Electrical Experimenter 1917 06

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ELECTRICIANS This the Electrical Age, and this wonderful new profession is calling- you.
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Electrical Experimenter
-l.i liy hxpcrinu-nU-r
l.lishing Company,
I- I'll l,.-rn rer;) 233 Fulton Street.

Vol. V Whole No. 50 CONTENTS FOR JUNE, 1917 No. 2

painting by George W.,11 .,

WHISTLE By George Wall oil) VDIO MEN
CTRICITY'S AID TO WOMEN' ( Bv Thomas Reed 114

RAISE SUNKEN SHIPS.. By H. W'inrield Secor, Assoc. A.I.E.E.


1 1 1
1 97
"JOE'S EXPERIMENT"— An electrical story by C. M. Adams 100 THE PROBLEM OF USING THE ENERGY H^liU&IGHT*!"? 117
ELECTRICITY AND LIFE By Dr. Frederick Fineh Strong 104
Bv John J. Furia. A.B , MA. F.K.S. 106 By Albert W. Wilsdun 123

Silencing America's Wireless

S all our readers are aware the United of the President's Executive order, the more we become
States Government, thru the Navy Depart- convinced that the closing of every amateur station, or
ment, has issued orders thruout the land to even commercial stations, was remote from President
cause the immediate dismantling of all radio Wilson's mind when he issued his order.
stations, In conformity to the
whether large = ,
Radio Act of 1912, the
or small, com- President in time of war,
mercial or amateur, send- may authorize any depart-
ing or receiving. All EXECUTIVE ORDER ment of the Government
have heen ordered THEREAS
dismantled and apparatus
packed away.
W '
the Senate and House of Representatives of the
L'nited States of America, in Congress assembled, have
declared that a state of war exists between the United
States and the Imperial German Government; and
to close all radio stations.
But the President's order
of April 6, was not to the
This action came as a Whereas it is necessary to operate certain radio stations Department of Commerce,
great surprise to all pa- for radio communication by the Government and to close other which in the past con-
triotic amateurs, who for radio stations not so operated, to insure the proper conduct of
trolled the nation's radio
the war against the Imperial German Government and the
years past had been en- successful termination thereof affairs, but to the Navy
couraged by the Govern- Now, therefore, it is ordered by virtue of authority vested Department. Why? Be-
ment and who were cer- in me by the Act to Regulate Radio Communication, approved cause the
President, it
tain that in time of war August 13, 1912, that such radio stations within the jurisdic-
tion of the L'nited States as are required for Naval Communi- seems to us, had only the
they would be allowed to cations shall be taken over by the Government of the United radio communications of
"do their bit" with their States and used and controlled by it. to the exclusion of any the Navy in mind. If,
outfits for the country. other control or use; and, furthermore, that all radio stations
not necessary to the Government of the L'nited States for therefore, the Navy De-
That the Government Naval Communications may be closed for radio communication. partment had caused the
should silence all sending The enforcement of this order is hereby delegated to the closing of all radio sta-
outfits was eminently Secretary of the Navy, who is authorized and directed to take tions, particularly sending
proper, and we have as yet such action in the premises as to him may appear necessary.
stations along our sea
to hear the first complaint This order shall take effect from and after this date.
borders, such action would
on that score. But why The White House,
6 April, 1917.
(Signed) Woodrow Wilson. have seemed perfectly log-
the receiving outfits should ical. But why the Navy
he dismantled by the Navy Department should wish
Department is very puz- I -
to close stations a thousand
zling indeed. miles removed from the
President Executive Order is based upon
Wilson's sea borders, seems to us very puzzling. Furthermore,
the Radio Act of
which act however, mentions
1912, why all college radio stations, and those belonging to
nothing about closing receiving stations during the time radio apparatus manufacturers as well, should be dis-
of war. That purely receiving stations were considered mantled seems far fetched. Then there are cases like
harmless by the framers of the law, is best proved by the one of the Lackawanna Railroad, which is one of the
the fact that such stations do not require to be licensed pioneer railroads in the United States to use wireless
as do all sending stations. Moreover, in President Wil- for train dispatching. Is it wise to dismantle such sta-
sons's Executive Order of April 6, no mention is made tions on which the safety of passengers depends?
of receiving stations. Indeed, the following passage We certainly have no quarrel with the Navy Depart-
strikes us as very significant:
" and furthermore that all Radio Stations not nec-
ment quite the contrary.
; We
wish to help, but we sin-
cerely do hope that its officials will soon find a way to
essary to the Government of the United States for Natal Com-
munications may be closed for radio communication. modify its recent suet ping order.
The italics are ours. Particularly the one word MAY. There are, indeed, eno ^igns already. Cer-
In the same paragraph the President uses the command tain commercial stations on the Pacific Coast have re-
SI \I.I„ while the word may does not implj thai every
I cently resumed operation, and it is to be hoped that
radio station should be taken over by the Navy Depart- amateurs will be allowed to operate their receivinf
ment. Indeed, the longer we study the third paragraph tions, at a not too distant future. H. GERNSBACK.

THE ELECTRICAL EXPERIMENTER is puhUahl on the IMS of MCh month -ii 233
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Now Is the Time to Rebuild Your Set

and Install that

Supersensitive Receiving Apparatus

Owing war conditions we can supply
to the present
the Highest Grade Apparatus at very low prices

Receiving Sets
Amplifying Coils
Detectors $9.10 to $910.00
Panel Sets Amplifiers

Cabinet Sets and

Oscillating Cabinets
Vacum Tubes Complete

Write for our catalogue now


At Last!
Electromagnetic waves of any
length from an incandescent lamp.


Oscillion Telegraph, capable of trans-
mitting the voice 15 miles, or tele-
graphic messages 40 miles.
transmitters for greater ranges.
Larger TYPE RJ1 1—2500 — 12000 METERS, $35.00
TYPE "S"— $60.00
DeForest "Oscillion"
( Oscillating- Audion)
Generator of absolutely undamped oscillations of
any frequency. Permits Radio Telephone speech
surpassing in clearness that over any wire.

unfilled. Patents issued and pending.

Laboratory and Research Work has a field utterly
INCREASING STRENGTH OF RE- This Condenser is similar to our commercial type but is en-
CEIVED SIGNALS 25 TIMES. Office and Factory Cable Address: closed in an oak cabinet. It has 35 semi-circular aluminum
It is not a detector in any form. 1391 SEDGWICK AVE. RADIOTEL, N. Y. plates. The maximum capacity is approximately .0025 M. F.

You benefit by mentioning "The Electrical Experimenter" when writing to advertisers.

H. GERN5B&CK editor
H. W. 5ZZUR A550Z\mE editor
Vol. V. Whole No. 50 June, 1917 Number 2

Electric Crossing Signal Operated by Train's Whistle

VORK genius has developed
ANEW a clever idea for automatically
tlit-sensitive reed relay, the latter closes
the proper circuits to a powerful electric
1" id'
as a slow-moving dash-pot attached
sensitive relay, so that the relay
sounding tlic alarm at railroad siren installed at the top of the signal could not open the siren and lamp circuits
crossing, and whereby the alarm tower at the railroad crossinu. as shown for a period of a minute or so; thus mak-
is controlled and actuated by the in the accompanying illustration and dia- ing certain that the signal will sound until
whistle of the approaching train itself. gram of the elemental circuits. For night the train has past the crossing. The idea
The accompanying illustration shows how requirements, the alarm may consist of the is, all in all. quite novel and possesses
the inventor proposes to mount a number electric siren and a powerful beam of light, many other possibilities.
of large size horns along tin- crossing- both of which are projected out of the The microphone has proven its worth in
approaches, each horn being fitted with a nal horn. The siren is enabled to project many difficult roles in industrial as well
super-sensitive electrical microphone, such its sound out into the horn past the incan- as military and naval operations. The sol-

Instead of Having the Gateman Sound the Alarm at Railroad Crossings This Inventor Proposes That Sensitive
Microphones be Erected Along the Crossing Approaches, the Sound of the Locomotive's Whistle Causing Them
to Actuate a Relay Device Connected to an Automatic Crossing Signal.

as used in the well-known Dictagraph. descent lamp, as the latter is mounted on diers in Europe have found the sensitive
When the train whistle sounds for the a perforated disc, thus allowing the sound microphone of extreme value in listening
sing these microphones, scattered along waves to pass by it. The alarm tower may to enemy sappers as they picked and
.i distance of several hundred feet on either carry two or more of these combined elec- shoveled a mine below the listeners. Again
side of it, pick up the sounds and are tric siren and lamp signals, and. as he- the French have been enabled to accurately
caused to control a sensitive relay device comes evident, the operation of the device locate and "spot" an enemy submarine off
operating on the tuned-reed principle. The is extremely efficient the alarm ceases as
shore by suitably disposing two or more
relay will thus respond with maximum effi- soon as the train past the crossing.
lias specially tuned microphones along the coast
ciency to a certain whistle tone, as the There are. course, several details
of at a known distance apart. Then by a sim-
\ ibrating reed armature fitted to it is which aia not shown in the accompanying ple triangulation computation on a clever
selected to vibrate sympathetically with tin- view, which would be necessary in carry- slide rule, the distance at which the -

dominant note of the locomotive whistle. ing out and applying the plan here pro- marine happened to be. is readily found.
When the approaching train's whistle has posed. For one thing there would have and a fast patrol scout will be waiting
thus actuated the microphone and in turn to be some form of time-element device her when she arrives at the surface.


Chances for Electricians in the Navy

The U. S. Navy now tors in use for ventilating blowers, ammu- consequently the training and experience
nition hoists and conveyors, gun-pointing received in their operation and main-
offers excellent chances
equipments, turret-turning machinery, and tenance are of exceptional value to the
to ambitious young men
various other purposes. These motors are electrician or radio operator in after life.
who have a desire to
urn a trade and supplied thru special control apparatus from Since the proper operation and care of
The na- turbogenerators, engine-driven dynamos, all the varied electrical apparatus is essen-
arn it right.
motor-generators, etc. The lighting equip- tial to the efficiency of the Navy, it is the
val electrician has un-
equaled opportunities ment includes incandescent and arc lamps, practise to send all new recruits for this
for attaining an ex- searchlights of the highest powers, special branch of the service to either of the two
ceedingly broad and signal lamps, etc. Communication appara- Navy Electrical Schools at the navy
substantial elec- yards at Brooklyn, X. Y., and Mare
trical knowledge, Island (San Francisco), Cal. These
covering dyna- schools provide instruction in two
mos and mo- classes, general electrical work and
tors, wiring of all kinds, special and radiotelegraph}-. The length of the
standard signaling systems, telephone full course for both classes is eight
systems, radio apparatus, and a host months. Men specially proficient in
of other things with which the aver- the work pass thru this period in
age "land-lubber" may never become shorter time, depending on the knowl-
thoroly familiar. U. S. naval elec- edge and skill they- show. All stu-
tricians never need to fear that they _ dents, either recruits or men from
can not land a job after their service J the general service, may enter these
in thenavy is finished. schools at any time. In addition to
Naval service offers many induce- the practical instruction imparted at
ments to ambitious and spirited the electrical and other naval trade
young men. Xot only does it provide schools and training stations, the men
opportunities for free travel in many receive thruout their service aboard
nearby and distant waters with ship and elsewhere both academic and
changing scenes, but it furnishes ex- practical training to enable them to
cellent training of high value in civil demonstrate their abilitv and to ad-

Another View of the Electrical School Uncle Sam's Naval Men Receiving
at Mare Island, Calif.. Class Receiving Training in the Operation of Electric
Instruction in Electrical Appliances, Generators in the Navy School at
Including Electric Searchlights. Mare Island, Calif.

pursuits at the conclusion of enlist- vance in their chosen vocation.

ment. It also furnishes steady, In order that a recruit may en-
healthful work, free board of a list for the electrical branch, he must
wholesome nature, free lodging and have a knowledge of either general
clothing, and in addition provides electricity, or be an operator of the
pay, even during the period of train- Morse telegraph code or have suffi-
ing, that can be practically all set cient foundation in radiotelegraph}- to
aside for saving. The United States be competent to keep up with the
Navy pays its enlisted men better class at the school. Electricians (gen-
than any other national navy and eral) must know the names and uses
in most lines more than the men of the various parts of the dynamo
could save and in some cases even and dynamo-driving engines and
more than they would receive in must be familiar with the ordinary
similar pursuits in civil life. Above types of switchboards and methods of
all this it enables the men to render wiring. Applicants for both classes
the highest patriotic service open to must be able to write legibly, must
the citizens of any nation, that of understand elementary arithmetic and
defending the security of their coun- must be between the ages of 18 and
try in the first line of defense. 25. All applicants must be citizens

The many uses of electricity aboard Top: View in Navy School, New York, Class in Interior of the United States, either native
ship and in the naval stations have Communication and Ship Control Apparatus. Below: or fullv naturalized.
Testing Dynamos and Motors. Recruits meeting these require-
been steadily increasing. It is used
not only for lighting and power ments are immediately transferred to
service, but also for communication and tii* consists chiefly of telephones and radio- the electrical school, where the course of in-
signaling, and even for cooking and bak- telegraphic sets. Machinery and apparatus struction comprises machine-shop work,
ing. There are a multitude of electric mo- in use in the Navy are of the highest types, (Continued on pituc 142)

Talking Motion Pictures Via Wireless

MANY of us have no doubt wit-
an exhibition of talking
motion pictures, and numerous
diated thru a ground wire leading to metal
plates (and points if necessary) on the
heels of the actors, as shown, and also
a corresponding record of their voices on
the mo\ ing steel wire of the telegra-
phone, which has been explained in detail
patents have been taken out on thru a miniature antenna comprising a in previous issue.-, of this journal.
some very elaborate schemes in- series of tin-foil leaves which are Mini In brief, the telcgraphone operates
truded to improve the efficiency of the ap- in the clothing in the manner indicated in i
the principle that if a moving steel
paratus involved in recording and repro- the accompanying illustration. The i. wire is past by the pole of an electro-
ducing the voice, as well as the figures of apparatus is carried in the clothing, and magnet thru which electrical voice curr

photoplay productions. the weight of each part distributed in the are circulating, then there will be local
IIne of the most novel ideas devised to- bi i manner possible. As will be noted magnetisations set up in the steel wire
ward accomplishing tin purpose is out- the batteries are placed somewhat differ- corresponding to the voice fluctuations. If
lined in a recent patent awarded to Wil- ently in the case of a lady, as compared then we afterward pass this steel wire
liam B. Vansize, of Brooklyn, N. Y. The to a man. under another electro-magnet, the coil of
accompanying illustration by our artist .mi
fat . ee thai whenever tl which is connected to a telephone receiver,
shows how the inventor proposes to utilize tors speak, that they will be radiating wire- we can then hear the voice reproduced.
and apply the art of radio communication less telephone Currents, and these are in- The great problem confronting all in-
to the recording and reproduction of talk- tercepted or picked up by a larger radio ventors who take up talking motion pic-
ing motion pictures. In the first place, the antenna erected back of or just above the ture work is to accurately and practically
studio stage is fitted with a metal floor, scenic settings of the studio stage in synchronize the motion picture voice with
such as one covered with tin or sheet iron. manner illustrated. The stage antenna is the voice of the actor. This is the most

The One Great Problem in "Talking" Motion Pictures Lies in the Difficulty of Simultaneously Recording the Voice and the Scene. A
New Method of Accomplishing This End Is Illustrated Here. Each Actor Carries a Radio-Telephone Transmitter on His Person. His Wire-
lessLove and Other Speeches Are Intercepted by a Stage Antenna. Connected to a Radio Receiving Set. This Set Is Connected to a
Telegraphone Joined Mechanically to the Motion Picture Camera. Thus Synchronism Between Voice and Picture Is Established.

This may be painted so as to give the connected up thru suitable tuning coils, important problem, and by means of this
effect of tile or carpet, and may have a with an oscillation or vacuum bulb de- wireless telephonic arrangement, as pro-
few rugs scattered about to give an artis- vice, which is used in this case as a de- posed by Mr. Vansize, it seems that it
tic stage setting. The small insert illus- tector and amplifier of the received radio- should become a simple matter to readily
tration shows how the inventor proposes telephonic currents. accomplish the purpose intended, viz., to
to have each actor actually personify "a Now we have the actor's voice radi: record and reproduce faithfully a talking
walking wireless station." In brief, each by wireless from his own person, thence motion picture, and one in which the ac-
ir carries a complete wireless transmit- propagated thru space by etheric waves, tors' lips will not be moving about ten
ting system on his person. When the ac- and finally, we have them coming in thru seconds after the voice is heard or vice
tor speaks, the voice waves affect a super- the receiving circuit of the stationary radio versa.
sensitive microphone hidden inside the coat detector. The secondary or auditory cir- In practise a number of loud-speak-
or in the bodice, in the ease of a woman. cuit of the detector and amplifier is con- ing ti are scattered about the mov-
This microphone is connected to some nected with the recording electro-mauncts ing picture theatre, and as the operator
form of miniature wireless transmitting ap- of a Poulsen telegraphone, mounted in- cranks his machine, the telegraphone wire
pal, itus,such as an Oscillion or vacuum tact on the motion picture camera which is unreeled at exactly the same speed. The
bulb generator of radio currents. The vo is recording the scene photographically. impulses from the recorded telegraphone
fluctuations are cause. to var\ 1 the cur- Thus, as the photographer turns the handle wire now are used to operate the loud
rent developed by the Oscillion. and these on the motion picture camera, he not only talkers about the house, with the result
fluctuating, high freqtiencj oscillations cor- records the physical movements of the ac- that the audience sees and hears the ac-
responding of course to the \oiee, are ra- tors, but simultaneously he also obtains tors in a truly remarkable manner.


Electricity and Water to Run Our Autos

power in
forms the nucleus of
practically all automobile
close arrangement of the positively and
negatively charged electrodes, the gas gen-
load. The motor develops 45 h.p. on an
average at this speed, and under full load,
engines of the present day, and eration is both rapid and efficient. with a well worked in motor. The suction
inventors and chemists have As before mentioned the oxygen is liber- displacement per revolution is 244/2 equals
expended considerable energy and ated by suitable automatic valves, and the 112 cubic inches; equals .0648 cubic feet.
money in an effort to find a satisfactory hydrogen is retained and past thru a mixing Then 3,000 revolutions per minute and
substitute for this all-important commodity, valve, similar to the usual carburetor used assuming 100 per cent volumetric efficiency,
which has been rapidly and constantly in- on all gasoline engines and which can be the number of cubic feet drawn into the
creasing in cost. One of the latest attempts controlled from the driver's seat, follow- motor per minute is 3,000 times .0648, or
in this direction is that of Mr. Ernest E. ing the standard practise in motor-car equip- 194.5, and 60 times 194.5, or 11,670, is the
Punches, who hails from Detroit, Michi- ment. Asuitable quantity of air is taken number of cubic feet drawn into the motor,
gan. in thru the mixing valve, and which, when of mixture each hour, running at maximum
"Give me a suitable tank containing a set combined with the proper quantity of hy- speed and under full load.
of plates submerged in water and a source drogen, forms a highly explosive gaseous The gasoline entering into that mixture
of electric current, and I will drive your compound. When this is fed into the en- is 7 per cent by weight, and the amount by



A Detroit Genius Claims to Have Solved the "Gasoline Substitute" Problem for Automobiles. He Utilizes a Very Simple Electrical Phenom-

enon That of "Electrolysis" or the Decomposition of Water by the Passage of An Electric Current Thru It. The Hydrogen Gas Evolved
The Inventor States That It Is More Economical Than Gasoline Because of the
Is Mixed With Air and Past Into the Engine Cylinders.
Higher Explosive Value of the Hydrogen-Air Mixture.

automobile engine without any gasoline gine cylinders and ignited by an electric volume will not depart far from the 7 per
whatsoever at reduced cost," says this san- spark, produces a force many times more
it cent, as there is no great difference between
guine inventor. powerful than that obtained when gasoline the weight of air and gasoline vapor. So,
The secret of this remarkable invention vapor is used. Some of the hydrogen gas in face of the fact that an explosion of
lies in the fact that if an electric current produced by the electrolytic cell (decompo- hydrogen in a pure state, when mixed with
is past between two plates submerged in sition of water) is stored in a suitable tank air, is a thousand times as powerful, as is

water, it decomposes the evolv-

water, under pressure, which makes it available the same per cent of gasoline vapor and
ing two gases, oxygen and hydrogen the ; for starting the car and emergency. The air, we shall be way above in figuring a 10
oxygen accruing from this process is liber- entire combination unit fits the carburetor per cent mixture of hydrogen gas with air.
ated, while the hydrogen is collected and side of the engine and is supported by the As 10 per cent of 11,670 is 1,167, the number
« hen suitably mixed with a proper amount former manifold holding means and also of cubic feet of hydrogen, we must generate
of air, it forms a highly explosive mixture by the frame of the auto chassis. It has in an hour. Bearing in mind that there are
when ignited in the automobile engine cylin- been found by Mr. Punches from trial and 1,257.52 cubic feet of hydrogen in a cubic
der. also by calculation, that the hydrogen gas- foot of water, and that 1,728 watts will de-
The accompanying illustration shows how generating outfit here described, and which compose the cubic foot of water in an hour,
the proposed water-electric gas-generating it is proposed to substitute for gasoline, will and also that 746 into 1,728 goes about 2J4
plant would be fitted to a motor-car, the require up to 5 per cent of the horse-power times, it is apparent that we will generate
special dynamo together with the decom- developed by the engine, this 5 per cent of 90.52 cubic feet of gas per hour more than
posing chamber and gas storage tank being the total engine horse-power being used to the Chalmers motor can use at maximum
placed with the engine under the same bon- drive the decomposing current dynamo. speed, and under full load, taking less than
net. The small Unipolar type dynamo is There are 1,257.52 cubic feet of hydrogen 5 per cent of the 45 h.p. to drive the decom-
connected bj suitable gears or driving gas in one cubic foot of water, the gas at posing current generator. The inventor has
chain to the timing gear on the crank shaft atmospheric pressure, zero degree Centi- demonstrated his invention before the entire
of the engine, and supplies ;f low voltage grade, and it will require 1,728 watts of engineering staff of the Tecla Electrical
direct current. This current is past thru electricity to decompose a cubic foot of Laboratory of Detroit, Michigan.
the electrolytic cell shown in the illustra- w ater in one hour. Compare this with the When it is understood that gasoline is
tion, alternate plates being charged po i following data, obtained from a Chalmers simply a mechanical mixture of hydrogen
tively and negatively. The plates are pre- Motor Car Company engineer: and carbon gases and impurities, it will be
ferably perforated so as to promote circula- The maximum revolutions of the Chal- -ecu that a mixture of pure hydrogen gas
tion in the gas-generating cell, and by the mers motor is 3,000 per minute under full {Continued on page 145)
^ -


OPTICAL DEVICE THAT RIVALS GOVERNMENT TAKES OVER Todd, at Washintrton. will have charge of
TELESCOPE IN STUDYING MARCONI STATIONS. stations operated by the government. En-
THE HEAVENS. rollments will be made by commands of
An optical device, which is said to rival The TJ. S. Government has availed it- naval districts.
it not surpass the telescope in revealing self of the offer of the Marconi Wireless
the mysteries of the heavenly bodies was
exhibited at a recent meeting of the Amer-
ican Society of Mechanical Engineers in
New York. The invention was exhibited
by >r.
John A. Brashear, the grand old
man of American astronomy, of Pittsburgh.
"This instrument is called a diffracting
d tor Brashear, as he I >. .<

what looked like a rectangular

piei •
about 2 bj 4 inches ! >n

thai colors under the electrii


limits. "< )n the plane surface of this pol

ished plate, made accurate to one-tenth of
a lieht ua\e, ..r within ofte-forty-fivi thou
sandth of an inch, are ruled mure than
00 hues between which there is i

greater error than one-two-millionth of an

"With this delicate piece of apparatus,
made possible, first by rigorous scientific
trch second,
; by the skill of the
artisan; third, by a knowledge of a vi
us care to avoid temperature changes,
and, fourth, by the accuracy of the mi
iphj sii ist has been able to
1 1

tell the composition, temperature and dis-

tance of the -tar-


An American inventor has recently pro-
posed that the military and naval authori- To Counteract the Poisonous Gas Fumes Blown Toward European Trench Rescuers Who
ties revive a relic of warfare which was in Are Called Upon to Go Forth and Carry Prostrate Soldiers From Their Positions. They
vogue many years ago this is nothing — Have Guarded Themselves Against Being Overcome by a Novel Telephone Appliance At-
tached to the Gas Defying Equipment.
than the generally well-known chain
thot. In our grandfathers' and great-grand-
fathers' day it was considered quite a Telegraph Company of America, placing EUROPEAN SOLDIERS USE GAS
nifty idea to tie one or more cannon balls itsstaff and stations at its service and has MASKS FITTED WITH TELE-
together with an iron chain thus, the name — taken over for the period of the war not PHONES.
chain shut. The accompanying illustration only the Marconi stations but all other ra- The accompanying illustration shows in
shows a clever form of split projectile dio for military purposes.
stations The a marked manner one of the peculiar and
composed of three or more pieces divided eligible operators will be enrolled in the particularly effective scientific det
in the manner shown, so that by means. government service. Stations not required brought out by the great European war.
of a time fuse or other arrangement, these will be closed. The trans-Pacific stations Needless to say this war of all wars has
pieces would fly thru the air as a solid will continue handling commercial traffic, developed hundreds, even thousands, of i

projectile, and at the critical moment would but under government supervision. No inventions of every conceivable character.
explode and describe a path of consider- ship traffic will be permitted on the At- First the Germans invented the gas ap-
able width thru the atmosphere, and prov- lantic and Gulf Coasts and the Great Lakes paratus by which they attempt to overcome
ing, it would seem, of decided efficiency excepting for the government, but it will their enemies in the trenches with clouds
of noxious fumes, and here we have the
answer to this challenge in the form of a
gas mask or helmets, which are worn by
the members of the trench rescue brigade,
who are called upon to go forth ami
carry prostrate soldiers from their posi-
tions where they may have fallen between
the trenches, when overcome by the gas
cloud. Each gas helmet and mask is fit-
ted with a novel and specially designed
telephone outfit, properly connected to a
trailing wire leading back to the trench.
so that the rescuers are able to telephone
for aid without removing their helmet


House leaders at Washington have de-
cided definitely not to pass at this session
the administration bill for permanent Gov-
ernment dictatorship over wireless app;
tus, unless the President specifically re-
quests it.
It was learned that the House Mer-
chant Marine Committee believes the Pn
dent already has power enough over r
A New War Invention Is a Split "Chain Shell" That Automatically Explodes at a Given stations to prevent their use in time of
Range. It Should Prove Particularly Valuable In Destroying Radio Antennae and Other war.
Wire Structures.
The principal feature of the bill is its
in destroying radio antennae, and all other continue for the present on the Pacific. ision for eventual Government owner-
ted «ue structures such a- telegraph Trans-Atlantic traffic via Glace Bay will ship of radio companies. This feature is
and telephone wires, power transmission not be disturbed. The Director of Naval not considered by the committee to
circuits, et cetera. Communications, Lieutenant Commander strictly war legislation.


Shooting With Electricity

By H. Gernsback
ago, when the New York
elevated lines changed from
liquid fire is sprayed upon the enemy, be-
ing a parallel to the writer's scheme. While
there is a 10-H.P. gas engine driv-
ing a 5- to 8-H.P. Alternating Current
steam to electricity, one of the ele- Generator.
shooting flames over a distance of 50 feet The latter is connected to a
vated trains caught fire. An alarm or more has not proven a wonderful suc- step-up transformer delivering from 10,000
was promptly turned in and in due cess, nevertheless the idea seems to haveto 15,000 volts. A
thin but extremely well
time the firemen were on the spot. The some merits. And if the Germans can shootinsulated cable connects with the nozzle
stream from the high-pressure hose was flames at us, why can't we return the com-
carried by the soldier. This cable is con-
played on the cars, and to prevent the fire pliment by shooting electricity at them? nected to one side of the transformer:
from reaching the wooden structure on One is as easv as the other, with a few the other pole is grounded to earth. If
which the rails rested, as now the stream hits an
well as the wooden foot ^^^^^^^^^ -— - —^^——
— enemy soldier (who is not
path, one of the firemen of insulated from the
necessity directed his IJAVE you ever stopt to consider that a fireman does not dare to let ground), the high-tension
stream on the third rail. *• ^ a stream of water from a nozzle strike an electric wire, carrying current passing thru the
********** stream of highly conduc-
any appreciable potential, say a thousand volts or more, as he may be tive acid, runs thru the
The stars are not in-
electrocuted. Proverbially speaking, it is a poor rule that will not work man's body and thence
tended to indicate what
happened and what that both ways. Hence we have the unique proposal by Mr. H. Gernsback, thru the earth, back to the
poor fireman saw rather
; that we charge the enemy with highly electrified streams of acidulated transformer. In this case
they are meant to illustrate he probably will be elec-
water under high pressure. This unusual invention is not intended as a trocuted or else knocked
how long he remained un-
substitute for guns, but to supplement them. It represents one answer senseless by the powerful
conscious. As a matter of

fact the man was almost
electrocuted. Since that
time firemen do not fight
elevated fires unless they
to the German's "Flammen Werfer"

Liquid fire.

-^ — —
current. Even standing on
a piece of dry wood or a
stone will not help him,
for the acid running
down from his uniform will turn the wood
are assured that the power has been turned points in favor of the latter it would seem.

off. Briefly, the idea is as follows Strapt to : or the stone into an excellent conductor
Xow, the N. V. Elevated Lines only carry a soldier's back is a lead-lined metal tank and the enemy will almost certainly be ren-
500 volts direct current, but this pressure carrying a solution of diluted sulfuric acid dered unconscious. Probably the most effi-
is sufficient to pass from the third rail of about 1200° specific gravity. (A solution cient way of utilizing the new scheme will
line, then to the water of the fire hose, of chlorid of zinc or even ordinary salt be found in directing the charged stream
and from there into the metallic nozzle water could be used.) By turning a knob at a machine gun. The second the stream
held by the fireman. Altho ordinary hy- on the outside of the tank a small quan- hits the metallic portion of the gun, the
drant water is a poor conductor, a 500-volt tity of zinc or iron filings is thrown into operators will be knocked unconscious or
current nevertheless finds but little trouble the acid and immediately hydrogen gas is will even be killed. It is also understood
in passing thru the stream of water and evolved, causing considerable pressure in- that the entire electrocuting outfit, gaso-
thence thru the body of the fireman, with side of the tank. This causes the acid line engine, dynamo, transformer, acid tank


«n American invention— onooung me enemy »»"

The Germans Invented "Liauid Fire" With Which to Destroy the Enemy. Mere ofis 15.000
Piercing High Pressure Acid Water StreamV Charged to An Electric Potential Volts. Trench Gasoline Engine. Electric Plants
and Transferers Supply'the Necessary Power. The Nozzles Are Heavily Insulated and the Soldiers Wear Heavy P.-bber Shoes As
Well As Gloves and Masks.

be forced out thru the hose attached and all the rest of the equipment could be
the result that he is knocked unconscious. to
If the stream had been sea (salt) water, to the tank and from the hose the acid placed in an armored car. In that case,
the operators would not be exposed to ma-
there remains little doubt but that the man passes thru the long nozzle carried by the
chine gun fire.
would have been electrocuted instantly. soldier. The acid leaves in a fine stream,
less than a quarter of an inch in diameter,
When used by the soldier, however, it
Upon this principle the writer has based is self-evident that his equipment must be
his idea of shooting electricity at an enemy, and witli a fairly calm atmosphere, it should
such that he himself will not be electro-
impracticable as the scheme sounds at first carry from 75 to 100 feet. For most pur- cuted. To that effect he wears a special
thought. Many murderous ideas, of course, poses, 50 feet however, will probably be "high-tension" rubber shoe, capable of with-
have been advanced for trench warfare, found sufficient. standing 20,000 volts.* Then too he uses
the German Flammen Werfer, whereby Now, back in the trench (or behind the "high-tension" rubber gloves, and in addi-

The Best WayHOWARD

to Aid
Hy II. <;i<()SS,
the President
President Universal Military Training League

AFIXT military policy which will

protect tlir nation and said,
Thej are emergen,
'flu, universal military training plan
he has while the unpatriotic rejoice in secret in
pportunity to remain safe and sound
her manhood is the spei ial ni ed i, supplem< m, u - i<, the I ' esidenl ei at home, pile up money and have a good
oi the hour. Each pas ing da; em , tsures. It goes further and v, ill time.
demonstrati this. This League
l,t i,,: r. While la-,
doing till i-. Such a false premium upon patriotism
,11. 1
its sponsors believe that in universal he can do safely to pilot the ship of state t only disgraceful in a national mili-
military training lies the na tary program, but it i

tion's chief hope. Thej there- cidedly uneconomical and

fore urge two things :
In nine cases out

First and foremost Stand :

of ten the slackers are able-
behind President Wilson in bodied, and under proper
everj way. 1 fe is beat ing a tutelage would a m 1

tremendous burden. Assist

him in all emergencj meas- w soldiers, while the patri
fellows who rush to the colors
are the sort who are needed
ures, whether financial, mili-
tarj or ec >mic. most to man the commercial
Second: Use every influ- and financial craft of the na-
ence to impress upon our The best brains will go
Senators and Representatives
in Congress that emergency
measures now pending
i tion.
into the ranks a- privates and
leave the sluggards at home
onduct the nation's af-
will not soke our military
< fairs. This is fundamentally
needs except
temporarily. bad in a democracy.
They may carry the country Selective conscription n o
along for the present, but doubt may be necessary at
they will not do for the fu- times, but it never will be
ture. The most democratic popular. Universal military
program as a fixt military training, on the other hand.
policy for the United States is, thru its very universality,

is that of universal compul- plain, simple democracy. It

SOry military training. It says that all having the bless-

in.:- of our in stitutions
treats all alike, makes use of What Military Training Does For a Man. Compare the Two Recruits
young men before they reach on the Left With the Two Erect Figures on the Right. They Are the should, in time of need, con-
the age where their earning 'Same Men. Photographed Before and After Being Trained for Five tribute their aid to defending
Months in the U. S. Army. these
capacity is high and when institutions. It saj s,

they are yet unmarried, and

further, that the
gives them six months' intensive military thru the eddies just ahead, I ask all patri- soldier is so much "cannon fodder
training. Then it sends them hack to work. otic citizens not only to strengthen his arm that the chances of the trained lad return-
These trained youth will form the backbone in this effort, but to aid the nation as a ing home in health from war are about
of a great, democratic citizen army. This whole in supplementing the President's la- three times greater than the untrained boy's.
is the only definite, simple and patriotic plan bors by the establishment of universal Therefore, in universal military training.
that will makeAmerica safe and ready. military and naval training. the secret of our general military and naval
I earnestlyhope that every American The benefits resulting from such a demo- needs for today, tomorrow and All Time
will stand by President Wilson and the cratic plan for raising an army in emer- is found.

Government officials who, with the Presi- gencies cannot be over-estimated. The last The Universal Military Training League
dent, are hearing a gigantic responsibility. few weeks have shown how weak and makes special appeal to the people of the
1 have just returned from the national futileother devices have been. The vol- country to write their Congressmen to
capital and I know and sense in a measure unteer system is unfair, and because it is back President Wilson in all his emer-
the weight that is taxing our silent and so thousands of young men who are as gency measures and to eradicate forever
conservative Chief Executive. It would he patriotic and loyal as the best in the land the doubt, uncertainty and weaknesses of
shameful to see his plans for meeting this will not offer their services. They have present muddled military policy by es-
crisis defeated. Therefore, as should all come to realize that the strong, highest tablishing in law a fixt plan for universal,
citizens, I bespeak general co-operation types of manhood go forward while the compulsory military training and service.
with President Wilson in these mighty cowards and slackers only too gladly stay Stand by your President and strengthen
works. at home. The best blood goes to the front vour nation !

lion to this the nozzle is heavily insulated several minutes. On the other hand, the AUXILIARY SIGNAL CORPS
from his hands by means of a special in- high-tension current kills either outright, UP-TO-DATE.
sulator, as grafically shown on our trout or otherwise puts the enemy out of the finest single auxiliary sig-
Perhaps the
r. The tank of course must be well fighting for the time being, with little nal corps possest by any army has been
insulated by soft rubber pads from the back ha'' after effects. The acid, plus elec- given to the United States by the Amer-
of the operator. Thus equipt he is in little does not cause horrible burning
tricity, ican Telephone and Telegraph Company.
danger of being shocked hy the current. wounds or burned off limbs as does the \l,,ut 500 engineers already have been
In order to prevent the wind from driv- liquid flame. -elected and some of them have been
ing his own acid spray against the opcr As with all war-schemes, the wise ones •.worn into army service. The difference-
alor's face, he is also equipt with a soft will now ask the usual question What
between government pay and their salaries
rubber mask, as illustrated on our front happens, if the enemy. too uses the elec- with the telephone companies will be paid
cover and on opposite page. tto, ni ing apparatus? by the latter.
From a humanitarian standpoint, the In answer tin writer asks another ques- The corps will be made up of general
scheme is far ahead of the lerman flame < tion: What happens, if the enemj to,' plant and traffic engineers to plan, set up
shooter; sulfuric acid of 1250° does not uses liquid flames, or if the enemy too and operate telephone, telegraph and wire-
blind, nor does it destroy animal t, uses machine guns? less plants. the regular force of the
unless it remains in contact with it for a army proves be too small, men also
long period. Sprayed on the skin, but will be provided to assist in the wireless
This shoe ":is described ,,n page 24, May, 1017,
slightly itching results after a lapse of is,',.- ,.t lln work.

DATE OF ISSUE.—As ha;-,- recently become unduly agitated as to when they could obtain The Electricai
many of onr readers
EXPERIMENTER, we wish newsstands have the journal on sale between the fifteenth and the eighteenth of the month in
to state that the
the eastern part oj the United States and about the twentieth of the month west of the Mississippi Rircr. Our subscribers should he in
possession of the,,- copies at these dati r. Kindly hear in mind, however, that publications are not handled with the same dispatch by the
Post Office as a letter. For this reason delays are frequent, therefore kindly be patient and do not send us complaints as to non-arrival
ol your copy before the twenty-fifth oj the month.

Electricity Is Aid io Women.

?«i. ^ i
rm i
V u 1 6 ,0 Polish Waxed Floors? This Back-Breaking
ow Accomplished In a Short Time and In a Highly
tmclent. Manner,

by the Electric Motor Floor-Polisher Shown
the Fellow Who Told the Walter the
Was Too Rare? Said the Walter— "We
Cook by Electricity." "Well. Give That Steak
Another Shock." Said the Patron.

Electricity's Place In Business

ELECTRICITY SPELLS EFFI- APPLYING PSYCHOLOGY WITH measures, President Wilson has appointed
CIENCY TO THE BOSS THE ELECTRIC "PSYCHOMETER." a number of prominent engineers in the
speed and country to positions in the army.
OF TO-DAY. The latest device for testing
quality of human thought is the "Psychom- One of the appointments which will meet
Efficiency has reached a very important which is
role in modern industry where the manu- an electrical appa-
facturer manifests a desire to obtain the ratus now being
maximum output of his plant with a mini- used in San Fran-
mum input— in other —
words Efficiency. cisco, where it is
Various schemes have been promulgated being applied to
in the direction of increasing efficiency in
accurately measure
machinery and it was found that the best the degree of
means which the manufacturer can em- alertness in em-
ploj to determine the efficient output of ployees in industrial
his plant is to note the actual productive establishments, a s
power of the individual output of each well a s general
machine and employee. Schemes were in- mental alertness in
troduced for this purpose, but the defects all vocations.
encountered them were numerous and
in The Psychom-
most of which had to be abandoned for eter is operated by
the purpose for which they were made. either alternating
The distinct need of an instrument for or direct current
increasing the efficiency in productive plants and may be at-
grew more and more urgent, which caused tached to the base-
a number of prominent engineers to study board electric light
this rapidly growing problem. This work socket. The clock-
finally led to the development of an instru- work attachments
ment called the Productograph, herewith and electrical con-
illustrated and which has proved the solu- nections are oper-
tion to this absorbing problem. The intro- ated by pressing a
simple telegraph
key which is con-
nected with the Photo from Press Illustrating S-
baseboard plug. Prof. Munsterberg Claimed to Be Able to Select the "Best" Ship
The instrument is Captains, Locomotive Engineers, Aviators, Etc.— All by Psychology.
built in a grip and Here We See the "Psychometer" Being Used to Test the Mental
Alertness of San Francisco Factory Employees. The World Do Move.
mav be easily car-
ried around. The readings are made by with the most hearty approval of the elec-
an electric light, which is mounted on the trical engineering profession is that of
side of the small suit case. The instru- Paul M. Lincoln, Commercial Engineer of
ment an accurate gage of memory and
is the Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Com-
measures speed and quality of thought pany, as Captain of the Engineer's Corps
to the fifth of a second, besides charting in the U. S. Army.
alertness and ability to react quickly in Announcement has just been made of
mechanical wor k and emergency situations. this appointment together with a number of
other prominent engineers.
If the machine stops for any reason, the Mr. Lincoln graduated from Ohio State
indication on the paper shows this and University in 1892, and has for 24 years
immediately gives the owner visual indi- been associated with the Westinghouse
cation of the fact. In addition to this Electric & Mfg. Company. He is a Past
equipment, an electro-magnetic counter President of the American Institute of
is connected to the
same circuit, which in-
The Business End of the Electric "Producto- dicates the number of
graph" — the Instrument that Keeps Tally on
Dally Output of Each Worker in Shops
operations made by the
and Factories. machine. Thus, if this
instrument is attached
to a printing press, it
duction of this instrument was made pos- will indicate exactly
sible by the application of electricity.
the number of printed
The first illustration shows the complete sheets that the machine
instrument which is stationed in the man- has made during a cer-
ager's or superintendent's office. It con- tain p e r i od Each .

sists of a drum upon which a sheet of needle has its corre-

specially prepared paper is placed. Over sponding counting in-
this paper there are ten recording needle strument and both are
arms, wdiich are actuated by electro-mag- connected to a single
nets ;these are located within the cabinet. switch. This particu-
Each needle is directed over the proper lar instrument here-
section of the paper and each needle is with shown is adapt-
electrically connected to a single machine, able for ten machines.
of which the productive efficiency is to be The second photo-
found. The sections of the paper are longi- graph shows the adopt-
tudinally divided into 24 equal parts cor- ion of this device in
responding to 24 hours. Each division is a clothing establish-
subdivided into minutes. The cylinder is ment, where it is used
rotated by means of an electric motor con- for checking up the
nected to a standard clock, operating a number of coats made
series of electrical contacts. Normally, by each operative,
when the needle arms are not acted on
by the electro-magnet, which is connected PROMINENT
to a special switch attached to the ma-
chine the record of which is to be obtained, GINEER BECOMES Here We See a Portable "Productograph." Connected to Each
a straight line is made and every time
AKIVIY m/\i\l.
Machine It Enables the Young Lady in the Foreground to Readily
Keep an Exact Record of Each Employee's Output.
the machine is in operation it causes the Appreciating the im- ,

portance of securing Electrical Engineers, and lias always taken

switch to close the electrical circuit period-
ically, which operates the needle arm and the ability and training of the engineers of an active interest in the work of this as-

this in turn traces a curve on the paper. the country for use in national defense sociation.
; ! -!


SOUND RELEASES TOY DOG block of wood, the dimensions of which AN ELECTRIC SELF-WAVING
FROM ITS KENNEL. are those of the interior of the metal case. FLAG.
The lower part of the lever B, should One
A very interesting toy has recently been
touch lightly the metal surface of the case
of the most talked offeatures at
introduced in the toy market and which the Electric Railway Convention at Atlan-
is herewith illustrated. A similar toy was A, at point C. Of course this must be
described in our June, 1916, issue, but the
within the case. The complete circuit-
breaker is placed behind the electro-mag-
present one is of a simpler construction.
net frame, as noted in the assembled ap-
The "Wireless Pup," as it is called, is paratus (center). Two sheets of metal are
fastened to the base to form a sound col-
The connections of the toy "pup" is very
simple, and is made as follows One termi- :

nal from the electro-magnet is linked with

the metal case of the circuit-breaker. The
lever of the latter is terminated in a small
flashlight battery and the opposite side of
the battery is connected to the second lead
from the magnet. When the "pup" is
pushed into the kennel and against the
tension of the spring disc, it is held by
the energized electro-magnet. Then by
making a sound
such as by
blowing a
whistle, the cir-
c u i t - breaker
will be spurred
up, thus open-
ing m om en -

tarily the cir-

cuit which re-
leases the
spring disc,
bouncing Mr.
"Fido" out of
the kennel.

