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ISSN: 1812–1217

Success rate of apicectomy of anterior and

premolar teeth
Mohammed Kh Hasouni Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
BDS, FDSRCPS (Lect) College of Dentistry, University of Mosul

Shehab A Hamad Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

BDS, MSc (Lect) College of Dentistry, University of Salahaddin

This study was carried out to assess the success rate of
apicectomy of anterior and premolar teeth. Out of 336 patien-
ts, who had undergone apicectomy in a private practice betw-
een 1997–2001, only 256 patients (76.2%) completed the two
years recall visits; which was the minimum time recom-
mended in this study to judge whether the operation was suc-
cessful or not. The age range of the patients was 12–67 years
(mean of 34.7 years), 136 were males and 120 were females.
The overall success rate of apicectomy in this study was
89.1%. Sex of the patient had no bearing on the success rate
(p > 0.05). Highly significant influence of the patient’s age on
the success rate was observed (p < 0.01); the success rate inc-
Hasouni MKh, Hamad ShA.
reased proportionally with increased age. Highly significant
Success rate of apicectomy of
influence of the type of the apicectomised tooth on the succe- anterior and premolar teeth Al–
ss rate was noted (p < 0.001); upper anterior teeth showed the Rafidain Dent J. 2005; 5(2):
highest success rate (92.1%), whereas upper premolars show- 161-167.
ed the lowest success rate (77.4%). Periapical condition of the
tooth prior to the operation, preoperative vs postoperative ob- Received:
turation of the root canal, and orthograde obturation vs retro- 22/4/2005
grade obturation were not significant factors affecting the su- Sent to Referees:
ccess rate of apicectomy (p > 0.05). 17/5/2005
Key Words: Apicectomy, endodontic surgery. Accepted for Publication:

INTRODUCTION cian, described the first case of apicectomy

Apicectomy has become an integral in his medical encyclopedia, Altasrif.(3) A
part of a comprehensive dental treatment. root end resection procedure to manage a
The primary objective of apicectomy is to tooth with necrotic pulp and alveolar absc-
eradicate the aetiological agents of peri- ess was documented in 1871,(4) and root
apical pathoses and to restore the periodo- end resection with retrograde cavity prepa-
ntium to a state of biologic and functional ration and filling with amalgam in
health.(1) The American Association of En- 1890’s.(5)
dodontists define apicectomy as “the exci- Indications for surgical approach to
sion of the apical portion of the tooth root the root apex include; first, if there is a str-
and attached soft tissues during periradicu- ong possibility of failure via a nonsurgical
lar surgery”.(2) approach. Second, if failure has resulted
Historically, this operation was repor- from nonsurgical endodontic treatment,
ted 4500 years ago in the form of simple and retreatment is impossible or would not
cortical trephination. Around the 11th Cen- achieve better results. Third, if biopsy is
tury AD, Abulcasis, an Arabian physi- necessary at or near the tooth apex.(6)

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Vol. 5, No. 2, 2005
Hasouni MKh, Hamad ShA

