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Directorybox Documentation

Server & php.ini requirements for Directory box Theme

In this article, we will be learning how to “Import Demos”. Importing demo content is always a big challenge with WordPress themes,
but we have made this easier. Just a few steps and you will have your site just like our demo content.

1. Recommended Plugin Installation

To begin with, first you need to have theme and recommended plugins installed and activated on your site.
WP-Directorybox Manager (our custom post type management plugin)
Directory Box Framework (necessary includes and functionality supports are included with this plugin)
CS Icons Manager (For the icons management)
Slider Revolution (for slider management)

2. PHP.ini’s Post and memory configurations

Okay, Once you have installed these, then navigate to Directory / Import demo data in wordpress admin dashboard. To have demo
data as per live demo you need to ensure following configurations in your php.ini file.
upload_max_filesize * = min 128M
memory_limit * = min 256M
post_max_size * = min 128M (For large data websites, post_max_size needs to be increased as per need)
max_execution_time * above 300
allow_url_fopen * should be enabled in your php.ini file to help import demo data from other API server. (You can disable after
successful import!)
max_input_vars * above 5000
- cURL Support should be enabled in php.ini
- Zip should be enabled in php.ini
- Json Support should be enabled in php.ini
- XML Support should be enabled in php.ini

Note: Memory Unit must have to be “M” to get recognized by demo importer. !

3. Installing Demo

If these settings match your configurations in PHP.ini file, then you will see green tick marks which means all requirements are okay.
As these settings are already met, click on next step and you will see a screen asking you to put purchase code*
*You can find you purchase code from your theme forest dashboard > Downloads >DirectoryBox> purchase code. If you
already used your purchase code and giving error: “THE PURCHASE CODE IS BEING USED ON ANOTHER SITE. PLEASE
DEREGISTER IT FROM THERE AND THEN TRY AGAIN”. Than follow article to deregister and release your purchase code

* Input your valid purchase code, after validation, you will see list of demos available to import. Select demo of your choice, lets
select default DirectoryBox demo and click on next.

You will see link of items to import. Let all of them checked and click on next.
A screen will appear showing demo data is being imported, it usually takes 1 minute to 5 minutes depending upon your server
settings and internet speed. For me, it gets imported in less then a minutes. Upon completion, you will see a success message saying
all demo has been imported.
How to Register/login via Member account?
This article will explain how to enable registration on DirectoryBox Theme. Here are simple instructions to do that
1- First, enable the membership option so that registration options should be visible on front-end from. You can do it here;
Dashboard/ Settings / General / Membership / Check anyone can register
Disable the Demo user by going to Admin dashboard/ WP DB / Settings / Advance settings / Demo user login -> OFF
2- Now, navigate to plugin settings to enable user login dashboard. You can do it here ;
Dashboard / WP DB / Settings / General options/ User login dashboard -> ON
Now click “Join Us” button from front-end to get registered on DirectoryBox site, SignUp email will be sent to you containing
Directory theme provides the option to Enable/Disable the User Auto Approval for that navigate to
Dashboard / WP DB / Settings / Account settings / User Auto Approval
User Auto Approval: If this switch set to ON new user will be auto approved. If switch is set to OFF admin will have to approve the
new user.
If the user Auto Approval is OFF then admin have to activate the user account by going to Admin Dashboard / WP DB / Members
/Account settings/ profile status
SMTP settings in Directory box Theme
DirectoryBox theme brought the stunning feature of SMTP. You can configure your SMTP setting from your WP-admin dashboard.

Why to use SMTP

o Send email using a SMTP sever.
o You can use Gmail’s SMTP server if you have an account with them.
o Seamlessly connect your WordPress blog with a mail server to handle all outgoing emails (it’s as if the email has been
composed inside your mail account).
o Securely deliver emails to your recipients.

SMTP General Settings

The general settings section consists of the following options

1. Enable SMTP: to enable sending email with SMTP configurations.

2. SMTP Host: Your outgoing mail server (example:
3. SMTP Port: The port that will be used to relay outbound mail to your mail server (example: 465)
4. Secure connection prefix: SSL/TLS
5. Use SMTPAuth: No/Yes (This option should always be checked “Yes”)
6. SMTP username: The username that you use to login to your mail server
7. SMTP Password: The password that you use to login to your mail server
8. Sender e-mail: The email address that will be used to send emails to your recipients
9. Sender name: The name your recipients will see as part of the “from” or “sender” value when they receive your message
10. Enable debugging? This option is only for developers use if you want to debug your email sending issues. By default, this
option should be turned OFF.
Gmail Account Verification and Authentication
1. Login via Your Google account and enable both these extensions first to allow email for your google account.
2. After enabling above extensions add your Google account smtp details in settings.
3. Now check registration email from frontend. Make sure to enable extensions for the email that you used to register as according
to latest google policies email will receive after enabling these filters on your accounts.

