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Art: Nightcafe

Weapons Name
1d8 bludg.
versatile (1d10)
Simple Weapons Glaive
Polearm 1d12 slash.
Axe 1d12
two-handed, reach
Name Category Damage Properties bludg./slash.
Bola Projectile 1d4 bludg. thrown (15/60), Greatmace Mace 1d12 two-handed
aerodynamic (1d6) bludg./pierc.
Club Club 1d4 bludg. light Greatsword Sword 1d12 two-handed
Dagger Blade 1d4 pierc. light, finesse, pierc./slash.
thrown(20/60) Halberd Spear 1d12 two-handed, reach
Greatclub Club 1d6 bludg. pierc./slash.
Handaxe Axe 1d4 slash. light, thrown(20/60) Hand Crossbow 1d6 pierc. range (30/120), light,
Javelin Polearm 1d6 pierc. thrown (30/120) Crossbow loading
Lash Whip 1d4 slash. light, finesse Heavy Crossbow 1d10 pierc. range (100/400), two-
Light Crossbow 1d8 pierc. range (80/320), two- Crossbow handed, loading
Crossbow handed, loading Heavy Gauntlets 1d6 bludg. dual-blade, two-
Light Hammer 1d4 bludg. light, thrown (20/60) Gauntlets handed, knockback
Hammer Katana Sword 1d8 slash. finesse, versatile
Mace Mace 1d6 bludg. versatile (1d8) (1d10)
Pick Pick 1d4 pierc. light Lance Polearm 1d8 pierc. reach, knockback
Sickle Scythe 1d4 slash. light Longbow Bow 1d10 pierc. range (150/450), two-
Sling Sling 1d6 bludg. range (90/180), loading handed, heavy draw
Shortbow Bow 1d8 pierc. range (60/180), two- Longsword Sword 1d8 versatile (1d10)
handed pierc./slash.
Short Spear Spear 1d6 pierc. thrown (20/60), Maul Hammer 1d12 bludg. two-handed
versatile (1d8) Morning Star Mace 1d8
Shortsword Sword 1d6 bludg./pierc.
pierc./slash. Nunchuck Whip 1d6 bludg. light, finesse
Quaterstaff Staff 1d6 bludg. versatile (1d8) Pike Spear 1d10 pierc. two-handed, reach,
thrown (30/60)
Martial Weapons Rapier Blade
Recurve Bow Bow
1d8 pierc.
1d12 pierc.
range (80/240), two-
Name Category Damage Properties handed
Arbalest Crossbow 1d12 pierc. range (120/240), two- Sabre Sword 1d6 slash. finesse, light
handed, heavy draw, Scythe Scythe 1d12 slash. two-handed, reach
loading Shuriken Projectile 1d4 pierc. light, finesse,
Atlatl Sling 1d8 pierc. range (90/120), finesse aerodynamic (1d8),
Battle Axe Axe 1d8 versatile (1d10) thrown (60/120)
bludg./slash. Spear Spear 1d8 pierc. reach, thrown (30/60),
Battle Ram Staff 1d12 bludg. two-handed, knockback versatile (1d10)
Battle Staff Staff 1d10 bludg. two-handed, finesse, Spiked Chain Whip 1d8 reach
reach pierc./slash.
Boomerang Projectile 1d8 bludg. aerodynamic (2d6), Spiked Club 1d8 bludg. versatile (1d10)
thrown (60/120), Greatlub
versatile (1d10) Staff Arcana 1d8 bludg. arcane, range (60/120),
Chakram Projectile 1d6 slash. light, finesse, versatile (1d10)
aerodynamic (2d4), Trident Trident 1d8 pierc. reach, thrown (30/60)
thrown (15/30) Wand Arcana 1d4 pierc. arcane, range (30/60),
Dual Blade Sword 1d6 dual blade, two-handed, light
Sword pierc./slash. finesse Warhammer Hammer 1d8 bludg. versatile (1d10)
Dual Blade Spear 1d4 pierc. dual blade, two-handed, Warpick Pick 1d8 pierc. versatile (1d10)
Spear reach Whip Whip 1d6 slash. light, reach
Dual Chain Staff 1d6 dual blade, two-handed,
Staff bludg./slash. finesse
Estoc Blade 1d6 pierc. light, finesse, versatile

