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Levels: elementary


Topic: teaching vocabulary: weather

Objective of the topic: to develop vocabulary of my students and increase

vocabulary skills.

Technique: students work in groups to exchange the topic that I presented to them.

And use flash card for them.

Activity: write more words in your note book for next lesson


Topic: kitchen vocabulary items

Objective of the topic: to help student to recognize kitchen tools

Technique: use some kitchen materials tools in the class and pronounce them

Activity: create word families


Topic: transport vocabulary

Objective of the topic: student are familiarize with transport words items

Technique: give opportunity to some of my student to have a role on the stage in

presenting transport words.

Activity: have competition among groups to increase their vocabulary about the


Topic: school vocabulary items

Objective of the topic: to encourage student to use school vocabulary items in

correct way.

Technique: ask and answer to warm students up and spent enjoyable time about
the topic

Activity: ask each group to write more words about the topic

Topic: fruit vocabulary items

Objective of the topic: students recognize new vocabulary items

Technique: using fruit flash card for them

Activity: giving them a text they scan and find fruit vocabulary words


Topic: clothes words

Objective of the topic: students recognize new vocabulary items

Technique: present the topic outside classroom in their real life in clothes shop

Activity: create a picture and write clothes word items


Topic: having an overview about what we have studied before

Objective of the topic: to know that what they have understood from previous

Technique: giving some texts and they discuss them in groups

Activity: make family words about the topics that we have studied

Topic: nature vocabulary (Geography new items)

Objective of the topic: help students to take benefit from the topic

Technique: present the topic outside classroom in their real life

Activity: make a report what they learnt from this lesson


Topic: increasing vocabulary skill

Technique: give students to have opportunity to show their ability throw gallery in
school like bulletin, express wording in different ways

Activity: give feedback about the activity strong and weak points


Topic: improve vocabulary skill

Objective of the topic: to practise different kinds of activity to have self confidence

Technique: making play games and body gesture to learn more words

Activity: create family new words that they have learnt


Topic: animal vocabulary

Objective of the topic: increase vocabulary new items

Technique: Cut the sections of the paragraph into smaller pieces.

Activity: I use different flash card they tell me the names

Week 12

Topic: review vocabulary that they have studied

Objective of the topic: to remind student the vocabulary topic that they learnt

Technique: general test

Activity: give me feedback about the way of teaching that I used

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