Grid-Forming Converters An Overview of Control Approaches and Future Trends

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Grid-forming converters: an overview of control

approaches and future trends

Roberto Rosso1 , Xiongfei Wang2 , Marco Liserre3 , Xiaonan Lu 4 , and Soenke Engelken1
1 Control Engineering, WRD GmbH, Aurich, Germany
2 Department of Energy and Technology, Aalborg University, Denmark
3 Chair of power Electronics, Christian-Albrechts Universitaet zu Kiel, Germany
4 College of Engineering, Temple University, Philadelphia, United States

Abstract— In the last decade, the concept of grid-forming GFL converter GFM converter
%" ! !$ ! %" ! !$ !
(GFM) converters has been introduced for microgrids and
islanded power systems. Recently, the concept has been proposed !" !
for applications in wider and interconnected transmission net- !! !" ! #" ! #$ ! "! #" ! #$ !
works, and several control structures have thus been developed,
giving rise to discussions about the characteristics and the func-
tionalities of such converters. In this paper, an overview of control (a) (b)
schemes for GFM converters is provided. By identifying the
main subsystems in respect to their functionalities, a generalized Figure 1: (a) Simplified representations of a GFL converter,
control structure is derived and different solutions for each (b) simplified representation of a GFM converter [2].
of the main subsystems composing the controller are analyzed
and compared. Subsequently, several selected open issues and
challenges regarding GFM converters, i. e., angle stability, fault the currents of GFM converters are determined by network
ride-through (FRT) capabilities, and transition between islanded conditions and may change rapidly. Therefore, proper fault
to grid-connected modes are discussed. Perspectives on challenges ride-through (FRT) strategies should be adopted, in order to
and future trends are lastly shared. ensure the converter stability and prevent hardware damage.
Index Terms—Grid-forming converters, Grid-following con-
verters, power-synchronization, control structure overview. Additionally, while seamless transition between island and
grid-connected operation modes has been intensively discussed
I. I NTRODUCTION in the last decade, this topic still represents a challenge for
GFM converters. A comprehensive overview on the afore-
T HE concept of grid-forming (GFM) converters originally
introduced for micro- and islanded grid applications [1],
[2], has been proposed as a viable solution for enhancing
mentioned aspects and open issues is provided in this paper.
Finally, future trends regarding the specifications of GFM
system stability and resiliency of wider and interconnected converters based on discussions at European level are reported.
power networks with high penetration of power electronics- The outline of the paper is the following: the main fea-
based generation. The wider use of GFM converters gives rise tures of GFM converters compared to state-of-the-art GFL
to the need for a classification of the control approaches used converters are discussed in Section II. A generalized structure
to implement these types of converters. The objective of this is presented in Section III, where different solutions for each
paper is twofold: first the conceptual differences between GFM of the identified subsystems are presented and compared. In
converters and state-of-the-art GFL converters are discussed. Section IV, challenges and open issues related to synchroniza-
Then an overview of the control structures proposed in the tion stability, FRT, and transition between islanded and grid-
literature for implementing GFM converters is presented, and connected modes of GFM converters are discussed, providing
once the main characteristics of this type of converter are a comprehensive overview on the solutions reported in the
identified, a generalized structure is proposed by splitting literature. Section V is dedicated to the conclusions.
the control into subsystems in respect to their functionalities.
Various solutions for each of the identified subsystems are then
analyzed and compared, and the possible similarities as well
as advantages/drawbacks of the approaches are reviewed. There is no well-established formulation for the concept
The second part of the paper discusses the open issues and of GFM converters. An official definition is currently under
challenges of GFM converters. Since most of the reported discussion in industrial and academic communities [3], [4].
GFM implementations are based on the power synchronization Nevertheless, several GFM control structures have been pro-
mechanism of synchronous machines (SMs), classical stability posed [5]-[13]. In [2], [5], a GFL converter is described as
issues such as power angle stability may occur. Furthermore, a unit whose behavior can be approximated to a controlled
due to the fact that GFM converters in contrast to state-of-the- current source with a high parallel impedance, whereas a
art GFL units behave as voltage sources behind impedance, GFM converter is represented as a voltage source with low

978-1-7281-5826-6/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE 4292

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(! GFL Control principle
!" ! !" ! GFM Control principle
$# %# ! &$# + $" '%# ! P current & amplitude
!# ! !# ! setpoint ! '( !
!%# ! !%# ! ! *, !
$% ! Power Voltage $% !
Power Q current Current "# ! Phase
setpoint Control )( ! control
"# ! Control *+ ! control
(a) (b)
!" ! !" !
Converter PCC
!%# ! $# %# !

