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International Marketing Research

Beer Consumption Comparisons in Qatar and the UK

November 2023
Content page

-National beer market………………...………………………………....1

-Country comparisons…………...……………………………...…..…..1
-Per Capita.………………………………...………………………….1
-Per Consumption……………………………………………………..1

-Beer consumption patterns in the last 4 years in Qatar and the UK……1

-Alcohol consumption during Qatar’s FIFA World Cup 2022………….1

-What accounts for possible differences?.................................................1



November 2023

Beer is an iconic and much-appreciated beverage in the world of beverage preferences, acting as
a cultural touchstone for communities all over the world. This research compares beer
consumption in Qatar with the United Kingdom, concentrating on the two countries' diverse
cultural environments. The juxtaposition of these two countries provides an intriguing prism
through which to explore the interaction of tradition, social norms, and economic considerations
that affect beer consumption trends. Qatar, a Middle Eastern jewel, and the United Kingdom, a
stronghold of European history, demonstrate diametrically opposed cultural viewpoints on
alcohol usage. The strict alcohol rules in Qatar, which are influenced by Islamic beliefs, provide
a unique setting for examining the delicate interplay between tradition and modernity. On the
other side, the rich brewing history and pub culture of the United Kingdom provide a
dramatically contrasting backdrop, where beer consumption is strongly established in social
rituals and cultural conventions. This comparative investigation delves into data and cultural
backgrounds to uncover the elements driving beer consumption in these two disparate countries.
We want to offer a complete picture of how beer, an apparently universal beverage, takes on
diverse flavours and meanings in Qatar and the United Kingdom, from legislative frameworks
and cultural views to economic impacts and worldwide trends. We seek to contribute to a deeper
understanding of the complex interplay between culture and consumerism in a globalised society
by doing so.

-Country comparisons
*Per capita
*Per consumption

Qatar has traditionally had a low per capita beer consumption rate. This is primarily due to the
strict regulations and cultural norms surrounding alcohol consumption in the country, influenced
by Islamic principles. The majority of the population abstains from alcohol, and the consumption
patterns are significantly different from those in countries with more permissive alcohol

United Kingdom:

The United Kingdom has historically been known for higher per capita beer consumption
compared to many other countries. The beer culture is deeply rooted in the UK, with a rich
history of brewing and a tradition of enjoying beer in pubs. However, in recent years, there has
been a shift in drinking habits, with some reports indicating a decline in overall alcohol
consumption, including beer, as a result of changing consumer preferences, health
considerations, and the rise of alternatives like craft beers.

To obtain the latest per capita beer consumption figures for both Qatar and the UK, you can
check the following sources:

November 2023

Qatar Statistics Authority

Ministry of Development Planning and Statistics (MDPS)

United Kingdom:

Office for National Statistics (ONS)

British Beer and Pub Association (BBPA)

These organizations regularly release statistical data and reports that include information on
alcohol consumption trends, including per capita figures. Additionally, global health
organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO) may also provide comparative data
on alcohol consumption across countries.

-Beer consumption patterns in the last 4 years in Qatar and the UK


Qatar National Research Fund (QNRF)

Ministry of Development Planning and Statistics (MDPS)

Qatar Statistics Authority

United Kingdom:

Office for National Statistics (ONS)

British Beer and Pub Association (BBPA)

National Health Service (NHS) England

-Alcohol consumption during qatars FIFA 2022

The FIFA World Cup 2022 in Qatar marked a significant event for the nation, bringing together
football enthusiasts and visitors from around the globe. Given Qatar's strict regulations on
alcohol consumption due to its adherence to Islamic principles, the approach to alcohol during
the World Cup was a topic of particular interest and underwent some adjustments to

November 2023
accommodate the international audience. Here are key points related to alcohol consumption
during the FIFA World Cup 2022 in Qatar:

Designated Fan Zones:

To cater to the diverse international audience attending the World Cup, Qatar created
designated fan zones where alcohol consumption was permitted. These zones were established
to provide a more liberal environment compared to the broader restrictions on alcohol in the

Licensed Venues:

Certain licensed venues, such as hotels and clubs, were authorized to serve alcohol during the
World Cup. These establishments followed specific regulations and guidelines to ensure
responsible service and consumption. The licensing and regulation of alcohol sales were
managed to strike a balance between accommodating the expectations of international visitors
and respecting Qatar's cultural norms.