A trap drum-
mer has dis-
covered that
Two Views of New "Wireless Pup" That Springs Out electric lights
of His Kennel at the Sound of a Whistle, the Voice, or
the Clap of the Hands.
i n s t a 1 1 ed in-
side his drums
keep the mois-
shown in Fig. 1 ; this shows the dog stand- ture out and makes the drumheads tight.
ing outside of his kennel. The sensitive This Flag Always Waves, Whether There Is
circuit-breaker and other apparatus are all St. Patrick's Cathedral of Norwich, a Breeze or Not. A Motor-driven Blower
placed within the kennel. This interesting Conn., is lighted with six electric projec- Pumps a Strong Draft of Air Up Thru the
and most amusing toy was originated and Hollow Mast, Which Accounts for the Mys-
tor units, which bring out the chancel arch terious Effect Obtained.
perfected by Mr. Christian Berger, a promi- and altar in beautiful relief.
nent physicist who has devoted most of
tic City, N. J., was a waving flag which
his attention to developing scientific toys.
fluttered from a 27-foot flagstaff in front
The operation of this toy depends upon
the opening of a delicate circuit-breaker puttong! of the General Electric Company's booth
inside the spacious convention hall. Not a
by sounding a whistle or by the produc- "Speakin" o' buttons," said Uncle Zeke, breath of air w as stirring, yet the flag

tion of any other sound. This circuit- Shifting his quid to the other cheek, stood out on the pole as if a thirty-mile
breaker is connected in series with a bat- "Speakin" o' buttons, I want to say, gale was blowing. The flag pole was of
tery and electro-magnet, which acts upon There's the beatenest kind, down New York ordinary dimension and there was nothing
a flat metallic disc. This disc or plate is way visible to betray the source of the breeze.
so arranged that when it is released by 'Twaz in one o' them big hotels, by jing, The base of the pole was surrounded with
the electro-magnet, it will strike the dog, That melts your dollars like snow in spring, banked palms. It was only when visitors
pushing him out of the kennel. The elec- That I see them buttons, along the wall, got very close to it that the scarcely audible
trical circuit is only made when the flat Right in a bunch mebbee six in all.
disc is prest against the core of the mag-
hum of a motor gave a clue to the source
'Twas gittin' too dark to see outdoors, of the breeze.
net, which holds the same to itself until An' I got to foolin' with them because The whole device is really quite simple
the circuit-breaker is excited by sound There wuzn't much else fer me to do, in construction and easily explained, for the
waxes. i When — Jiminy crick flagpole is a metal tube and an electric
( t
photograph showing the various
_ O before I knew,
"«- ets I
blower at the base shoots a strong current
parts used in making up this toy is given
at Fig. 2. The holding electro-magnet is _
"> ^ -\
Z. l thought I had sot
tne house afire,
of air thru the flagstaff. The air escapes
thru perforations in the top of the flagpole
seen at the left and consists of a core / / 't ,N And I yelled as loud as
'. \,
and imparts a waving motion to the flag.
54-inch in length and '.(-inch in diameter; our old town crier,
\ \ ^
two insulated end pieces are placed on Till the folks came
each end and the coil is wound with No. runnin', licketty cut
30 B. & S. enameled wire. The complete I told them what wuz
magnet is mounted on an iron frame, as the matter, but A process for cold-drawn metallic fila-
shown. The small projection on top of They didn't do nothin' ments has recently been patented by Mr.
the magnet is used to strengthen the mag- but laffe an' joke, K. Nishimoto, of Tokyo. Forming at first
netic of the electro-magnet.
pull The re- 'Bout that dad blamed a consolidated stick of mixture of tung-
lease or discharge disc is fastened to this button I tried to sten and a small proportion of thorium,
frame in such a way as to permit the poke, an alloy is obtained by uniformly heating
disc to spring forward when released by Then they showed me the mixture at a sintering temperature and
the electro-magnet. The complete arrange- just how it worked, then gradually keeping its temperature at
ment then mounted on a wooden
is I
an' gee dull red heat. The consolidated stick is
The soundoperated circuit-breaker is 'Twas the cutest thing ever see. I then subjected to repeated hammering or
seen on theright. This consists of a Why, it made a blaze like a bonfire done! rolling until it becomes so ductile that it
rectangular metal box A. in which the sen- They said 'twuz invented by Eddy's son; may be hammered into bars, rolled into
sitive parts are placed. The horizontal I don't know just who Ed is, but say, sheets or drawn thru dies into wires, much
lever is made
I'. from a Xo. 18 bare wire, His son is the feller that gits my pay!" like the metals which are commonly treated
bent as shown; tin- ends are pivoted on a By Pauline Frances Camp. in this manner at ordinary temperature.


Powerful Hydro - Electric Salvage Apparatus to Raise

Sunken Ships
By II. Winfield Secor, Assoc. A. I. E. E.

the position where they are to be used, the

ing inventor
more than one
of to-day has conjec-
engineers then proceed to fill the base mem-
they will exert a tremendous lifting power
of thousands of tons. After these cylin-
tured on the problem of raising ber with water causing it to sink. As it ders have gone up a suitable distance the
some, if not all, of the hundreds of does so, the upright cylinder naturally as- are caught by the stationary vertical
torpedoed steamers which lie scat- sumes a vertical position, and moreover the member and the ship is thus held while the
tered along the European coast in compara- base member obtains a very powerful hold floating cylinders re-fill and take a new
tively shallow water, not t" mention t li«? on the bed of the ocean or harbor by "sand- bite the same operation is then repeated to

many .sunken ships lying within the coast suction," besides the heavy water pressure the surface.
boundaries of our own country. It is not bearing down on its outer surface. A num- Mr. Linquist intends building these cylin-
that we hear of a sunken ship being
:: ber of strong cables are let down in the ders, not of steel but of narrow strips of
floated and brought wood several inches
into dry-dock for thick, or steel may
the reason that the be used in certain
cost of performing cases. The wood
such an engineering strips tongued
feat is generally and grooved and
prohibitive, and caulked and are held
also in many in- in shape by steel
stances, the prob- bands. The pressure
lem of raising the of the water on the
sunken vessel at all outside of the cylin-
has practically been ders will in conse-
d solution. quence tend to al-
Now comes an ways tighten them,
American inventor, as becomes evident.
dt" Swedish birth, The inventor has
one Mr. Carl Lin- broached and dem-
quist of New York, onstrated by n
and formerly of the of models, his
Swedish Xavy, who unique idea to a
has devised a re- large number of
markable new sea-going men, in-
scheme for raising cluding commander^
sunken ships of no of salvage squad-
matter what size, as rons, and also to a
long as they do not number of naval
lie in too great a men, and has re-
depth of water, and ceived unqualified
which idea he in- recommenda-
tends commercializ- tions from these
ing at an early date. men, who should be
It goes without qualified to judge as
saying that if Mr. to the efficiency or
After the War There Will Be Thousands of Vessels Lying on the Oceans' Beds. If Only a
inefficiency of such
Linquist's idea, as Fraction of These Can Be Floated and Repaired, Think What It Will Mean to Commerce.
outlined herewith, A New Invention Intended to Accomplish This Purpose Is Illustrated Here and Involves a device if anyone
proves feasible and the Use of Two or More Powerful Cylinders Which, as They Are Emptied of Water and could. Xot only is
successful, that he
Made More and More Buoyant, Finally Exert Sufficient Upward Pull on the Cables to this idea of consid-
Lift the Vessel.
will find plenty of erable promise and
work for several years to come. water, and with the aid of an operator in- utilification in salvaging sunken vessels in
The inventor's idea involves the use of side the inner pontoon who directs the times of peace, but it possesses according
two or more telescopic cylinders or cham- w ork, these cables are swept under the hull to Mr. Linquist. several valuable naval fea-
bers as shown in the accompanying illustra- of the sunken vessel. When all of the tures. For one thing he has suggested that
tion, which are attached thru massive uni- cables have been properly placed, the en- one of these hydrostatic units would prove
versal joints at their bases to the large gineers are ready to begin operations for very efficacious in the role of a "Submarine
horizontal submerging chambers or "feet" raising the wreck. Here is where the re- Base," the outfit being anchored several
which rest on the bed of the ocean or lake. markable genius of Mr. Linquist comes into hundred miles from shore stations if de-
In the first place, it is of course paramount play, for he does not attempt to raise the sirable. Also they would serve as a resting
that the exact location of the sunken vessel ship by means of steam or any other form place for the crew.
be known. Having this information, the of engine. He has called upon Dame Na- The inner cylinder would have a large
salvage expedition sets out from the near- ture herself to furnish the wherewithal to capacity for the storage of oil and gaso-
est port with the necessary number of these raise any ship, no matter what the size. In line for submarines, and in the event of
large collapsible cylinders with their at- brief, what he does is this: — being sighted by a hostile war vessel, the
tached base members (or "Forts" as their The upper telescopic and movable cylin- upper cylinder and super-structure could be
inventor calls them). The vertical cylin- ders rising within the vertical floating submerged so as to be invisible, and the in-
ders shown lie horizontally, and as do also chambers and guides, they are allowed to ventor claims that no force, even the ocean
the base members, which are made to float, fill with water from the ocean itself, and itself, cannot budge his suction foot mem-
and the vertical and horizontal sections as will be seen these will then sink to any ber an inch, once it has got its grip on the
double up like a jack-knife, permitting the required depth. When they have submerged bed of the ocean by natural "sand-suction.
several units of this equipment to be towed until their upper structure is just above the and besides most of the floating membei
by tug boats to the scene of the wreck water, the valves are closed, and by means lies in calm water, the action of the w.
The present plans of the inventor con- of powerful electric pumps in case the
( not reaching very deep. A means is pro-
sider that salvage operations may be suc- operations take place a considerable dis- m led for releasing this all-powerful grip
cessfully carried on for any <\/v vessel in tance from shore, gasoline engine-driven upon the ocean-bed when it becomes
depths of water up to three hundred feet, pumps are available"), the water within the sirable to move the unit to some other lo-
and where nec( ssary four to eight or even movable upper cylinders is rapidly pumped in. U. S. Naval Officers have I

more of 1 it- raising cylinders are emplo

1 out. But a moment's reflection is required ably imprest with this idea.
placing an equal number of them on each to at once see that these upper cylinders In closing, it is interesting to note that
side of the sunken ship. will naturally become steadilj more and another valuable possibility of this device
Supposing that several units of the sal- more buoyant, and providing they are built is that of releasing stranded vessels which

vage euuinment are ready and floated to of the proper size for the work in hand. (Continued on pit tic 144 i

the hundreds of new devices and appliances publisht monthly
which interest you. Full information on these subjects, as well
in The Electrical Experimenter, there are several, as
as the name of the manufacturer, will be gladly
furnisht to you, free of charge, by addressing our Technical Information Bureau.

ELECTRICITY NOW ROCKS THE and sawed a slot into it for a distance of a head machines. When desired, however,
foot at the other end, this slot passing thru the motor can be removed readily by
a hole bored in it of the size of the wood loosening one thumb screw, as it is light
"The hand that rocks the cradle, rules handle on the grinding mechanism, which is and portable.
the world" —runs an age old proverb, and, inserted thru the hole and then the two
parts of the connecting rod brought to-
The speed regulator is slipt on the
treadle and held by a spring, making the
albeit, one that embodies more truth than
fiction nowadays, perhaps, when we have gether upon it by means of a little bolt. mounting exceedingly simple. The operat-
Only a minute is re- ing chain is attached to the metal frame-
quired to trundle the work directly above the controller and
little wooden frame pulled taut.
to any place in the The regulator is light and substantial.
house, one end being The case is made of prest steel and the
provided with little principle of operation is entirely new.
casters, also shown in When there is no pressure on the treadle
the picture. The mo- the circuit is open. With a slight pressure
tor can be attached to on the treadle a contact is made and as a
any lamp socket by greater pressure is applied the resistance
means of a flexible is cut out turn by turn. By varying the
attachment cord, and pressure, one stitch, or several hundred
in this circuit near stitches a minute can be taken. There are
one of the binding approximately 100 steps in the controller,
posts on the motor giving a corresponding number of speeds.
Mr. Joleen has in- When folding up the machine it is only
serted a small push- necessary to loosen the belt, disconnect the
button switch for plug, and swing the motor around under
starting and stopping the head. Felt pads underneath the base
the motor. When the prevent the motor from scratching the fin-
carriage is set on its ish of the machine.
little track the con- The motor itself is out of the way when
necting rod can be in- operating. This leaves both sides of the
stantaneously con- machine table clear so that the operator
nected by simply lay- can use this space for sewing material.
ing it on the bar so The outfit, which is compact and light,
that the slot engages consists of a small motor which operates
the latter, and the ap- on either alternating or direct current,
paratus is ready to mounted on a nickel-plated base, a speed
A Chicago Genius Has Evolved —
a Clever C ombination a Baby
work. Who will be regulator with operating chain and ten feet
Carriage Plus an Electric Motor and Part of a Small Grinder so kind as to invent of cord and plug, and a round leather belt.

Reduction Gear. Result No More Pushing the Baby Carriage an electric bottle The weight, including the speed regulator,
Back and Forth. We'll Bet His Wife s a Suffragette! feeder? Next! is only 7 pounds.
cost of operating this motor is so
the suffrage party to conjure with. But SEWING MACHINE PLUS MOTOR, small as to be almost negligible. At 10
the "suffs" will have to look to their lau- SAVES LABOR. cents per kilowatt hour, it costs less than
rels, for here is an electric motor that rocks one cent an hour or less than it takes to
Yes, and it doesn't object to
The sewing machine was one of the first
the cradle.
household appliances to be equipt with an run the ordinary incandescent lamp.
twins or triplets. "Come one, come all," is
This device not only will rock the cradle THE ELECTRIC TEA KETTLE IS
but will trundle a baby carriage back and HERE.
forth on a little track, with a gentle, sooth- The recognized convenience and growing
ing motion which may be better than the popularity of heating small quantities of
traditional cradle rocking movements. The water by electricity has prompted the de-
device was made for private use by Mr. velopment of the electric tea kettle illus-
Xels Joleen, of Chicago. trated.
Mr. Joleen's little girl required so much The operation of an electric
of Mrs. Joleen*s time that the resourceful tea kettle depends largely upon the type of
father decided that as long as the gentle
pushing to and fro of the baby carriage

heating element method of application of
heat. etc. The heating element here used
seemed to be a sovereign pacifier on all is of the submerged type, located on the
occasions, he would provide something bottom of the tea kettle and when in use
which would perform the mechanical work, is entirely surrounded by water. Thus all
leaving the mother free to go about her heat generated is efficiently utilized.
other duties. The tea kettle has a capacity of 2y2 pints,
Accordingly, Mr. Joleen made the little is made of drawn copper, spun into shape;
wooden frame, shown under the wheels of spout of white metal has bail handle, sides

the carriage :attached thereto a grinding of which are steel, grip made of ebonized
wheel designed to be operated by hand,
something which he had in the house for
sharpening tools and then attached a small

motor of the kind which was once used as This Electric Sewing Machine Motor Drops
Out of Sight with the Head and Drives Very
a sewing machine motor, accomplishing the Efficiently Owing to Its Spring Base
connection by means of a belt from a verv Mounting.
Small pulley on the axle to the perifery of
the grinding wheel. The driving pulley had electricmotor! The first motors employed
to be made so small that he simply cut a were just the ordinary type, but later de-
short section of a broom handle, bored a signs have resulted in the development of
hnle thru the center, and fastened it on a motor having necessary speed control for
with a small set-screw. The gearing in the use solely on sewing machines, and the effi-
grinding wheel mechanism, originally in- ciency and operating features of such
tended to speed up the grinding wheel with motors have been greatly improved.
reference to the number of revolutions per- The latest and most desirable features
formed by the handle, now works just the are to be found in the special motor shown
other way to all intents and purposes, as in the accompanying illustration.
the speed of the motor must be reduced to This type can be readily attached to any Here We Have the Electric Tea Ket-
tle.Hot Water When You Want It
the slow circular movement desired. make of stationary or drop-head sewing and Where You Want It Is Now an
In order to transmit this motion and at machine, new or old, with the exception of Actual Fact.
the same time translate it into a back and a few obsolete models. When not in use
forth movement Mr. Joleen then took a the motor, if mounted on a stationary head wood comfortably shaped for convenient
small piece of wood about three feet long, machine, can be pushed back out of the pouring. The lid has no hinge to come off
notched it at one end where it rests over a way and the cover put on, or dropt with — locks on securely. The knob forms an
brace underneath the body of the carriage. the head if used on modern types of drop- integral part of the metal lid.



CIAL APPLICATIONS OF Electro-Deposited Mirrors Now Used for
SELENIUM. Photographic Work
By W. F. Alder. splitting the from a certain
light is very high and is stept
voltage, however,
problem up by a transformer from a value of 156
Selenium was discovered by the Swedish
ntist, Berzelius, in 1817 as a by-product
rays in
the of dividing the
definite portions may strike volts to 5,000 volts.
oi the distillation of sulfuric acid from one at first thought as an exceedingly As soon as the current is turned on a
imn pyrites. It has an atomic weight of difficult task. In certain kinds of pho- pink glow noticeable in the jar.
is Just
79.S specific gravity in its electrical con- tographic and optical work, however, it is above the thin metal cathode, however,
ducting form of 4.788, va- its there is a certain dark region which is
por sp. gr., at 2,5881'., being called the Crooke's dark space. The action
5.68. of the current causes minute particles of
Selenium, like sulfur, with to leave the cathode and to be de-

which it is isomorphous, ex- posited on the glass plate which is placed

ists in different allotropii just at the edge of the Crooke's dark space,
forms, three of which are as where the metal is most cohesively depos-
( 1 ) Amorphous Selenium is Fig. 3 (At Left). Jar for Making 11-inch Partly
ied as a finely divided Transparent Mirrors. The Cathode Is at the Bottom
and Consists of a Thin Sheet of Gold or Platinum-
brick-red powder, when a so- iridium Alloy. The Glass Plate to be Coated Is In a
lution of selenous acid is pre- Plane Parallel to the Cathode.
cipitated by sulfur dioxid gas,
Fig. 1 (Below). Arrangement of Apparatus for Electro-
or when the acid is reduced by plating Partly Transparent Mirrors in a Vacuum, the
suitable agents. Amorphous Smaller Jar Being In Operation.
selenium has a sp. gr. of 4.26
and is soluble in carbon di-
(2) (a) Semi-colloidal red
amorphous Selenium is

formed solutions of dextrose and

selenous or selenic acid are gently heated
together. At 100"C. it is partially trans-
formed into ordinary black Selenium.
(bi Colloidal Selenium can be obtained
in a blood-red solution by an aqueous solu-
tion of the red precipitate obtained by the
reduction of Se 2 .

(3) Vitreous Selenium is formed when

the amorphous variety is heated to 218
C. and then suddenly cooled when it forms
a brittle, black, glassy mass, soluble in car-
bon disulfide having a sp. gr. of 4.28.
All three of the above forms have so
high an electrical resistance that they may
be regarded as non-conductors.
The Selenium as used in the electrical
arts belongs to still another modification,
viz., the crystalline or metallics state
metallic selenium is obtained when the
melted vitreous variety is cooled to 210°
C., and then maintained at that tempera-
ture for some time. very essential to divide the rays in such a ited. With the current constant it is only
The gray crystalline modification which manner that one portion of the light will necessary to record the time of operation :

makes possible the selenium cell occurs in go in one direction and the remaining por- the amount of metal deposited can then be
two forms, vi7 tion in one or more other directions. Part- easily determined, since it will, according
1 ) Round gran- (
ly transparent mirrors are used for the pur- to Faraday's law, be proportional to the
ular crystals, stable pose, and in order that the precise division time and current.
at 140° C, an insu- of light may be known beforehand, the In Fig. 2 is shown a set of interesting
lator in the dark thickness of the thin layer of metal which curves obtained in a typical run with a
and not very sensi- is deposited on a plate of glass to form the
tive to changes in mirror must be exactly known. <>
light intensity. y
In Fig. 1 is shown the apparatus devel-
(2) Which is oped in the research laboratory of one of \

readily formed the leading camera manufacturers for use ji,


when the above in making mirrors of different degrees of P

granular form is transparencies employed in certain impor- y^ ft -v :'
heated to 200° C. In tant photographic experiments. Two in- ^ /-
this form it is a rel- verted glass bell jars are shown, each of ^ < >
good con-
It will,
which is connected to a vacuum-pump sys-
tem. By means of this arrangement the air
A/ ~~-

however, instantly pressure inside the jars is reduced to a .-

/\ p gto
::- '

respond to succeed- scant millimeter. This is done because in 00 loo *w

ing exposures. The a rarefied gas the passage of electricity Mi/ Amps. - Minute
general belief, also from the cathode, the terminal at the bot- Fig. 2. Curves Showing Reflecting Power at
erroneous, seems tom of each jar, to the anode the upper — 45 Degrees Incidence and Percentage of
Metal Deposited and Light Transmitted for
to be that the short- terminal, is greatly facilitated. The ca- Platinum-iridium Mirror With Varying Prod-
est wave lengths, thode consists of a very thin sheet of metal, ucts of Time and Current.
i.e.,the violet, are which usually is of gold or an alloy of
the ones which have platinum and iridium. A short distance cathode of 70 per cent platinum and 30
the most pro- above this sheet of metal in a plane paral- per cent iridium, measuring 120 millimeters
nounced effect upon lel to it the glass plate to be coated is
by 120 millimeters l.\ 0.1 millimeter. These
the conductivity of placed on glass pillars as shown. curves show the reflecting power at 45
Selenium Cell in
Selenium, but degrees incidence and the percentage of
Vacuum. ex- The larger jar is 16 inches in diameter
haustive research and 11 inches high and , is used for coating light transmitted and metal deposited on a
has proven that the waves having the great- mirrors 11 inches square. With the air ex unit of area for varying products of cur-
est activity for increasing the conductivity hausted the atmospheric pressure on tlii- rent and time. It was found that a mirror
have a length of over S.OIH) units. jar (about 15 pounds per square inch) whose transmission was equal to its re-
The writer encountered innumerable mounts up to approximately five tons. flection required a deposit of 3.4 milli-
difficulties which were, however, overcome The current is measured in thou- grams per square decimeter.
in the type of cell illustrated herewith. sandths of an ampere (milliamperes). The Photos court, istmatt Kodak Co.



A New Optical Pyrometer laminated on cores must be provided for


the coils; these are built up of Xo. 22 gage

The new pyrometer here shown is a prac- scale pointer is directly attached as seen. iron strips one and a half inches wide by
tical,convenient, and at the same time, ac- In this manner the unknown rays are twenty-six inches long, the completed core
curate instrument, which can be success- compared with those of known intensity being about half an inch thick. The strips
fullyused by unskilled workmen. Temper- from the electric lamp. As the accuracy are shellacked before being put together,
atures from /(.IOC. upwards are read di- depends upon the constancy of the light and are held by paper insulated rivets in
rectly upon clear, open scales. Owing to from the electric lamp, a small ammeter order to prevent the formation of eddy
the rapidity with which readings can be and regulating resistance are fitted in the currents in the iron or rivets. After in-
sulating the cores they are wound with
two layers each of Xo. 20 D.C.C. magnet
wire, coated with shellac or insulating var-
nish, wrapt with cotton armature binding
tape and then bent to conform somewhat
to the curve of the couch surface when
sagged by the weight of a patient lying
upon it
As part of the equipment a Test Coil is
provided. This comprises a built-up iron
core similar to the others, but only about
three-quarters of an inch square in section.
At its center is wound two layers of Xo.
25 D.C.C. magnet wire in a coil about six
inches long, the terminals of which are
carried to a miniature lamp socket at the
end of the core containing a two-and-a-half
volt battery lamp. This wand-like con-
trivance is considered by the patient an in-
dispensable part of the outfit, and is used
to determine when the couch is "working."'
When brought into the influence of the
rapidly alternating, magnetic field surround-
ing the coils the little lamp is lighted, the
dimensions of its coil being such that the
taken, and the ease of sighting upon small box containing the accumulator to ensure
core may be laid upon the couch in close
objects, this pyrometer is particularly suit- that whatever the voltage of the battery proximity to the coils beneath without
able for research purposes and in many may be, the current passing thru the lamp danger of burning out the bulb. By moving
processes in steel, pottery, glass and other the test coil away from and around the
is constant. To ensure that the candle-
works. It has been developed by an Eng- power of the lamp shall remain constant couch a visible demonstration of the strength
lish concern. over long periods as the filament ages, pro- and extent of the magnetic field is af-
The instrument may be regarded as a vision is made for calibrating the instru- forded.
photometer, in which, by simply rotating ment from time to time against a stand- To operate the couch the patient merely
the eyepiece, a beam of selected monochro- ard anryl-acetate lamp, and thus ascertain- liesdown upon it and switches on the cur-
matic light from the hot body is adjusted to ing the correct reading of the ammeter rent. Xo physical effect is noticeable be-
equal intensity with a beam of similar light when the electric lamp is giving the cor- yond a vibration due to the alter-
from an incandescent electric lamp. It is rect illumination. This test need only be nating current, the beneficial results ob-
not a color-matching instrument, and in made at long intervals and the standard tained being supposedly an effect of the
consequence of the simple construction, ac- lamp need not be carried into the factory rapidly alternating magnetic field surround-
curate readings can be taken repeatedly by or plant. ing the body.
different observers with remarkable con- The pyrometer is supplied fitted with one There appears to be a difference of
sistency. The formula, which expresses or more temperature scales of any desired opinion among medical men as to the exact
the relationship between the intensity of the range from 700°C. upwards, but the fol- action of this magnetic field upon the hu-
radiation of a hot body and its temperature. lowing standard ranges are suggested as man system, but in looking at the subject
has been examined both theoretically and suitable for most practical considerations: from the engineer's instead of the physi-
practically by many investigators and has single scale instruments, 70O-14O0°C. sin- ; cian's viewpoint, the following theory sug-
been shown to give results of great accu- gle scale instruments, 900-2000° C. double ;
gests itself Do the blood circulatory pas-

racy up to the highest temperatures. The scale instruments, 700-1400° C. and 1200- sages, the veins and arteries, or any of the
constants of this formula for every instru- 250O°C. ; double scale instruments, 900-
ment are individually determined at several 2000°C. and 1400-4000°C.
temperatures before calibration.
The general arrangement of the instru-
mentis shown in. the figure and includes :
The pyrometer, consisting of the optical CURRENTS IN THE BODY.
system, the electric lamp, the shield carry- By H. H. Parker
ing the temperature scale and pointer the
The electric couch described in this ar-
teak carrying-case with fittings for fixing ticle makes possible a simple application of
the pyrometer and standard lamp for check- the commercial alternating current in the
ing 4-volt accumulator, ammeter and reg-
; electro-therapeutical treatment of insomnia,
ulating resistance, complete in teak case hardening of the arteries, nervous dis-
the standard lamp and an adjustable tripod orders and other similar ailments a num- ;

stand. ber of sufferers from such troubles claim

The following is a brief explanation of that they have been greatly benefited thru
the construction. Behind the enlarged part its use. While the apparatus has been con-
in the front of the pyrometer in which is structed: in various forms, the one described
fitted the electric lamp, are two holes. has the advantages of simplicity, lightness,
Light from the object (such as a furnace) neat appearance and ease of operation, pro-
under observation passes thru one, and vision being made for connection to any
light from the lamp thru the other. These' lighting circuit carrying alternating current
beams of light then pass thru a system of at 110 or 220 volts and any frequency.
lenses and prisms, are polarised in differ- The couch itself is an ordinary wicker- Unique Electric Couch Which Passes Power-
ent planes and rendered monochromatic. work affair, to the bottom of which are ful,Alternating Magnetic Fields Thru the
Finally the two beams of light pass thru fastened a series of coils, wound upon lam-
a single ocular. The observer sees an il- inated sheet iron cores. In the one shown
luminated circular field divided into two in the illustration eight coils are used, con- organs or other parts, form, as it were,
semi-circles One semi-circle is filled by an nected in series for 220 volts and in series- the closed secondary circuit of a trans-
image of the hot body under observation, parallel in groups of four in series when former, in which currents are induced
while the other is uniformly illuminated by operating on 110 volts. At a convenient through the action of the magnetic field
the electric lamp. The two semi-circles are point at the head of the couch is placed a produced by the alternating current flowing
brought to an equal intensity of illumina- wall key socket for cord and plug. in the primary winding of the coils beneath
tion l'\ turning the eyepiece to which the Owing to the use of alternating current. the couch?


June, Marks His 66th Birth
Prof. Bell Receives "Civic Forum Medal" For 1917
Anniversary. rhi shows the pre- service, re
in f his invention of
Om hi" the most profound scientific sentation of thih "( ii Forum Medal" for
workers and thinkers we have ever had. is 1917, to Dr. Alexander Graham Bell, the The medal was established in 1914 to ex-
Sir Oliver Joseph Lodge, who is still an
actiw- figure the field of scientific rc-
search, and all of us expect in the near
future i" see something even more won-
di ml than any of his preceding discoveries

and inventions. fS
Sir Oliver foseph Lodge was horn on
fune 1-', 1X51, at Penkull, Staffordshire,
England. He received his early education
in the Newport Grammar School and later
he entered the University of Coll, London,
where he specialized in scientific and mathe-
matical research. His scientific trend was
noticed by the professors of different uni-
versities, and after he had graduated from
this institution he was elected as Profes-
sor of Physics at the University of Liver-
pool. Since 1900 he has been principal of
the University of Birmingham,
He has had many honors and degrees
conferred upon him and is an active mem-
hcr of many of the leading scientific in-
stitutions. Sir Oliver Lodge was- presented
with the honorary degree of Doctor of
Science from Oxford, Cambridge, Victoria,
Liverpool and others, also that of LL.D.
from St. Andrews, Glasgow and Aherlaide.
lie was president of the Mathematical and
Physical section of the British Association
in 1891 and President of the Physical So-
ciety of London. His most important work Copyright by International Film Service.
in electro-physical science is that of wire- The Inspiring Moment When Professor Bell, Inventor of the Telephone, Was Presented
With the "Civic Forum Medal" at New York, on March 21st. Reading Left to Right— :
less telegraphy, in which he has introduced John J. Carty, Union N. Bethell, Dr. John H. Finley, Prof. Bell and Thomas A. Watson,
some of the most fundamental steps in Who Made the First Telephone for Prof. Bell.
commercializing this fascinating art, and
in fact he is called by many the father of inventor of the telephone. Those in the pic- press the sentiment of the American people
wireless. The Lodge coherer was the first ture from left to right are John J. Carty, : toward their great living men and women.
instrument used for successfully receiving chief engineer of the American Telephone Its purpose is to promote more general ap-
radio waves. and Telegraph Company Union N. Bethell,
preciation of distinguished public service
lie discovered in 1889 that two metal- president of the New York Telephone and inspire ambition to emulate such ser-
lic surfaces in perfect, but not conducting Company and senior vice-president of the
American Telephone and Telegraph Com-
pany; Dr. John H. Finley, (presenter of the
The medal year was awarded to Dr.

medal) Alexander Graham Bell, inventor

Bell by vote of the members of the National

of the telephone, and Thomas A. Watson, Council of Seventy, representing the whole
associate of Dr. Bell, maker of the first country, geographically and so far as pos-
telephone instrument and receiver of the sible in all other respects.
first telephone message. On the table are The medal was first presented to Maj.
the firstinstruments used by Dr. Bell. Gen. George Washington Goethals, U. S.
On March 21, in Carnegie Hall, New A., in 1914 for his work in building the
York, Dr. Alexander Graham Bell, was for- Panama Canal. In 1915 it was presented to
mally presented with the Civic Forum Thomas A. Edison in recognition of his
Medal of honor for distinguished public contributions to electrical inventions.

along wires. He thus came into close the specification deals exclusively with the
contact with the researches of Hertz on utilization of electromagnetic waves. This
the creation of electromagnetic waves in is the noted Lodge tuning patent which
free space, and this work he both expounded is universally employed in all forms of
and extended. radio transmitting apparatus today. The
His interest matters was, how-
in these patent recently expired and became public
ever, scientific than technical, and
rather property.
he himself has admitted that before the Sir Oliver Lodge is a noted author, and
matter had received attention from others some of his most important works are
it bad not occurred to him to suggest "Elementary Mechanics." "Modern Views
the employment of Hertzian waves for of Electricity." "Pioneers of Science." "Sig-
practical telegraphic purposes. In the nalling Thru Space Without Wires," "Life
course of his work he had di-
scientific and Matter," "Lightning onductors and

rected much attention to the phenomena Lightning Guards," "Modern Views of Mat-
of electrical resonance. Hence, when it ter," "Man and the Universe," and bis latest
had been indicated that the chief prac- —
book. 'Raymond A Treatise of Life and
tical importance of Hertzian waves might Death," which purports to prove that the
be in their application to space-telegraphy, author actually received communications
Lodge was not slow to apply his knowl- from his dead son. who was killed while
edge to this subject. serving with the English army in France.
On May 10, 1897, Lodge applied for a Hi-* theory however was received coldly
provision patent protection in Great Britain by the scientific world.
for improvements in Syntonizing Teleg-
raphy Without Line Wires, and in this
Sir Oliver Joseph Lodge, Famous Eng- document he states that the subject of his
lishPhysicist and Savant. He Is Re-
garded by Many as the Dean of Pres- invention was to enable an operator to BOOST EFFICIENCY.
ent-Day Scientists. transmit messages across space to any \ New York department store speeds
or more of a number of different individ- up the loading of us delivery wagons by
contact, were welded together when an elec- uals in various localities, each of whom is running its "electrics" inside of the build-
tric discharge past between them, and later provided with a suitably arranged and ing and transporting them to various floors
on studied the propagation of electric waves "tuned" receiver. The subject-matter of on large eleval

Joe's Experiment
By C. M. Adams
<« A XD another
anothe thing," Mr. Robertson the mountain-side, Joe Benson paused and as much about the plant as I do," one of
f\ checked Pete "don't ; bring that listened to the faint purr of unit X'o. 1, them ejaculated admiringly, after Joe had
r\ kid around here any more,
blind kit far away down the slope. Ever since the come off victorious in a technical argument.
•*- ist in the way, and if he
He's jus Snake River Power Company had started "Sure he does," Pete retorted. "Don't
^it< hurt the company'll have the the first day's work on this water power think he don't know anything because he
damage' t<> pay. What business has a project, Joe had been an interested listener
of everything that went on. Listening had
can't see. He'll make his mark —you
blind kid got around an electric plant, watch."
anyhow? You keep him out of here, been his chief avenue of impression, for At first size of the Snake River
understand?" his eyes were useless, and had been project had
dazzled Joe. Then with a
Pete Foley and surveyed the
whirled so for several years. He had heard the realization of the extent of the undertak-
nervous, drawn
face of his chief lor a rumble of the blasts, and the grit and ing had come, at first as a dream, and
moment, and then flung back hotly : grind of drills and steam shovels as they then a resolve, the idea that he, too, would
"Look here, that boy's a friend of mine prepared for the big concrete dam which become an electrical man, an electrical en-
and a mighty good friend. He's not in held back the water. He had listened and gineer. True, he was blind. But he was
your way when he comes around here, and been interested, but mystified, until Pete attending the high school up the valley
I'm responsible for his safety. As for Folev. a member of the electrical construe- and in two vears would be ready to enter

"No, you don't. Not me," Pete interrupted, as Mr. Robertson turned to him. "Here's the boy you want to thank. He saved your plant
and not me."

what business he's got around an electric tion crew, had come to board at his home. the university. Other blind men had done
plant, let me tell you that he knows more It was Pete who had answered his Inn^s things equally as wonderful. Why
about electricity right now than some men and U'hys about the plant and its opera- he not enter this field?
who are paid big money for what they tion, and during the year which had And what a day this had been, what a
are supposed to know. He'll make his elapsed Joe absorbed electrical information wealth of impression and sensation. He
mark some these days when he
of gets like a dry sponge taking in water. had stood beside the great towering masses
into the electrical world, you'll see. And At first he had listened to the conversa- of iron and copper and had felt with his
furthermore, he's going to come here when- tion of the men, but had been loath to own sensitive hands the giant castings and
ever he wants to, as long as I'm around." take part in it because he felt his own coils of the great generators, while Pete
Mr. Robertson's white, haggard face ignorance of their work. However, as explainedhow they were built and worked.
flushed angrily and his lips parted as if to time past, and Pete's daily instructions bore So this April afternoon he went home
speak. But he was silent as Pete swung fruit, he began to take a more active part warmly glowing with new- impressions and
out of the power house and up the trail to in the talk of the men during the evening. desires.
the company's tool shack, Pete Foley was At first they had regarded him as an Pete did not have time to talk after
a good electrician, a very go<>d electrician, outsider, whose ignorance of their work supper. He went upstairs for his clothes
and men with this particular kind of good- was to be tolerated for politeness sake only. and then disappeared down the slope in
were so scarce in these mountains But gradually, as Joe's comments and ques- the company car, on his way to Merwin
that it behooved Mr. Robertson to stand tions became more intelligent, they began to complete preparations for the trans-
for much from this member of his con- to look to him as an equal — as one of their formers in the sub-station there. And so
struction crew. own number professionally. Joe sat on the porch and listened to the
Half way up the road to his home on "I'll be hanged if that kid don't know faint hum of the generators below him.
— 1


while lie dreamed of his future. Joe knew that the sixteen thousand volt from school. That night as he
sat on the
Two days later when Pete returned from current could nol be turned directlj into porch he was thinking of it, and yet
Merwin, Joe was waiting for liim alter the city lines. He knew that burned out had found no ready solution for the dif-
supper as the group 01 gathered equipment and electrocuted people would ficult).
on the porch. be the result. The voltage bad to be '

"I don't see how they're going to fix

"Pete," foe began, "I've been wanting to ered, but how? He wondered about it and that up if those transformers don't come,"
ask you something since day before yester- tried to think what Mr. Robertson would to Pete.
day, but you weren't here to answer it." do, as he sat on the porch and listened ou aren't trying to figure
"i .o ahead, but don't go too deep. Re- to the men talking, and far away the faint out a way, are you?" Pete exclaimed.
member I'm only an ordinary electrician," hum er house, "Why yes, ought to be able to, or try

Pi tewarned. limbering up their beam anyhow," Joe protested.

"Well," Joe went on, "Let Robertson do that.
"on one of those switch- ^^^^^^^^ ;^^^^^^^^ He's paid for worrying,"
board panels you showed Pet( "turned easily.
me the other daj there AST month we publisht a rattling good story "Eddy Currents" — But that did not satisfy
was a rheostat, but you
didn't say what it was
for. \\ hat does it do,
L by Mr. Adams. We
confidently believe that the present tale will
appeal to all dyed-in-the-wool electrical readers. You don't require an
1 The plant below
him had grown under his
rstep. He had
anyhow?" electrical education to become "en rapport" with the author, as he pos- heard every bit of metal
"Oh, that's the rheostat sesses that happy faculty of weaving the technical and personal aspects and concrete put into
for the exciter's field," place, and he felt as if
in such a way that the moral cannot be mist. The facts related in this
Pete responded. "'It's the thing were his own.
connected in the shunt story are human, pertinent every-day affairs. Similar obstacles to those Then, too, was he not go-
winding of the exciter facing invincible Joe Benson, the hero of this narrative, have confronted ing to be a consulting en-
field coils. It controls all of us at one time or another. But true "Philosophy" will unlock all gineer some day; would
the voltage." not a problem similar to
doors and surmount the greatest of barriers.
"What docs it do that this be put to him for
for?" Joe insisted, going __^__^_ solution? He ought at
to the bottom of the mat- least to attempt to solve
ter. it now. So he puzzled
"\\ here's the idea," Pete explained.
ell, Of what use would this power be if ln~ brain over the thing that night and
"You see the exciter supplies current to the there were no transformers at Merwin? all the next day, suggesting, rejecting,
field of the big alternator. Well, the volt- Without the intervening coils the big ma- scheming and pondering. But by the eve-
age of the alternator will depend on the chines would be as useless as if their wind- ning of the twenty-ninth he had not
voltage of the exciter, because if the volt- ings were stript from them. He thought reached any solution.
age of the exciter changes the strength of of this and tried to answer for himself the He was not the only one who was think-
the field will change and affect the alter- question that was puzzling the chief of ing of this problem. The worried, anxious
nator's voltage. So if they want to raise construction. face of Mr. Robertson, with its black-
or lower the voltage of the big alternator, "What do you suppose Mr. Robertson ringed eyes, glittering with sleeplessness,
they just raise or lower the exciter volt- will do?" he asked Pete as the latter started testified too plainly of his own struggle
age by putting in more or less resistance upstairs for bed. over the proposition.
with this rheostat. Do you understand?" He remained at Portage Falls directing
"Oh, yes." Joe replied. "Then by ad- hits of finishing work, while he hoped and
justing this field rheostat on the exciter almost prayed for the momentary arrival
you can change the voltage of the big IN THAT "JULY" E. E. of the coils so much needed. Hourly he
alternator." Are There Currents About a Mag- telephoned to Merwin to see if they had
"Exactly," Pete assented. —
net? with a number of original pho- arrived. Hourly he hoped that they might
Joe sat for some moments, thinking of tos and charts never publisht before, have come, and then grew despairing as he
this new addition to his store of electrical —by F. F. Mace. was told they had not.
information, while the men about him "Cold Light" or La Lumierc Froidc, On the morning of the thirtieth he went
talked lazily. as the French call it. The zvork of to Merwin with the determination of stay-
"Robertson's getting grouchy about those Prof. Dussaud. ing there until they came, and hoping
transformers. I tell you," one of the men Back to the Days of "Volta" with — against hope that service could be started
said a moment later. some extremely interesting photos of on time.
"If they don't come, the company won't I
/ olta's original
apparatus by Jacques — Pete and the others stayed behind at
be able to get its franchise, and he seems Boyer, our Paris Correspondent. Portage Falls, finishing up fine points of
to think it's up to him to get them here." "Ham Jones — Scientist" — a
rollick- the work there. The plant was in order,
"I know that all right, but he oughtn't ing good
electrical story with a live- each great machine ready to send its thou-
to treat the rest of us like we were to wire wallop in every line by H. W. sands of kilowatts over the line to Merwin
blame." Pete retorted. "He's been a fright Eveleth. to be used for every sort of work, pro-
for the last two weeks." The Marvels of Radioactivity by vided the intervening transformers were
"What transformers are those?" Joe Jerome S. Marcus. there to step down the deadly high tension
asked. —
Lightning How to Protect Your- to a safe voltage. Rut at noon a message
"The transformers for the Merwin sub- —
self from It An article everyone to the Falls reported that no transformers
station, the step-down set," Pete informed should read by W. C. Whitman. had arrived.
him With illustrations. Pete loafed up the steps of the Benson
"Haven't they come yet?" Joe asked in Where the Radio Amateur Fits in home at dinner time. Worry over what
surprise. the U. S. Naval Reserve Force by would happen to the company did not in-
"No, they've been shipt a week but can't M. B. West. terfere with his appetite, and he was ready
be located on the road or anywhere else." A Page of Marvelous X-Ray Skia- for the food awaiting him.
"What will he do if they don't come?" graphs, including one of a four- But five minutes after he had sauntered
Joe asked in concern. d chicken. leisurely inside, he dashed out, leaped off
"I don't know. That's what's bothering The t alt illation and Measurement the porch, and raced down the steep hill-
him, I guess," Pete replied. of Inductance Conclusion — by H. side, recklesslj speeding toward the com-
The generators at Portage Falls devel- Winfield Secor and Samuel Cohen. pany's tool shack at the bottom. minute A
oped current at low voltage which was Besides these and a large num- later he flung open the doors of the build-
then past thru a set of transformers which ber of other valuable and interesting id was cranking the little service
stept it up to sixteen thousand, five hun- articles, there will appear a liberal nt mobile. Two minutes later and the
dred volts, at which tension it was trans- sprinkling of timely summer-time pebbles were flying in a stream from his
mitted to Merwin, fifteen miles away over topics of interest to all readers. Don't tire- as he bumped away over the rough
the mountains. There it was Stept clown I.. miss the 'July Issue!" It'll be right toward Merwin
two thousand, three hundred volts for dis- there waiting for you with a wallop An hour and a half later he stopt Mr.
tribution thru the service lines of the city. on every page. Robertson's big high-power roadster before
Joe knew this as well as the rest of the the building, while the chief himself sprang
men. He also knew now that if the step- oul and dashed down to the power house,
down transformers did not arrive, the with Pete closely pursuing him.
Snake Kivcr Power Company would be in "Go crazy, if those transformers don't * * * * * *
a very awkward position come," Pete replied unconcernedly. It was a varied group which clustered
Its franchise required it to supply cur- The next day Joe found himself think- about the switchboard, handsomely drest
rent to Merwin on May first. Today was ing of the problem again as he heard the directors, oilers and workmen in overalls,
April twenty-seventh. machines purring away on bis way home (Continued on page ISO)