!# ! &$# + $" '%# ! $% !
!# !

!%# !
(a) (b)
"# !
Figure 2: (a) Phasor diagram of a GFL converter according !
to a perturbation of the grid voltage; (b) phasor diagram of a
Figure 3: Simplified explanation of the control working prin-
GFM converter according to a perturbation of the grid voltage.
ciples: (a) GFL converter, (b) GFM converter.
series impedance. An example is shown in Fig. 1 (a) and
instantaneous variation of the phasor Ig . Whilst this prompt
(b), where the common representations of a GFL and of a
reaction is surely superior to the one of a GFL unit, and
GFM converter are shown respectively shown [2]. It is worth
it is thus highly attractive for system operators (SOs) [14],
noting that this representation might erroneously resemble the
depending on the magnitude of the perturbation and on the
definition of a Norton or a Thévenin equivalent, which are
characteristics of the system, this behavior might cause a
theoretically interchangeable; yet it does emphasize the fact
rapid growth of the converter currents, hence jeopardizing the
that GFL converters achieve their purposes of power injection
converter hardware components.
or voltage regulation by controlling the injected currents,
The second aspect characterizing the differences between
while the GFM converter regulates the power by controlling
GFM and GFL converters is related to their synchronization
directly the voltage at its output terminal. Additionally, the
processes. A simplified representation of the working princi-
GFM converter under no-load conditions provides a reference
ples of the two examined converter types is reported in Fig. 3.
voltage for the loads and the other units operating nearby,
It highlights the fact that, while a GFL converter requires
while the GFL converter necessarily requires a reference angle
a dedicated unit in order to identify the grid voltage angle
for the proper operation.
and calculate a proper phase shift of the converter currents to
In spite of different working principles, under steady-state inject the defined amount of active and reactive power, some
operations, both GFM and GFL converters control active and of the GFM implementations proposed in the literature are
reactive power injection into the grid according to the actual able to self-synchronize to the grid without the need of a
operating condition, while respecting the internal physical dedicated unit, but rather by emulating the power synchro-
voltage and current limitations of the converter. Furthermore, nization principle of a rel SM [9]. To this extent, recent works
both types of converters can achieve regulation of voltage and have shown the negative effects of synchronization units, often
frequency at the connection point by means of additional outer implemented by means of phase-locked loops (PLLs), on the
loops, modifying actual active and reactive power setpoints, as small-signal stability of grid-connected converters [15]-[19].
usually required by grid codes [2], [22]. Nevertheless, the main These studies demonstrate that, not only the stability margin
differences among the two types of converters can be identified of the single converter is reduced when other GFL converters
in the reaction to a grid event, and their small-signal behaviour operate in proximity to it, but additionally the interactions
under weak grid conditions. among the synchronization units of the converters operating
Regarding the first aspect, Fig. 2 graphically explains the nearby become stronger when decreasing the grid short-circuit
different reactions of the two different types of converters to a ratio (SCR). In contrast to GFL converters, it has been shown
grid event. Because of the inherent current source behavior of in [20] and [21] that, due to their intrinsic behavior of a
the converter, the instantaneous reaction of the GFL converter voltage source behind impedance, along with their ability of
is to maintain the current phasor Ig constant in terms of self-synchronization, GFM converters are instead suitable for
magnitude and phase, causing therefore an inevitable variation weak grid applications.
of the converter voltage phasor Vc due to the fact that the
detection of the new phase angle of the phasor Vg is first III. G ENERAL STRUCTURE OF GFM CONTROL
needed in order to calculate the new current setpoint. Fig. 2 (b) ALGORITHMS
describes the reaction of a GFM converter to the same event. In this section, an overview of the control structures of GFM
According to its intrinsic behavior of a voltage source behind converters is provided. Analyzing the GFM implementations
impedance, the internal voltage phasor E of the converter is presented in [5]-[13], a general formulation is first presented
initially not affected by the perturbation, causing an almost by identifying the main subsystems composing the control


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Outer loop
* Power synchronization loop
) !
Inner loop
!&'( ! Frequency loop
* " PCC
+ ! Converter Grid
Angle loop #$ !

%&'( ! /0 !