Restrictions Outside Designated Areas:

Beyond the designated fan zones and licensed venues, the general restrictions on alcohol
consumption remained in place. It was not permissible to consume alcohol in public places or
outside the authorized zones. This approach was consistent with Qatar's commitment to
adhering to Islamic principles while providing a welcoming atmosphere for visitors.

Cultural Sensitivity:

Qatar aimed to host a successful World Cup while maintaining cultural sensitivity. Efforts were
made to communicate the specific regulations regarding alcohol consumption to visitors,
promoting awareness and understanding of the local customs. This included guidelines on
appropriate behavior and respect for the cultural norms of the host nation.

Temporary Measures for the Event:

The approach to alcohol consumption during the World Cup was considered a temporary
measure to accommodate the influx of international visitors. It highlighted Qatar's commitment
to being a gracious host while maintaining its cultural identity. The adjustments made for the
event were specific to the World Cup period and did not represent a permanent shift in the
country's overall stance on alcohol.

In summary, the FIFA World Cup 2022 in Qatar saw a measured and carefully managed
approach to alcohol consumption. The creation of designated fan zones and the licensing of
specific venues were strategies employed to strike a balance between hosting a global sporting

November 2023
event and respecting Qatar's cultural and religious values. These measures aimed to ensure a
positive experience for both local residents and international guests during the tournament.

-What accounts for possible differences?

*Qatar's strict laws and regulations
*cultural, social, and religious factors
*beverage preferences
*economic factors
*advertising and marketing

Beer consumption in Qatar is significantly influenced by cultural factors, shaped by the nation's
Islamic traditions, legal regulations, and the coexistence of a diverse expatriate population.
Here are some key cultural influences on beer consumption in Qatar.

Islamic Principles and Prohibitions:

Qatar is an Islamic state, and the majority of its population adheres to Islamic principles. Islam
prohibits the consumption of alcohol, including beer. As a result, there are strict regulations on
the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages, including beer. The influence of Islamic values
plays a central role in shaping societal attitudes towards alcohol, contributing to a generally low
level of beer consumption among Qatari nationals.

Regulatory Framework:

The legal environment in Qatar significantly influences beer consumption. The sale and
distribution of alcoholic beverages, including beer, are tightly controlled by the government.
Licenses are required to purchase alcohol, and it is only available in designated locations such
as licensed hotels, clubs, and certain retail outlets. The regulatory framework limits accessibility
and contributes to a more controlled drinking culture.

Expatriate Community:

Qatar is home to a large expatriate community, representing various cultural backgrounds.

While the local population adheres to Islamic principles, the expatriate community may have
different attitudes towards alcohol. This cultural diversity can create a dynamic where beer
consumption is more prevalent within certain expatriate circles, especially in expatriate-friendly

Social Norms and Customs:

Social norms in Qatar emphasize traditional values and hospitality. While alcohol consumption
is regulated, it is not entirely absent from social gatherings. The cultural context often
determines when and where beer might be consumed, such as at private gatherings or in

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expatriate communities. Understanding and respecting these social norms is crucial for both
locals and expatriates.

Globalization and Changing Attitudes:

Qatar has experienced rapid modernization and globalization in recent years. This has led to
the exposure of the population to diverse cultural influences and the potential adaptation of
more liberal attitudes toward alcohol. However, any changes in attitudes must navigate the
delicate balance between embracing modernity and respecting the nation's cultural and
religious roots.

Historical Significance:

The United Kingdom has a rich beer culture with a long history of brewing. Traditional pubs, a
wide variety of beer styles, and a strong craft beer movement contribute to a diverse and
dynamic market.

Pubs and Breweries:

Pubs are integral to the UK's beer culture, providing a social space for people to enjoy a pint.
The country has a significant number of breweries, ranging from large-scale producers to small
craft breweries, contributing to a vibrant and competitive market.

Consumer Preferences:

The UK beer market reflects diverse consumer preferences, with a growing interest in craft
beers, real ales, and specialty brews. Changing consumer tastes and a focus on quality have
driven innovation in the industry.


The UK has established regulations governing the production, distribution, and sale of alcoholic
beverages, including beer. These regulations aim to ensure responsible consumption and
maintain product quality.

In summary, the cultural influences on beer consumption in Qatar are deeply rooted in Islamic
principles, regulatory frameworks, the coexistence of a diverse expatriate community, and the
ongoing interplay between tradition and modernization. Understanding these factors is
essential for comprehending the complex dynamics of alcohol consumption in this unique
cultural context.

November 2023


November 2023

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