Tgray Craft Sector Development Program

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Project Proposal for

Tigray cultural Industry development


Tedros Abreham

Lead consultant @ kingdomnomics consultancy Groups

Mobile :251-989830495

Email :


Introduction...................................................................................................................................................... 2

General Background......................................................................................................................................2

Problem Statement: Problem to be addressed by the Project......................................................................3

General or Development Objective of the Project....................................................................................4

Specific or Immediate Development Objective of the Project..................................................................5

Project Components..........................................................................................................................................6

cOMPONENT1 :SKILL DEVELOPMENT IN HANDICRAFT SECTOR....................................................................6

(1) Design and Technology Development Workshop (DDW).......................................................................7

(2)INDIGNEOUES KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL TRANSFER PROGRAM..............................................8

(3)Comprehensive Skill Upgradation Program..............................................................................................9

Component 2: MARKETING SUPPORT & SERVICES........................................................................................9

I) National Trade Bazaar/ Craft Bazars....................................................................................................10

(ii). International craft exposure programme/ Cultural exchange programme:........................................10

III. Publicity and Brand Promotion:.........................................................................................................10

cOMPONENT 3: Establishment of MODEL FOOD and craft center..............................................................11

A. MARKETING AND SOURCING HUBS..............................................................................14

B. HANDICRAFTS MUSEUM....................................................................................................14

C. CRAFT BASED RESOURCE CENTRE...............................................................................14

D. COMMON PRODUCTION CENTER...................................................................................15

E. RAW MATERIAL DEPOT..........................................................................................................15



G. TESTING LABORATORIES..................................................................................................16

H. CANTEEN AND RESTAURANT..........................................................................................16

Thematic intervention areas and implementation strategies............................................................................17

Thematic Intervention Areas....................................................................................................................17

Implementation Strategies........................................................................................................................17

Expected Outcomes, Results and Major Activities..........................................................................................18

Expected Outcomes:....................................................................................................................................18

Expected Results........................................................................................................................................19

Major Activities by Thematic Areas of Interventions.............................................................................19

Project Management and Organization..........................................................................................................20

Monitoring and Evaluation..........................................................................................................................20

Work plan....................................................................................................................................................21

Output and Activity Monitoring..................................................................................................................21

Project Development Meetings (PDMs):-....................................................................................................21

Project Internal Review...............................................................................................................................22

Participatory Effect and Impact assessments..............................................................................................22

Project Evaluation.......................................................................................................................................23

Mid-term Evaluation...................................................................................................................................23

Terminal Evaluation.....................................................................................................................................23

Progress Reporting......................................................................................................................................23

Sustainable Phase-out Strategy of the Project................................................................................................24



Tigray defines itself as an "open-air museum" and the "cradle of Ethiopian civilistion",
epithets which are justified by its rich cultural heritage dating back at least to the first
millenium BC. The first known Ethiopian state is the the kingdom of D'm't in Tigray, with
its capital at Yeha, where a second ancient temple was discovered in 2008. D'm't rose to
power around the 10th century BC and was succeeded by the Axumite empire, which
appeared in the 1st century BC or AD with its capital at Axum. It is known from coins,
inscriptions and documentary evidence that King Ezana of Axum was converted to
Christianity c. 330 AD, leading to the growth of the region's rich Christian heritage. Ezana
was probably the same person as Abreha, one of the two royal brothers whom Ethiopian
tradition credit with the construction of many churches, including rock-hewn churches in
Tigray. The last king of Axum to mint coins was Armah (fl. c. 614), after which the
kingdom declined, succeeded by a "dark age" associated with the semi-legendary Queen
Gudit (fl. c. 960), which was followed by the establishment of the Zagwe dynasty, with a
powerbase centred in Lasta (Amhara region), marking the start of the progressive shift in
the centre of power southwards which has characterised Ethiopian history over the
centuries. Although Tigray was no longer the centre of a powerful kingdom, its Christian
heritage flourished and the c. 120 rock-hewn churches of the region are the main witnesses
to the strength of this continuing tradition throughout the Middle Ages.

It is not only the churches themselves which are major heritage assets, but also their
contents, which can include objects as old as the structures themselves, represented by
manuscripts, icons and different kinds of liturgical objects, such as crosses, censors,
crowns, liturgical fans, vestments, makomyas, drums, lyres, sistra, &c.

The Tigray region has a rich intangible cultural heritage, including its own distinct
language - Tigrinya - directly descended from Gi'iz, the language of the Axumite empire
and still the liturgical language of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church. Culture is also
expressed in music and dance, which both feature in the Ashenda festival - a 3-day festival
for girls, and the Hoye festival, a youth festival which coincides with Masqal, two of the
most important traditional festivals in Tigray, as well as in traditional handicrafts, of which
leathercraft, pottery and weaving are amongst the most important.