AN ELECTRIC SEMAPHORE FOR hands or not, as becomes readily apparent. NEW METHOD OF MEASURING
AUTOISTS. The Instructograph consists of three FRESSURE OF LIGHT.
The accompanying photograph shows a units: the transmitting unit, the receiving In a paper to the Physical Society. Mr.
cleverly designed automobile electric sig- unit and a battery case, and while the pieces Gilbert D. West describes the measurement
nal device which has recently been devel- are of light and compact construction, the of the pressure of light by a method re-
oped by the well-known civil engineer, Mr. complete installation weighing but six quiring few of the elaborate precautions
H. Hartman, of Xew York City. pounds, without batteries, they have been generally necessary in such experiments.
designed for the strength and durability The essential feature of the apparatus was
necessary for the hard usage they will be a strip of gold leaf suspended in the mid-
subjected to in service. dle of a test tube containing air or hydro-
The Transmitter consists of a gen at reduced pressure. Radiation from
case, of light metal construc- a 32 c.p. carbon filament lamp, impinging
tion, about six inches long, three directly on one side of the strip, was suf-
inches thick, and an inch wide. ficient to cause a microscopically measure-
A series of six double throw able deflection of the end.
keys project from one edge, to The pressure of normally incident radi-
the right and left of which ex- ation on a perfectly reflecting surface has
Will Be Interested In the te nd engraved plates, bearing all
Motorists .
been shown by Maxwell and others to be
Semaphore Signal Here lllus- of the instructions commonlv
Electric numerically equal to twice the energy con-
P r ted
ated -. ec ro us ed in teaching the art of flying.
Magnets, 'A
ii; '! M S l
Controlled o y J-L
By a Push }.
Button -r,

i. v. c, \
tent of the radiation per unit volume, and
On the Steering Wheel. The Arm l.he keys, which are ot such hence, if this quantity be measured in the
Hangs Downward Normally, and Car- size that thev can be easily way described below, a check on the orig-
ries a Red Signal Lamp At Its Ex- handled with Gloved bands ran
tremity. The Bull's-eye At the Hub u giov ea nanas can
i ,
inal observations can be made. mean A
Is Also Illuminated. be thrown to either the right or of the results of several successive experi-
left, remaining in the position ments with the deflected strips gave a value
This, like other inventions of Mr. Hart- placed until released by a touch, when they for the pressure of radiation which only
man, is really quite simple in construction fly up to their normal vertical position. The differed from that calculated from the en-
and performs its functional duty just as twelve instructions themselves, neatly let- ergy density by a small percentage. The
well, or perhaps better, than many existing tered, have been chosen with great ingenu- accuracy and constancy of the final results
and more complicated similar devices. The ity and are so placed that actual air work seemed to preclude their being seriously
sole purpose of this instrument is to warn cannot necessitate the use of both of the affected by gas action but, as gas action

an automobilist in which direction the ma- two directions, placed by each of the keys, had to be taken into consideration, the pres-
chine ahead of him is going to turn, either at the same time. The case itself can either ent research was undertaken with a view to
to right or left. be fastened by the side of the instructor, or its fuller investigation, and if possible to
It consists of a mag- complete elimination.
netic field having two In measuring the energy
magnetizing similar
coils density, the initial rate of
in design to the field of a rise of temperature of a
motor. An armature coil blackened copper plate,
is placed in this field, and
enclosed in the tube, was
its shaft is attached to the
measured by means of an
signal or semaphore arm. attached copper eureka
The field and armature thermo-j unction. Due al-
are enclosed in a water- lowance was made for
proof metal case which is cooling corrections, and
seen on the left. One end the lamp black was as-
of the pointer is fitted sumed to absorb 95 per
with a red lamp, so as to cent of the incident radi-
serve as a danger signal. ation. The cold junction
The armature and field was immersed in oil con-
coils are connected to a tained in a vacuum flask,
storage battery and a sim- and during an experiment
ple switch, so that the au- a delicate indicating ther-
toist can throw the arm The Electrically Operated "Instructograph" Enables the Tea cher to Flash mometer in the oil only
either towards the left or Up the Proper Signals Instantly Before the Pupil-Passenger: which Is Far showed negligible varia-
right, whichever the case Superior to Twitching the Various Controls.
tions. The calibration of
might be. The principle the thermo-j unction was
upon which this instrument is based is that set into the instrument board before him, carried out in the usual way, and a num-
of the repulsion and attraction of two dif- as found convenient. ber of minor matters received full con-
ferent magnets, one stationary (the field), The Receiver is a box approximately sev- sideration.
while the movable magnet is the armature. en inches long, five inches wide and slightly When from the measurements thus taken
The arm at its normal position points over one inch thick, adapted to fasten on the energy reaching 1 sq. cm. in one second
downward, and as soon as the proper cur- the wheel of the front control itself in the
rent is past thru the field and armature, front cockpit of a tractor, under the cowl,
the pivoted arm turns instantaneously to or in the instrument board. Its cover is Gi
that direction, by virtue of the attraction perforated by
twelve oblong windows,

between a field coil and the armature coil. Hi}

Automobilists of to-day whose slogan is
closed by translucent white celluloid, with Mb
no lettering of any kind visible to confuse
Safety First will appreciate this very valu-
able device, as it cannot be mistaken owing
the pupil. When one of the keys of the
to the relatively large moving surface called
Transmitter is thrown, the corresponding
into play. direction appears on a window in dense 4

black against an illuminated white back- -j -

AN ELECTRIC INSTRUCTOGRAPH ground. Three of the directions "Xose

FOR TEACHING AVIATORS. Down," "Over Banking" and "Over Con-

k f

One of the latest Sperry devices for avi- trolling" flash out in black against a red
ators, or rather for would-be aviators, is
known as the Instructograph and is illus-
background, clearly indicating the urgency 1
of the command. An ingenious arrange-
trated herewith. It is intended to facili- ment of small' electric light bulbs enables
tate the instruction of pupils in the modern
this method of communication to possess !
two-passenger tractor aeroplane. Prior to

the advent of this clever device the Pilot-

the advantage of positively attracting the
pupil's attention whenever a word of in-
Instructor, occupying the rear seat of the Arrangement
struction is given, it having been found ex- of Apparatus for Measuring
machine, depended on twitching the various
perimentally that the flash of light accom-

Pressure of Light. H is Hollow Stopper. E
Is Cover Glass Cemented to Tube. F Con-
controls, after attracting the attention of his
panying the change of direction catches his tains Pith Charcoal. G Is Tube Which May
pupil-passenger by kicking the back of the Be Connected to Gaide Pump.
forward seat, for imparting such instruc- subconscious attention. To safeguard
tion as was necessary. This crude method against the possibility of a burned out bulb is known, the energy per 1 c.c. can be cal-
of communication is very dangerous, as at preventing the direction from being re- culated from a knowledge of the velocity
times neither pupil nor instructor know ceived, the circuits are so arranged that a of light.
whether the control of the plane is in their second lamp remains lighted. (ontinued on page 'V-')



Patience vanishes rapidly while holding A Buffalo concern has ;ntly brought
he automatic extension reel here illus-
a telephone line. Save your time and at- out a new form of electric soldering I
trated is intended for drop or portable elec-
tend tn other important matters while wait- Among these tools is a two-prong iron with
tric lamps. It is simple in construction and
ing for the other party to resume conver- prongs of solid bar brass with nickel- positive in operation.
sation, say the sporis. .rs of the new llold- plated finish. This type of iron is furnished
the-call-signal here illustrated. This clever in capacities of ISO watts, 250 watts and
500 watts. All are designed to work on
low pressure, from 6 to IS volts, either di-
rect or alternating. This pressure can be
obtained from an ordinary lighting or
power circuit, either _>5 or 60 cycles by in-
terposing a low-voltage transformer, or a
storage battery operating at a pressure of
12 volts can be used. Under no circum-
stances may these irons be used on any
voltage over 15.
Another type is the two-handle portable
soldering outfit. This is composed of a
single prong soldering tool attached to one
wire of the secondary side of the trans-
How Often Do You Feel Like Cussing the former and a solder-feeding tool attached
Telephone When Party No. 2 Says "Hold the to the other secondary wire of the trans-
Line"? —
The Answer Is Don't. Place the former. When a storage battery is used A Clever Invention in the Form of An Auto-
matic Extension Reel for Portable Electric
Receiver On the Amplifier Here Shown and
You Will Hear the Party Answer. the single prong soldering tool is attached Lamps, Which Winds the 30-foot Cord Up
to the negative side, and the solder-feeding and Swivels in Any Direction.
device will let you know when the speaker tool to the positive side of the latter.
is ready. No electrical connection is needed. When soldering with this outfit the sin- It is designed especially for garages,
It simply rests alongside of the instrument gle prong point is brought to bear upon blacksmiths, factories, stores, or any busi-
and the receiver is placed on it while line the object to be soldered, and the solder- ness requiring an extension light. This
is held open. feeding tool is brought to bear upon the reel is equipt with 30 feet of lamp cord,
spot where soldering is needed. The in- easily secured by fastening the arms of the
HOW STUDENTS STUDY WAVE stant the circuit is closed the heat point swivel joint to ceiling or beam, as shown.
MOTION. glows with a white heat, and the solder is This swivel joint enables one to walk in
Whenthe college "Prof.' tries to drum held until the work is done. The current any direction with the lamp. It has an
the principles of wave mo- automatic lock ingeniously
tion into his pupils' crani- arranged to lock and hold
ums, he has available to- the lamp any distance from
day the mechanical wave the reel. A
slight pull for-
reproduction machine here ward unlocks the ratchet
illustrated. The small white and the reel revolves, wind-
discs form into various ing the cord back as you
lines representing curves or advance toward the reel
waves of certain kinds, de- with lamp in hand.
pending on how the appa-
ratus is operated. This re- A HANDY ELECTRIC
markable model was in- DRINK MIXER.
vented by Dr. Charles The soda clerk used to
Forbes of Columbia Uni- cuss (inwardly) merrily
versity. With this appara- whenever a patron called
tus the formation and for a drink that required a
propagation of the three —
fancy mixture a chocolate
general classes of wave milk shake for instance.
motions may be demon- Wherefore and hence we
strated, namely have in our midst the elec-
Water or Surface Waves, tric drink mixer that never
in which the elliptical mo- tires —
no matter if you had
tion of the particles of a thirst like an Arabian
water, the advancing of camel.
the crest tending to form The electric drink mixer
breakers, the recession of Several Styjes ofa Unique Electric Soldering Iron That Operates On Low is mounted on a swii
Voltage A.C. or D.C. Closing the Circuit Causes the Points to Heat Up, bracket. When the machine
the trough tending to form When the Solder Is Applied.
the undertow are exhibited. is pushed back and removed
Sound Waves, or waves of condensation ceases to flow as soon as the heating point from the glass it takes the position indi-
and rarefaction, in which the amplitude is taken from the work. This outfit is cated by the dotted lines. Throwing back
of vibration may be changed by lowering made in ISO- and 300-watt capacities and
the disc support. The lowering of the is designed for use on direct or alternat-
distant end of the support will also repre- ing currents up to 12 volts pressure.
sent the decrease in the loudness of sound.
Hther Waves, or transverse vibrations, rep- sented. Comparison of Phases. The ap-
paratus admits of a ready comparison of
similar phases in the three systems of wave
motions, a very desirable feature not pos-
sest by any other form of wave machine.
By means of the covers resting upon the
framework of the apparatus any one or two
of the wave systems may be hidden from
view, thus leaving the remainder for spe-
cial examination when desired. The front
of the apparatus exhibits the conversion of
rotary into direct and lateral reciprocating
rectilinear motions, (hi the back, the ac-
tion of the crank handle, the rod connect-
By Means of This Oscillating Pendulum ing the individual cranks, and the opera-
Cabinet It Becomes a Sinecure for the "Prof.'' When You Ask for a Fancy Drink at the
to Inculcate His Pupils with the Funda- tion of the double parallel rule mechani-
Soda Fountain the Dispenser Now Places the
mentals of Various Wave Motions. cal motion, first used in this apparatus, are Glass Under An Electric Drink Mixer.
clearly exhibited. Its large size is espe-
resenting the production of light, heat and cially advantageous, since the wave forms the bracket operates a switch which breaks
electric waves. The progressive undula- can be clearly seen across a large lecture the circuit. The swinging down of the
tions of a vibrating cord are also repre- room. bracket automaticallv closes the circuit.

Electricity and Life

The Uses of High-Frequency Currents in Medical and Lecture Work
Lecturer on Electro-therapeutics, Tufts Medical School, Boston

(Third Article) ductance coil being adjusted to balance the at the top, and14 inches high. It is a

THE phenomena of high-frequency

currents otter us a fascinating
from which to select experiments for
different capacities
added to the resonator

This little resonator is made by winding

matter to insulate this small coil
as the turns of the winding are very close
together it can be done, however, by the

puhlic lecture demonstration. In his 600 turns of Xo. 30 triple cotton covered use of from six to eight coats of Armalac.
lectures on "The Realms Beyond the wire upon a shellacked paper cone, 12 The primary coil is a ring, 18 inches in

Senses," the author has used high-fre- inches in diameter at the bottom, 5 inches diameter, formed of five concentric turns
of thin copper ribbon 1 inch wide. The
exciting apparatus is the same as that de-
scribed in the last paper in connection with
the large resonator, except that a 2 KAY. ]

transformer is used instead of the heavy

1 K.YY. (See Fig. 2.)
The writer also employs a standard
Clapp-Eastham Y± K.W. Tesla coil excited
by the same apparatus (see Fig. 3). Con-
nected with two parallel upright wires the
spark from this coil will run up and re-
peatedly reform again at the bottom,
producing a very spectacular effect (Fig.

Another brilliant experiment can be per-

formed with two large glass flasks (ordi-
nary carafes or water-bottles will do).
One is filled with water containing a few-
drops of fluorescein solution (a coal tar —
dye ) —
the other with water to which a small
amount of bi-sulfate of quinine has been
added : the bottles or flasks are placed
about six inches apart and a wire from the
Tesla coil terminal inserted into the solu-
tion in each. The current passes down
thru the water and- the arc takes place be-
tween the glass walls of the two flasks.
The ultra-violet rays from the discharge
cause the water in the flasks to become

luminous the quinine solution with a pale
blue light, the fluorescein with a beautiful
apple-green. The discharge apparently
passes directly thru the glass walls of the
flask; in reality, of course, the current
passes by induction rather than conduction,
Hardening of the Arteries— Most Dreaded of Ailments in Later Life Is Successfully Treated — the flasks acting as condensers in series.
By Placing the Patient Withina Wire Cage, Thru Which High-frequency Currents Surge at a (See Fig. 5.)
Frequency of 600,000 Cycles Per Second: D'Arsonval's Method.

quency phenomena to demonstrate the ex-

istence of force and matter beyond the
range of human perception. In "The Sci-
ence of the New Age" he has employed
similar means in calling attention to the
fact that the investigators of to-day are
leaving the crude matter of earth and are
dealing more and more with Etherie I

— and with of a super-gaseous

nature. The scientist of the future will
have to provide himself with instruments
far more delicate than anything hitherto
dreamed of or else he will develop super-
normal powers of perception by the mani-
festation of faculties already latent in the
human organism.
For the traveling lecturer who wishes to
employ high-frequency currents in his
work, the large resonator described in the
last issue of The Elixtrical Experi-
MENTES may prove somewhat cumbrous and
difficult of transportation. Those who wish
a lighter, more compact apparatus may use
the small resonator shown in Fig. 1.
It quite small, yet it sends out stream-
ers feet in length, and may be operated
by a j K.W. "wireless" (step-up) trans-

former. With this little apparatus beauti-

ful luminous effects may be obtained as. —
for example, by connecting the terminals
with a tin-foil star glued to a sheet of
glass with a suspended umbrella (opened)
: :

with a long wire running out over the

lecture hall, etc. r-m JaeqoBi Bovm
The "Effleuve" or High-frequency Brush (or Spray) Tre; Has Proven Highly Effi-
For each of these experiments different cacious In the Treatment of Nervousness (Nerve and Brain E xhaustion) "N eurasthenia." —
tuning will be necessary — the series in- American Electro-therapeutists Find It Very Valuable.


The Use High-Frequency Currents in the

of This method—employed by
the writer for By careful tuning a beautiful effect may
Treatment of Disease. years enable, n- to obtain the wonderful be obtained. (lose examination of this
High-frequency currents an ployed by vitali ing feet of the high-frequency cur-
will show it to be literally an
physicians four principal ways,
in rents on the whole body simultaneously, electric "brush", formed of thousands of
adapted treatment of
t<> the
con- 1

ditions. These are:

1. "Tola" treatment w t li i

vacuum electrodes ("\ iolet-

ray treatment").
2. "Effleuve" or high-fre-
quency spray.
' I
' A r s o n va 1 autO-
4. "Diathermic"
1. The method most fre-
quently employed applies the
Testa c u r r e n t thru glass
(vacuum) electrodes for the
relief of local pain or inflam-
mation. The little muscular
pumps around the veins the
"vaso-motor system," which
keep the blood circulating by
withdrawing it from the capil-
lariesand sending it hack to
the heart —act more vigorously
in tissues over which the
vacuum electrode is applied.
In this manner waste products
which cause rheumatism and
gout are dissolved and washed
away ami fresh blood and white
corpuscles are brought to in- FIGA
fected parts, thus aiding nature
in destroying disease-producing
germs and their poisonous
products. |The Accompanying Il-
In most of the smaller high- lustrations Show Some

frequency machines for phy- of the Spectacular Elec-
sicians' use, but one Tesla tric Spark Discharges
terminal is provided a coil of ;
1 ->
BS Obtained From the
the resonator type being con- High-Frequency Appa-
nected to the glass electrode I ratus Used by Dr. |

by a flexible wire. The effects Strong In His Lecture

are largely local, but the meth- and Electrotherapeutical
od is of value in relieving pain, Work. The "Ladder of I

swelling and congestion. The Sparks" in Figs. 3 and

writer has always advocated 4, Is easily Produced,
the bipolar method, even for the Tesla Spark Simply
treating purely local conditions. Jumping the Gap Be-
tween Two V e r t c a

The best be ob- results will i 1

tained from the use of a Tesla 1

Copper or Iron Wires. I

outfit of the type described

in last month's Electrical
Experimenter. The patient is
to be connected to one terminal of with the local effects from the vacuum distinct, delicate, purple threads. Upon
the Tesla coil by means of a metal electrode electrode. each of these hair-like paths of light count-
held in both hands (a piece of thin nickeled less millions of ions (electrically-active
For the past few years the writer has
pipe will answer, 1 foot long and l'j inches atoms), are being shot from the electrode
been in the habit of connecting the Tesla
in diam.). In this way the current is dif- to the patient at a speed of over 60,000
coil with an Auto-condensation pad (as
miles per second: the treated surface is
used in the "D'Arsonval" and "Diathermic"
therefore being submitted to a literal bom-
methods). This is formed of two plates
bardment by countless microscopic pro-
of Bakelite, J-s-inch thick, hinged to fit the
jectiles which are thrown out in periodic
seat and back of an ordinary chair. To
showers from the electrode, once for each
the back of each plate is cemented a sheet
of tin or copper foil, covered with leather-
cycle of the oscillating current. Two ef-
ette. Suitable flexible conductors connect
fects are produced —
one due to the pene-
tration of the tissues by oione-forminp
these metal plates with each other and
ions: the second to the rhythmic or peri
with the Tesla terminal. This folding pad
impart of the discharge Upon the nerve
may be used in both "Tesla" and "D'Arson- endings in the skin and superficial tissues.
val" treatment, and is quite as efficient for
The writer hopes ultimately to produce an
ordinary use as the cumbrous and expen-
apparatus of a frequency exactly synchro-
sive condenser chair or couch.
nous with the rale of vibration of the
2. For the "Tesla Effleuve" treatment a irv nerves; an "effleuve" from such
brass bell electrode used. This can be
is a coil would produce a harmless and effi-
made from a common brass oil can. the cient local anaesthesia so thai operations
tlat bottom being removed and the result- could be performed without the use of
ing hollow hemisphere being mounted on ether or cocain. The effects obtained from
an insulating handle: the discharge occur- the "effleuve" as now used are stimulating
ring from the sharp edge of the brass. The The
Startling Experiment With Two Glass Water and vitalizing to a marked degree.
Bottles Connected to Tesla Coil. The Spark patient is seated on the Bakelite pad. which
The oppo- nerve endings of the skin may be regarded
Jumps Between the Glass Surfaces and is connected to the Tesla coil.
Illuminates Solutions Within the Bottles. as sensitive antennae of a complicated ra-
site terminal is attached to the brass bell
dio-system, and any intense sustained vibra-
electrode and a sufficient number of turns
tion to which tin- apparatus is attuned will
fused thru the entire body. The vacuum of the inductance coil are placed in series
with the Tesla primary to give a full, be transmitted by them to the receiving
electrode, connected with the opposite Tesla
terminal is applied to the skin over the smooth "effleuve" or purple brush dis- station. The effect therefore, is not merely
affected part for from five to twenty min- charge, when the electrode is held from superficial but systemic as well. Tuber-
utes, a very short spark-gap being used. four to eight inches from the patient (Cont'mucd on page 1?2)
: —


Experimental Physics
By J. FURIA, A. B., M. A.
Instructor In Physics and Science Master. Riverdale Country School

HYDROSTATICS. it is direct current. If possible the elec- not raise the water this distance, and the

LESSON FIVE. trodes should be of platinum. A

and B siphon would nut operate.

w an test tubes held in the hand after being EXPERIMENT 27— Recently an auto-
ATER is so plentiful, and we are
inverted full of water and are placed over matic siphon has been put on the market,
accustomed to use so- much of it, the electrodes. Immediately, and with a and it can be very easily constructed. Fig.
that very few of us ever stop to rapidity dependent upon the strength of the 22 shows the automatic siphon in the act
think what a great part it plays battery used, bubbles will form at the elec- of starting. It should be noticed that the
in our daily lives. It is without trodes and rise to the top of the test tubes. tube is filled alternately with bubbles of air
doubt an absolutely indispensable sub-
These bubbles are the result of the decom- and water. This condition prevails only
position of the water into its constituents.
We notice that in one tube the bubbles
form more rapidly and that there is always
about twice as much gas in that test tube
as in the other. Call that test tube "B."
After the test tubes have been filled with
the gases, raise them carefully without tip-
ping. Insert a glowing match-stick in "A."
It is found to burn brightly. This we re-
member was the test for Oxygen. If a
Hatrie is applied to "B" a slight explosion
results, which is the test for Hydrogen.
Thus we see that water is composed of
two parts Hydrogen to one part Oxygen.
EXPERIMENT 26— (Fig. 21)— Illus-
A Small Battery and a Couple of Test Tubes Apparatus With Which the Principle of the
or Bottles, Together with Connecting Wires, trating the principle of the siphon. A Submarine Can Be Demonstrated. The Small
Will Serve to Clearly Show How the Electric and B are vessels at different levels, A Vial 2, Can Be Made to Perform Many Won-
Current Decomposes Water. derful Tricks By Pushing Down on Dlafram
being higher than B. The vessels are con-
1, or Squeezing Bottle 3 in "B".
nected by a piece of tubing; bb' indicates1
stance. We drink it — we clean ourselves the level of the top of the tubing and aa upon starting and shortly after, the water

and our belongings in it our crops depend the level of the water in vessel A. d,
comes out solidly. Fig. 23, shows a home

upon it ourselves and the fruits of our indicates the level of the end of the tubing. made automatic siphon and all those inter-
toil are transported from one continent to If the tube is placed in position as indi- ested should make one. a piece of
another by means of it practically every — lamp chimney about 3 inches
6, is
long. 5, is
manufacturing industry makes use of it.
a piece of glass tubing about $4 inch in
Finally and most important, we swim in
diameter stuck thru a rubber stopper 2.
it. What would be the use of living if we
4, is some more of the same kind of tubing
had no Palm Beach or "the old swimming thru the stopper 3. The height h,
hole in the creek"? We
naturally ask what
should be about a foot and a half. 1, is
is water anyhow? One could never guess
Water is y.othing more than a small hole drilled thru the lamp chim-
the answer.
ney 6. 5 and 4, should be about 54 of an
the result of the combining of two gases
Oxygen and Hydrogen. Oxygen, we re-
inch apart. As soon as our auto-siphon
is placed in a liquid it begins to operate
member, is the constituent of the atmo-
sphere necessary to life. Hydrogen is the
Thus we see that one made entirely of
gas which burned with a pale blue flame
glass, as are the commercial ones, is very
in the lesson on "Gases." (See March and
convenient in transferring poisonous liquids
April issues of this journal.) The follow-
and acids, as we need not touch the liquid
ing experiment can be easily performed
at There is nothing mysterious about
EXPERIMENT 25— (See Fig. 20) — this siphon and it is easily explained. When
the bulb is immersed in the liquid, the
C is a jar nearly full of water to which Two Forms of Automatic Siphon. Details
for Constructing the One on the Right Are liquid rushes in at 1 and at the lower end
a few drops of sulfuric acid have been Given Herein.
(The sulfuric acid is added to of tube S. The liquid rushing in at 1
tends to compress the air in chamber 6.
make the water a better conductor of elec-
tricity. Water alone is not a good con- cated in the figure, and A
contains water The liquid rushing in at 5 streams up past
(or any liquid) at a level aa
nothing the gap and thru 4. Hence the outgoing
ductor of electricity, i.e., is more or less ,

happens. If, however, the tube is filled air takes with it some liquid, and, as noted
of an insulator, just as glass is.) rep- D
with water before it is placed in position, before, we see alternately passing thru the
resents lead wires from a battery of at
the water begins to flow from down A if
to B. The siphon will also act if the tube
is placed in position, and if one sucks
at the lower end for this is equivalent to
Spring sca/e
filling the tube with water. The explana-
tion of the action is as follows The up-
, m erst
In body
ward pressure in the short arm of the
tube, is due to the atmospheric pressure
(discust in the last two lessons). In the
tube ab, this pressure is equal to the atmo-
spheric pressure minus the downward pres-
sure due to the weight of the column of

water ab. The upward pressure of the

tube at b' is the atmospheric pressure
minus the downward pressure due to the
weight of the column of water b'd. The
force tending to drive the liquid from A to
B is greater than that tending to drive it
from B to A. It is greater by the amount Proving the "Law of Buoyancy," i. e., That
equal to the difference in the weight of Objects Weigh Less In Water Than In Air.
the columns ab and b'd and hence corre-
Demonstration and Controlling Factors of sponds to the weight of the column a'd. tube bubbles of air and water. As there
the Hydrostatic "Siphon". A Simple and 1
Evidently if d, were at the level aa the is less and less larger and
air left in 6,
Effective Method of Emptying Tanks and ,

Even Reservoirs When Occasion Requires It. siphon would not operate; and if above larger quantities of the liquid pass with
aa it would operate in the other direction.
small bubbles of air intervening, until
least six dry cells inor from
series, a If the column ab (for water) were greater finally the air being all gone, the liquid
storage cell or from the house current if than 32 feet the atmospheric pressure could (Continued on page 152)



//. Gcryxsback, Manager
W. H. Kirwan, Master of Radio Relays

Denver Wireless Station Wins Prize Loving Cup

By W. H. KIRWAN (9XE),
Master Radio Relays, Radio League of America.

TO a Denver hoy goes the honor of win-

ning the trophy cup for the hest Ama-
teur Wireless Station in the United
issued some years ago to Captain Smith;
however, the station really belongs to. and
was made by, Mr. Doig, as explained above.
in the photograph of the equipment.
There are three towers to Station 9ZF.
one of them being 90' high and the other
States. This cup was donated by 9XE to \ record of messages handled at 9ZF two 75' high. One aerial has six Xo. 12
the most efficient and hest equipt amateur from January 13th to March 18th, 1917, aluminum wires, 150" long, and the other
wireless station in the United States. shows that 251 messages were received and aerial has four stranded aluminum cables
We intended to call in a committee to sent. A number of them were transcon- with 7 strands of Xo. 14 in each cable, and
decide upon the merits of the hest amateur tinental messages from coast to coast. is 200' long. Both of these aerials are
stations in the country, hut station 9ZF in Station 9ZF held a very strategic position connected L type.
Denver was so far ahead of all other ama- in the Washington's Birthday Relay of This station has been working regularly
teurs in sending, receiving, and efficiency, February 24th, 1917, and without the as- with amateur stations on both the Atlantic
that it would have been a waste of time sistance of this station it would not have and Pacific coasts. Working with 6EA in
and energy to have consulted anyone at all. been possible to have sent the message Los Angeles, Cal., has been a continuous
This station, 9ZF, is known to every thru from coast to coast, nor for the re- past performance, and recently this station
progressive amateur in the United States, turn message to have been brought back. has worked directly with 2PM in Xew
and is one of the star stations of the Colo- Webelieve that nearly all of the stations York City. We claim that this is truly
rado Wireless Association, and of which thrtiout the United States can well pattern wonderful work for an amateur station,
you have all read in a previous issue of their installations, as far as general ar- and we do not think that there will be

The Trophy Cup for the Best "Amateur Wireless Station" In the United States Has Been Awarded to Station 9ZF, operated by Messrs.
E. F. Doig (at Right) and W. H. Smith (Left), of Denver, Colorado.

this magazine. The winner is Mr. E. F. rangement and efficiency is concerned, after any question whatever but that Station 9ZF
Doig, of No. 848 South Emerson Street, Station 9ZF. Another point in favor of is well entitled to the prize.
Denver, Colo. Mr. Doig made nearly all 9ZF was the fact that, while this station Since holding the Washington's Birthday
his apparatus himself, and has been assist- was affiliated with nearly every Radio Club Relay, which you will all remember was
ed by Mr. W. H. Smith of the Y. M. C. A. and organization extant, the owners never held in the interest of preparedness, with
Radio Club and the Colorado Wireless refused a message, nor did they feel that instructions to all sending stations to in-
Association. Mr. Doig was for four years Station 9ZF was too proud to work with terest all wireless amateurs in the United
Master Signal Electrician in the Signal anyone. States Radio Coast Reserve. Station 9ZF
Corps of the Colorado National Guard. He In the receiving cabinet is a large loose worked the hardest for recruits oi any sta-
now holds a special receiving and sending coupler for reception of long wave stations tion in the United States.
license from the United States Govern- like WG. GW, SI.. OUI and POZ. as well We have radio clubs in the United States
ment. His equipment, altho not as large as the Government arc A smaller
stations. of minor importance, which seem to think
as the Government station, is very com- receiving cabinet is used for the shorter that they were the only ones that had a
plete, as you can clearly see from the wave stations, including the commercial divine riyht to exist, who have not, with
photograph. coast and sub-stations on the spark sys- all membership, done as much good
Mr. W. H. Smith, also well known for tem. There is also a short wave regenera- work in amateurs under the
enlisting the
his skill as an operator, is associated with tive receiver, wdiich is used in working with Navy Department for coast reserve work
Mr. Doig and has worked on his night shift the amateur stations. This cabinet also as Station 9ZF.
at this station. Mr. Doig is also secretary contains an amplifier which can be used All of the stations have been closed by
of the Colorado Wireless Association and in connection with each of the other sets. the X avy Department, on account of the
Air. Smith is the chief operator. This There is not much to tell about the Rotary war, for the period of war. and we believe
station will hold this cup for one year, Quenched Gap, as the cut shows just what it will be some little time before all of us
and if they win it again in 1918 it will it is, and there are not very many ama- are working again. In order that your
belong to this station absolutely. teurs but what have had the chance to read interest will not lag in wireless work, and
The cup has been properly engraved and about this outfit. for the benefit of the many amateurs who
you will see a picture in this magazine The k.w. outfit which is used mostly,
1 have enlisted thruout the country and are
shortly of the cup holding a prominent radiates from 12 to 14 amperes on a wave now assigned to the various warships, we
place in the Laboratory of Mr. Doig. The length of 425 meters, and the oscillation willcontinue these write-ups each month,
Government Call Book gives Station 9ZF transformer is made with edgewise wound with something of interest to them, and
as belonging to Captain Smith of the Colo- copper strip, a type with which you are something to remind them of home and
rado National Guard, hut the license was all familiar, and which is clearly shown ( Continued on page 143)

Notice to All Radio Readers

radio readers arc undoubtedly atvare, the U. S. Government has decided that all Amateur Wireless Stations,
whether licensed or unlicensed, or equipt for receiving or transmitting, shall be elosed.
This is a very important consideration, especially to those who are readers of
for the reason that we desire to continue to publish valuable articles in the wireless art from time to time, and which max
treat on both transmitting and receiving apparatus. In the first place, there are a great many students among our readers
who will demand and expect a continuation of the usual class of Radio subjects, which we have publisht in the past four
years, and secondly, there will be hundreds and even thousands of new radio pupils in the -carious naval iiud civilian schools
thruout the country, who will be benefited by up-to-date wireless articles treating on both the transmitting as well as receiv-
ing equipment.
Therefore, and in view of the foregoing explanation, zee feel sure that every reader will thoroly understand that altlw
articles on transmitting, as well as receiving, apparatus may appear from time to time in these columns, he is not permitted to
connect up any radio apparatus whatsoever to any form of aerial. The Editors.—
II ti i
nut i milium mi m<i nullum

The Naval Radio Operator

radio telegraphy may be enlisted
SCHOOLS are established at the Navy
Yards at New York and San Fran- men for Radio Electrician. The
as lands-
centage and square root. Testimonials as
to the good character and skill of the
cisco for the purpose of furnishing must be able to take dictation at the speed applicant as an operator must be presented
Radio Electricians for the fleet of twenty-five words per minute and pass either from a former employer or from
from the enlisted personnel of the the principal of a school where the appli-
Navy. After the required sea serv- cant has been a student of radio or teleg-
ice has been performed such electricians raphy. The applicant must be able to
are transferred to shore duty at Naval receive about twenty words a minute.
Radio stations and other places. In addition to the above, men holding
The electrical branch of the schools is commercial radio licenses and who pass an
divided into two parts. One branch for
general electricians and the other for radio
(wireless). Applicants capable of passing
/ additional examination at the Electrical
School, Navy Yard, New York, or Mare
Island, Cal., may be enlisted as electricians

Future Naval Radio Men Learning How to Operating Room of Radio Class at the Navy
Measure Length and Frequency of Etheric School, Brooklyn, New York.
third class (radio). In both cases, whether
the examination are enlisted as landsman enlisted as landsmen for electrician or elec-
for electrician feither general or radio) trician third class (radio), the regular
and are detailed for a course at the Elec- course at the school follows. The oppor-
trical School. The pay of landsman for tunity for advancement in the Naval Radio
electrician is $17.60 per month while under Service is at present exceptionally good
instruction and in addition he is furnished and is worthy of consideration by every
with a complete outfit of uniform, board, commercial telegraph and radio operator.
lodging, text hooks, tools, and materials The pay of electricians both general and
with which to work. The length of the Radio is as follows Electricians third

course is about eight months. Upon com- class, §33 per month Electricians second

pletion of the course at the school the class, $44 per month Electricians first

men who are qualified are given the rating class, $55 per month; Chief Electricians
of electrician third class (radio). In both (acting appointment), $66 per month, and
courses the following subjects are covered: Chief Electricians (permanent appoint-
machine shop work, electricity, magnetism, ment ), $77 per month. This pay is in-
Top:— Naval Radio Operator Handling 2 k. w.
alternating currents, dynamos, motors, and creased with each enlistment.
batteries. It also embraces the principles
and management of radio stations and in-
Below: — One Naval
of the Up-to-Rate Radio Sets
Operators Learn to Handle
The present policy in the fleet is to ad-
Which U. S. vance electricians third class (radio) to
stallations. The general course covers the
electricians second class at the end of a
application of electricity to shipboard appli- a examination in spelling and
year if their proficiency mark is at least
ances. penmanship.
The problems in arithmetic include mul- 3.2. Electricians third class (radio) serve
Competent operators of the Morse code
or men with a sufficient foundation in tiplication, division, simple proportion, per- (Continued on opposite page)

NEW RADIO TRANSMITTER FOR high tension glass and aerial in-
i is controlled by an armature H,
U. S. "MOSQUITO" FLEET. ductance. A
transfer switch is also pro- net.

vided for permitting the receiving and the

The accompanyini photograph shows a -tarted. This bre;
transmitting instruments to be connected rly
complete radio transmitter operated from ofdue to
at any time de ired This is shown in tit at I, is thi

the upper right hand corner. A hot wire the an i

rmits a large
neti r is also furnished, and this is current thru the coil, con-
in the upper center of the panel. arc
The three plugs at the botton is shunted with the usual type of o
for several pui he left hand one is circuit. P.V.C., namely, the primary

ill iyed for conni ii\ ing in- of an oscillation trans hich in-
struments with the ductance is controlled by means of the
connects the key with the primary of the h on the left oi the transmitting

coil and battery, and the right-hand plug \ variable high-tension condenser
links the stor ry with the s is aKo mounted in the same cabinet and
source. The plug at the upper left hand its capacity is varied by a multi- i

corner is used for connecting the power ple-point switch, indicated on the front.
source with the test buzzer of the I
An ordinary carbon microphone is linked
set. A binding posts are furnished
set of in the ground circuit oi
for connecting the aerial and ground with the oscillation transformer, as shown in

the set, and these are seen at the uppi r the wiring diagram. 'I iphone is

part of the panel, each being fitted with ioni d on a mo\ able 1 t on the
the proper name-plate. i of the cabinet.
During some recent tests, the outfit has The receiving equipment
is inclosed in
proven to be very efficient. the lower compartment and consists of a
standard coupled receiver, with a

THE JAPANESE T. Y. K. eti ir. This is placed in a metal

RADIOPHONE SYSTEM. housing equipt with a metal di i

on the left of the case. Adjusting the

Among the early distinguished workers
crystal is performed by a vertical rod pro-
in radiophony we find that Messrs. W'ichi
truding from the top cover. Two variable
condensers are used and these are mounted
on top, while the coupling of the primary
and secondary is varied by turning the
front knob. A
change-over switch is sup-
plied for connecting the receiving and
transmitting instruments whenever de-
sired, and the control handle for the same
is seen at rear, left-hand corner of the
lower cabinet. The primary switch is
mounted on the left.
Excellent results were obtained with this
system, and a number of sets have been
installed in several Japanese land and boat
One of the Latest Designs of Ex-
tremely Compact and Light Weight
Radio Outfits Intended for "Mos-
quito" Fleet Service.

a current derived from a storage battery.

It was designed for supplying the mos-
quito fleet with an efficient low power
transmitting outfit. The Simple Connections Used in the
Japanese "T. Y. K." Radiophone
This outfit was developed by A. B. Cole, System.
a New York radio engineer. It consists
of a quenched spark gap of the open air Torikata, E. Yokoyama and M. Kitamura
type which is mounted on the panel. The of Japan have done very notable work
sparking surface consists of two large spe- in this direction, and the system which
cial alloyed discs. The gap is excited by they have evolved is a radio frequency
a spark coil of unique design; this is placed spark system of unique design, which we
behind the panel, its interrupter, which is herewith describe in detail. _

of the independent type, being stationed on The complete equipment is shown in

the front of the panel and visible on the the photograph and resembles very much
center right. The oscillating circuit con- an ordinary standard "wall telephone."
sists of the usual arrangements; namely, a The transmitting apparatus outside the
generator is enclosed within the top
on the large vessels and Electricians sec- cabinet, while the bottom one contains
ond class are sent in charge of the installa- the receiving instruments and aerial con-
tion on destroyers and gunboats. Men who trol switch. The direct current rotary
have sen ed two years at sea. in radii >.
converter is seen standing on the floor.
and who have advanced to second class It runs on a 110-volt direct current source,
are eligible for shore duty. The pay and and delivers 500 volts D. C. for the arc.
allowances and retired pay of the Navy, tective resistances and choke coil are-
and the fact that all men gel shore duty, used, and these are mounted on a sepa-
makes Naval Radio Service more at-
the rate base; they are seen below the in-
tractive tin- commercial ser-
than that of strument proper.
vices. A comparison of tin- two pays and The transmitting equipment consists oi
allowances in the Naval Radio and Com a specially constructed arc. its electrodes
menial Radio favors the former. consisting of iron and brass. Tin- dis-
The physical and moral qualifications re- tance between the stationary and movable
quired for entrance to the Naval Service electrodes are automatically controlled
apply in all respects to these branches. If by means of an electro-magnel so ar- The Japanese "T. Y. K." Wireless Phone
the recruit is unable to complete the course ranged as to adjust the arc terminals in System Is One of the Simplest and Most
order to keep the oscillatory condition Efficient Ever Devised. It Greatly Re-
of instruction at the Electrical School he- sembles the Familiar "Wall" Type Tele-
cause of incompetency or inaptitude he will operative. This arc is operated in the phone.
In- transferred, if he desires, to such rating open air and the same is mounted on top
in the general service as he is qualified to of the transmitting cabinet. Its connec- stations. The I Fficiency in watts per mile
fill or he will he discharged from the^vTavy tions are made thru the control electro- of talking range is remarkably high. Also
for inaptitude. magnets of the equilibrator, as indicated in the design of the complete equipment is
(Continued <"i page 1531 the wiring diagram. The movable elec- marked bj distinctive simplicity.
— .