Voltage profile management signal
' )! Voltage
P,!Q,!V !
+! amplitude
-. ! amplitude calculation
% !
Calculation ),, -. !
- '

Figure 4: Generalized control structure of a GFM converter.

structure and their main functionalities. Subsequently, different conditions. Synchronization is achieved by emulating the
implementations of each of the subsystems are examined. power synchronization mechanism of a SM, hence by means
Fig. 4 shows the generalized control structure proposed in of transient power transfer, and its control structure is depicted
this paper. The measured three-phase converter currents, along depicted in Fig. 5 (a)-(ii). However, although a dedicated
with the currents and the voltages at the point of connection synchronization unit is not necessary for normal operation,
(PCC), indicated with i, ig , and e, respectively, are among a back-up PLL is adopted for pre-synchronization purposes,
the control inputs of the converter. Further control inputs are as well as for operation during grid faults [9].
the reference active power setpoint P∗ , the reactive power A similar structure can be found in the control presented in
setpoint Q∗ , the reference frequency ωre f , and the reference [10] and shown in Fig. 5 (a)-(iii). In order to avoid switching
voltage Vre f . Two control loops are identified in in the figure, form self-synchronization mode to PLL-mode during grid
and namely an outer control loop calculating the angle ϑ, faults, the use of a PLL is foreseen also during normal op-
the frequency ω, and the amplitude E p of the virtual voltage eration. Indeed, the output frequency is continuously provided
source, and an inner current control loop, which includes by the PLL, whereas the angle ϑ is calculated according
all the further control actions that might take place in order to the control structure shown in the figure, where a PI

to produce a proper modulation signal v needed for PWM. controller with gain G and time constant J is implemented.
In the following, different implementations for each of the The parameter Rd represents the inverse of a frequency droop
subsystems composing the generalized control structure shown factor, whereas the time constant J acts as an additional degree
in Fig. 4 are discussed. of freedom for shaping the response of the converter according
to a frequency variation, providing a behavior similar to the
A. Outer loop - power synchronization loop
one of a SM [10].
The power synchronization loop depicted in Fig. 4, contains To this extent, the power synchronization loop of virtual
two subsystems indicated as frequency loop and angle loop, synchronous machines (VSMs) is explicitly implemented so
and respectively in charge of the calculation of ω and ϑ. as to emulate the swing equation of a real SM. This is the
The interconnections between the inputs of the power syn- case of [7], [8], [11]-[13], and two of the most representative
chronization loop and the two subsystems are not explicitly examples are reported in Fig. 5 (a)-(iv) and (v). The structure
indicated in the figure, since these may differ according to the reported in Fig. 5 (a)-(iv) is known as synchronverter and has
specific implementations. The simplest implementation of this been presented in [11]. It became very popular during the last
subsystem is represented by the droop regulator depicted in decade, due to the fact that it can completely overcome the
Fig. 5 (a)-(i) [2], [5], [6], [8]. Though its simple structure, need for a synchronization unit both for pre-synchronization
the droop control structure is very effective and does not purposes, as well as and during normal operation. A sequence
require the use of an additional unit for synchronization of switching actions is presented in [11], which, emulates the
purposes during normal operation. Nevertheless, while the synchronization process of a real SM. The dashed branch
droop regulator is a well-established technique for micro-grid in the figure, is introduced so as to activate or deactivate
applications, the power synchronization control proposed by the droop control action of the converter, whose effects are
Zhang et al. and presented in [9], was the first control structure canceled out by means of a PI controller.
for grid connected converters presented in the literature, not Finally, Fig. 5 (a)-(v) shows the power synchronization loop
requiring a dedicated synchronization unit. Initially proposed of the synchronous power converter (SPC) presented in [12].
for HVDC applications, it has been developed in order to A second-order transfer function is implemented in the inner
overcome the limitations of conventional vector controlled frequency loop, acting on the deviation between power setpoint
voltage source converters (VSCs) operating under weak grid P∗ and measured power P. An additional frequency droop loop


