Start Your Business With Sam Adeyemi See Problems As Opportunities360p-Transcript-Result

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Shift Your Believe System

Speaker 1 00:00
What we believe is what we become. So you've got to shift your belief system. You've
got to believe that you are as good as anybody else. If you ever believed that a poor,
your family is poor, your social class of community is poor. You've got to get rid of
that mindset. You've got to get rid of that mindset. You are as good as anybody else.
If anybody has done it, you can do it, believe it, that you are designed for the best.
Now, choose your company carefully. That's the other piece of advice i'm going to
give right now. Choose your company carefully because the people that are closest to
you shape your thinking, they do most of the time unconsciously. But whether you
realize it or not, you are absorbing their mind sets and absorbing their emotions. You
are, if you hang around negative people, their negativity will transfer to you and you
cannot afford. Ought to have that as an under bruno. Problems are opportunities for
the entrepreneur. So the entrepreneur cannot be lamenting about problems, because
there are opportunities.

So you want to have the right mindset for business. You've got to hang around people
who do business. I remember this experience that I had many years ago, and it was
many years ago send I just happened to be in the same room with these two
gentlemen, much older than myself.

And they began to discuss about their investments.

They were talking about how much each person would say, how much he bought a
house, how long he waited, and how much he sold it. I some of the houses they sold at
double the rates for which they bought them. And I sat there a young man with
nothing. I didn't have a house. I was still rented. And I was sitting there and they were
calling these big figures and a my mind was stretchy. Okay, should I confess? I had
nothing to contribute to the discussion. So I was just smiling. Okay. I was nodding
and I was smiling.

And in my mind, I was thinking, wow, some big amounts of money. What? If you
stay there, hang around, people like that for long enough and they keep stretching
your mind. Your mind will not go back to its former ship. What is normal to them will
become normal to you. I that's been my experience. You need mentors. You need to
hang around people who have done it before, not just people who have an idea for
people who have done it before people who are successful in business. You need to
hang around them. I know that for many of us, we find it daunting, we find it
intimidating, approach wealthy people. But listen to me. They just got there before
you. That's all they know better than you are. They don't have more value than you
have. And most of the time that good people who will be happy to share their
experiences with us, they'll be happy to share their knowledge with us. But the

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challenge is we just feel intimidated. We don't have the s teams, so we never approach
them. We never ask questions from them. They'll be happy to share with us.

So hang around people who have the right mindset, who are entrepreneurs, and you
catch their mindset, and what we human beings are magnets. If you think the way
they think end up, the way they end up, you will attract what they are trapped, very

Now, this is also important. Have a big vision that's more have a big vision. In other
words, you've got to leverage your imagination to your advantage, whatever it is,
you're doing whatever it is, you're selling. Think beyond survival. I think beyond
survivor, think about how to solve that problem on a bigger scale. And by the way,
vision is the key to provision. There's a strong connection between the vision you
have and the provision that will be made for you. The quality, the sizes of
opportunities that will come to you where the opportunities are there all the time, but
vision is the key to recognition. Vision is the key to recognition. It's when you've seen
millions in your mind, that you'll be able to recognize the opportunities that will bring
the millions to your account. That's the way it works. If I was to pick you up at the
airport, i've never seen you before. I won't recognize you. You just walk past me. I
think opportunities walk past us every day like that, but because we don't have the
vision that is commensurate to the opportunity, we don't see it, we don't recognize it.
People make millions, they make billions, they live in the same city with people that
make nothing.

One of the major differences is that vision. So whatever it is that you do, scale it up,
scale it up to a higher level, scale it up to reach more people, skill it, up to supply
more products, to provide more of your service on a bigger scale.

But then you've got to be able to calm down and start from where you are.

Okay? With what you have, but have in mind. This is where i'm going. Listen, if you
don't have a big vision like that, one of the things that's likely to happen to you is
when you begin to make some small money, you suddenly be satisfied. You lose your
motivation. I'll encourage you also their view to be courageous in your thoughts and
in your actions. Courage is taking action in the presence of fear, or in the presence of
danger. Yes. We will always have to make a choice between courage and fear. I
encourage you today, their viewer choose courage. The end result of fear is always
predictable, always its failure. It's unrealized potentials. It's regrets. It's remembering
what could be that is not, because we didn't track choose courage over fear. Some
people say, I don't think I know everything yet that I need to know about this thing to
be able to start.

You need to know a bit. But will you actually ever know enough ever know
everything? I don't think so. Act all the same. What if I feel you're asking the wrong
question? What if I succeed? That's the right question. What if I succeed? What if it

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works out? The amazing thing is you take some bold steps. Sometimes the results that
you get are beyond commentary to the effort that you made, ask the average person
that is successful, especially the entrepreneur that when you take bold action, a lot of
the time, the results that you get are way beyond capacity of the effort that you made,
action be courageous.

Do what you've got to do? You won't die, make that phone call. You need to do a lot
of them as an entrepreneur. Some people sometimes know that the phone call is a
difficult one. Maybe they have to tell somebody, no, they daily dolly, they
procrastinate this slow down. They don't want to give the bad news, but they know
they don't have a choice, but to give the bad news, make that phone call. Or
sometimes it's that we're about to make a request. And we are afraid that will hear no,
is not the end of life. No, is not a death sentence. No, is just come back another day.
So it is very, very important that you be able to handle rejection and to be persistent.
It's important that you take that bold step and see how much it will help you use
opportunities, whether paid or unpaid to develop your capacity for solving problems. I
have emphasized it clearly.

Now. Business is about solving problems. It's about meeting needs. It's about creating
or producing or getting products or services that will meet definite needs in people's
lives. If that is the case, you need to develop your capacity for solving problems. Yes,
it's a skill you need to put premium on competence. You need to put premium on the
ability to meet people's needs. Whatever it is, you do, you may be an auto repair
person, you may be a bricklayer, you may be a lawyer, you may be a doctor, whatever
it is, that you do choose to be the best there. Because being the best simply means you
have a high success rate in solving people's problems.

Now, some people never do anything until they get the big break. They do their
business plan, fantastic. But all of their plants are designed on them, working for the
rich. That's good. In some sense, on the other hand, you don't your best opportunities,
just when you are starting out. It's just the way life is in it. Whatever opportunity it is,
you get use it, whether paid or unpaid. A young lady went to an entrepreneur that I
know and said, trained as a lawyer. I think that you do a lot of contracts, because you
are a real estate firm. Now, she asked a few questions and then told him, I think you
need to build your legal department. I think you need to pay attention to the legal
farmer because there's a legal demand shown to your business.

Now. That's a legal dimension to your business and you need to pay attention to it.
Can I come work as a volunteer in your office for a few weeks? So she went in and
began to structure things. And when 2 weeks were over, she was supposed to leave.
No. The business owner employed her right there. He employed, he gave
employment. I said this is amazing. She activated principle. She did. She identified a
need for the organization. She met that need the organization they wanted to go. They
give her a job, the good pay. So i'm simply saying here, you may not have your ideal
job right now, whatever it is, make the best use of it, developing your entrepreneurial
skills, make the best use of your opportunities and to develop entrepreneurial skills,
learn to identify with those problems.

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