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Which is the better breed: Labrador or

Golden Retriever?

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Art Abshire (Cage to Friends)

Raised, rescued and trained Golden Retrievers since
1998. · Author has 3.8K answers and 5.6M answer
views · Updated 2y

So which is better, a golden retriever or

Labrador retriever?
Neither is better than the other!

Despite sharing the word “Retriever” these two are very

different and totally unrelated breeds. Having raised,
trained, and lived with both breeds over 60 years, I
have a rather firm base for comparison.

You can find countless narratives on the postive

descriptions, traits and reasons to possibly acquire
each breed. So I'm not going to bother.


Here are some negative only (for me anyway)

observations regarding the two breeds that might help
in you deciding on your own.

(Note: there are ALWAYS exceptions).


Labs are very energetic, even frenetic, far into

their adult years. Outdoors, this can be fun,
entertaining, and even useful to some. Indoors
or in a crowd it's more like an old Disney film,
but usually without a laugh track. Even when
trained not to jump or charge they can still
easily bowl over (and drag) end tables,
strollers, senior walkers, high chairs, Christmas
trees, picnics, entire birthday parties, babies,
toddlers, elderly, injured, infirmed, ill or merely
distracted adults...and have no idea it
happened. This is usually accomplished by
taking a flight path that slightly intersects that
of something or someone else. These
unintended Aikido skills can be distracting,
alarming, expensive and even dangerous
under the wrong circumstances. Labs are born
like this and have to be trained to be calm
when something suddenly catches their
attention or if they're just in a happy mood.

By the time Labs are 6 months months old that

thick muscle-filled tail (designed to steer and
propel it through water) becomes a freaking
softball bat indoors, around tools, antique
furniture, precious breakables and upon the
backs of your legs, side of your arthritic knees
and across your napping face. You may find
items of art or sentimental value being stored
in rental sheds for years at a time. I'll only
allude to the cacophony of Japanese drum
percussion they produce wagging against
doors, hollow walls, fridge, cabinets, couch
arms, Nana’s wheelchair and night stands at
0500 hrs.

Labs chew…a lot…and anything…up to three

years of age if not taught firmly what they can
masticate, and keep those items readily
available at all times. Tennis balls can be a
mental and material lifesaver…if you can ignore
being nudged eternally in the leg with soggy
velvet covered spheres.


Goldens require daily, at least weekly,

grooming. Unless they've gotten into mud,
skunks, or burrs, this is nothing more than
running a grooming rake with attention to the
base of their ears, haunches, tail, under the tail
and their feathers to prevent matting. Unlike
Labs, Goldens have a dense undercoat that
blows out at least twice a year with the
weather. If you deal with this yourself you'll
find, after an hour or so, that your Golden has
produced a whole other dog volume worth of
itself in potential pillow fill. I'd strongly advise
doing blow out grooming outside, in the open,
in the shade (you do NOT want to sweat,
unless you enjoy the Ewok look), on a windy
day, and facing UP-wind!

I cant stress enough that Goldens are bred to

be human bonded dogs (i.e. preferring humans
to canines). Thus, they do not handle being
chained, fenced or even left alone for great
periods of time very well. I've spy-filmed mine
when left alone all day and they mope… all -
day - long. So you may need to “care” them
out at a quality doggy daycare or have
someone you trust to dog sit if you'll be gone
longer than a normal work or school day. They
don't mope quite so bad, or act out, if they
have another animal companion.

Goldens retrieve…the weirdest things, at the

oddest of times (usually while I'm napping on
the coach or have gone to bed). I've had them
lay out before me (completely whole and
unmarred) wild baby bunnies, whole intact
giant slices of pizza, wild baby ducks, paint-
filled house brushes, toilet plungers, loaves of
bread, my mother in law’s intimates, a visitor's
bag of weed, and a law enforcement officer's
back up weapon. ALL in the most incredible
state of sogginess.

Golden have a long broad feathered tail that

gets stepped upon, slipped upon, caught in
cabinets, fridge and bedroom doors,
vacuumed up with dog still attached. This
invariably induces a startled response from a
muscular 75 pound dog that can literally lift
you off your feet during said response.