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"123 !
+0 ! + " 1 ; DE !
+ % DC @) ! @) 2 A ; !
+! Filter -+ ?3 ! DG +
AC -
(i) (i)
detector ;? v d vq
P* ;
;+:: ! Current i*
Power DE !
2 Q* A;
PLL "+:: !
;123 !
Controller Controller @) ! B123 ! B123 2 !
" 1 +
- I
"123 ! % i
; B+CC !
+0 ! +
(7 89 +
+ (i)
- % (ii)
(ii) DG +
AC - ;
2123 ! DE !
+0 ! @) 2 A ; ! +
- IR ++
"123 ! 0 @) !
; 1 ?"* !
+! - ++
4 51 + 6! ++
!% PWM s LPF
2 "+:: ! 1 e
PLL -+ ;? ?
" 1 ;+:: ! * dq * (iii)
Current i Voltage v
% Controller Controller abc
i v
(ii) 2123 ! 7123 ! DE !
+,) ! -/
@) ! @) 2 A ; ! +
- PR or Yv +
- PR ++

+ i
*) + e
"123 ! DG +
-+ v
+0 ! +
- 1 " 1 ;
"< !% % v (iv)
? vd vq
; "
PWM - ?"*0 !
++ mp +
P* 7# !
i * Current Zv
Ref. E
Generation *
+0 ! "# & + nq -
E ;
Q* 2123 ! - 7123 ! - DE !
" ; @) 2 A ; ! +
- PR +
- PR ++
+! -
+ 1$!"#
1 @) !
% + 2&'() $!"# + % i
"123 ! e
2 "+:: ! (iii)
PLL -+ *3 ! i

(v) (v)

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 5: (a) Examined implementations of power synchronization loop; (b) control diagrams showing different operating
principles of converters regarding voltage profile management; (c) examined implementations of the inner control loop.

is also implemented, which modifies the active power setpoint injection at the PCC (Fig. 5 (b)-(i)), while for GFM converters,
according to the instantaneous deviation between ωre f and the outer control loop can be used for controlling either voltage
the measured grid frequency ω, which can be estimated for frequency and amplitude to their references, or achieving the
example by means of a PLL. controlled relationship between (P, Q) and the ( f , E), i. e.,
B. Outer loop - voltage profile management by means of droop control curves [23]. Therefore, voltage
regulation is achieved with the highlighted control loops in
GFM converters are responsible for establishing and regu- Fig. 5 (b)-(ii) and (iii).
lating grid voltage at the point of common coupling (PCC), In addition to the variants of outer control loops, voltage
especially in islanded operation mode. Their control objectives regulation using GFM converters can also be supported with
are twofold, i.e., stabilizing grid frequency and regulating system-level coordination. Since conventional droop control,
voltage amplitude, focusing not only on local individual GFM commonly adopted by GFM converters, is categorized in the
converters or load energy systems (e.g., microgrids) but also primary control level, its inevitable frequency and voltage
large-scale grids supported or dominated by multiple GFM deviation can be eliminated in the secondary control level
converters. A voltage profile along the feeder network and at with frequency and voltage controllers [24]. As an advance of
each point of interconnection (POI) should comply with the the above secondary controller, the central secondary control
grid codes [22]. As a comparative study, in Fig. 5 (b) the effort can be distributed into each converter and use distributed
outer control loop of a GFM converter is confronted to its secondary controllers to restore the average voltage of the
counterpart (GFL). Particularly for GFL converters, the outer concerning buses [25]. The above average-based secondary
control loop is used for controlling active and reactive power voltage control is essentially implemented via ”static” aver-


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Zo, without
Zo, without VFD
VFD Zo, with
Zo, with VFD

Magnitude (dB)



Phase (deg)




101 102 103 104
Frequency (Hz)
Frequency (Hz)

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 6: (a) Output impedances of dual-loop control without or with voltage feedback decoupling (VFD). Stability results for
the GFM converter with dual-loop voltage control under same grid condition: (b) without VFD, (c) with VFD [31].

