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See the World Differentlly

Speaker 1 00:00
Now, I hope you get it. Their viewer. Entrepreneurs think differently. They see the
world differently, where people see emptiness, they see fullness, where people see
scarcity, they see abundance, they see differently. What people call problems, they see
us opportunities. So this is what it does for them. They start with what they have, not
what they don't have, because most people causing what they don't have. This is the
language most of the time. If I had this, I would do that. If I had this, that simply
means you're focusing on what you don't have. While you think you don't have some
things, or probably you don't have some things, there are some of the things you have.
If you're going to be an entrepreneur, you've got to focus on what you have and to
start with. It. Life is amazing. It will never leave you in the position where there is
absolutely nothing around you that you can use to move to the next level of
breakthrough from the time that I have shifted my thinking to believe that it's been
amazing, the way it has worked for me, life will never leave you with nothing that you
can step on, that you can move, that you can leverage to move to the next level of

You've got to be proactive, you've got to be action oriented. That's very important.
For an entrepreneur. You've got to be a person of big vision, you use your
imagination, and we're emphasizing on the use of your mind, and you're shifting your
mindset. But listen, after you have gotten it in your mind, you have constructed it, you
have acquired it, you have dreamed it, you have created it, take action, or else, your
business will remain virtual. If you want to push things from your mind out into
reality, you've got to take action. You're gonna make that phone call. You gotta go
where you need to go. More importantly, you need to meet people. You need people
more than you need an office or equipment, you need customers, talk to people,
engage people, take action, do something, overcome temptation to procrastinate, do it,
and do it.

Now, along with that, i'm going to encourage as an entrepreneur, cultivate your
selling skills, cultivate your selling skills, because that's what business is about.
Selling. Business happens when goods or services are sold. So sell now, selling is a
skill and loads of books and sell it. If you say you're in business, I like to ask you how
many of those books do you have? If you intend to drive in business to be successful?
In fact, if you want to shift your thinking, buy books on selling, attend seminars on
selling, read whatever materials you can find on selling. And that will help you big
time in business, because there's no business if you unsell it. And in some income,
learn to sell. It's a skill. When I began to study on selling, I was surprised to read of
some of the principles of selling.

For example, I found out one of the most important skills you need for selling is
listening. Wow. I thought sally was about talking and persuading someone to buy.
Yes. But you're talking can be wasted. Talking can be ineffective. If what you're

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saying does not have something to do directly with the need of your customer. If you
will ask questions and let him do the talking, you do good listening. It's not all hearing
that is listening.

If you do good listening, you're able to grasp effectively what the other person is
saying. I'm telling you, when you design a solution for them, either in the form of a
product or in the form of a service, the likelihood that they will buy from you is very
high. Listening is one of the major keys of successful entrepreneurs. So i'm simply
saying that for you to sell effectively, you've got to learn to listen. When you take
action, you've also got to learn to be persistent. One thing is predictable. You will not
always achieve success. The first time you make an attempt. It's the way it works.
You've got to learn to be persistent. That is to do it again and again and again and
again until it works out. It's just the way our world works. I tend to think that life
works that way to sift out the people who are really serious about achieving to sift out
those that are not serious about achieving their goals and to separate them from people
that are really serious about achieving their goals.

That's what I think. The reason why things just don't work out the first time. It's not a
perfect one, but the person that is persistent, the person that does not internalize
failure, the person that knows it's a normal part of life to have a setback, to have a
failure for things, not to work out.

The person that thinks like scientists that carry out experiments in the laboratory, they
know sometimes they do the experiments 10 times, 20 times, 30 times before they get
the results that they want.

The person that thinks that we will likely succeed in business. You've got to learn, to
be persistent, you got to learn to do it again and again and again. You've got to learn
to handle setback. You've got to learn to use your circumstances as leverage as well
for inspiration, but don't use them to define your identity. Very important, because
your self esteem will just go down and go up.

