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it pa bi aeons sees Ian red nd ee — See oe oe English tenslaton prepared by DIB - Orginal version in German language ‘General Part Deutsches Intl for Bauch Fastening serows JA, JB JT, Zand JF Fastening sors for mtal member and sheeting JOT Baubetestiqungen GmbH Inder Stocaviee 98 57934 Bad Laaepne DEUTSCHLAND, JOT manufacturing plants 2,8, 9,129, 18" 21,25, 30-32 162 pages including 149 annexes wien frm an integra pan eis assessment EAD 3300¢6.01-0602 ‘otonnarebe so oes Brn| GERMANY Prone 49927=200 Fox 14830759020] rises de owt MOL ct Too ater Eas oy 1832 8a 88 Eg ai po ‘The European Tecrical Assessments itsue by the Technical Assessment ody i it ofa language ‘Translations of the European Technical Assesemont oer languages chal uly corespond fo fe ginal sed dotiment and sal be ned as such ‘Communication ofthis European Tectnical Assessment, Incdng transmission ty electronic means, ‘Star be nu However, para eproccion may ony ob mano wn re ween cafsent of he SSan ‘Teele! Rasesemant ody. Any paral epreducton shel be enfad 2 Buch ‘This European Technical Assesment may be withdrawn by the ising Techical Assessment Body, in paula pusuant to information by the Commision In accatdance with ariele25(3) of Repuaion (EV)No soso | = eaon0 ne Page $f 12 23a 2018, eee — ee ‘The EJOT fastening screws are selling and setapping screws Wed In Table 1. The {lttanng sore st made of cate hand carver tec or stnieen el. They so pay ‘Simpleted with mae washers and EPDM sealing tings For elas sce the sppropests ‘rnores “Table Fastening scrows for metal members and sheeting ‘anes [Fasting sere ‘Component ‘Cemponenti W224, S255, 5 masa, eee 28060 t9 835060 ‘S235 8 SDH 64 ‘s2a060 t 538060 aac S235 10 STaaH ex ‘sza0cb w $38000 os " sree. ‘28060 535060, see i 526060 9 $35060 2 W256. ‘828060 0 $3506 Fe 528060 to 836060 BS SS 8 W22-Pues ‘s28000 to $26060 28060 fo $4506 P| sas00tsb to ixeeatAD ‘S291 S275 4 | srezheusson. ‘28060 1 535060 28060 9 S48060 ai HXSOOLAD to Heo. AD SRST BTS 15 | sp aHeusset ‘828060 to $35060 526060 to $45060. awe HXSDOLAD to HKAGOLAD ‘$2510 S275. 6 | sRaheussed ‘sza060 to $3806 28060 fo 645060 HXSOOLAD 16 HxaBOLAD 2ST BTS 7 | sp aHeusset 520060 to $35060 5260609 $4060 S HX3OOLAD te HKAGOLAD S235 18 ITRSHS fxd ‘seo to S28060 eee 18 WTRaH Sx ‘s2n0ab 1 s28000 28060 to $35060 2 J723-554 ‘s28060 w 838060 re 260606 835060 a 23554, ‘S22060 to 536060 ao 26060 to $35060 ‘SHS S355 2 s65o4, ss2e0cb te $2500 28060 to 45060 HxSOOLAD to HRABOLAD peemeeannes Page 4 of 162 | 23 March 2018 Eng aan papaya Table 1 contin Tex | Fos so Copan impo ae 2 wrasse suecpwsveco | szancowseocD set ALA sess s2s0co w 38000 528105065 2 seas 28000 w 28000 8105088 = seas smocowsseco | aS B55. 2 seeaoe smocpwsioco | ,S5eSH5_, we | sensen zane srsi0 sss we | oense0 12060 s38060 snsio sss so | stess0 528060 528060 sn8i0 8088 a | stesee s280cD ws38060 ssn si we | setesse s2s0cb w 838000 seins 7 ane susi0 5078 we | TeaHee seocpwsitoco | — samdowsuoco ki Sto SALAD uaa 8 ” STB-3H-4.8x RO 832060 to $5060 Sao 8 eee '$280GD to $3506D_ 'S280GD to S4506D STOFROH4 Got. HX300LAD to HXA60LAD TTR A fi : we | BRR | cama wssea0 Tint FTE GRIEASL . We Rest trim : 7 ATS- (FR-)2-4 8x1. Ryn 165 Neen me Sle fetease z He eae rr Te rane trim 2 ATO-(FR-)2-4,0x. Ron 215 Némmen* = He peed Wats m8 = Sra eee ‘528000 6 835060 T3280 aaa ‘Amin soRReo Cu A “ mesaoe fa a2 5 Nine sesso Engi renaon property Ost ‘Tablo continued Pago Sof 223 Mah 2008 Toes |__ Feserg oo Componet Sinporert T3245 aes “ Teoaon pact a2 218 Nine ST6-FR2-6,0%1. za = Woeiee a sista ae ‘nn 2 ‘reese a tN? sesood ip s:2060 STORRS 0 Toeson oo | lReebe ‘etn : ° ‘fesse neath? seo ie 00 | | esas be Teese a a | see be trim JT6-2-6,0xL Rin> 165 Nimin® — fe stereos i Wesson we | SuRebe ‘Ann a reser rat SN? atta : Toethe Sor seems we | jMBZMS85L | sancowsisoco | sated baton nan HXSOOLAD to HX460LAD eee eee | Wontns So Treas ae : : a | stone 58 | sowaco w snc sznocotes3s060 Sieeeaueus gah eae ae | JToeRanPWesit | sosac0 to se60c0 28060 o 548060 STG EACH Fimo. HXQOOLAD to HRAGOLAD TFRs 5 : wo | TRERBPCSSL | xcowswoeo | szteepiesvstc0 Tears 85. wo | weap. cen unm suri siseonthe aoa | Res tesN naeteenn? | ieeeatens eo Toatboc ae | Weatous- sen ‘umn puri saeeondhe esa | O78 no Zis Wit iieenaions. 25 " Toate ase : ‘rez Ps 8.5 ‘Aurisiur Samer 2 so03s8b So siseanPao toa | piesNme |, S080 S4eb00 STermaveus 220 estou sec — ittieatey a bal ST3-FR-2H-Plus - 5,5xL, Rp 2 165 Nim ID ieee Engl esa prepa by BL ‘Tablet continued _ loom aoe cma sine = 84 | sinem oneness Paci szencd to S4s06D se oe e JT3-FR-2H-Plus - 5,5xL. Ree? 215 Nim? Ee Fee tee easen see cee nt Nep re Reel te ec agers Aechias = li ee i eee jain = pees ee ee ee eee . esa # STR-FROH5,5xL een eeoeD /S2806D to $350GD saa . wee ss e JT3-FR-3-5,5xL. th /S2806D to $350GD recs os tiews 68 S706 S280GD to $380GD ‘S2806D to S4506D Tne, HXSOOLAD to HX460LAD_ wena ee mewn aos ieee 7 JTS-FR6-5,5xL, Rn 2215 Nim Rye 215 Nim feeeeat = | ieee nage | $3888 8 Stan sien at cece, ons owen MOLLE Euopa ec Aterenert Era100200 Page 7 of 162) 23 arn 2018 Eng orelaton propa by Dat ‘able - continued ‘Annex | Fastening sew ‘Component CCamponent I TSS HL ae Meese ‘Aurisiure sTseRe Soe 2 216 Ninn 1nSeetAB te ABOLAD SrerRe son, : Ts 25 50, sTo.128 5 ae) . ATER SoH aaa a | reprise ITe2550, i. sre28 5, STTER SoH SERRA BS, TE255C, e255 ‘Amica ‘Aumium STBERADS Fm 165 Ninn? Rm> 105Nimn? STerR 55, dTS258K sree s5a, ‘Aluminiun ‘uml STBFR IDES Rm 218 Ninn m= 215Nimn* STeFR25 S732. Tre-t2-8x ‘Aumiium JisrR2 55a, o> 188 Nem STFRA2S 6 S255 e285 ‘Aumiium SRR Rm 2.218 Nin? Terei2sst_ Ts18550 sre.t8-55¢ ae ” eee ‘28060 235105 SToLFRAB55M S185 srete-55e, 1 a 16 reeset ss22000 to $2606 5235108355 Tereseson, TTSTE-S6C Tretes8 295: 16 eee ‘szs0c0 19s to 25 Tere 88 aL sre-18-5.5 » ” emrene aes ‘522060 t 535060 9235 10 5355 STG FR8S TIES ral sretes' 5 ‘Aumisium umn STSFR TB 5H, m2 165 Ninnt m2 105 Nien? TFRs SH STH105.5 sees 5 ‘Aveinium uric a STB-ERAB SSH, m2 215 Ninn? m2 218 Ninm* i TTeERAE-8 Sa or ss22000 to 635060 3510 5355, 70 n 5226 0 $955, a 529510 5355, = permet Large Teed Aemeornt Smeal age 212 ah 208 Engh oso prepay Ot Table one Toes |___Fan Capone Geno ee Tees od roe wo | ieee cn rain sigenieese fin EN? ent Saeleget oom il Trews | seuene ‘unm put see eeoL sn Nn fine zieNnn® Seen eset . Tee Sree ‘ui : = ST3-FR-18-5,5xL, Rm > 185 Nimm? ee Seer qeset ee de Tee Teweet ‘Aur . - ST3ER-18-6,5xL_ Rim > 215 Nimm? eee Serna Trews ietesst -urinon : * ST3-FR-18-6,5xL, Rm = 165 Nimne eee Sigeressn | forsee Trees bnnn : 7 ST3FR-18-5,5xL, Rm 2216 Nim —_—— ee ese - sew si sega semspessso | _ suneo esiseco roe seo Wszast = IT6-2-6,5x1. —_ _ ‘JT3-26,5xL e are28o0 ‘28000 = arszao0 “aan = 18-26 Sx, Rm 165 Nimm? ar _| m2660 7 ” FT6-2-6,5xL, Rm = 215 Nimm™ = ; = 1 eset 882000 o 536060 ‘280606 $3500 sees 2 2 2000 836000 Teer | xeemby | sasmoowsisoc0 Tiber seieeee : Soaps Feaee cava | See yaea | Samaso Timer —_|__ setae European Technic! Asresemant eesti ag ot 62 ah 2018 Engh ation pepe Tablet continued 7onme [ Festinger Compa enone ESOBL : = eon huni a JF3-(FR)6 xl. Rm 2 165 Nimo er Selrcpat Sone . weet ‘Aumbio 7 sR BoA fimo 216 Ninn? Boje a _ ‘ion @ reo ‘unum - Sen pa fine 188 Winn? Sefeean . ee shone eo at ‘Ain * JES{FR-16, xl. Rm 2215 Nima? Timber efFR at = a8 wo sass. sztucotesesosn | — szmeeDie S250c0 aber 100 imtoo sztoco 888000 Teer ‘3Z1-6,3xL, ‘8235, Ee el rsa ‘Sa060 w Ss0060 ‘s2000D ta 835000 35 | 102 toot 2206010595050 | somsoe%Sssca0 - | | 8 108 sess szwacotesesoso | szeaebwS:50c0 tet ——"S tot seed szioaoiesesoon | szs00d's S25000 Timber = ee ‘ui 106 seed reach ft : S 7a ‘uit 108 sas0o aie Nie m2 216 Ninn? 2218 a vo ans ae szs060 225000 dal ee Ter ‘Nurinm aa 108 wasnt wine sate 000 Tea ha “S235 to S355, 108 ise at setoopiesasooo | szeeeD w Sas8c0 | weet saci stabi een0.AD sz3030, soeoee 110 Porte sotncpiesssooo | sxeeeb ie sisec0 i? sofsots0 160A European Techie Assessment ETATONREO Engleneeaaton prpsodty Dit “Tabl 1 -continued Page 10 of 8228 Mach 2018, Tame [Fong npn comport “za a 4 ooo in 18 on? Fn Hoe Nt | esa : i oat ‘Aluminum ‘Alariniom 7 eae nests re 8 et ee at aa S510 S055 1 Sean ae saat Sco 183-6, ae mr HXSO0LAD to HX460LAD. isan ae tas ose va test i s20000 818800 ies, eaieninm | ypGeouaieivatitao_| aseot Saas Ss 15 Sess cee 28060 io 535060 reat sas oss 116 saree Saxons ony 28060 to 535060 ra . sas oss Lid 1B7-6,3xL_ parental ‘$280GD to $3606D aaa : Taaana i ve | gf2iti | sawapissnen | suiecowswac rereancaed anaae im | eae ‘inn Annan sere fn Et fi Sa! Semana “Fania im | pean Amn ian sree pt FN rive er Semanaet i Tare Freaane mn = JES-FR-2H-4 Ox, Rm 165 Nim? 