Tigray culture of Tourism , in collaboration with its partners, has planned to undertake an
emergency and rehabilitation project which focused on integrated cultural industry
microenterprise, sustainable development and hand craft cluster development income
generating activities in selected areas in Mekelle , southern zone, south eastern n zone ,
eastern zone , central zone and north eastern zones of Tigray regional states. The main
objective of this scheme is to Rehabilitate and Recover the lively hood of the most
socially affected groups mainly disables ,women’s , youths and craft communities at all
ranges bring about socio-economic empowerment through hand crafter cluster
development , marketing service support and skill upgrading in the cultural industry and
microenterprise income generating activities development predominantly in rural and small
towns where the majority of the war affected people suffer from horrible poverty.

Handicrafts constitute an important segment of the de-centralized/unorganized sector of our

economy. It is mainly a rural and low income based sector which has its reach in backward
and in-accessible areas. Originally, handicraft started as a part time activity in the rural
areas, however it has now transformed into a flourishing economic activity due to
significant market demand over the years.

Handicrafts have big potential as of hold the key for sustaining not only the existing set of
millions of artisans, but also for increasingly large number of new entrants in the crafts
activity. Presently, handicraft sector is contributing substantially towards employment
generation and limit amount exports mainly due to high demand from diaspora but this
sector has suffered due to its unorganized nature along with additional constraints like lack
of education, capital, and poor exposure to new technologies, absence of market
intelligence and poor institutional framework.

Exquisite master-piece handicraft items with substantially high artistic content should
command a higher price in the market. Such high-premium medium- volume handicraft
products should be positioned in the niche market through strong promotional and
advertisement efforts with development of “Handcrafted in Tigray” mark. Which will
create the willingness in customers to pay a much higher price, The artisans in the segment
will also be supported through direct assistance for tool-kits, education, etc.

Utility-based home décor and furnishing handicraft products will need introduction of
substantial technology and mechanization of parts of the manufacturing process thereby
enabling mass production quality-enhancement and cost-reduction to face the challenges of
global competition.
These issues should be addressed by empowering the artisan communities through
organizing them into community groups:

i) Through adoption of existing Potential Clusters.

ii) Adoption of Clusters having Export Potential.

iii) Through Formation of Producer cooperatives.

The Program envisages that through the above modes of intervention sufficient synergies
would be built into the potential of these clusters by giving them need based interventions
both Soft and Hard (Infrastructural). Smooth provisioning of other inputs along with
artisans' welfare and marketing support will also be ensured. Moreover, there is a lack of
adequate and authentic data on crafts persons, including their socio-economic status,
livelihood conditions and details of their families which have become a major bottleneck
for planning and policy making of this sector.

Hence, comprehensive surveys and studies will be undertaken for building comprehensive
database which will help in devising suitable interventions in the cluster.

The key strategic approach of the program will focus on Promotion of handloom and
handicraft will be linked with tourism keeping in view the potential of foreign as well as
domestic tourists, whose number has been increasing steadily, due to higher disposable
incomes and increase in the size of the middle class group in the country. The Regional
Handicraft Development Programme for development and promotion of Handicrafts Sector
will have the following components:


The main development agenda of the program is chronic poverty eradication. Thus, all the
country’s development policies and strategies are geared towards this end. Reducing
poverty in Tigray will require a broad-based strategy that addresses poverty both as an
economic and as well as social phenomenon. In particular, with the most affected social
groups such like womenand youths constituting the majority of the poor in the region,
effective poverty reduction will depend on development programs/projects aimed at
enabling youths and women to secure their economic and social rights.

The Government of Ethiopia is committed to rehabilitate and recover the lively hood of
war affected Groups eradicate, particularly addressing its demographic dimensions. Over
the last three years Tigray costs more than a million human lives and decays its
development sectors the cultural sector which is a comparative advantage of The Region
is among many which is highly affected by The war. Therefore, this project which is
planned to focus on the Rehabilitating and Recovery of The most war affected part of The
society suchlike women and Youth through the development of integrated cultural
industry enterprises through providing craft skill development programs , marketing
support services and the required managerial and Technical support.

Different studies show that the economic growth rate of Tigray remains behind population
growth rate and leaves a greater proportion of the population suffers from gruesome
poverty situation. The major factors, among others, that contribute to pervasive poverty
include scarcity of basic economic and social amenities, limited employment opportunities
and dependency mainly on subsistence peasant agriculture. In addition, this situation is also
aggravated by manmade wars.. Chronic food insecurity as well as low access to economic
and social services are the major manifestation of the problem.

The degree of incidence of the war is higher in youths, women and disable as compared to
others and they account more than half of the total population of 7.2 million. (CSA
population projection). They also constitute 70 to 80 per cent of the total agricultural labour
force which accounts for 80 per cent food production in the region. In addition, youth and
women make up one quarter to one third of the total business community and
manufacturing labor force.