Contraindications to apicectomy are few sidered for inclusion in this study; since
and are usually limited to patient factors they completed the two years recall visits,
such as general medical condition and loc- which was the minimum time recommend-
al anatomical factors, like extremely unus- ed in this study to decide whether the ope-
ual root or bone configuration, close proxi- ration was successful or not. The age ran-
mity to vital structures and inadequate cro- ge of the patients was 12–67 years, with a
wn/root ratio.(7) mean of 34.7 years. There were 136 males
The literature is replete with studies and 120 females.
evaluating the success rate of conventional The technique of apicectomy included
endodontic treatment. Review of English exposure of the operative field under local
literature from 1952–2002 revealed more anaesthesia (lidocaine 2% with adrenaline
than 332 articles on the success and failure 1:80,000, Septodont, France). Three–sided
of conventional root canal treatment. The flap was then incised, the horizontal incisi-
success rate of endodontic therapy was re- on began in the gingival sulcus and exten-
ported to vary between 40%–96%.(8–13) ded through the fibers of gingival attachm-
The first International Conference on End- ent to the crestal bone; the vertical incisio-
odontics attempted to establish criteria for ns were placed at the line angle of the tee-
success of conventional root canal therapy, th adjacent to the involved tooth. The desi-
but no such attempt has been made to defi- gned flap was then gently elevated from
ne the success in apicectomy. However, as the cortical bone and retracted with suitab-
apicectomy is an extension of root canal le retractor. Covering bone was removed
therapy by surgical means, the criteria of with surgical round bur in a straight hand-
success of both procedures should be iden- piece under normal saline cooling. After
tical.(14) removal of the periapical pathoses with su-
Studies of 2,039 apicectomy cases fr- rgical curette, the root tip was resected
om the 1930’s to the 1960’s report a succ- with a surgical bur. Haemostasis was achi-
ess rate ranging from 34% to 100%, with a eved by means of gauze packing. The root
mean success rate of 82.5%.(15–18) A study canal was then obturated by gutta percha
of 797 apicectomy by Nordenram and Sv- points (United Dental Manufacturers, Inc,
ardstrom(19) reported a success rate of 64% USA), with zinc–oxide root canal sealer
with the best results found when root fill- (DoriDent, Austria). The excess gutta per-
ing and apicectomy were carried out at the cha was removed with hot instrument.
same visit when the periapical lesion was Retrograde amalgam filling, when ne-
less than 5 mm in diameter. A retrospecti- eded, was performed by preparing mini–
ve study by Oginni and Olusile(20) showed Class I cavity in the apical region of the
the success rate of apicectomy of anterior root stump by using a small inverted cone
teeth to be 71.9%. bur in mini–handpiece. The operative field
The purpose of this study was to eval- was isolated and the cavity filled with am-
uate the success rate of apicectomy of ant- algam (Degussa Dental, Germany).
erior and premolar teeth. The other aim In each case, the remaining bony cav-
was to look for the influence of some fact- ity was vigorously irrigated with normal
ors on the success rate of apicectomy, like: saline solution, so as to remove any debris
Age and sex of the patient, type of the api- or excess filling material. The flap was
cected tooth, periapical condition of the to- then repositioned and sutured with 3/0 bla-
oth prior to the operation, preoperative vs ck silk suture (Ethicon, England). Within
postoperative obturation and retrograde vs the first week the sutures were removed
orthograde filling. and a postoperative radiograph was taken.
The follow up included instructing every
patient to recall at 6, 12 and 24 months. At
MATERIALS AND METHODS each recall visit the apicected tooth was ra-
The sample of this study included the diographed and examined clinically for si-
records of patients who had undergone ap- nus tract, swelling, tenderness to percussi-
icectomy in a private practice from 1997– on or palpation of the apical region, and
2001. The records of 76.2% of the patients also for mobility. The patient was also as-
(256 out of a total of 336 cases) were con- ked for any symptoms since the last visit.

162 Al–Rafidain Dent J

Vol. 5, No. 2, 2005
Success rate of apicectomy

The criteria of success of apicectomy in 3. The radiographic appearance of the pe-

the present study were those recommended riodontal ligament remains normal or
by Harty et al.(14) They included: return to normality.
1. The tooth remains clinically symptoml- The results were analyzed using Fish-
ess and functional for two or more ye- er’s exact test. A p–value < 0.05 was acce-
ars, at that time there should be an pted to be significant.
absence of:
(a) Break down of the incision; RESULTS
(b) Persistent sinus tract; The overall success rate of apicecto-
(c) Tenderness to percussion; my in the present study was 89.1%, 228
(d) Tenderness, discomforts or pain out of 256 patients, (Table 1).
over the operation site;
(e) Recurrence of swelling; Table (1): The overall success rate of
(f) Excess mobility of the tooth; apicectomy
(g) Drifting of the tooth because of la- No. Percentage
ck of bony support or inadequate Successful 228 89.1%
root length; Unsuccessful 28 10.9%
(h) Periodontal disease of iatrogenic Total 256 100%
2. There is no rediographic evidence of The success rate of apicectomy was
any abnormality. Periapical scar with- greater in females than males, but without
out symptoms was considered success- reaching a significant level (p>0.05) (Tab-
ful. le 2).