After that email should have to receive via your Gmail account. All done!
How to add yelp places and nearby places on single detail page?
DirectoryBox theme provides the option to Enable/Disable the Yelp Places and nearby Places from the single detail page. Navig ate:

Dashboard / WP DB / Listing Types / Select Desire Listing Type /Listing Detail

option/Nearby Element and Yelp Places Element
Near By Element: If switch is set to “OFF” the nearby section with the listings will not be showing on the listing’s detail page for
this type
Yelp Places Element: If switch is set to “OFF” the yelp place won’t be showing on the listing’s detail p age for this type, even if it is
enabled from the listing’s settings.
How to add prices in Directory box Theme.
DirectoryBox theme provide the option to enable/Disable the price option while adding and updating the listing. Navigate to

Dashboard / WP DB / Listing Types / Select Desire Listing Type / General Settings / Price
Price Option for Listings: If set to “OFF” the listings in this type will not have the price options while adding / updating them.
Minimum Price on search filters: This will be the minimum option on the search filters for price.
Number of Price option: This will be the maximum number of price options on the search filters, You can add only maximum 50
Min – Max Interval: This will be the interval for the minimum and maximum options on search filters. e.g( if you have entered the
interval as “50” the options will be like 1-50-100-150 …. ).
Search Style: Select the field style to show on frontend.
How to Configure Facebook Social API keys in Directory box Theme
How to create and configure Facebook API keys?
**Firstly make sure SSL is installed on your site (i.e Your site links should be like https://{Your website}). Don’t use any plugin to make your
site ssl secure. You may ask your hosting provider to install ssl on your site.
1. Login to Facebook Before creating a developer account, login in to your Facebook account.
2. Developer Account You’ll need Facebook developer account to get started. If you don’t have one, upgrade your personal Facebook
account to a Facebook Developer account now. Skip this step, if you already have a developer account.
3. Create new Facebook app Choose My Apps in the header navigation and select Add a New App.
4. Choose a Name Choose a name for your app and add your email

5. Choose the product facebook login

6. Choose Platform Choose the platform you want to add. If your app is on multiple platforms, you’ll be able to add them to your Facebook
app later.
7. Add site URL add the url of your site in quickstart’s web section.

8. Follow “Quick Start” Steps The quick start wizard will help you to set up your Facebook app for the selected platform. You can come
back to the quick start wizard at a later time to either continue your setup or add a new platform to your app.
9. Navigate to “Settings” under Facebook login Add your site url and redirect url under “Valid OAuth Redirect URIs”(i.e https://{Your
website} & https://{Your website}/index.php?social-login=facebook-callback).

10. App ID Your app will have a unique app ID. You will use this ID whenever you use one of our SDKs or Open Graph tags for sharing.
You can find your app ID in your app’s dashboard.
11. Add Your Domain Add your app domain(i.esite url) , “privacy policy” and “terms and services” page url under “BASIC” settings. Also,
select a category for your app.
12. Allow API access Turn on api access to app settings.
12. Protect your App Secret Facebook auto-generates an app secret associated with your application. The application secret
authenticates requests made by your application to Facebook servers and should be treated like a password. Do not output your Facebook
application secret in your webpage markup; be careful when committing files containing this value into source control software such as a
public Git or Subversion repository.
13. Contact Email You need to add a contact email for each app. Go to your app’s dashboard and select the navigation item Settings in the
left sidebar and provide a valid contact email.
15.Disable Development Mode New Facebook apps exist in development mode by default. This limits published actions and related
objects such as friend tagging to Facebook Timelines owned by a developer of the application. Once your application is ready for public use
you can switch from development mode to public mode to allow your app to interact with Facebook accounts not associated with your app.
16.Add Your keys to Site After creating App, Add API keys in API settings and all done! WP DB/ Settings / API settings / Facebook
Directorybox Single Listing Options
Mortgage Calculator settings
Minimum Lease Year: Enter minimum lease year for mortgage calculator, which is to be shown in listing detail page, if in “Listing
Types” mortgage calculator switch is to be “ON”
Maximum Lease Year: Enter maximum lease year for mortgage calculator, which is to be shown in listing detail page, if in “Listing
Types” mortgage calculator switch is to be “ON”
Description: Please add text shows at bottom of the mortgage calculator.
DirectoryBox theme also provide the option to Enable/Disable the Mortgage calculator from the Listing detail page for that naviga te:

Dashboard / WP DB / Listing Types / Select the Listing Type /Listing Detail option
Directorybox API Settings
How to create and configure Twitter API keys

How to Generate Twitter API Key, Consumer Token, Access Key for Twitter OAuth?
To make things straight, you have to create a Twitter application to generate Twitter API Keys, Access Token and secret keys and so
on. To use Twitter counter widget and other Twitter related widgets, you need OAuth access keys. To get Twitter Access keys, you
need to create Twitter Application which is mandatory to access Twitter.

 Go to and log in. if necessary

 Enter your Application Name, Description and your website address. You can leave the callback URL empty.
Two codes obtained now lets Create Access Token for OAuth Click on KEYS and access tokens like following screenshot
 Submit the form by clicking the Create your Twitter Application
 Two codes obtained now lets Create Access Token for OAuth Click on KEYS and access tokens like following screenshot
And click on generate my access token. Like below screen! Copy following keys from above screen
 Consumer key

 Consumer secret

 Access token
 Access token secret

And copy them to: WP DB / Settings / API Settings / Twitter

And you have setup your twitter APP.

How to create and configure LinkedIn API Settings for DirectoryBox theme

How to configure API Settings for LinkedIn?

1. Log into the LinkedIn Developer Center at:

2. Click the “MY APS” link.

3. Click the “Add New Application” link and fill in the following required fields:

Company Info
1. Company – Choose to add an existing company or create a new company.

Application Info
1. Application Name – Enter your application name, usually your site’s name.

2. Description – A short description of your site

3. Application Logo

4. Application Use – Select a use for your application.

5. Website URL – Home page URL where the integration will go live. This should end in a / (ex:

6. Business Email:

7. Business Phone:

Check to agree the terms and click submit.

You will see following screen
“Copy client ID” “And client secret”
and paste into WP DB / Settings / API Settings /LinkedIn

You have configured LinkedIn API

How to create and configure reCaptcha API Settings
How to configure Captcha API Settings?
Step 1 First, you need to have an API key, for this, go to To gain access to this page,

you’ll need to be logged into a Google account. You’ll be asked to register your website, so give it a suitable name, then li st domains

(for example where this particular reCAPTCHA will be used. Subdomains (such as and are automatically taken into account.

Step 2 Once done, you’ll be given a site key and its partner secret key:
Copy and paste both site key and secret key by logging-in to your site under:

wp-admin /WP DB/ settings / api settings /reCaptcha

and you are done with configurations.

How to Configure Yelp API APP and secret keys for nearby places
Yelp / Nearby places puts your Listing in front of consumers nearby who are looking to make a purchase. Lots of consumers use
Yelp every day to make purchase decisions. DirectoryBox Theme offer Yelp Ads feature helps your Listing when consumers search
for a business like yours. Create an app on Yelp’s Developers site In order to set up your access to Yelp Fusion API, you need to
create an app with Yelp. This app represents the application you’ll build using our API and includes the credentials you’ll n eed to
gain access. Here are the steps for creating an app” 1. Go to Create App or
2. Put your app Id and app secret key in your API settings by follow the path:

WP DB / Settings/API Settings / Yelp / Put your appID and secret key here / Save all Settings.

2. Click on the link , Now you will get your access token for your yelp API.
How to configure Walkscore API Settings for DirectoryBox Theme
DirectoryBox Theme comes with WalkScore feature. WalkScore is a number between 0 and 100 that measures the walkability of any
address. For each address, Walk Score analysis hundreds of walking routes to nearby amenities. Points are awarded based on th e
distance to amenities in each category. To enable Walk Score on your DirectoryBox listings following below steps: 1. Register for an
API from your Walkscore account here:
2. Get and copy Walk Score API Key at: Dashboard / WP DB / Settings / API settings / Walk Score API Key

3. Enable Walk Score on DirectoryBox listings from: Dashboard / WP DB / Listing Types / Listing Detail Options / Walk Scores
4. Once, You will add Walk Score API key, they will appear on DirectoryBox Listings detail page.