Remarkable Radio Outfit Built By German Spy After the police were satisfied of the na-
ture of the equipment in the box they asked
\\ ax to operate it. He fingered several

seized recently by the police in the
belief that it was nothing more
than a modern adaptation of a time
worn contrivance for swindling un-
sophisticated persons out of their savings,
box of mystery, by Arthur Woods, Police Commissioner,
looked at the contrivance that it was recog-
nized as a genuine and extremely effective
portable wireless outfit.
The box
It is
about two and a half feet
covered with black enamel and
parts of the mechanism for a moment or
two and finally succeeded in causing a short
circuit, which effectually put the whole thing
out of commission. The damage, however,
can be repaired easily.
In the examination of Wax the police
has silver handles and
•__>- m^^mm drew from him the statement that he came
brass hinges and
|^^A clasp It must have
to this country from Germany in June,
Bkl cost at least $800, ac-
cording to the esti-
He denied he had served in the German
army, asserting he was rejected for mili-
mate of experts.
tary service because he had a weak heart.
fcij^J As soon Ser-
Dr. Baker and Dr. Hamilton, police sur-
geant Pierce recog-
geons, were called in to examine the pris-
nized the use to which
the queer arrange-
oner. They pronounced him an almost
perfect physical specimen and said there
ment might be put
the outfit was rigged
was no indication that he ever had suffered
up, its batteries were
from heart disease.
set in motion, and in
Considerable interest was manifested by
a moment the hissing
the police and federal investigators in
sounds and sputtering papers and letters found in Wax's posses-
and flashing sparks sion. They declared some were written in
that attend the opera- code. All of them were in duplicate. One
tion of a wireless out- of the papers, according to the police, was a
fit were in evidence.
draft for $12,000 and another was for 2,300
Wax persisted, de-
marks. The latter was drawn on the
spite the effectiveness
Deutsche Bank, of Berlin. It was declared
demonstra- by the police that Wax received some of
of this
these papers thru the office of the German
tion, in his assertion
Government that the batteries, Consul in this city several weeks ago. The
U. S.
and Police Experts tiny dynamo and in-
money, the police said they learned, was sent
Were Much Sur- tricate coils were
to Wax by relatives in Germany, who the
prised to Find That placed in the box by
prisoner declared were both wealthy and
influential there.
the Cabinet Here him to make the ap-
Shown, Which Was paratus "look pretty."
Recently Seized Eventually he said he ELECTRICITY REDUCES FIRE
with Max Wax, a intended to use them HAZARD.
German Spy, Was to give color to a mo- One-fourth of all the fires occurring in
Capable of Receiv- tion picture scenario Waterbury, Conn., for a year might have
ing Secret Radio he intended to write. been avoided by the use of electricity,
Messages from Persistent question- according to the report of Fire Chief
Germany. ing, however, drew Heitman.
from Wax, according

was revealed as a clever wireless telegraph

to the police state-
ment, the admission that he, having bought
outfit, capable of receiving messages from the materials, the box and its outfit were put FOR RADIO.
as far away as Berlin. together for him by a seaman on board one Herewithwe present the vacuum am-
Police and government experts who ex- of the interned German ships lying at Ho-
pere gage, a new Marconi device.
amined the mechanism in the box declared boken. He refused to reveal the identity The demand for a small, sensitive, ro-
it to be as perfect in construction as an> of the man, asserting he knew him only as bust instrument suitable for use equally
they ever had seen. It is (or was) the "Frank" and had met him only a few times. on alternating and continuous current cir-
cuits is not new, and inventors have made
property of Max Hans Ludwig Wax. a When the examination of Wax had pro-
German citizen, and graduate of the Uni- ceeded that far L. R. Krum, chief radio many attempts to satisfy it.
versity of Berlin. Wax, as soon as he officer of the federal government for the
The instrument is designed primarily as
found the police had learned the real nature New York district, arrived at Police Head- a maximum current gage to indicate the
of the intricate contents of the box. as- quarters. He examined the machinery con- condition of syntony in wireless circuits,
sumed an air of stolid indifference, denied tained in the box carefully and then verified and may be employed as a substitute for a
he knew the box could be of service either Sergeant Pierce's declaration that it was a thermo- junction and galvanometer com-
in sending or receiving telegraph messages wireless outfit of great strength. He agreed bination in the measurement of wave
or that he knew anything of telegraphy, and with Sergeant Pierce that the apparatus lengths and decrement. The principle in-
ted that apparently useless bits of par-
: was easily capable of receiving messages
aphernalia contained in the box had been from as far away as Berlin. Both experts, tlair Spring Support
placed there by him merely to make the however, declared the apparatus probably
vance "look pretty." could not be used to send a message much
Then, the police say. informed pros- Wax farther than one hundred miles.
pective dupes that the little black box con- Despite the readiness with which Mr.
tained machinery devised by German scien- Krum and the police wireless operators
tists for reproducing American banknotes were able to set the wireless outfit in mo-
and currency hills. It be would place a one- tion, many contrivances in the box were a
thousand dollar bill in the "press" inside the mystery to them. It appeared as if there
box the contrivance would print ten dupli- were three sets of batteries, where only one filaments
cates of that bill. It then was the duty of was necessary. The operators exprcst the
the "loyal" German, the police say they belief, however, that any one of the three
were informed. pass the spurious notes
1 <
> battery sets might have been connected with
off for American gold, so that eventually the rest of the apparatus, so that, even if
this country would be flooded with counter- two batteries failed, there still would be
feit notes and persons loyal to Germany power to keep the contrivance in operation.
would he in possession of most of this The only incomplete thing about the out-
country's fit was that the police were unable to find a

By Placing the Delicate Moving Parts of

Just after Wax was arrested the police sending key and a transformer, both of This High Frequency Current Gage in an
learned that he had left the box in a ma- which would be necessary if the machine Evacuated Bulb the Action is Made More
chine shop in Xew York City. The police Stable and Reliable. It Can Be Used with
were to be used for sending wireless mes- a Wave Meter to Measure the "Decre-
finally located the box in a trunk which sages. Wax. however, is described by per- ment."
they sai<llipt with a false bottom. sons who stayed in the house where he lived
It was not Sergeant Pierce, in charge
until as having been in the habit of carrying a volved is that of the hitilar suspension, one
of the police wireless station, rigged up as small hand grip. The grip has not yet been pair of the filament ends being fixt. and the
part of the scheme for military defence found. other pair attached to a pivoted arm, the

rotation of which is controlled by a spring if a Murdock variable conden "THE CRUISE"— A RADIO STORY.
acting against the tension of the filaments. Audion and variomi By MARGARET L. CAMPBELL.
\\ hen a current passes thru the filaments, With thi- sel I hear the calls of KP1I: Early in August, 1916, I transferred my
heating them and causing them to elongate, kl'A: XIV; NPE and of course all Ama- wireless set from my radio station to my

the arm takes up a new position and the teurs in this vicinity.
angular displacement as indicated on the At the present Mlss Margaret L. „
„, ,..,_._
»•_, „„! using Campbell, of Rock-
urement of the current. time T1 am ,,„;.,„
port Mass., Has Long Been a Radio

The movement is enclosed in a glas-. bulb Only a spark coil Enthusiast and Has Operated the Ap-
exhausted of air. The sensitiveness is thus -mrl drv cells for paratus Shown on Frequent Trips
Made on Her Father's Yacht. She
greatly increased, and the movement pro- transmitting but H as Achieved a Distinct Success with
tected against damage and preserved from have a 1 kilowatt Her Station, Having Become Thoroly
dust or corrosion. set nearly com- Conversant with All Radio Matters.
The drawing shows quite clearly the con- plete.
struction of the little instrument, which is 1 thank you in

made up in such a way as to resemble an advance for the

electric lamp. In one form the bulb is interest you have
attached to a brass cap with projecting taken. Wirelessly
pins identical with that used on standard yours, Winifred
English lamp bulbs, and the size of the Dow, Tacoma,
instrument can be gaged by noticing this \\ ask
feature in the drawing. There are lots
The variation in zero which is character- of worse jobs
istic of hot wire instruments in general is
than that of Ra-
negligible in this type of instrument, and dio operator For
the natural damping renders the move- Uncle Sam. Be-
ii" m especially dead-heat. sides, he pays
The instrument, suitably calibrated, may you while learn-
als,. be used as a low reading volt-meter or
ing. Why not in-
ammeter, or as a shunted ammeter. The quire about it?
normal resistance of the commercial type Both women and
of vacuum instrument is approximately 12 men are eligible.
Enclosing the working parts in a vacuum MRS. CANDLER AN ABLE RADIO father's new sixty foot yacht, the Wa-
has enabled the makers to place on the OPERATOR. hama. She is a flush deck cruiser with
market an instrument which should prove Mrs. Candler of St. Marys, Ohio. says. all modern improvements and powered
of great general utility on account of the "I surely am very much interested in wire- with a large four-cycle gasoline engine.
fact that, at a reasonable cost, it is pos- less and not only interested but have been She also has two masts about thirty-five
sible to provide the means of measuring operating our set ever since it has been feet apart, which I used to support my
direct and alternating currents of the or- in existence. I now hold a first grade com- aerial. There is a large cabin, ten by twelve
der of .01 amp., without sacrificing any mercial license. The first photo of our set feet in size, in which I installed my trans-
robustness of construction. The small size was sent you last year by '9XE' and ap- mitting and receiving apparatus, which con-
makes it a matter of no particular diffi- peared in the Experimenter in connection sists of a two inch spark coil, two Leyden
culty to insert the instrument in a circuit with the report of the Washington's Birlli- jars, helix, spark gap and key. Also, two
where no previous provision has been made variable condensers, loose coupler, tuning
for a measuring instrument.
There Now an Opportunity
for Radio Women.
All One coil, loading inductance, Ferron, galena and
With a wave meter using the new vacu- of the Best Qualified Opera- silicon detectors mounted upon a movable
um gage the wave-length of the primary tors Is Mrs. Chas. Candler,
of St. Marys, Ohio.
circuit of a l'.-kw. set can quite easily be One of the interesting cruises made last
read when the wave meter is held with the summer was with a company of Marine
plane of its inductance coils parallel to Boy Scouts of which my father is the
that of the primary of the oscillation trans- commander. We sailed along the coast
former at a distance of two to three feet. of Massachusetts Bay, visiting vari-
The noise of the spark, which often hin- ous harbors and spending several days
ders the reading of a wave meter by means in Marblehead harbor during the fes-
of a crystal and telephones, in the case of tivities of "Marblehead Week," when
the vacuum gage gives no trouble, as the the great racing events of that notable
variable condenser has simply to he rotated yachting center are held.
until the pointer of the gage gives the The harbor was filled with yachts of all
maximum reading. In this way circuits types and age, from the majestic steam
can be tuned rapidly as well as accurately. yacht of the millionaire to the small sailing
dory of some aspiring youth. I was sur-
MISS WINIFRED DOW A RADIO prised to find ho these boats were
ENTHUSIAST. equipt with wireless apparatus, also how
with find picture of my radio ex- ii-\v of them so equipt appeared to be using
perimental outfit. My receivin their apparatus or even listening in. I

This held ci on with some interested

day Relay in the May. 1916, issue.
Mar our station (8NH) again to
amateurs on shore.
inent part in the Presidential Relay, being We did not send or receive any "S.O.S."
a pri/c winner. We
have been subscrib- calls,but did have occasion to render timely
ers to the Fi.ectrical ExrERi.MEXTER for assistance to a motor boat whose engine
more than a year.'' had broken down out at sea and towed
her to a place of safety before a severe
PHILADELPHIA'S NEW RADIO thunder storm broke upon us.
STATION WILL SEND THREE- might say that I detected little differ-

ence in the workings of my apparatus

WORLD. the boat as compared with the
ritliniin.u \ work on construction of one
same on land.
of the mosl ireless station- in

I found my set to be of the greatest


the world has begun at the Philadelphia

Navy Yard, according to an official an- service in the evening when the crew gath-
nouncement m construc- the time signals and the
tion of a hangar which will house eight
news of the dav.
battle hj droaii planes alsi is under w aj i

The new wireless station will have a

sending radius of approximately three- WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY ON
i i i
oi the distanci an mnd BRITISH SHIPS.
making possible direct communication with By an Order in Council, issued on July
Among the Girls "Radio" Has Now Become the Philippines insular possessions 2S iast, every British ship of 3,000 tons
a Promising Vocation. At Least Miss Wini- of the United States. The aerial structure gross or upwards is required to have a
fred Dow, of Tacoma. Wash., Seems to
Think So. will be more than 700 feet high. wireless installation.

The Marconi Type "106" Tuner

THE receiver consists of a type "106''
tuner and a crystal detector. This
The switches marked Transformer Pri-
mary are for the purpose of varying the
aerial is connected to one terminal of the
inductance, so that by varying the trans-
receiver consists of a variable induct- amount of inductance in the aeriai circuit. former primary, a greater or less amount of
ance primary circuit. One end of this The switch marked i'nits varies the induc- inductance can be inserted between the
inductance is connected to the antenna thru tance in one-turn steps. The switch marked aerial and ground. This either increases or
decreases the natural period of the primary
or aerial circuit. It is necessary, therefore,
to make these adjustments to bring the cir-
cuit in tune with the received signals. If
the wave length of the received signal is
shorter than that of the aerial circuit, it is
necessary" to insert the primary condenser in
the circuit. This has the effect of shorten-
ing the time period of this circuit. The
secondary circuit consists of a variable
condenser marked Secondary Condenser,
and a variable inductance marked Trans-
former Secondary.
By varying either the transformer sec-
ondary switch or the secondary condenser,
this circuit can be tuned to the wave length
of the incoming signals. It is also possible
to vary the ratio of capacity to inductance,
while maintaining the same wave length
adjustment. It is often found to advantage
to vary this ratio. The handle marked
Coupling is for the purpose of varying the
inductive relation of the primary circuit and
the secondary circuit. After these circuits
have been tuned to the incoming signals,
the coupling should be varied until a maxi-
Front View of the "Marconi' Type 106 Radio Receiving Cabinet. Radio Students mum response is found. The handle
Will Find It Beneficial to Study It Thoroly.

the antenna switch. The other end of the

inductance connected to the ground thru
is Pofent Sec Prim
a variable condenser, which can be short-
circuited or thrown into circuit at will. The
secondary circuit is so constructed that its
inductance may be varied, and also its in-
ductive relation with the primary circuit
can be changed. A variable condenser is
provided, which permits a variation of wave
length and also the variation of the ratio
capacity to the inductance, while maintain-
ing the same wave length. A battery and
potentiometer is provided which permits
controlling the current thru the detector. A
pair of head telephones is used for receiv-
ing the signals. A buzzer is supplied which
permits the local excitation of this receiver,
so as to determine its condition of sensi- fort*
tiveness. A battery furnishes current for
both the detector and buzzer.
Fig. 1 is a front view of the type "106"
c ^
tuner and shows the exact position of the
Fig 2
different switches and parts for its opera-
Front View of "Marconi' Type 106 Radio Receiving Cabinet, Equipt with Mineral
tion. Detector and Loose Coupler.

Tens varies this marked Potentiometer varies the current

inductance in ten- thru the crystal detector. The detector is
turn steps. The situated between the coupling and conden-
Primary Conden- ser handles. A switch marked Battery is
ser, when in zero provided, so that the crystal may be used
position, has a either with or without the battery. A buz-
minimum capacity. zer is mounted on the front of the panel
If this condenser and is operated with a button marked Test.
is turned beyond Terminals are provided to connect to the
the 180 degree battery they are marked Battery.
: Two
mark, it automati- terminals are provided for connecting in
cally short-circuits the telephone receivers, and are marked
itself,so that the Telephones.
aerial circuit will The internal as well as the external con-
have no series ca- nections of this receiver are shown in Fig.
pacity in it. The 3. Fig. 2 is a back view of the panel.
terminal marked This hook-up is of interest to all radio
Aerial is connect- amateurs and students who expect some
ed to the antenn;. day to become commercial operators.
switch. The ter-
\mong other things, note that the buzzer
minal marked test linked up with the aerial-ground cir-
Ground connect-
cuit inductively by a two coil transformer.
ed to the ground.
When this primary Xote how the secondary coil is moved in
circuit is connect- and out of the primary" by a rack and pinion
ed to the aerial and arrangement, giving great precision to the
Hook-Up for Complete "Marconi" Type 106 Receiving Set, Showing ground the circuit coupling adjustments as well as rotary con-
Inductively Coupled Test Buzzer. is as follows : The trol.

The How and Why of Radio Apparatus

NO. 4— SPARK GAPS. However, we can increase the amount of any indefinite time, it is best with such
Fromtime to time we will describe one current passing thru the gap without in - non-synchronous rotary gaps, to provide a
particular instrument used in cither tin- ra- • i' asing the length of the spark, by simply stationary electrode "A," in the form of a
dio transmitting or receiving set, explain- increasing the size of the condenser, and segment, having a pitch equal to the dis-
ing just how it works, and why. II e have the most efficient circuit for a given amount tance between two of the rotary electrode
received so many requests /rum new read- of power, is that in which there is a mod- points.
ers asking for such explanations, that we erate spark length with a large condenser. or synchronous rotary gaps, driven by a

have decided to publish this mailer til serial When the condenser has been fully synchronous A.C. motor or by mounting
ft ni.
'i In the course of scleral issues all of charged, tin spark gap breaks down, and the the disc on the same shaft with the motor-
the principal transmitting and receiving ap- gap becomes tilled with metallic vapor, and iie in the best types of
paratus wtll have been ovei ed. I he subjei
i I tor the time being tonus a high frequency commercial radio transmitting sets, the fixt
Joe the Join Hi paper is the (JAP. SPARK alternating-current are. The conductivity electro. [i be any larger than a

of the spark is due to tin presence of me- [le electrode point on the rotary disc.
spark gap forms one of the tallic vapor in the gap. After the discharge 'iie of the most efficient spark gaps used
most important parts of any os- ceases, and it" tins metallic vapor is not

very successfully by commercial stations

cillatory circuit, and this proves quickly removed from the gap, the insula- and also by numerous amateurs, is the
particularlj so in radio transmit- tion will in consequence be very low at quenched gap illustrated at Fig. 3. This
ting circuits, where everything the time that the condensi is passing thru
i gap, which is very well known to-day, is
must be designed to realize the utmost ef- its next charging period, which of course designed on several important basic prin-
ficiency. This means careful and scientific occurs in a small fraction of a second, usu- ciples. The foremost of these desidera-
design at every turn, and it takes into con- ally. tum s is that each gap shall be preferably
sideration such important topics as the It is therefore paramount that we re- not over 1/100 of an inch in length, and
proper dissipa- moreover, that
tion of the heat the gap shall be
produced in the line electrodes absolutely air-
SparA gap
gap; the proper Coo ling /ones Threaded /n tight. Further,
arrangement o i not over 1,000 to
the gap to give , SparA gap 1,200 volts should
the desired tone, be applied to
and a number of each individual
other vital points. gap, and for high-
The part plaj ed er voltage a suit-
by the spark gap able number of
in an oscillatory these short gaps
circuit is to allow are placed in se-
the condenser in ries, as shown in
this circuit to the illustration
charge to the re- Fig. 2 herewith ; two
quired voltage, gaps being adap-
and then to break Rotary plafe ted to 2,000 volts
down and permit — three gaps to
the charge stored 3,000 volts, etc.
Airtight casing
in the condenser, The action o f
to surge back Cooling f/anges
Adjustable this gap has been
and forth across 1 To A&G. I bo/i beanngs described at some
the gap in the length in a semi-
form of sparks, technical manner
until all of its Cooling by Mr. Charles
pated. For
is dissi-
sev- aiim mm l/ones R. Ballantine in
the March, 1917,
eral reasons the InsuI. coupling issue The
ideal spark gap Electrical
would be one Mo/ors/iaf/ ExPERIMEXTF.R.
which would in- Fix-t plate oos' sph gap Briefly, the action
sulate perfectly, oi Mico ring Cost or turned plates of the gap is
or be non - eon- based upon theFig 4
ducting during Fig 3 fact that a small
the time when l«] quantity of air
the condenser is trapt between
was being Various Styles of Radio Spark Gaps Which Have Been Found Efficient for Different Types of
Sets. The Rotary Quenched Gap, Fig. 4, Is One of the Best for Small and Medium Power Sets
the spark sur-
charged, and con- Operating on Low Frequency Circuits. faces separated
ducting perfectly, by a mica ring of
while the condenser was discharging. move this vapor completely as soon as pos- proper thickness. After the first few sparks
The nearer these requirements are ful- sible after the discharges of the condenser have past the oxygen in the trapt air is
filled in any spark gap, the more efficient have ceased. This has been attempted in burned up, resulting in a partial vacuum in
will this piece of apparatus perform its various ways in the past, such as by pro- the gap. This conduces to the rapid
function. While the discharge is passing, viding spark gaps having large cooling quenching thereafter of the spark dis-
the resistance of the gap depends upon vanes attached to the spark electrodes, as charges, due to the condenser, and gives
two factors the resistance
: increasing in Kig. 1, and also by causing one or both rise to a very ideal set of conditions for
markedly with the length of the spark, of the spark gap electrodes to rapidly ro- the entire radio transmitting circuit. This
and decreasing rapidly with the oscillatory tate, so as to constantly refresh the air in is because the oscillations in the spark gap-
current, amounting with a half-inch gap the gap. This latter condition, which is condenser circuit are cut off after the first
to several hundred ohms when a fraction usually met by arranging a number of few beats or sparks, but the oscillations in-
of an ampere passes, and but a small frac- small spark electrodes on a rotary disc at- duced in the aerial-ground circuit are left
tion of an ohm when say sixty amperes tached to the shaft of a motor, or to the free to oscillate for a longer period. This
flow across the gap. If the spark length shaft of a motor-generator in the case of prevents the reaction of free oscillations in
is above one-half inch, the resistance with synchronous spark gaps, the spark being the spark gap circuit upon the aerial or
the same oscillatory current flowing, can caused to jump thru the air between the secondary circuit a condition which is in- —
be taken as approximately proportional to constantly moving electrodes, and one or variably found in ordinary radio transmit-
the spark length. However, in a condens- more fixt electrodes mounted on the base ters fitted with a plain fixt spark gap, and
er circuit, the quantity of electricity is of the spark gap. a condition which mitigates seriously
stored up in the condenser, and in conse- Fig. 2 shows a non-synchronous type of against the best efficiency of such an equip-
quence, the amount of oscillatory current spark gap in which the speed of the rotat- ment. The quenched spark gap usually
increases with the spark length. Hence, ing disc bears no definite relation to the consists of a number of these small gaps
we find two conditions working against frequency of the alternating-current in the as above described, which are placed in a
each other, as regards the influence of the transformer or spark coil. As a spark is suitable frame so that considerable me-
spark length on the spark resistance. apt to occur, or want to occur, at most 1 Continued on pane 153 I
: —


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n ii -it —— ——
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The Clock Craze

By Thomas Reed
handed over the kale with a feeling which
BEING cooped up in a flat, late years,
I've had to give up experimenting.
over in his grave at that
libel, for one of
excellent hrass clocks ought to go for if magnified a few diameters would have

Mine's a tine flat, as flats go all — 100 years, and only be talking baby-talk been enthusiasm.
modern conveniences, two kinds of then. knew what ailed it all right; it was
1 Everybody (including myself) expected
cold water as the fellow says, and a so full of my contact-springs, wires, mag- it would be not over two weeks at the out-
fire-escape with a sparrow's nest on it nets and other junk, that its regular works side before I had the clock rigged up and
even a little safe let into the wall, big had become discouraged. But that was a
secret between me and the clock, and there
were good reasons why the secret was safe
with me.
Anyhow, when the clock took to stop-
ping, something had to be done, and done
quick, because mother would figure wrong
with her Saturday baking, and Mrs. Skil-
lings would get her hot pies out on the
window-sill first, which was an awful
catastrophe to mother, and made her feel
as peevish as the Standard Oil does when a Confoc+s
competitor sells a quart or so of gasoline
right under its nose.
I had pondered a little on electric clocks,
and as say they looked easy, so I made
Armafare the family a proposition for half the;

price of a new clock I would turn the old

one into an electric clock that would go 4gote post
all the time without winding. Father liked
the idea because his back got twisted climb-
ing up on a chair to wind the thing, and
any clock at all looked good to mother
provided it was a going institution. I said
this one you couldn't stop if you wanted -

to and it would be so accurate that Mrs.


Skillings would he running over to ask

humbly what the really correct time was.
This is known as promoters' language, and

jn ng.i
is powerful. It clinched the deal. Father

Fig. 1. Attempt No. 1 in Electric Clock Finally the Electric Clock Problem Settled
Research as Tried Out by the Author Did — Down to a Resurrection of Hipp's Famous
It Work? Read the Accompanying Text if Pendulum. But Oh! that "Agate" Post IX?
You Think So, Bugs. Likewise Zowie.
enough to hold most of the Wirt's diamond
tiaras if you pack 'em tight. Yes, it has was after Mrs. Skillings' goat with it. I
all the conveniences tint one, and that's the took the old clock to pieces for the last

only one worth having a workshop. time, pulled out a few superfluous wheels
The nearest I can get to it now is read- and springs, and inserted a pawl and rat-
ing the good old Electrical Experimenter. chet-wheel where they would do the most
When she blows in. I sop her up from good. Then I started gaily on the electric

front cover to hack every word. Adver- pendulum that was to drive it. I wished
tisements and all. Well, I'll say so; and afterward I'd made the pendulum first.
I'm not' the only one that does it, eh, It was a grand pendulum I made a sec- —
Bugs ? onds-pendulum of the due length of 39.1
Oneplace 1 always stop and smile, and inches, with wooden rod and a tine heavy
that's the heading "How-to-Make-It De- bob. I was so cocksure that I polished up
partment.'" I guess my department is the all parts as I went along. But when it
"How-A"o/-to-Make-It.'' Usually every- was done, it wouldn't work.
thing I started went wrong the hrst time; There were two or three main reasons
but the finding out why it wouldn't work, why. To begin with, it was hung on pi
and making it over till it would, wasn't the like a telegraph key: and the heavy bob
worst fun in the world. In fact. I think set up so much friction there that it would
it was the lK--t. No fun simply copying. have taken about a kilowatt to drive it.
When it came to the electric clock, Of course it should have been hung on a
though, that nearly heat me. There's a suspension spring, which lets the pendu-
thing that look^ easy, and isn't: yet it's lum oscillate while supporting its weight
simple enough once you're wised up. without friction. Bonehead play number
I was sort of forced into the clock craze. one.
You see, our kitchen clock was on the Attempt No. 2. in Electric Clock Design. Well, I discarded my pivots tho I —
blink. Father didn't Maine it good old — This Arrangement "Worked Too Well." But hated to. they looked so pretty and with —
clock, he said, it had served him faithfully the Magnet's Successive Pulls on the Pendu- my pendulum swinging easily from a
lum Accumulated till it Banged Against the
twenty-five years, and was worn out. Worn Magnet Like Jess Willard Administering a ng, looked to see her go. But nix.

out nothing! I'll liet old Jerome turned K. O. Istrong magnet, clean contacts, and


all tlmi. but nothing doing. Could any- oter. My stockholders, ignor- fascinating of lo< ks ai d if so, I

thing be wrong with my arrai have many valuable "wrinkle-" which I

Answer, oui, oui. oring for quick returns on their investment. should be delighted to share with you.
Vim see I had ii rigged as in Fig. 1. in this mm nl fall naturally Only, avoid my experience, and don't make
following tin- idea of tin- electric lull. into sarcasm. "Oh, you were
'I a business proposition of it at first. C-U-L,
When pendulum swung over far enough
tin- sure as anything when you were
in make contact, the magnet gave a vigor- and now you admit you
ous pull; Imt unfortunately iv checked tin didn't know what you were doing. Of NEW RESISTANCE MATERIALS.
uu're right on
' ' > A Xew York concern is now marketing
P/of/nt/m ccm/ocf fh/r> 6er/nao the track of it this tungsten and rib-
.w\ Peodt//um t i in e - pooh, i
h ! bon and form.
plateThis development
[a\ e it all reail makes these metals suitable for new uses

> morrow morning at ipens to them a much wider field

breakfast, su] I of usefulness than has heretofore existed.
Well, a fool and his The tungsten and molybdenum ribbon is
money " all that being made in widths of about \\ in.
encouraging stuff. I (6.3S mm.) and in lengths of several
Coooecftog w/res know to just how
Brass tr/gger 1
yards. In this shape the ribbons ought
to bat & magnet treat impatient inves- to be ideal material for the manufacture
tors now ; but at that of heaters of various descriptions and suit-
time the situation, able for high temperatures, the manu-
found sfee/ 6/vd coming on top of my facturer points out. The United States
beof syff/i/ oog/e defeat at the hands of inmeiit has already placed an order

oofc/rea'at'faa Nature, got my goat, for plates of these metals for spark gaps

Finally Contrived a Substitute for that "Agate" Post on the

M and I'm ashamed to
say I declared bank-
ruptcy and quit.
on wireless outfits to be used on its Jlm-
quito hi' it.

Clock Pendulum, Relates the Author, and Decided that the Thing Father bought a new
to do Was to "Substitute." Steel Proved Excellent but Guess — I

kitchen clock, and is-

a Piece of Cheese Would Have Sufficed. The "kink" shown is a new section-
sued a manifesto
liner. There are a great number of appli-
pendulum just as much as it pulled it, and (having got an inkling of what ailed its
ances on the market for this purpose, but
the result was nil. The slow, free-swing- predecessor) that if I monkeyed with its
the one described will do the same work
ing pendulum acted differently from the insides to the 100th part of a monk, he
as the most expensive device, its advantage
rapid, springy hell-hammer. would monkey with my outside and, in the ;
being simplicity.
The two weeks were already up, and vigorous language of the day, I was not
It consists of a sheet of celluloid cut as
mother was beginning to peeve, because to forget it.
shown. The parts shown in black are cut
mi anwhile Mrs. Skillings bad put it over I knew why a prophet is without honor
away with a sharp knife, leaving a kind of
her again on the pies; so I hid my chagrin in his own country. Believe me, my home
grid. To use this section-liner place its
under what I hoped looked like a confident reputation as a budding scientific and busi-
base close to the Tee-square and place the
smile and attacked the problem anew. ness man was badly damaged to be more ;
pen or pencil into the opening and draw
The next attempt is shown in Fig. 2. I exact, it looked like the place where a 42
a section-line, following the outline of the
made a flapping contact, metal on one side cm. shell has recently landed. But the grid. Without moving either Tee-square
and insulating mica on the other. This clock craze had struck in and oblivious :
or section-liner, place pen into the next slot
arrangement worked too well, if you get of everything, in cloistered seclusion be- and so on.
me. The magnet gave a nice pull, and on hind the barn I pondered upon Hipp and The two corners "X" and "Y" are cut
the back-stroke it let go, all as per inten- his exasperating agate.
away to the angle of threads used and these
tion. But now the pulls accumulated till T pondered long before, in a burst of may come in handy when drawing bolts,
thependulum ended by banging against the enlightenment, the great truth of Bugdom etc.
magnet like Jess Willard administering a —
burst upon me use some other material, The second "kink" will save those drafts-
K-O. This pendulum thing began to seem even if it isn't as good, anything at all men that are on repetition work much time
decidedly not as easy as it used. for a starter. Couldn't I use steel, brass and consists of the following:
trouble. It
Anyhow, to have it go at all was some even ? it would last long enough to try it Draw all those
bolts, nuts, washers, fit-
consolation \!1 that was needed now Was anyhow. It makes me laugh now, my great tings, vie., that are used over and over
some arrangement to cut the current off discovery but do you know that some-
again in numerous sizes on a sheet of
as soon as the pendulum had all the im- times the getting rid of a fixt idea is the tracing cloth and ink it in. Be sure to
pulse it needed, and switch it on again hardest part of an undertaking? Why, 1
mark, in the case of nuts and bolt-hi
when more was required. Now I began to could have used pewter, paper, I guess from where you strike the radii: see point
appreciate Hipp's pendulum, described in even cheese if you took it near the rind. "M"; point "X" shows the height of the
the text-hooks. In Hipp's device (Fig. 3) Don't let anyone discourage you. Bugs, bj bolt head arc.
the electric contact is made by means of specifying costly and unusual materials. As most offices use transparent draw
notched post attached to the pendulum, The inventor's describing his rinktum the
which normally pushes past a little swing- way it looks after he's got it all babied
ing trigger attached to the contact-spring. up in its final Easter dress; but just for
\s the pendulum loses its amplitude, there a trial you don't need the platinum, Bake-
comes a moment when the notch in the lite, Empire cloth, ami "S.C." wire no, sir, —
post just catches the trigger, and then when you'll find all you really require in the
it starts the other way the trigger is good old junk-box as usual. Me, I grew
raised and the contact made, the magnet so independent finally in the matter of ma-
is energized, and gives the pendulum a terials that 1 hardly recognized more than
push. The notch now brushes by the trig- —
two kinds conductors anil insula!' >

ger again, until the narrowing swings allow So, having got the agate out of my head
it to catch once more, and the process is — "solid agate" guess my old bean was

repeated. As the battery runs down, the I used steel fur the post ami liru-s for the
push is weaker and the contact has to be trigger; and as to durability, let me tell
made oftener; but the mechanism does this you that after nearly twenty years i\se I
automatically until the battery is exhausted. Can't with the naked eye detect any v.
Hipp's rinktum looked effective, if one Oh, yes, I made the clock, hut had a 1

could only make it; but being a clock- long hunt for something on Hipp's prin-
maker, old Hipp had specified agate as the ciple in a form which the amateur work-
material for his notched post Agate, he shop might turn out. After mans trials 1 A Celluloid Section Liner for Draftsmen
says, just like that: "Take a piece of agate, and a Scheme for Quickly Drawing Nuts or
evolved the form shown in Fig. 4; and I Bolt-Heads of Any Size.
Mm know, and put a notch in it." Oh, make you free of my invention. Bugs, boil-
The only agate had ever beard of I
ing someone will be interested enough to cloth, the standard sheet can easily be slipt
was an agate marble; and it didn't look make himself an electric clock. There's under if. outlines traced
exactly like easj stuff to make anything of, lots of enjoyment in listening to it- sedate thru. In the case of many hundred holts,
Four weeks had now gone by, and the tick-tock as it breaks up infinite time into etc.. required, say in details of holts for
family had lost all their peevishness; that, the small units we need to make our good pipe lines, etc., the saving of time will be
is, they had exchanged it for black looks ,.i bad u of. Maybe, now that the war
.mil a much neater drawing
and language not calculated to please. 1 will del. ,n- us from wireless work for a will be the result.
was reaping the usual reward of the san- while, you'll feel inclined i" take up this Contributi C. V iYD. i


The Influence of Light upon the Contact Potential of

Selenium and of Cuprous Oxid
Department of Physics (University of Minnesota)
ducd into a vacuum tube and showed the
THE change in resistance of crystal-
line selenium and other light sensitive
nated, the concentration of free electrons
would be increased, and one should expect characteristic lines of helium. When a
very old sample of radium bromid was
substances, such as stibnite, cuprous diffusion of these electrons into the darker
oxid, etc., under the action of light and oth- portions, leaving the part illuminated more
er agencies, has been explained on the as- positively charged. The negative sign of
sumption that it is due to a liberation of the change in contact potential, however, at
conducting electrons from the atoms of the once rules out the diffusion hypothesis and
material in question.* In other words, the makes the simple theory mentioned above
change mav be considered as due to a inadequate. An hypothesis which better
fits the facts is that contained in a theory
change in the atom itself. If this expla :
nation is correct, then other properties ot recently proposed by Professor F. C. Brown
these substances, which also depend upon of the Iowa State University, which as-
inter-atomic forces, should show a varia- sumes that the action of light consists in
tion from light to dark. The authors in- changing the rate of recombination of con-
vestigated the influence of illumination up- ducting electrons with the selenium atoms,
on the c tential of selenium and or. in other words, it decreases the potential Condenser Method for Measuring Quick
of cuprous oxid. since this property is one energy of the electrons in the inter-mole- Changes in the Contact Potential. The Elec-
cular spaces. trometer, E, Can Be Connected by Means of
of those mentioned above. Suitable Clips, Either to the Gauze, G, the
Using, as a check upon each other, two Selenium Plate, Se, or the Copper Plate, C.
different methods. Figs. 1 and 2 of deter- POPULAR DISCUSSION ON THE As Shown in the Diagram the Connections
mining contact potentials, it was found that PRODUCTION OF HELIUM Are Such That, by Means of the Poten-
tiometer, P, the Deflection of the Electrom-
a change did take place in both substances By Mark Fushman. eter Which Occurs When Light Falls on the
upon illumination. In the case of selenium, In a spectroscopic investigation, Janssen Selenium Plate Thru the Gauze, Can Be
over and Norman Lockyer observed in the at- Made Zero, and the Change in Contact Po-
this difference amounted to something tential Determined. Proper Precautions Are
—0.1 volt, several specimens being exam- mospheres of the sun and many fixt stars, Taken, of Course, to Secure Proper Electro-
ined. The value, in the dark, of the con- a bright yellow line which could not be static Screening.
tact potential, relative to clean copper,
was associated with that of any known sub-
about —0.4 volt, in the light about —0.5 volt, stance. To this new substance they gave used, the residue bubble gave the complete
i.e.,the selenium surface becomes more the name "Helium." Helium was discov- spectra of helium. This experiment
negative on being illuminated. With cup- ered on the earth in 1895 by Ramsay and showed that helium was produced by rad-
rous oxid, of which but one specimen has ium. Helium is also produced from active
been examined thus far, the_ effect is not forms of actinium. This shows also that
so great, being about —
0.025 volt. helium ought to be a common product of
In the case of selenium the effect is very both substances.
marked, even when light of very low in- Radium, owing to its property of giv-
tensity was used, as can be seen from the ing forth particles, gives forth certain par-
curve in Fig. 3, which shows the relation ticles which are called alpha particles. In
between the change in contact potential and old radioactive material there is a large
lamp voltage. Thus, with a lamp voltage collection of helium which goes to prove
of 25 volts (normal 110) the change that the alpha particle is connected with
amounts to about 0.035 volts, yet at 110 helium or rather that an alpha particle is
volts at which the intensity of illumination a helium atom. An estimate of the rate of
Ionization Method Measuring Contact Po-
has increased by a factor of about 2,000 tential. This MethodIs Also a Null Method production of helium from radium has
over that at 25 volts, the effect is only 3 S Is a Copper
as the Diagram Indicates. been made by Ramsay and Soddy. 1 gram
times as great. Strip Coated with Polonium, the a-Particles of radium produces daily 0.499 cu. mm.
from Which Ionize the Air Above the Sele-
Until recently the most widely accepted nium Se, But Do Not Strike the Selenium helium gas.
theory of the change in resistance of sele- Surface. G, as in the Other Method, Is a Investigation seems to show that the
nium with a variation of the intensity of Brass Gauze Connected to the Electrometer. alpha particles from actinium and thorium
illumination has been that proposed by Pro- are also atoms of helium; therefore we
Travers, who obtained it by heating the
fessor A. H. Pfund, of Johns Hopkins I m- mav regard these elements as compounds
rare mineral Cleveite. Later on, it was
versity. According to this theory, the ef- of helium and some unknown element. It
fect of light is in the nature of an internal
found that this element is a companion to
appears that helium plays an important
photo-electric effect, i.e., the atoms of sele- Argon. Lastly, it was also discovered in
role in the formation of the radioactive
the atmosphere.
nium expel electrons, the velocity of which _
elements. It may be that helium, like hy-
is too low to allow their escape
from the Helium has an atomic weight of 4.00 and
helium mole- drogen, plays a part as one of the elemen-
is monatomic, i.e., that is—the
At or- tary elements of which the heavier atoms
cule consists of only one atom.
are built.
dinary temperatures, helium is a colorless
It is supposed that at the center or
gas; "it boils at about 269°C.,__and by evap-
rather in the depths of the earth, where
oration at a pressure of 0.15 mm., a tem-
the pressure is great and the temperature
perature 1.5 above absolute zero was ob-
high, radioactive elements are being formed
and the deposits of radio-elements now on
The fact that this new gaseous element
the earth's surface were thrown up from
occurred in certain minerals was consid-
A new light was below ages ago.
ered very remarkable.
thrown on this subject by the discovery of
radioactivity. Radioactive substances are CARD INDEXING THE "E.E."
known to emit spontaneously electrons, or I have a little stunt which I thought
particles, as thev are now termed. As might be of interest to other readers, as
these particles a're emited the substance
I took a small card index that is sold
changes into a new and different element:
this is known as the disintegration theory for a recipe file /and sold for $1.00 any-
of radioactivitv. In looking for a disin- where, and as TV read my Electrical Ex-
tegration product, the presence of helium
terimextir each month, I note on the
Curve Showing Relation Between Light on
is noteworthy, for helium is found
in min- cards all those things that may be of fu-
Selenium and the Contact Potential.
erals containing uranium or thorium. ture use to me. in this way
\ntenna Switch-Fxp. Jan., 1917. page
interior, hence they produce increased con- Rutherford and Soddy suggested that hel-
ium might he a product of disintegration. 658; then at »nv time that I want to make
ductivity. The true explanation, however, anything, I look at the cards and all ar-
does not seem to be as simple as this, for Ramsav and Soddy obtained thirty milli-
ticles in inv stack of magazines are listed
on the above theory, in the regions illumi- grams of radium bromid and dissolved it of
Radium bromid produces hydro- there, which/ saves hunting thru a stack
in water.
A more complete discussion of this work is
gen and oxygen, so these gases were several doz*i magazines for something you
to-be Physical Review for January. have seen, but cannot find.
This article prepared for The Electrical drawn off and there remained a small BROWN.
which was intro- Contribute,! by F. C.
Experimenter." bubble of residue gas,

High Frequency Apparatus and Experiments


MANY realize
experimenters either do not
the vastness of the high
frequency field, or think that they __
have not money enough to buy
the necessary apparatus. It is the
purpose of this article to explain the man-
ner of constructing a few simple instru-
ments, and the method of carrying out
si Mile simple experiments.
In the first place, a high frequency trans-
former must he constructed. An Oudin
coil will be the best for all-around work,
and it may be made in the following simple
manner :Procure an ordinary pasteboard
mailing tube, about 2' i inches in diameter
and 10 inches long, and cover it with a thin
coat of white shellac. While this is still
wet, wind the tube with line copper wire,
spacing the turns far enough apart to en-
sure proper insulation. (Enough wire may
be found in an old telephone ringing mag-
net. ) Glue this tube upright to a base and
fasten three posts on the base. The pri-
mary coil may be made of 6 turns of No. 14
copper wire, connected as in the diagram,
Fig. 1.
A condenser can be made by coating both
sides of old photographic plates with tin-
foil, and placing tiieni in a cigar box, to
hold them in an upright position. A
gap of most any type will answer. V/2 A
inch spark coil should be used.
When the above instruments are con-
structed, they should be connected up as
shown in diagram, and the apparatus is
ready. When the spark coil is operated, a
brush discharge of purple light should ap-
pear around the free end of the secondary,
uoner end of coil, with sparks about 2 or 3
inches in length. If a piece of metal is
held in the hand, a very long spark can be
drawn from the secondary wire, without
the slightest shock. If, however, the spark Wood dowe// p/n
is drawn directly into the hand, a severe
sting may result. On the other hand, if a
pane of glass is held between the secondary
wire and the hand, a spark may be received
directly into the hand without pain ; the
spark, being dispersed or spread out while
passing over the glass. Fig. 2. Manner of Constructing Small "Oudin" Type High Frequency Coil for Carrying on
If a person insulated from the ground a Series of Interesting Experiments. One of These Is the Artificial "Aurora Borealis,"
Which Is Produced with the Aid of an Incandescent Lamp Bulb. Having Its Tip Portion
grasps the free terminal of the secondary, a Coated with Tinfoil, and Connected as Shown.
match may be lighted from any part of the
body. A
Geissler tube will light up bright- inside the bulb. Also, if there arc any treat diseases obtain a box which is large
ly, when brought near the body. This is loose pieces of filament, these will begin to enough to contain the coil and still leave
also a good way in which to treat heart and revolve rapidly about the inside of the bulb enough space (about 4 inches) on each side
nervous diseases. If there is any local and will continue to do so for some time to prevent the coil from "grounding." Run
trouble, a grounded metallic object should after the current is shut off, and each time the coil wires through the box and leave the
be brought near the point to be treated, thus they touch the glass a shower of sparks will free end of the secondary about six inches
taking out the induced current at this rly in all directions. long, so as to obtain good radiation sur-
point. A by-product of higrh tension electrical face. Place a hose in the top of the box
interesting experiment is to produce stress in the air is ozone. Ozone is merely and another in the lower part of one side.
an artificial Aurora Borealis. This may be electrified oxygen. When
high voltagea Paraffin the box to prevent leakage, and
accomplished with a large electric bulb (a discharge takes place in air or pure oxygen put a small window in one side so that the
100 watt, burned out one will do), covering gas, the atoms of oxygen are "torn apart" coil action may be viewed. Either air or
the tip with tin-foil. Insulate the bulb and exist in what is known as a nascent pure oxygen is taken in thru the lower
state. In this state each atom combines hose and the ozone is inhaled, or otherwise
with one other atom, and the chemical af- applied from the upper hose. In fumiga-
finity of these two atoms is such that, as tion, treatment of coughs, pneumonia, colds,
there is nothing with which they can com- and for many other medical uses, besides
bine, these atoms pull to themselves and oxidation of certain materials, bleaching
combine with a third atom of oxygen. flour and cloth, experimenting with its use
Thus is that a new gas is formed.
it This in welding and many other commercial uses,
gas much denser than oxygen and is
is ozone is a most valuable agent.
many times as active. The smell of ozone Taking the high frequency field as a
is very strong and there seems to be a slight whole, it is well worth while for more ex-
difference in the smell of ozone produced perimenters to work with it. High fre-
with a static machine and the ozone pro- quency current has the properties of both
duced with high frequency current. Ozone static and galvanic electricity, besides many
Fig. 1. Proper Connections for Small is an excellent "germ killer." as it kills all
properties which neither of the above pos-
"Oudin" High Frequency Coil Excited by a It will pass over ordinary insulators,
Spark Coil or Step-up A. C. Transformer. kinds of disease germs on contact. If it is sess.
administered properly, and in time, it will such as glass, almost as easilv as low fre-
from the ground and fasten the screw end cure consumption. quency current will pass thru copper. It
Place a strong per- The electric stress about the coil is so travels over the surface of a conductor
to the secondary wire.
and seldom thru it. Its oscillations are
manent magnet on each side and start the great, that immense quantities of ozone are
A beautiful auroral effect will form constantly being generated. In order to {Continued on fagc 154)


The Problem of Using The Energy in Sunlight

By Prof. I. Thornton Osmond
A RESEARCH PROBLEM AND is but one phase in the focus of a lens, Fresnel Mirrors, one 40x40 cm., the other
OUTLINED SOLUTION. spherical or cylindrical, all waves (of a 40x60 cm. ;the latter serving for a Lloyd
i length are in the same phase at any

single mirror, if wanted. 4. Biprism. sul-

used the in
the electrical energy
for power, heat
Two parts of a complex beam, of a
fur. 2p cm. wide, 40 cm. long; small an-
gles 7°, large angle 166°. 5. Polarizers, re-
and light to be obtained for nothing. one wave length beam, or of a one wave flecting metal plate, pile of plates, glass or
How the world would be chan length and one electric vector beam may be sulfur; fine grating; Fresnel rhomb. 6.
Energy in electrical form, of limitless made to traverse the same space by the use The transferring, or receiving, apparatus
amount and absolutely free, is fallin of a biprism or a mirror in such a way that described in 7 above (which may not be
a world provided with apparatus and appli- the intensity at various places at any in- necessary). 7. Accessory apparatus, as ca-
ances for the use of electric energy. But stant has values that vary from zero to pacity, resistance, inductance, and indicat-
the world docs not use this constant, ex- four times that of the single beam. ing instruments.
haustless flood of free energy; it digs coal 7°. Take a vessel with walls readily tra- Wherever wave length enters into the
out of the earth and depends on that for its versed by the solar radiation and that may design of these pieces of apparatus it is
power, heat and light. be exhausted to high vacuum if desired, taken as from 0.6cm., to 1.2cm., as being
Thegreatest discovery any experimenter and produce in it an abundant supply of near the lower limit of waves well above
can seek is the direct utilization of solar electrons (as by a filament or wire heated the longest heat waves, i.e., waves produc-
energy as the source of power for the by a current and bring into this vessel
) ing molecular motion. Greater wave
w< rld's work. electrodes to receive the radiant energv lengths, with corresponding changes in de-
The following out- sign may be found
line of experimental to give better results.

research may enable |

EVACUATEO TUBE 10°. Apparatus
some so circum- Combined for Ex-
stanced that they periments, g v
n g i i

can make the inves- various kinds of

tigations, to make
this discovery. In
radiation beams. 1. —
Grating and Lens, or
this work I seek to Lenses or Lens and

obtain energy from Curved Grating. 2.

solar radiation by PLAN SM Grating and Polar-
causing it to pro- izer. 3. Grating,
duce ordered accel- Polarizer and Lens,
eration of electrons or Lenses. 4. Grat-
about, and in, a con- ing. Polarizer and
ducto r — electric Ellipsizer. S. Grat-
current. ing, Polarizer, Ellip-
Problem: — To Ob- sizer and Lens. 6.
tain Electrical Lens and Biprism or
Energy "Directly" Lens and Mirror. 7.
from Solar Radi- Grating, Lens and
ation. Biprism and Mirror.
1°. The solution 8. Grating, Polar-
here proposed is izer, Lens and Bi-
based on the follow- prism.
ing principles 1.:
For this work it
The solar radiation would be desirable,
is electro - magnetic. perhaps necessary,
2. The flow of en- Arrangement of Apparatus as Suggested by Mr. S. Cohen, for Use in Determining to have a complete-
the Most Effective Energy Components in "Sunlight." The Various Rays Are
ergy is in the direc- Focussed from a Diffraction Grating Into a Vacuum Bulb, and Their Magnitude ly metal (iron) in-
tion of propagation, Measured by the Reaction Deflection of an Electro-static Galvanometer Connected closed container of
sun to earth. 3. The Across Two Electrodes, Charged As Shown by a High Tension Arc or Other the instruments. If
periodic action, vi- Generator.
a room of this kind
bration, is at right is not available, an
angles to the propagation, and is cyclic treated as in 3, 4, 5, 6, and send it thru an iron case 2.4 meter (m.) long 0.5m. wide,
variation of two vector magnitudes, elec- external circuit, containing such capacity, 0.8m. high will contain any of the com-
tric force and magnetic force. 4. Solar induction, and resistance as may be re- binations of apparatus given above and the
radiation produces acceleration in electrons quired, and some form of indicator, as a transferring, or receiving, apparatus. The
in its path that have a component of motion galvanometer, telephone, or wave detector. mounting of the combination of apparatus
in a certain relation to it. 5. Acceleration (The vessel, vacuum and ionizer may not should permit following the sun or direct-
of an electron produces an (opposite) ac- be necessary; possibly the energy of the ing to any point within 90° of it.
celeration of surrounding electrons. treated beams can be taken by the elec-
2°. The experimental solution is rendered trodes without these.) An electrolytic process of deoxidation
difficult by the great complexity of the so- 8°. By the various combinations of ap- has been patented in the United States by
lar radiation. Take a small area in a plane paratus, in 10-below, using solar radiation, Pascal Marino of London. The object to
at right angles to the solar beam. At even- produce in the vessel the linear focus, or be treated is made the cathode in an elec-
instant there are passing thru this waves of foci, of the different character beams of 3
trolyte containing phosphoric acid. In ad-
millions of different lengths and periods, and 4 above; or produce within it the space dition to its normal function of carrying
and at every instant they are in millions of the current, this acid acts as a solvent upon
variations of intensity of 6 above, with any
different phases, and the electric and mag- of the kinds of beams named. Try various rust without attacking the steel or iron
netic vectors in these waves at any instant relations of variously formed electrodes body beneath. It is in this last detail that

are in millions of different directions and to the focus, or foci, and to the regions of
its chief availability lies, since nitric, sul-
continually changing at every point furic or hydrochloric acids would not
different intensity: with various ionizing
3°. A beam of one wave length or period current, as direct, high frequency alter-
play such moderation. Finally, the phos-
approximately may be obtained by the use nating, or spark discharges of coil or con- phoric acid is beneficial in preventing sub-
of a prism or a grating, preferably a grat- denser, and various inductances, resistances sequent further rusting.
ing. and capacities in the external, or receiv- The electrolyte is made by adding ten
4°. A beam with the electric vector con- ing, circuit —
using one or another of the
parts of phosphoric acid to ninety parts of
water, or by adding 105! of the acid to a
fined to one direction may be obtained by indicators named above.
the use of a polarizing mirror or a pile of solution of sodium phosfate.
9°. Apparatus lor Proposed Experimen-
plates; or to two directions, giving elliptic
resultant by an additional mirror or a
tal Solution. —
1. Lens "f sulfur, paraffin or Due to the advent of the war, we are
synthetic resin, cylindrical. 27 cm., chord. particularly desirous of obtaining manu-
rhomb. 40 cm. long, 50 cm. focal length two oth- : scripts describing original and practical
5°. A complex beam, a beam of one er-, each 22 cm. chord. 4(1 cm. Ion.:, 50 cm. "Electrical Experiments." shall We
wave length, or a beam of one wave length focal length. 2. Grating, plane. 34 ele- continue to publish Radio articles, but
and one direction of electric vector, may be ments, a— b=1.2 cm.. 40x41 cm. inside of what we need is snappy "Electrical"
concentrated to a small area, circular or frame. Also a curved, cylindrical grating, articles. Be on guard for the enemy
linear, in which, at any given instant, there 100 cm. radius, 32 elements, a+b -1.5 cm. 3. Repetition!

