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Child Dev 042 Internet Research


Child Dev 042 Internet Research

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Children are developing and should get the future they want. To achieve this vision, there

must be a platform for a diverse, equitable, and inclusive environment for families and children.

Notably, children develop their identities alongside other cognitive and physical abilities such as

crawling, talking, walking, and writing (Teaching for Change). Most often, there exists a

misconception that children are blind to colors. Nonetheless, studies have shown that children

manifest signs of racial bias at a tender age. For instance, children as young as five years can

identify cues of intolerance that adults express.

I have gone through an article titled "Black Lives Matter at School,” and I think it can

help children learn more about inclusion, equity, and diversity. The resource affirms that people

may believe that children do not comprehend racial bias and prejudice, but they mimic and

absorb all their negativity. Besides the resource emphasizes that, “For children, differences are a

way of learning about themselves and others, a way of building their sense of self and a place in

their family and community.” Minors often depend on their parents and caregivers about the

meaning of diversities around them and the meaning of the differences they see in their

surroundings and the people they interact with within their daily endeavors (Teaching for

Changing, 2021). In this regard, it is essential to teach children about the essentiality of

embracing diversity respectfully.

It is important to let children acknowledge the existence of various cultures and their

respective diversities. While many parents recognize the importance of addressing diversity,

inclusion, and equity among children, they equally face numerous challenges that instill a

positive attitude towards the same topic (Teaching for Changing, 2021). Parents should help

children accept the fact there is the existence of cultural differences. Moreover, parents should

reflect cultural diversity within their home setting by using books to teach such knowledge to



Teaching for Changing. (2021). Black Lives Matter at School. Teaching for Change.

Teaching for Change. Building Social Justice Starting in the Classroom. https://www.teaching

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