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Theory Defined as a set of rules or principles Anonymity state of being unknown even in a crowd

designed for the study or practice or Vitruvius author of the “Ten Books of Architecture”
discipline. Also, it is a set of statement Monochromatic
designed to explain a phenomenon Analogous
Béton brut french term that translate in English to “raw Complementary
concrete” Split complementary (7) seven types color schemes
Béton brut concrete that is left unfinished after being Triadic
cast Square
Pilotis Rectangle
Free design of the Red
ground plan Yellow (3) three primary colors
Free design of the Five Points of a New Architecture Blue
facade Red + Yellow =
Horizontal windows Orange
Roof garden Blue + Red = Purple (3) secondary colors
Red Yellow + Blue =
Orange Warm colors Green
Yellow De Arhitectura Ten Books of Architecture
Green Shape characteristic outline or surface
Blue Cool colors configuration of a particular form
Purple Proxemics study of the symbolic and communicative
Black role of the spatial separation individuals
White maintain in various social and interpersonal
Gray Neutrals situation and how the nature and degree of
Tans this spatial arrangement relates to
Browns environmental and cultural factors
Red Color that acts to facilitate digestion Descriptive
Black Color of power and mystery Prescriptive Forms and type of theory
Blue Color of positivity, confidence, and security Critical
Romance Associated to color pink Prescriptive -prescribes bases or guideline in design
Power Associated to color violet -recommends/suggests
Hope Associated to color green -procedural
Peace Associated to color blue examples:
Analogous colors Any three colors which are side by side on a -design process and color psychology
12-part color wheel -five point of architecture (Le Corbusier)
RGB the additive color mixing model (mix light) -complexity and contradiction (Venturi)
CMYK the subtractive color mixing model (mix ink)
Tint hue(real color) + white has been added Walter Christaller Central Place Theory by _________?
Shade hue(real color) + black has been added Critical -challenges relationships between
Tone hue(real color) + grey has been added architecture and society
Grey Black + white example: sustainable design & central place
Ergonomics applied science concerned with the
Sustainable attempt to balance resource consumption
characteristics of people that need to be
considered in the design of devices and architecture and replenishment
systems in order that people and things will Needs
interact effectively and safely Society
Anthropometrics study of measurements of the human body Technology (5) five influences on architecture
and its movement Culture
Dipa Filipino basis of measurement from tip of Geography/Climate
fingertips to the other forefinger with arms 24 in (61cm) Shoulder breadth
stretched 18 in (47.7cm) Body depth
Dangkal Filipino basis of measurement from tip of the Fruin’s theory “touch zone theory” based from the body or
thumb to the tip of the little finger with (perception buffer zone
fingers opened like a fan psychology) “no touch zone theory” based from
Solitude state of being free from the observation of expanded inter-person spacing
Euclidian space in geometry, a 2D or 3D space in which the Stimulus diffusion “the sharing of ideas”, it refers to an element
axioms and postulates of Euclidean of one culture leading to an invention or
geometry apply propagation in another
Space One of the most influential aspect of the Tangible diffusion Direct borrowing from one culture to
aspect of the analysis stage in design another
problem solving. Integrity
Euclidian space Discipline
Architectural spaces divided into 2 classes (4) four basic values
Perception theory Hard work
Visual space perceived thru sense of sight Justice
Auditory space perceived thru sense of hearing Innovative diffusion it represents a research-based model of why
Olfactory space perceived thru sense of smell and when individuals and cultures adopt new
Tactile space perceived thru sense of touch & feelings ideas, practices, and products
Balanced space perceived thru sense of orientation Transculturation Cultural transplantation
Existential space awareness of space as an experience Assimilation adoption of a different culture by an
Psycho-physical individual
psycho-physical implications
space Hard work love of work
Emotional space perceived thru its appeal on one’s emotion Justice a universally upheld value promoting
Participatory space perceived thru means of conscious & fairness, objectivity and impartiality
deliberate Integrity synonymous to honesty, a state of being
Fictional space perceived thru sense the unreal means complete and undivided
Active space Spaces that are functioning even beyond Discipline a value which touches many aspects of
their original function. Example: verandah, everyday life and is closely related to other
kitchen and nook, family hall desirable values
Passive space Seldom used. Example: living room, dining Anthropocentrism The human being is the most important
room, service areas entity in the universe. The world is perceived
Leitkultur (core according to the values and experiences of
culture) the human being
(4) approaches to deal with in understanding
Melting plot Anthropomorphism Human qualities are associated with non-
Monoculturalism human entities/events. Qualities such as
Multiculturalism form, values, and emotions
Personal Private space: bedroom T&B Anthropometrics Study of measurements of human body
Non-personal Public space: porch, sala Value defined as that which is worthy of esteem for
Semi-personal Semi-private: dining room, service areas its own sake; thing/quality having intrinsic
Melting plot it is where all the immigrant cultures are worth
mixed and amalgamated without state Ergonomics an applied science concerned with the
intervention like in the USA characteristics of people that need to be
considered in the design of devices and
Multiculturalism a policy that immigrant and others should systems in order that people and things will
preserve their cultures with the different interact effectively and safely
cultures interacting peacefully within one Dipa from tip of fingertips to the other forefinger
nation with arms stretched
Dangkal from tip of forefinger to tip of mid-finger
Monoculturalism it is where culture is very closely linked to with fingers opened like a fan
nationalism to mainstream society Dati/dali width of a finger
Damak Tip of mid-finger to the lowest part of the
Leitkultur (core a model developed in Germany by Bassam palm
culture) tibi, where the idea is that minorities can Dapal Width of palm/hand when fingers are close
have an identity of their own but they should to each other
at least support the core concepts of the
culture on which the society is based
Acculturation it refers to the replacement of the traits of
one culture with those of another
Diffusion the form of something moves from one
culture to another

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