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What is your favorite food and why?

I have the same meal twice a day, every day. It consists of six eggs, 200g of cheese, and a
big bowl of cabbage salad, including 70g of olive oil and 50g of vinegar. Of course, the eggs are
cooked in butter, and I add up to 50g of butter. It is my favorite meal because it is healthy and
makes me feel good. It provides the needed energy without making my stomach feel heavy.

Do you prefer to eat at home or eat out. Explain why.

I prefer to eat at home because when I prepare food for myself, I know all the ingredients.
This is very important to me because I want to stay healthy, and to be healthy, I need to eat
healthily. I don’t want my food to be cooked in seed oils, and I don’t like seasoning, so it’s best
for me to prepare my own food.

What foods do you like to snack on, and why?

I don't snack much because I eat two big meals a day. If I snack between them, it's hard to
enjoy my second meal. But when I do snack, I go for healthy stuff with less sugar, like peanuts,
almonds, and other nuts.

What is your favorite dessert, explain why?

My favorite dessert is pancakes. I love them because there are countless versions to try—
whether with black or white cream, fruits, chocolate, or a mix of chocolate, fruits, and nuts.
Saying 'pancakes' for me means enjoying every possible combination.

Do you prefer sweet or salty foods? Why is that?

I like salty foods more. While sweet foods might have a better taste, with salty foods, you
don't face a sudden drop in blood sugar. This way, you can stay active and feel normal for about
half an hour after eating, unlike after having something sweet.
Where do you live?

I reside in Serbia, more specifically in Kosovo. While some assert its status as an independent
state, the reality is that Kosovo is internationally recognized as part of Serbia.

What kind of place is it?

What’s the most interesting part of your town/village?

What kind of job do the people in your town/village do? Give several examples.

Would you say it’s a good place to live? Why or why not?

Tell me about the kind of accommodation you live in.

How long have you lived there and who do you live with?

What do you like about living there? Explain.

What sort of accommodation would you most like to live in?

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