This department will award the following monthly prizes: First Prize, $3.00: Second Prize, $2.00: Third Prize, $1.00.
Tin' purpose ol this department Is to stimulate experimenters tow ird with
.•mil Forthe most useful practical and original Idea submitted i" thi Editoi ol thif department, a monthlj zes will he
awarded. For the best idea submitted a prize or $3.00 i.s awarded; foi the lecond bi idi a $2.00 prize, and for tin- third bi
I i

$1.00. The article need not l» verj elaborate, and rough sketches are sufficient. We will make the drawing only one I I I

Idi of. sheet. Make sketches on separate shi



Tlie accompanying illustration shows an BREAKER. Mere's the simplest flashlight one can
electric chime which I have used in place The circuit breaker described below is make : A flashlight bulb, A, and battery,
of an ordinary vibrating bell. giving efficient service on the switchboard
in my laboratory. The puces \, B, C and
D are brass strips; E, is a soft iron screw
with two nuts to fasten/it to the tri;
C. F is an electro-magnet wound with
No. 12 silk insulated magnet wire. The
core of this magnet was obtained from an
electric bell. The spring G, and the ad-
justing screw are used to regulate the in-
strument. The connections are as shown.
The breaker is used on 11(1 volt A.C. or
D.C. lighting circuit. When the contact
A touches the contact B, it is held there
by the trigger C. The magnet F is always
magnetized to a certain extent but an
overload or short-circuit causes the mag-
net to attract the armature C, releasing the
When the First Gong Strikes, Its Dependent
contact A, which breaks the circuit. It
Armature Closes the Circuit Thru the Sec-
ond Gong Magnet "E", Etc. is to be manually reset. Hats Off to Mr. Peterson Inventor of the
Can You

Contributed by ALGIE RIGGS. "Simplest" Electric Flashlight.
The hell armature sin mid be lengthened Beat It?
and two contact points soldered to the end. and in some cases a strip of brass, B, sold-
When a button is pushed the armature of ered to the small battery terminal if it is
bell C is drawn over, striking the bell once. not long enough. The lamp bulb is care-
The lower contact then strikes N and fully soldered to the longer terminal strip.
throws bell E in circuit. The armatures The lamp is lighted by holding battery in
stay over against the magnet as each suc- hand and pressing with thumb on strip B.
cessive bell is put in circuit, thus keep- A reflector (a nickel-plated thimble will do)
ing the circuit thru lower contacts complete. may be fixt to the bulb if desired.
When bell F is rung, the battery circuit Contributed by ERW'IX PETERSON.
is broken, and all the armatures fly hack.
Thus the operation is repeated. The gongs
should have different tones to give a pleas- this Circuit-Breaker the Armature
to start the arc —
that is, to bring the car-
ing chime effect, and as many bells can be
Normally Holds the Spring "A" Down; an bons together and draw them apart. A
used as desired. Overload Causes the Magnet to Attract simple way is to place the crucible on a
"E", Thus Opening the Circuit. long board, to be used as a lever, fas-
Contributed by CORKRAN. A. G.
tened to the base by a hinge of leather.
"HARD RUBBER" BASES FROM WALNUT STAIN. An interesting experiment can be performed
"VICTROLA RECORDS." The following excellently adapted
by filling the crucible with ground glass
Wishing to make a detector and not hav-
up to the lower carbon rod. An arc may
ing a suitable base I procured a piece of oak to the finishing of wireless and electrical be started between the two gas carbons,
cabinets and instruments, and for various and this will heat the glass to redness.
(any wood will do) and an old phonograph
record. I cut the wood and
record to the other wooden articles which is desired to An arc will then be formed with the car-
desired size. I then put a thin layer of
have a uniform coloring or finish. bon rod and the hot glass as electrodes.
shellacon the wood and prest the piece of Prepare a solution of 6 ounces of a
record on it, and left it for a few hours. solution of potassium permanganate, and 6
When it was dry I sandpapered the edges ounces of sulfate of magnesia in 2 quarts
and polished the composition rubber. of hot water. The solution is applied with
a brush and the application should be re-
peated. In contact with wood the potas-
Ptionogroph record ^^k Wr) sium permanganate decomposes, and a last-
Wy/ ing walnut color results. If small pieces
of wood are to be thus stained, a very di-
lute bath is prepared according to_ the
above description, then the wooden pieces
are immersed and left in the solution for
^^k wr / Wood from 1 to 5 minutes, according to whethet
a lighter or darker color is desired. -
Ho e
/ r-\
Contributed by

Do You Want a Hard-Rubber Instrument

Base? Just Cut a Piece of a "Victrola" ELECTRIC FURNACE MADE FROM
Record and Glue It to a Wooden Sub-Base. PLUMBAGO CRUCIBLE. .


If the above directions are followed very An and' practical ell

neal bases can be made by the amateur. If furnace can be made of a plumbagi
A Simple "Arc" Furnace Made From Two
the hole in the record dues nol allow a la (used by jewelers) and two gas carbons, Carbon Rods and a Plumbago Crucible.
base to be made, cut a circulai of the carbons can be in a

the composition rubber and plug ii up


hole drilled about 1' " From the bottom The eyes should always be shielded from
of the crucible, and the other held in a the intense light of the arc by dark gl
records that have one side blank
Contributed by HYMAN R, W \Ll.lX. clam;.. But some method must be devi RI1 TOM

Now we are for the time
being, deprived of using our
Radio outfits, it behooves us to
become proficient in learning
the Wireless Codes. Operators
who know the Code are, and
will be, in ever rising demand.
The army and navy need thou- No. FX5I7
sands of operators right now.
Can you qualify? Can you send and receive at the required speed, when your country Selenium Cells
calls Everybody has read about
The Radiotone Codegraph is positively the only instrument made that will send such tin- experiments of telepho-
tography (sending photo-
an unbelievably close imitation of a high pitch Radio Station, that it has baffled experts. graphs over a wire hundreds
The outfit replaces the old-fashioned learner's outfit, consisting of key and sounder. The of miles) made by Professor
Radiotone Codegraph comprises our famous Radiotone High Frequency Silent Buzzer, a Korn and others. It is also
known that if the problem of
special loud talking receiver with horn, and a key all mounted on a base. Operated on
tele-vision is ever solved, the
one or two dry cells, the phone will emit the characteristic high pitch sound, which while selenium cell will play an im-
not harsh, is heard all over the room. With little trouble you can learn the code correctly portant role. At present we
are the only concern in the
in 30 days
United States selling these
They are the most sen-
ones made.
Better send for a cell to-
Connect two of these intercommunication work and you and your
outfits together for day and try making an elec-
friend five or fifteen blocks distant can converse over a NO. 36 WIRE, so fine that no one tric dog that will follow a
will see it. Or you can use instead of the wire, a metallic fence and the ground. Or you birnp, or an electric burglar
alarm. It's very instructive
can communicate over your 110 lighting line, using no extra wire, only the ground. Full and great fun. (See Novem-
directions how to do this are furnished with the instrument. DEALERS: This is the 20th ber. 191fi, issue "Electrical
Century instrument that will sell like WILDFIRE. 600 sold in New York in 10 days. Get Experimenter.")
our proposition today! No. FX5I7 Selenium Cell.

Radiotone Codegraph complete as described, each, tfj 1 7C Shipping' Wglit.'. 4 oz* $6-00

Here Are the
Stars and
Stripes in All
Their Glory
Be t h e first
one in your
town to wear
this patriotic
emblem. Think
of it: An elec-
trically illumi-
nated bouton-
niere worn in
the lapel hole
of your coat.
Itilluminates o u r Na-
tional Flag in the original
colors with a brilliant elec-
tric light. Just insert
Flag in button-hole of your
coat, put flashlight case in
vest or coat pocket and
every time you press the
button, the flag in your
button-hole flashes up with "ELECTRO" TESLA COILS
a beautiful color effect. This photograph shows a seven (7) inch spark.
Tesla Coil, made by us in our shops for a well-known institution.
Illuminated flag, cord and plug (to We build hundreds of special Tests Coils for schools, universities. f,ir
(postage 10 cents).
be connected to any 2 cell flashlight), $.60 Stage purposes, etc. Spark lengths from two inches to fifteen inches
Illuminated flag, flashlight case and battery, cord and plug, com- and over.
plete as per illustration, $1.10 (postage 15c). We are known for careful workmanship and correct designing. The
DEALERS : Write for our proposition today. Tesla Coil, shown above (7" spark), without condensers or spark gap,
IMMEDIATE SHIPMENTS sells for$40.00 f Send for our quotations for special coils.


The "Electro" Rheostat- Regulator 'Electro" Pony Receiver
(Porcelain Base) Our Tony receiver is

This illustration represents nur little current without doubt the

regulator which rerywhere to regulate for the money
battery current. It will prei .rning out
of your battery lamps, or will njjulate the speed Points Of superiority ;

Of your small motors, I other uses.

Hard rubber composl-
It makes an excellent automobile lamp dimmer, iiH I beautifully
where II can he used to eul down the glare of the polished. Powerful per-
headlights. This Llttl La impossible

to gel out i
i oi let It iructed ENTIRELY ttl magnet,
OF PORCELAIN, metal and hard rubber. soft iron core, fibre coll
The resistant of nur Rheostat is 10 ohms, the heads, very thin dia-
capacity 3 amperes continual!] 1 inches in phragm, brass posts in-
r; thickness ot porcelain base is 13/16 ins. side. Hanger can be UH-
No. FK5000 Rheostat Regulator, Bcrewed a n d receiver
Shipping weight, 2 $.60 will then fit our No.
all telephone work No. EK 1024 .

Also for making the

small testing outfits for repair men in cir-
cuit with only one dry cell or flashlight bat-
No. HK 1800
tery. When connected In parallel with your
The "Electro" Radiotone ©" o house telephone receiver, you have a double
receiver, an Invaluable acquisition to those
who phone in noisy places or to people hard
HIGH FREQUENCY SILENT TEST BUZZER of hearing. It can also be used for wireless
though its low resistance won't per:
a mere test buzzer, such good results as a higher resistance
It is infinitely more. Mr. H. Gernsback who de- phone.
signed this instrument labored incessantly to This receiver is single pole: 2Uxl% Inchi
produce an Instrument which would imitate the ferr 4 oz. resistance, 75 ohms.
Bound of > high power Wireless station as heard RECEIVERS ARE USED, IT Is POSSIBLE fu
in a set of phones. This actually has been SPEAK AT A DISTANCE OF 150 FEET WITII-
lives a wonderful high pitched MUSICAL NOTE No. EKI024 Pony
*n RA
Receiver. 75 ohms «pV.OU
in the receiver*, impossible to obtain with the
ordinary test buzzer. The RADIOTONE is built No. FK 5000 IMMEDIATE SHIPMENTS
along entirely new lines; it is NOT an ordinary
buzzer, reconstructed in some manner. The
RADIOTON'K lias a single fine steel reed vibrat-
remarkably high speed, adjusted to its
silver contacts
at a
frequency at the factory.
efficient Hard
are used to make the instrument
last practically forever.

Yes, the RADIOTONE is SILENT. In fact,

it is so silent that you must place your car on
top of it to hear its beautiful musical note.

You will be astounded at the wonderfully clear.

500 cycle note, sounding sharply in your re-
ceivers, when operated >ne dry cell. To learn
the codes, there is absolutely nothing like it.
With the radiotone, a key and one dry cell and
ANY telephone, a flue learner's set is bad. Two
or more such sets in series will afford no end of
pleasure fur Intercommunication work. Particu-
larly now that uc ca use our Wireless sets. t

the Radiotone is already in wonderful demand. No. B-81 No. B-*7 No. B-25 No. B-8
All the interesting things as described witli our Each $0.12 Each $0.07 Each $0.12 Each $0.08
Radiotone Codegraph. elsewhere on this page, Shipping Shipping Shipping Shipping
nt le performed with the Radiotone, a key, a No. B-8 Weight Weight Weight Weight No. B-7
dry cell and a phone. Each $0.15 1 lb. per 12. 1 lb. per 12. 1 lb. per 12. 1 lb. per 12. Each $0.10
Shipping Shipping
Radiotone as described each Jj).9(j Weight IMMEDIATE SHIPMENTS Weight
2 lbs. pec doz. 2 lbs. ler 12
IMMEDIATE SHIPMENTS These binding posts are furnished either nickel plated or gold lacquered, They are made
of first quality brass ; holes are accurately bored, well fitting set screws, and highly polished.
Each post is furnished with a % in. machine screw and washer (not shown in illustrations).

HERCULES DYNAMO Engravings are full size.

« »
The Electro
is a
The Livest Catalog in America
dynamo gener-
ating 12 Volts, 9 Our new electrical cyclopedia Xo. 18 is waiting for
you. Positively the most complete Wireless and elec-
Amperes (100
Watts) and a trical catalog in print today. 200 Big Pages, 600
marvel of elec- illustrations. 500 instruments and apparatus, etc.
Btg "Treatise on Wireless Telegraphy." 20 FREE
trical or me-
chanical effi-
coupons for your 160-page FREE Wireless Course
ciency and sim-
in 2H lessons. FREE Cyclopedia No. 18 measures
7x5%". Weight xk. lb. Beautiful stiff covers.

It is cspe-
designed for lighting and charging storage
illy Now before you turn this page write your
batteries will run IS twelve volt lamps simul-
name and address on margin below, cut or
aneously. Can also be used as a powerful mo- tear out, enclose f> cts. stamps to cover
tor developing nearly % H.I'. .Machine is shunt mail charges, and the Cyclopedia is
wound; size 7 in. high, by 11% in. long and yours by return mail.
"j in. wide. It is the cheapest Dyuamo for its

output on the market.

231 Fulton Street, New York City,
No. AGEK 1209. Electric Hercules Dy fljiy Cf\
nanio shipping weight. 40 lbs. Trice.
; .M** • •**" . .

We carry these machines always in stock and

can make immediate shipment.



A NOISELESS "ALARM" CLOCK. rived, the alarm mechanism operates, turn- Experiment —
Take the bulb and hold
By K. M. Coggeshall. ing the drum, thus winding in the cord, it near a rapidly moving belt, connected
Have you ever stopt to wonder what which in turn closes the switch and lights with machinery which is not grounded.
your friend in the next room thinks when the lamp. All this will be accomplished Hold the brass end of the bulb close to the
your discordant alarm clock rings each noiselessly. Xo one can sleep with a bright
morning? Have you ever wisht you had beam of light suddenly directed onto the
face. Furthermore, it is im-
possible to snatch a few cat-
naps before getting up with
this light in the eyes. It is
therefore imperative that the
awakened person arise and
open the controlling switch
and once out of bed there is
little danger of dropping off to
sleep again.


As every hunter knows, it is
extremely difficult to aim cor-
rectly at night, even tho the
Did You Ever Hear of a "Silent" Alarm C lock? well, —
game can be seen, for the sim-
by Flashing a Beam of
It Awakens You
Here's One. pie reason that the gun sights Hold an Incandescent Bulb Near a
Light on Your Face. Try It. Rapidly Moving Belt Usually Sufficient
on the barrel cannot be ac- Static Electricity Will Pass to Charge the
some method of waking yourself without curately viewed. Lamp as a Condenser. It Will Give Power-
disturbing your neighbors? Perhaps you The accompanying illustration shows how ful Shocks.
may arise at five-thirty in the morning while a small, frosted, flashlight bulb may be belt and sparks will usually jump from the
the rest of the household do not find placed just behind the forward sight, with
belt to the brass cap.
the necessity of opening their eyes un- a metallic shield over it, so as not to throw
Charge in this manner for about five min-
til six-thirty. Perhaps some one may be a glare in the gunner's eyes. It is a simple
utes, then take it away. Offer it to some-
ill and you wish to awake during the night matter to bore a hole in the wooden stock
one, holding the bulb by the glass end al-
to give him medicine, and yet do not like to of the gun with an ordinary carpenter's ways. When the person goes to touch the
disturb anyone else who may be asleep. brace and bit. in which to mount a cell or
brass end a nice hot spark will jump to
Again you may be looking forward to a two from a flashlight battery, the size of him, giving a considerable shock.
before-dawn start on a fishing expedition these individual cellsbeing about \}i"x.7/16"
Contributed bv R. G. DEVAXEY.
but out of respect to others you dislike to in diameter. Also the cells may be placed in
resort to the alarm clock to awaken you. a brass or fibre tube secured under the KNICK-KNACKS FOR
To overcome these objections to the or- "RADIO-BUGS."
dinary alarm clock, the following apparatus Byplacing one of the E. I. Co.'s load-
was designed to awaken one sleeper with-
out disturbing the rest of the household.
Sr/flcfi grounded
^^ ing coils against the end of a small loose
coupler, I have been able to catch stations,
A box-like, wooden sub-base was built using up to 6,000 meters, this being done
as shown in the sketch. In its face a round without additional inductance in the sec-
hole was cut and into this was fitted an or- ondary, built for only 800 meters.
dinary bicycle spot light. A single pole, Most loose couplers have the primary
single throw knife switch was screwed to tube placed in grooves cut in the heads and
the upper inside surface of the sub-base. by turning it, a new surface is obtained
The lamp was then connected, thru the for the slider. Clean the path of the
switch, to a battery of sufficient capacity to A Tiny Electric Light Fixt Just Back of the slider occasionally with a rubber pencil or
utilize its full candle-power. If the sub- Forward Sight Proves a Boon to the Hunter
at Night. ink eraser.
base is made large enough the battery may Use Solderall on the next loose coupler
be enclosed and the entire outfit made com- A you build and you will use no other.
fore-arm section of the gun frame.
pact and portable. ASA S. KELLER.
Contributed by
switch, of unobtrusive proportions, will
The bell, as well as the striker, was re-
serve to light the lamp bulb when wanted.
moved from an alarm clock. A thread
spool was attached the alarm winding
key to serve as a drum on which the cord GOOD INK FORMULAE. Herewith isdrawing of a little device
to operate the switch was to wind. This I made from scrap materials and which
switching device was very simple. A strong These two formulae obtained thru orig-
has proved very efficient.
cord was attached to the handle of the inal experiments, have been found to pro-
It is intended to automatically close an
knife switch, brought up thru a hole in the duce excellent inks. The ingredients are
electrical circuit on opening the door of
base and attached to the spool on the wind- easily obtained and at little expense. Rain
water may be used in place of distilled a dark closet or unlighted room, and by
ing key.
The mechanical operation of this device water thus removing the need of having
can well be imagined. The apparatus is set any chemical apparatus. The resulting inks
are each of a beautiful color, make a per-
on the mantel or dresser in the bedroom.
manent record, flow easily, and do not
corrode the pens. The blue ink can be
used successfully and safely in the most
wtfi spoo/
delicate of fountain pens.
Blue Ink: Dissolve one ounce of soluble
Prussian blue in one quart of cold dis-
tilled (rain) water. Add to this solution,
5 grams of oxalic acid. Then filter the
solution thru filter or blotting paper.
Black Ink: Dissolve one ounce of ex-
tract of logwood in one quart of boiling
water. When cold, add one- fourth ounce
of potassium bichromate and one gram of
Sma// spotl/gfif suc/i as '.'spar
sodium carbonate. The addition of one-
used on oicye/e fourth ounce of Prussian blue improves the A Reliable Automatic Switch for Closet
solution. This ink will cost about 5 cents. Light. When Door Opens the Switch Rod Is
How an Ordinary Alarm Clock Is Rigged Up
Contributed bv Moved Forward by the Spiral Spring as Be-
So as to Close the Lamp Circuit of the "Si- comes Evident, and Vice-versa.
lent Alarm." CLAREXCE S. LEVIXE.
means of a small battery and lamp illum-
The spot light is then so adjusted that the
full power of the light ray will concentrate
STATIC EXPERIMENTS WITH inate the interior.

on the face of the sleeper. The alarm

LAMP BULB. As the illustration shows, the materials
should be wound and adjusted as usual. Materials needed — 1 or more burned-out and construction are exceedintrlv simple.
Contributed by H. W WALTER.
When the predetermined hour has ar- electric light bulbs.
—— —


Experimental Chemistry
Thirteenth Lesson
ACIDS, BASES AND SALTS. used, the second takes place. An acid of Sodium Hydroxid solution in an evaporat-
(£ onlinu, d I
this. kind can. further, form one sail with ing dish, and
immerse in it a piece of blue
stated in the pn ious installment,
two bases, in which one metal is sub- hiii" allowing il to remain in the


stituted for one of the hydrogen al small quantities of 11

the basicity of acids are di termined .

the acid and a second metal for the Othi r. chloric acid from the beakei
by the number of hydrogen atoms
\s aforementioned, in the molecuh allowing it to drop into the evaporat-
" [replaceable by a metal] in its
Hydrochloric acid |11C1| as in Nitric acid ing dish, in the manner shown by Fig. 66,
molecule. Thus: Mono-basic acids
contain one hydrogen atom, :i< Hydro-
[HNO I, then 1- but one atom of hydro stirring the mixture.
gen. If, therefore, the act of neutraliza- It will be noticed that the litmus paper
tion takes place in each molecule it is com- will probably turn red, owing to the fact
plete, and the salt is known as a neutra that the solution has too much acid 1

normal salt. In Sulfuric acid [HaSO«] tained in it. If such is the case, add a
there are two atoms of hydrogen in each little more Sodium Hydroxid, by allow-
molecule, and either one or both of il ing to drop from a stirring rod in the
atoms may be replaced. If only one is re- same manner as described for the acid. If
placed a salt having the general formula, too much of the Hydroxid is added the
MHSOi, is obtained. This is still an acid, litmus paper might again turn to a blue
while it is also partly a salt. This is known color, and if this happens, add a little more
as an Acid Sail. oJ the acid, drop by drop, till the liquid
It may be difficult for some readers to becomes neutral to the litmus paper. It
associate the names Monobasic, Dibasic. may be necessary to keep adding either the
Tribasic, Tetrabasic, etc., with the basicity Acid or the Hydroxid. Introduce another
of the acids, but as these names represent piece of red litmus when you think the
solution is neutral, and if it" is unaffected,
immerse another piece of blue litmus paper
It Is Always Best to Stir Solutions with a in it, and then if the solution does not
Glass Rod. Have a Clean Vessel for Each affect either the red or blue paper it is
Acid If You Would Achieve Satisfactory neutral. If the solution is not clear after
it has been neutralized, filter it, and throw

chloric acid [HC1], from which only one away all but about 15 cc. of it.
replacement is possible. Di-basic acids Place the 15 cc. of the solution obtained
contain two hydrogen atoms, as, Sulfuric into an evaporating dish, and place on
acid [H:SOi], from which two replace- either a piece of fine meshed iron gauze
ments are possible. Tri-basic acids contain or a piece of asbestos pad, as shown in
three hydrogen atoms, as Phosphoric acid Fig. 67. Apply a light to the Bunsen
|ll POi], from which three replacements burner under the evaporating dish, and al-
are possible. Tetra-basic acids contain four low the liquid to evaporate [boil] till a
hydrogen atoms, as, Normal Silicic acid Method of Pouring Small Quantities of Acid white solid is formed, or in other vt
[H«SiO<]. [Note: Normal Silicic acid onto a Glass Rod so That They Drop into a till all the water has been driven from
readily parts with half of its water, leaving Beaker or Other Dish Easily. the original solution.
ll.SiOs, also called Silicic Acid], from The equation of the reaction which took
the number of hydrogen atoms in the mole- place between the Sodium Hydroxid and
which four replacements are possible.
cule, it may be well to memorize the fol-
Penta-basic acids contain five hydrogen the Hydrochloric acid when neutralized
atoms, as Periodic acid [H.JOo], from was :

which live replacements are possible. NaOH

4- HC1
= NaCI 4- H.O
The higher the basicity of the acid the Sodium Water
Hydroxid Acid Chlorid
greater the variety of salts it can yield.
If we take the base Potassium Hydroxid
perceive from this equation, that the
hydrochloric acid no longer is contained
to illustrate the replacement of the hydro-
gen of the acids, we tind that Nitric acid
in the solution, and that the Sodium [Na]
of the
base exchanged, or replaced the
or Hydrochloric acid can form but one
salt with Potassium Hydroxid, the reac-
hydrogen of the acid, forming a salt and
tions being :

KOH + HNOj = KN0

3 4 H
Potassium In the same manner as described
Hydroxid Nitric Acid Nitrat
in the

4. HC1 = KCI + H,0
Hydrochloric Potassium Water
Hydroxid Acid Chlorid
Other acids ha\ e the power to form two
or more salts with the same base.
If only half the quantity of base that is
required to neutralize the acid is added,
half the acid remains unchanged, and on
Correct Manner in Which to Place "Evap-
orating Dish," Wire Gauze and Bunsen
evaporating the solution, the excess acid Burner.
will pass off. If only half the quantity of
acid that is required to neutralize the base The pre \ Mono means one
is added, hall" the base will remain un- Di— two
changed. Sulfuric acid [H2SO.] has been Tri— three
found to have the power to form two salts
Tetra — four
with Potassium Hydroxid [KOH], in one Penta— five
of which there is twice the amount of the Thus, when speaking on monobasic acids,
metal as in the other. The reactions being: by remembering that mono means one, —
KOH 4 USD, — KHSO, 4. H.O and when associated with the basicity of
[acid] Sulfate
Watei .111 acid, mono —
meaning one. and the If Two or More Liquids Which Have Differ-
basicity being the number of hydrogen ent Densities and Will Not Mix Are Poured
and again : into a Jar, They Will Come to Rest in the
atoms, we can thus see that monobasic Order of Their Densities, with the Surfaces
2KOH 4 H.SO, = K,Sp 4 1
11 " means one hydrogen atom. of Each Separating Them Horizontally.
sium Sulfuric Potassium Water Mercury. Water. Oil and Alcohol, When
Hydroxid Acid Sulfate EXPERIMENT NO. 54— Poured in a Test Tube. Will Come to Rest
Tf to a certain quantity of Sulfuric acid Have two small-lipt beakers, or two test in the Order Named.

only half the quantity of Potassium Hy- tubes, one of which will contain 10 a
droxid that is required to neutralize it is of a solution of Sodium Hydroxid |Na(>H| preceding experiment, prepare a solution
added, the first reaction takes place; but and the other an equal quantity of Hydro- ol both Potassium Hydroxid and Hydro-
if twice as much I'otassium Hydroxid is chloric acid [HClj. Pour S cc. of the ontinued on /••
: : : : :


RECIPES FOR KILLING FLIES. to flies. Put in a saucer, darken the room

Wif inkles; The United States Government makes

the following suggestion for the destruc-
tion of house flies Formaldehyde and
one window and
in that set the

To clear the house of flies, burn pyre-

sodium salicylate are the two best fly poi- thrum powder. This stupefies the flies, but
tRe^iptes sons. Both are superior to arsenic. They
have their advantages for household use.
They are not a poison to children they are
convenient to handle their dilutions are
they must be
Receipes for Stables. Barns and Out-of-

doors: Borax is especially valuable around
farms and out-of-doors. One pound of

1 'i»j ;

simple, and they attract the flies. borax to twelve bushels of manure will

rhulas Preparation of Solutions: —A

hyde solution of approximately the cor-
rect strength may be made by adding 3
be found desirable as a poison without in-
juring its manurial qualities on farm stock.
Scatter the borax over the manure and
teaspoon fuls of the concentrated formalde- sprinkle with water.
hyde solution, commercially known as for- Lye. chlorid of lime, or copperas (sul-
malin, to a pint of water. Similarly, the fate of iron) dissolved in water, crude car-
EDITED BYS.GERNSBACK proper concentration of sodium salicylate bolic acid, or any kind of disinfectant may
Under this heading we will publish every may be obtained by dissolving 3 teaspoon- be used in vaults.
month useful information in Mechanics, Elec-
fuls of the pure chemical (a powder) to
tricity and Chemistry. We shall be pleased, of
course, to have our readers send us any recipes, a pint of water. HEKTOGRAPHS.
formulas, wrinkles, new ideas, etc., useful to the
experimenter, which will be duly paid for, upon
A container such as shown below has What are they, do you ask: The Cen-
publication, if acceptable. been found convenient for automatically tury Dictionary defines it as follows "A :

keeping the solution always available for copying process in which the writing or
to An ordinary, thin-walled drawing to be copied is made on smooth
drinking glass is filled or partially filled paper in aniline ink. and is then prest
When ice or snow are not to be had and
with the solution. A
saucer, or small plate. upon a slab coated with gelatin, to which a
for those of us who do not have an up-to- in which is placed a piece of white blot- part of the ink is thus transferred, and
date laboratory that is provided with ting paper cut the size of the dish, is put from which a number of duplicate impres-
agencies of cooling power, I am sure the bottom up over the glass. The whole is sions can be made; also, the special ap-
following mixtures will prove most con- then quickly inverted, a match placed under pliances, collectively, by means of which
venient. the edge of the glass, and the container is this is done." The chance, however, is
1. Xitrat of ammonia, carbonat of soda
that you do not want any definition, but
and water, equal parts by weight the ther- ;

might like some directions for simplifying

mometer sinks :

the process, which some teachers and stu-

2. Phosfate of soda. 9 parts nitrat of
dents who want a number of copies of text

ammonia, 6 parts: dilute nitric acid (acid oi drawing, are using successfully. Agree-
1 part, water 2 parts), 4 parts. Reduces
able to this contingency, we have
the temperature from 50° to 21°.
3. Sal-ammoniac, 5 parts nitrat of pot-

Receipt Xo. 1. Soak an ounce of fish
glue in cold water. Drain off the water
ash, 5 parts sulfate of soda, 8 parts

put the softened glue into a double boiler

water, 16 parts. Reduces the temperature
46° or from 70° to 24°. This latter is very
and melt it. but do not bring it to a boil.
Obtain six ounces of glycerin, warm it and
cheap and easily procured. add it to the melted glue. Add a few
If you have ice and wish to reduce the
drops of carbolic acid. Mix thoroly and
temperature still further, use the follow- pour into your pan. A caramel pan is best.
1. Finely pounded ice, 2 parts salt, 1

Receipt Xo. 2. Add 3 ounces of water
to 1 > ounces of white glue.
Heat in a
part. This is a very common recipe. Then
double boiler until glue is melted.
2. Finely pounded ice, 2 parts crystal- :
add six ounces glycerin and pour into pan.
lized chlorid of calcium, 3 parts.
If too hard, add glycerin. If too soft,
3. Finely pounded ice, 7 parts dilute : Now That the "Fly Season" Is With Us. the add glue.
Non-Poisonous (to Humans) Wet Blotter Fly
nitric acid. 4 parts. This reduces the tem-
perature from 32° to 30°. The tempera- Annihilator Shown. Which Is Recommended Receipt Xo. 3. — Dissolve 4 ounces of
by the U. S. Government, Should Prove gelatin in one pint of cold water; then add
tures given are Fahrenheit. The materials Particularly Valuable.
one pint of glycerin. Pour into a double
should be kept as cool as possible. boiler, and when it comes to a boil pour
Contributed by MIXARD
ROTE. ready for use. As the solution dries out into your pan.
of the saucer the liquid seal at the edge of
If bubbles appear on the surface, gently
SOLUTION FOR MAKING WORK the glass is broken and more liquid flows
draw an edge of a sheet of writing paper
TABLE IMPERVIOUS TO ACID into the lower receptacle. Thus the paper over the surface before it cools. This will
AND ALKALI SOLUTIONS. is always kept moist.
remove them.
Doubtless, many experimenters, especially Other Simple Preventives: Any odor — General directions for use. Use noth- —
pleasing to man is offensive to the fly and
those working with the various cbemical ing but unglazed paper, which can be pur-
reagents, desire some coating for the work vice versa, and will drive them away. chased at any store where typewriter paper
table that is impervious to both acid and Take five cents' worth of oil of lavender, is sold. In ordering, be sure to state that
alkali solutions. The writer has used the mix it with the same quantity- of water, you wish to use it for hektography.
following method in his laboratory with put it in a common glass atomizer and Use hektograph ink and a coarse stub
decided success, and heartily recommends spray it around the rooms where flies are. pen. See that every stroke of the pen
In the dinins-room spray it lavishly even leaves a metallic luster when dry, else the
it to those who desire a similar formula.
Two solutions are to be made on the table linen. The odor is very dis- work will not take.
Solution 1. Iron sulfate, 4 parts copper :
agreeable to flies but refreshing to most When the ink is dry, lay the face of the
sulfate. 4 parts potassium permanganate, people. sheet which you have written or drawn,

8 parts water, 100 parts.

Geranium, mignonette, heliotrope and down on the hektograph press gently over

Solution 2. Aniline, 12 parts hydro- :

white clover are offensive to flies. They the whole surface with the hand or soft
chloric acid. 18 parts water. 100 parts, or
especially dislike the odor of honeysuckle cloth. After from two to five minutes (ac-
aniline hydrochlorat, 15 parts water, 100 :
and hop blossoms. cording to how many copies are desired)
parts. According to a French scientist, flies have gently peel the paper off.
Apply two coats of solution Xo. while 1,
intense hatred for the color blue. Rooms From the impression thus made, repro-
hot, applying the second coat as soon as the decorated in blue will help to keep out the duce all the copies desired, laying one sheet
first has dried. After solution Xo. 1 has flies. on the hektograph at a time.
dried, the excess of solution which has Mixtogether one tablespoonful of cream, Hektograph ink all prepared may be
dried upon the surface of the wood is one of ground black pepper and one of bought, or your druggist will put it up
thoroly rubbed off before the application brown sugar. This mixture is poisonous for you. The following is the receipt
of solution Xo. 2. Ink — Dissolve one dram of purple aniline
Next, two coats of solution Xo. 2 are The tables are cleaned very easily by in one ounce of water.
applied, and the wood permitted to dry washing with water or suds after any work The hektograph solves the supplemen-
thoroly. The black color does not appear is finished, and the application of another tary reading question. Each teacher, or any
at once, but requires a few hours before coat of oil puts them in excellent order one who desires a number of copies of any
turning to a rich ebony-black color. Later for another experiment. text or drawing, can thus prepare as many
a coat of raw linseed "il is to be applied Contributed by as needed, at a verv small cost.
with a cloth. ALBERT W. WILSDOX. Contributed by F. H. SWEET.

Our A Iiboratory ' pi ipen to -ill readers, ivhethei subscribers 01 not, The photos are judg,.-,! for best arrangement ami efficiency
of iIh- apparatus. I" :asi
i the interest of this department we make it a rule not t" publish photos of apparatus un 1 by that of th<- owner- Dark
photos preferred to light I :s. I
paj each month $3.00 prize for the best photi your description brief and us< side of thi
. '"with the Amateurs" Di pi

AMATEUR RADIO STATION H. L. SCOTT TO RENEW HIS when I operated my station, in fact
CONTEST RADIO ACTIVITIES. it has thrilled me so much that ' am go-
Monthly Prize, $3.00. Just recently bought a copy of Tin. I ing to renew my operations with the old
This month's prize-winner. I
ii. Experimenter, the January (Not until iiftcr the War- lid.)
number, and on reading it thru it has It was when I lived at 15S Hamilton
CEDRIC E. HART'S EXCELLENT brought back pleasant memories of the Street, East Providence, R.I., in 1909 and
RADIO OUTFIT. 1910, that 1 had my best outfit. About that
The switch panel anil cabinet, etc., shown
in the accompanying photo have all been THE MONTANA WIRELESS
1 herewith a photograph of "The
Montana Wireless Station" which consists
of 1 K.W. Packard transformer, run on 7 ...

(110 volts A.C.) and a stationary spark

'1 he receiving set consists of a loose
coupler designed to receive up to 20,000
meters and a loading coil for 4,01 U meters. I

One (type D) receiving set of Marconi

Wireless Telegraph Co. make which has
a range of 2,000 to 4,000 meters or more.
One pair of E. I. Co. Republic receivers,
Standard wave meter, silicon and Audion
detectors (Type R J 9).
this receiving set I am able to hear
all the coast stations such as XPE, XPC, Herbert L. Scott and His Radio Outfit, Which
and the amateurs 7ZC, 7JN and many Has Done Good Work.
time I believe I bought a detector from the
I have asub-station up in the moun-
Electro Importing Co.
tains, above sea-level. All my
6,355 feet
I am sending you a photo of my appa-
wiring is run in conduit. On account of ratus I used in 1910, which I still "have in
the small space, the station had to be pho-
storage. I hope you will find space in the
tographed twice. columns of your magazine to reproduce
read The Electrical Experimenter.
I ..'his photo. For sending 1 used a three
It a fine magazine for the "Wireless
is inch i.
spark coil, run by six V. 60 A.H.
Cedric E. Hart's Radio Station at Salt Lake P>ugs." I will be glad to correspond or storage batteries. The coil may be seen be-
City, Utah, with Which He Obtained Highly exchange photos of my station with other
Efficient Results. hind the loose coupler on the table over :

amateurs. the coil on the board is a plate glass con-

designed and built by myself, and with this HOWARD PASCOE. denser above that is the spark gap and

cabinet I have no difficulty in receiving ail Butte, Montana (1129 East Galena) then the helix to the right is an anchor gap.

of the coast stations and the The sending key may be seen on
amateurs within a fair distance the extreme right of the table:
of here. 1 also hear Guam, the contact points are two dimes.
Honolulu, Alaska, Panama, etc., For receiving I had a loose
quite regularly. I have a license coupler of my own make, a
and my call is 6SL. My receiv- Murdock tuning coil and a de-
ing set comprises the following: tector stand in which I used sili-
Navy 'phones, Blitzen tuner, con, together with a pair of 3.000
Blitzen variable, Clapp-Eastham ohm rei eivers, potentiometer,
tubular fixt condenser, Turney fixt condenser and Massie sealed-
variable condenser, and an point electrolytic detector with
Audion cabinet. double pole switch to throw in
My transmitting outfit com- either system. I have heard Key
prises a 1K.W. Thordarson Vest with this station.
transformer. K.B. preventer, 1.. SCOTT. HERBERT
commercial key, home-made con- l.i ickstone, Mass.
denser, Halcun rotary spark gap, (All radio men should rend
home made Telefunken type OS the notice in "Radio Dept." and
dilation transformer and a opposite /'a, i.- Erf.)
Uncle Sam May Find the Amateur Radio Station of Howard Pascoe,
Blitzen hot-wire meter. The at Butte, Montana, of Valuable Assistance.
switches on the panel control the "NO 'E.E.*" MORE
transformer, power, meter, condenser and savs the newsdealer. "All sold out!" Did
ATTENTION!!! he' tell so last time? MORAL: YOU
This set, so far, has proven very efficient \sk him to order a copy for you every
and, being as the panel has not been com- Has your station photo appeared in
month. Costs you nothing to do so. The
pleted two weeks yet, 1 think that Evans "The Electrical Experimenter"? tremendous tper does not allow
ton, Wyo., is a pretty good distance to not purchase the Why
electrotype i'\us, printing, s,, we furnish dealers only

transmit for the short time have had it. and have
some "real" stationery
with a sufficient amount of copies to supply
Here's wishing the EXPERIMENTER prosperi- printed with your station picture tlteir regular customers. If you are one,
ty in its chosen path.
on it? All of the "regular radio-
be sure t" tel our newsdealer so. and give
bugs" are doing it.
CEDRIC E. HART. him your nam iddress, so he'll notify
Salt Lake City, Utah. nun .1 i,
you by postal i. you forget to call.


