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Incision Of Stye

Therapeutic Contact Lens (Two)

Ultrasonography One Eye
Cosmetic Contact Lens(Two)
Incision Of Lacrima Abscesl
Hard Contact Lens (Two)
Biometry Or Pachymetry
Test For Squint
Colour Vision Test
Stereoscopic Vision Test
Refraction Under Cycloplegic Eye Drops
Suture Removal (One Eye)
Suture Removal (Two Eyes)
Ophthalmic Pachymetry
Daily Contac Lens (Two)
Extended Contact Lenses
Tinted Contact Lens (Two)
Ultra Sound (Obestetric Follow-Up).
Color Doppler Ultra Sound
U/S Folliculometry
Ctg 1 Hour
Ctg Repeated
Transvaginal U/S
Tissue Histopathology CHECK \DR ISRAA
Insertion Of I.U Loop
Removal Of I.U Loop
Removal Of Missed I.U Loop
Thermo-Cautery Of Cervix
Cryocautery Of Cervix
Episiotomy - Local Anaesthesia
Colposcopy W/Biopsy
Colposcopic Examination
Episiotomy Wound Revision
Cervical Biopsy W/O Histopathology
Examination Under G.A.
Chemical Cautery
Epidural Anasthesia
Suction Curretage
Endometrial Premenstrual Curr.
Endocervical Biopsy
Intravenous Infusion
Ear Canal Wash
Allergy Skin Test (Prick Test)
Earlobe Piercing
Nebulizer (Steam Or Medication)
Desensitization For 1 S.C. Inj
Gt-Test (Intradermal Tb Test)
Vaccinations (At Birth)
M.M.R. Vaccination
Measles Vaccination
D.P.T. Vaccination

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