Goldens make rather large, lumpy, and ever

present toilet and kitchen sink rugs while you
are in attendance.

Goldens never grow out of the desire and need

for a woobie…and never has too many of them.


The biggest negative with both breeds is that

they burrow derp into your heart but don't
bother to live forever. To make things more
difficult, they both gradually go grey, then
white, in the face, thus portending to you daily
(after 8–10 years) a hard, emotional - and
sometimes devastating - hole in your life

(EDITING NOTE: I had an enormous amount of difficulty

writing this on my phone as it kept disappearing, thus
needing to be put in edit mode several times to
complete. I apologize to any who were viewing it in the
fetal stages.)

Edit II - Thanks for all your wonderful comments. Due to

our age and health, TJ (pictured below) is/was our last
Retriever (a Golden) who gave us over 14 incredible
years of pure friendship, loyalty, laughter, memories
and love. That was the morning of our last day together.
Our vet made a special visit out to our home to keep
him as comfortable and his passing as sweet and
peaceful as could ever be asked. We are so thankful for
all our canine kids that graced our long lives with their
all too short ones. We hope they felt the same, though
they would have shown their same love and devotion
for us regardless. We tried to always be good stewards.

Holly (field trial champion), TJ (6 mos old) and Danny

(multi champion show dog) taking a break during open
field training.

TJ with a goodbye kiss for Dad. His last day was an

exceptionally special and memorable one with just
enough energy to get about a bit and enjoy both the
weather outside and his loving family one last time.

My best boy.
133.4K views · View upvotes · View 15 shares

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Related questions (More answers below)

What's the difference between a Labrador and a

Golden Retriever?

Do Golden Retrievers bark less than Labrador

Retrievers? I’ve also read that Goldens shed less
than Labs. Is this true? Of the two breeds, which
one would you prefer?

Why are golden retrievers less popular than


What is the difference between Labrador and

Labrador Retriever?

Which is better, Labrador retriever or Golden

Retriever for kids?

Sierra Schwartz
Lives in Minneapolis, MN · Author has 909 answers and
8.3M answer views · 4y

RelatedWhich is better, a Labrador or a Golden

I grew up around black labs but I switched teams.

Golden's are MUCH more mellow. They are thrilled to

go hike in the woods with you but also content to
lounge around the house.

They have better coats. Have you ever vacuumed lab

fur? It's short and coarse and gets lodged in to
upholstery, carpet, clothing. Golden fur is soft, silky and
fluffy. They both shed like crazy but golden fur is easy
to vacuum.

When I think of labs I think of mania. Running off

chasing a cat, chewing up furniture, jumping up on
people… I think Golden's are as happy as a lab but
minus the hyperness.

Plus Golden's are so beautiful..

25.2K views · View upvotes · View 2 shares

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Tina Bauer
Owner of two golden retrievers · Author has 793
answers and 34.7M answer views · Updated 3y ·

Related Why are golden retrievers so popular?

Here’s a few reasons why i love my golden retriever
(technically my mom’s, but I’ll have one some day!)

* he is very gentle with babies and small children or

children with special needs. He can sense how he’s
supposed to behave around different people. He
doesn’t get up and run away from children even when
they crawl on him and pokeReading
Continue him in the eye or pull his
hair. He’ll give you the most pitiful
3.6K 12 13

Ann Rangel
Partner · Nov 26

Related Which dog breed is more friendly and

loyal, the golden retriever or Labrador Retriever?
I’ve had both breeds and both are wonderful. I would
not turn around for the difference. Our British Cream
Labrador Retriever was extremely calm and intelligent.
I’ve heard American Labs have a different temperament
than the British Creams. I currently have the pleasure of
sharing my life with two Goldens. Very sweet breed.
6 2

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Related questions (More answers below)

Which dog is better for an elderly, Golden

Retriever or Labrador?

Do Labrador retrievers smell bad compared to

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Which dog barks more, a golden retriever or a

Labrador retriever?