A PROGRESSIVE CHICAGO RADIO side of Autlion make a complete switch- DE FOREST GIVES $5,000 TO AMER-
EXPERIMENTER. over from crystal to Audion apparatus. ICAN DEFENSE SOCIETY.
My sending set included a 4 K.W. Llit- ;
Also to amplify weak signals there is a Dr. Lee de Forest, the wireless inventor,
zen transmitter with rotary spark gap, op- Multi-Audi-Fone and 2.IJ00 'phones. Sta- has offered the American Defense Society
tion call 9XV. $5,000 as the nucleus of a preparedness
111. fund.


Federal authorities hope to locate the LARCHMONT MANOR, N.Y.
sender of aerial instructions to German Herewith is a photo of my
radio station.
spies thru the disobedience recently of The sending set is composed of a
1 inch
Malcolm Ronberg, who has (or had) an Bull-Dog spark coil, a sending condenser,
amateur radio plant at his home, 0220 Uni- spark gap, key and transformer. In my
versity Avenue, Chicago, 111. receiving set there are three loading coils,
Ronberg failed to obey the government two fixt condensers, a double slide loose-
mandate to dismantle radio stations. He
decided to "listen in'' before complying.
There was no sound for several minutes,
then a peculiar unfamiliar call, repeated
over and over again. Then there followed
an even stranger grouping of letters, a code
One of the Honor Sets Among Chicago Radio message.
Amateurs Was that of Mr. A. R. Gates. Mr. Ronberg hurried to the federal building,
Gates Is One of the "Old Guard Boys," Hav-
ing Been a Reader of "Modern Electrics." confest he had been listening and turned
over the message. It was sent to federal
erated on 110 volts A.C. with a lamp bank operators at Great Lakes station. They,
in series with gap motor. Receiving set is too, failed to decipher it. But the fact that
result of reading Modern Electrics and Ronberg received it in his small amateur
The Electrical Experimenter for over station has helped the searchers to trace it.
2 l/i years and is home-made Ronberg was thanked, instructed to dis-
The receiving transformer is designed mantle his plant by midnight or go to jail,
Clarence de Witt Rogers. Jr., a Rising Radio
for 3,000 meters with two variable con- and a squad of detectives was hurried out Student, of Larchmont Manor, N. Y.
densers: one across secondary and one tinder orders of John C. Dillon, chief radio
shunted across 'phones. I have two crys- inspector of Chicago. coupler, a silicon detector and a de Forest
tal detectors, Ferron and galena, operated Audion. I have two 1,500 ohm 'phones
B ith a three point switch. Also a three Young chickens treated with electricity and one 500 ohm 'phone.
element vacuum detector for long range by a London experimenter grow more rap- CLAREXCE de WITT ROGERS, JR.
work. The two D.P.D.T. switches on eacii idly than those raised without treatment. Larchmont Manor, X.Y.

Amateur News
The club is progressing rapidly and is certain were connected with Thursday night were Rock
Fort Wayne Radio Association of
to obtain more members in the near future. A? Island, Peoria. Springfield, Cambridge, Genesee
Indiana. yet we have no set but expect to obtain one and Monmouth.
The Fort Wayne Radio Association of Indiana soon. Regular meetings are held every Thursday Roy S. Landon had charge of this work, and
began the New Year with the installation of the night at 7 :30. All communications should be under his supervision the boys are showing an
following new officers: G. Carter, President: R. sent to Harlow Eppert. 841 State Avenue, Kansas unusual amount of interest. Recently the boys
Parvin, Vice-president; D. W. May. Secretary and City, Kansas. received and sent messages to the University of
F. Hall, Treasurer. Iowa station.
We have had some very successful meetings
Y. M. C. A. Wireless of Salesburg, 111.,
during the winter months. Our best and most-
lookt for speeches are given by Mr. Carter, who. Sends Basketball Scores. Worcester Tech. Wireless Club is Busy.
besides giving good talks, has formulas worked The wireless club of the Y. M. C. A. recently The Wireless Club of Worcester Tech., elected
Warren R. Burgess, '16. of Hyde Park, chief
out, which enables us to see if we are getting sent out the scores of the basketball tournament.
These scores were sent out three times a day. at operator in charge of the maintenance of the
the most out of our transmitters. Twelve new members were vote.
the close of each session. 12:00 o'clock noon. 6:00 Tech. station.
In an effort to lessen interference, we have a
in and plans were discust for a series of talks
"ORM Committee" to report at our meetings every o'clock after the afternoon session and at 10:00
to be given by Instructor Carleton D. Haigis of
two weeks. o'clock after the night session. The towns which
the physics department on the theory of electric
Several of our members have some fine long- _
waves and other subjects interesting to wir
distance work to their credit. They are 9 'P C,
W F. 9 V V. 9 T A. 9 K G and 9 U H.
students. The president was empowered to ap-
We will be glad to correspond with other clubs ALL RADIO AMATEURS point a committee to draw up plans of a new an-
so as to exchange ideas. Address communica- ATTENTION! tenna to be erected this year.
tions to D. W. May 19 U H). 3021 Hoagland
As you know the United J., Wireless Amateurs
all of Hoboken, N.
Avenue. Fort Wayne. Ind.
States is now
in a state of war with Secure Clubrooms.
Alpena, Mich., Has a Radio Club. Germany, and as true-blood Amer- The Hudson City Radio Association has secured
The Alpena Radio Club of Alpena. Mich., has ican citizens, we are, each and rooms, at 541 Central Avenue. Jersey City, where
advancement of wireless they have erected a large aerial and a sensitive
been formed for the every one of us, duty bound to obey receiving outfit. Code practise is given every
telegraphy. are held every Thursday-
evening at the home
of the President, 516 State
the mandates of the U. S. Govern- night to those who desire it.
t. The officers are: President. W. A. Pot- ment officials. The Navy Depart- Election of permanent officers was held with
ter; Vice-president, Hugo Sorenson: Secretary and ment has been delegated by our the following results: President. Joseph F. Grece;
Treasurer. P. B. Alger; and Consulting Engineer. Vice-president, William Biedenkapp: Financial
President to close all amateur or retarv, Frank Y. Bremer: Recording Secretary.
Mr- I Mulavey. All communications should be
addrest to the Secretary, P. B. Alger. 119 State experimental radio stations, no Clarence Mavis; treasurer. William S. Davidson.
Street, Alpena, Michigan. matter whether equipt for transmit- All amateurs in Hudson County are invited to
join the association. Address Clarence M
ting or receiving, licensed or un-
Secretary. 91 Fi rry Street. Jersey City. N.J
Allentown, Pa., Radio Men Reorganize. licensed, and therefore we shall all an application blank.
The Inter-City K ition of Allentown.
organized October 28, I'M 5. recently re-
have to abide by this decree,
organized under a new name to be known hence- whether we like it or not. Waterbury Radio Club of
as The Y. M. C. A Radio Association of Therefore, beginning with the Waterbury, Conn.
The art of field signaling and code receiving
next issue of ELECTRI- The Waterbury Radio Club was formally organ-
ized recently by 5 local young men who are in-
are now being taught to the members by the Chief

terested in Wireless telegraphy. King Sam. the

Operator, Harvey Zinger. The following are the endeavor to feature the Electrical Chinese young man who is probably the only Chi-
new officers Association: 1>. H. Goodling, Laboratories in preference to any nese wire! in Xew England, took the
president; Blair initiative in handing the local operators together
Cunningham, Secretary: Arthur Breisch, Treas- radio stations in the awarding of in the wireless room
and the nutting was held
urer; Harvey Zinzer. Chief Operator. Correspond- the monthly prize of $3.00 in this at the Boys' Club. E. C. Glavin. an inventor and
ence with similar organizations will be appreciated. department. Now is the time to a pioneer in wireless telegraphy study, attended
Address all communi. D. H. Goodling. get busy and freshen up your elec- the meeting and was named as honorary chair-
street. Allentown. Pa. man. The other nffic. bert W. Ctilhert,
trical apparatus, and incidentally A Fitch (operator of the
Tr.. Chairman: Clinton
Radio Activities in Kansas City, Kansas. improve your understanding of Boys' Club wireless set), Secretary and Treasurer.
The Kaw Valley Ra<l' n has been electrical matters, which perhaps membership of the club is 15 just now and
The club is planned to increase it to 25 later.
formed by its of this city. to you have unwittingly slighted to a it
the club is King
date has seventeen members with officers as fol- The publicity secretary
large degree in your pursuit of Sam. He stated that it the purpose of the
lows: Ralph Rehm, President; Parker Wiggin. is

Vice-president; Harlow Ft tary; Joe radio-telegraphy. Let her go, boys! organization "to further advance and foster the art
Harlan, Tre.i- of' wireless telegraphy in this city."
— — , ) :


EXPERIMENTAL CHEMISTRY. explaim d in the up' unit; of this article. "MAN-HUNTING" WITH THE
(Continued from page 123) [f Sodium Sulfate [Xa
chloric acid, and proceed utralize tlicm he prepared in the same manner as above. SYSTEM.
— pause — one,

in the same manner \n<, they are neu- two, three two =: 32
tralized, and after applying thi litmus tests,
EXPERIMENT XO. 57— on the electric call m here illus-
[il;i, in •
lean evaporating <lish and
,i i
Xtraliz e
e n A m m oniu m Hydroxid
aporate the solutii m to drj ness
i The |XH,oil| b\ the preceding methods, and
equation for thi-. reaction is practicallj the Nitric Acid N< \l.d.. I
I with I I |

same except that Potassium is substituted the red and blue litmus papers. Evapi
as before. The product ol this neutraliza-
TABLE OF VALENCE. tion cannol be evaporated mpleti dry- i

ness, owing in ilu fact that the nitral
hreaks up.
n Positive X' \ MlTAI. AND N BCA' MI, HI i . ll\u \H,XO, 4- H.o
:!'' M.S:
Ammonium Nitric aci,l Ammonium W
•^ _; -j _: Hydroxid Nitrat
(4 The above which were prepared by
3 >> >.
the neutralization ol acids and basi an
S a H H f. c 5- (~

ii MS As Pt V () N C .soluble salts.
Na la SI, Sn CI s P Si Salts can also he produced by the action
K Sr Bi Br so, B Sill,
of acids on metals below are given methods



of preparing chlorids, sulfats and nitrats.


Nil, Cu Cr N'l l 1
,1 ., Asl ',


d Al <ln
i n .
1 ,11,(1, \ i i,
Co i H i Put into a clean test tube about 5 grams
Mi ClOj of zinc and pour over it about 10 cc. oi
II, BrOj will be re-
Si Ii i,
dilute hydrochloric acid. It

Fe CHsO, membered that this experiment was pel

formed in a previous installment. [Hydro-
As we have beenennstantly referring to metals,
non-metals, positive radicals and negative radicals, gen, Experimental; January, 1917. issue
the above table is given now, before the study of Electrical Experimenter]. Apply a lighted
valence is taken up, so that readers may refer
to it when metallic and non-metallic elements are
splint to the mouth of the tube and notice
mentioned, any familiar action. After the action stops
pour the liquid upon a filter then evap- :

for the Sodium, as :

the solution obtained

orate the /illrat
K<>h + HC1 = KC1
{ ii

Water after filtering] in an evaporating dish, and


Potassium Hydrochloric
Hydroxid Acid t hlorid. note what is left. Keyboard of Electric "Man-Hunting"
EXPERIMENT XO. 56— The reaction for this experiment is Machine. It Instantly Summons the
part of Sulfuric acid with three
Dilute 1 Zn 4- 2HC1 ZnCl 2
4- H, = Zinc^ Hydrogen
Desired Party to the Nearest Tele-
or parts of water, and place in a
four Zinc
Acid Chlorid
small-lipt lieaker or test tube as in the
preceding experiments, ami neutralize.
The gas which escapes from the tube is trated. prince of man-hunters,
It is the
hydrogen, and by applying a lighted splint serving as to quickly summon anydue-,
When neutral, filter, and place in an evap- it

to the mouth a slight explosion should be particular individual to the nearest tele-
orating dish and evaporate to dryness.
Either one of the following equations will caused to occur. The product obtained in phone, no matter in what part of the plant
this experiment is Zinc Chlorid [ZnCl,]. or -hup he may he at the moment.
take place :

KOII + H-..SO, = KHSil, -J-

EXPERIMENT XO. 59— The Electric Calling System is primarily
Potassium Sulfuric Potassium Watei the operating instrument, which is con-
Hydroxid Acid [Acid] Sulfate Pour about 10 cc. of dilute Sulfuric acid nected by wiring to a line of signals I

or [HuSOi] made by pouring 3 or 4 cc. of sisting of either bells, horns, buzzei

strong Sulfuric acid to the
or whatever other electrical device- it i>
water, about 10 cc, stirring the
desired to use. These signals are dis-
liquid constantly, and adding
tributed thruout the establishment in such
c S the acid in small quantities.
a manner that every foot of floor-space is
SS [Never add the water to the
within the sound radius of at least one
Aluminum Al •
XB» •••X acid], on about 5 grams of

« • •XBXX^»XXXBX^X» ••X^»
scrap iron. It may be nei e

sary to heat the mixture over

Calling System has no direct con-
with the telephone, bul is usually
the Bunsen burner in order to
Bi -
Cd- • xn •••• xr •»•>•
•m»mmrmmm»rmwr *wm
• produce
action has
proceeded for
located, for convenience, near the tele-
phone central station, within easy reach
r*HBB* •
Calcium fir" • • •
of the operator's hand The operating in-
Co •
8*• •<»BXBB»
• •
••r.•DDr«BB» ••
r.^«. •••

: •

• •
some time remove from
flame, and add about 5 or In cc
[after the liquid has been fil-
strument may, hoi
where on the circuit.

This System operates on

fe ••••x«aar«BB* >
• ••BXBBrXBDr*BBr**»B* • * •
After the water has
added to the solution,
either or 220, V lb") <
or D. C It is

Manganese lln

»r»Br» •r«r««B«»»»n»

• •ri>HHMH..BHr>>
• *B*BBr*D* •••••••
r«* •••••• *bx*b* • »xr»
• place an evaporating dish
and proceed to c\ aporate. The

reaction for this experiment is:

always in service and
teries to ause
troubb or to
there are no bat-





•xr»BBrBXXBX»^» • • ^.
••••• • nar» •• ••
• r.
Fe -r-HjSOj


IVSi ), 4-
be recharged.
The consump-
of water with Mix 5 cc. economical.
Sodium Hi '

of Nitric acid about 5 cc. The instru-

Sn •
Sn 1
Sr •

^* ••• ••••• ••
X( )»]. 'lace about 5
of copper scraps in a test tube
I I 1 ment is made
in one univer-
line In • b*x*b*bbb*« *r*BB«* ••• and add the 10 CC of Nitric sal model,
acid, prepared as above. If ac- which has a
X- Slant tion does not take place, heat calling capac-
B Soluble in tvoter •
gently over a Bunsen burner ity of 45 dif-
D - Insoluble in ireiSr and oc/ds \ deep green solution will 1
1 code
• 'Insoluble in ivoter but so/ubie /nripdvcnfor/cMtne.JoXi orJevoAeyio
W- Sligntji so/ubte in water form, and after the action has n n m h c r s .

^» Soluble in ivoter ivdh very rr/tte acid. r£\ stopt, add about S or 10 cc. of There is no
water and slowly evaporate, as limit to the
Table of Solubilities. inline. If the evaporation is n ii in her of
carried to dryness the nitrat signaling devices which the instrument will
IKOH It, sn, ! K,S(i, 4- H»0 = will hi eak up into the insi ilubli control, provided sufficient current is let
nun Sulfuric Pol issium \\ .ii. oxid, which will manifest a black coloi i

Hydroxid Acid into the line to operate thi

Sulfate To avoid this action the liquid w
The reasons that two equations of re- be completely evaporated, but it may The sitmals are controlled by eight small
action which may take place is mure fully ontinuc ! '• page ; i ' 1 t levi
'nn the number eomhinai

nfc^TE.5 t ...
VWt en t I
Electric Photometer magnets to operate a pawl and loop circuit will have less resistance A novel invention comprising an
An than the antenna circuit, as it is electrically driven or propelled land-
(No. 1,218,946; issued to Clayton ratchet connecting with the indi-
closed and practically all of the torpedo possessing several unique
Laing.) cating needle in the manner shown,
and the dial may he marked off in high frequency oscillations produced features. As shown in the illustra-
This device embodies a clever the When tion, the design comprises two sec-
electrically operated photometer for any suitable style and colors. The will flow in this circuit.
key is opened, the arc oscillations tions; the forward compartment con-
use bj photographers in accurately device can be attached to any pool
or damaging will charge the aerial instead. taining the charge of explosives and
calculating the proper exposure for table without altering
and each table pocket is con- detonating means, while the pivoted
Oscillating-Current Generator rear unit contains the electric driv-
nected up to the electrical score-
(No. 1,221,034; issued to Lee de ing motor and necessary gears. The
Forest.) land-torpedo is dispatched from a
Electrolytic Gas-Generator trench, and is under constant con-
trol ofa soldier in the trench. It
(No. 1,219,966; issued to Isaac H. , .. , ..„,

Levin.) should prove useful in destroying

Electrolytic apparatus designed to barbed wire, and other impediments,
produce hydrogen and oxygen gases as when it has reached the desired
spot, the operator simply pushes an
by subjecting water containing a
electric button which detonates the
small quantity of a suitable electro-
explosive charge in the war-head of
uch, for example, as potassium
the torpedo, thus destroying the
hydroxid, sulfuric acid, etc., to the
action of an electric current, which
obstruction. The torpedo hauls its
electric feed wires after it, as it
ambles away from the trench.
An improved method of develop-
ing powerful high frequency oscilla- Electric Gas Buoys for Submarine
tions with a vacuum tube generator Warfare
suitably associated with one or more (No. 1,222,498; issued to Joseph A.
oscillatory circuits. The inventor Steinmetz.)
and any size provides an evacuated bulb contain-
any strength of light
The instrument com- ing mercury electrodes, which pro-
lens opening.
prises a suitable light filter and co-
duce a mercury vapor arc within
operating shutters, so that ordinary the bulb. Two cold electrodes 9,
davlight may be properly compared and 10, are utilized, 9 being water
cooled, and 10 being a bent hollow
with a standard of light incorporated
in the photometer. The light stand- grid. An oscillating circuit is as-
sociated with the two cold electrodes
ard is composed of a small electric A
second oscillatory
9 and 10.
bulb, and a dry battery with suitable
circuit is provided thru inductance
switch. When equal amounts of With this ar-
20, and capacity 21.
light penetrate two special trans-
rangement, the oscillations produced
lucent blocks, they appear as one
in the first oscillatory circuit are
block; the two halves of the block increased in intensity when the
perfectly balancing, so that natural
period of the second oscillatory cir
and artificial rays are of equal in- cuit is made equal to that of the
first. The output or "load" circuit
Aeroplanes comprises ground 24, inductance 22
Antenna for
and aerial 23.
(No. 1,219,550; issuedto Walter
Combination Radio Receiver and Something quite new in the realm
An improvement in design of
wireless antennae for aeroplanes
Detector of war machinery and comprising
(No. 1,219,888 issued to Frank a series of highly charged poisonous
comprising a bamboo or other mast

Wallberg.) "gas buoys," which may be attached

to the exterior of the submarine,
is caused to flow there-thru from and which are held in clamps, elec-
one electrode to another, both elec- tro-magnetically controlled from the
trodes being submerged in water. interior of the submarine. The lat-
The solution is decomposed in the ter may submerge in proximity to a
well-known electrolytic manner, oxy- hostile war-ship and release one or
gen being liberated at the positive more of the gas buoys. These float
electrode and hydrogen at the nega- to the surface and even tho struck
tive electrode. This invention re- by shell-fire, they will proceed to
lates particularly to an electrolytic liberate a cloud of deadly gas fumes,
gas generator in which the liquid which are supposed to eventually
acted upon is contained in a suitable overcome the crew of the war-ship.
receptacle, having two sets of in- The gas buoys may be released and
sulated electrodes entirely indepen- immediately cut free, or they may
supporting one or more insulated be maintained in position by a cable
dent of the receptacle proper.
fiat-top aerials.The "ground" ele- as shown, so that they will not
ment is compensated for by utiliz- Radio Arc Transmitter drift away before their task is fin-
ing the metallic aeroplane structure; (No. 1,220,072 ; issued to Louis ished.
the "aerial" element being cared Cohen.)
for by the special antenna here Hood for Concealing Telephone
shown. The inventor has paid par- extremely compact "pocket
An (No. 1,221,919; issued to Lillian A.
ticular attention to the correct de- wireless set, comprising a tuning Strasburger.)
sign of aeroplane antennae, with inductance, crystal detector and tele-
respect to the proper maintenance phone receiver, all in the space re-
of the stability and operating char- quired for an ordinary watchcase
acteristics of the aeroplane itself telephone receiver. The telephone
and claims that the addition of his receiver and detector are connected
antenna to an aeroplane will not in parallel, and this unit in series
cause it to be unbalanced in flight with the aerial, ground and tuning
or in maneuvering. coil. The latter is adjustable by
means of a switch; the tuning cod
Pool Table Register is wound about the shell of the
(No 1,220,420; issued to William receiver, and the detector is ex-
H. Heffley.) tremely small, being placed within
An interesting and practical elec- the receiver-magnet chamber as
shown. The device is held to the
ear when in use, and the switch
Instead of utilizing the "com turned until the signals come in the
pensation wave'* method of radiating
telegraphic signals by means of a
radio arc type transmitter, the in-
Electric Land-Torpedo
ventor has developed a novel scheme
(No 1,219,028; issued to Abraham This Invention provides a specially
which operates as follows: With
the Poulsen system, energy is con-
Must.) devised concealing hood for cover-
ing the telephone instruments in
tinuously transmitted, but with this As
arrangement energy is radiated only "My Lady's Boudoir," etc.
as the dots and dashes are sent out.
shown in the illustration, the device
During the "space" periods no cur-
rent is radiated from the aena', th<
Q^^Ah^^m^™**^^ comprises a wire frame- work pro-
vided with a spring clip and a doll's
frequency oscillations being
head. The attachment is suitably
drapt and at the rear it is pro-
shunted thru a variable resistance vided with a sliding curtain. To
key 8, condenser 5-a and inductance use the telephone, it is but neces-
2-a. This does not affect the opera- of the figure
sarj to grasp the skirt
tro-mechanical device for register- tion of the arc and no appreciable
When the vari- and turn the whole outfit around
ing the results of a game o sparking occurs. ISO degrees, when the rear curtain
whereby the pool hall as able resistance key 8, is closed, the
can be slid sideways and the re-
etc., it

falls m'- a pocki

COPIES OF ANY OF THE ABOVE PATENTS SUPPLIED AT 10c. EACH ceiver moved from the hook.
trical contact. This causes a set of

Phoney Patents
Under heading are publisht electrical or mechanical ideas which
this you haven't a smell of the Patent yet. After they have allowed the Pat-
our clever inventors, (or reasons best known to themselves, have as yet ent, you must pay another $20.00 as a final fee. That's $40.00 WE ! !

not patented. We furthermore call attention to our celebrated Phoney PAY YOU $3.00 and grant you a Phoney Patent in the bargain, so you
Patent Offizz for the relief of all suffering daffy inventors in this country save $43.00 ! When sending in your Phoney Patent application,

as well as for the entire universe. be sure that it is as daffy as a lovesick bat. The darner, the better.
We are revolutionizing the Patent business and OFFER YOU THREE Simple sketches and a short description will help our staff of Phoney
DOLLARS! $3.00 FOR THE BEST PATENT. If you take your Phoney Patent examiners to issue a Phoney Patent on your invention in a
Patent to Washington, they charge you $20.00 for the initial fee and then jiffy.

Phoney Patent Offizz S. T. Raphangr of Rushour, D. T.
No. ( 60° G. Patent Rattled

To Whomsever It Might Concert: all the power and lots to spare besides, turn drives the motors under the car.
Be it knowed to all unknown and all being furnished by the swaying straphang- The motors being geared to the axles drive
other straphangers at large, as well as all ers themselves. The excess power can be the wheels of the car. The car wheels
those confined ih solitary confinement used to light the car and charge a stor- being off center, as observed, will give the
thruout tin- world, that 1 Salomon Tad- age lattery, which in turn may drive the trolley car a pitching motion like a ship
deus Raphangr of the City of Rushour car when traffic
light. But this
is i
in a swell. This greatly aids in more effec-
iu the State of Deliriumtremens, have de- no means By
providing all seats with
all. tively swaying and bumping the passengers.
vised, designed, designated and developed a spring attachment, the seated passengers The seated passengers when ri>ing up
an invention of the most Ear reaching con- will hump up and down nicely, and 1 found and down on their spring -eats operate

Straphangers All Over the Universe As Well As Trolley Car Magnates Will Rejoice At This New Invention. Not Only Do the Sw
ing Passengers Now Propel the Car, But They Experience All the Variegated Experiences of a Sea Trip and All for a Nickel.

sequences to a long suffering traveling pub- thisto be far more pleasing than being gears 4 and the resulting power is also
lic. bumped up and down on hard seat-;. It conveyed to belts 3, this furnishing
a well known, altho deplorable fact,
It is is also very healthy, for -the digestion is additional power.
that the modern trolley car for economic greatly improved, especially after heavy II 'hat I claim is:
reasons of all traction companies are equipt meals. It will "settle" the heartiest meal 1° A wireless trolley, operated solely by
with rather oval as well as "flat" wheels. wonderfully. If the public comes to rea- straphangers.
lize this it will patronize my new self- 2° A self propelled fat reducing trolley
The tracks too, are of the scenic railway
type, fashioned after the camel's back, c, i. propelling trolley in a manner undreamt stimulating digestion and preventing in-
hill and valley with 15 hills and 29 val- of by the most voracious traction com- digestion.
leys to the running yard. These modern pany shareholder. No power house nor 3 A trolley car giving passengers all
refinements are necessary to shake up and trolley wires being required, the company the experiences of a sea trip for a nickel.
make enormous and will In consternation whereof, I have there-
bump the cars vigorously, this action be- will profits, it

ing required to pack the passengers tightly be able to issue a package of chewing gum fore resolved and caused to he app< I

into the car and to jingle the passengers' and 10 trading stamps free with every and imprest hereunto and hereunder the
nickles, so the latter can be extracted easier nickel ride. crest of my family shoe tree with my left

for the conductor's rake-off. Referring to the patent drawing we find uppermost hind foot this 16th day after

Having in mind these points and know- that 1 is on which the

the strap strap- the "ad "vent of any deceased maiden aunt's
ing that passengers always sway to and hanger navigates. Every time be sways he German measles, in the presence of three
fro in all our trolleys in a truly alarming exerts a pull of about 150 lbs. on the strap, witne
manner, I conceived the brilliant idea of and by means of a pawl and ratchet ar- S. T. R.VPHAXGR.
utilizing this prodigious energy^ now going rangement mounted on a common shaft Wittynesses: By his Attorney,
to waste. In my researches quickly found,
1 passing thru the length of the trolley, the A. If Gowan, Thomas If. Benson,
shaft begins to rotate. The power is then I. .If Indutch, Phila., Pa.
that if you start the car on an incline,
no further power is required to propel it, conducted by belts 3 to dynamo which in C. U. Titout



electrical experimenters. Questions w.ll be answered here for the benefit of all, but onlj
This department is for the sole benefit of all undei which quest.onsw.il be answered.
matto of sufficient toterestwiU be publish! Rules answered
Only three questions can be submitted to be written in ink; no penciled matter considered.
Only one side of sheet to be* nttenseparate
on at ™ j 1
cannot be answered by mail free of charge.
Sketches, diagrams, etc.. must .be on f^ f^y u^*tiSn"addrest to this department

5 tOs^M^eSw each question. If the question entail considerable re-
search %&&%8£S?&£fi%&& S£tf i^win^cnar^ed Torrespo^ts^vill be informed as to the fee before such questions are
answered. _ .

excita- Fleming, "The Principles of Electric Wave

RECORDING VOLTMETER. obtained from an ideal impulsive
Telegraphy," $10.00; by 1. Zenneck, "Wire-
Hassel, Baltimore, Md., asks: tion transmitter.
(785.) I.
less Telegraphy." $4.00; Eccles' "Wireless
Q. 1. What is a recording voltmeter? Telegraphy and Telephony," $3.50. will We
A. 1. A recording voltmeter is an in-
(787.) Andrew Colly, Oyster Bay, L. I. send any of these books on receipt of
strument which permanently records the price.
potential that exists between points in an

Q. 2. Are all the Radio Amateurs of

electric circuit during any definite period. this country to remove their aerials and
It consists of nothing more than an
apparatus in this present crisis?
TO OUR FRIENDS. A. 2. Orders have already been given
you realize that not one day
Do to instruct all Amateurs thruout the coun-
1 passes when we do not receive from try to remove their aerials. The instru-
I 150 to 250 or more letters addrest to ments \yere not asked to be removed or
m1 the "Question Box"? If we mere to confiscated by the authorities up to the
publish all the questions and answers present time.
we would requife a monthly magazine j WIRING DIAGRAM.
1 Hie or six times the sice of The | (789.) '
Peter Hancock, Toledo, O.,
1 Electrical Experimenter with no
other matter hut questions and an- j
j wants
I Q. A
wiring diagram of a short wave
Connections for Calibrating a Recording
Voltmeter With the Aid of a Standard Volt-
g swers! Of late the influx of letters m 1.
regenerative Audion receiving outfit.
meter and Two Rheostats.

1 has become so heavy that several of jg A. 1. The appended diagram gives the
I our associates have been forced
j proper connections.
nary voltmeter, the armature or moving I discontinue important editorial work, Q. 2. How can I eliminate the noises
element of which carries a small writing I in order to answer the mail. This we produced in the receiver when the Audion
pen, that traces a curve on a moving strip are certain you do not wish. You do gj is in operation? This effect is even ob-
The variation of the e.m.f. in I not 'cant your magazine to lower
of paper. its
jj tained when the receiving instruments are
the circuit is indicated by the variation of lj present high standard. You want the | disconnected from both the aerial and
the traced curve. The strip of paper which I best, the very best, and you kuaze we j ground.
receives the record is moved by a special j
never have failed you yet.
A. 2. The noise which you are experi-
clock mechanism. encing is due to a constant electrical charge
Q. 2. For what purpose are these in-
Moreover the multitude of letters g
on the grid of the Audion. which causes
struments most adapted? I are wholly unnecessary. Most of the P
the grid condenser to charge and discharge
day 3
A. 2. They are generally employed m questions we arc asked every

power-houses', where it is required to know 1 have been answered before in the m unperiodically consequently affecting the

receivers. This trouble mjght be eliminated

tiiesjion Box. Therefore ere you
the exact voltage conditions of the line |

to write to us. look over
to a certain degree by shunting a high re-
during certain periods of the day. I sistance "leak" path across the grid con-
back numbers and nine times 1
Q. 3. Are these instruments sufficiently denser. It must be a non-inductive leak
accurate to warrant their use in laboratory j out of ten you will find the answer, j
and can be made very readily by marking
work? How are they calibrated? hard to publish only
II 'e strive upon a sheet of paper a pencil mark and
A. 3. No. Most of them require a large j
I such matter as Inn not appeared he- -g connecting the ends of this line across the
correction factor. Their accuracy depends condenser. A little patience in making the
1 fore in our columns, and for that j
upon the degree of voltage variations as = reason only a small fraction of que- W^ proper, thickness of line will be required
the friction between the pen and paper is before proper results can be obtained.
1 ties of those received by us are ac-
somewhat great when the moving element j
I tually publisht.
is caused to move frequently.
The wiring diagram herewith gives con- Kindly note, therefore, that in the ||
nections of a recording voltmeter for cal- 1 future zee cannot, in your own
ibrating the same with a standard volt- 1 f crest, answer questions by mail, free m
meter. We of charge.
questions requiring
(786.) Paul Magdale, Hackensack, N.
desires to know
ate answer ourfor the fee is 25c. 5
ordinary question and J.;* for
Q. 1. What is meant by impulse excita-
We will J
I each additional question.

A. 1. Impulse excitation a method ot is I gladly advise fee for special qucs- |

', entailing considerable calcu- g
iting the antenna by means of an oscil- Stamped' and |
y lotions or research.
ouit which is highly damped and
1 addrest envelope should be end
the coupled secondary or antenna circuit Hook-up for a Short Wave Regenerative
with the queries and. moreover, any j Audion Radio Receiver.
iving an impact or shock from the pri- sketches accompanying them should |
mary circuit, and permitting this secondary made on separate sheets. And
circuit to oscillate with as little damping
I please be brief. (790-A) Thomas Lowman, East
as possible. The primary oscillatory cir- THE EDITORS. M burgh, Pa., inquires
cuit is so adjusted or tuned that a single

impulse \< produi ed. mil Q. 1. Can you give me the wave length
of an antenna which consists of four wires
quenched spark gap system
Q. 1. Where can I buy wioeless ks 1
(ill feet high, 100 feet long, and the wires
ated on the impulse excitation prin-
describing in detail the complete theory of separated 2 feet?
radio engineering, and also a text-book A. 1. The wave length of this antenna
A. 2. Yes; but it is not an ideal im-
giving complete data as to the design and is 300 meters.
pulse excitation, since the primary of the
operation of radio apparatus? Q Suppose I desire to use this an-
circuit is not permitted to be highly damped.
Furthermore, the oscillations of the pri- A. 1. We
would recommend the follow- tenna with a transmitting station, which
ing books, which we believe will give you will comprise a 500 watt 60 cycle trans-
mary are periodically cyclonic and not im-
riod oscillations, as that all the desired information: By .1. A. (Continued on page 137)
pulsive i

Who Gets $200,000,000

Tire Profits?
An amazing condition revealed in the tire business. Terrible
waste shown by methods of selling automobile tires. How one
tire man plans to cut the cost of tires to the consumer revealed

Tire Chain Stores Offer Solution of Problem

By M. E. PHILLIPS, "Staff Correspondent" (Home Magazine)
NOTE. —The following article, written by our staff representa- mendous growth of the automobile industry consequently of —
tive, outlines plans for a giant chain of tire service stations and —
the tire business makes this one of the most attractive and in-
stores which it is predicted will greatly lower automobile upkeep teresting enterprises. We
have made every effort to verify the
costs. Aunique co-operative plan which has been tested out statements made here and to the best of our knowledge the
and found successful. Output of splendid factory already secured, statements are accurate and the estimates conservative. (Pub- —
more to follow. The success of other chain stores and the tre- lisher Home Magazine.)

Who gets the $200,000,000.00 A YEAR TIRE

Do you know that the cost of producing a tire
is possibly ONE-THIRD of the price you have
to pay? That a small tire you pay $15.00 for
costs about $5.00 to manufacture? That the
tire costinc about $20.00 to build lias to retail
for about $60.00?
Do you know that the tire manufacturer is
satisfied to sell his tires for very little over
the cost, and at only a fraction of the retail
Where does the balance go?
Who then gets this enormous "cut in" on
the tires you buy?
DO YOU? Of course not.
Who, then?
Well, the JOBBER gets a BIG slice.
The WHOLESALER gets another BIG
The rest goes into advertising, dealer's helps,
adjustments, etc.
MeanwhileYOU, Mr. Tire Buyer, pay the
100 per cent price and worry about the high
price of upkeep of your motor car.


A tire man. a man with intimate
knowledge of the tire industry, a man with
breadth of vision and economic principles, has The Famous Philadel phia Experimental Tire Service Store that Proved to President Feist
seen this enormous WASTAGE in the tire of the National Rubb er Company the Practical Possibilities of Tire Chain Stores, Located
business and has evolved a PLAN that will at the Corner of North and Broad Streets.
revolutionize the tire selling business.
He argues that TIR1 1ST Tl E
'I r MO Pa., manufacturers of the famous National Speedway Tires and
He says there is no reason on earth why the tire buyer should National Red Tu
have to pay this enormous burden of profits and selling costs. NATIONAL SPEEDWAY RKDWALT. TIRES are so
If tires can be made for ONE-THIRD of the actual retail prices GOOD that they are sold under the strongest GUARANTEE
they can be sold 'R LESS than prices now charged for them and
I 1
to be had.
stili pay legitimate profits. LARGE PROFITS, because of the The company agrees to replace FREE any tire that does not
volume of business a company offering such savings is bound to outlast and outwear any tire of any make or price of the same
achieve. size tested under thi onditions.
This far-sighted man is a PRACTICAL TIRE M \N. As a This company now has a production of 1.000 tires and tubes a
manufacturer he has MADE GOOD. He is a PRACTICAL and is being enlarged to a much greater capacity. When
BUSINESS MAN, with all a practical man's dislike for waste. the distribution exceeds the capacity plant, new plants will
He has proved his genius for organization and big things. rted "i- bought in different sections of the country, or their
This man is Mr. .1. G. Feist, President of the National Rubber outputs contracted for in order to bring up the production to the
Company of New York. necessarv number of tire-..
PLANS CHAIN OF STORES Mr. Feist proposes to sell tires at a MUCH LOWER
than is now being charged for ^ooe\ tires elsewhere.
Mr. Feist's plan is to establish a chain of tire service and store sta- He plans to give SUPERIOR SERA ICE to tire buyers.
tionsfrom Maine to California, and Canada to the Gulf of N He will give them a BETTER TIRE. He anticipates that in
The National Rubber Company of New York has been organized doing this his company will prove the greatest profit maker in
with strong men behind it and it has already secured the output the country.
of one entire factory as the nucleus of this chain store plan.
More factories will lie added as the chain extends and the need EXPERIMENTAL PLANT A SUCCESS
of mure tires becomes evident. The first factory whose product Mr. Feist is not building his company's future on imagination
has been acquired is the National Rubber Company of Pottstown, or theory. Before maturing his plans he opened in Philadelphia

man for cash, eliminates all selling expense, salesmen, advertising,

collections, etc., and can sell for a quick turnover, and will yet
make more profit in the end. That's how the chain store buyer
can buy at such a low figure that he can sell goods that retail
generally for 25 cents for 5 and 10 cents.
Then, the chain store man nearly always buys FOR CASH.
That means he takes advantage of every cash discount and by
paying cash he enables his manufacturer to buy for cash and get
a similar benefit. So it becomes an endless chain of savings which
benefits the ultimate consumer of the product.


The chain store man uses his cash to buy everything. He buys
everything the same way. He buys his fixtures, his delivery
— —
wagons if he uses them his every necessity at the lowest bulk
price, and bulk with the chain store man means tremendous bulk.
If these chain stores, selling articles that retail for such a small
price, can earn such fabulous dividends, what will a chain of tire
service stores earn with the big sales it will make sales averaging;

$20 apiece?
It doesn't take a prophet to look into the future and see the
magnificent accumulations of dividends that should accrue from
such an enterprise.
It isn't hard to foresee what the earnings of such a chain of
stores can pay in say ten years from today. By that time the
chain should extend to every city of any importance in the coun-
Boston Service Store of National Rubber Company, Located at 557 try. This may mean thousands of such stores, because there are
Columbus Avenue.
in the United States 1,442 towns of 5,000 or more inhabitants
and over 100 cities having a population of 55.000 or over. The
a station such as he proposes to establish elsewhere. small towns, say the towns under 10.000, would require only
This is what his Philadelphia service station and store does: one such service station, while the larger towns would require
It sells tires below the average price of high-class tires ot
a number of them.
size and qualitv.
You phone in that you need a 34x4 tire and give your address. To give you an idea of how many stores some of the big chains
A mechanic picks up the required tire, puts it in the carrier of a have, it is enough to mention the Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea
motorcycle and speeds off to your address. On arrival he takes Company, with over 1,500 retail stores; the United Cigar Stores,
off your old tire and puts on the new" one. No trouble, no mess. with over 1,000 retail stores the Woolworth Company, with over

If you want your old tire repaired he takes it back w'ith him and 1,000 stores, etc.
it is delivered as soon as repairs are made. The tremendous growth of the automobile industry a growth —
You have saved time, labor, worry and money.
that is gathering size and importance every day makes this pro- —
The success of this first service station jected chain of tire service stores all the more important.
SONABLE PRICES. HIGH QUALITY GOODS, EFFICIENT At the beginning of 1917 there were approximately THREE
SERVICE will accomplish. Profits are large because of volume. MILLION autos in use in the United States. According to last
The Philadelphia service station already has 11,000 CUSTOM- United States census, there were in 1910 (date of last census)
ERS. (Not tire sales, but CUSTOMERS.) 91,972,266 inhabitants in the U. S. It is calculated that there are
With this established PROOF of the value of this new departure now at least 120,000.000 people in the U. S. At this rate, there
service, Mr. Feist has oreanized a company to establish National is one auto in the L
S. for every 40 people.
. In many of the
Rubber Company SERVICE STATION'S and stores all over states, the ratio is higher than one for everv 16 people. This
the country. His plan provides for opening 500 stores the first
year, if possible,and more stores year by year as the company MORE MACHINES.
grows. According to the best informed automobile authorities, it is
OFFERS GREAT OPPORTUNITIES calculated that there will be added at least 1,000.000 auto users
during the vear 1917, brincing up the total close on to FOUR
The OPPORTUNITIES offered by this chain of tire service MILLION AUTOS in actual use in the U. S. With such an
stores are self-evident. enormous distribution of cars, and all the automobile factories
CHAIN STORES of all kinds have been enormously success- of any account way behind in deliveries, an enormous supply
ful. They have built up some of the greatest fortunes in the of tires will be required to keep these autos running.
country- They have made original investors enormously rich. 24,000.000 TIRES NEEDED
And this in spite of the fact that most chain stores have dealt
only in articles selling for a very small sum. HOW MUCH Very moderate estimates number of tires required
place the
GREATER should be the profits of a chain of stores selling 3. on each car at EIGHT PER YEAR. Each auto MUST HAVE
product whose every SINGLE SALE equals the sale of HUN- FIVE TIRES, four on the wheels and one spare tire. It is an
DREDS of the articles sold in most chain stores? ultra conservative estimate, therefore, that places the required
The UNITED CIGAR STORES, sellinc cigars, cigarettes and number of tires to meet the needs of 1917 at SIN PER CAR.
tobacco,average LESS THAN
20 CENTS PER SALE. The At this rate 4,000,000 automobiles will require 24,000.000 tires.
National Rubber Company averages MORE THAN $20 PER This is truly AN AMAZING FIGURE for an industry that is
SALE, with proportionate profits. only a little over a dozen years old.
THE WOOLWORTH STORES sell 5 and 10 cent articles. The distribution of these cars is centered at present in certain
Yet they have made many millions and the highest office building sections. When the other sections have awakened to the advan-
in the world was built out of these nickels and dimes. tages and uses of the automobile and its economy for travel and
The REGAL SHOE COMPANY with its chain of hundreds of commercial purposes, it is more than likely that the distribution
shoe stores, has made its owners rich. So have the Walk-Over will be much more even.
Shoe Stores, the W. L. Douglas Shoe Stores. All chain stores. It has been estimated by statisticians that there are OUF.R
The TRULY WARNER Hat Store chain has accumulated TEX MILLIO.X men in the U. S. who should he. and probably
wealth for its owners.
The Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Stores, the Jewel Tea
Stores, the Acme Tea Stores, all chain stores, have made millions.
The several chains of drug stores, of grocery stores, of cheap
restaurants, have all made fortunes.
The reasons for this uniform success are numerous.
In the first place, operating a ''chain of store*" of any kind

reduces the cost operation what is known as OVERHEAD
PENSE —to the minimum.
Secondly, the purchasing power of the buyer who buys for
hundreds of stores is so enormous that he can pretty nearly make
his own price. He gets ROCK BOTTOMcosts on everything.
Woolworth can sell for 5 or 10 cents articles that often retail at
from 25 to 50 cents because he buys outright entire factory pro-
ductions. The manufacturer who sells his whole output to one Chicago Store of National Rubber Company, the Third in the Chain.


soon will be, auto owners. These arc men who, because of their at prices that the prices the individual store owner pays
business, their financial condition and their position, shouli pays the minimum for taxes, for insur-
is; it

come automobile owners. ating i- carried in hulki

There are upwards of seven million farmers in the U. S., and 1,\ tl,,- parent company, ind this is divided pro rata so that each
,,f tin i
percentage will probablj become ownei ol auto- individual ston only a -mall -urn as its share of the ad\er-
mobiles fust now only about 7 per cent of thi pr tising
,,un am, biles. The fanner is today the RICH MAN ol the bought at actual contract price from the manufacturer
I . S. He has b< ing the biggest prices ever paid for and o i
i the store, much cheaper than the average
he has 1 >\ scientific farming increased the yield ol his man can buj them.
and 1m

en fortunate in getting b ci >p when the prio We then have EXPENSES PARED DOWN TO THE BONE,
For tl ons, THE FARMER IS USUALIA I'l NARY CONDITIONS. And we have the most attractive kind
PEROUS and lie is putting some of his riches into the comforts of a proposition to offer to the tire buyer — THE BEST TIRE
and conveniences of an automobile. OX Till-. MARKET AT MUCH LESS than he would havi
With such prospects, with such a tremendous field to conquer, pay elsewhere; A SERVICE NO OTHER TIRE CONCERN
with the SUO ESS that has attended the FIRST UNIT of the GIVES oi RANTEED SATISFACTION hacked
National Rubber Company chain of service stores, it is not hard up by a company operating a nation-wide chain of stores.
to visualize the ENORMOUS POSSIBLE PROFITS from this W it li so much to offer and with such splendid profit-making
enterprise. advantages it is not hard to look into the future and see every
store paying a big profit and the company earn-
ing dazzling dividends.
What maj one store earn, you may ask?
Let us do a little figuring
Firstly, the ENTIRE FACTORY SKI. I. IX'.
EXPENSE IS ELIMINATED—the entire output
of the factory being sold to one —
customer the
chain store.
The saving of the traveling expense and sales-
man's salaries and commissions. The saving of
advertising and promotion expense. The ad
office accounting and credit expense All these
are SAVED by the chain stores. In these items
alone is found a
selling cost of at least 20 per cent.
On top of that the JOBBERS' DISCOUNT OF
Xo thinking man or woman has to be told that
NET SUM the manufacturer receives Al.OXE
TITY of materials used in making tires, because
the PROFIT derived.
sellingand distributing expense, the enormous dis-
counts demanded by the jobber, the wholesaler and
the retailer, if the manufacturing cost were TOO
HIGH or even over his competitors, then added
charges, as described here, increase out of propor-
tion and the consumers' prices would be prohibitive.
Hence, in National Speedway Tires most of the
factory selling cost is put in the tire in ADDED
QUANTITY, and the usual
trade discounts are divided with the consumer.
We now
come to the question of the profits of the
Officers and OfficialsRubber Company of New York. These Men
of the National chain stores of each unit and of the chain in the
Have Made the Making and Selling of Tires Their Life Work. Both as Manufacturers aggregate.
and Branch Managers. They are Pioneers in the Tire Business: They Have Watched After a careful scrutiny of costs of manufac-
the Tire Business Grow from the Experimental Stage. Today They are Large Fac-
tors in the Manufacturing of the Best Tire that Money Can Make. Mr. Walsh. Who turing, of operating the chain store each unit —
Is Superintendent of the Plant. Has Been for 23 Years in Active Charge of the and figuring a retail price on the tires at a sensible
Making of the Best Known Tire in America. Mr. Sperry Was With the Deere Plow reduction over average price of tires of equal size
Co. as Agency Organizer. Mr. Dougherty Has Been a Tire Representative for Years,
Formerly With the Lee Tire Co. H. A. Lamoree Has Also Been a Branch Tire Store and quality we find that there is still possible an
Manager and General Tire Salesman With Several of the Big Companies. average margin of $5 per tire. This is "AVER-
AGED" because some of the tires will pay more
HOW PROFITS PILE UP profit while some will pay less, but the average has been shown to
be about $5 her tire sold.
Even a casual consideration of the subject makes the figures This is evidently a ESTIMATE.
run into such amazing columns of profits that the very thought If each chain store sells 10 TIRES PER DAY. we
is staggering. have each store earning a profit of $50 a day or $50,000 a day
Thegreat earnings of chain stores of all kinds has been in profit for 1,000 stores.
the aggregate. $50,000 profit per day for 365 days in the year— tire service
When you take 1,000 stores and pile their profits in one great stations are busier Sundays and holidays than other days
heap, you have a formidable aggregate an aggregate which URLS OUT THE ENORMOUS TOTAL OF $18,250,000 \
doesn't have to he very large in the individual case to make up YEAR PROFITS.
this magnificent total.
Youwill realize that an estimate of only ten tires per day
Let us take into consideration one unit and then see how it
is very small. When you consider the tremendous advantages
works out.
of dealing with the National Rubber Companj
Firstly, we must remember that these service stores are oper-
the high class product, the low price, the good service given in
ated at a minimum of expense. administered from the
the way of instant special deliveries, placing the tire on the car
central office, whose- costs of operation are spread over the whole
The man and taking away the injured tire for repairs, it is not hard to
chain, the local stores require only inexpensive help.
who operates a store of his own expects to make \ GOOD understand why these stores should do an enormous business.
LIVING out of it for himself A AND CoOD
PROFIT besjdes; Ten tires per day is a very low estimate of the possibilities.
lie has to pay for everything on the high price of individual Pin i,, i„- even more conservative, let us cm down this estimate
purchases. II,- has to have efficient help, has to advertise and, by half Oi ii- suppose that the stores only FIVE AVERAGE
of course, he has fixed charges for rent, light, taxes, insur- S\[ ES PER DAY let ti- see how this figures out.

ance, etc. FIYE TIRES \ DAY, showing an average profit of $25 per
day per store, one thousand stores will, therefore, pay an esti-
CHAIN STORE SAVINGS mated dail\ profil of $25,000. For 3U?~ days in the year. THI-'.
chain store hires only the necessary help, it eliminates ENORMOUS TOTA1 WOULD BE $9,126,000, and it would
the owner's living and profits. It buys in enormous quantities mighty small Store that couldn't sell five tires per day.