'S2806D to S3806D Semana la i i "aga wean in ™ JES-FR-ZH-4, OL, m2 215 Nim? ert Serataet ws | sanaan sameptesisico | sameoiesisoen eas Jozsoe i wr | #8289, | sameoinsasoco | seman sisoco Fermaeet eabat fens ws | #8285 | semseoinsasaco | samntosisoco Sernzat : i European Technical Assessment TActo0200 Erg arson propa ty Bt Table = continued int ase re [rea Gap a errr | ane Ami arn ane, fn ee fn ae it senaget ee ert haa aru ees no ee Pec TN | HERES eatin epee Flee nat if = JESFR25 5x Rm = 215 Nim mown Seenesae : TO wT vw | soureama.-ro1 | stoanesesoan os = | sour2soa—ove | szxocowsesucn | Sen SsHI60 ‘SHAT ZEON - OIE Puma in wm | qeiteet ioe ; fn ee pn 8 sn 192 STA4T-2-6 0x1 — KD16 saunas bree Frese | galt ee oe STLT-2 6 aL — KDI. ‘Amina ‘Aun Fak 2804 Ae | gu ti fi et eee ee maaan wettases tote . ‘ Gaitaeee shoe | Rm=zenmm | e226 Nin Wutssbe 38 ST6-LT-3-5,5xL. To $2806D to $350GD TTSLT25.5 a 5235, | a sretT3s 5c simpt epi 528000 te 535030 TSETSESE OT : Feast | gut fn eet Fugue oe i am | duutasee tore pate arin 499 Aluminum $235 anctewnnt | _seteod'sS8000 sa | StETSane =rote Amar 38 ry wa | siraoaroe |, ae Te = Era‘a200 Pago 10f 16228 Mah 2008 Engi arson prepared ty Bt ‘Table 4 -continued ‘anex | Fastoning ser “Component ‘Component ‘Ruin a2 | wasLTeo8.-KoI8 Peers Tinber TERLT 2S aL - KONE . vas | HSATZSG4-1018 | sosocp 1 sasoan 28000 fo $35060 yaa | SESLT25 501 -KOI6 ‘Ruin “Auman IOLT25 5x. KIB Ro 166 Nit m2 105.Ninn? Peer ‘Auris ‘amin SPELT 2-8 KIS Ro 216 Nit m2 215Ninn? le JT44406 ‘Aumisum ‘aria sea, Rm 165 Ninn m2 165 Ninn? ja AA ‘Rumi ‘ami sreaabe m= 216M | Rm» 218 Nim ie TASS, ‘Ruminum | ‘Aumiium S186 554 m2 16oNmnm® | Rm 165 Nir a 46556 ‘Ruminm ‘Aumoium oree5 58 m2 216 Ninn Rm2215Ninne | 2 Speciation of the intended uso. In accordance with the applicable European ‘Assessment Document 330048-01:0602 “The fanning sews ar intended tobe used fr fastening metal sheet to meal or imber ‘uostuctues, The shat can ether be used se wall or rot lacking or as loa bearing wall land foot element The fabtringserews can ‘also be Used forte fasting of any ether hn {Gauge metal member. The infeed Use compres fastening screws and connections Tot Indoor and outdoor appestions. Fastningsarews which aro itonded tobe Used In extra fnvroaments with 2 C2 coresion according to te slandard EN ISO 12044-2 ara made of Staiiess steal Furtermore the intended usa comprises connections wit pedoninardy sic teats (eg wind oats, dead loads) The fastening serene ara ntintended or rstes “The perermances given in Secon 9 ae ony val ifthe fastening screns for sandwich par se used complance wih he speifeatons and condos gen me (1-149), “The vereaon and assessment rathads on which this European Tecmieal Assessment is ‘asad lead fo the assirpton ofa working ie of te fasteing screws of leas 25 years The Indestons gen en the working ie cannot be interpreted 2s gussrioe guen by the ‘manufac, tt roto be regarded only asa means for stoosng the if products relaton {othe expoctad economy reasonable working Hoof he works, European Technica Assessment mii rae Page 9 of 182) 25 ach 2018 Engle weaaton propa by Bt 3 Performance ofthe product and reterences tothe method used forts assessment 34 Mochanical resistance and stability (BWR 1) ‘Shear Resistance ofthe Gannecion 20 Annexes 1 Bs ETA Tension Resistance of he Connection 220 Annexes ts ETA Design Resistance esse of combined Tension and_| soe Annexes tos ETA ‘Shea Feros nieacton) ‘Check of Defematon Capaciy im ease oh No perommance assessed constaning foes due to temperate Durabiy No peomance assessed 32 Safty in e280 of fie (BWR 2) “Essontal characteristic erformance Reaction ote Cassa 4 Assessment and verfietion of constancy of performance (AVP) s/stom applied, with Feferonco tits logal base le. accordance wth EAD No, $30046-01-0602, the applicable Eucpean legal ct ts Commission Decision 1998074, amended by 200186620. ‘The system tobe applied is: 2 |S Technlealdotale necessary forthe implomentation of the AVCP system, 2s provided for Inthe applicable EAD “Tectnicaldetas necessary forthe inpementaon ofthe AVOP system ao laid down in the onl lan depostios at Doutschos Init or Bauch. Issued in Sern on 23 March 2018 by Deutsches neu fr Bautochnik 1 Dipilng, Andreas Kummerow Heed of Depertmont Degiauigt EFA s20 of 7 arch 248 it non anon propa by Bt Beaten ‘Exam af execiion and connection Materials and dimensions Design leven tats and dmenslons ee ndostdn he Annexes le fsaring screw: Foner Mahl fe taaig sre Wiasor” Matra he sat washer Conporart!Haeral oh mats monde nd sheng Compara taal the suber be “Tne componert! he ‘THess compare mace of mea be [Beste soow nfangh nearer I made of noe thot i pn) i ‘Szowin eran eorgorat I masoot ime (wn aim) ee Prosi are tampon ara Wee ‘Tieng tog oe asering se0 Te teas tu conespends othe oo baaing sown longt oto astaring Eero in compar I, fhe eas boating ‘ren enh ows nt sa be ere crane cess Performance characteristics “Te dsp eleva paemanoe chaste of comoston a sete ne Annas o halon ern. No haracare val of tno rsitancs vee ‘Staracoret abe of shearostance ‘soa saa comgonet spac patomance chaacetes ar nested kr anna calito th dein lent Poromanc satanic ola cohesion Noa aracaisi al ol pushecug estas fremont Nu ‘Stvacerae ae of purl esatans for carport Yee ‘harscarse veo of he bearing rosslarco le conponor | Yan. ‘Chracarsi ebe ol ha bean feglarcs a componan I Mam {Sharacais ai of ld momot of he fst stew for conporat made! tba) te ‘Sharsceri soleil seg or conporon I mas ber e ‘Shave ae of enetang song compara Brace of ier Feastoning eorows JA, JB, J, J2 and JF “Terns and expanations age of European Tectia Assssinent Deatshae krone of March 2018 inet nol transition prepare iy Dt eatechnt ‘GasurrodToadings ofa connection Design values “Te dog vas of ron are shear eines of acomeaton have le dtemind as low tee asgn vate fen eltanco ve Design vale of shar esse w Pt sly ocr “The recommend patsy ner yt 1,9, roves no parts ec hon afr elon rata ‘Spocal conditions Ibe conpanet snes tar hy as a tao Wo dete eanporet cies, ho cartrie aue maybe ‘culty nose. For asymm comporat ada fmt (292-01 Cshapd rll) wih component hikes a <5 te ‘hase vs Nes hoe eds 70% Incase ctcontines oasngby tenn a ner en hello ineractonequsty ha bs akan no actu Mast cag Tha Wea ‘Desa valu ne apd esion tcos Yes Deeg vo appt sear ons ‘Types of connection Fete ype of canta ae ven inte Anat o ta asoring sro x ol nosey o ae acour re best ol tenerani du longer For aber ype ol connector te elt of expan havelobe aan hn so, thes they do otcccr aro sant og sulin eyo teste), Inattion cantons ‘The etalon i cai ut asco w martes’ nsiucton ‘Te oa bein sewn lng oth lsenig ate spect by he manatees 1b akon into acs. “The fesug sews have be proceed wi sana Sl rr, coess dl er wet deah con, Tho uso emp] ‘leur sua hv od estar fe eeg sto havo obo