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Perbandingan umum antara proses

fosintesis dan respirasi
Perhitungan Respirasi
Sumber-sumber penentuan laju respirasi:
1. CHO  jumlah perubahan kecil

2. O2 (konsumsi)
3. CO2 (dilepaskan)
4. H2O (dilepaskan)  variabel, jumlah tak signifikan

5. Heat  sulit diukur, dengan calorimeter

• accumulation of CO2 or
depletion (penipisan) of O2
in a sealed container
• after a specific duration,
non-equilibrium system
(depletion of O2,
accumulation of CO2, C2H4
may affect the respiration
Sistem Aliran

• ventilated with a known

flow rate, differences
between the inlet and
Metode Pengukuran CO2
1. absorption in KOH solution and titration
2. absorption on ascarite and weight
3. colorimetric method
4. IR (Infrared gas analyzer): most sensitive; ppm level, CO2 absorbs IR
5. GC (Gas Chromatograph): quick and easy, detector: TCD (thermal
conductivity detector), column: Porapak Q
6. Orsat gas analyzer: determine CO2 and O2 in large gas samples and
CA storage rooms, reduction in volume of the air sample (KOH to
absorb CO2, alkaline pyrogallol to absorb O2)
7. Gastec: Gastec Corporation Tokyo, Japan
Metode Pengukuran O2
• Some people prefer to measure O2: CO2 may be fixed or
released by mechanism other than respiration.
1. volumetric method  Warburg respirometer
2. GC: TCD detector, molecular sieves
3. O2 analyzer: paramagnetic property  O2: paramagnetic
(change magnetic field)
4. silver electrode: very effective in solution
Measuring the respiration of an avocado
Changes to oxygen gas (%) and carbon dioxide gas
(ppm) over 60 minutes with single avocado
Respiratory Quotient (RQ)

• RQ = moles of CO2 produced / moles of O2 used = ml of

CO2 produced / ml of O2 used  mg data must be changed.
If RQ = 1  sugar metabolism
C6H12O6 + 6 O2 = 6 CO2 + 6 H2O
If RQ > 1  organic acids (oxygenated substrate)
malate + 3 O2 = 4 CO2 + 3 H2O RQ=1.3
If RQ < 1  fat metabolism (the substrate has an O/C ratio less than
that of hexose),

C18H36O2 (stearic acid)+ 26 O2 = 18 CO2 + 18 H2O RQ=0.7

Respiratory Quotient (RQ)
• Very high RQ indicates anaerobic respiration.
• RQ may be affected by physical causes (differences in
solubility and diffusion coefficients of gases).
• Low O2 causes partial anaerobic conditions resulting in
excess CO2 evolution compared to O2 consumed.
• Under CA conditions RQ value is high because of low
O2 concentration.

CA = controlled atmosphere
Pengaruh Suhu Terhadap RQ
• The rate of respiration increases as the temperature increases from
above freezing point up to the temperature that induce heat injury.
Respiration terminates at the thermal death point.
Pengaruh Suhu Terhadap RQ

Decreased respiration rate at high temperature.

1. The rate of O2 penetration limits respiration.
2. CO2 accumulates in the cells to a level that
inhibits metabolism.
3. The supply of substrates may be inadequate.
Initial Discussion
• Apa yang dimaksud dengan morfologi?
• Terdapat perubahan morfologi &
kimiawi produk pertanian selama
pematangan. Apa maksudnya?
• Sebutkan masing-masing perubahan
yang terjadi!
• Berikan ilustrasi untuk setiap jenis
perubahan tesebut diatas!
Fase Pertumbuhan

• Pada fase apa produk pertanian biasanya dapat

• Produk climacteric (mangga, pisang dsb) dapat dipanen
pada fase maturation, tetapi non-climacteric (strawberry,
orange harus dipanen pada fase ripening. Mengapa?
Some major changes take place as fruits ripen

1. Changes in carbohydrate composition, resulting in

sugar accumulation and increased sweetness;
2. Change in colour;
3. Flesh softening and textural change;
4. Formation of aroma volatiles;
5. Accumulation of organic acids with associated
development of flavours
How to tell when a mango is ripe?
✓ Sweetness? .......................
✓ Colour ? .......................
✓ Softness? Texture? .......................
✓ Aroma? .......................
✓ Flavours .......................
How to tell when a papaya is ripe?
✓ Sweetness? .......................
✓ Colour ? .......................
✓ Softness? Texture? .......................
✓ Aroma? .......................
✓ Flavours .......................
Tomato Puncak produksi ethylene dan
respirasi terjadi pada saat awal
pematangan  sesaat setelah
tanda awal warna merah di
permukaan tomat terlihat
(IG, immature green; MG, mature
green; BR, breaker; PK, pink; LR, light
red; RR, red ripe; OR, over ripe)