These figures are staggering when you analyze the accumu- WHAT THIS MEANS TO AUTOISTS
lated profits of hundreds of stores all over the country, each
contributing its quota of profits from many sources. Let us study it over.
$50 invested in ten shares of this under-
writing stock will the automobile owner 25 per cent on
A GOLD MINE OF PROFITS his tires. If his bill for tires runs to $200 a year, he will be
You will note that no estimate has been made of profits from saved, therefore, $50. That means that the stock will have paid
sale of tubes and from the repair department, which should also him 100 per cent on his imestment or 50 per cent on the par
be profitable. value of the stock, which, computed on a stock's ability to earn
It will, of course, take time to build up such a larue chain 5 per cent, will make his TEN SHARES REPRESENT AN
of service stations, but in a few years, with the growth of the INVESTMENT OF $1,000 FROM AN ORIGINAL INVEST-
chain and the enormous increase in the automobile industry MENT OF $50. Then if the company begins paying dividends,
and number of cars in use, THIS CHAIN OF TIRE SERVICE the stock should go to par and over if the dividends amount
MIXE OF PROFITS FOR EVERY STOCKHOLDER WHO When the company gets on a 10 per cent dividend basis, the
BECOMES INTERESTED IN THIS COMPANY NOW, when stock he bought for $50 should represent an investment of $200.
its shares can be acquired at a low initial price. When it pays 50 per cent, it should have an INVESTMENT
The National Rubber Company, of New York, is incorporated VALUE OF $1,000.

Section of Tire-making Department. Here a Small Army of Workmen Are Constantly Employed Putting
the Finishing Touches to National Redwall Speedway Tires. These Workmen Are the High-skilled
Labor and Their Rapidity and Efficiency Are Wonderful.

under the laws of the State of Delaware, with a capitalization So when the company is in a position to pay 50 per cent
of 500,000 shares of the par value of $10 PER SHARE, ALL dividends, this stock should represent an investment to the auto-
COMMON STOCK, SHARING EQUALLY IN PROFITS mobile owner of $2,000, figured on the basis of the dividends and
AND CARRYING FULL VOTING POWER. savings it will give him on his tire purchases. And all from
THE STOCK IS FULL PAID AND NON-ASSESSABLE. an original investment of $50.
For the purpose of establishing the business on a right basis, When the company reaches its full development and its 1,000
the directors have set aside 100.000 THIS STOCK or more stores begin piling up big profits, such as we have already
TO BE SOLD TO THE PUBLIC. figured on, profits that mean exceptional dividends, THIS ORIG-
Their idea is that by obtaining a wide distribution for this INAL INVESTMENT WILL HAVE ACCUMULATED A
stock, they will enlist local interest in the local distributing and PHENOMENAL VALUE.
service stations of the National Rubber Company. NO AUTOMOBILE OWNER CAN AFFORD TO OVER-
blind man could see the possibilities presented in this under-
This UNDERW RITING SYNDICATE STOCK is offered in writing offer, an offer so liberal that the directors had to confine it
five different allotments. to a small amount of stock.
The first allotment will be sold in lots of not less than TEN
SHARES and not more than 100 shares at $5 per share, or AN EXCEPTIONAL OFFER
half the par value of the stock. The offer of the stock at $5 per share (par $10) is in itself
This allotment of 20.000 shares is the only stock of the
first a tremendous inducement, but when it is coupled with the offer
UNDERWRITING allotment that will be sold at this low price. of the company to extend a discount of 25 per cent on all tire
The next allotment will probably be sold at from 40 to 50 per cent and tube purchases made through the company, it becomes so
advance in price as soon as the first allotment of 20,000 shares extremelv attractive a proposition that NONE CAN AFFORD
is disposed of. Further allotments at further increases as war- TO IGNORE IT.
ranted. The savings in tire costs alone should pay for the stock of
It is desired —as nearly as possible —to place every share of those who accept this offer.

* M '
r. % „„,,-,„„ *

m *. II Wff

The Splendid Modern Character of This Ideal Plant Is Shown Clearly in These Pictures, With Its Strong,
Clear Light, Fine Equipment and Good Flooring. Ideal Conditions for Turning Out High-class Work.

this UNDERWRITING stock in the hands of owners, or pros- This, in itself, makes the proposition attractive. But when the
pective owners, of automobiles, who will become immediate pa- future of this company is analyzed and the possibilities it offers
trons of the chain stores and who are considered, the offer becomes immensely more attractive.
SERVICE STATIONS. THIS INDUCEMENT CONSISTS OWNER today to accept this offer. Your stock in the National
OF A CASH DISCOUNT OF 25 PER CENT UNDER THE Rubber Company will entitle vou to this 25 per cent discount
THE NATIONAL RUBBER COMPANY TO ITS SHARE- STOCKHOLDER. Later, when you buy an auto, you'll be able
HOLDERS. to buy tires at this great saving.
An automobile owner, therefore, has a double interest in buy- You often hear it said' that if you had a chance to invest
ing this stock. with Ford, or Willys, of Overland fame, with Goodrich or Fisk
The saving alone in tire bills for a year should pay for this or Firestone with Westinghouse or Bell, or some of the others,

ten shares if he buys at this price and he will have, besides whose companies have earned fabulous dividends, and made
the savings in tire costs, and dividends which the company de- stockholders rich, vou would today be ON
clares. This is verv true but the pitiful truth is DID YOU NOT HAVE

were all close corporations with the stock held in the

: small group of men. These stocks were not o
to the public.

Tire Fabric Cutting Machine. This Machine Can Cut the Fabric for
1,000 Tires a Day, Doing the Work of 10 Men. Vulcanizing Department of the Pottstown Plant. Here the National
Speedway Tires Are Hardened to Stand Wear and Tear. This De-
partment is Now Vulcanizing 1,000 Tires a Day.
BUT HERE IS A CHANCE. Hue is a company offering would be holding the stock and boosting for the company.
UNDERWRITING STOCK, stock that can now be bought at Ten thousand holders of stock scattered throughout the coun-
the ROCK BOTTOM PRICE, thru should in time become try would mean a veritable army of boosters, helping build up
enormously remunerative. Stock in a company that promises the business IN WHICH EACH ONE HAS A SOLID, SUB-
to have tremendous growth. STANTIAL INTEREST.
Woolworth and Whalen and the others, who have made tens Ten thousand boosters, working to popularize and make known
of millions out of chain stores, never gave the public a chance the high quality of National SPEEDWAY RED-WALL TIRES
to come in on the organization. They have sold stock since, and Xational Red Tubes — boosting this way because is TO it

lots of it to the general public, but it has been stock in the THEIR IXTEREST boost this way— would save the com-
developed proposition, stock that has been sold on the market AT pany tens of thousands of dollars per annum in advertising ex-
IT a value figured on the pense.
company's earning' power. That's the principal REASON WHY THIS STOCK IS OF-
ber Company stock on the open market but YOU'LL PAY THE OR EXPECTS TO BUY TIRES.
PRICE OF" STOCK. If the company is earn- It is WORTH IT to the company to make you EVERY IN-

Tlre-Maklng Machines. A Busy Corner in This Department. These

Four Machines Shown in the Picture Do the Work of 40 Men. This
is the Most Modern Tire-making Machine Built.

ing 100 per cent on its capitalization, you'll pay for it at that
rate, which, in that case, would be $2,000 for even' $100 par
value, or $200 a share for $10 shares.
PEOPLE PAY for not accepting opportunities that are offered
They lacked the initiative and courage to back their belief
with their money.
others, those who are without fear, those who have the
courage to back their judgment with their money, they are those
you watch spinning past you on the boulevard in luxurious
limousines, whose homes line the fashionable streets.
MONEY MAKES MONEY, but it takes an exceptional op-
portunity to bring you big returns from small investments. You
read, for instance, that $500 invested in such-and-such stock
has earned $250,000; that $500 invested in such other stock has
paid $200,000; that $1,000 in Ford stock of the original com-
pany is now worth millions. THAT
IS ALL TRUE, gospel
truth, BUT
did YOU
ever get a chance to invest in the orig-
inal $28,000 that started Ford on the- highroad to his present
millions? Did you get a chance to invest in the $33,000 that
John N. Willys has built 'up into the tens of millions of the
"Overland Company? Did YOU
get a chance to get in on West-
Rubber Vault. In This Vault Are Stored Thousands and Thousands
inghouse, or Bell Telephone, or Western Union, or Welsbach ofPounds of Uncured Rubber for Tire and Tube Making. It is Stored
Mantles stock? Of course not. And very few people did BE- Here Just as It Comes from the Ships.
PUBLIC when they were at a low price. profit immediately because as soon as you are a stockholder
you can save 25 per cent on all the tires you buy.
77n\f slock is offered for a reason.
It is offered to the UNDERWRITERS of this company to Every man hopes, some day, that by some wonderful miracle
start it with a nucleus of interested tire buyers and boosters in he will be lifted out of the life of drudging toil he leads into
one of affluence, comfort and independence. It is our nature
even' locality.
The directors set A MINIMUM OF TEX SHARES AND to live in this HOPE. But the day of miracles is past. Good
A MAXIMUM OF 100SHARES on this offer. It would doubt- fairies do not run around with bags of gold and drop them into
less be more profitable to the company if every subscription for the laps of the worthy.
this stock was for $50 (10 shares), par value $100, because YOU'VE GOT TO HELP YOURSELF TO FORTUNE.
that would mean that the greatest number of people possible You've got to save to get a nucleus of money to invest where

firstallotment of 20.000 shares at $5 a share (par value $10 a

share) will be snapped up so quickly that WE CONFIDENTLY
TEN DAYS from the publication of this announcement. After
that, there will be no more $5 shares. The price will jump per-
haps 40 or 50 per cent. SO ACT NOW.
Fill out the convenient coupon attached. Mail it with your
first payment, which will RESERVE the stock you want at this
LOW PRICE. Then you can take fifteen days to investigate,
to make sure that all the facts are just exactly as represented to
you. If you, for any reason whatever, are not satisfied, you can
Tube-making Department. Here Are Made the Famous National Red release your reservation and your money will be returned to you,
Tubes. The Factory is Producing 1,000 Tires a Day. —
but if you find out that you have invested wisely as we are confi-
the opportunities for profit are large. BUT YOU'VE GOT TO

dent you will find out then you can either pay the balance in full
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Of course, it takes COURAGE to invest money that you
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i' jv^.-.^.:. ;,T.;,r.-^


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Are Made. Two Floors of This Big Building Are Completed and Occupied. This Is a Strictly Modern Steel, Concrete and Glass Construc-
tion Factory Building of the Highest Type. The Big Tire Coming Out of the Building is the National Speedway Redwall Tire, Best on the
$10 down, $10 a month for 4 months .$50
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This liberal plan makes it possible for you to buv this stock 50 shares (par value $500)
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It is understood that in consideration of this subscription as long as remain I

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(Continued from page 130) "The day of the howling dervish in elec-
former, having a secondary potential of tro-therapeutics is past," declared Dr. S.
Mr. Edison's Phonograph
1(1,1100 volts. This to charge a group of ohm in the meel

four Murdock block condensers that will Philadelphia County Medical Society, "and
be connected in parallel. The discharge to the science now has a definite, dignified
take place in a quenched spark gap linked place in tin' estimation of the medical pro-
to a primary of an inductive oscillation ion and of the public."
transformer. The secondary to be connect- "We must confess with shame," said Dr.
ed in the usual way to the antenna and S. Lewis Ziegler, "that the greatest ad- Free Trial
und terminals. What I desire to know vances in the application of electricity to Yes. you may keep
medicine have come thru laymen and not this new Edlton —
of. capacity of condenser is Thomas A. Edison's
required to reduce the wave length of my doctors." Sreatphi
i*mr.r .1
ri..«T»r.r, with
of record", too, for only f 1. Pay the
oscillating system so as to conform to the Dr. A. B. llirsh traced the history of balance at rate of only a f rw cenU a day. Try thi» New Ediv*»
in your own borne brfore son decile to buy. Band do money
Governments 200 meter wave length regu- electro-therapeutics, and declared that an down. Bate-uun your friends with your favorite record*.
lation? What formula do you employ in astonishingly large number of diseases re- Write Today °"' ?'"
r°', k ™"\*Z?iJv2. '25
determininj this capacity? sponded to electric treatment. pJctur<-B of the N'W
E*li*oo phonoffrapba. No obliraUooa.
-, ». K. BABSON, I-Mvo* l*honoQTaph Dftributura
*7*4 Zanon B'orh.
A. 2. The required formula is Ch.cito, IIHftol.

X ;

C Q. What does a "tone" circuit con-

Ci = - — —— sist of

and how is it connected to a radio

Never Mind How

3552 L C K transmitter?
Where A. 1. A tone circuit consists of nothing You are
G is the capacity of the series ground more than an oscillatory circuit shunted
for reducing the wave across the gap. This circuit is shown here
and it is only used in an impulse exciting
What d'ye Know?
X,= wave length desired (here it is 200 transmitter usually. The tone circuit i^
meters) represented by the oscillatory circuit L G.
C = Capacity of the antenna A large capacity and a small inductance is
L = Inductance of antenna used.
Having calculated the values of the capa- Q. 2. Is this circuit tunable? If so,
city of the antenna .0004 mfd.; inductance how?
62,090 cm., we then determine the desired A. 2. The tone circuit is tuned to some
capacity by substituting in the above for- multiple or sub-multiple of the impulse
mula and we get frequency. This is usually accomplished
(200) X .0004
by varying the tone circuit condenser capa-
d= ; city. It should be kept in mind, that a
3552 X 62090 X .0004— (200) 2 tone circuit does not improve the tone
Solving, we get .003 micro-farad, the emitted by the transmitter in every type
capacity of the condenser necessary to re- of gap, as it was found by actual experi-
duce the wave length of the antenna to 200 ment that at times it is even detrimental
meters. to the tone. They are usually employed
on low tension arc or spark transmitters
Today it's a battle of wits and braim —
ELECTRON DISCHARGE. such as the Yon Lepel or Chaffee Arc.
ivin. Muscle and brawn don't count so
(790.) Louis Bradenburg, Little Rock, much as they used to.
Ark., wants to know The great question now is "What do
Q. 1. Does the effect of light upon you know ?" It draws the line between
selenium crystal produce a purely electronic El failure and success.
What do you know? Have you special
A. 1. This question is still in the hands
ability any one line? Could you
"make good" in a big job right now?
of some prominent physicists, and they have
not come to any conclusions on this mys-
terious problem, and for this reason we are
unable to give you an exact answer. We
i iWiT llf? <
> For 25 years the International Corre-
spondence Schools have been helping men
to get ready for better work and bigger

should recommend, however, that you read Transformer

\\C OJ.

L salaries.
They can do the same for YOU.
matter where you live, what hours
an article on selenium in this issue, written
by two of the most prominent" and able
@ O -73/ you work, or how little your education
scientists on this subject.
— the I. C. S. can train you for a more
Arrangement of Tone Circuit in the Von important and better-paying position.
Q. 2. I have had an idea for a number Lepel and Chaffee Arc Radio Transmitter. Mark and mail the attached coupon
of years to make an electronic detector for
converting high frequency currents to
it won't obligate you in the least —
direct or pulsating currents, or in other
MAGNETIC TELEPHONE. it won't cost you anything to find out

(792.) William Olsen, Jamaica, L. I., how you can get this salary-raising
words an instrument similar to the Fleming ability right in your own home, during
desires to know
Valve and de Forest Audion. Now what :

your spare time.

I desire to know is, what chemical will pro-
Q. 1. What is the principle upon which
two ordinary telephone receivers when MARK THE COUPON NOW
duce an electronic field sufficiently strong TEAR OUT HERE*
for producing the same effect as that of the
connected together can transmit the human H.
voice from one place to another by talk-
lighted filament? Also, was there any such BOX 5347, SCRANTON. PA.
ing to the diafram of either of the two Explain. without obligating me, how 1 can qualify for
device ever made? the position, or in the ub ect, hefort which I mark X.
A. 2. Dr. J. A, Fleming, the inventor of p r I.M 1Kb II r NGfJKKB SALESMANSHIP
the Fleming Valve, has built electronic
A. 1. The principle of operation of Electric Lighting B ADVERTISING
such a telephone is identical to the pro- Q Electric Railways '
Window Trimmer
tubes employing an exhausted vessel in Electric Wiring _ Show Card Writer
duction of electric current by a dynamo- Telegraph Engineer i. Sign Painter
which an amalgam of Sodium and Potas- Telephone Work _ KjilrojJ Trainman
electric machine, in that when a magnetic II H Hi Ml.41 r M. INFER sTRATLNG
sium was placed in such a manner that it Mechanical Draftsman
II 1 I

field is permitted to be interrupted by a
produced an electronic field when a beam Machine Shop Practice BOOKKEEPER
of light was focussed upon its surface and wire near its field, a current of electricity Gas Engine Operating EStmograpber sod TVplst
CIVIL I.M.1M K Cert. Pub. Accountant
is produced in that wire and the intensity

in addition a secondary plate was placed Surveying and Mapping i TRAFFIC MANAGER.
" the generated current is dependent upon MDB FORI M\ hk (HICK 12 Railway Accountant
within the focus of the electronic stream. J
Metallurgist or ProqurtOT H Commercial Law
The secondary and sodium-potassium plates
the rapidity with which the magnetic field STATloViUY BH61NEBR GOOD ENGLISH
is interrupted and the intensity of the field.
Marine Engineer C Teacher
were used for the rectifier circuit of the "ARCHITECT Common SVhool Subjects
It is identical with the magnetic telephone i
Contractor and Builder Mathematics
electronic tube. Architectural I (raftsman
The two most generally used of all the where the permanent magnet of the re- ! Concrete Builder rZ Railway Mail Clerk
ceiver furnishes the magnetic field, the coil Structural Engineer At TOMOHII.t. OFOU1IN
metals and alloys for the production of an PLUMBIRfl AMi Hr A TING Aato Repairing '_
I 'v -
electronic field are chemically pure and of wire or electro-magnet represents the Sheet Metal Worker M Navigation
I i.-fB«n
wire, while the interruption of the mag- _J Teitllfl Overwer or Sopt. AC.KIU I.TIRE
W^ Frrnc
highly polished rubidium metal and an alloy Hit MIST jPoaltrjR&Ulac |„ Italia*
composed equally of sodium and potassium netic field is obtained in this case by the
vibration of the magnetic diafram. When Name.
metals. .
the diafram of the receiver is caused to Occupation
TONE CIRCUIT. vibrate by "talking," the magnetic flux is Street
an. No
(791.) Roy Jansen, Houston, Tex., varied generating a current in the coil

a^ks which operated the distant receiver. City_

Yon benefit by mentioning "The Electrical Experimenter" when writing to advertisers.



(793.) S. Kohn, Brooklyn, N.
Y., asks:
Can you
Q. 1. explain the following
phenomena which I recently observed dur-
ELECTRICflLEXPERIMENTERS DEMAND ing certain experiments which I have car-
ried on with a Tesla high frequency coil?
large primary of a loose coupler was

located near the Tesla coil this was about
3 feet away from the same, and it was
not connected to anything. As the Tesla

transformer was set in operation, I have
noticed streaks of sparks escaping the
winding of the isolated coil. If it is pos-
sible, I should like you to enlighten me
on phenomena.
Jf-SfT this
A. 1. The phenomena which you have
observed is due to the striking resonance
effect existing between the Tesla coil and
the primary coil since the resonance was;
pronounced, due to the effect noticed, the-
:•<?( IGNITION AND electrical energy transformation between
SERVICE REQUIRING the produced oscillations of the high fre-
HIGH AMPERAGE, quency coil and that of the isolated coil is
at maximum consequently, the discharge

of sparks from the coil was produced.

These resonance high tension and fre-
THE quency experiments were carried out first
by Xikola Tesla, and he was able to ob-
WATTBRY WITH tain sparks which reached in magnitude
from five to six feet in length.
RECUPERATIVE (794.) L. Kennedy, Los Angeles, Cal.,
"-u ..I

• POWER wants to know :

Q. 1. In the design of a radio trans-

former, what are the most important pre-
MANUFACTURED BV cautions that must be taken in order to
MAS WONDERFUL THE GOLD SEAL BATTERY CO. build an efficient transformer?
A. 1. There are a few important steps
NEW YORK CITY that the designer must observe when de-
signing a transformer, namely: the voltage
transformation between the primary and
secondary, the latter should be made to
correspond with the proper sending con-
denser capacity, and this must be obtained
beforehand the proper arrangement of

Save Dictating Time secondary pies, separated

sulation, and finally, the
with proper in-
magnetic circuit
USE THE DICTAFORM in which great care must
designing the same, as 75
be exercised in
per cent of the
1 fyou are at present keeping one or more stenog- efficiency will be in this magnetic circuit.

raphers busy you need the Dictaform. It will
The proper number of cubic inches of core
mean the saving of valuable time in the handling is found this is then split up into
at first :

of your correspondence. Surprisingly few letters suitable form, the legs of which should
require special dictation. The Dictaform enables correspond to the primary and of the sec-
you to build a letter-writting system to fit your ondary windings.
own business, and gives you stronger, more force- Q. 2. What is the relation existing
ful letters. SOME USERS between the primary winding and voltage
Carson Pirie & Scott Bryant & Stratton of a transformer?
Addressograph Co. Henry Bosch Co.
Wm. J. Wrigley, Jr. Link Belt Co. A. 2. The relation of the two factors is
Kunstadter Bros. Royal Tailors exprest by the following formula:
Commonwealth Edison Co.
X £p
Banish Dictating Bother A/p =
The Dictaform places at instant reference paragraphs, phrases and arguments sparkling with \2tt fBAc
your own individuality. You think out your strongest answers to a question, classifying the
argument under its proper heading, and put it into the Dictaform. Through continuous use of Where
these prearranged paragraphs and letters you will be able to get out, at a fraction of the former Np Number = of turns on primary wind-
cost, ten times the volume of correspondence possible if each letter was dictated separately. ing
A Score of Other Features Ep = Voltage across primary
It makes anideal tickler — DICTAFORM
on the back of the first thirty-one cards is our patent clip for the = Frequency.
holding of memos., etc. The
descriptions, ideas, campaign
also places before you your prices; sizes, weights,
schedules, proofs of cuts, cost estimates, time tables, lists,
B = Magnetic flux of core (per sq. cm.
addresses, phone numbers —
in fact everything to which you have occasion to refer. of cross-section of the iron core)
,4c = Area (express in square centime-
Buy the Size that Fits Your Business ters of the cross-section of the
With DICTAFORM sizes at $6.00 and $9.00 for small companies— at $12 for the average
concern— and larger sizes at higher prices for bigger offices —
every business is enabled to iron core)
select the size best adapted to its needs. Q. 3. What do you consider the best
insulation material for covering the core
MEILICKE CALCULATOR COMPANY when the winding is to be made?
420 Thompson Building CHICAGO. ILL.
A. 3. Empire cloth is very excellent for
this work and it is universally employed
for this purpose.

}ed B*TJlL&24^ The il tool making and repairing glass
plates for wireless condensers. Also a handy household (79S.) '
Frank Vontair, Philadelphia,

uun Smith & Hemenway

tool for repairing picture frames, window-panes, etc.
Write for free Glass Cutler Booklet.
Co., Inc., 107 Chambers St., New York City
Pa., de-sires to know
Q. 1. Is the "Brown" relay, which
used in England, a microphone device?


A. 1. This type of instrument is a

You benefit by mentioning Electrical Experimenter" when writing to advertisers.

: :


purely microphonic device and the micro-

phone is controlled by a super-sensitive
telephone relay. A
more complete detail Oj book review Be a Doctor of
of this device was published in the Au-
gust, 1915, issue of this journal.
The Submarine Torpedo Boat. By Allen
;The»el,.,.,k..t. II ;
(^ Hoar. Cloth covers; size 8x5$^ inches;
is wit celt'-) ^Of) ^-<v ffiM.nd.bi iruE cured nl lone
212 pages, S4 illustrations and 4 folding ;
KUndinu; r],w» WB by it. >,
rBig Opportunity for Ambitious '

plates. Price, $2.00. Publisht by L>. Van - Men and Women. Resident and Home
Study Courtti. |j.r K .: .: i

Xostrand Co., New York City, 1916. I6.C

V K One or ith-most valuSDle ana popular treatments

Easy payment.. We tit you !•
requirement*. FREE ! Elbert Hubbard'.'
Boe*. "The New Seier.ee."' Mail petal, fet
•J! nve book.


of this all important subject whii h is at the pres- National School of Chiropractic
ent time "i interest '" readers of all cla ^ «T Dept !
fc-1 421 S. Ashland Blvd., CHICAGO
Unlike a great mi.ui> b tis nature >U-aling
with -such a specific and technical subject a
Brown reloy submarine torpedo boat, Mr. Hoar has given us
a well-written and lucid description of this mar
a 7ss Transf Aoord velous twentieth century war machine. The en-
gineer and layman will both prol g tbi
Connection of the "Brown" Amplifying Relay interesting chapters of this authoritative writer,
In the Circuit of a Radio Receptor. who is a junior member or the American Society of
Civil Engineers. The various chapters take up the
early history and development of the submarine
Q. 2. What is the binding post connec- torpedo boat, and contain some very interesting il-
tions of this relay? is it connected How lustrations and photographs of practically every
distinct type of submarine ever built. The suc-
to a wireless receiving set? ceeding chapters deal with the development of the
A. 2. The accompanying diagram gives present day submarine; its characteristics and re-
the connections. quirements; types of sul. marines; the design of
the submarine torpedo boat; the power plant;
Q. 3. Are these instruments used ex- means of defense against submarine attack; tacti
tensively in this country? cal evolutions of the submarine the torpedo; ;

A. 3. No, they are mostly used abroad, tenders and salvage ships; submarine mines, etc.
especially in England. Some of the most interesting sections of be I

book deal with the approved manner of maneuver-

ing a submarine in order to torpedo an enemy
vessel, and also discuss authoritatively the various
MERCURY RECTIFIER. technical aspects developing in the general opera-
(796.) Thomas Pierson, Richmond, Va., tion and handling of the submarine torpedo boat.
wants to know
Q. 1. What is
the efficiency of a mer-
cury arc rectifier? American Boy's Book of Electricity. By
A. 1. The efficiency of this device varies
Charles H. Seaver. Cloth covers size
with circumstances and depends largely ;

upon the load voltage. There is a cer- 8x6 inches; 366 pages, 313 illustrations. Big Money in Electricity
tain drop or lost voltage in the tube, Price, $1.50 net. Publisht by David Mc- The electrical industries offer wonderful
usually IS to which is
25 volts, practi- Kay, Philadelphia, Pa. opportunities to boys with a liking for Elec-
cally independent of the load and the en- tricity. The salaries paid to trained men are
ergy thus represented appears as light and The American boy is always interested in a large, promotion comes rapidly and, best of
heat. So if a set was delivering current good book treating on electrical experiments of a
all, the work is fascinating.
practical and interesting nature. There have been
at a potential of 15 to 25 volts, its effi- a great many books written in the past few The discovery and development of new
ciency under these conditions would be, years, intended for the electrically inclined youths lines (such as wireless telegraphy and tele-
roughly speaking, about 50 per cent. But of the land, but we do not remember seeing a
more worthy volume in a long time than here phony), from time to time, promise attractive
this is rarely the case, and in most com- pit sent ed by Mr. Seaver. The volume is pro- and paying fields to those who wish to
mercial installations of constant potential fusely illustrated with clear-cut drawings, which specialize. The txAll to Jo and Special Train-
sets, the full-load efficiency is over 80 per can be readily understood by young boys of from
ing will bring success to you.
ten to fourteen years, and all of the important
cent and the efficiency of most constant fundamental magnetic and electrical laws with The International Correspondence Schools
current sets will be over 90 per cent at their accompanying actions and reactions have can help you to become an expert in electrical
full load. been cleverly and interestingly woven thru the work, no matter what branch you like best.
experiments outlined.
Q. 2. What is the life of a mercury Thousands of young men have already won
rectifier tube? Anumber of excellent half-tone illustrations are success through I. C. S. help. You can do
inserted, showing modern electrical appliances, so
A The average life is about 700
that as the boy studies the different experiments as well as anybody, ifyou try. Everything is
hours, but many cases are known where and simply explained laws, he will also be given made so clear that you can learn in your
the tubes have run much longer. a clear understanding of the relation between spare time, regardless of where you live or
such experimental apparatus and the commercial
Q. 3. What is the power-factor of such instruments and appliances. Mr. Seaver is to be
what your work. No books to buy.
a rectifying system? congratulated upon the adapt ness with which he There's big money in Electricity. Get
A. 3. On a 50 light set the power-fac- has combined these two important fields of elec- after it by marking and mailing the Coupon
tor on the primary of the constant current trical endeavor, so that the young reader will
not become confused or discouraged by his in- today. Finding out coits you nothing.
transformer is about 65 per cent. On con- ability to understand the underlying theory of the
stant potential systems it may reach as

apparatus described.
The book describes how to build substantial ex-
perimental apparatus such as small dynamos and Box 5 3 4 8, SCRANTON, PA.
Explain, without obligating me, how I can qualify for
MEASUREMENT OF IRREGULAR motors; induction or spark coils; telephone and
telegraph apparatus; a complete wireless station the position, or in tne subject, before which I mark X.
AREA. of improved design; how to do simple house wir-
• III Ml* IL
1 M.lM I R
ing in accordance with the standard rules; how ADVER nSING MAN
(797.) Paul Andel, New Orleans, La., to* wire ignition circuits on gasoline engines of
P Electric Wiring
L Electric Lighting '
Window rimmer "1

asks the single and multiple cylinder type; how to L Electric Car Running Show Card Writer
Outdoor Sign Painter
Q. 1. What are the principal methods build small transformers and the principles upon f_ Heavy Electric Traction
Electrical Draftsman '
for determining the area of an irregular which they operate; how to build primary and Ehctrlc Blnrhlni- !>.->. k-...-r ;
storage batteries; the action of lightning discharges Telegraph Xpert Dl SICN1 K
plane surface such as those obtained from and how to protect buildings from them, and also !_ Practical Telephony

indicator cards, etc.? a considerable number of electrical experiments L_ MM
IUM< tl l-M.IM- IE I Ktenoerapher and Trplit

A. 1. There are three general methods in static electricity. We

strongly recommend this D Mechanical Draftsman Cert. Pub. Accountant
Machine Shop Practice Ruilv, i\ Accountant
book to the American boy. Commercial Law
for obtaining the area value of irregtdar SGas Engineer

plane surfaces and the simplest of the three Surveying and Mapping I ..mm tin Sttim.l BnbJ-wta
is by employing a "planimeter" instrument, Mi'tnllnrcUt ur Prow BtOf Railway Matl Clerk


mci "
a device which automatically figures out >>•
1 I I, (tilt ft 1*1.

Vol. Second Edition. By Prof. F. E. ARCHITECT n.lth II rURSC Bpaabfe

the area of the plane in question. Stub 1,
ti-flilirt-ti.ri.1 Itraftiman \ i\ Igatot
PLUHBI1U. *M» HI iTINfl Ponltrj Hiil.lnf
an instrument consists of a wheel of defi- Austin. U.S., E.E. Flexible green leather | Sheet Metal Worker i
.1 UlUnUrlrllf-l

nite circumference, which revolves when covers, pocket style; size

"' _.\5
the lever attached to this wheel is caused
224 pages, 75 illustrations with numerous
to trace the perimeter of the irregular Present
surface. tables. Price, $2.40. Publisht bv the Occupation-

A second method is by forming a large Author at i fanover, \. I

ami No
number of small squares within the The second edition of this valuable tr
(Continued on page l-ioi of alternating-currents contains a number of ad- Clty_

You benefit by mentioning "The Electrical Experimenter" when writing to advertisers*



ditions and revisions, and will be found extremely ceeds to give many illuminating details that the
valuable to ail students of this subject. Some ot average physics student will find both new and
the more practical examples given in alternating-
current calculations involve frequency, power fac- Every conceivable form of tuning fork and siren
tor, harmonics, induced A.C. pressures, and
tne for producing sounds of any pitch or frequency
various specific values of A.C. potential, such as is profusely illustrated and described. Among
the subjects discust in a popular scientific manner,
the instantaneous and effective values, etc., etc.
Many practical problems are explained by means so that it may be enjoyed by the lay reader as
of examples, and in accordance with the best well as the student of pure physics, are the action
modern methods, covering such topics as the ad- of organ pipes uncluding illustration of an organ
dition of sine pressures; the product of sine pipe over 32 feet in length and giving sixteen
curves having the same frequency but different vibrations per second,), and such further prac-
phase displacements; the calculation and measure- tical considerations as standard tuning forks; the
ment of inductance coils, including the simple law of tone quality; the manometric capsule and
measurements of this important factor by means revolving mirror, and also the use of the phono-
of a volt meter, ammeter and frequency meter, graph and Professor Miller's own invention, the
and including the new inductance formula due to "Phonodeik," by which apparatus it has become
Brooks and Turner. Further sections of the work possible to intercept a sound wave such as_ a
treat on the inductance of transmission lines and person's voice, and to project these, magnified
various, current and voltage relations, etc.. when many hundred times, upon a screen so that the
two or more impedances are connected in series voice fluctuations can be studied by a large body
or in parallel. Also the method of computing of students. The phonodeik is so remarkably sen-
capacity of condensers, and the current taken by sitive to sound waves, that it will respond to a
them when connected to A.C. circuits. The work frequency of ten thousand complete vibrations per
concludes with a number of valuable tables con- second.
taining the products of 2 x pi x frequency, and The subject of harmonics has received special
modifications of this expression, which are used so attention, and considerable discussion is given on
frequently in alternating-current computations. the different types of harmonic analyzers, includ-
ing the remarkable machine as used by the U.S.
government for predicting the rise and fall of
tides. Among other interesting subjects covered
How To Make Low Pressure Transform- in this book, we find oscillogram curves of the
ers. Third Edition, by Prof. F. E. Aus- voices of such famous singers as Signor Caruso
B.S., E.E. Board covers; size and Amato. Also such an interesting subject as
Time Wasted the influence of horns on sound, and the import-
It Saves the 7 ,x4 ^ inches; 22 pages. 16 illustrations.

ance of diaframs in certain instruments. The

By Your Employees In Price 40 cents. Publisht by the author principle of musical instruments, such as the
piano, flute and violin are discust, and the music
Answering Unnecessary at Hanover, X.H.
produced by them shown grafically by means of _

Telephone Calls Another addition of Prof. Austin's treatise on oscillogram curves. One of the most interesting
the design and construction of small, low-pressure chapters is that treating on synthetic vowels and
not possible to measure the en-
is transformers which has found considerable favor. words, and the relation of the art and science of
cost of interior telephones by The work takes up numerous practical operations music which is illustrated by many remarkable
the cost of the service alone. Rather, to be followed in constructing step-down trans- cuts of apparatus which have been developt for
your telephone expense must also be formers for ringing bells, and for other opera- emitting vowel sounds.
measured in terms of the per minute tions, and also a design for a transformer giving A remarkable illustration is that showing the
time cost of employees using the system. as high as 174 volts when run on a 110 volt A.C. large group of organ pipes necessary, which -.vhen
In other words, your interior tele- circuit. Data is given for these transformers for sounded simultaneously reproduce the vowel a, as
phone system is a business economy only use also on 220 volts. 60 cycle A.C. circuit. The in "mat," and stilt another illustration shows the
when it directly bridges the gap be- text matter is written in a clear manner which vast number of organ pipes required to reproduce
tween the two vitally interested parties can be followed by any amateur and the illustra- the principal vowels synthetically.
to the call, and it becomes exactly the tions are made in perspective so as to show ex-
reverse when it is engaged in man-
hunting bv the dragnet process com- — plicitly just how the various iron core strips
assembled and clamped together, and also how
pelling employees in perhaps every
coil windings may be wound in sections to sim-
department to use up the precious plify the construction. (Continued from page 139)
minutes you are paying for, all for the
purpose of responding to a useless tele- boundary of the plane surface, and deter-
phone call.
mining the area of one of these squares,
The money saving answer to this
problem is "Don't use the telephone at Applied Electricity For Practical Men. then multiplying the area of each by the
all to hunt men." Allow it to be used By Prof. Arthur J. Rowland. Cloth total number of them within the surface.
only after the man has been found by
the aid of the National Calling System,
covers; size 5x7!^ inches, 375 pages. 323 This will give an approximate area, since
which summons him instantly, no matter illustrations. Price, $2.00. Publisht by it is impossible to erect squares close
where he may be about your establish- the McGraw-Hill Book Co., New \ ork enough to the irregular curves of the
ment or grounds. The man called then plane surface.
goes to the nearest telephone and talks City.
directly with the man who sought him. This book has been prepared by an author of
The third and most accurate method is
No one's time is wasted, no one's work wide experience in teaching practically and theo- by the use of higher mathematics where :

disturbed. has in-

retically the subject to students, and he a limiting value of the maximum and min-
The National Calling System is effi-
corporated manv valuable ideas in the matter
cient, moderate in price and a positive
sented. We believe this work should prove ex- imum peaks of the perimeter of the sur-
money saver in small as well as large face is obtained by actual measurement,
tremely valuable to electricians of all classes, as
it contains all the fundamental
electrical principles and substituting this value in an integral
Scud for Compute Information which are discust in an approved yet so.newhat equation as used in the Calculus. Some
and Descriptive Booklet .Yo. 33C. new manner, and gradually the student is intro-
duced to the principles and practical operating
engineers weigh a sq. cm., or inch of the
NATIONAL SCALE COMPANY features of dynamos; motors; electric heating ap-
chart paper and then, by a simple calcula-
(ELECTRICAL DIVISION) paratus; the wiring of switchboards and tion, compute the area of the irregular
plants; principles of the electric trolley system:
6 Rapids Street, Chicopee Falls, Mass. alternating-current systems, including the various
Also Manufacturers of National tvpes of commercial transformers, and just how
they operate and why; poly-phase current prin-
Counting Machines and National-
Chapman Elevating Trucks ciples; alternating-current motors; storage bat- WHEATSTONE BRIDGE CIRCUIT.
teries: electric circuits and wires and
(798.) John Brown, San Diego, Cal.,
Unlike manv volumes of this nature, the author
has seen fit to not onlv explain each subject in wishes to know
For Factories,
Commercial simple language at the start, but also to give the
elementary formulas governing the theory and
Hospitals, Schools, operation 'of these various electrical apparatus and
Public Buildings, circuits The general electrical student will find
Construction Jobs, this work of distinct value, and to enhance thfi

value of each lesson he has studied, there are

Docks, Ships, etc.
number of questions and problems given at the
end of each chapter which the student can work

Musical Sounds. By
CODE NUMBER 32 The Science
I Cloth covers: size S-ux6 inches,
Price. SZ.sO.
pages 187 illustrations.
^ONE PuMisht by the MacMillan Co., New
tanily finds
York City. 1916.
p-THREE Mr Smith in
a remote part science
ofthe establish- This work bv Prof. Miller treating on the
i^PAUSE ment. He re- of musical sounds is one of the most
p rta I s
Kfe im-
•u-ience works that we have ever
reviewed. A
[JONE mediately over
the nearest vast array of sound producing and
analyzing appa-
frwo telephone. ratus of hoth simnle and complicated
are described and illustrated. The
text matter is
exceedingly clear, and can be readily How a Reversing Key Is Connected in a
bv any student of music or physics. The
Wheatstone Bridge.
starts off with the definition of sound, and pro-
uriting to advertisers.
You benefit by mentioning "The Electrical Experimenter" when
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Q. 1. How
arc the connections made of
a Post of V\ h< atstone bridi
Offii e
ti i"' i

so that the resistance arms are reversed

in the circuit? understand tins arrange-

ment is used in eliminating errors in meas-

urements which may be due to polarity
interferences acted upon the galvanomi
A. 1. The diagram herewith gives the
proper connections of the instrument you
mention. The reason for reversing the
connections of resistance arms is to elim-
rents in the circuit. By obtaining two sets (/ • if if ^^^^if vf if of
of readings for both reversed positions of APPLIED! APPLIED / pijjjj^|n^ APPLIED APPLIED
the arms, such errors are limited to a

(799.) Joseph Hassel, Boston, Mass.,
Q. 1. What are the ores used in the
production of commercial aluminum?
A. 1. Aluminum oxro is the main source
out of which aluminum is extracted. Baux-
ite, a hydrated oxid of aluminum, is ex-
tensively Used
Q. 2. How is the metallic aluminum ob-
A. 2. The only process used at present
for the extraction of aluminum is an elec-
trolytic one. The electrolyte consists of a
solution of aluminum oxid in melted cryo-
lite. The cryolite is not decomposed, but

selves as B solvent only. The mineral
Bauxite is used to furnish the oxid. The
cryolite is fused and kept liquid by the
heat generated during the passage of the
current; the dissolved aluminum oxid is
separated into aluminum and oxygen by
the current. The aluminum collects as a AT OUR EXPENSE
molten mass in the bottom of the melting By merely filling in and mailing the coupon below you can get this complete set of the
pot the oxygen is liberated at the anodes,
Cyclopedia of Applied Electricity on trial. Use these books for seven full days before
which are oxydized by it. The weight of you make up your mind whether or not you want them. If you keep them, you may
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MIGNON UNDAMPED WAVE (Continued from page 86)
reciprocating steam engines, steam turbines,

WIRELESS internal-combustion engines, magnetism and

XA a,
: electricity, dynamos, motors, motor-gener-
1 ators, alternating currents, interior commu-
' * 1
Amateur and Commercial Use
nication, lighting, batteries, etc.
the radio class are trained in
of a radio operator and are given constant
practice in the use of all
Members of

the apparatus
the duties

ployed in radio and especially in receiving
and sending by the systems employed in
This Mignon invention is entering a new-
latest the Navy.
field in Radio Engineering, eliminating the so Enlistments in the Navy are for a period
A man will
of four years. not be ad-
vanced to chief electrician (with rank of
ING COILS, and introduces adjustable DISC 'chief petty officer) during his first enlist-
ment, but he may be recommended for that
CORES, heretofore considered impossible. position towards the completion of his first

DISTANCE RANGE UNLIMITED. enlistment, with a view to advancement

upon re-enlistment if any vacancy exists.