cd ros aco ole compara. ‘Comporot ae conpanet nave nest canes exc tar, The ro of cmrestn eat eel inslaton ‘smoeptoabioaen en alowed, Fastoning screws JA, JB, JT, Zand JF Annex 2 Design and instalation age 18 of European Technical Asseesnant Dewtschar ErACto0z00 of 23 arch 208 ‘eat Cee rsten nape Ot owes DLL “Component made of peroraed shosting =e van fs a= ml ‘Component made of aluminum alloy The chavacyat vei tion rsa etre flows sen ft seu oem acoA + AC ct 4) amis en inte Anna ote fastening son ‘Component i made of timber ‘Tho charactor velo of tovlon an shar estar fo etre asian tho Anos fe tsar cow can Next Vana penn he Anexat he astern sew, ‘Neal tained scree EN 10061-2014 + A008, oquaton (6.408, with faa hn Arno of te astra sre Vga orredaparng oEX 1995-1 2008 «2008, equatn (8), wt ren ate Anne ote estan ‘Show an corn EN 1995-12014 + A200, est (1) and ouaton 1), Fastening sorows JA, J8, JT, 2 and JF ‘anos ‘Aasona provisions | = ‘Typoot eat tapping cer 06,8 mm and 06 mm Easonee and 501 diing screw om 06,8 mm fo 06,8 mm ateris Wiasher! sails ste! — EN 180 308 EPDM sosing washor ‘Component |: 828060, 832060 or $50G0 ~ EN 10048 ‘Component I atleast 5235 ~ EN 10025: or ‘lest $2000 ~EN 10346 or ‘Sructra timber atleast sng grade C24 agate sets Tarai aa Tata sao sheet! mado o 828000 imac of ane row of 3000 Snacor| with Rn = 260 Hime Wt = 380 Mint with Pn 420 im 81m] 8m 2mm] 25 mm | 601m | 8mm] 2m] 25 | 16 |S | 2 | 25 mm Ts Stn el Sl 1S SSS SS SSS mo |Sele)el=|s)2|s)=|2|—| = o7s| 26 | 222 | 2a | 2ae | ae | 24 ons] 250 | 204 | 204 | 276 | 278 | one ao] 292 | soe | 02 | are | are | 220 saa] sae | o4a | 942 | 356 | a0 | a6 zs] 370 | saa | a0 | so | 400 | 420 esa | 254 | 28 | 262 | 270 sage | soo | a0 | a10 | 32s su2 | sve | ase | 382 | 30s ane | 398 | 410 | 400 | ae ae | 432 | ase | ae | ao Vos or = 15 | as sass | 472 | am | 532 sa | 622 | sat | 524 | 550 wy Sete ele ete tt ee eS gees) —]—]—-]-)-}-)-y-|-)-)-)- $ ors] sao | soe | 20 | exe | rae | coe | sae | ame | 101 | 220 | 200 | 20 © ose} seo | 2a | ace | aro | sas | ase | ae | ase | 212 | 27s | soe | ae E sao} 220 | 274 | 30s | are | 24 | 296 | ane | 42 | 202 | 220 | ssn | 08 Hoss] a7 | ase | ase | see | 290 | sue | sen | 98 | 320 | 370 | asa | 428 tas] aoe | ase | ace | ase | ase | ane | aao | 44s | 70 | 410 | 476 | 400 as | 4s | as | sie | siz | a7 | aoe | se | see | 51 | oe | 50s | sn — Th hicknacs of he porated shecs which ae exposed to wind load shal be at lat 10 mm, For termes vale of th washer ameter the sraracterc valuos forthe wachor wih tho smaterdameler habe used Fastening serews JA, JB, JT, JZ and JF amex Fasioning of poforatod sets ago 8 of European Techical Assesemant Ericrloao 3 March 2 inet ‘tr Eat rant prepared by DB Boutin 0.0.0) ° ‘Typoct sot taping sew 06.3 mm and 065 am & [Zoo asienee and oo 0 al citing sore fom 25,5 to 08,3 ma e000 oo 0 Natras 8 otal Faster: = EN 80.856 o sar 0020 e yt Waeher: = EN IS0:3506 Seo) EPDM sealing washer 000 Component: S280GD ~ EN 10945 2. (Component: oa: $235 ~ EN 10025-10r a ‘tle $2060 ~EN 10945 on a Srucural timber east stanghh grade C24 sa apg roms ok ren | satacngacone 055mm andooanm | setaning scons Bes mm ana 245m ose toma | tom | camm | ssmm | tenm | tonm | comm | ss0m Tom Tie i= SS eee fe eee eee Zoom] am | ae | am | ar | aoe | zo | ase | om Boom] ao | ase | se | ox | aoe | az | am | ome Evm| asx | am | am | soe | oe | ao | ax | ae Soa) aa 428 440 440 436 470 5.00 518 tas] ao | aac | cee | aoe | coe | suo | ceo tw|_sre_| eo | soo | eso | coe | cos | ome Zoom] awe | an | an | am | sa | aoe | an | ae Boo) ave | sz | sz | 4m | smo | ase | am | Ao ts| an | se | se | sa | coe | sos | cm | oe vw] cor | eo | oo | eas | coo | om | one | om shal bo Wed = The theknass ofthe perforated sate which ae exposed to wn lads shal be a ns, mm, = For ntrmedite value ofthe washer ameter the characte vals forth washer wh the smal damoer Fastoning serows JA, JB, JT, J2 and JF Fasting of perforated sheets ‘annex Page 19 European Technical Aasesement ngs ransation prapae by Bt | = ‘pot atone Mates Wher: ‘Component ‘Component sl tapping eeew 06.8 mm ando6S mn ard ling eorow rom 05,5 mm to 063 mm ftarions ceo EN 150 9506 EPDM soalng washor ‘S200 - EN 10246 at ent 6285 - EN 100254 or atest S20060 ~EN 10948 or ‘rota ber atleast tong grace C24 aT TORE a screw) | sfting scone 05mm ana.osamn | sang ceva ara ana 835m ewaster | asm | tomm | 22mm | 25mm | 16mm | 19mm | zamm | 25am Te Hie Pe ee = Foor] am | am | aoe | soo | 2s | 20 | oe | 20 2 om | an | ax | sm | oe | aa | am | aio | azz Ztoo| see | soo | aso | ase | aoe | aa | are | 400 Boras] 4a | ase | are | 476 | 478 | 508 | saz | S00 tas| see | sae | sae | sae | sso | see | co | a0 joo] ex | om | ow | om | rio | rae | rae | 770 ee = sos] — 7 — = 2 = - = Zoom| ae | se | sso | om | sre | am | cm | cas 2 ow | am | ao | 40 | x00 | am | ae | soo | aes : tao | az | ae | ase | as | aac | age | sae | 50 tas} sx | seo | sas | sm | sae | au | oo | oa0 sso] ee _| zie | rss | soe | om | roe | rm | 252 ‘shale Wee. = The thickness af he perforated shoes wich are exposed to wind loads shall be atest 1,00 rm. Forirmedite value of the washor ameter tn charac valves forth washer wth the smaller diameter Fastening serena JA, JB, JT, 02 and JF Fastening of prorated shoots Annex rAciv0200 023 March 2018 inetat ‘tr ngs ransaton propa by Bt Sautectn Typeot sat lapping srw 6.3 mm and 96S mm Fastener and cing serew tom 28,5 mm to 06,3 mm Mates Washer: stiles ete! — EN ISO 2506, EPDM soang washer ‘component: $350GD— EN 10346 Component teas $238 EN 100251 or Silos 20060 EN 0a or Socal berate evngh grade C24 aT a ERT we crow) | sfditng sro 055mm and 60mm | alt dng aro Bod i and 08. mm Pwasner | sem | tomm | 22mm | 28mm | temm | tomm | 22mm | 25mm Tm a Sa ee eee mle eee ee ee eg ee ee Z o7s| em | ase | am | sz | 20 | om | ar | ow Boel ase | ae | oe | ae | ae | om | ce | aoe EZ soo] au | az | cas | aes | oat | ase | soe | sie fossa] a0 494 510 5310 492 524 578 574 tas} sa | se | sx | sz | sso | soe | ous | oa soo| eer | cs | cao | raz | oo | ras | ras | 700 wm >- 7-7-1?) Po) os} — | — | — | — | — J oft] es Poa eee ee |e Ete] su | ame | ame | a re laa oas| ase | asa | aan | aze an | sar | se Etmo| am | soe | aoe | a6 aa | sm | sr tas} sao | om | cae | ose eu | eso | 60 sso] se | rae | ais | ras rare | 700 = The ticknas af the perorated shoes whch are exposed to wind loads ale at est ,09 mm. For niermadite values ofthe washer Sareter he characte valves forthe washer with he smal ame Sha be ued Fastening sore JA, JB, JT Zand JF ‘omex7 Fastening of prorated shoots Pago 21 of Europsen Technical Asseeement ngs ansaonpropaed by Bt | = Mates Fastener; carbon see! ‘ase hardened and cortosin resistant Washer: none CCompanent: $2800 o 645000 - EN 10846, Component I:$295 EN 10025-1 Dug cxpacy: soe romark taow Vinber subsct: na pedomanceaserined Tain] [ass [os [ons [me] | ae [aoa Trea xa = = Taper Tages ele es(— -|— =|= == =} x)= Zp= Z}s f » 003 | igo =! so —| 190 —] 190 =] 190 | 190 ac] 150 co] 160. oe § aris [a0 =| 2m —| 200 —| 200 =] 20 | 200 | 200 oe £ om |itso =| ts —| 200 —| 250 | 2m —]2m azn a| 20 3 too] iso —/ 4m —| 200 —| 200 —| 20 —]om “lem | 2c « E uts|tso —| 190 —|2a0 —| 200 —| 20 —| 20 —|2e0 —| 290 — Zotas[im —[ ts —| 200 =] a0 —[ am —|sa —|sa <|om — tm [iso —/ 40 —| 200 —| 200 —| 20 =]sm —|a0 —| am — t75| tx —| 4m —| 200 —| 200 =| 290 —]sm —|am —| am — 2001s =| 450 =| 230 =| 2m =| 20 —| 320 —|a =| am — m= == [=> 1 le ee S| ee eee es [os —| oz —| 10 —| 130 —| 140 —| 140 w | sso | 140 oo 4 a5 | os —|or —| 100 —| 13 —| 180 —| 190 a0] 150 | 100 20 £ os |cs lar —| so —| 120 —| 120 —|1a0 asa | 160 2 soofom —lom —|so0 —| 130 —]ss —]170 —|sa0 o| sm @ E tssfom —lam —s00 —|sa0 [ro —l17 —|s90 —] i — B sas|os —|o7 —| 100 —] 