The project focuses on rural and urban disable, poor youth women/girls who have limited
access to economic resources.. The project is designed to create employment opportunities
and provision of craft skill upgrading and Marketing services to help The most war
affected community suchlike disable, Youths and women/girls build their capacities and
fight chronic living conditions; it aims to economically and socially empowering the
affected Groups through engaging them in productive IGAs.

The project is planned to be implemented in Tigray Region as well as five Touristic

clusters mostly in areas located relatively had been expriance tourism Business. The
Project sites s where the project is implemented are Aksum, wukro, Hawzien Maichew
(Mekoni)and Mekelle



The immediate development objectives of this project are the following. The beneficiaries
of the project are the people living in the project implementation selected areas in the five
cluster including Mekelle City mentioned above. Therefore, Bureau of Culture And
Tourism and its partners that present this project proposal work to promote a better life
for the poor and most underprivileged disable women, children and other family members
by enabling them to get sustainable steady income to Rehabilitate and Recover their lives.
In addition, the project will directly contribute for integrated cultural industry
microenterprise, establishment of craft center in the Three cities of Aksum,Wukro and
Hawzien to serve as center of product development and marketing excellence .

This proposed project which predominantly aimed at the establishment and development of
integrated cultural industry family based microenterprises, establishment of craft centers
for the economic and social empowerment of war affected Groups such like disable,
youths and women women is expected to enhancing the land and labor productivity of
communities in the project areas and improve their income and social welfare in a
sustainable manner with the following major project activities. Activities designed to be
carried out in the project areas where each project component is located are presented in the
following table.


The project will have the following three components

1. Marketing support & Services
2. Skill Development in Hand craft sector
3. Infrastructure and Technology Support for Food and craft center
The following three pronged approach will be adopted to put the sector on high growth
trajectory as well as preserving existing cultural heritage:-
 Promoting premium handicrafts products for the niche market.
 Expansion of production base for utility-based, life style and mass production
handicrafts products.
 Preservation and protection of heritage /languishing crafts


Handicrafts are known for their aesthetics, associated traditional values, uniqueness, quality
and craftsmanship. The traditional knowledge and craft practices are commonly passed
down from one generation to another through natural learning. However, with the advent of
new tools & technology, the process of craft learning has changed dramatically.
Standardized production processes, skilled manpower, design database for handicraft
products, quick & efficient prototyping, communication skills and other soft skills have
become indispensable requirements for the ever-changing handicraft sector. The sub-
scheme “Skill Development in Handicraft Sector” has been conceptualized to fulfill these
requirements and has the following three components:
(1) Design and Technology Development Workshop
(2) Indigenous knowledge and skill Transfer Program
(3) Improved Toolkit Distribution Program
This component is focused on fulfilling the current design needs of the market and aims to
develop new designs/prototypes as per present requirements of the handicraft sector using
existing skills of artisans.


This component is focused on fulfilling the current design needs of the market and aims to
develop new designs/prototypes as per present requirements of the handicraft sector using
existing skills of artisans.

The proposals shall be considered after due discussions and deliberations by a Higher r-
level Committee. The proposals from Govt. agencies shall be considered on clusters that
are near to marketed the products, as per the requirement.

 Selection of Artisans:
 Selection of Designer:
 Selection of Master Craftsperson:
 Market Survey and Intelligence Gathering:
 Development of Prototypes:

Each workshop will have a batch of 20-40 artisans and will be for a minimum duration of
25 days (@ 5 hours per day) to a maximum duration of 75 days (375 hours) as per table
given below (duration may vary from the table subject to approval of Competent
Authority).The workshop will begin only after completion of market survey and
submission of survey report to project implementation agency.

Table: Indicative Project Duration for Different Craft Categories

1 Month / 25 D ays / 2 M 3Months/75Days/375 2 M

125 Hours onths/50Days/250 Hours onths/50Days/250
Hours Hours
Catgory 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4
Candle Pottery and clay craft wood (carving) Traditional food
spices preparation
Coir twisting Embroidered & Wood wares shro
Crocheted goods
Folk painting Hand Block Printed Furniture kolo
Fabric painting Leather Articles Metal Tihni
Basktery Leather (foot wear) Metal images(folk) Hlbet
Imitation jewelry Textile (hand Carpet & other floor delk
embroidery) coverings
Beads craft Textile (handloom) Art metal ware
Wall Hanging Filigree & silverware
Horn & bone Gold Smith
Musical instrument Poly stone
Stone (carving)

Market survey and Intelligence Gathering is essential for studying existing design trends,
current tastes& preferences of consumers and for suggesting necessary changes in design to
suit the market. The workshop should start only after completing the market study.

The prototypes will be developed as per suggestions made in market survey & intelligence
report and designs/sketches developed by the appointed designer. The designer will have to
provide all technical specifications, sketches, original soft data of prototypes in same
software file format which is used for creating the design of prototypes (if used)& a
designer report giving details of innovations done by them ,all intellectual property rights
for the prototypes/designs/sketches etc.