Directorybox Listing Types

Directory Box Theme Reviews Settings
DirectoryBox Theme Provide the option to Enable/Disable the Review from the Listing Detail Page. Navigate :

Dashboard / WP DB / Listing Type / Review/Comment

Review & Ratings : Turn this switch “OFF” to disable the review and ratings on the listing.
Auto Approve Reviews/Comments: If the switch is set to “ON” the reviews and comments will get approved automatically
Use reviews as Comments : Set this switch to “ON” if you don’t want to use the reviews but the comments, This switch will convert
all the reviews into the comments.
Load More Reviews/Comments Option : If switch is set to “ON” the load more button will be added in the bottom of reviews listing
to see older reviews.
Review Min Length: While adding the review user will have to enter the minimum characters mentioned in this field before they can
Review Max Length: While adding the review user can not enter the characters more than mentioned in this field.
Number of reviews to list : Enter the number of reviews you want to list on listing detail page.

How to set location levels and add locations?

This article will explain how to set location levels and add locations on DirectoryBox Theme. Here are simp le instructions to do that
1- First, add the locations you want from. You can do it here;

Dashboard / WP DB / Locations
To add Country: Dashboard >> WP DB >> Locations >> Add Location (No parent Location)
To add State: Dashboard >> WP DB >> Locations >> Add Location (Select country name as parent Location)
To add city: Dashboard >> WP DB >> Locations >> Add Location (Select state name as parent Location)
To add Town: Dashboard >> WP DB >> Locations >> Add Location (Select city name as parent Location)
2- Then,set the location levels. You can do it here;
Dashboard / WP DB / Settings / Location settings / Set Locations Levels &
Location’s Fields Selector
How to install Directory box Theme and plugins
Installing Directorybox Theme Via WordPress:

Make sure you have following server and php.ini configurations to install Theme and plugins. Server & php.ini requirements for
Directory box Theme
Follow the steps below to install the theme via WordPress:
Step 1 – Navigate to Appearance > Themes.
Step 2 – Click Install Themes and hit the upload button.
Step 3 – Find the “Directory” file on your computer and click “Install Now”
Step 4 – Once uploaded, activate the theme. Go to Appearance > Themes and activate it.
Step 5 – Then you will see a notification message to activate the required & recommended plugins. Follow the steps to install
and activate each plugin.
Attention Note! You can upload .zip files in this method of theme installation. No other format is accepted there, and, result will be
error in installation.

Installation Via FTP

Follow the steps below to install theme via FTP

Step 1 – Connect/Login to your hosting via FTP software (FileZilla, CuteFTP etc). Once you have downloaded and installed the
program you’ll be able to launch the program and proceed with configuring the settings to allow your computer to communicate with
your web host account.
Step 2 To configure FileZilla to connect to your website please select “File” then“Site Manager”.
Step 3. A “Site Manager” window will show up. Click on the “New Site” button and enter a name for the new connection settings.
(You can name it anything, but best to name with your domain name to keep it straight so that you know where it takes you to).
Step 4. Now you need to fill in your FTP account information in the box on the right side of the screen. Please enter “Host name” (
ftp address), “Server Type” ( FTP), “User Name and Password” ( your web host account password) which are all available from
your webhost.

Step 5. Then click on “Connect” and cross your fingers that you have entered the correct information in the right boxes. If
you entered the information correctly it will connect with your server and populate the area on the right side of the program with
folders that shows your website files on the server, ( the left side of the screen displays and gives you access to your loca l folders on
your computer.
Step 6. One of the folders you see is your website main directory. Typically if your webhost uses a cPanel server, your main root
directory is called “public_html”.Your WordPress files should be in that file. The main WordPress files that a begin ner needs to
work with is in a folder called “wp-content”. This is the file where you will find you “Plugins” folder as well as your “Themes” folders.
Step 7. To get new plugins or themes added to your WordPress Install through FTP, download zipped files of plugins and or themes
to your computer. When downloaded, extract them to a file on your computer. Drag the unzipped plugin or theme files, individu ally
into either the plugin or the theme file as the case may be.
Step 8. Go to the WordPress dashboard and go to “Appearance”, “Themes” and see that your new theme now shows up in the list
of themes. The downloaded theme should be there. If not refresh, and it should appear ready to be activated. The same with Pl ugins.
The downloaded Plugin should be in the list of “Plugins”and then you must activate it and configure each one as necessary.
Attention! If you face any problem in uploading purchased theme, just navigate FAQ’s section to get appropriate solution if still
problem persists open a ticket and Chimp Studio team is there to help at Chimp Support.
Plugin Installation