If you are always going to internalize what's happening to you, I have always said to
myself, there is a difference between failure as a person and failure as an event that
the event failed does not make me a failure as a person. I'm still intact. I fight in my
mind. I hold on to my dreams. My identity has not changed. I'm still the same and i'm
a winner. Okay? With that, you can maintain a healthy self esteem and you can handle
rejection better. Because rejection is a normal part of the business process. If you're
going to succeed as an entrepreneur, you cannot afford to be the person who gives up
when things don't work out. Just after one attempt, you can afford if you want to be a
big time player. I've seen entrepreneurs work on projects for 5 years before they came
to fruition.

10 years sometimes even more be willing to work hard. Remember, money is only a
means of exchange of value. Money is only a means of exchange of value. So it's

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when value goes out from you, the value will come back to you. Value goes out from
you. Value will come back to you. So you have to be ready to give out value on a
massive scale. Because that is when you succeed on a massive scale, be willing to
work hard. Although you must also put a balance into your life, don't in the process of
building a business, destroy things that really matter to you, beginning from your
health. And then your relationships, because your relationships play a very big role in
helping to hold you steady when you go through those tough times in life.

So you need your relationships safe and to be feeding them mindset for business,
focus on giving, not just receive it. Sometimes some people go into business. And all
they're thinking about is money how to get? Because they're not focused also. It's not
wrong, but because they are more focused on what to get than I want to give. They
under the liver. They disappoint their clients sometimes, because their focus is on
themselves, it's self centered, and it just doesn't work for a business that way. You've
got to be generous in your mind.

So when it comes to satisfying the needs of your customers, give it your best shot
over deliver time, every single time over deliver, very important. Make your
customers happy. There is competition out there. There is competition out there. You
are not the only one playing in the market. If you don't treat your customers, you don't
meet the expectations, they have options. But if you over deliver every single time,
they'll be stuck with you. I'm serious. You surprise them. You add to your service.
What they did not even ask for. That's the way to go about it, work hard. Focus on
service, focus on giving, because value goes from you. Value is going to come back to

So let me add this before we go. Plan for your business, to survive you, plan for your
business to survive you. One of the things we have said is the need for you to have a
big vision. Let that big vision include the fact that the business can run.

When you are not there, you see this theme divides businesses into different
categories. If you're not working only for survival. If you're doing the job, your
customers are happy. They're recommending you. Word of mouth is working for you.
Your client tell will increase, the demands will increase for your products and your
services. This is a very tricky part to business. Don't get carried away. Don't use that
as license to disappoint your customers because there are new people coming anyway.
No. You need to change something about the business. Perhaps you're the only one in
the business at the moment. That's how many businesses start. A lot of businesses.
But once you find out your capacity as an individual is way below what is required to
satisfy all the needs to meet on the requirements, you need to employ people. This is
very important. You need to bring people in and to bring them in and to maximize the
potentials that they bring. You need to structure your organization.

Now you need to build systems in your organization that ability to build systems
separates the millionaires from the small time players. You want to understand
systems, just think about the human body. It runs on systems, the reproductive

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system, the naval system, exploratory system, the respiratory system. That's the way it
works. And the system is a group of parts that carry out the same function in an
organization. You need to break the job down. This is finance, this is production, this
is sales and marketing. So when you bring people in, you assign them based on the
area of expertise, the principle of synergy comes in. Two people would produce a
whole lot more results than the sum of what they would have produced separately is
amazing. When you have two people, three people, four people in your organization,
it's increasing the capacity of your organization to succeed phenomenally.

But what that will require a new set of skills from you as the business owner
management and leadership skills, you need to be able to read data and to interpret
them, because they will give you the indicators to what is happening and what is
working, and what is not working well in the system, you need to know how to run a
meeting, you need to know how to do a budget and how to execute it. You need to
know how to delegate to people, management, and leadership skills.

Now, you need to know how to create and how to maintain an organizational culture.
So your skill sets need to change. You're not the one running all over the place. Now.
You are overseeing the system from a strategic point of view. Because in your mind,
your imagination, that is where your business grows. I encourage you to learn
practice, the process of building systems have a vision to build systems so that the
organization can run when you go on vacation. Perhaps someday, if you ever have to
leave your business, it can survive you.

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