Documentation, Biometric Attendance and Videography:

 Inspection and Monitoring:

 Mode of Payment to Beneficiaries:
 Indicative Project Timeline:


The Program objective is to transfer the traditional craft knowledge from the master
craftsperson to the new generation artisan in order to bridge skill gap & fulfil market

This shall be achieved through imparting technical and soft skill training and shall create a
trained workforce in the Handicrafts sector.


The Program objective is to supplement the efforts of the industry for bridging skill gap,
reviving the age-old practice of traditional crafts in Handicraft sector and providing a
demand driven & self-employment- oriented training based on National Skills
Qualifications Framework (NSQF). The objective shall be achieved through formal
certificate training courses with the help of established institutions at their premises. The
program aims at comprehensive development in skill up gradation, design innovation and
soft skills of artisans.


MSS Program is structured amongst the following three components:

Marketing plays a vital role in development of handicrafts sector in Tigray. Effort is made
to provide varied marketing platforms giving ample opportunities for business development
and income generation to artisans across the country. Ethiopia is a vast country and
domestic market itself is a highly potential market for handicrafts items. Ethiopia is among
the world's largest developing economy however has a very low percentage of contribution
in world's export figure. Focus of MSS Program shall bring this gap to the minimum and to
enhance sales and export figures.
Both domestic and international market play significant role in shaping Tigrays Ethiopia
handicrafts sector. Exploring these avenues through various exhibitions and fairs will be
the prime objective, along with focus on thematic exhibitions, live demonstrations, buyer
seller meets, brand promotion events, seminars, gift fairs, niche market creation etc. Efforts
shall also be made to sensitize artisans and exporters on international quality standards and
packaging, ethical and environmental assurances etc., through symposiums and workshops.
Fashion show/standalone show shall also be performed to analyze and understand the
international market and fashion trends so that the artisans can fully reap the benefits of the
platforms offered to them.
Educational videos on different handicrafts of the country should be made and uploaded on
different social media websites like Youtube etc. so as to make the general public aware
about the diverse handicrafts of the country.
As the most imperative form of marketing, stress shall be given to exploring digital and e-
marketing platforms like online shopping websites with integrated payment gateways,
social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram etc., search engine optimization, mobile
apps, etc. Focus shall also be given in attracting youth of the country to buy and use
handcrafted products by engendering ethical, environmental and social causes.
A. Domestic Marketing
B. Marketing Events in Ethiopia and Abroad
C. Publicity and Brand promotion



Ethiopia being a vast country has immense market potential for Handicrafts Products.
Marketing events held across the country will provide direct marketing platform to the
handicraft's artisans (entrepreneurs) from various parts of the country. Such marketing
platforms will assist artisans to sell their products directly to the buyers and will also enable
them to establish market linkages for long term business.
Domestic Marketing events will have following sub components: -
A. Ethiopian National Bazars
B. Exhibitions (including Thematic Exhibition)
C. National Handicrafts Fair
D. Hiring of built up space in events organized by other organizations
E. Craft Awareness Programme
F. Craft Demonstration Programme



This component has two sub-components, with details as follows:

Long and short term trainings cum exposure programs of Artisans/ Designers/
Technologists abroad on subject of designs, product innovations, techniques, technology,
processing, finishing for creating awareness on design and product requirements of
international market, and for dissemination of information on latest production techniques,
tools, equipment’s and technology being adopted by different countries.
Under this activity, master craftsperson will be deputed under a Cultural Exchange
Programme for live demonstrations of the craft he/she practices. The participation in
Cultural Exchange Programme is arranged as per agreed terms & conditions between Govt.
of Ethiopia and other countries. In addition, participation of master craftsperson is also
arranged for programmes being organized by Ethiopian Embassies or in any festival of
significance abroad to promote Tigryan handicrafts..


Publicity and Brand promotion through all mediums Print, Electronic, Digital social
media , fashion shows & other promotional events etc. shall be used to help highlight
Tigrayn handicraft products as quality products and thus boost sales in Ethiopia and
The objective of the sub-component is to support Artisans and Handicrafts through E-
Commerce activities such as electronic funds transfer, supply chain management; Internet
marketing, online transaction processing, electronic data interchange (EDI), inventory
management systems, and automated data collection systems of products.
The fair/ exhibition/ special events shall be organized/participated in Ethiopia & abroad to
create & promote the products and to create a brand image for Tigray handicrafts in
Ethiopia markets through virtual mode.


Handicrafts have been around since man‟s earliest days in accordance with the prevailing
environmental conditions. Crafts in Ethiopia reflect cultural diversity in combination of the
creativity, the heritage and the surrounding of the crafts people. Ethiopia has a long
tradition of producing collectable artifacts unique to its various cultures. Crafts and art
works are a mirror of the cultural diversity in Ethiopia resulted from combination of the
creativity, the culture, the heritage and the way of life of the people (Mark S Anderson,
November 2015).