With the activation of Directory box Theme Help guide theme, you are prompted with admin notices that certain plugins are required
for the theme. Following plugins are need to be activated for Directory box theme to work properly.
1. WP-Directorybox Manager (Required)

2. Directory Box Framework(Required)

3. CS Icons Manager (Required)

4. Slider Revolution (Required)

5. Contact From 7 (Optional) This theme have custom contact form. For extended contact forms, activate this plugin.

6. Envato WordPress Toolkit (Optional) view your ThemeForest purchases within the WordPress dashboard and quickly update your
theme without losing any data & settings of theme.

You can activate these plugins by two methods;

1- Click the “Install Plugin” link which comes along with the admin notices to activate these plugins.
2- If you are prompted with any admin notices, you can activate these plugins by navigating to Appearance > Install Plugins
Note! Required plugins must be activated, otherwise theme will not function properly. However, optional plugins are your
choice. Activate them only if they are required.
Member/User Auto Approval Settings
This article will explain how to do Member/User Auto Approval Settings. Here are simple instructions to do that
1- First, enable the membership option so that registration options should be visible on front -end from. You can do it here;

Dashboard/ Settings / General / Membership / Check anyone can register

2- Now, navigate to plugin settings to enable user auto approval. You can do it here ;

Dashboard / WP DB / Settings / Account Settings / Turn ON “User Auto Approval”

How to configure Membership packages, price table and Ad listing
This article will explain how to configure Membership packages, price table and Ad listing button on DirectoryBox Theme. Here are
simple instructions to do that :
1- Firstly, add the packages you want from:

Dashboard / packages / Add new package

2-Then, to show these packages on “Price and Plan” page, assign the packages to price table from:

Dashboard / packages / price table

3-Assign “Default Template” to the page and Price Table to “DB:Pricing Plan” element
4-Assign price plan page in Wp DB settings

Dashboard >> Wp DB >> settings >> Assign listing submission Page and Price
Plan Page
How to post listing from frontend
This article will explain how to post listing from frontend on DirectoryBox Theme. Here are simple instructions to do that
1- First, Login from a DirectoryBox Member account and click on Add Listing button
2- Then,Select the package you want to post lisitng
3- Add all the information and click save and preview
How to add Listing types and categories
This article will explain how to add Listing types and categories on DirectoryBox Theme. Here are simple instructions to do that
1- Firstly, add the categories you want. You can do it here;

Dashboard / WP DB / Listing Categories

2- Then,add the Listing types and assign categories to them. You can do it here;

Dashboard / WP DB / Settings / Listing types

How to add Custom fields in Directorybox Theme
This article will explain how to add custom fields to listing types. Here are simple instructions to do that:
1- First, navigate to Listing types and edit the listing type in which you wish to add custom fields i.e services. You can do it here;

Dashboard/ WP DB / Listing Types / Edit Listing Type

2- Now, navigate to custom fields and add/change the custom fields you want ;
How internal messaging system works in Directory box Theme
This article will explain you how internal messaging system works in Directory box Theme.
1- Firstly, Login from a directory box member account
2- Then, open the listing of the member you want to connect and send the message using the contact form given in listing detail page
3- Member will receive your message in his/her dashboard
4- Receiver can reply to the message from same panel by clicking on it.
Submitted Messages option allow you to see the messages you posted to other users listings and Received Messages option allow you to view all
the messages you received from other users.
Why listing is not appearing on front-end
This article will explain Why listing is not appearing on front-end.
1- Sometimes due to miss configurations listings not appear on front-end. Please check a member and User is assigned to listing,
2- Also, “Listing Posted Date” and “Listing Expired Date” should be correct and property status should be active.
Error message ‘An Error occurred, please try again’ while posting
listing. How to fix?
This article will explain why an Error message ‘An Error occurred, please try again’ while posting listing. How to fix Directory box Theme.
Sometimes, when you create user from backend and forgot to assisgn “Directory box Member” user role, you will face the error “An Error
occurred, please try again” while posting listing.
Follow these steps to overcome this issue
1-Navigate to user section in dashboard
Dashboard / Users / All Users
2-Edit the user and change the user role to “Directory box Member”
3-Also assign a company to the user

