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Arba Minch University

Water Technology Institute

Faculty of Water Resources and Irrigation Engineering
Dam appurtenant structures: (IDE-731)
Calculate the following question and show with the necessary steps clearly; reasonably assume any
missing data
1. As shown below for a spillway the following data are given:
✓ Design discharge 9000m3/sec
✓ Maximum surcharge due to topographic condition allowed =10m
✓ Standard by length each10m
✓ Circular piers with diameter =2.5m
✓ Average river bed level above sea level =100m
✓ Crest level of the spillway above sea level= 204m
✓ Spillway type ogee shaped
Design the following:
a) The spill way total crest length
b) The hydraulic head above the spillway crest
c) The profiles (both upstream and downstream)
d) The velocity distribution from x=-4.43 to x=24m
2. An overflow ogee-shaped spillway has to be designed to pass the routed peak flood discharge of
5000 m3/s. The height of the spillway crest is at elevation of 1185 m, and the average stream bed
level at the site equals 1100 m. The spillway crest length consists of 10 spans, each span having a
clear width of 10 m. The piers provided are of 900 cut water nose type with kp = 0.01 and the
abutments are rounded having ka = 0.1. The pier thickness can be taken as equal to 2.5 m. Assume
the u/s face of the dam to be vertical and the downstream face to have a slope of 1 V: 0.7 H.
3. Design of U-Shaped Side Channel Spillway; the following data are taken from structural drawing.
- Design dis, Qd (1/2PMF) = 662m3/s
- Side channel spillway length =303m
- Slope of the bottom channel =0.000588
- Side slope = 0.5:1
- Bottom width =20m
- Transition length =30m
- Design head =3m
- Bottom elevation at:

0+00 = 1924.29
0+55 = 1924.24
4. A 75m long side channel spillway will have a maximum discharge of 300 m3/s with a depth of
overflow of 1.5m. The channel cross-section is trapezoidal with a bed width of 12m and side slopes
of 2V:1H. The depth of flow at the end of the spillway will be 5m (with a suitable control in the
downstream). The velocity of flow is to vary linearly as the distance from the beginning of the
spillway. Determine the equation of the flow profile and channel bottom, neglecting the effects due
to uneven distribution of velocity and channel friction.
5. Design of the Chute Spillway
Chute spillway, Megech Dam Design data and structural drawing. Given data:

- Design Discharge, Qmax =662m3/sec
- n:(manning Coefficient )=0.015
- Hd=3.36m
- Width of the chute at beginning=15.30m
- Spill way crest level=1947.1m
- Acceleration due to gravity=9.81 m/sec^2
- Side slope 1:2 H:V
- Bed Slope of Side channel=0.0015m/m
- Bottom elev. Of the channel at the beginning of chute=1939m
- Length of spill way=54m
6. A stepped spillway consisting of 14 steps, 1.5m high and 2.5 m long each, is to pass a specific
discharge of 0.4 m3 /s/m. Assess the type of flow conditions on the chute and energy dissipation at
the base of the spillway. If the discharge is increased to 0.8m3 /s/m, estimate the efficiency of energy
7. A stepped spillway with a step height of 1.5m is to be laid on a slope of 18 0 . Design a pooled step
cascade such that hydraulic jump forms on each step.
8. Design of Stilling basin for Megach Dam Using the following data:
- Q=662m3/s
- n = 0.035
- Y1=1.95m
- River bed width=25m
- Side slop 1H:1V
- Max d of river=8m
- River slop is1m:1.5km
9. Upstream and tail water elevations of a spillway are shown in Figure 1. The design spillway
discharge is computed as Q0 = 500 m3 /s. Total crest length of the spillway is 30 m. There are
three rounded nosed piers each one-meter thick. Headwalls of rounded abutments makes an angle
less than 45o with the flow direction. Ignoring the head losses over the spillway and over a
possible downstream sill, determine;

Figure 1

a) Design spillway head and check the effects of downstream conditions on the flow.
b) The bottom elevation of the stilling basin and required lowering (excavation) of the
river bed.
c) The type and dimensions of the stilling basin
10. Design a U.S.B.R. Stilling Basin II for the overflow spillway of crest length 250 ft (at El. 982.3 ft)
and design flow rate 75 000 ft3 /s. The upstream water surface at design flow rate is at El. 1000 ft,
the average channel floor is at elevation El. 880 and tailwater at El. 920.

11. Pool water level 1780,dia.of 8m tunnel rectangular 4m*4m, out let tunnel is 10m diameter, length
l1=250m,l2=??m(transition),l3=50m,l4=300m(d=10m).Tunnel is concrete, inverted level of the
tunnel is 1710masl.Design shape of the inlet, for the set up determine the rating curve of the gate
for water level varying from 1780m to 1740m every 10m interval and gate opening from full, half
and ¼ size 4m.Finally draw the hydraulic and energy grade line for the case of the water level 1780m
and gate full opening also indicate the type of flow you have in the out let tunnel for the cause of
water level1780m and gate fully operated.
12. Determine the total water thrust on the segment gate of the Figure 2, with a width of 15m and
radius of 19m

Figure 2.radial gate profile

13. Determine the magnitude and the direction of the maximum water thrust on the flap gate of
Figure 3 with a 12m span and a skin plate radius of 16m

Figure 3. flap gate profile

14. For an embankment dam shown below, design a shaft spillway to pass a design discharge of 56.64
m3/s, without exceeding the depth of overflow of 3.05 m. Assume that sub-atmospheric condition
can be tolerated, see figure 4.

Figure 4. shaft spillway profile

15. A siphon spillway of constant x-section 4m wide by 2.5m high has configuration as shown. The
total length of the siphon is 80m. Various loss coefficients are inlet= 0.12, outlet = 1, bend = 0.75
and friction factor = 0.018, see figure 5. Determine:
a) The maximum discharge
b) Whether cavitation would occur for that discharge and if so the safe discharge for avoiding
cavitation and
c) The required constriction of the outlet section to restrict that discharge

Figure 5. Siphon spillway profile

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