Table (2): Success rate of apicectomy according to patients’ sex

Successful* Unsuccessful Total
No. (%) No. (%) No. (%)
Male 120 (88.2%) 16 (11.8%) 136 ( 53.1%)
Female 108 (90%) 12 (10%) 120 (46.9%)
Total 228 ( 89.1%) 28 (10.9%) 256 (100%)
*Not significant, p > 0.05 (Fisher’s exact test).

Highly significant influence of the pa- to have a highly significant influence on

tient’s age on the success rate of apicecto- the success rate of apicectomy (p < 0.001).
my was noted (p < 0.01). The success rate Upper anterior teeth carried the highest su-
was found to be increased proportionally ccess rate followed in a descending order
with increased age (Table 3). by lower anterior, lower premolars, and
Type of the operated tooth was found upper premolar teeth (Table 4).

Table (3): Success rate of apicectomy according to patients’ age

Age Successful* Unsuccessful Total
(Years) No. (%) No. (%) No. (%)
<15 11 (78.6%) 3 (21.4%) 14 (5.5%)
15-29 131 (88%) 18 (12%) 149 (58.2%)
30-44 66 (91.1%) 6 (8.3%) 72 (28.1%)
45-60 16 (94%) 1 (6%) 17 (6.6%)
>60 4 (100%) ------- 4 (1.6%)
Total 228 (89.1%) 28 (10.9%) 256 (100%)
* Highly significant, p < 0.01 (Fisher’s exact test).

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Table (4): Success rate of apicectomy according to tooth type

Successful* Unsuccessful Total
Tooth Type
No. (%) No. (%) No. (%)
Upper Anterior 151 (92.1%) 13 (7.9%) 164 (64.1%)
Lower Anterior 43 (87.8%) 6 (12.2%) 49 (19.1%)
Upper Premolar 24 (77.4%) 7 (22.6%) 31 (12.1%)
Lower Premolar 10 (83.3%) 2 (16.7%) 12 (4.7%)
Total 228 (89.1%) 28 (10.9%) 256 (100%)
* Very highly significant, p < 0.001(Fisher’s exact test).

Periapical condition of the apicected the success rate of apicectomy (Table 6).
tooth prior to surgery had no significant Retrograde filling with amalgam incr-
influence (p > 0.05) on the success rate of eased the success rate of apicectomy by
apicectomy (Table 5). about 9%, as compared to orthograde fill-
Preoperative obturation of the tooth ing alone, the difference failed to reach a
had no significant influence (p > 0.05) on significant level (p > 0.05), (Table 7).

Table (5): Success rate of apicectomy according to periapical condition of the tooth
Successful* Unsuccessful Total
Periapical Condition
No. (%) No. (%) No. (%)
11 (91.7%) 1 (8.3%) 12 (4.7%)
Periodontal Ligament
28 (90.3%) 3 (9.7%) 31 (12.1%)
Periodontal Ligament
189 (88.7%) 24 (11.3%) 213 (83.2%)
Radiolucent Lesion

Total 228 (89.1%) 28 (10.9%) 256 (100%)

* Not significant, p > 0.05 (Fisher’s exact test).

Table (6): Success rate of apicectomy according preoperative vs intraoperative obturation

Successful* Unsuccessful Total
Obturation Timing
No. (%) No. (%) No. (%)
Preoperative Obturation 35 (87.5%) 5 (12.5%) 40 (15.6%)
Intraoperative Obturation 193 (89.4%) 23 (10.6%) 216 (84.4%)
Total 228 (89.1%) 28 (10.9%) 256 (100%)
* Not significant, p > 0.05 (Fisher’s exact test).

Table (7): Success rate of apicectomy according to

orthograde vs retrograde filling
Successful* Unsuccessful Total
No. (%) No. (%) No. (%)
Retrograde Filling 30 (96.8%) 1 (3.2%) 31 (12.1%)
Orthograde Filling 198 (88%) 27 (12%) 225 (87.9%)
Total 228 (89.1%) 28 (10.9%) 256 (100%)
* Not significant, p > 0.05 (Fisher’s exact test).