There is a mutual relationship between tourism and handicrafts where craft and creative art
segments diversify the tourism offerings as well as the broader economic base (Phillips,
Willard & Elizabeth December 2017). The local product in its many forms and expressions
is an important element of a destination’s uniqueness and appeal. As well, the sector is
considered to be an integral part of the tourism business, since it plays an important role as
souvenirs expanding the visitor experience.

However, creating of association between the tourism industry and these traditional craft
and creative art works has been given less attention in the case of our country where a huge
economic benefit could have been born to these small and medium scale craft workers,
promoting countries ancient history of craft and creative art works to the rest of the world
and adding tourism attraction packages and generating additional hard currencies to the

(Mulu Yenaeabate, June 2007) argued that; traditional handicrafts production and
marketing are decentralized and unorganized sectors in the Ethiopian economy. Despite the
long history and certain unique characteristics of cultural and religious appearances of
traditional handicrafts such as the hand woven cotton clothes, clay ware, religious paintings
(icons, canvas paintings), the handicrafts sector and the crafts-people in Ethiopia were
given little focus. The handicraft sector has not been explored for its full potential in
tourism. Heritage sites such as Lalibela, Aksum, Gonder Fssiledes castle, have managed to
preserve some of their components but the artisan skills are hidden deep and unexposed to
the curious eyes of tourists.

(Mekonen, 2016) sited that, Regardless of being home of all these tourist attractions and
resources, Ethiopia is not benefited from its tourism sectors as expected relative to Sub-
Saharan African countries like Kenya, Tanzania & South Africa. From the implication of
interrelated studies on the subject, it can be understood that in a country like Ethiopia
where diversified ethnic groups integrate and live together, there are a number of material
traditions, arts and crafts to facilitate the day to day life activities of the people. In order for
handicraft to flourish as a part of a tour by connecting tourists to artisans and their works, a
lot needs to be done However, creating of association between the tourism industry and
these traditional craft and art works has been given less attention where a huge economic
benefit could have been born from this sector to these small and medium scale craft
workers, promoting countries ancient history of craft and art works to the rest of the world
and adding tourism attraction packages.
It is observed that there is no competition and less work is being done to increase of
productivity and sales of tour products, increase of income, profit and profitability and a lot
needs to be done in order for handicraft to flourish as a part of a tour by connecting tourists
to artisans and their works. (Yechale, Haimanot and Ashenafi, 2017).

(David Desta, December 2018) on its commentary to Addis Standard, explained that, slight
attention is given to tourism marketing and its contributions in stimulating these sectors and
Ethiopia is not being explicitly benefited from its handicrafts and creativity arts using their
locally produced goods and services because of lack of adequate tourism marketing
towards these traditional crafts and arts work, lack of government support, limited
production capacity, limited tourist centers and market connections and related blockades
which is outflowing of tourism income from the local economy.

According to (Anutara Shakya, August 2017), in spite of the draw that the domestic
handicraft industry has and its potential to produce a modern tourism division in its claim
right, it has truly prospered as it were as a frame of exchange from one generation to the
next whereas traditional crafted works can be seen in shops and showrooms in all major
visitor hot spots, exceptionally few really advance the method of creating such items and
the stories of skilled workers behind it. Research findings also highlight that handicraft
stakeholders fail to adequately support and empower artisans. This project identifies
pressing challenges that limit the connection between the handicraft and tourism sectors
and impede the development of the handicraft sector.

Hence, this project envisioned By Tigray culture and Tourism Bureau will give special
attention to apply an advance method to increase the volume of production as well as sales
by integrating traditional handicrafts with creative art works and the tourism marketing
practices by establishing handcraft production and marketing center in Aksum ,Wukro and
Mekelle with overall objective to address the related challenges and opportunities of the
tourism industry towards this sector. For this purpose the promoter of the project designed
to integrate the production of locally touched handcraft products with modern production
techniques for maximizing its volume and creative artworks for its aesthetic value and also
applying online marketing for maximizing sales volume.

The main purpose of the center is to combine Art, Traditional art, and Traditional craft with
modern production technique and marketing system for maximizing its synergic effect both
locally and abroad and to generate wealth for the project stake holders.

The objective of this component is to setup a permanent marketing infrastructure in towns/

Tourist destination to provide direct marketing facilities to the handicrafts
artisans/handloom weavers. This will enable them to sell their products round the year to a
wider target audience (or customer segment). Another important feature of the craft village
is that there will be adequate number of stalls selling authentic Tigryan cuisine of various
regions in the Region by rotation.