Puncak produksi ethylene terjadi

sangat lambat saat pelunakan
daging buah telah terjadi & buah
hampir pada tahap pematangan

Ethylene evolution & respiration (measured as CO2 production)

undergo a rapid increase then decline as fruit ripen & soften
Respiratory output of CO2 can undergo
dramatic change as fruits ripen.
Beberapa perubahan kimiawi
selama pematangan produk

▪ Changes in carbohydrates
▪ Changes in organic acids
▪ Loss of chlorophyll (green colour)
Changes in carbohydrates

▪ Starch to sugar conversion (undesirable in potatoes, desirable

in apple, banana and other fruits)
▪ Sugar to starch conversion (undesirable in peas and sweet
corn; desirable in potatoes)
▪ Conversion of starch and sugars to carbon dioxide and
water through respiration.
▪ Breakdown of pectins & other polysaccharides  softening
of fruits and a consequent increase in risk to mechanical injuries.
▪ Increased lignin content is responsible for toughening of
asparagus spears and root vegetables.
Changes in organic acids

▪ Changes in organic acids, proteins, amino acids, and

lipids can influence flavour quality of commodity.
▪ Loss in vitamin content, especially ascorbic acid
(vitamin C) is detrimental to nutritional quality;
▪ Production of flavour volatiles associated with
ripening of fruits is very important to their eating
Loss of chlorophyll (green color)

▪ It is desirable in fruits but not in vegetables.

▪ Development of carotenoids (yellow and orange
colours) is desirable in fruits and apricots, peaches and
▪ Red colour development in tomatoes and pink
grapefruits is due to a specific carotenoid (lycopene);
beta-carotene is provitamin A and thus is important in
nutritional quality.
• Jenis penyusutan  kuantitatif & kualitatif  terjadi pada
produk pertanian pada masa antara panen hingga
• Tujuan kita  meminimalkan penyusutan tersebut dengan
cara yaitu: kita harus
– Memahami faktor biologis dan lingkungan yang
terlibat/mempengaruhi penyusutan pasca panen,
– Menggunakan prosedur & teknologi pasca panen tepat
guna yang dapat memperlambat penyusutan dan
menjaga mutu dan kemanan produk
Quantitative and Qualitative Losses
❑ Qualitative losses  loss in edibility, nutritional quality,
caloric value, and consumer acceptability of the products
❑ Qualitative losses  much more difficult to assess than
quantitative losses.
❑ Standards of quality, consumer preferences & purchasing
power  vary greatly among countries and cultures.
❑ Postharvest losses vary greatly among commodities and
production areas and seasons
✓ USA  2 to 23%, for fresh fruits and vegetables
✓ Developing countries  vary greatly from 1 to 50%
▪ Include respiration rate, ethylene production and
action, rates of compositional changes (associated
with color, texture, flavor, and nutritive value),
mechanical injuries, water stress, sprouting and
rooting, physiological disorders, and pathological
▪ The rate of biological deterioration depends on
several environmental (external) factors, including
temperature, RH, air velocity, and atmospheric
composition (concentrations of oxygen, carbon
dioxide, and ethylene), and sanitation procedures.
▪ Inadequate Marketing Systems  producers need a fast,
and equitable means of getting commodities to the consumers

▪ Inadequate Transportation Facilities  In most developing

countries, roads are not adequate for proper transport of crops.

▪ Government Regulations and Legislations  regulations

covering proper handling procedures & public health aspects during
marketing are, if enforced properly, very important to the consumer.

▪ Unavailability of Needed Tools and Equipment

▪ Lack of Information  producers have limited or no appreciation
for the need for, or how, to maintain quality

▪ Poor Maintenance  frequently occured in developing countries

Marketing Systems

handling steps for a
typical commodity
Inadequate Transportation Facilities
Can we expect good quality product?
Contoh Penyebab Mendasar
Penyusutan Mutu Pascapanen

• Penanganan yang kasar dan pendinginan masih belum

• Kesenjangan dalam sortasi untuk menyisihkan produk
yang rusak sebelum disimpan  kegagalan memisahkan
produk rusak sebelum penyimpanan dapat memfasilitasi
• Penggunaan bahan kemasan yang tidak memadai
menambah permasalahan
It shoud be in our mind set

✓ Minimizing postharvest losses is a very effective way of reducing

the area needed for production & increasing food availability
✓ Solving the postharvest food distribution problems  require
cooperation & effective communication among all the research,
extension, and industry personnel involved.
✓ Solutions to existing problems in the postharvest handling system
 require use of available information and application of
available technologies at the appropriate scale rather than
conducting new research, or developing new technologies.
✓ Overcoming the socioeconomic constraints is essential to
achieving the goal of reducing postharvest food losses.
Thank You

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