190 =] 150 =] 17 =| 200 =| 200 = tm }ow —[onm —|so0 —| ta —]is =] 49 =] 220 =| 220 = ts] ox [om —|so0 =| 130 =| 10 =] 17 —| 220 —| 220 — 2m [ox [orm =| 100 =| 130 =[ v0 =] 10 =|20 =| 20 — = Gro igo values ony re fase JT28xL = steed xt arg capacty 2 £25 mem 2234.8 «Loin capaci 2540 ren Fastning serous JA, JB JT, JZ and JF Sattating sere JT22420,JT2S-4H. teams ago 22 of European Techn Asesement Dowthar svar enti ona AD reer Fastener: catbonsteo! fase hardened an coon astant Washer: cabon see, comasonrestant ‘ath vlearised EPOM seal Stones soe (A2)—EN 150.3506, a ‘ath vlearised EPOM soal q ‘Component: S2B06D to S3E0GD -EN 10845, ‘Component i:8255 EN 100251 as SS2ROGD to S250G0 -EN 10046 moe | 3 lore Dring capacty: — Eh<2.20 mm ‘Timber subsiuetures: no perirmareecetominas waiond | oa0 [ome [om [oes [ors [ome [aw [im [ie [i] Te tw] oR on oP a | a | an a | a | Om | a os | or tae | sie | uae | sae | ue fone foe | = 2 om | on tir | au fate | am | are fae | 2 | = 2 oom | on th] eu | ae | ee | ae fae | = | = EZ soo | or tz | 2 | ase | 2a | 200 | — | — | - Foun | on tn | en fase [ae |= | > | = | = tx | on eee | ee tm | om ele ee cao foe | ome | are | ase [ine | ios | nos [tos [ios [166 iam oso | ose | ose | o72 | one | ssz | rae | vm | no | so fore | — oss | ove | one | o72 | oe | ste | sae | see | tee | see | re | — aga | ose | one | o72 | oee | ste | rae | x92 | ree | ne | re | — ozs | ose | ose | o72 | ams | saz | rae | vee | te | re | — | — ops | ove | ose | ore | aes | ste | vse | nee | nee | ne | — | — soo | one | ose | o72 | ose | siz | rae | ne ne | - | — | ssa | one | ose | o72 | one | siz | rae] ne | — | - | — | tas | ow | of | ore | ow | ase] ia] — | — | = | = | = sm | oe | om | om |ow| — | —|—-]|-—-]-] —] - azs | os a 1M oe = tbat component and I are made ef $3200 or S350GD the values maybe increased by 8.3%, Fastening sores JA, JB, JT, JZ and JF amex ‘Selt-dling sorew JT2-249-46x ahr pn aed sel Waser On oe oe onassmmnssy << anakeaape al a ee oe oo. Lt os a Gy 1O oe ‘Solf-ilingsorew JT2-2H-46xL no eo | Om | 0m | om | ane | om | um | om | om | me we so | ose | tae | sae | tae | tae tae | sae | tae * ass | ose | tae | tar | sar | s07 tw | sa | tar = oma | ome | rae | tar | tar | ser tar | car | iar - 2 ors | om | tae | tar | tar | ave | are | ave | ae [awe | — | — EB om| ome | tae | sar | tar | ate | are | am | ars | as | — | = Eto] ome | tae | sar | sar | 2 | am | am fan] — | — | — E tsa] om | tee | ser | sar | ane | ore | aw | — | = | = | = tas | ose | tae | sar [sar |e fae] — | — | — | = | = tao | ome | tae | tar | tar S| es ee ee toe | = |S | ese eee Gao] oa | eae | ove | eat | oar | oar p oar | ear paar] oar | oar a0 | oa | ose | ore | ose | sce | tar | sar | sar | tar | tar | — cas | oa: | one | ore | ane | ase | ta | sao | sao | tao | eo | — 4 on | one | ome | are | ome | aie | sae | sao | tao | tao | iso | — z ore car | one | are | ome | sia | rae | tao | tzo fiw | — |X 3 om| ov | one | ore | oan | ae | va | tz | va | vm | — | — E tm| om | one | ore | om | ae | rae | im | sm] — | — | = Z tsa] ow | om | ov | om | se | ve | sm | = | = | = | = vas | oae | eve | ave | ome [ame fase |= | = | =f = fx tao | ove | oe | ore foe] | — | = f=] = | = ws] oe | = | | = El SlS18) 5/5 ~ tbtn components and are made 832060 o $8000 te vas ay be ened by 8% Ftening eorews JA, 8, J, Zand JP ‘nox 10 fag 24 ot organ Tern! Assesment Doaate EVRiouzo of io ron ote “i nash rato repre by 1 aac ae: ony Festoner: carbon steel Ste ated and corosuorestan an Wasnar: mona 4 Component $20000 to $95000 - EN 040 g Component i525 EN 1026-4 S00GD w BaG00- EN 1945 Dilingcapacty: I=: 2.201 Tiber subactres ‘9 patomance detain Ea tase = ‘ona | Om | Om ] Om | om] Om | ams] ame | om | om | ome | om 50 | oso | sar | sar | sar | sar | sar | sar | sar | sar | sar | — ss | ose | sar | s70 | s70 | 430 | 170 | 130 | 170 | 170 | 130] — 060 ass | sar | s70 | sos | tas | sas | sas | sae | as | tas | = £075] om | sar | 170 | 196 | aas | 2as | 2as | ass | eas | — | — 3 oss | ove | var | x70 | 196 | 205 | 270 | 270 | am | an | — | — Z soo | ove | var | 170 | x96 | 205 | 270 | aoe | age | — | — | - F tas oso | var | +70 | sas | eas | ar | ace | — | — | — | — +a | oss | sar | x7 | 195 | 22s am] — | — | — | = | = ts] os | var] sm fia} — | — | — | — | -] =] = aaa | am | are | ons | ons | oa | ome | ome | os | oa | aa ae | ose | are | ons | ise | sas | sae | ize | a0 | tas | — cae | ose | a7 | ons | tse | sas | sae | sae | see | tse | — : ae | ose | a7 | ons | sse | sas | sae | sae | see | sae | = z ae | ose | o72 | ons | ss | sae | sae | sae | see | — | = ae | ose | a72 | oo | sxe | sae | swe | sae | see | = | = z uz | ose | o72 | oge | ss | rae | awe | sae | - | — | - i oaa | ose | ora | ons | sie | sas | ae | — | - | — | = oa | ose | ore | oa | tse fias| = | — | > | = | > oaz | ose | or | oa} — | — | — | — | - | = | = oe |= |-|-|-|-/-|-|-|=] = dl are made of 32000 oF $3500 the values may be increased by 8.3%, Fastening serews JA, J8, JT, JZ and JF ‘Annex 18 ‘Solfiling sorow JT2--244 8x1. age 2 of European Techn Aaseatment Ena wantin prepare by DBL Fastener: entbon sco! ‘ato harconed and coecbnvesstant Washer: esfoon ste, covesionrestant wth vuleansed EPOM sea Stars ses (A2) EN 180 9506, ‘win vuleansed EPOM sea ‘Component: $280D, 68200 or 9560 - EN 10045 (Component: $235» EN 10025-1 'S280GD to SSG0GD - EN (0346 Dring capaci: 38 £2.60 mm “inbetsubstucues: roperormarce determined rn Mos Eh wee (ele le lS ee Sle ss] — =|= S|] S|2 =|5 == =|= = 4 083 1.00 = ro = }so0 = ]roo = fro = frm ef = |} 075| 100 = |200 = Jam = |200 = Jao Jem —|— = $080} 100 = ]200 = Jam = J200 = Jao Jem —|— = E is0| 00 = Jeo = Jam = |200 = Jaco — Jam — |= = E13] 100 = 20 = }2m = Jeo = Jam — |" o)= = 125/100 = Jam = }20 = Jeo = J2o0 —f= =} = sso | 100 Jem fam f= =] fo off 475] 400 el] ele =|] Sl= =|= == = 200| eee es eee ee 750 | a8 = [om —= [ore [oes — paar — ras we hae we 55 | 040 = Jor = Jom = |sos = |rz — fier | — = ss] 70 = ro = Jia = |so0 = ra = f250 we |= = 4 or /a70 = [sso = Jaa = ago = Jr = Jeo = |= = ona] a0 = frso = Jia = ago = Jr = Jeo = |= = 100] 070 = |iso = Jia = [sm = Js = J250 =] = = E sss]av =o = ]rg0 = Jao = fro =f - =} = 2 uzs]o7 = |rso = Jig = fag = Jum <] = |= = 80/070 =| —fam —[— =]— =)= =]5 = x78] 070 = =}= =]5 == =] =]- - ae ee eee | eee Fastening sores JA 8, J, JZ ond JF amor ‘Sotiing sorew JT2-24 55x vera howat non esate 80m Page 25 of European Teshis Assessment Deatchae Easao200 of arch 2018 ta nol anata by BL Beaten = Matecals, Fastener: carbon soe! {aae harconed and coroon eet Washer: none -- 7 ‘Component: $25000 io S35060- EN 0346 Component 8255 o 6275 -EN 1025 4 28000 6 StS060 EN nn46 i FRO0OLAD to FLASOLAD-EN T0s49 a om Dating capac. Hh 350 mm g “Tinbes ubauctues: Oe Taian [ae ase as | os | ore ome Di ae a | aa | ae Mae = wo lm asm] ee me em pm pa |i oss | ose | ass | ss | sar | var | tse | 17 | san | 200 | are | ase fa | ose | aos | ass | ts | ase | tse | sao | soo | 210 | ans | 206 § 975 | 06 | oos | sss | vas | sar | tos | 20 | zee | 220 | zoe | oan ome | 055 | oss | txt | sae | vas | zoe | 24s | 257 | ace | 201 | are ‘io | ose | oos | ist | tae | iat | amt | 200 | 20 | aan | as | aes E tia | oes | 095 | a or | ae | 29s | sae | as | a7 | aor i ome | oss | 431 ar | 26 | 200 | sae | 40s | ate | ase ose | 09s | 131 ai | 2ae | 298 | sae | aos | 530 | se ows | oss | 131 at | 23¢ | 298 | sae | as | sa | — os | oss | 131 sat | 2x | 200 | sao | as | sav | — oan | eat] 47 are | tae | aie | ae Pie | 80 | ae cao | oat | o47 ars | s0 | +20 | s20 | sz0 | x20 | 120 oa | eat | ox7 7s | sa6 | t40 | sa0 | sao | v40 | 140 } oan | eat | o47 7s | sa6 | tao | a0 | a0 | 30 | 170 i oa | eat | oar ors | 10 | tao | a7: | soe | 212 | 22 a0 | oat | 47 ars | s0 | tao | 1: | se | 242 | 22 E a0 | oat | 047 ars | sa0 | $40 | 32: | so0 | 280 | 250 i oa | oa | o47 ara | sa6 | sao | sa: | 10 | 280 | 250 a0 | ozo | oat | 047 ars | te | tao | a3: | see | 250 | 20 45 | cao | oat | oar ars | sae | sao | 171 | age | 200 | 200 | o30 | oa: | oar zs | s98 | sao | 171 | ise | ose | = = ifbath componente made of $3206 or $950 and carnpenot Ils mado of SSEOGD to S4803D repctvaly HXGKOLAD to H¥4B0LAO the valves maybe reseed by 83%. Fastening sorews JA, JB, JT, Zand JF annox 13 ‘Selt-dling sorow JT22-Piue-§ x1 ab ecg ted age 2 of Europsan Technical asessment Desa Erna o 3 war so “eT ng oantaten propa by Dt asec = Mati J Fastener, aon tel tase hardened and coresbn estat + a Washer: carbon set, conasioncesstant, + Bills sto (Az ~ EN 60 9506 ‘wth vtfcaniced EPOM soa ‘Component: $2E00 to 38000 - EN 10946 Componenti: $235 5275 EN 100254 $2500 fo 545000 EN "0846 FHXGOOLAD to HXASOLAD-EN 10346 Ding capaci: 21¢3.50mm “Tinbersubeructue no pelormeance determines Tainml —[ ome [ono as [ome [ove [ome | ioe [as [ams [am | a ses he 2Nm eo tH] 0% | oso] om | 088 | oss] one | Te 1 ae ae ass | oss | os7 | 073 | o7s | ase | uae | 12s sas | sas | 25 a | om | a7: | ose | os7 | tos | s21 | 138 90 | ta0 | 128 $078 | ow | o7 | ose | os7 | sas | sso | sar sar | sas | 51 cae | owe | 074 | ae | 102 | saz | 200 | ner 27 | asr | 287 3B too | ose | or | one | 108 | ise | ate | 277 arr | am | arr Z tsa | ose | ore | one | ss | 170 | 220 | 207 sr | sae | ase 2 125| ome | ore | one | sit | 170 | 220 | 2a7 sr | ase | ase tg0 | ose | o74 | ose | 131 | 170 | 220 | 207 as7 | age | ase sys | og | or | ose | 31 | 10 | 220 | 267 ag | oe | — 200 | os | a7 | ose | is | 170 | 220 | cor | aze | ser | soe | — a0] oa [ear | oar [oss ars [ioe | iar [iar Piat tat | vat ass | om | oa: | o«7 | oss | ozs | sos | tas | 15 | 15 ga | 0 | oat | o«7 | oss | a73 | 08 | sao | 16 | 156 $076 | oan | oa | oar | ass | o7a | s06 | rao | 12: | sar $ cae | ogn | oa | oar | oss | ors | s06 | rao | 121 | 190 3B to0 | om | oat | on7 | oss | os | se | sao | 171 | 1 Z tsa | om | oat | o«7 | oss | axa | sos | sao | 171 | 190 2 125 | om | oat | o«7 | oss | ara | so8 | sao | a7 | 10 igo | oan | oat | oar | oss | a7s | ge | sao | a7 | s96 as | oa | oat | oa7 | 5s | axa | 05 | sao | 171 | 190 200 | oa | oat | oar | oss | ozs | ios | sao | 171 | 190 = ifbain component i made of S320GD or 535000 and components made of SS20GD to S450GD ‘eepactvly HRSEOLAD to HKAOLAD he values maybe noreased by 83%, Festening screws JA, J, J, 2 nd JF pone 14 ‘Satkiting sorew ST2-2H-Phus 55x eric apne a eng west 2 81 ago 28 of European TechoealAssossment Eb wonton prepared by Oe 1©) ont uot UL as Faxon: canst Sled dora Waseca eta corona Starioes soo (A2)~ EN 1S0 3506, wh canoes EPOM goal ‘Component |: $28060 o S350GD -EN 10846, ‘Componenti: $295 0 $275 -EN 10026-1 ‘S260 to S450G0 "EN 10946, HXS0QLAD to HXAGOLAD “EN 10046 Dring capacty: —E4-<9, “Timber ebetvotuos: no pelrmance determined FO ts st zm 25m ca] om] os | om | om | om pom) Tepe] ie) ue] Ta ass | ose | asr | o7s | a7 | ose | soo | 2s | 125 | 125 | ras | 12s css | ozo | ar | ome | oar | soe | vai | sao | san | tan | sae | 430 075 | ose | ora | oso | oor | sas | sao | ast | vse | esi | ast | 81 fom | ose | are | cas | tae | sae | coe | esr | zor | 20r | 207 | 207 2 two | ose | o7 | 096 | se | s56 | ars | arr | azr | arr | arr | azr Essa | ome | or | oan | sir | 70 | 2a | any | aze | asr | ase | ase Eta | ose | o7 | 09s | s+ | 170 | az0 | zar | aze | sr | ame | ase sso | ose | a7 | oas | sa | 170 | 220 | oar | 220 | oar | soe | ase 7s | ose | are | ogo | vs: | 170 | 22s | ear | aze | sar | am | — zoo | ose | ove | oss | us| 70 | oan | esr | ze | aor | am | — ea] oso | ant | oar | ose | ove | toe | 0p vas | tae | tas | ame fas | oxo | aa | oar | oss | ovo | son | sao faze | am | am | am oes | oso | oat | oar | ose | a7 | s00 | sao | 371 | tan | soo | +50 $075 | o20 | oat | 047 | ose | azo | soe | rao | sz | sa» | 2a | 2c0 Fw | o20 | oar | car | ose | ars | sos | rao | 171 | 130 | 250 | 250 2B too | m0 | om | oar | oss | ore | sos | sao | uz | soo | aso | 200 Essa | oan | om | oar | ase | ors | sos | sae | 171 | soe | ase | 250 Z sas | om | oat | oar | ase | or | soo | sao | 171 | sae | ase | 250 rao | ozo | oat | oar | ose | ove | son | sao | az | ta» | 2s | 80 +75 | oxo | an | oa | ose | ov | sos | sao | 47 | tae | am | — 2 | 0x0 | on | ow | ose | ov | vos | so | 17 | va» | am | — ~ ifbath components mde of $2200 or S2S0GD and component is made of SEHD to S4S0Q0 respectively HXO4OLAD to HSBOLAD the valves maybe nereasr by 836. Fastening srews JA, JB, JT, Zand JF Annex 5 Settling sew JT2-2H-Pus 5x ih nes gan ed an sel waa} Sone | = oto nso repre by OE Fastener: carbons ‘ato harconed ang coroson reaetant ‘Washer: carbon soe, careson estan, Slaness sea (A2)~EN 190 9506, vith wueanieed EPOM geal ‘Component |: $280GD to S360GD - EN 10946 ‘Component I: $295 to 8275 -EN 10025-1 ‘S280 to S450GD EN 10346 XSOOLAD fo PXABOLAD -EN 10046 Dring capacty: — 24<3, ‘Timber subatuetues: ‘no perorance determines aan) | ono | om | ons [ons [ove [ome im Dns [as | | 20, Bhs “in eno Zs om | Ome | 060 | Ope oss | oss | us] Ts] wis | US] Te oss | oss | os7 | o73 ose | so9 | sas | 125 | sz5 | 125 | 125 oes | ooo | a7 | ose soe | tat | tae | 138 | s36 | 138 | 138 075 | ose | a7 | ons tas | ts | rst | vs | sar | rar | rat oan | ose | a7 | ons saz | 200 | 267 | 267 | 2er | zar | 207 ose | 074 | ons tse | 218 | az | azz | 277 | 277 | 27 sa | one | 074 | ons 170 | 220 | 267 | 22 | sar | ase | ase zs | ose | a7 | ons to | 228 | 287 | ze | sar | see | ase aso | ose | 07 | 086 17a | 290 | 267 | 922 | asr | ase | ase airs | on | 07 | ons zo | 228 | 267 | 322 | sar | see | — 200 | of | a7 | o6 zo | 228 | 267 | 322 | ser | ase | — 080-030 | ot | 047 ars | 108 | 10] 168 | vas | tae [Tae Vea a for 8 03s | 030 | ost | 047 o7a saa} oz | sea | as | as oes | oso | ost | 047 ova saa | 171 | x90 | 22s | 223 $075 | 030 | os | os7 o7a sao | 171 | ago | 280 | 250 as | 030 | ost | o47 | ose | os igo | o30 | ost | o47 | ose | 079 sta | 030 | ost | o47 | ose | 079, 1125 | oa0 | ost | o47 | ose | o70 go | oso | ost | o47 | ose | 079 7s | 020 | oe | o47 | ose | os 200 | 020 | ae | o«7 | ose | 073 saa | 171 | x90 | 250 | 250 sao | 171 | 190 | 220 | 250 saa | 171 | x99 | 250 | 250 saa | 171 | x90 | 280 | 250 sao | 171 | 190 | 280 | 250 saa | iz | sg0 | ase | suo | 131 | 190 | 20 | — Ba oF bath component is made of 592060 or S350GD and component Ils made of SSAIGD wo S4S0GD reepectvly POCHOLAD to HXAGDLAD tho vakae maybe Ineroaed by 8.3% astern screws JA, JB, JT, JZ end JF Annex 16 ‘Slt-dling sorow J72:24-Pie-6,xL ah ret apnea adel water O16 rm age of European Technical Aasarement Deatches Epksto20 of 75 March 248 cata rat tarioon pope by 1B? ouch . ‘Material: 5 Fastener: carbon eae ‘ave hadoned and coreeensesstant : Washer: carbon sae, coresion restart Stans see (42) ~ E1190 9508, ‘it eaned EPOM sea) ‘Component: $28060, S820G0 or $3503 - EN 10346 Component Ii $295 to $275 EN 1025-1 ql ‘Se20GD wo £42000 EN los te H9OOLAD fo HAGOLAD “EN 10946 "4 Dring especty: 34 3.50mm “Timber aubetutures: 9 parormanes determined CN A eae as eae as “er Zhi eo Te] Om] as | am] om | os Tom Pe Ta] we | ue] ae ss | ose | ar | ars | ozs | ase | soo | 12s | sas | 125 | 12s | 125 sa | oso | ars | ase | osr | soe | sar | sae | sae | sae | rae | 130 075 | os2 | 074 | 096 | og7 | sas | sas | tar | sar | ast | sar | sat £ oss | one | ore | ome | saz | sae | 208 | aar | 207 | 207 | zor | 207 100 | ose | o74 | ome | sa6 ays | ax | az | arr | ax | 277 Esa | ose | 07 | ove | a1 zae | zor | azz | sar | sze | ase i ose | a7 | aos | xn 220 | 267 | age | asr | ase | ase ce | a7 | oss | x31 zae | zer | azz | asr | ase | ase ese | ar | oss | 431 220 | 2er | sz2 | 87 | age | — sz | a | oos | sn 228 | zor | age | as7 | a0 ea0-| aa | ea? | ose soe Pao a | tax | Bs a0 | oat | oa? | oso 08 | tao | 331 | sa0 | 298 a0 | ons | oa? | oss 108 | sao | 171 | s90 | 250 7 a0 | oat | oar | ose tos | sao | 371 | tao | 250 z a0 | oat | oa? | oss 08 | tao | 471 | 490 | 250 7 a0 | oat | oa | ose too | tao | srt | saa | 250 z a0 | oat | oar | oso 408 | $40 90 | 250 i a0 | ons | oa? | oss 308 | 140 90 | 250 ea0 | ons | oar | oss 00 | $40 tae | 250 eae | oat | oar | oss 08 | 140 a0 | 250 ose | ous | ovr | oss 08 | 140 too | ose | = — trboin component |e made of $3206 or $3506 and component is made of S320G0 to 6450GD respectively HXGIOLAD fo HX4BQLAD the vise may be intone by @ 9% Fastening screws JA, JB, JT, JZ and JF Selling crew JT2-24-Plue5 5x hundocssheaan abd and sesh water 219m annex 17 Sou mnee oth wana prepared by DBL a Mates: Ding capacity: Washer: carbon Fastener: esfbon see! ‘ato hrdoned and covosbo-esstant 9), coesion-esstant Saroes cto (Az) ~ EN 190 9506, win weaned EPOM sea Component |: $2600 to $9500 EN 0346 'S2006D to S3500D - EN “0346 m<3.50mm “inereubactes ro perormance determines Selt-éiing sro JT23H-5,5xL nr agen head an ln washer =O a We Shim wl =|= [=> l= o> le le = ee le eS ee ee ele lee , o6afsao [rs — [ro = Jao = Joao = Jao — |00 se } or|ia — [is = |200 = |200 — |200 —|ec0 — zo = 2 oga|2z — |e — [am — Jao — |20 — |200 — |2o0 — E sqo|200 — [20 — | 200 — |200 — |200 —|200 — zo — Z slsn — lav = |sm Slee lem Slee Gl 5 B aslam — [am —|200 — Jao — [20 — Jom —|— — wsofem —|4e0 —|200 —]20 —}- —]- -|- - awnfan ofan -[- OP 21> =[- =] = aoojiso — loo —|— —|— —|— —|= ~|~ — ‘osa[oro = [ost — oar a [ize wm [ime oo [ino ws [1R? we ossfoes — [102 —|r2a a [rst a [ems oc [20 wc] — omsfiso — fis — |r a [200 a [soo ae [sco we | — a75|1a0 —]rso —|sa0 oc [250 ec [340 oc [400 a | — £ omliso —|rso — |r — 250 —|sa — a0 a} — — ge woolsso —]iso — imo — Jeo — [sao ~ Jamo 2 | — EZ asafioo — iso — [ua — [a0 — Js —]- —|- B vasliso —|iso — se — |e — Joo —]— —]— sofia = = = wsl20 —|= —/'= {2 Iyo 0 Ir zmlae —|— =|2 =|2 =|2 = = = tafe — pa — pa — pe — fe — ae oss|s20 — [iar — [sm — J2os — 20s — = tss|sa0 —|2a0 — 200 — |so0 — Jao — — = 5 o75|tm —|200 — foro — Jam — Jam — — — E cas|im — ea — Jem — Jao —|am0 — — — 2 mols — fea — Jam — Jam — om — — — Z isi — les — 20 — a0 —|- — — — Z tas — les — lam — Jan —|- — = — tia|ia — ea — Jam J" <)= 2 = wsfiwo -[- -/- |= -]- = = = sole —|- == =|= =|= = = = Fastening srowe 8 JT, and JF ones 19 ge 39 f european Tectia Aaesemert mies ERieeo ors arch a8 iat A Ponto pou by DBL owe ou, g taal: Fastenee eaten sel ‘See hardoned and covosbrestart Wasner: one ‘Component: S25060, 592000 or S35000 -EN 10546 on Bl Component $235 EN 1905 re fp00GD wo 838000 EN 0068 ai Ditingcapcty: 24550 am ‘to premaneeeotarred ‘eal [tor [us| as [aa Mass Te ee ee ee ee 6s] tm —|1s0 — Jam —|290 — Jem — 2a vo $0 a7] 22 — Jem —|2m — em —|300 Jam @ Z cafe — [2s —|so0 — Jam — Jam — laa tao] a0 — Jao — |sa0 — Jam — laa — [aso E tsalas —|oe0 — [se — [ax — [ao —|— - HF tas|em — Jaw — [rao — [aw — Jew — |= = tgofam — Jas — ow — [se — Jeo —|— — tzs|40 = Jaa = |s00 —|sm —]— = |= = 200[4m — les — [su — [soo —|— —|— = wea lel ele ie ms a|2 S|2 S|2 e|e See os |is — 150 Jao —|2t0 a Jato oe |210 we § 075/120 — [san —|200 — Jam se |200 a Jem Z cosfiao —|s20 —|200 — Jao ~ Jaa —|sm0 E tools — Js90 — |200 — aso —]aa0 — |aoo 2 Z ssaliso —|rm0 — |es0 — Jaw — Jaa —]— = ¥ sas|iso —|ro0 — |200 — Jaw — [sao —)— — taofrm — [a0 — Jem —|a Jaa — |= = susie — |r — Jeo —]— —]— —]— = zoo} sso —[s0 — le —[— —|- —[- — Fastoning erews JA, J, JT Zand JF ‘nn 20 Sattting serew 725550, ncn ago 34 of European Tactical Assessment Eo anton propre by Die | = Mates: Fastener: carbon see ‘te hardened and corosnesstant ‘Washer: carbon ste, erosion estan, Sarge soo (A2)~ EN 190 3506 vith vueaneed EPDM seal ‘Component: $26060, 83200 or $35030 - EN 10046 Tern" S280GD to SSS0GD - EN 10946 Dring expect: 24 9.501mm Tinbecsubstuciures no pertrmares cetrminos ater too 4.19 425 [150 [200 [20 [3.00 = = talie oli ole [ie oS oii s |e 2 E tsa}s00 —|a00 — az — Jano — |e —|- -|- — elec ole lees lene ale | igfar [afi pare eee fe oie le aim le eels eS Fastoning Sorows JA, JB, JT, JZ and JF Annex 2t ‘Self-dling sorew J123-5 5x1 wegen edad era washer 16 Page 25 of European Tenia! Assessment Dewan DIB Endehtanson prepored Dit sous ous bate 14 Fastoner carbon tet om ‘abo hardoned and corosin reste Waster: nove ‘Compenant: 528060 to 838060 - EN 0946 ea 4 Component I: 8235 10 5955 -£N 100254 ‘Se806D fo S460G0 EN 0946 FXSOOLAB fo PRAGOLAD “EN 0946 Bea Dring capacty: —_ E4<6.00mm Timboraubatutures ro porormanes detrminad tata [1a [ame] a0] ao [00 ts Th tal= |= =|= =l= == == = ea ee lee fas | eso ac [2m ac {200m [280 at] 290 sts] 0 seo $ o7s|sco = |aso ec sso a |as0 ec |400 oe [40 ac 2 oas]am — tm “|e e [ez a [eso we |sa ae Sao[aao — [ts — lA a [420m foo a foo ae E sssfazo —|av = [4s 490 ec for oo] — F tasfaso — [és —|sa — |sao we |r | — — ‘i0|s20 — sm — Jew — eco — eo —|— — i75|s20 — [so — Jem —|ooo — Jeo —}— = 200|s30 — [soo — |e — [soo — [eo — | — Qa] 160 ac | 220 ac {220 a [220 ast] 220 cxs| 20 aes 4g ors|iso ~|2s0 ce |2m a |2a0 “se aso ‘so [amo se ZB om|to — [eso “ [aco samo ac [sen ae Jam we son] s60 — 250 — Jam a farm far a [aro Eislico —|em — [se "ta ole x |— E tasfiso — 250 — Jam — fan w[oo x] — tia] iso — eso — Jam — |e foo —]— = 17s|ss0 — |2so — Jam —|as — Joo —]— — 2oo| sso — |eso — Ja — [aso = [oso = |= = Fastening sores JA, JB, JT, JZ and JF Setting sorow JT26-5,5xL. wtnongen ed ‘annox 22 age 38 of European Techical Aasueement nl tanto reper by DI | = str Fastener Wisner: carbon see ‘eave Radenod and eoreseneasant carbon seo, coresion restart, Staness seal (A2) EW 190 9506, ‘ih weaned EPDM seal ‘Component: $2800 to $9500 - EN 10946, Component I: $235 fo S355 EN 1025-1 Dring capac: ‘S880 to 84800 «EN tones HXOOLAD fo HX¢B0LAD “EN 10046 1<6.00mm “Timber substvetues no poraance detains a 7m 20 se [emo ae seee| 90 aes § ars|2m ~ |as0 a am a ve |400 90 $F om|ai Jao = |az0 [eso 2 talaw — aso — fase oe [eo Eotna|sco = |am = [aso = oe F tzs|ao — Joan — sa = elo 4is0| sco — eco — Joo — a 4izs| 800 — |eco = Jeo — eo 200|s0_— |eco — eos — SEne a wai nae a as| 00 a0 [13+ so [205 so seat 2n5 tat ss|t0 sc |250 & [am so see 00 bat $075] 190 — |2s0 se |260 oe we |as0 a0 $ aol io — Jeeo —|s00 we te |500 wc Beli — lem — Jamo te [50 a E an)im — es — om — = F tas|too — Jas — {am — slo = raft — 250 — Jom — =|] = sas} 90 — |z50 — aso — ae zoo|im = |250 = |seo — ee ning Serews JA, JB, JT, JZ and JF ane 28 Selt-dling sore JT26-5,5e Page 37 of European Techical Aaseeament Deutsches EFAi.o00 of 7 Marsh 20 oe ‘ir ng satin prepare ty EL saute ous. gl Matera: + Fastener: enon tee ‘ae hardoned and eorosbn-eetant Washer: none as | Component: $26060 to S3S0GD - EN 0346 5 Component I: 3235 o S355 EN 10026-1 en fe Detingcapaciy: T= 9.50 mm “inbersubactes no pvormance determined a0 [S00 [eee smn aed] ago ar | sao ac [300 oe 075 ]aa ac /4a0 ac [eo ac [460 ce § oa|ss0 ce |530 ac {sao ac |s30 8 Z to}eo ac soo ac |noo a [eon a Eo sasfez ac /e70 ac for as [670 0 2 tas}ra0 ee [70 ao |720 a [rao — asfaio —|si0 — Jeo Jai — azs[aio —|sio — Jeo —|— zofaio — [sso — Jeo —|— — ee ee 63 | 220 ated 220 ac }2z0 wm 220 ee 3 075/220 2c }280 eo |290 a |290 a $ sm|an sc {aso se fam we |200 B yolaro wo [a7 x |47 x [a a E ita}570 ec |s70 a |570 a [570 a 2 128/500 se Jas we Jao oc [oso — tz0|se0 —|e20 — Jos — lem — s78| 500 —|6s0 — eso -|— — zao|ss0_— [sso — [exo —|— — Fastening screws JA, JB, JT, Zand JF omen 24 Selttiing sore JT285,5eL ayo 38 of european Techical Acsasement Eriit00 of fs aren 248 Engl ronson rare by Dt cabo ‘te hadened and eonosionesistant carbon