolf by Gillian Cross Charitable Simile
• The Diary of a Young Girl by Divulged
Anne Frank Metaphor
• Stone Cold by Robert Swindells Malevolence
• Pig Heart Boy by Malorie Personification
• Framed by Frank Cotrell Boyce Infusing

Page 4
Converting Metric Units Square Numbers and Square Roots
The diagrams below, show how you can convert
Prime Numbers metric units for length, mass and capacity: This is the square root
A number that can only be divided by itself and one, is
called a Prime Number. symbol
Here are the Prime numbers up to 100:
2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29,
To answer it, we want to
know, what number do we
31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, have to square, to get the

71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97

number underneath the
square root symbol

Fraction, Decimal and Percentage Equivalents

The table below shows some of the common equivalents:

Cube Numbers and Cube Roots

This table shows the start of the Cube Numbers
This is the cube root
symbol 3

Page 5
Terms, Expressions, Equations and Identities
Using Algebra
The examples below, give you an idea of the notation you will be expected In algebra, letters are used to stand for values that can
to use with algebra: change (variables) or for values that are not known (unknowns).

• A term is a number or letter on its own, or numbers and

letters multiplied together, such as −2, 3x or 5a2

• An expression is a set of terms combined using the

operations +, – , x or ÷, for example 4x − 3 or x2 – xy + 17.

• An equation states that two expressions are equal in value,

for example 4b − 2 = 6.

• An identity is a statement that is true no matter what

values are chosen, for example 4a × a2 = 4a3.

Collecting ‘like’ terms

We use this skill to simplify expressions that have terms that are
the same


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Living things and their habitats

Animals Including humans

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Evolution and Inheritance

Page 9
Key Scripture
Key Words
Bible The Word of God. The Holy Book Multi- Faith More than one faith living in one society
for Christians Society
Jesus The Son of God Community A group of people living in the same place or
having a particular characteristic in common
Church Teachings of the Catholic church Belonging Be a member of (a particular group or
church Place of Christian worship Diversity A range of different things
Priest A Catholic religious leader One world Relating to or holding the view that the
world's citizens behave accordingly
Miracle Something that can’t be explained SVP Society of Saint Vincent de Paul, a Roman
by science so it must be God Catholic charity
Parable A story with a heavenly meaning Omnibenevolent The belief that God is all loving
told by Jesus
Catholic A group of Christians Omnipotent The belief that God is all powerful
Christianity A belief in Jesus Christ Omniscient The belief that God is all knowing
Pope Leader of the Catholic Church Community A group of people living in the same place or
having a particular characteristic in common
Crucifixion Jesus’ death on the cross Holy Spirit Part of the Trinity that is with us now
Resurrection Jesus rising from the dead


Page 10
Useful verbs

Greetings Tengo = I have Tenemos = We have Tiene = He/She has

Soy = I am Somos = we are Es = He/ She / it is
Estoy = I am Estamos = We are Esta = He / she is
Hola = hello Voy = I go Vamos = we go Va = He/ she goes
¿Qué tal? = How are you? Hago = I do Hacemos = We do Hace = He/she does
¿Cómo estas? = How are
Estoy bien = I’m great
Regular = not bad
Fatal = awful!
El Español Classroom language
¿Y tu? =and you? Repete por favor = repeat
Gracias = thank you please
Adiós! = Bye! Opinion phrases Puedo ir al baño por favor?=
Me gusta = I like can I go to the toilet please
Me encanta = I love Tienes un boli por favor? =do
No me gusta = I don’t like Scan this QR
Code for extra you have a pen please?
Odio = I hate resources:
Intensifiers Pienso que = I think that
Muy = very Creo que = I believe that
Bastante = quite
Un poco = a little

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Los números los colores
11= once Azul = blue
1 = uno 30 = treinta
12 = doce Rojo = red
2 = dos 40 = cuarenta
13= trece Verde = green
3 = tres 14 = catorce 50 = cincuenta
Naranja = orange
4 = cuatro 15 = quince 60 = sesenta
Rosa = pink
5 = cinco 16 = dieciseis 70 = setenta
Negro = black
6 = seis 17 = diecisiete 80 = ochenta
Marrón = brown
7 = siete 18 = dieciocho 90 = noventa
Gris = grey
8 = ocho 19 = diecinueve 100 = cien
Morado = purple
9 = nueve 20 = veinte 101 = ciento y uno
Amarillo = yellow
10 = diez 21 = veintiuno Blanco = white

Page 12
You will learn more
about all of these
areas as you develop
your knowledge
Personal Development is all about how we grow as a throughout your time
at St Cuthbert’s.
person. You will gain knowledge in lots of subjects across
all of your lessons.
These are the areas you will develop and need to know about:
• PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education)
• Citizenship – learning about how to be a good member of We encourage all of our
students to develop these
the community
• CEIAG ( Careers Education, Information, Advice and
• Character Education and Growth Mindset
• SMSC – Spiritual, Moral, Social, Cultural development
• British Values – Democracy; Individual Liberty; Respect; It is always important to try
Rule of Law; Responsibility; Tolerance to find solutions to your own
• Healthy Living problems.
• Equality and Diversity • Write down some worries
you or others could have
about starting school
• Now write down some things
Target setting – you or they could do to
overcome these worries
It is always important to have high expectations of
• Think about some problems
yourself. You are capable of achieving anything! you may have in school and
1. Write down what you want to do in the future or how you could overcome
where you see yourself in 15 years time. them yourself. Of course all
2. Write down how you will achieve this. the staff will be more than
happy to help you but it’s
good to try to solve things
yourself too
Watch this – on Compassion

Resource from: Page 13

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