* you can add companies to your site from

Dashboard / Wp DB / Members
* if you create user from frontend you will not face above error as company will be automatically created and assigned to the user.
How to add advance search filter in Directory Theme.
This article will explain you how to add advance search filter in Directory Theme.
Firstly, Edit the page where you want to add the search element, and add “DB:Map Search” page builder element. Now,edit the element and set
the search result page and turn ON the options you want to use.
How to enable Draw on map functionality in Directory box theme?
This article will explain you how to enable Draw on map functionality in Directory box theme.
To enable Draw on map functionality on your site. Please visit your Dashboard and do the following settings

Dashboard / WP DB / settings / Locations settings / turn ON “Drawing Tools”

How to add split map in Directory box Theme?
This article will explain how to add split map in Directory box Theme.
1- Firstly, edit the page and add “DB:split map” element in page section

2- Now, edit that page builder element and Set “Map Position” to right and “Listing Types” to “All Types”
How Autocomplete and Location Search works in Directory box
This article will explain how Autocomplete and Location Search works in Directory box Theme.
1- Firstly, make sure you have added google maps api keys on your site. Please visit your Dashboard and add google API key at following

Dashboard / WP DB / settings / Api settings

May try this API key: AIzaSyCpluMF–WqauCdpcrmYy94-RfC17QmPAs
Generate and get new Google API key from here:
2- Now, navigate to Location settings and turn ON “Auto Complete” if you want to use google suggestion and turn it off if you want to display
only added locations of your site on location search box in frontend
How to add Features/Amenities?
DirectoryBox Theme Listing Features,extra indicators / features can be added on a Listing to appeal more attention from potential customers.
More the details about your Listing, better the chances to come in Listing search.Admin can Add features for single Listing from Back end:
Dashboard / WP DB / Listing Types / Features
Turn ON Switch to show features on Front End. Click on Add New Feature
 Add Title for feature

 Select Icon for feature

On Individual Listing page features will be displayed Like Below.
How to rename Detail Page Section Titles
DirectoryBox Theme provides the option to change the Titles of the Listing Detail page
For that navigate to Dashboard / WP DB / Listing Types / Listing Detail Option
How Woo Commerce Payment gateways works in Directory box
Directory box theme offer compatibility with Woo Commerce Payment gateways to pay and buy membership packages easily. Follow steps in
order to configure woo commerce payment gateways. Navigate :

WP DB / Settings / Payment Settings / Enable Woocommerce Payment Gateways

Install Woo commerce Default pages (Checkout, cart, etc..)
Assign Woo commerce Default pages to Checkout
Checkout Settings

Checkout Page
Choose configured woocommerce payment gateway and click ‘Place Order’ button to pay and all Done!
Say ‘Yes’ if its helpful!

Media attachments Failed to import. What to do?

“Unable to import WP Content ( posts, pages, etc. ) and media attachments”
If you are encountering content or media import failure error during demo data installation, For that please follow following suggestions and
recommendations to get it resolved.
upload_max_filesize = min 128M
post_max_size = min 128M
max_input_time above 300
max_input_vars above 5000
allow_url_fopen= on
If media images failed to import, please check permissions with the media/uploads folders an d files. Login to cpanel/FTP / Public html / wp-
content / Uploads (Here permissions should be 755 for all folders and Inner files) than it will import media fine.

Important Note ! No firewall or strict permissions/cache on server to avoid any kind of hindrance.
Press ‘Yes’ if article is helpful!
Theme Update & Backup Guide
Best Practice To update your theme to latest version follow given simple steps:
1. Maintain the Complete backup of your site and database before theme update in order to avoid any potential data loss.