sce, coveslonesstant ‘wh vuesnged EPOM sea. $anloss stool (Az) ~EN 150 9606, 2 ‘win vleensed EPOW Component: $2800 to S350G0 - EN 10046, Component I: 8235 $385 EN 10025 Ono capecys —_11#960rm Tinbe ssh 0 patos cet ‘watmm) [400 [8.00 [6,00 oo he i =|- =|- -|- =]- = | ese ee fin] 20> sic 200 sis] sp0 ait s00 see 4} 075) 570 ‘oc [370 a [370 wc [370 se 2 am|a fam x fez m lam Bio |ieo se [em a [sao me [aos Eoza|sao ae (540 a0 [a0 me [540 Zo tzs|eeo [sm a [soo we [em — tle “lem — Jem ~ lem — tnlam — Jan — fem =| = Salen lant lee | tae] i aa] te aos wes wae as | 28 ai] ae] 240 ea 210 we dun] 220 steal 0 ssi] az0 ated] 020 sot ; te [ate ee [410 [410 a EB ata]so0 Jam [eon we soo tae|sco ce [ao ce [am ce [seo Ris cls cle aie a Z tzs|seo [am we [reo we [tm 0 tie|se “am "Jam “lem 2 imac — eo — Jom — |= = ro|seo [am — [san | Fastoning crows JA, JB, JT, JZ and JF ‘Sell-dling sew J72--5,5eL ono 25 age 39 of Eurcpaan Tectia aceesent Dewan Erion os arch ve iit ‘i Ens anton roar IL aus 8 Matra: coor Fastener, carbon tet ‘ave hardened and conosiesstant Washer: none on CCompenent I: 525060 to 825000 - EN 10946 Componenti $235 o $955 EN 10025. i 82 Ding capasty: —_1£8.50"m “inberubsrucures: no porormancedoermined ‘eaten [m0 [250 [390 [ano | 50 Me Te (= |- —-|— (= |= = ges ee ec | et ee diss | 240 ssl 240. sea] 240. sd 240. aed 240 2 § 075/200 “ae [a0 a> [a0 ae [a0 oe [aio a ZB oa|aso sc aso ac |220 ac |300 ox [300 E too] soo ae [a0 ac [apo sc [ao oe [aan Eotna|4eo ae |sa0 ae [520 ac [520 om [520 Z tas|sm —|sq a |sso sc |seo oo [sao emo —|720 —|r20 —|7a — |r — sao —|720 = |7z0 — |r —]— — cao — [720 —|r20 — |r —|— — 2,0 ated} 240 shed] 210 sd] 230. atos| 210 ac 075] 200 ac |ean ac |2a0 ac [260 we [200 a ¥ ose) suo ac |sa0 ac }a50 sc [200 oc (a0 a : : ado ac [4a0 ac [4a0 oc [4o0 oe [amo E ssafos ae [470 ac [350 ac [560 ae [550 4 H tas} —|47 ac }020 sc ooo oc |so0 a sg0| 240 — a0 = Jez — Jor —|a7 — sp]aao — [470 = fez — Jer —|— — 2o0|a40_— |470 — |o20 — Jaro —|— — Fastoning rows JA, JB, JT, JZand JF nox 28 Selt-diing sorow JT26-63xL age 40 of European octet Asssament Dewees itr Ena nator repre by 1 Baus sole Matias: HS, Faster: carbon stot = azo hardened and corosinesstant “Ley | Washer: carbon sie, coroslonsesélart, Stanlees stat (k2)~EN gO 3506 wit vanes EPOM sea ‘Component: 28000 to 835000 - EN 1948 ‘28060 S36000 = EN T0246 Dating capacty: 216.80 mn ‘Tinbecsubeatias: "No petormancedatorninos ‘wotwt [200 [a0 [300 [ao [5 Mave ZN es |= -|- -|- -l- -l- -l- = Se es ee 4, 063240 etcd| 240 ates] 240 bail 40 bat] 240 ve | — = f o78| 280 a [a1 cw [ai a [aro me [or oe |— — Fem sc0 ac [a0 ce [sao w |sao me [seo a | — - te [450 we [400 ac [aso me [ao a |— z se [soo e [520 w|s20 ws a] — ? = |500 se |s00 a0 |se0 a | a |— — ss0|s00 —|720 = |r20 —|r20 — |r —|— — aas| sao — 720 — Jr — |r —]— =| = 200|s40_— [720 — |70 — |7z0 —|— —|— — 501.15 bad] 150" ated] 19 otal] 18 wbed 79 we [IS we 085) 149 bea 140. atas| 149. ated] 149. ated] 149 se | — 3] 210 bea] 210 ates| 210 ated| 210 sted] 2x0 se | — 4 078] 2m0 ac [280 wo [200 a [280 a [200 me | — $f oma] aso eo [seo 0 |n00 a |seo oo |sco a |— — 3 tose oe [eso ac fas ac faao sc [ass a | — EZ tas/sw a [470 ac |s50 ac |s50 wc [550 a | — Z tas|aq —]470 2/620 ac fas ac loco a |— — 10/300 —|470 = ox —|az —|em —|— — s75|s00 — Jam — ox — Jax —}— —|— — 2p0|s0 — 470 = Jez — Jay —}— —|— — Fastening serews JA 8, JT, and JF ‘aonox27 Satta sorew S726, vn toon hand aha war = 16m ogo 4 of European Technzal Assesment Esto200 of March 2018 ng tars pepo by IBY Mate Fastener: cabon stool {ce hardened and corosin testa Wisher: carton ste, coraslon estan, Staines soo (Az) ~ EN 120 508 ‘i ular EPOM eal Component: $25060 -EN 10948 (Component I:S235 to $955 -EN 10025 Dating cepacty: 54 13.00mm “Timber subst: ro pertermance detrmined word [00 [600 [amo [wane [2p Moe SSS SS ee ee ee ee 063] 220 ae |220 sc |220 ac }220 ae |220 wo [azo oo } 7s] 280 oc }200 ac [200 ac {200 ae |2a0 ac [oo we B 098) 860 or |350 ac | 260 oe [250 oc [350 oo |as0 « so0|420 — ]4z0 0 [420 ae |az0 ac [420 ae laz0 E wssazo — [aso — |ea0 = Jaco — Jam — | B raslazo — [seo —|soo — seo —|seo —]- — sso/420 — Jexo — 720 — |zz0 — |r —]— — 420 — 600 —|720 —|720 —|rm —]- = 420 — Joao — | 720 — |7z0 — |r —|— — 130 a [iad eo [1s ae [10 oe [130 [130 ree ae fret ac [ioe ae /rse ac free ae [to a 240 ae |240 ac |240 a [240 ac 240 sc [240 20 § o7s]si0 oe {310 ac |sto ac |310 2c |at0 a |st0 a E oss] 350 sc |390 0 a |390 2c |390 ae |s90 a 5 rola — [a = = |470 = Jar = |a70 E usaf — [sso — = |seo [seo —]- — a 470 — |e40 — —ae io — 1 = 470 — |6ao — = Jeno — Joo =] - = 470 — |oa0 — aloo —leo —|- 470_— |6a0_— = [sao = loo —]- — Fastening screws JA, J8, JT, JZ and JF Annex 28 ‘Sling screw J12-125 5. er exo aan sory water 2 16m ago 42 of European Techical Assessment Dowtater tA 1}020 of 2 arch 20 = iN ao sanlaton prepare by Di Boutin aaa Fast on tee mys ‘ase handoned ane cores resistant Washar: carbon sto, corason etitant, stanieas soa (42) ~EN 50 2506, eur ‘wn vearsed EPOM sel 4 Component: 882060 or 838060 - EN 10948 [Component i:$235 10 S955 -EN 10025-1 Dating capacity: 52s 18,00mm Tinborsubactues no peormance determined Tatwn | soo [50 [090 | amo | v090_] veo tales === ls ts|— —)— —J—> =J> =J> TJs t bss] 250 ae [250 se |25 se [250 a [2s0 m Jeso we go am|am ac faz a fam a [aco ae [azo ee fame $ taa]ss0 se [390 a Ja00 so [290 se [sao fam 3 mol sz [eo oe [sm oe [az oc [azo ae fam EB iajim Jem —|s0 [se ~ fem — [2 2 B taslaz — [oo — leo — Jeo — leo —|— — vao[azo Jeno — [rm — [re — |r —|— = trs[eo — [eno — [rm — [ro — |r —|— = aon|4z0 — [eae — |r — [ro — [rao — |= aso] ia0 a [iso we [imo we [tad we [raw [igo we ess|izr ae [s97 ae [ity se [igre [sz [177 m0 os| 20 ec |260 ae [zoo ec [260 a [ann we (2m we 4 o7s|amo ae [aan ae [amr [aso ac [2a0 a [amo we 2 egal azo a [sao we [4a ee [420 ae [azo we [tao a E Geli [tm a lem me [eo we [sm m [ro E tnala — eco — leo —leoo — leo —|— — 2 taslaro —|eso — leo — les — leo —|— — tia|4 |e — Jeo — |e — Jes — f= = trs[am — [em — [om — [eo — leo —|— — 2o0|4m — leo — [em — eso = Joo = [= = Fastening screws JA, J8, JT, Zand JF ‘Annex 29 Settling sorew JT2125,5eL wiynonase Peasant reg wat 2 age 43 of European Tecicl Assessment Dewtsches vRsioaeb of waron te i fh vant repay 1 sot Maas Fesener: exon ee ‘Stee hatoned and conesbn-etart Washer: carbon ie, conesonsesstant Slartse sol (2) EN 160 3606 ‘tim vacoioad EPOU cos Component: $28060 1 535060 - EN 10046 (Componenti: $235 wo 5955 -EN 10025 iting capeciy: 21 1800mm “Tinbar suscses ro perlomance determines ‘ion [aio [smo [6m [an [tom ie ramn | vom Mwe Ein wpa pa pe Spa pe pe pa Spe fss| ere — Jase — Jae — Jar — Jere — fe — fae — Ja — ga] 220 — Jam — Jaz — J2x0 — Jam — [2a — foo — lam — 4 o7s|2e0 — [am — [am —|20 —|200 — |200 — Jaa — 200 — Eo ooo|aso — Jam — Jam — |ss0 — Jam — Jas — [aso — Jas — too}aeo — [aso — Jas — azo — am — em — [azo — Jam — E snalazo — [4m — |es0 — |ao0 — Jao — eo — ao — Jao — 2 taslaz —|se0 —|s60 — |s60 —|se0 — |sco — seo — |e — tao] 420 — Jou —|720 —|r20 —|r20 —|ra — |r20 —|ra0 — tsa — Jew —|r20 —|r20 —|ra — |r —|r20 —|ra — aoo|uzo_— [evo — |720 — |720 — |r — [rz — [ra — [zo — eae [ia = arr = [iar = [are = art = at = ae a oss) vo6 —Jro6 — Jae — [rae — [sos = [tos = fase = fos — sa) azr — azar —|azr = |22r — [oar — |zar — faze — Jae — 4g ars|er — Jar — Jz — Jer — Jar — fam — [am — [am — Z ose|sz0 — a2 — |32s — Jaz — Jaze — Jaze — [aaa — ame — B wofase — Jase — Jaco — Jam — |se — [seo — Jam — Jame — taafase — ate — fare — fase — Jase — [ass = Jase — Jase — Zi = = 40s = [4s [aes - = = [ass = tol ar — se — Jee — eer — [aor — [ser — sor — sor — tas| 470 —|se — [se — | ser — ser — [sor — sor — sor — 2o0|470_— |se:_— [sex — |sor_— [sor — [soi — |sor_— [sor — Festoning ser JA, JB, TZ and JF ‘amex30 