English Grammar: (Table of Active Tenses) 1. A

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1. ( TABLE OF ACTIVE TENSES ) PRESENT a. SIMPLE (waktu sekarang/sedang dikerjakan) S + V1 +s/es He works / He doesnt work b. CONTINUOUS (waktu sekarang/sedang dikerjakan & masih berlanjut) S + BE(am/is/are) + V1 + ing He is working / He isnt work c. PERFECT (waktu selesai sekarang) S + BE(has/have) + V2 He has worked / He hasnt worked d. PERFECT CONTINUOUS (..) S + BE(has/have) + BEEN + V1 + ing He has been working / He hasnt been working PAST a. SIMPLE (waktu lampau) S + V2 He worked / He didnt worked b. CONTINUOUS (waktu lampau & masih berlanjut) S + BE(was/were) + V1 + ing He was working / He wasnt working c. PERFECT (waktu lampau) S + BE(had) + V2 He had worked / He hadnt worked d. PERFECT CONTINUOUS (waktu lampau & masih berlanjut) S + BE(had) + BEEN + V1 + ing He had been working / He hadnt been working FUTURE a. SIMPLE (waktu akan datang) S + BE(will/shall/be going to) + V1 He will work / He willnt work b. CONTINUOUS (waktu akan dating & akan terus berlanjut) S + BE(will/shall/be going to) + BE + V1 + ing He will be working / He willnt be working c. PERFECT (waktu akan datang) S + BE(will/shall/be going to) + HAVE + V2 He will have worked / He willnt have worked d. PERFECT CONTINUOUS (..) S + BE(will/shall/be going to) + HAVE BEEN + V1 + ing He will have been working / He willnt have been working PRESENT a. CONDITIONAL S + BE(would/should) + V1 He would work / He wouldnt work b. CONDITIONAL CONTINUOUS S + BE(would/should) + BE + V1 + ing He would be working / He wouldnt be working PERFECT a. CONDITIONAL S + BE(would/should) + HAVE + V2 He would have worked / He wouldnt have worked b. CONDITIONAL CONTINUOUS S + BE(would/should) + HAVE BEEN + V1 + ing He would have been working / He wouldnt have working





---------------------------------------------------------------------SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE - - - PAST TENSE (Sedang dikerjakan) - - - (Sudah dikerjakan) Im in my room - - - He said he was in his room PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE - - - PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE (Sedang dikerjakan) - - - (Sudah & Masih dikerjakan) Shes driving too fast - - - He said she was driving too fast PRESENT PREFECT TENSE - - - PAST PERFECT TENSE (Sudah Selesai Belum Lama) - - - (Sudah Selasai Sudah Lama) Ive written some news - - - I wrote some news ---------------------------------------------------------------------PRESENT PREFECT PAST PREFECT FUTURE = Ive been able to speak English since last year = I was able to speak English = I will be able to speak English soon

---------------------------------------------------------------------1. PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE (Kalimat Lampau) WHEN =Ketika WHEN + S + V2, S + BE(was/were) + V1 + ing When she came home, they were going to office Or S + BE(was/were) + V1 + ing + O, WHEN + S + V2 They were going to office, when she came home WHILE =Sementara WHILE + S + BE(was/were) + V1 + ing, S + BE(was/were) + V1 + ing While she was coming, they were going to office Or S + BE(was/were) + V1 + ing, WHILE + S + BE(was/were) + V1 + ing They were going to office, when she was coming home JUST = Hanya Ive just had a cup of coffee ALREADY = Siap Ive already posted it GONE TO/BEEN TO = Sedang Ke Ali has gone to Jakarta YET = Juga Have you done the shopping yet? SO FAR = Sepanjang Im smoke five cigarettes so far today EVER = Pernah Have you ever been to Jakarta? NEVER = Tak Pernah No, Ive never been there HAVE BEEN TO = Sudah Berkunjung Ive been to Jakarta HAVE BEEN IN = Sudah Tinggal Ive been in Tegal for 29 years FOR =Jangka Waktu Ive lived in Tegal for 29 years

SINCE = Sejak/Saat Ive lived in Tegal since 1980 LATELY = Akhir-akhir ini Have you read a book lately? RECENTELY = Baru-baru ini No, I havent been to the library recently IN THE LAST FEW = Beberapa . . . terakhir I have seen you in the last few days 2. FUTURE TENSE (Waktu Akan Datang) BE ABLE TO = Mampu/Bisa/Dapat S + BE(am/is/are) + ABLE TO + V1 Im able to speak English AS SOON AS = Segera Sesudah I will going to Jakarta as soon as Ive eating this food UNTILL/TILL = Sampai I will have reading this book until Ive sleeping QUESTION ENDINGS (Akhiran Tanya) . . . (Bukan ?) S + BE(am/is/are) + NOT + P, BE(am/is/are) + S + ? Ali isnt here, is he? Or S + BE(am/is/are) + P, BE(am/is/are) + NOT + S + ? Ali is here, isnt he? THERE =Ada THERE + BE(am/is/are) + O, BE(am/is/are) + NOT + THERE + ? There is any milk, isnt there? Or THERE + BE(am/is/are) + NOT + O, BE(am/is/are) + THERE + ? There isnt any milk, is there? 4. THE ADJECTIVE (Kata Sifat ) S + BE(am/is/are) + AS + P + AS + S I am as old as Siti Or S + BE(am/is/are) + P + er + THAN + S Ali is the bigger than Siti Or S + BE(am/is/are) + MORE/MOST + P + THAN + S Siti is more beautiful than Ani INDEFINITE PRONOUNS (Kata Ganti Tertentu) SOMETHING / ANYTHING / NOTHING / EVERYTHING SOMEBODY / ANYBODY / NOBODY / EVERYBODY SOMEWHERE / ANYWHERE / NOWHERE / EVERYWHERE S + V1 + IP + O They live somewhere in Jakarta OTHERS WHO = Siapa Who took my book? WHOM = Siapapun/Apapun Whom did you see?



= Sesuatu = Setiap Orang = Beberapa Tempat


WHOSE = Punya Siapa Whose books are there? WHICH = Yang Mana untuk Benda Which do you like best of driver? HOW = Bagaimana/Seberapa How do you start the engine? How old is he? WHY = Mengapa Why do you going to ate? WHERE = Dimana Where are you live? ASK = Meminta She was ask me to sit down AMONG = Seperti He was happy to be among friends again ALMOST = Hampir He has worked almost finished A GOOD THING = Ada baiknya Its a good thing MAY = Boleh/Dapat You may leave here when you have finished MUCH / A LOT OF = Beberapa He ate so much at lunch I had a lot of trouble A LITTLE / A FEW = Sedikit There is a little food Few people know this ---------------------------------------------------------------------PRONOUN ADJECTIVE = Kata Benda = Kata Sifat

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