1 PART 1 | Weapons
Properties Loading
Aerodynamic Because of the time required to load this weapon, you
can fire only one piece of ammunition from it when you
A weapon with this property is specifically made to be use an action, bonus action, or reaction to fire it,
thrown with extreme speed and accuracy. A damage regardless of the number of attacks you can normally
value in parentheses appears with the property the make.
damage when the weapon is thrown to make a ranged Range
Arcane A weapon that can be used to make a ranged attack has
a range shown in parentheses after the ammunition or
While wielding these weapons, you use your thrown property. The range lists two numbers. The first
spellcasting modifier to make attack and damage rolls. is the weapon’s normal range in feet, and the second
Creatures without the spellcasting ability must use indicates the weapon’s maximum range. When
Intelligence as their modifier. This weapon ceases to attacking a target beyond normal range, you have
function in an antimagic field. disadvantage on the attack roll. You can’t attack a target
Dual Blade
beyond the weapon’s long range.
When making an attack with a weapon with this
property, you can make another attack as if you were This weapon adds 5 feet to your reach when you attack
using two weapons. with it.
Finesse Thrown
When making an attack with a finesse weapon, you use If a weapon has the thrown property, you can throw the
your choice of your Strength or Dexterity modifier for weapon to make a ranged attack. If the weapon is a
the attack and damage rolls. melee weapon, you use the same ability modifier for
that attack roll and damage roll that you would use for a
Heavy Draw melee attack with the weapon. For example, if you
Ranged weapons with this property must rely on throw a handaxe, you use your Strength, but if you
Strength instead of Dexterity when determining attack throw a dagger, you can use either your Strength or
rolls and damage rolls within a ranged weapon. your Dexterity,since the dagger hasthe finesse property.
Knockback Two-handed
While wielding a weapon with this property, you can use This weapon requires two hands to use. While wielding
your Bonus Action to make a Strength (Athletics) check it with only one hand you get disadvantage.
to shove a creature. Versatile
Light This weapon can be used with one or two hands. A
A light weapon is small and easy to handle, making it damage value in parentheses appears with the property
ideal for use when fighting with two weapons. the damage when the weapon is used with two hands to
make a melee attack.

PART 2 | Properties 2
Weapon Skills Deflection
When you have proficiency with a weapon type you gain You can use your Reaction to Deflect an incoming
access to weapon skills while wielding a weapon from ranged attack. When an enemy hits you with an attack
that type. These special weapon skills can be used once you can add 1d10 to your AC against that attack.
per short rest. The DC of the weapon actions is 8 + PB
+ your attack Modifier. Feint
There are some new conditions on here which are As a Bonus Action feint an attack, your target must
explained at the end of the PDF. make a Dexterity saving throw or be put off balance.
Category Weapon Skills Hamstring Shot
Arcana Deflection
Axe Cleave, Lacerate As part of a Bow attack put extra force behind your shot,
Blade Piercing Strike, Feint your target must make a Dexterity saving throw or be
Bow Hamstring Shot, Piercing Shot, Brace slowed until the end of your next turn.
Club Concussive Smash, Backbreaker
Crossbow Piercing Shot, Brace
Gauntlets Concussive Smash, Crushing Strike Replace a Mace attack to smash an enemy’s chest, your
Hammer Backbreaker, Heartstopper enemy needs to make a Constituion saving throw or be
Mace Concussive Smash, Backbreaker, Heartstopper Incapacitated until the start of your next turn.
Pick Piercing Strike, Cleave
Polearm Rush Attack, Pommel Strike Lacerate
Projectile Melee Throw Replace a Scythe attack to slash an enemy, it has to
Scythe Lacerate, Weakening Slash make a Constitution Saving Throw or be inflicted by
Rush Attack, Topple
Bleeding until the end of your next turn.
Staff Feint, Topple Melee Throw
Sword Lacerate, Feint, Pommel Strike
Replace a Projectile Attack with a Melee Throw, you do
Trident Rush Attack, Piercing Strike, Deflection
that attack with the Aerodynamic Damage instead your
Whip Lacerate
normal one, the Projectile remains in your hand.
Backbreaker Piercing Shot
As part of your Mace Attack put extra force behind your Replace an attack to shoot an enemy, it has to make a
strike, your enemy needs to make a Dexterity saving Constitution Saving Throw or be inflicted by Gaping
throw or be knocked Prone and is slowed until the end Wounds until the end of your next turn.
of your next turn.
Piercing Strike
Replace an attack to stab an enemy and inflict Gaping
For the rest of your turn, roll ranged damage twice and Wounds on them until the end of your next turn.
use the highest result, when attacking with the weapon
you have braced yourself with. Pommel Strike
Cleave As a Bonus Action make a non-lethal attack against an
enemy, they need to make an Constituion saving throw
Replace an attack to swing your weapon in a 10 feet arc or be dazed for two turns.
to hit up to 3 enemies at once.
Rush Attack
Concussive Smash
As an Action charge forward and attack the first enemy
As part of your Attack hit an enemy with all your might, in your way, dealing your weapons damage. The target
your enemy needs to make a Constituion saving throw must make a Dexterity saving throw or be put off
or be dazed until the end of your next turn. balance. This attack consumes your movement. You can
Crushing Strike only charge as much distance as you have movement
Replace an attack to trike an enemy, it has to make a Topple
Constitution Saving Throw or be Brittle until the end of
your next turn. As a Bonus Action try to topple your target, your target
has to make a Dexterity Saving throw or be knocked
3 PART 3 | Weapon Skills
Feats Bow Expert
Every Feat requires proficiency with their associated Prerequisite: Proficiency with Bows
weapon. Most of them only fit certain playstyles and
aren’t meant to be allrounder feats, but rather play into Attacking at long range with Bows doesn’t impose
a certain power fantasy. You can take each feat two disadvantage on your ranged weapon attack rolls
times, getting access to the 2nd level features when you Before you make an attack with a Bow, you can
take it the second time, but you still have access to all choose to take a -5 penalty to the attack roll. If that
features you gained the first time. attack hits, you add +10 to the attack’s damage
They are meant to replace feats like Polearm Master, You can target enemies behind full cover if you can
Sentinel, Great Weapon Master and Sharpshooter and shoot over the cover
expand the options so every weapon type has at least
one. 2nd level:

Arcana Expert When you miss an enemy with an bow attack you
can choose to target another one instead and repeat
Prerequisite: Proficiency with Arcanas your attack. This enemy has to be in a cone centered
Every short rest you can select that your Arcana on your originally targeted enemy
weapon now deals acid, cold, fire, lightning, necrotic, Club Expert
poison, radiant or magic damage until you choose
another damage type Prerequisite: Proficiency with Clubs
Your Arcana Weapon can serve as a focus When wielding a club, you gain a +1 bonus to attack
2nd level: and damage rolls
When you hit a spellcaster currently concentrating
As part of you Arcana weapon attack action you can on a spell it has disadvantage on its concentration
also cast a spell saving throw
Axe Wielder 2nd level:

Prerequisite: Proficiency with Axes You can make a headbutt attack as part of you Attack
Your Axe attacks ignore enemy AC gained through action while wielding a club, it deals 1d10
Shields bludgeoning damage or 1d12 if you are larger then
Your Axe attacks ignore slashing Resistance the enemy
You can choose to take 1d10 bludgeoning damage as
2nd level: part of your headbutt attack, this way your headbutt
attack always crits
When you hit an enemy with an Axe, you inflict
bleeding for one round Crossbow Expert
Prerequisite: Proficiency with Crossbows
You ignore the loading quality of Crossbows
Prerequisite: Proficiency with Blades
Being within 5 feet of a hostile creature doesn’t
When you hit with a Blade, you can reroll one impose disadvantage on your ranged attack rolls
damage die and choose the higher result
Critical hits with Blades deal additional damage 2nd level:
equal to your Dexterity modifier You can choose to take an action overload your
2nd level:
When you attack with an overloaded Crossbow it
Critical hits with a Blade deal the maximum amount deals double its damage
of die damage extra instead of the normal critical hit
extra damage
Your critical range with Blades extends by one

PART 4 | Feats 4
Gauntlet Brawler Polearm Master
Prerequisite: Proficiency with Gaunlets Prerequisite: Proficiency with Polearms

When you hit with an Gaunlet strike, you can choose When you take the Attack action and attack with a
to grapple the target as a bonus action Polearm, you can use a bonus action to make a
melee attack with the opposite end of the weapon.
2nd level: This attack uses the same ability modifier as the
You can make three instead of two attacks when you primary attack. The weapon’s damage die for this
use the dual-blade feature of the Gauntlets attack is a d4, and it deals bludgeoning damage
While you are wielding a Polearm other creatures
Hammer Lord provoke an opportunity attack from you when they
enter the reach you have with that weapon
Prerequisite: Proficiency with Hammers
2nd level:
You gain a +1 bonus to your AC while wielding a Opportunity attacks you make with a polearm have
Sword advantage
You gain a +1 bonus to your attack and damage roles The Melee Attack with the opposite end of the
made with a Sword weapon doesn’t require a Bonus Action anymore
2nd level:
Projectile Expert
When critting with a hammer attack, you can choose
to cause a chain lighting hit another enemy in 15 feet Prerequisite: Proficiency with Projectiles
range for the same amount of damage, the damage The throwing range of your Projectiles doubles
type is lightning When you throw a Projectile and misses, it returns
Mace Expert to your hand after the throw
Picking up or drawing a Projectile doesn’t cost an
Prerequisite: Proficiency with Maces Bonus Action or Action
On your turn, when you score a critical hit or reduce 2nd level:
a creature to 0 hit points with a Mace, you can make You gain advantage the first time you throw a
one melee weapon attack as a bonus action projectile each fight
Before you make a melee attack with a Mace, you
can choose to take a -5 penalty to the attack roll. If Scythe Reaper
the attack hits, you add +10 to the attack’s damage
2nd level: Prerequisite: Proficiency with Scythes