Which dog breed is more affectionate: German

Shepherd, Labrador or Golden Retriever?

Are labrador retrievers good inside dogs?


Marco Guardigli
I am a happy dog owner of a great Golden Retriever ·
Author has 436 answers and 2.1M answer views · 6y
Originally Answered: What is the better breed: Labrador or Golden

I guess both breeds are great.

I live with Loti, a Golden Retriever that i adopted after

he suffered for the death of his previous owner.

This is my first dog.

Loti is 5 years old now, and is with me for almost 4


Continue Reading

152 6

Stephen Massie
Author has 109 answers and 334.7K answer views · 6y
Originally Answered: What is the better breed: Labrador or Golden

Wow, I love both breeds so much both for their

similarities and for their differences, that I’m almost
offended that someone would ask which is just “better”.

Both breeds really represent, probably better than any

other breed, the great qualities we come to think of
when we think about dogs. Both are happy, extremely
loyal, extremely loving, extremely smart, and both love
to play with toys, swim, chase, and interact with people
and other dogs. They’re eager to learn and so easy to
teach, both a good looking dog, both have little in the
way of health problems, areReading
Continue adaptable to weather (you
50 1

Loti is simply
Sponsored a wonderful
by Grid News creature. He is tender, loving,
playful, caring. He is smart and intelligent.
The U.S. and China could go to war over Taiwan.
In war over Taiwanwe
the beginning, would likely
had to involve
learn the largest
accepting and
each other,
and complex
had toamphibious
learn some invasion ever
rules. That mounted.
was natural and
Read More
Loti had some health issues in the beginning, and he is
now ok.
590I feed him with natural food, and only very
rarely with industrial dog food. I enjoy taking care of

Sudha Salian
Crazy dog lady, mother of a black lab, a golden
retriever & a rottweiler!! · Author has 61 answers and
344.1K answer views · 7y
Originally Answered: Whats the better breed: Labrador or Golden

This is as good as asking, do you love your left or the

right eye :)

I have both a labrador retriever and a golden retriever.

Both breeds have different personalities. Their
temperaments are good(as long as they trained well).
Talking of training, frankly, goldens are easily trainable
than labs.

Technically, both the breeds were raised to do the same

task - retrieving. But they are completely different from
each other both in appearance and behavior. As labs
get older, more than 2 years that is, they tend to
become couch potatoes unless,
Continue they are of a very high
energy. Goldens on the other hand,
42 3

Jan Aronsen
Author has 255 answers and 2.9M answer views · 9mo

What would you prefer for a pet: a

German Shepherd or a Labrador?

6.4K 20 59

Hannah Madden
Author has 17.8K answers and 21.3M answer views · 1y

I’m going to say both.

These are my Golden Retriever/Lab mix dogs; they

normally cost about $4500 from a breeder, but I each
one for free from different owners.

They were smarter than labs, but more calm; being

easy to train, but also obeying without question; and
they don’t usually have the health problems of either
one (I had 2 pure labs die on me at ages 6 and 7).
Continue Reading

They were also hyper-social; with the male preferring to

socialize with other dogs, leading the local pack; while
the female led her own pack of female Goldens.
Jenny Lynne Elledge
I also don’t prefer
I've had dogslong-hair
all my life-dogs, while
the last the have
16 years lab fur is
more prevalent i Retrievers. · Author has 51 answers and
with Labrador
246.5K answer views · 6y
Originally Answered: What is the better breed: Labrador or Golden

I think Golden Retreivers are wonderful dogs. However,

I love the Lab.

This year (2016) Labrador Retrievers were again

recognized as the most popular breed in the United
States for the 25th consecutive year, the longest reign
of any one breed, according to 2015 AKC registration

Why? The Lab is extremely popular due to its versatility

and family-friendly disposition. The breed is eager to
please, making it easier to train than other breeds…
Labs excel at a wide range of activities and make
excellent companions for different
Continue Readingtypes of people…The
Lab can do it all. They are great swimmers and l
156 2 21

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one would you prefer?

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Labrador Retriever?

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Which dog barks more, a golden retriever or a

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