The Food & Craft center will provide leisure & recreational facilities for domestic as well
as international tourists on the lines of Craft center, which has already attained a prominent
status amongst domestic &international buyers/ tourists. The craft center shall be
constructed or adaptive reuse old building neighborhood in an area of not less than 8,000
sq. m. and will have a display gallery, food court etc. The shops are allotted to artisans on
rotational basis on a nominal rent. The implementing agencies will be encouraged to form
special events with active participation of the various agencies dealing with promotion of
Tourism, Culture, Food, Processing Industry, etc., involving the tour operators, hotel
operators in addition to those dealing with handloom and handicrafts for broad basing and
ensure utilization of facilities for long duration for management and day-to-day running of
the same.

The Project would provide assistance both towards improving infrastructure in existing
structures where a substantial number of craftsmen practicing similar crafts are residing
and also setting up of new craft center where craftsperson can be rehabilitated. The aim
would be to select centers that can be connected with some tourist circuit to ensure sale of
products. Under this component The project will fund improvements/creation of
infrastructure which would include roads, houses of artisans and their work sheds areas,
sewerage, water, street lights, footpaths, shops and display areas. These will be undertaken
by the implementing agency and the craftsmen will be rehabilitated with new work sheds
and display areas. The display areas will be in form of stalls where the artisans can sell
their product.

Accordingly The proposed project in tended to establish a model of food and craft center
with the concept of craft village in Mekelle, Aksum and Wukro in the periods of 2024-
29.and The craft and food zone will have the following components


It is proposed to setup Marketing Complex (Hubs) for Handicrafts in the hand craft center .
on the concept of “One Stop Shopping”. It will provide a marketing platform to the
wholesaler/retailers/ consumers and foreign buyers to reach the potential target segment by
showcasing the entire range of handicrafts products. Office of the project will provide
support towards cost of construction and interior work for the proposed Marketing Hub


The objective of the handicrafts museum is to establish a platform through which Tigryas
heritage traditional arts and craft can be popularized amongst artists, scholars, designers
and Craft Lovers. The primary objective of the Museum is to collect and preserve objects
exhibiting exquisiteness in Craftsman ship and conceptual innovations in design or its
functional aspects. The Hand craft museum shall also popularize the same through digital
platform including detail conceptual and historical information of the crafts/products.


The objective of this component is to create an institutional mechanism to provide a single

Solution in an identified craft for comprehensive handholding in the following aspects:

 To achieve all round development in the field of Handicrafts and to revive the
languishing/endangered crafts with the help of training and to provide maximum
employment opportunities to the traditional and non-traditional craftsmen for the
constant progress of the handicrafts.
 This project shall also provide details of availability of raw material, technology
required, skilled human resource and cluster from where these innovative products
can be sourced/ produced.
 Technical & Technological support to the artisans & entrepreneurs.
 Marketing Intelligence.
 Enterprise Development.
 Micro Finance Activity.
 Reporting/ Monitoring evaluation/ Experience share.
 Product Information.
 Raw material information.
 Cluster/ producer information.
 Dissemination of knowledge in different spheres including technology directly as
well as virtually.
 Publicity and brand promotion/social media campaign.
 Digitize documentation and database of artisans.


The objective of the Common Facility Centre is to ensure economy of scale, price
competitiveness, quality control, application of Design and Technology input on
continuous basis, scope of product diversification and higher unit value realization and
compliance with WTO compatible standards. Such a common facility will lead to
significant reductions in the cost of production, production of a diversified range of high
value products, sample development, reduction in the response times in order execution
and ensure high quality of final products.


Aim of this component is to make easy availability of quality, certified and graded raw
material to the artisans/entrepreneur at a reasonable rate


The objective is to extend the technological up gradation facility to
exporters/entrepreneurs. The facility center should be an infrastructure with modern
machinery including packaging machinery to support product, productivity, quality, etc.


Testing Laboratory shall be made in the sufficient and adequate spaces with the provision
of Machinery & Equipment’s, Support Fixture & Furniture, Raw-Material Processing
Section, Inspecting Section, Packaging & Warehousing Section, Maintenance Section
including Master Room for knowledge sharing and future reference etc.


The objective of this component to present the traditional food and Beverage as well as
Traditional Music of the respected localities and the producers to have an opportunity to
sell their ready-made foods and Beverages as well as the home made spices used to prepare
their products and laying fatherly for food Tourism in The Region. Beside to this the
component is marketable for these interested to exercise their special event such like
weeding,Dating Retreats…


This proposed integrated cultural industry family based microenterprise, establishment of

craft centers for the economic and social empowerment of women aim at enhancing the
lively hoods in the project areas and improve their income and social welfare on a
sustainable manner with the following major project activities. This project is primarily
designed to economically and socially empower poor and marginalized women/
girls ,youths and vulnerable disable in predominantly areas as well as in some small
urban centers located in the region by creating sustainable and steady income through
establishing various types of income generating activities/IGAs/which focused on
integrated cultural industry development, and on the establishment of craft centers to
enhance product diversification and product positioning.