aging, without considering the potential topology change of rent tripping of the converter during grid faults. Hence, the
the system. As a step forward, ”dynamic” averaging using dual-loop voltage and current control scheme is commonly
consensus algorithm can be deployed to enhance the control used, as shown in Fig. 5 (c)-(iv). It is composed by the inner
flexibility in terms of voltage regulation and compensate the filter inductor current control loop and the outer filter capac-
variations in the network topology [26]. The above secondary itor voltage control loop. The current loop serves two main
control algorithms are all designed for conventional microgrids purposes: 1) active damping of LC-filter resonance with the P
with fixed boundaries. In order to further enhance the operation controller, and 2) the prevention of overcurrent tripping with
flexibility, the concept of ”dynamic microgrids” was proposed the I controller. However, due to the time delay, a frequency-
[27], [28], so as to achieve secondary voltage regulation dependent virtual impedance, instead of a purely resistance, is
without pre-defined microgrid boundaries. added by the P current controller, and consequently, the control
C. Inner loop - Calculation of the modulation signal bandwidth of the outer voltage loop is still constrained [33].
Moreover, the control output impedance of the voltage loop
A wide range of voltage control schemes have been de- exhibits a negative real part in the high-frequency range, which
veloped for regulating the output voltage of GFM converters may destabilize the grid with high-frequency oscillations. To
[29]-[35]. The simplest approach is to directly feed the voltage enhance the performance of the dual-loop voltage control, the
magnitude reference and phase angle, which are generated capacitor voltage is also fed back to the output of the inner
from the outer control loops, to the modulation, as shown current controller, known as the voltage feedback decoupling
in Fig. 5 (c)-(i) [29]. There is no specific voltage feedback (VFD), which exhibits the higher control bandwidth and low
loop, and hence the capability of disturbance rejection needs frequency region of negative real part in the output impedance
to be further evaluated. An alternative method is to regulate the [34]. Fig. 6 (a) compares the inverter output impedance of
voltage amplitude with an integral (I) regulator, as shown in the dual-loop voltage control without or with the VFD, which
Fig. 5 (c)-(ii), where the voltage amplitude at the fundamental results in different stability under the same grid condition,
frequency is well regulated, yet the voltage waveform quality as shown in Fig. 6 (b) and (c) [31]. Alternatively, the outer
is still not guaranteed [30]. voltage controller can also be replaced by a virtual admittance
To regulate the output voltage waveform with high quality, [35], where the virtual admittance is designed as a first-order
the vector-voltage control can be implemented in a GFM LPF. Fig. 5 (c)-(v) illustrates the block diagram of the multi-
converter, either with the single-loop or the multi-loop control loop vector-voltage control, where the grid current feedforward
structure. Fig. 5 (c)-(iii) illustrates an example of single loop loop is added in the dual-loop voltage and current control.
control diagram. The I + R (IR) controller is implemented The grid current feedforward loop can be added at either the
in the αβ-frame [31], where the I controller is used for the output or the input of the voltage regulator. With the different
additional 90o phase lag at high frequencies, and a high loop controllers, the grid current feedforward loop can be used to
gain in the low-frequency range, while the R controller is de- synthesize various virtual impedances for the enhanced power
signed for a zero steady-state tracking error at the fundamental control, active filtering, overcurrent limiting, etc. [36], [37].
frequency. Moreover, to further wide the stability region of the
PR-I (or R) control, a two-degree-of-freedom control scheme IV. O PEN ISSUES AND FUTURE TRENDS
is developed, indicated by the dashed line, and implemented A. Synchronization stability
by introducing a first-order low-pass filter (LPF) [32].
A major drawback of the single-loop voltage control is the According to the considerations reported in Section II, GFL
lack of current controllability, which may cause the overcur- converters, usually adopting PLLs or similar filter structures


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(i) Time (s) Time (s)
(i) (i)

Time (s) Time (s)

(ii) (b)
(ii) (ii)

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 7: (a) Experimental results of the dynamic responses of the VSC with power synchronization control during large
transient disturbances: (i) with equilibrium points, (ii) without equilibrium points [44]; (b) converters reaction to a symmetrical
fault: (i) GFL , (ii) GFM without current limitation strategy; (c) operation mode transition of GFM converters: (i) phase and
voltage amplitude mismatch across the main breaker when transitioning from islanded mode to grid-connected mode, (ii)
through-power at the main breaker when transitioning from grid-connected mode to islanded mode strategy.