Seeing sew JT210-5.54 Eikiounerssuwrevane ‘Eig tena propre by OI aac a Matra Fever: onton ial 7 a ‘case hardened and carrosion-recistant Vasher: enn set corstnest, i= ‘tae A) =e 0h cH ‘itnvacred ePOutcoa a tl eave re Conponnt S235 S955 EN 1025: Ding capeoy —_01€ 1960 wm Timber substructures: 4 Nopromance dlemined tated | 400 [500] ano [—a00 [wooo | veo _[_vap0_] 1600 ie Tike isp ap pp pt at pr tesla — [ee — ew — |e — lee — fae — fee — len — oaa|ze0 [2m — fam — am — lam — [az — faz — fam — 3 Gleam — [2m —|200 — [2a — [200 — [2 — [emo — lao — 2 ales — as — |so — [san — Jam — fas — las — am — E ealeco — eso — [eon — [ao — |e — [ez — [azo — [aan — EZ ssalaz —|4o0 — [49 — [aso —|aa0 — [aso — [aso — [as — tmz —|a0 —|s0 — [sem —|sm — [se — [seo — seo — tea — few — Jr — |r — |r — [reo — frm — |r — te Llem —|z — |r oli [ra lr = |i = tao_— [ow — [ra = [rz — |r20 — [790 = [rm = |r = 3 ae = fee > fae feo = feo Je Yes ass — [em — fos Ja — Jem — fam — lam — fem — zoo — [2m — |e — [oe — Jee — ee — lam — [am — g emsfose — [oa = |sae = fase Z Jase — Joan = oat = aoe = 2 telas — [am — Jaro — [aso — [emo —|sso — om — fam — B Mpoltae — [eae = ese = [ase — aan — fess — ase [aoe — Eotislam — [aor — aor — aor — [esr — [esr — cer — [aor — EF aslav —|se —|sse —|sse —|sse —|sse — sez —|sse — iol to — ew — Joa = [oa — fem — eso — ea — [oa — ‘aslo — [ew — [ow — [oa — Joa — eso — e0 — [sao — azol ar _— [ea — [ean — [sao — Joan — Jou — oo — [so — Fostoning crews JA JB, Zand JE amon Setting sero JT2-1050. Scheu beta airgeater etn ag tt pn Tc arama onsen Emu ead sone ADIL SS ‘Materials: Faseont! cuts Sei ancora tnt Waster: canna cosine, = Sabine in ce te a sites = Conpoant: S280 S800 - EN 08 Songun S28 Sse oe Daigo Bs 1800mm = ‘ote tutu Ne peromare tories oa a] Safa a a a twla — |e —|ee —|ee — law — lew — lew — [ae — tia |2z0 — [220 —|2m — |22 = loz — ae — |e — [oz — f ers|za — Jes — 2m —|2a0 — |ze —|2e0 — fe — 20 — Hcelie /se — [ke = [eh = |am lem — fae — [ae — Stolze — [azo = [to = [tn = [am = fam = ft = |i = Eiales = [te —[ts x ie ae ote = fee Ife = 3 tm|co — lem — [am — [emo — am — lam — [amo — [ee — tealazo — |e — |r —|2m — |e — |r — frm |i — Vali = [eo x |r = rm = fie = [tm = fi = [tee = amaze — [eo — |r — |r — |rao — [tw — [rao — |r — ee tas aco — [20a — |e — [ono — [ace — [ame — loro — [aco — two — for —|ae — [ae — foe —are — lowe — foe — g omfar — fas — fam — law — Jam — [am — fame — Jam — z so0]470 — |s07 —|507 —|so7 — | 507 507 sar sor — BZ im|am — Jem — lam — [ea — lem — em — lem — few — wlan — |e — |e — |e lew —|se — |e — leo — talon = len olen olen alto Slee Slee = [em = aman — [ew — lew — [eo — [ew — [ew = Jew [owe = Fastening ewe JB J a2 an 1 Sataiting vow T2088, Stone on oubynr oe Eropenn Tac avaerk Dowsenes ‘cr Ena vanaton roar by Dt auc Mails: Fastener: sarees soo (AZ) ~EN 159 3506, a Staress sta (A6) ~EN 15D 3505, moa] 9 Washer: sarass stool (AZIAe) ~ EN 180 2608 ‘tn vucansed EPDM aoa! te (Component: 828060 to S850G0 ~ EN 10346 (Componenti: 8238 o 8275 EN 10025 ‘820000 io 64G0CD EN 1946 ‘RROOOLAD fo HXAGOLAD “EN 10946, 22 Dating capaci: 32<2.20mm © “nberaunsuctzes nopertmane Geum cm a ae ee De De De a a De De rt 7 ta ORO OE OO ae Ow Oa ae tae | oss | eae | eon | cam | o20 | ove | con | can | om | am | = tae | ose | ove | soe | Soe | sae | so | soe | Soe | se | tow | = gg tan | Gas | ono | se | san | sae | tee | soo | san [sae | se | = Bids | ose | one | toe | tae | aa | aat [oe fas [uae | | Z ose | oss | ovo | 108 | 126 | v6 | 126 | tes | tes | ia6 | — - Hom | aoe | can | ame | cae | cot | sas | am | ame [=] = |X 2 otis | coe | can | ame | cae cor [tas fam | = | = | = | = Galles | aw (te om gat | al) oe el iam [Poe ome (ice |e) ole sate Je | a |g Baer wae a aw par ar war Par a a ar ozo | oe | eve | are | tan | ie | sao | sam | tao | aa | tan | tas | on | tae | ave | eas | tae | cas | sao | tao | tao | aan | = 3 062 | o4e | cee | oze | oge | ste | s20 | x00 | x00 | t90 | sao | — Etre | oe | tee | ore | ton | ae | tae | en | eo [va | = | = tae | one | toe | ave | cae | tae | cae | sao tw | uae | = | = E soo | ose | ose | are | cee | sie | sae | sf soo} — | = | = foe | ce len en | oe | asl we lao | oe | |e tm [oe | ee | de fem | ie | ae fe} o Po) ops foe oe oe oe ee ce al pert fd al eo Ee Lee se [| Us eth components land I are made of $3206 or $950G0 the values may be ineeased by 8.9%, Fastoning sorows JA, JB, JT, 32 and JF Selling screw 224-4 x, JTE-2H-4 8x. hn an heen head ar sain wae = Cen ‘amex 38 ago 47 of Eropeun Tactical Assessment ETA 110200 f 25 aren 2048 pth wanton rar by Oe ena ‘or acct Staness see (A2)~EN 190 3508, Btanes see (A4}~ EN 150.3506, tans ee (AZINA)- EN G0 2808 taal: ia Fastener Wome ‘tn vcard EPDM ses! ‘Component: $28060 1 S380G0 - EN 10846 (Componenti: 8235 — EN 10005-1 ‘828060 | 9 S506 - EN 10046 Dating capac ms325mm ‘Timber batts: 10 performance determines ‘Salting sorew J79-94-4e, JTE-H-4e. ann apn ead nde Wea 21 ato) | ove [oss [amo] aa| as] a) [am Me 3m 0am 00m = @ [io a [im wal]iao me] Ta we oss |e = 7 ae [tao ac 148 ae [as as [tas oe oss |i30 — = ae feo ac 170 ae |170 ae [170 a B o7s|ieo — = a= | 200 a f2r0 ae {210 ae |210 @ B omliso — = = [250 —}270 —|2% —|27 a g imlsae — 7 = [20 = }sto —|si0 — ai aa] tg = = zoo —|sa0 — |e —|o50 — Fot3s|is0 — = = |2e0 = Jaz —|7 — Jaa — 150/180 — 2 = |20 = }s70 —|sm —]- 1175] 140 — - = |20 = }s70 —|am —]— = 200| 150 — = = 20 —|ax —|— —|— — ‘oa0 fas0 ae = ww [150 a | 160" wed] 160 abe [50 abe oss |aso — = a [150 we [ras ac |200 0 [205 oe 6s ago — = as [tse [170 ac |240 ao [250 a $075 /oa0 — = a ]is0 we /170 ae |240 a [a4o Goss |oao — = —|aso = [170 = Jaan = |a40 g tm|ouo — = = |aso = [170 = Jeu — |aqo aa |as0 = = |rso = [170 = za — | qo — Z 128/080 — - —|150 —|170 - 240 —|sa0 — so |as0 — = = |r = ]ar0 = Jew f= sas|as0 — S = |i = [170 = Jew |= = zoo [aso — a = [is = |i -[- -|- - Fastening crows JA, J, JT, J and JF Annex 94 Erm Engh oanstton prepared by Dit screen | = Waser: Matias: Fastener: stares stool (A2)~ EN 190 3506, Stariess sea (A6) EN 190 3508, ‘win vulesnsed EPOM seal ‘Component |: 828060 to 835060 ~ EN “0846 ‘Component I $295 to $275 —EN 10025 tara soo (A2/R) ~ El 190.2508, XSOOLAD fo BXAEOLAD - EN To34s ring capac <2200m “Tinbec substctures: no perrance detained Tesinnd [om0 | aso [ons | 00s | ove [oe [ime [ue [ies [me | oe tho = to] 08] oa | ae [om] ae [om] am. om] om | a | om 450 | 040 | o20 | avo | oso | coo | om | oso | ozo | om | cso | — 5s | ovo | o20 | aos | oss | cas | oss | oas | oss | oss | ass | — gona] oa | ooo | oas | a1 | sas | nas J ras | nas | 1s 7 E05] ono | oso | ons | ais | sas | sas | sas | sas | sas | | = B oan] ono | oan | one | srs | vat | ise | sss | sae | see | — | — E soo| ons | cao | aos | ss | vas | ros | ras fue | — | = | = Z ss] ow | ooo | oss | vis | sas | tae | sae | — | - | — | = tas| ovo | oan | aos | sis | sas} | — | — | = | = | = 4s0| oa | oa Joss [ass] — | — | — | - |=] =] = weloo|— | -|-|-|-|-|-|- [= |= ano] aa | ome | ar | oa aos [ae | as [00s | oar | aos ago | ave | one | aze | 000 tas] tas | sae | 198 | sae | = ass | ae | ose | aze | as an | sae | saz | see | see | = oma] ose | ase | oz | cas tae | see | sae | 102 | se | = 2 o7s| aa | ose | ave | oma sae | see ume | see | = | = B om | cae | one | ove | oon rae | sae | ue | vee | — | = E so0| ow | coe | a7 | ooo vas | ise }se | — | — | = F ssa] ow | ase | oz | ons Ses tas| eae | ose | ave | oma nae eee | tm| ove | one | ore ]oxe | ~ | — | -] -] =] =] = io ya ree [sce |seeee [ise ese [cet || peer ree |e Itboth components andi are made of $9200 or SB50GD the values maybe incresed by 8.9% Fstoning crews JA, JB, JT, Zand JF Salting screw JTR-FR-2H-4 ex, JTE-FR-2H-4 x. wh oct eed wh Ton ho sys rebar wae = es

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