2. Go to theme forest download dashboard, select “Download all Files“, get the latest updated files.

3. Deactivate the previous theme version from WordPress Dashboard > Appearance > Themes > Deactivate Theme

4. Upload Latest updated theme version on your site via FTP or WordPress dashboard as feel comfortable.

Note: Make sure you have sufficient backup of website and database with you. Thank you!
How to add currencies in Directory box Theme
DirectoryBox theme provide the option to add currency option as per your desire.You may set any currency you wish for your di rectory portal
website.currency can be set through theme option for whole website.
Navigate to : Dashboard / WP DB / settings / Currencies.
Currency switch:Directory box have currency switch option you may switch currency as per your desire .For this You can turn ON/OFF the
currency switcher to change the currency.
Currency name:From here you have to define the currencies you want add while switching the currency.
Base currency: There will only one currency that you will select from the currency list.
Currency position:You can set the currency position as per your desire.
Save settings!
All done.

Map settings and Custom styles

Location of business/seller is often a handy feature for increasing ease for clients which adds to revenue. Directory Box theme comes with the
feature to make extensive map settings. You need to following below track;
Map Marker Icon:You can change the marker on the map which are representing the listings.
Map Cluster Icon: icon which will be displayed with number of listings available for that location.
Distance measure by:You may select the distance measurement as per your desire.Two are available in our theme which is KM ,Miles.
Map Style:Multiple map style is available in our theme.You may choose the style as per your wish .
Map Custom Style:You can add custom map style code to show map according to your need.
Make settings & save them. All done!
Directorybox Single Listing Options
How to add Widget Sidebar on listing detail page
Chimp Studio includes several custom widgets.
To set widget Sidebar on listing detail page follow the following procedure:
Step 1- Navigate to Dahsboard / WP REM / Settings.
Step 2- Go to Single listing options and navigate to the bottom of the page where you see Detail Page Widget Sidebar Option.
Step 3- Switch ON the side bar.
Step 4- Select sidebar from the drop down.

Save all settings, your selected sidebar widgets will show on listing detail page. All done!
How to Claim and flag listing
Administrator can moderate Claim/flags from and can set the status after reviewing the claim against each listing from : Dashboard / WP DB /

Claim:Claim is report the admin about some obnoxious behavior about the ad or some thing which is promised but not facilitated.
Flag: Flag listing feature purpose is the removal request for inappropriate content.
How to contact Listing’s Organizer
In DIRECTORYBOX theme User can contact to the listing’s organizers through their listing detail page.
Navigate to listing details page.There will be a contact form in the listing detail page side bar.User can manually co ntact to the list organizer.

By viewing the listing organizer’s profile user can directly contact to the listing organizer through phone call.
How to Customize Single listing page
Directorybox listing is among one of the main feature of Directorybox theme. you can customize single listing page of your site from here.
follow the path: Dashboard / Listings / Edit listing.
navigate to the bottom of the page where you see Listings options.
Listing type: Select the listing type to be assigned to relative listing

Ad Price Option: Select the ad price options

Listing categories: Add the listing categories

Select Tags: select the tags for you lroperty

Custom Fields
-Select the values for the custom fields you added in the Listing type options.
Opening Hours
-Select the opening for your listings
Off Days
-Add Off Days of your choice
Images Gallery
-Add Gallery images for your listing
File Attachment
-You can add any pdf or doc attachment to your listing here.
Design Sketches
-Here you can add any sketch related to your listing
Listing Video
-If you want to add any video link for your listing, you can use this option
360° Virtual Tour
-You can add 3D-images of your listing here
Locations Settings
-In this option you can Location to your listing like country, state, city etc.
Find On Map
-This option can be used to add map location of your listing.
Package Info
Transaction ID: Assign transaction ID against your listing here
Posted On: Ad the posted date for you listing
Expired On: The date after which your listing will no longer visible on front end.
Packages: Select any package for the listing
Status: Set the status of listing
No. of Pictures: set the max no. of pictures for your listing
No. of Documents: set the max no. of documents that can be attached to the listing
No. of tags: Set no of tags for your listing here
Listing video: you can Turn ON/Off listing video from this option
Detail Page Settings

Visibility: Select the visibility for your ad here. If you set it to “Private”, listing will not be visible on frontend.
Listing sold: If you set it to “yes” listing will be shown along with the listing on frontend.
Select Member: Select the Company with which you want to associate listing
Select User: Select the User of the company with which you want to associate listing.
How to import Bulk locations
Directorybox theme comes with the feature to add bulk locations to your listing. You can add locations to your site by navigating to:

Dashboard / WP DB / Settings / Import/Export Locations.

