The Stressfulness of Education

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Sigüenza 1

The stressfulness of education

Fabianna Sigüenza

Santiago Rendon

Sigüenza 2

When people become overly stressed to perform in their academic responsibilities, it can
negatively impact their mental health. Academic stress can cause or worsen symptoms of mental
disorders such as anxiety or depression. Academic stress can reduce motivation.
Teenagers all over the world feel the stress caused by academic responsibilities. They feel this
way because of pressure from parents, teachers or classmates. They may think they are a number
and that if they don't get a certain grade, they are dumb. This way of thinking causes many
mental illnesses, that is why it is important for people to think before they say something because
you don't know how their comment may affect others, academic pressure can cause anxiety,
depression and physical health.

The pressure that students feel to have good grades can cause anxiety, it is caused by the
expectation that the parents, teacher or themselves have. Anxiety is caused by a fear that we have
of not achieving one of our objectives. Academic anxiety can have a negative effect on mental
health. Studies have shown that academic stress can cause a decline in unemployment and
develop anxiety and depression. Students who suffer from academic anxiety tend to do poorly in
school, which could make their anxiety even worse. Academic stress can cause depression,
anxiety disorder, or high-performance anxiety. Traditional studies among medical students
revealed that both anxiety and depression are associated with lower academic performance.
However, treating anxiety can improve academic performance. It is important to treat academic
anxiety to avoid negative repercussions on mental health and academic performance. Academic
anxiety, also known as test anxiety, can have a big impact on mental health. Here are some ways
academic anxiety can affect mental health:

-Increased stress: when you worry about your academic performance, the body responds by
releasing stress hormones, such as cortisol and adrenaline.

-Negative self-talk: academic anxiety can also lead to negative self-talk when you begin to
believe that you are not very good or that you will fail. This type of negative self-talk can lead to
a sense of hopelessness, helplessness, and low independent maintenance, which can also affect
mental health.

-Avoidance behavior: when you worry about your academic performance, you may begin to
avoid situations that cause you to worry.

It is important to treat academic anxiety from the beginning to prevent it from affecting mental
health. Some things that can help us to treat it are therapy, relaxation techniques among others.

Depression is a mental illness worldwide, depression in adolescents is higher, it is caused by

stressful situations such as: academic obligation, studies, pressure from teacher or classmates,
competition among classmates and others, all these are elements that can affect mental health,
students aged 16 to 21 years have higher levels of depression, depression affects academic
development. Depression can have a negative effect on academic grades. Recent studies suggest
that high-level stress and depression are related to poor academic outcomes. A significant
negative relationship has been found between depression and academic grades.
Anxiety and depression are detrimental to academic performance and promote
Sigüenza 3

Symptoms of depression can make it difficult for a person to concentrate, remember information,
and stay motivated. Here are some of the ways it affects academic performance:

-Lack of motivation: Depression can cause a lack of motivation and interest in activities we used
to enjoy doing, including academic work. This lack of motivation can lead to a decrease in effort
and commitment to schoolwork, which reduces academic performance.

-Difficulty concentrating: Depression can affect a person's ability to concentrate and focus on
tasks, making it difficult to complete work or assignments.

-Decreased self-esteem: Depression can lead to negative thoughts and feelings about oneself,
including low self-esteem, making it difficult to ask questions in class or ask for help when

If a student has academic depression, it is important to seek professional help and academic
accommodations may be available to help with academic workload while in treatment, it is
important to identify if a student has academic depression so that we can best help the student
and not let it end badly.

Academic depression and anxiety can have a negative effect on physical health. In many cases,
pain and discomfort tend to be experienced or coughed up without obvious causes. Academic
stress can cause or worsen symptoms of mental disorders such as anxiety and depression, which
can affect students' energy level and concentration. School-related decreases in academic
performance can worsen anxiety, leading to poorer school outcomes. Recent studies suggest that
high-level stress and depression are related to poor academic outcomes. Students with academic
stress, anxiety, and depression include physical illness, lack of sleep, irritability or volatility,
lower academic performance, social withdrawal, drug and alcohol experimentation, and risks of
The mind and body are connected, and when a person experiences mental health problems, they
can manifest in physical symptoms. Here are some ways academic depression and anxiety can
affect physical health:

-Sleep changes: Students with academic depression and anxiety may have difficulty falling
asleep, staying asleep or getting quality sleep, which can cause daytime fatigue and affect their
physical health.

-Appetite changes: depression and anxiety can cause changes in appetite, causing overeating or
not eating, which can lead to weight gain or weight loss.

-Physical pain: Depression and anxiety can cause physical pain, such as headaches, stomach or
muscle tension, which can affect a person's daily function.

-Weakened immune system: Prolonged academic depression and anxiety can weaken the
immune system, making you more susceptible to illness and infection.
Sigüenza 4

It is essential to look for a treatment for academic depression and anxiety to avoid long-term
physical health consequences. Students can go to therapy, take medication and make lifestyle
changes to manage their mental health and improve their physical well-being, as well as do self-
care activities such as exercise, healthy eating, having a healthy diet, and eating well. Self-care
practices, such as regular exercise, healthy eating, and good sleep hygiene, can also improve
physical health and mental health.

We can conclude that when a person has academic stress is not a situation that we do not have to
care because if it is not treated in time can have more serious consequences than those mentioned
above, sometimes we think that the comments we make do not affect people but we do not know
why other people are going through situations so also teachers, family and in some cases
classmates have to think that the comments they say can affect people differently because not
everyone has the same reactions and do not know how it will affect that comment to a person.
That is why all schools should have in their curriculum hours for students to relax and also have
trained staff in case a similar situation happens at some point the student feels confident to
express their feelings and what they are going through at that time so they can be helped in time
and not have greater consequences. We do not have to wait to have depression, anxiety or
physical illness to seek help so it is necessary to always be informed on the subject.
Sigüenza 5


(No date) The relationship between depression and college academic performance - gale.
Available at:
%7CA201608594&linkaccess=fulltext (Accessed: 28 Apr 2023).

Ben LesserBen Lesser is one of the most sought-after experts in health (no date) Ben Lesser, Available at:
learning/ (Accessed: 29Apr 2023).

Bryanyoung (2023) How does academic stress affect mental health in the age of Digital
Learning, KVC Kansas. Available at:
academic-stress-affect-mental-health-in-the-age-of-digital-learning/ (Accessed: 02 May

CR;, H.A.S. (no date) The impact of depression on the academic productivity of university
students, The journal of mental health policy and economics. Available at: (Accessed: 05 May 2023).

Home - PMC - NCBI (no date) National Center for Biotechnology Information. Available at: (Accessed: 05 May 2023).

How academic pressure takes a toll on Mental Health (2023) Indiana Center for Recovery.
Available at:
health/ (Accessed: 06 May 2023).

How college students perceive academic stress affects their mental well-being (no date) Rutgers
University. Available at:
academic-stress-affects-their-mental-well-being (Accessed: 05May 2023).

How does academic stress affect mental health? (2023) Navigate360. Available at:
(Accessed: 06May 2023).

Impact of anxiety and depression on student academic progress (2020) IBCCES. Available at: (Accessed:
06 May 2023).

Jamil, H. et al. (2022) The impact of anxiety and depression on academic performance: A cross-
sectional study among medical students in Syria, Avicenna journal of medicine. Available
at: (Accessed: 07 May 2023).
Sigüenza 6

The mental health toll of academic pressure (2022) Newport Institute. Available at: (Accessed:
07 May 2023).

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