In order to achieve the project specific objectives the following strategies will be

 Community Participation: to address the needs of the target groups and use of
local resources beneficiaries, base organization , community leaders and other
stakeholders in all phases of the project cycle will participate. With due respect
to community belief systems, elders, chiefs and local religious leaders will take
part in the overall project implementation period. On top of that, in project
planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation the proposed project will
promote broad base participation of the local community with special emphasis
to the poor and marginalized women/girls and children.

 Promote Collaboration and Partnership: This project is planned to build

collaborated partnership and linkages with the public sectors and non state
actors in the integrated development approach of poverty alleviation and
reducing the plight of poor women/girls and children
 Promotion of Community Based Organizations /CBOs/: Community Based
Organizations mainly include community neighborhoods and working groups,
and cooperatives. Promotion of CBOs is one means of guarantying community
participation and empowerment where CBOs are supposed to take control of
dealing with their destiny eventually.

 Self Help Groups /SHGs/: In order to promote saving, credit, and group
works, targeted women groups will be organized into Self Help Groups/SHGs/.
Self Help Group formation will minimize the cost of managing income
generating activities /IGAs/ and providing technical and economic support for
target groups.



The social and Economic expected outcomes of this project are


A. Rehabilitation and recovery the most war affected social groups

B. Employment Generation;
C. Better living standards for the existing artisans.
D. Lively hood diversification for new entrants in the craft sector

A. Substantial Increase in quality and value added Production;

B. Increase in the business of small entrepreneurs;
C. Savings in cost by manufacturers in the cluster due to better infrastructure and
Government induced benefits;
D. Revenue generation to local bodies and Regional & Central Governments;
E. Growth of industry in an organized form
F. Foreign Exchange earnings by export

The project is expected to generate the following results:

 Lively hood development 22,200 poor women through technical and business
development training in The Region

 1400 rape violated survivors will be treated and supported with craft skill
development training and marketing support service to rehabilitate and recover their

 1,200 disable will get job opportunity and new lively hood by enhancing their
technical /livelihood skills in Mekelle ,wukro and Aksum clusters

 10,000 male and female youths will have access to craft skill development training
and marketing support services;

 15,0000 demobilized and economically disadvantaged female and Male youths will
be prevented from falling prey to the streets, illegal migration, through enabling
them to be engaged in different cultural industry income generating activities
(IGAs) so that they get steady income,

 Establishment of one new craft skill development center in Mekelle, setting up of

Saving and Credit Cooperatives, facilitating and organizing trainings, disbursement
of credit for the organized producers cooperatives

 Rehabilitating and upgrading three craft development centers wukro,Aksum and

Hawzien to have access for 50 producers cooperatives through craft skill
development services and marketing support services



 Research and Program Development

 Formation of Producer cooperatives

 Working Capital support assistance

 Workshop with Seminar

 Entrepreneurship Development Programme

 Design Mentorship Programme

 Project Implementation and Management

 Design Assistance for overseas market.

 Study with Exposure Tour


 Organizing and participating in domestic craft marketing events;

 Organizing craft awareness programs

 Organizing craft demonstration programs

 Organizing long and short trainings with exposure program in Ethiopia and

 Participating in international craft trade fairs

 Developing a regional base digital plat form all media print ,digital social media
for publicity and branding the craft products


 Develop a new craft center in Mekelle;

 Rehabilitating Aksum Craft center

 Rehabilitating Wukro craft center





The work plan will serve as a basis for monitoring project implementation. Progresses will
be measured against the activities outlined and time frame set in the work plan of the


This involves continuous follow-up and monitoring of activities against originally set plans
and targets. Planned targets are compared with actual achievements in terms of
quantitative performance, time schedule and cost. Accordingly, deviations will be
identified and corrective action will be taken in time. The progress will be regularly
reviewed and updates will be made to the plan accordingly


All project partners’ staff will conduct monthly project development meetings (PDM) to
discuss main problems and challenges faced during the operation period. In these monthly
meetings, all the staff together with selected target beneficiaries and key stakeholders will
participate and share their experiences. Problems and challenges will be discussed and
corrective measures will be taken on day to day basis. Updates will be made on recent
developments/changes in the implementation of the proposed projects in order to respond
to changes and adjust delivery of different development interventions accordingly. The
minutes of the PDM monthly meetings will be sent to the TBCT for information, technical
input and provision of the necessary supports that may be beyond the capacity of the
Coordinating Office or requires TBCT’s intervention.