in their synchronization loops, are particularly susceptible to VSC is able to automatically re-synchronize with the power
low SCR grid conditions. In contrast, the GFM converters grid after around one cycle of oscillation, even if the fault
synchronize with the grid based on their output active power, clearing time is beyond the CCT, as shown in Fig. 7 (a)-(ii),
which is similarly to SMs. However, in stiff grids with high reducing the risk of system collapse caused by the delayed
SCRs, GFM converters tend to lose synchronism, since the fault clearance.
slight change of the phase difference between the converter
and grid voltages can lead to large active power variations
B. Current limitation and fault-ride through (FRT)
[38], requiring a more robust damping control for converters
operating in a wide range of SCR conditions [39].
Due to the intrinsic behavior of a voltage source behind
Besides the small-signal dynamic impact of synchronization impedance, the occurrence of grid faults might easily provoke
control, the transient stability of GFM converters, i.e. the unwanted converter overcurrents in a GFM converter, with
ability of converters to keep synchronism under large system consequent risk for hardware damages. Fig. 7 (b) compares
disturbances, has also attracted increasing attention [40]-[47]. the typical behaviours of GFL and GFM converters according
The droop-based power synchronization control introduced to a symmetrical grid fault, showing how the currents of a
in [9], exhibits a superior transient stability performance, GFM converter without a proper current limitation strategy
due to its first-order nonlinear dynamic behavior [44]. With can reach up to several times their rated value within few
this control method, the system can be kept stable whenever milliseconds. The easiest solution in order to overcome this
there are equilibrium points after the disturbance. Furthermore, critical operating condition is to switch to vector controlled
when there are no equilibrium points, e.g. during severe mode at the occurrence of a fault [9]-[10]. However, another
grid faults, the critical fault clearing time (CCT) can be efficient solution is represented by the implementation of vir-
explicitly calculated. As an example, Fig. 7 (a) shows the tual impedances, which allows limiting the converter reference
experimental results of the dynamic responses of the VSC with voltage according to fictitious variable impedance [12], [48].
the power synchronization control (PSC-VSC) during large Early investigations of FRT strategies for VSMs have been
transient disturbances [44]. The overdamped response of the mainly concerning the synchronverter control structure [49],
PSC-VSC can be clearly observed in Fig. 7 (a)-(i). Thus, the [50]. To this extent, [51] proposes the modification of the
transient instability does not occur for the PSC-VSC as long standard synchronverter control structure by adding a cascaded
as it has equilibrium points after the disturbance. Moreover, inner current reference generator and an inner PI-based current
for the severe faults without any equilibrium points, the PSC- control loop, in order to calculate proper converter currents out


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of the reference voltage signal during both normal conditions, as what proportion of converter interfaced equipment should
as well as during balanced and unbalanced grid faults. have the aforementioned capabilities, or where and when the
capability needs to be available. It is worth to notice, that the
C. Transition between islanded and grid-connected modes resulting specifications for GFM converters might in certain
cases even evolve in an opposite direction compared to actual
Transition between islanded and grid-connected modes grid codes. E. g., requiring the contribution of GFM converters
could involve significant deviations and oscillations due to in mitigating harmonics and imbalances in the system, implies
the potential mismatch in frequency and voltage amplitude necessarily to revise the current requirements on power quality
(islanded to grid-connected mode), and non-zero through- of grid connected converters.
power (grid-connected to islanded) [27], [52], [53]. GFM
converters should handle both operation modes and ensure V. C ONCLUSION
smooth transition between them. Particularly, under islanded
operation, GFM converters should be able to automatically es- This paper discusses the concept of GFM converters for
tablish and stabilize system frequency and voltage, while under wide interconnected system applications and provides an
grid-connected mode, GFM converters should be controlled to overview of the most relevant implementations available in the
inject specific amount of power in response to grid commands. literature. The conceptual differences between GFM convert-
More importantly, during the operation mode transition, it is ers and state-of-the-art GFL converters are first pointed out.
necessary to avoid oscillations and instabilities, and guarantee Subsequently, according to an extensive literature overview, a
system stability in the pre-/post-transition operation. In terms general structure of a GFM converter is presented, identifying
of the control approaches, droop control is widely adopted the main subsystems composing it. The identified control
as the primary control of GFM converters, while seamless loops are discussed in the paper, and different approaches
operation transition can be implemented in the secondary for their implementations are reviewed. Some of the most
level [24], [27], [28]. To seamlessly reconnect islanded GFM relevant challenges related to the implementation of GFM are
converters back to the main grid, voltage phasors on both highlighted and examined in the paper, namely the behaviour
sides of the main breaker need to be synchronized; on the of GFM converters during large transient disturbances, current
other hand, to seamlessly disconnect grid-connected GFM limitation and FRT capability, and the seamless transition from
converters, through-power at the main breaker should be islanded to grid-connected mode. The paper is concluded pre-
minimized before the system is islanded. Simulation results of senting the future trends for specifications of GFM converters
the operation mode transition of GFM converters are reported currently debated by SOs at European level.
in Fig. 7 (c), showing the process of reconnection to the main
grid Fig. 7 (c)-(i), and the opposite transition in Fig. 7 (c)-(ii). R EFERENCES
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