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Success rate of apicectomy

DISCUSSION rate or not to operate on teeth with unfavo-

A large number of papers have been rable prognosis.
published concerning the history, techniq- The outcome of apicetomy was not
ue, materials and equipments used in apic- influenced by the sex of the patient, as the-
ectomy; but few have been made to assess re was no significant difference between
the success rate of this operation, despite males and females. The results come in ac-
the frequency and ease with which this op- cordance with those of many previous stu-
eration is performed. In addition, the foll- dies.(14, 23, 26)
ow up of apicected teeth would be more Age of the patients showed a highly
feasible than conventionally treated teeth, significant influence on the success rate of
since the patients will take the instructions apicectomy (p < 0.01). The success rate
for recall visits more seriously for operat- has shown to be increased proportionally
ed teeth as compared to conventionally tr- with increased age. The lowest success ra-
eated teeth, which he/ she may consider it te (78.6%) was noted in the age group of
just a filling in the tooth. The lack of adeq- less than 15 years, whereas the age group
uate studies on the success rate of apicect- of more than 60 years showed the highest
omy is probably due to the fact that it lies success rates. An explanation of this incre-
between two dental disciplines, namely, ased rate of success in older patients may
conservative dentistry and oral surgery. be attributed to the fact that root canals of
In the present study only 76.2% (256/ elderly people are usually smaller, due to
336) of the patients who have had apicect- excessive dentine deposition, and thus eas-
omy attained the two years follow up visi- ier to seal effectively. The findings of this
ts, which was the minimum time recomm- study come in agreement with those of Ha-
end to decide whether the operation was rty et al.,(14) who found that the success
successful or not. The remaining 80 patie- rate of apicetomy was improved with age.
nts (23.8%) were failed to complete the In contrast to the findings of this study,
two years recall visits. Some of these cases Lyons et al.(23) concluded that the success
might have been unsuccessful and the pati- rate of apicetomy was not influenced by
ents did not return because the tooth or te- the patient’s age.
eth had been extracted. Also, patients with Type of the apicected tooth showed a
successful treatment and symptomless te- highly significant influence on the success
eth were less likely to make efforts to rate of apicectomy. The upper anterior tee-
return. It is accepted in the literature that if th showed the highest success rate
the proportion of losses of the sample is (92.1%), whereas the lowest success rate
large (between 30–40%), this would certa- was noted in upper premolars (77.4%).
inly raise serious doubts about the validity The high success rate in the anterior teeth
of the study results.(21) may be attributed to the good visual and
The overall success rate of apicecto- manipulative access to the anterior region,
my in the present study was 89.1%. It co- which is a prerequisite for the success of
mes in accordance with many previous st- apicectomy. The high failure rate in the pr-
udies, which reported that the success rate emolar teeth may be due to limited access
of apicectomy is about 90%.(14, 22–24) Howe- to the apical region of these teeth, thick
ver, other studies reported a much lower overlying bone, and close proximity to vit-
success rate than the present study. Harty al structures (maxillary sinus for upper pr-
et al.(14) found that the success rate of 1016 emolars and mental neurovascular bundle
cases of apicectomy was 90%. Oginni and for lower premolars). All these factors inc-
Olusile(18) concluded that the success rate rease the difficulty of the operation and
of apicectomy of anterior teeth was 71.9%. may affect the outcome of surgery. The fi-
Peterson and Gutmann(25) reported a succe- ndings of this study come in agreement
ss rate of 64%. This great variation in the with those of Ericson et al.,(27) who report-
success rate of apicetcomy may be attribu- ed a study of 314 maxillary teeth which
ted to the lack of agreement on a definition had undergone apicectomy, the maxillary
of success and failure of surgery, the diffe- first premolar showed the lowest success
rence in the expertise of those who perfo- rate. The results of this study disagree with
rm the operations, and the decision to ope- those of Maddalone and Gagliani,(22) who

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