Minas Ithil

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NPC mentioned in the Module but no stats given.

16.4 Minas Ithil’s other inhabitants

House of Telegar other notable NPCs

Name Lvl MM Hits AT/DB Shld Melee OB Miss OB Gen Sk Subt Sk Notes
Minadil 10 15 97 Pl/45 Y10 118bs 88lb 79 45 Warrior/Dunadan, son of Dromil, a wandering knight, hire to
the House of Telegar, +15 sword of Orc-slaying.

Sarien 8 20 88 No/25 N 68da 52da 57 62 Thief/Dunadan, elder daughter of Dromil, an actress much to
her father's displeasure.

Ulidan 11 15 113 Pl/40 Y10 121bs 93lb 81 36 Warrior/Dunadan, Uncle of Dromil, +10 sword of Troll-
slaying, possess horse named Glaros 7th lvl.

Feonwe 10 20 78 Sl/55 N 61da 27da 57 41 Bard/Dunedan, Elder sister to Dromil, +10 enchanted robes;
acts as soft leather, magic ring *2PP to essense, PP40*2, DS 51, BS 10, Knows all Bard list to 10th lvl and 1 open essense to 10th lvl.

Hasmir 8 25 89 Sl/35 Y5 89ss 93lb 59 72 Thief/Lsr. Dunadan, Husband of Feonwe, wealthy merchant,
travels to and from Gondor, +10 magical belt to DB, +10 short sword.

Ariel 9 15 81 No/25 N 61ss 31lb 38 68 Rogue/Dunadan, Beautiful daughter of Feonwe, eagerly sought
by many suitors, unknown to all a member of the infamous Cabal, AP 100, +10 magic robes to dance maneuvers, +10 short sword, Enchanted amulet adds +10 to all perception rolls.

Other notable NPCs of Minor Power

Name Lvl MM Hits AT/DB Shld Melee OB Miss OB Gen Sk Subt Sk Notes
Gerlon Perianneth 7 5 58 No/10 N 57da -- 34 49 Scholar/Dunadan, Steward’s representative, honest and noble.

Doronvil 9 10 69 Sl/20 N 63ss 27da 69 57 Rogue/Dunedan, Wealthy grain merchant & traveler, found in
market selling goods, +5 short sword.

Kalin 5 15 57 No/20 N 47ss -- 32 46 Scout/Haradan, Sells false magical items, sly.

Dindamil 8 10 63 No/15 N 78ss -- 68 31 Rogue/Dunadan, Money lender, kind.

Herthien 4 15 58 No/10 N 61da -- 37 21 Warrior/Dunadan, Young Potter, adventureous.

Tathine 9 0 43 No/0 N -- -- 21 48 Animist(witch)/Dunedan, Ancient woman, herbalist, Member

of the Sisterhood, Magic staff *2PP for Animist(witch) user and can cast fly I once a day, Magic Potions increases the potency of herbs, PP27*2, DS61, BS18, Knows all Animist to 10 th lvl
and Sound and Light Ways to 5th lvl (or Knows all of Witch list to 10th lvl).

Hervondar 2 10 47 No/5 N 33ma -- 22 36 Scholar/Dunadan, Unwitting friend of Palvano the smuggler,

Well like Brewer.

Gomer Rain 11 20 107 Ch/35 Y10 118bs 100lb 71 40 Warrior/Dunadan, son of Sondinwe, hire to the House of Rain,
Conservative & outspoken.

Quarter of Coins notable NPCs

Name Lvl MM Hits AT/DB Shld Melee OB Miss OB Gen Sk Subt Sk Notes
Terrien 9 10 78 No/35 N 67da -- 34 59 Alchemist/Dunadan, Jeweler, moody and busy, Possess magic
ring *2PP, PP18*2, DS61, BS18, Knows all Alchemist list to 10 lvl and 2 open essense to 5th lvl.

Mytum 13 15 141 Ch/50 Y 133ss 127da 79 57 Warrior/Dunedan, Blademaster and leader of the Cabal, +15
holy sword glows red whenever in the presence of an evil mage or cleric. +10 Elven rope to climbing rolls. Elven Cloak adds +25 to hiding & stalking rolls.

Tanis Otharin 7 25 97 Rl/25 N 97ss 102cb 82 66 Scout/Dunadan, Of the House Otharin, cousin to Hyarmadil,
Member of the Cabal, +5 short sword, +10 crossbow, arrows possess Core snake poison (4th lvl), +15 pick lock kit.

Strombul Trenten 7 15 102 Sl/15 Y 83bs 79lb 68 51 Rogue/Dunadan, Of the House of Trenten, Brother to Urthrin,
Member of the Cabal. +10 soft leather.

Hellas Trenten 6 10 81 No/15 N 81ss 85lb 67 51 Warrior/Dunadan, Of the House of Trenten, Younger brother
to Urthrin.

Quarter of Wells notable NPCs

Name Lvl MM Hits AT/DB Shld Melee OB Miss OB Gen Sk Subt Sk Notes
Palanwe 5 0 29 No/0 N -- -- 21 25 Animist/Dunedan, Old woman, fake seer, +30 to guess.

Name Lvl MM Hits AT/DB Shld Melee OB Miss OB Gen Sk Subt Sk Notes
Dalinvar 10 25 87 No/50 N 73st 25da 41 36 Mage/Dunadan, Old Bookshop owner, Member of the Blood
Ring. Magic ring *2PP for essense user and cast Icebolt *2/day. Robes are magical and adds +10 to DB, PP30*2, DS91, BS20, Knows all Mage to 10 th lvl and 2 open essense to 5th lvl.

Gondlokil 8 10 79 No/10 N 58da 33da 21 25 Alchemist/Dunedan, The Alchemist, Sells magic potions,
PP24, DS53, BS8, Knows all Alchemist spell lists to 8th lvl.

Hannar 5 15 41 No/10 N 47ss -- 32 46 Scout/Dunadan, the Puppeteer, Performs daily in plazas.

Feawen 4 10 43 No/15 N 48ss -- 38 31 Rogue/Dunadan, a Performer with a 3th lvl dog.

Quarter of Shadows notable NPCs

Name Lvl MM Hits AT/DB Shld Melee OB Miss OB Gen Sk Subt Sk Notes
Herthien 5 10 68 No/10 N 81ss 73da 41 41 Thief/Dunadan, Woman runs a tanner as a front, an important
smuggler of contraband, +5 short sword.

Thangwil 6 10 69 Rl/25 N 88wh 90cb 51 25 Warrior/Dunedan, The Bowyery, Sells bows of high quality,
specializes in crossbows, Ex-guard, +10 crossbow.

Ranlands 11 15 101 Rl/30 N 93bs 88lb 52 66 Rogue/Dunadan, A trader & explorer, knows the region Mordor
well, +10 broadsword, +5 long bow, PP11, Knows Light and Sound Ways to 7th lvl.

Weapon: we=weapon, bw=bow, sb=short bow, ss=short sword, Gr/gr=grapple, Cl/cl=claw, Bi/bi=bite, Ba/ba=bash, Ro/ro=rock, Fi/fi=fist
 I.C.E. All of this document has been derived from information that is Copyright to I.C.E (Ice Crown Enterprises). Removal of this notice is an
infringement of that Copyright.

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