When you hit with a Mace attack you can choose to On a succesful hit with a Scythe you can choose to
knock your enemy back by 5 feet steal the life energy from your enemy. You heal for
If you hit an enemy with your stronger mace attack the amount of damage you deal
that uses the -5 penalty, the enemy also falls prone You can use this feature once per short rest
2nd level:
Pick Master
When you use that feature, you can choose to whirl
Prerequisite: Proficiency with Picks
around yourself and hit every enemy within your
When you hit with a Pick, you can choose to weapons reach (only if your roll was above their AC)
maximize the damage dealt to inanimate objects or
Critical hits with picks ignore the target’s resistance
to piercing damage
2nd level:

You always crit against inanmite objects or

structures when trying to hit with a Pick
Your movement speed increases by 10 feet, while
wearing a Pick

5 PART 4 | Feats
Sling Sniper Trident Expert
Prerequisite: Proficiency with Slings Prerequisite: Proficiency with Tridents

You don’t suffer from the long range penalty when You gain swimming speed equal to your movement
attack from far away with a Sling speed while wearing a Trident
You gain a +1 bonus to your attack and damage roles You don’t suffer penalties when attacking
made with a Sling underwater with a Trident
2nd level: 2nd level:

Instead of getting a long range penalty when Your throwing range with your Trident doubles
attacking from far away with a Sling, you gain While underwater or in the rain your Trident gains
advantage on your attack on long range Sling attacks the Light Property
Spear Specialist Whip Expert
Prerequisite: Proficiency with spears Prerequisite: Proficiency with Whips

Your reach with a Spear increases by 5 feet The Range of your Whip increases by 5 feet
When you hit a creature with an opportunity attack You can Disarm or Grapple an Enemy with your
with your Spear, the target’s speed is reduced to 0 Whip
for the rest of the turn 2nd level:
2nd level:
You can use your Whip to Swing around an enemy
When you hit a creature with an opportunity attack as part of your attack action
with your Spear, you also knock them prone You deal 1d8 slashing damage to every obstacle in
When you jump you can use your Spear to double your path, if you dont hit above their AC, you get
your jumping distance stopped in your swing
Your new position is the same amount of feet away
Staff Expert from your target then you were before
You can only swing 180° around your target
Prerequisite: Proficiency with Staffs
This ability can be used once per short rest
While wielding a Staff, Opportunity Attacks don’t
cost a reaction
Opportunity Attacks with a Staff are never made
with Disadvantage
2nd level:

You gain +1 to your AC while wielding a Staff

Once per Short Rest after you miss an enemy with a
Staff Attack, you can decide to hit them instead
Sword Expert
Prerequisite: Proficiency with swords

You gain a +1 bonus to your AC while wielding a

You gain a +1 bonus to your attack and damage roles
made with a Sword
2nd level:

You gain another +1 bonus to your AC while

wielding a Sword
You gain another +1 bonus to your attack and
damage roles made with a Sword

PART 4 | Feats 6
Expanded Conditions Dual Wielder Reworked
These are additional Conditions which are used in some For better balance and to make going a dual wielder
Weapon Skills and Weapon Feats. build worth it, the Dual Wielder Feat has been
Dual Wielder
Creatures who are Bleeding have vulnerability
against slashing damage You gain a +1 bonus to AC while you are wielding a
They have also disadvantage on stealth saving separate melee weapon in each hand
throws You don’t need to use a Bonus Action anymore to
attack with your off hand, instead you can use your
Brittle off hand attack together with your main hand attack
Creatures who are Bleeding have vulnerability You can draw or stow two one-handed weapons
against bludgeoning damage when you would normally be able to draw or stow
Athletics and Dexterity Saving throws will be made only one
with an disadvantage 2nd level:

Dazed You gain another +1 bonus to AC while you are

A dazed creature cant move and use their action on wielding a separate melee weapon in each hand
the same turn You can use two-weapon fighting even when the one
handed melee weapons you are wielding aren’t light
Gaping Wounds
Creatures with Gaping Wounds have vulnerability
against piercing damage
They also have disadvantage on Survival and
Off Balance
A creature off balance has disadvantage on Strength
and Dexterity checks
Attacks against a creature that is off balance have
A slowed creature has their movement halved

7 PART 5 | Extras

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