Program Development meetings by TBCT staff, each partner organizations will be

conducted on quarterly basis. This PDM reviews, minutes of the meetings and quarterly
progress reports received from each partners. It looks into overall coordination, progresses
made towards planed outputs and objectives, and challenges faced in the implementation of
the project and seek ways for improvement. It also identifies possible gaps in the
implementation capacity and progress made by of each partner organizations with respect
to the project components that it takes care.
The project development meetings on bi-annual basis will be held at TBCT level with the
coordination of the Coordinating Office with participation of the thirteen partner
organizations’ Heads. This PDM reviews, minutes of the meetings and quarterly progress
reports received from the Coordinating Office will be communicated to the relevant
stakeholders. The review meeting looks into overall coordination; progresses made towards
planed outputs and objectives, and challenges faced in the implementation of the project
and seek ways for improvement.


Upon completion of each year’s of activities, the project internal review will be made with
the participation of TBCT, partner organizations and key stakeholders through the joint
meeting program to be organized by the TBCT. The meeting will review performance
based on the quarterly and bi-annual reports, and provide recommendations for
improvements also on the work plan. The meeting report, the annual meeting minutes and
revised work plan incorporating the recommendations, and outcomes of the meeting will be
produced and submitted in a report form to the donor.


Participatory assessments will be conducted every six-month using Participatory Rapid

Appraisal (PRA) method involving TBCT and its partner organizations to identify and
document experiences and the effects and impacts realized from the project deliveries. The
findings will be incorporated in all progress reports produced by the project. The
assessment reports will also be disseminated to all the participants’ bodies and will be
facilitated by TBCT, and conducted in project sites.


The project mid-term evaluation will be conducted after one years of implementation
period is completed. The evaluation will make the quantitative and qualitative assessments
of the project performance and impacts. This evaluation which is also known as
“formative” evaluation is intended principally to assess the project progress and make
recommendations for strengthenening the project during its second half period. The
challenges and weaknesses identified during mid-term evaluation will inform the project
intervention works. The findings and recommendations of the evaluation will also be used
to revisit the project plan and make some progress for the rest of the project
implementation period.


The final evaluation will be made two months after end of the project implementation. The
Final evaluation will put special focus on a wide range of impacts on the targeted women
economic and social empowerment achieved by each project components of the project. As
addressed in the prior section, this intervention intends to generate direct and immediate
benefits over women’s economic situation as well as the welfare of their households. Thus,
the evaluation should clarify the correlation between the project activities and the achieved
results in poor women/girls and vulnerable children. The evaluations will be conducted by
external consultant. TBCT will produce the TOR for the evaluation in consultation with the
donor of the project and other key stakeholders.


The project overall coordinator, (TBCT), will produce bi-annual and annual progress report
and share with donors including the relevant government offices. Upon completion, it will
provide a Project Termination Report to donor organization with a project summary to
ensure knowledge-sharing for replication.

Bi- Annual and Annual Reports:

TBCT is responsible to the overall preparation and dissemination of timely project progress
reports. It will report to donor twice in a year in the form of biannual and annual reports.
The main input to the report will be compiled from the each partner organizations for the
project components it accountable for.

Each Partner organizations will submit to TBCT quarterly, bi-annual and annual reports in
timely fashion. As mentioned above, prior to submitting the reports, the partner
organizations will conduct six-monthly joint meetings with TBCT to review progress and
share lessons learned in the implementation process. The meeting results and
recommendations will be incorporated into their bi-annual and annual reports and provide
inputs to overall progress report of the project to be produced by TBCT.


As it is outlined in this project proposal document, the project mainly will focus on:

 Employment creation and capacity building through providing skill trainings for
the target beneficiaries for the most war affected part of social groups,

 Establishing craft centers to sustain the craft product development and marketing
support services after the Termination of the project

 Enhancing the establishment of IGAs and small scale craft development activities
development directed towards the improvement of the incomes of disable, youth
and poor women (both in rural and urban areas) and raise their economic
empowerment status,
Therefore, selected beneficiaries who will receive skill trainings will be able to acquire
tradable skills and will be assisted to be employed or establish their own IGAs by using
their skills and provided start-up capital. Overtime, it is believed that the beneficiaries will
gain experiences and will accomplish their works successfully in places where they are
employed or manage their small scale businesses to earn steady income and be able to
improve their lives in a sustainable manner.

The enhancement of the establishment of IGAs and small scale cultural activities
development are expected to enable many disable, youths and poor women, especially in
rural and Urban areas, to improve their livelihood by getting steady incomes. The various
family small scale enterprises will be assisted to organize themselves in cooperatives.
Through their cooperatives, members will be expected to develop their saving culture
which will, of course, help them as source of capital for future investment to expand and
develop the business activities. Above all, cooperative members will be provided
continuous trainings on small scale business management, business success and self-
reliance, among other capacity building trainings. These can help to assure the
sustainability of this aspect of the project.

Generally, through the implementation process of the various project components listed
above, every partner organization will make the necessary strict supervision and follow-up
to ascertain the sustainability of each of the project component by making the phase-out
strategies a success.
8. Action Plan

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