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Foodborne parasitic infections

(Lung fluke)

Paragonimiasis, or lung fluke The most common species Paragonimus spp. is a common
disease, is caused by infection in Asia are P. westermani, parasite of crustacean-eating
with several species of trematodes P. heterotremus and mammals such as dogs, cats,
belonging to the genus P. philippinensis. tigers, mongooses and monkeys.
Introduction Paragonimus. (reservoir definitive hosts).

The adult flukes live in the lungs of infected

mammals and lay eggs that are coughed up
through the airways and either expectorated
in the sputum or swallowed and
Transmission defecated.
When the eggs reach freshwater, they develop Eating
and risk undercooked
factors into miracidia that will inhabit various species infected
of aquatic snails where they will asexually freshwater
reproduce and eventually give rise to more crustaceans Lack of
developed larvae called cercariae.
Definitive host sanitation
(Fluke) and open
The cercariae will then further inhabit various defecation
freshwater crustaceans, which act as
second intermediate hosts, such as crabs and 2nd intermediate
crayfish but also shrimp and even frogs. Free living
When the crustaceans are eaten raw or
undercooked, the metacercariae that is the
infective stage for several mammals will excyst
1st intermediate
in the intestine and penetrate their way through
the intestinal wall, peritoneum, diaphragm Free living host
and pleura - eventually reaching the lungs and
completing the cycle. The incubation period is
65 to 90 days.

When worms reach the lungs, symptoms Triclabendazole and praziquantel are both
in humans may include chronic cough with WHO-recommended medicines for treatment of
blood-stained sputum, chest pain with difficult paragonimiasis in humans.
breathing and fever; pleural effusion and Triclabendazole is preferred for the simplicity of
pneumothorax are possible complications. its regimen, which ensures higher compliance
Signs and Treatment
symptoms Symptoms and signs mimic those with treatment.
of tuberculosis or lung cancer, and Praziquantel can be used in animals.
paragonimiasis should always be suspected
in patients with tuberculosis who are non-
responsive to treatment. 1. Preventive chemotherapy with a single
Usually, parasites in the lungs of cats and oral dose of triclabendazole in communities
dogs are not of great importance and where cases of paragonimiasis appear to be
respiratory signs are comparatively rare. significantly clustered
Some parasites might lodge in the brain or
Public health 2. Prevention and control in animals
other organs causing more severe damage.
prevention Treatment of domestic animals, such as pigs,
and control cats and dogs
Individual diagnosis is made based on the 3. Water, sanitation and hygiene
clinical picture, on the recall of consuming raw (WASH)
crustaceans, on the detection of eosinophilia
Reduce contamination of freshwater streams
and on the typical findings of ultrasound,
with faeces and sputum by improving
X-ray, computed tomography or magnetic
Detection sanitation and promoting toilet use in endemic
resonance imaging scans. Tests to rule out
and areas
tuberculosis should always be conducted.
diagnosis 4. Risk communication proper cooking of
Confirmation of diagnosis and monitoring
crustaceans and food handling
of interventions rely on parasitological,
immunological, and molecular techniques.
Diagnosis in animals is mainly based on
microscopy. i

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