Locations CSV file format must contain following column fields with correct/valid information as requested.
1. Name

2. Parent

3. ISO code (ISO Code stands for (International Standard Organization). You can add Whatever your country ISO code is, or you can find it from
the following link :

4. Area Coordinates

5. Zoom level
How to enable Social Auto posting in Directory box Theme
Navigate to : WP DB / Settings / Social auto poster / Turn ON the social buttons.

Select the social network as per your desire. Save settings.

See article to Create and configure API settings :
All done!
How to enable Email Notifications and Email Logs in Directory box
Email Notifications:
Directorybox Theme provides built-in Email templates for notifications sent to users of the theme. You can simply enable by checking
the notification option by editing the template.
Email Logs:
Admin can Enable/Disable sent email logs by following.
Navigate to Dashboard/ Settings/General options.

Save settings.
All done!

Sign up NOT working. What to do?

This article will explain what to do if Sign up NOT working on your site.
1- Enable signup option on your site from :
Dashboard / Settings / General / check “Any one can register”
2- Also, enable user header login from plugin settings:
Dashboard / WP DB / Settings / General Options / “Turn On User Header Login”
Facing php error while activating Wp directory manager plugin.
How to fix?
This article will explain what to do if you are facing php error while activating Wp directory manager plugin.
Php Version Above 5.5
Php.ini post and memory configurations :
 Upload_max_filesize = min 128M

 memory_limit = min 256M

 post_max_size = min 128M (For large data websites, post_max_size needs to be increased as per need.)

 max_input_time above 300

 max_input_vars above 5000

 safe_mode=off

 allow_url_fopen= on

Say ‘Yes’, if article is helpful!

How to translate Directory box Theme and Directory box Manager

via Loco Translate?
This article will explain how you can translate Directory box Theme and Directory box Manager via Loco Translate. Here are simple instructions
to do that
Using loco translate, kindly navigate to following section
Dashboard / Loco Translate / Themes / DirectoryBox / add language / search and convert
the strings
Dashboard / Loco Translate / Plugins / WP-DirectoryBox Manager / add language / search
and convert the strings
How to optimize Directory box Theme?
This article will explain how you can optimize Directory box Theme. Here are simple instructions to do that
Following are the recommendations if your site speed is slow.
1. Reduce the size of images.
2. Use WordPress cache plugin i-e WP super cache.
3. Choose best hosting service for your website.
4. Remove Unused Plugins
You can analyze your site page speed at:

Listing Approval/moderation Options in Directory box Theme

Admin have full control over Listing Approval/moderation Options.

Admin can moderate listings from back-end by going to .Dashboard / Listings / Edit listing.
navigate to the bottom of the page where you see Listings options.
Listing Default Status:
Admin can be set listing default status with out admin approval.
Turn this switcher OFF to allow direct publishing of submitted listings by member without review / moderation. If this switch is ON, listings will
be published after admin review / moderation.
Dashboard / WP DB / Settings /General Options.Listing default status.

Where to find Directory box Child Theme?

This article will explain where to find Directory box Child Theme
Child theme is already available in the theme package you downloaded from themeforest
Just find the files and place them in your themes folder.
How to use Page builder & short codes using Directory box
Directory box Theme offer one of the best and flexible page builder to construct web pages with out any code pain. Firstly,Open/Create the page
where you want to use page builder or shortcodes. Click Page Builder button to load Section to choose your desir ed elements to build new page.

Directory box Theme Page builder:

Click ‘Page Builder’ to show page builder section to choose elements from :
Click ‘Add Page Section’ link to open dialog box containing rich Directory box elements and choose what you need :
Now click on ‘Add Element’ to open dialog box containing directory box page builder elements:
Directory box Shortcodes

Now click on “Classic Editor” button to get short codes of page builder elements:
Directory box Theme Demos Import
This article will explain how you can Import Directory box Theme Demos . Navigate to :
Dashboard / Directory / Import demo data /
Confirm Plugin Requirements & Server Requirements / Next step
Purchase code Validation

Add Your Envato Provided Purchase code and Envato Provided Email Address / Next Step
Choose Demo

Select the demo you want to import and click Next Step
Choose Items to Import

Select what to import and click Next Step. Done!

How to add gallery on detail page
Add gallery on detail page:
add gallery on detail page from listing type options.
Navigate to :Wp-DB / listing type/ Select Desire Listing Type / Listing Detail Options.
Navigate to down : Detail Page Options.
Here you will find the Content Gallery option .
Turn ON button.

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