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By : A P RANDHIR(B. com, LL.B, LL.M, D.L.P)

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1. Suit For Specific Performance Of Contract2. Elements That Are Involved In A
Suit For Specific PerformanceOf Suit:-2. 2. Unregistered Agreement Of Sale :-2. 2.
Unregistered Agreement Of Sale :-3. Conduct Of The Parties:-4. Readiness
And Willingness:-5. Time Is Essence Of Contract:-6. Adding Parties In Specific
Performance Suit:-7. Essential Elements To Constitute ‘Lis Pendens’:-8. Readiness
And Willingness9. Limitation Act, Article 54. (Suit For Specific Performance)10.
Specific Relief Act, Section 20(C)11. Evidence Act Section 68 And Specific Relief Act
12. Specific Relief Act Section 10 And Registration Act, Sec.49.13. Transfer Of Property
Act, Section 53-A14.Essence Of Contract Relating To Immovable Property

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1. Suit For Specific Performance of Contract
Specific performance is a remedy developed by principle of equity.A party to
a contract who is damaged because the contract is breached b y a n o t h e r
party has the option to file a suit for specific performancecompelling
t o p e r f o r m h i s p a r t o f c o n t r a c t . B e f o r e a n e q u i t y c o u r t w i l l compel
specific performance, however, the contract must be one whichcan be
specifically performed. Section 16 (c) of the Act envisages that plaintiff must
plead and prove that he had performed or has always beenready and willing to perform
the essential terms of the contract which aret o b e p e r f o r m e d b y h i m , o t h e r
than those terms the performance
o f which has been prevented or waived by the defendant. In our country,m o s t o f
the specific performance suits relate to sales of
i m m o v a b l e properties and to some extent, transfer of shares. As the law of
specificp e r f o r m a n c e i s b a s i c a l l y f o u n d e d o n e q u i t y , c o n s i d e r a t i o n s s u
c h a s conduct of the plaintiff, the element of hardship that may be caused
toone of the parties, the availability of adequate alternative relief and suchother matters
are taken into consideration. It is a discretionary relief.

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