Mignon Wireless Corporation NEW METHOD OF MEASURING

(Continued from page 102)
Write for Catalogue and mention Electrical Experimenter The 32 c.p. lamp was enclosed in a metal
box whose front face had been replaced by
a glass screen covered with a few thin
wires. Inasmuch as it is required that the

MULTI-AUDI-FONE radiation should be normally incident, the

lamp was not brought too close
a calculation of the limiting approach hav-
to the tube,

ing been previously made. The current

SPECIAL NOTICE passing thru the lamp was maintained at
the same value thruout all the experiments.
We have just placed on the Multi-Audi-Fone .... $18.00 The reflecting and transmitting powers of
market a new loose coupler Two Step M. A. F. 75.00 . . .
the foils used were then tested. Gold and
built of mahogany with all Short Wave Regenera -
aluminum reflected 90 per cent of incident
metal parts highly polished radiation.
tive Attachment 22.50 . . .
Calculation of the Deflection of the Strip.
nickel plate.
New in design and wonder-
Multi-Form Receiver 100.00 . — Since the foil reflects 90 per cent of the
35.00 incident radiation, and since 7 per cent is
ful in efficiency.
reflected from the glass of the tube, the
Fixed Condenser .... 1.00
Made in two sizes. total pressure of the radiation is given by
M. A. F. Detector. .. 3.00 .

£(1+0-07x0-9) (1+0-9) or2-04£,

Type "AD" 150 to 3000 Meters $6.50
Type "AU" 4000 to 15000 Meters $12.00 M. A. F. Loading Coil. 2.00 where £ is the energy density of the inci-
dent beam.
A amount of radiation, however,

MULTI-AUDI-FONE strikes the back of the glass tube, and some

of this is reflected to the back of the strip.
For a strip three-quarters the width of the
275 Morris Ave. Elizabeth, N. J.
tube it is estimated that the normal compo-
Send 2c for Circular nent of this radiation is about 1 per cent of
all that is incident on the strip. It is,

therefore, necessary to substitute 2.02£ for

can be shown that a uniform flexibig
i^, New Undamped Wave Coupler No. 749 strip when deflected by a small uniform
pressure still remains straight. To a close
Special Introductory Price, $18.00 degree of approximation, therefore, we may
Our new coupler No. 749 Is 32* long, 9* wide, and calculate the deflection of a strip such as
10* high, overall, and on an average-sized Antenna
tunes to 15,000 meters. This coupler, used with the that represented in Fig. 1 by taking mo-
new CHAMBERS" SYSTEM or CIR- ments about the axis of rotation. The de-
CUIT, will bring In signals from domestic
and foreign Arc Stations surprisingly tails of apparatus used are given in the
loud and clear. Note the difference In
size of our No. 748 and No. 749. original paper, as well as the thermo-kinev-
We claim to be the original Inventors of ic reaction and a table of results observed
aSYSTEM or CIRCUIT for the recep- succession.
tion of the undamped waves without the in
use of Loading Coils or Oscillating Colls,
as they are sometimes called: as with our
SYSTEM or CIRCUIT only two Inductively
Coils are necessary. Circuit supplied

with each coopler.

This CHAMFERS' CIRCUIT saves you money.
Think of itl No extra coils to pay for. and price of coupler only $18 0*1 Place order
now so as to be in on too introductory price. Orders filled in rotation. Send for
descriptive matter. The Bureau of Standards has been asked
to make an electrolysis survey in Mont-
F. B. CHAMBERS & CO., 2046 Arch St., Phila., Pa.
gomery, Ala

benefit by mentioning "The Electrical Experimenter" when writing to advertisers.

' '



ontinued from page 1U7;
orlett, 5 ZC, Dallas
, l)allas
the K'"><1 times thej used to have whili I. L. Antrv, 3
\\ G
I'M. Austin
I lou
working on the- several re-lays which we
i . in,
have run for their benefit.
Next month we will start by giving orai
gossip about the famous Washington's k. R i
happi II, 3 St. Richmond and offer them DOW BELOW COST. It ' Ml

Birthday Relay, and also give the first in-

( ,
. Robinsi m, 3 St, Richmi md From tuudllns,
r. F. Wohford, .5 WF, Roam ire all for HO rol
stallment of a complete set of instructions particulars may be liaii by applying
about how t" make a Ilall Wireless Rela W. T. Gravely, 3 l'< Danville
3— UH.P. D. C, each $19.00: list price.110 voltf.
3— B H.P..

as this instrument was shown in this ma J. E. Krone, 3 TY, N'ewport New- $24.00. volts, each $9.00: listD. C., HO
price, $15.00. I—
2 H.P.. D. C. 110 volts, each $37.00:
zine some time ago, under the list of pat
A. X. Johnson, 3 TY, Newport News list price. $46.50. I6H.P., 0. C. 110 volts, eachI— i

$7.00: list price. $9.00.

ents issued ami as the writer has received

a great number of inquiries concerning it, Electro Importing Co-
ur believe that you will all he interested Law. call, Clarksburg
J. 1 .

U.I I, Martinsburg Z31 FultjnSt., Ntw YorLCily.N. Y.

in reading about tins instrument, which is
II. E. Burns, 8
very simple in construction, and which all
of you may make, with just such tools and
material as is always at hand in a radio
Crawford. 9 W'T. W'ausau

C. Ouinn, 9 ARD. Neenah


M. P. Hanson. 9 XM, Madison

The war will not last forever, Ama- E. II. Hartnell, 9 BV, Salem
teurs. Now is the time to make efficient A. Rufsvold, 9 ADI, Marinette
instruments to be used after the war and
to "brush up" on all Radio Matters.
O. R. Terry, 9 HQ, Stoughton
own a
wireless station, either for
Bending or receiving? If you do, HERE'S just the book on
don*t fail to join the greatest Wire- The "H s O" termed by its Cell, as it is Electricity that you need
less Association in the country: answer your many ques-
THE RADIO LEAGUE OF English sponsors, was introduced to meet to
you believe in the tions—to solve your knotty
preparedness of your country, if you problems, to teach you new kinks, to
wish to help Uncle Sam, if you wish to have your station be your memory for tables, rules,
officially recognized, join the LEAGUE, a national, formulas and other Electrical and
non-monev-making organization Beautiful engraved Mechanical facts that some people try
and sealed certificate, FREE to all members. NO to carry in their heads and fail. —
DUES OR FEES WHATSOEVER. With this "Little Giant" I. C. S. Elec-
Honorary Members: W. H. G. BUL- trical Engineer's Handbook in your
LARD, U. S. N.; PROF. REGINALD A. pocket,
bench, drawing table or desk, an hour
tool chest, on your work
FESSENDEN: DR. LEE DE FOREST; or a day need not be lost "digging
DR. NICOLA TESLA. up" some forgotten rule, some unfamiliar fact;
Send stamp for large 8-page information booklet. you'll just turn to the very complete index and
DO IT NOW. 233FULTON STREET, NEW YORK get it "in a jiffy." Just a few of the subjects
treated are:
Electricity and Magnetism; Electrical Symbols:
Continuation of List of "Perfect Score" Batteries; Circuits; Magnets; Direct and Al-
Stations in Trans-continental Amateur ternating Currents; Dynamos and Motors;
Relay as publisht in the May number. Belts; Shafting; Electroplating; Electrical
Measurements; Meters; Arc and Incandes-
OHIO cent Lamps; Mercury Arc Rectifiers; Trans-
formers; Insulation; Electric Cars; Single and
D. Schellcnbach, 8 IF, Wyoming Multiple-Unit Control; Transmission; Rail
R. A. Duerk, 8 AHI. Defiance Welding; Tablesof Wires— Sizes, Capacities,
Linxweiler, 8 LJ, Davton etc.,— Mathematical Rules, Formulas, Sym-
bols; Tables of Constants, Equivalents, Roots,

(No Name), 8 ATG, Tiffin Powers, Reciprocals, Areas, Weights and

C. Candler, 8 XH, St. Mary's Measures; Chemistry; Properties of Metals;
L. Berman, 8 ML, Cincinnati Principles of Mechanics; First Aid, etc.

Scott High School. 8 ZL. Toledo The Handbook is one of 22

Electrical Engineer's
I. Handbooks covering 22 Technical. Scien-
C. S.
Merle Sager, 8 /.SW, Tiffin tificand Commercial subjects, all crowded with
N. Thomas, 8 FX, Marietta value. They have the contents of a full-size book
M. B. West, 8 AEZ, Lima condensed into pocket-size ready to go with you
anywhere and be at your instant command.
I. F Eckel, 8 PL, Cincinnati They are substantially bound in cloth, red edges,
J. ( ). Hibbett, 1113, Ottawa goldleaf stamping, printed from new, clear, read-
L. M. Clausing, 8 YL, Lima able type on good quality book paper. There is
New English Type of Primary Cell an illustration at every point where a picture
OKLAHOMA Which Is Recharged by Simply Filling will help. Hundreds of thousands have been
sold on a money-back guarantee of satisfaction.
It With Water. It Is Known As the
A. & M. Steddon, 5 AB, Oklahoma City "H,.0" Cell.
PENNSYLVANIA The regular price is$1.25,but foraLIMlTED
TIME you can buy the ones you want, post-
T. Mapes, 3 AUC, Carlisle
the demand for a wet cell smaller and more paid, delivery guaranteed, for only 50 cents.
Chris. M. Bowman, 3 PC, Lancaster compact than the "Leclanche," and in this
Mull School Station. 8 IS, Bellefonte
respect it appears to have gained its ad- You Run No Risk ! Money Back if Desired!
I.. & II, Alexander, 8 ALE, Grove City
vantage. This cell may he stored for any International Correspondence Schools
1\. R. Goodwin, No call, Roulette length of time and in any climate without Box 5 3 4 9, Scran ton Pa. ,

\l. II, Mandelkern. 3 MR, Philadelphia

any deterioration. It is not liable to creep- ___ _ _ _ M .TEAR OUT Mtm m _ __ . .

Peabody High School. 8 YZ, Pittsburgh ing or evaporation while in use. Its inter-
\\ & S, S! p, RS, Vandergrift nal resistance is low, and it does not polar-
Anderson, 3 QD, Reading
F. J. ize in use so quickly as wet batteries of the
Box 5349, SCRANTON, PA.
F. Brian, Smithport
II. enclose $ for which send me postpaid the
"Leclanche" type, it is claimed. I
Handbooks marked X, at 50c. each. I may return any or all
C. II. Stewart, 3 ZS, St. David's The addition of water only is needed Eor and get my money back within ten days irom receipt:
hi bo<.. 3 CT, Philadelphia Engin

charging, and its active life is equal to any Electrical aA.K eraser*!
Bit-in. *> \1 iii's
Karl llassel, Oper., 8 YI, Pittsburgh '_
relapb.and I -J.tr- Luclu
E. high-grade cell of similar size. If the cell is Bookki
Met tunic's
R, C. Clement, 8 VJT, Washington required for instant use, it is recommended st, .mi 1 ngincer in. I t urr.-i|>ouilrtil'a
Wi-ttiiiKhou&e -' Salesman*!
St. Joseph's College, 3 Xj, Philadelphia thai the cell be filled with warm water; dis- il Ei ec s u ladow Trimmer**
Miners Cotton Textile Worker's
RHODE ISLAND tilled water being used, if possible, ;h this i_
D i .i

Concrete Engineer*!
T tends tn prolong the life of the cell bj Ituiiding (i.l. - I
tPoultn niin'j
C. E. Davis, Xo call. Edgew 1 El'linnli. > .mil hi, i 1 i -.
son of the absence of iron or lime impur- Chemist's _ Automobile
M. V. Pollys, lr., 1 EMG, Bristol i

ities, which are Frequently found in hydrant

11. W. Thornley, 1 AI. Pawtucket Name
TENNESSEE In order that the condition of the zinc and No.
S. II. Sheib, S CY, Nashville electrode and the interior parts of the cell
lelahunt, 5 /.I), Memphis may be examined, the container consists of Clty_

You benefit by me\ 'The Electrical Experitm i i writing to advertisers.

; ; : ; '


a clear glass jar. A. ( See diagram.) Into

the bottom of this jar some bitumen is
poured while in a hot condition. This

AMATEURS! serves to fix the porcelain base, B, in posi-

tion. This base forms the support for the
sack, C, keeping it in a central position. and
also a support and spacer for the zinc cylin-
der, D, keeping it always the correct dis-
tance from the sack. It is this narrow

MOW is the time to overhaul your set and

space between the zinc and the sack which,
to a large extent, makes the internal resist-
ance of these cells so much less than Le-
to buy your apparatus at a low cost. chanche batteries. The top of the sack has
Remember, the War won't last forever, and a rubber ring, E, round it in order to
further safeguard against the zinc cylinder
when the ether is free once more for all, YOU touching the sack. Above the sack a spe-
cially shaped porcelain ring, F, is slipt over
want to be the first one to listen in with a the carbon rod. G, and this serves as a sup-
port for a waxt cardboard disk, H, which
REAL set. supports the sealing compound. Two holes
are arranged in the sealing compound and
Besides, there is the possibility that the Govern- the cardboard washer in one of these is a

fiber tube. This tube forms the funnel

ment will soon again allow us to operate receiv- thru which the water is poured when the
ing sets during the War. cell is required for use, and is normally
sealed with a cork. The other hole con-
tains a small glass tube to allow the gases
Are you ready ? generated when the cell is in action to
escape. A lead connection strip, J, is sol-
Write for our printed matter. dered to the zinc cylinder, and this is
brought up at the side of the cardboard
AudioTron Sales Co., 315 Lick Bldg., San Francisco, Cal. washer and thru the sealing compound.
This lead strip is provided with a punched
hole to allow of connection to an adjacent
-2 n-
Tcr? T£^ c ii ji.^
battery. A brass cap. K, is forced on to
-• i. '.' •: j •: ;; : ; '•;
v; v; ;
•; vj. 7 ;: ;
: J: : ;
: 'K 7 ":
2M2 SS 2J - •'
- - - - - '-7 - i
the carbon rod, and the nut for wire con-
nections screws on to a pin riveted and
soldered, to the cap. The ammonium chlo-
rid crystals, L, are placed in the cell at the

A Motor and a Re tor for $5.25 time of manufacture: so that all that i-
necessary to make the cell ready for use
is to remove the cork, fill the cell with

We 5000 of these outfitc, consisting of a motor

have built water, and replace the cork.

that will operate on a. c. or d. c, ^000 to 6000 r. p. m., 100

to 1'0 volts.
An aluminum rotor, per- RAISE SUNKEN SHIPS.
fectly balanced, machined (Continued from page 95)

and insulated. may have gone ashore in shoal waters.

Supposing that a vessel has become em-
bedded in the sand. Upon arriving at the
Regular price of scene with one of the Linquist hydrostatic
these outfits, $8.50 $4.00 lifting units of the type already described.
this is set up out in the deep water at a con-
Introductory offer Motor only
siderable distance, say one thousand to
as above, while 1,500 feet from the vessel in distress, and
they last.
Act $1.50 a heavy cable is attached to the oceanward
side of the vessel. In certain cases, and
Rotor only
when necessary a line may be shot over the
When ordering rotors give size of shaft vessel to carry out this part of the opera-
tion. The cable which is secured to the
stranded vessel is carried from the Lin-
The Fosco Corporation quist apparatus, and passes thru two large
pulleys secured to a stationary truss on the
1355 N. Western Ave., Chicago, III.
base of the "fort," and in proximity to the
vertical member of the lifting apparatus.
Send postage for catalogue of motors and supplies
One-hall" actual size
The free end of the cable is secured to
the top of the telescopic movable cylinder
of the Linquist device, and this is made to
rise by becoming more buoyant thru the
° THERE'S MONEY IN IT agency of the electric pumps (supplied
"At: LEARN TELEGRAPHYf^i with electric power from the lines on shore),
water being pumped out of the movable
-"L-MORSE ANDWIRELESS-"- telescopic cylinder causing it to rise, and
when this occurs a force of thousands of
tons is brought into play, giving sufficient


upward pull on the cable passing thru the
stationary pulleys to haul the vessel off the
in half the usual time, at trifling cost,
wonderful Automatic Transmitter, THE 0MNIGRAPH. The inventor of this truly remarkable
Sends unlimited Morse or Continental messages, at scheme for raising sunken boats, etc.. say>
any speed, just as an expert operator would. that if his device had been available at the
Adopted by U. S. Gov't. 4 styles. Catalogue free. time the U. S. Submarine F-4 sunk in the
Honolulu harbor some time ago, that he
OMNICRAPH MFG. CO. could have raised the submarine in four
39L Cortlandt St. New York days instead of taking four months, which
was the time required by the only method
available, when this deplorable accident

You benefit by mentioning "The Electrical Experimenter" -alien writing to advertisers.


occurred. One of the divers who worked A COMPACT FARM LIGHTING

..ii the F-4 and who had nego
Sul. marine PLANT.
tiati.il depths of 306 Eeel (corresponding to
a pressure of 135 pounds to the square inch) The farm lighting plant illustrated is
Mesco Wireless Practice Set
has seen the device and believes that Mr. rated at 1,000 watts and operates at 30 volts
For Learning the Wireless Code
inquist's calculations as just cited are not In most cases a 2, 2yi or at most a 4-h.p.
only practical hut feasible. engine is required to run this system. The
generator has a heavy flywheel pulley with
tapered shaft.

ELECTRICITY AND WATER TO A feature of this equipment is that re-

gardless of variation in the number of
RUN OUR AUTOS. lights being used, the generator will auto-
(Continued from page 88) matically furnish the current necessary for
these lights, in addition to that which it has
and will eliminate all carbon deposits,
already been furnishing for charging the
and so doine will add to the life and
lattery, thus allowing the battery to receive
power of any motor, and that is not all, for
its normal charging rate automatically, re-
we obtain our gas from water, which nature
gardless of the number of lights being The Practice Set comprises a regular tele-
has provided abundantly, and so easy to se-
cure that the post is practically nothing. turned on and off. An automatic electric graph key, without circuit breaker, a special
nigh pitch buzzer, one cell Red Seal Dry
Those interested in this electrolytic cell governing winding is incorporated in the Battery, and four feet of green silk com 1

gas generator intended for a substitute for design which prevents the variation in the flexible cord.
automobiles will un- lighting load fromaffecting the amount of The key and buzzer are mounted on a
.i in driving
doubtedly find interesting a U. S. patent on current going into the battery. Lights may highly finished wood base, and three nickel
plated binding posts are so connected that
a similar cell, hearing the number 1,219,906
be used at any time either direct from the the set may be used for live different pur-
generator, if the engine is running, or di- puses, as illustrated on page 24.
which is discust in the "Latest Patents"
department on page 128 of this issue. rect from the battery, if the engine is not For the beginner, the set is of exceptional
running. value, for it may be used for individual code
practice or for operation of a two party line,
The manufacturer also claims that by which is an excellent method of quickly
using this self-regulating winding for start- learning the code. After the beginner has
DECISION IN THE "HETERO- mastered the code, the set may be used in
his wireless outfit for setting the detector
DYNE" RADIO RECEIVER in adjustment, and also the key may be used
CASE. to control the spark coil.
Recommended for schools, as it gives ex-
On April 2 Judge Mayer, of the United cellent
service for class instruction in code
Full directions with each set.
States Court for the Southern
The main object of the set to enable the
District York, handed down an
of New beginner to master the wireless code, and

opinion in the suit of Samuel M. Kintner the buzzer reproduces the sound of the sig-
and Halsey M. Barrett, receivers of the nals of the most modern wireless stations
.National Electric Signaling Company,
Every beginner needs one of these sets,
plaintiffs, the Atlantic Communication
vs. and as it is the equivalent of live different
Company, August Merckens, P. C. Schnitz- sets, the price is very low.
ler and K. G. Frank, defendants, in which List No. Price.
he found for the plaintiffs. This suit was 342. Wireless Practice Set, with Battery
and Cord $2.25
based upon a charge of infringement of 344. Wireless Practice Set only, no bat-
United States letters patent 1,050,728 and tery or Cord 2.00
1,050,441, being respectively for the method
and apparatus employed in a receiving sta- Send for OurNew Edition of our
tion of a radio telegraph system. These
patents, issued January 14, 1913, cover the Catalog W28 Ready June 15
invention known to the art generally as
It pocket size, contains 248 pages, with over 1.000
the "heterodyne" or heats method of re- Illustrations and describes In plain, clear language
ceiving radio telegraph signals. all about Bells, Push Buttons. Batteries. Telephone
and Telegraph Material. Electric Toys, Burglar and
The court found that Reginald A. Fes- Fire Alarm Contrivances, Electric Call Bells, Electric
Alarm Clocks. Medical Batteries. Motor Boat Horns.
senden, the inventor of this system, had Electrically Heated Apparatus. Battery Connectors.
produced an invention of great merit and Switches. Battery Gauges. Wireless Telegraph In-
struments, Ignition Supplies, etc.
entitled to a hroad interpretation. He
found that the prior art cited by the de- IT MEANS MONEY SAVED TO YOU
fendant as anticipating the Fessenden in- to have our Catalog when you want to buy.
vention had failed to teach the art anything
in respect to the use of beats and, at most, A New Compact Electric Generating
Plant Having the Switch-board Mount-
Manhattan Electrical
merely disclosed a local source for oper-
ating some particular form of receiver.
ed Rigidly on the Dynamo Frame. Supply Co., Inc.
He decided against the defendants' conten- New York: Chicago: ST. LOUIS:
17 Park Place 114 S. 5th Ave. 1106 Pine St.
tion that the invention should he given a
narrow construction, in view of an earlier San Francisco Office: 604 Mission St
ing duty, engines, regardless of their type,
patent of Fessenden. can be started without abnormal strain on
The defendants' sole effort was directed the battery plates. This condition applies
towards securing a narrow construction of specifically to engines of 8 h.p. or less. Learn Watchwork, Jewelrywork and
the patents. They contended that the Fes- Twice the starting torque with one-half the ^ ne tra(*e commanding a Rood sal-
senden patents were not entitled to a hroad FnPTAvino
avillg. arv anr vour sen-ices are always in
current is said to be produced by means of _ j

interpretation but should be restricted to demand. Address HOROLOGICAL Department.

this winding. In a test recently made, this Bradley Institute. Peoria, III., for our latest catalog
the use of the particular form of appli- unit, with an 80-ampere current, easily
ance shown in the issued patents. The started a 4-h.p. special electric engine. A
court decided against this, holding the in- shunt wound generator failed to start the
vention to be of such merit as to entitle same engine with the ammeter reading 140
it to a broad interpretation of equivalents.
a'-nperes. This plant permits the lights to
The court also stated that Fessenden or burn at practically the same brilliancy at
his company, the National Electric Signal- all times. If the lights are being used direct
ing Company, were the only ones to teach
the art anything of value of this method
from the generator and should the engine
stop, the electrical connections will he
WANTED— Railway Mail Clerks
of operation between the date of appli- COMMENCE 575 MONTH INCREASE TO $150 MONTH
changed automatically, so that the lights will Common cJiKatiun
cation of his original patent in 1902 and then receive their energy from the storage sufficient.
the date of applications for the patents battery. The switchboard is equipt with Franklin Institute
Sure pay.
in suit, 1905. large scale instruments, an automatic re- Life job. Dept.C104 Rochester, N. Y.
Pull unncc- Sirs; Send me without charge,
verse current circuit breaker and only one essary. ample Railway Mall Clerk Ex-
lighting switch. All internal connections amination questions; lilt of other
To overcome big paid government Jobs now easily
the difficulties of navigation are made at the factory. The batteries used obtainable and free book describing them.
in the Kara Sea the Russian Government with this plant are made in both the Faure
has established three wireless stations that and Plante types, assembled in either rubber Name.
inform vessels of ice conditions. or glass jars. Addresa. .



By Albert W. Wilsdon.
CONSTANT AMPLITUDE The U.S. Government cites the follow-
ing marine disasters in which wireless fig- RECENTLY I bought a copy of the
TEST BUZZER ured during the period July 1 to Decem- ELECTRICAL EXPERIMENTER
ber 31, 1916: AND I read it through
July 11. — Steamship Ramos foundered in DURING the time
a gale while en route from Philadelphia to
Cartagena, Colombia. SOS calls were an- THAT I
swered by the Miami land station and the HAD to spare
steamships an Hogendorp and Illinois, all
EVERY day that I could.
but five persons on board being saved.

July 22. Steamship Matatua, stranded EVERY time in
on rocks seven miles south of St. Mary's LOOKING thro
Dimensions 2 1/4"x2 1/2 " Price, $1.20
Light, Cape Race. Vessel shot line to ELECTRICAL magazines which I thought
Postage 10 cents shore and passengers and crew were re- CONTAINED news
moved. The distress call was answered by THAT would help the
OVER 1200 SOLD the steamship Stephana, Red Cross Line, READER in his work,
Our special Constant Amplitude Test which stood by until passengers were safe- I always found
Buzzer contains some entirely new features ly removed. CERTAIN articles that were
and closely resembles the tone of a 500-
cycle Telefunken set. This is due to the September —
Steamship Congress,
ALWAYS vague and which
arrangement of the contact which is pro- with 445 persons on board, caught fire off LEFT me in the dark.
vided with a lenient back-check which pre- Coos Bay, Marshfield, Oreg. The vessel
vents the armature from overreaching and EVER thinking that
the amplitude becomes constant. This you was headed toward shore. SOS calls be-
will find in no other Buzzer. The contact ing sent out continuously, which were re- XPERIMENTERS like myself
points are of pure silver which prevents ceived by the land stations at Marshfield, PURCHASE magazines
burning and the entire mechanism is en- EACH month for the purpose of
closed in a non- resonant dielectric case. Oreg., Cape Blanco, Oreg., and Eureka,
You will never know you have a Buzzer in Cal., and the steamship F. A. Kilburn. Res-
READING articles
your circuit as far as attention is con- cue vessels were dispatched by the Marsh- IN which
cerned. It is provided with three binding
posts and is highly finished. field station, and all persons on board were
MANY new wrinkles,
saved. EACH new, and
September 23. Steamship Bay State ran
NOVEL, are to be found.
TYVAS for this reason that
ashore off Cape Elizabeth, Me.; total loss.
2595 Third Avenue, New York City
Distress calls were answered by the Coast
EVERY month I now
Guard cutter Ossipee and the naval station
at Cape Elizabeth, which dispatched the
tugs Portland and Cumberland. All per-
ENCLOSED sons on board, approximately 200 in num-
ber, were saved.
experimenters and the general public,
that everv Experimenter who has not read
October 7. Steamship Antilla, with fifty-
six persons aboard, caught fire off the Vir-
This gap has been designed so at once, without delay.
a low price and to
to sell at ginia Capes while en route from Guanta-
meet the demands of ama- namo, Cuba, New
York. Approximately
to THE PENALTY for failure to do so is
teurs for a good, enclosed a fine of 15 or 20 cents, which is paid for
and silent gap. Finished in twenty-five vessels responded to the dis-
dull black, it will add to the tress calls, and all persons were saved. other magazines, as well as the loss of
which cannot be found or obtained
appearance of your set.
It is made in one style only,

October 19. Steamship Araphoe lost
for all powers up to I-KW, Iter rudder twenty-five miles north of Cape
Apologies to "Casey Bee."
and can be mounted in al- Lookout. SOS calls were answered by the
most any position.
steamship Henry R. Mallory and the Coast
The gap is enclosed in a
circular iron housing 8 inches Guard cutters Seminole and Tampa, which town answered SOS calls. Crew trans-
in diameter and 2j^ inches towed the vessel to Xorfolk. ferred to Coast Guard vessels and passen-
thick, with removable cover
(for inspection). The adjust- —
October 28. Steamship Chicago, with gers were taken to New York on the steam-
ship Jamestown.
ment can be as close as desired 265 passengers and crew, caught fire at sea
between sparking points.
and arrived safely at the Azores Islands. December 25. — Steamship Maryland
Rotating disc is of brass with 12 projecting
Communication was established with ves- sank at sea, position as given in SOS call
round brass arms (total diameter 6 inches),
mounted on shaft running in bronze bearing sels, but assistance was not needed. 380 miles east of Sandy Hook, with crew
Distress calls answered by
and is belt driven by small motor giving a
variety of tones depending upon the speed. —
October 29. Tug Vigilant disabled 150 of thirty-four.
several Coast Guard cutters, but they were
When in operation this gap is very quiet
miles off Irish coast. SOS call answered unable to locate the disabled vessel.
Price complete, without motor, $S 50
by the steamship Ryndam, which towed the
tug to Queenstown.
J. Herbert Ferris, Zll Catalpa Drive, Royal Oak, Mich.

November 25. Steamship Powhatan, en 750,000 HORSEPOWER WASTED IN
route from Boston to Baltimore, caught fire NEW YORK.
off Block Island. Fire was controlled be- Electric power to turn every
fore arrival of Coast Guard cutters, which wheel and every dwelling and
answered the distress call. factory in New York State could be de-
November 27. — Steamship Niels Xiclson veloped from the water power which is
heavy gale.
lost propeller in Distress calls running to waste every day in the rivers,
were answered by several vessels, which streams and canals of the State, Attorney
assisted the disabled vessel to make port. General Woodbury declared in his annual
November —
Steamship Coronado lost
28. report submitted to the State Legislature.
propeller Tillamook Head.
off Distress He estimates a daily waste of 750,000 elec-
For Wire ' ess
SPARK COILS calls answered by Astoria, Oreg., station, tric horsepower on the Long Sault Rapids
and along the line of the barge canal. He
which dispatched tug to assistance of dis-
STYLE C SPECIAL COIL abled vessel. urges the Legislature to establish a policy
Postage extra 1 $3.50 —
December 3. Steamship Carolina, Good- by which the State will reap some benefit
FINE RESULTS WITH THIS COIL rich Transit Co., struck rocks off entrance from this stupendous resource, the value
of which has been estimated by conserva-
SCHUG ELECTRIC MFG. CO. to Sturgeon Bay Canal. Distress calls were
tion experts at $250,000,000. Attorney Gen-
2S4 EAST LARNED, DETROIT, MICH. received by the Manitowoc, Wis., station,
which dispatched a tug to the assistance of eral Woodbury points out that the Long
the disabled vessel. Sault Rapids in the St. Lawrence River,
December 12. Steamship Sumner control of which was recently regained by
POCKET BOOK °/ ELECTRICITY grounded in fog off Barnegat, N.J. Six ves- his office after a fight which was carried
FREE sels responded to SOS calls, and all per- to the United States Supreme Court, could
Distributed asV supplement to onr bitf Handy Book sons on board were saved. be harnessed to yield over 700,000 electric
during temporary n>TsrnnWDt 1U sponsion of wire-
loss. Lists now thine* tn cxwrJmcnt with.
motors, flashlights, telefmiph apparatus, puzzles.
Aho —
December 14. Steamship Powhatan, en horsepower, while the dams and other
structures along the course of the barge
magic outfits, bock*. athletic eond*. chemical sets, route from Norfolk to Boston, sank in col-
canal impound an excess of water over
fishing tackle rinvo ties. Handy, interesting. For
lision with unknown vessel on way to open

ery boy in America. Free on Re<pte»t.

The Electro-Set Co., nowjennwn as
sea. Several LT nited States destroyers. navigation requirements sufficient to gen-
Newman-Stern Co., Drpl. E 13. Cleveland, Ohio
Coast Guard cutters, and steamship James- erate 50,000 horsepower.

Yon benefit by mentioning "The Electrical Exferimenter" when writing to advertisers.




After consultation with Secretary of the
Daniels, Frank J. Spraym-, Chairman
of the Xaval Consulting Boanl Committee NEW LIFE, POWER, HEALTH and BEAUTY in
on Electricity and Ship Construction, has the marvelous delightful VIOLET-RAYS. Newest
come out strongly against the critics of and most powerful form of electricity, causing neither
electrical drive for the new battle cruisers. muscular contraction nor pain of any kind.
In a Senator Swanson, Chair-
letter to
man of the Committee on Naval
Affairs, Mr. Sprague says he has been re- • vl**. High frequency instrument is endorsed by thousands of Physi-
luctant hitherto to join in public discus- cians who use it dailv.
sion of the decision of the Navy Depart- Produces SOOTHING, I.W TGORATLNG, CURA-
TIVE VIOLET-RAYS. Wonderfully quick results
ment to adopt electric drive. obtained in treating SCALP, FACE and BODY.
"I feel that perhaps I am now justified Health bringing OZONE forced into the blood, pro-
ducing an abundance of VITALITY.
in so doing," view of the
he adds, "in
fact that such discussion, which I assumed
Sent on Free Trial
Simple in construction and operation. The VIOLETTA
was begun from patriotic motives, seems is especially adapted for personal use in the home.
to be taking on the nature of an active Will operate on alternating or direct current or battery.
commercial propaganda, incidentally sup- ABSOLUTELY SAFE
ported by a number of gentlemen, most
of whom, however representative and en- Write for New Free Book
Send for our new beautifully illustrated book on VIOLETTA.
dowed with experience along the lines of Tells all about the marvels of Violet-Rays. Read what scien-
their individual professions, are utterly un- tists and doctors have to say. Post card brings book and all
trained in naval affairs, and hence are not particulars of special low price and free trial offer.
possest of sufficient knowledge of this D
particular subject to indulge in the ava- £! t 7 BLEADON-DUNN CO.
lanche of criticisms which have been lev-
eled at the department."
Referring to what he describes as "the
successful installation of the electric drive
on a comparatively small scale on the col-
lier Jupiter and the adoption of similar
power for three battleships," Mr. Sprague
MOTORS A. C. D. C. -110 130 VOLTS
reminds Chairman Swanson that "the TO
Navy Department, reinforced in their opin-
ion by what had been done in electrical de-
velopment in c,reat power plants, decided
1/20 H. P.
j$|3 .00
upon electric drive also for the battle
6000 R. P. \Jf Complete with
which Being Used Successfully for Grinding, Polishing, Driv- Emery Wheel
cruisers, each of to be equipt with
ing Small Machinery. Sewing Machines. Fans, Wireless Spark Buffing Wheel
engines of the large total of 180,000 horse- Gaps, Electric Fountains. Check Endorsers, Humidors, Valve Chucks
Grinders, Electric Hair Clippers and numerous other appliances. Cord and Plug
"The wisdom
Sprague continues, "was challenged by Base Pulley and Chucks Easily Detached
Charles Curtis of the International Curtis
Marine Turbine Company, which company
If Your Dealer Cannot
Supply You, Order
From Us Direct 304 South Dearborn Street CHICAGO. ILL.
would,if geared turbines were adopted in-
stead of the electric drive, be a beneficiary
by a large amount of royalties. It is, of
course, difficult for one engaged in a com- MAGNETIC
mercial enterprise which may be seriously
affected to be, even if unconsciously so un-
affected in his judgment by personal inter- April 1916 Keep your storage battery fully charged if
ests, but I prefer to believe that Mr. Curtis you'd get the most out of it in service and
length of life.
was actuated by a desire that our cruisers Plug into any convenient 110 volt 60 cycle
should be the best afloat, even if I disagree alternating current lamp socket and connect the
somewhat with his methods and conclusions. charging leads to the battery terminals.
The rectifier utilizes the Full Wave of cur-
"Failing to get a reconsideration of the rent, has Carbon Electrodes and makes Re-
charging a Profitable Business where batteries
Navy Department's decision, a number of ^HP ^ are taken in to charge.
prominent engineers have been requested to
write, and several have written, letters based
3W $ 1 5 Complete F, O. B. Cleveland
rjT) Get Bulletin Xo. 12.
on certain adverse information supplied
them, some condemning without reserve the W > THE FRANCE MANUFACTURING CO., Cleveland, Ohio
decision of the department and others urg- ^^ — ^^3 States ami Canada
ing that the matter be referred to the Naval
Consulting Board or some other board of
civilian engineers.

who have
those other than Mr. Curtis,
been quoted as authorities are
Super-Sensitive Microphone Only
This instrument is offered at an extremely low price. It is ex-
Dr. S. S. Wheeler, President of the (.'rock- cellent for building your own radio amplifier. Can also be used
in many experiments where a sensitive microphone is required.
er-Wheeler Company, manufacturers of
electrical machinery, who has been vol- DETECTAGRAPH, $12
uminous in his cTiticisms: Dr. Francis This detecting instrument of marvelous sen-
sitivity can be used for detecting secret
Crocker, an associate of Dr. Wheeler; conversations. Outfit consists of Sensitive
George Gibbs, Consulting Engineer "f the Transmitter. 25-ft. Black Cord. Receiver.
Pennsylvania Railroad: Dr. Michael Pup- Headband, Case and Battery.
in, a distinguished scientist and inventor of Send for One Today and Convince Yourself
a system for increasing the efficiency of
the long-distance telephone; [sham Ran-
dolph, a well-known civil and railroad en-
gineer; Prof. William H. Burr, a widely-
known consulting engineer; President 26 CORTLANDT ST., NEW YORK Makers of Super-Sensitive Microphone Apparatus
Falk of the Allis-Chalmers Company,
You benefit by mentioning "The Electrical Experimenter** when writing to advertisers.


while they last
manufacturers of electrical machinery;
Luther Lovekin, Chief Engineer of the
"It is inconceivable," says Mr. Sprague,
"that with all the known facts in hand the
New York Shipbuilding Company, and Cal- Navy department would or could surrender
vin Tomkins, former Dock Commissioner to outside advisers, directly or even infer-
of New York." entially, the selection between two known
Observing that this list "contains many and accepted methods of drive, with their
names not only of men of prominence but varying influence upon the distribution of
of men standing high in their professions," weights, 'ocation of turrets and armor, size
-Mr. Sprague says: "But the question may and disposition of compartments and the
properly be asked to what extent are these results of flooding, the distribution of fuel,
gentlemen qualified to criticise, what is the the distances of machinery from the skin
training and experience which would war- of the ship, provision against torpedo
rant them to sit as judges in so vital a damage, the necessities of handling ships in
matter, and what is it they really seek to emergencies and the results of failure of
accomplish. any parts."
discussion." Mr. Sprague contin- Mr. Sprague declares that generators and
ues, "seems first to seek to condemn the motors of the size indicated can be built,
adoption of electricity on the score of in- and that if necessary they can even be con-
creased weight and cost, or impossibility trolled by a push button from the bridge.
of construction, or safety in operation, and "1 am." he says, "generally credited with
second, a reference of the whole matter to being the pioneer of the modern electric
the Naval Consulting or some other board. railway and am certainly the creator of that
system of train control, now used the world
over, which makes it possible to aggregate
A PRESENT-DAY ELECTRIC any amount of power required under a
single control."
GIANT. One reason why Mr. Sprague was select-
While we may not have the human giants ed for the Naval Consulting Board was that
of old with us, their places are admirably he had served as President of four techni-
cal societies —
the American Institute of
Electrical Engineers, the American Institute
of Consulting Engineers, the New York
Electrical Societv and the Inventors' Guild.


I ll.:li.l,l'l,l[ I lllHl'IIL'L'll'U CARTY.
Mr. Carty, chief engineer of the

Self-lock *^
ing. adjustable dies
J. J.
American Telephone and Telegraph Com-
pany, New York City, and recognized as
one of the foremost authorities in the
Self-centering guides; 3 Xo — reset- world on wire communication, has been
ting of dies to size; 4 Xo — loose commissioned senior major of the Signal
bushings: 5 — Xo small parts. Every Officers' Reserve Corps, the reserve auxil-

BULL iary of the Signal Corps, U. S. A. The

DOG addition of Mr. Carty to that organiza-
tion will be a decided accession and one
which will be widely applauded. It is be-
lieved other appointments will follow from
the ranks of leading American engineers.
The importance of the telephone system in
any plan of national defense has been ac-
cepted by officials of the War Department.
The adaptability of the American tele-
phone lines was thoroly proven last sum-
mer when the entire A. T. & T. Com-
GENERATORS! ALTERNATORS! pany's service was turned over to the Gov-
We have a complete line of sturdv, efficient gen- ernment for a test under hypothetical war
erators and alternators from 100 to 1000 watts.
\V e furnish complete parts for these finished
conditions. In 45 seconds Secretary Dan-
ready to assemble with instructions to wind. iels was in communication with the Pen-
Transformers made to order. Send for catalogue. sacola, Fla., Navy Yard, and in 28 sec-
ALL AT FACTORY PRICES The Largest Self-control Induction. Feeder onds more was talking with the navy yard
Bergmann Molor Works, 442-446 Niagara Si., Buffalo.N.V. Voltage Regulator Ever Built. at San Diego. The Secretary of the Navy
later exprest his pleasure over the "won-
filled by the gigantic mechanical and elec-
derful success" of the experiment. When
S THE MIDGET SLIDE RULE the country's National Guard was mo-
will add. subtract. molHply. divide, trical apparatusthat modern genius has
solve problems invomnireven and un-
evolved, as for instance, the device shown bilized last summer a complete telephone
even roots and powers. It will also
give the Logarithms of numbers and
th- Sines. Cosines, Tangents and Co- in the accompanying illustration. This pic- exchange was established at Camp Whit-
tangents of all angles.
Its operation is very simple and with ture shows the largest self-control induc- man, in New York State, in less than 24
this instrument one can quickly solve
any mathematical problem. This slide tion, feeder voltage regulator that has ever hours after the troops were called out,
rule is made of wood and metal and It
is adapted for shop work as well as been built. The regulator is of the oil- connecting Washington with Albany, N. Y.,
office use.
Size 3 1-4x3 1-4 in. Price, with insulated, self-cooling type, and was built by and all the vital points necessary to the
Instructions, 7&c.
if ;nu are not
Your money back
satisfied. GILSON a Pittsburgh concern. It is rated at 600
movement. The commissioning of Mr.
SLIDE RULE CO.. Niles. Mich. Carty as an officer in the Reserve Corps
kva. (kilowatts 3-phase, 60 cycles, 13.200

volts, with 10 and 20 per cent regulation

may be taken as a further step to have
For shop, factors-, this important branch of the country's de-

tools attractively priced in our
garage and home
— many high class
Odds and
at 262 and 131 amperes.

trol self-contained.
It is designed for
operation outdoors with full-automatic con-

This regulator was built for the South-

fensive system ready, not only in ma-
terial, but in personnel.

Ends pamphlet which

quest by
is mailed free on re- ern Power Company and is to be connected "E. E." WAR NEWS ! !

to the low voltage side of a 6000 kva. (kilo-

watt) bank of 44,000 to 13.000 volt trans-
Montgomery & Co., Inc., 105 Fulton St., N. Y. Cry ARE AT WAR, THAT YOU CAN
formers on the power company's line at
Spray, N. C. By the use of this regulator DO WITHOUT THE MONTHLY
m nim Send for catalog of our tools for
the power from the line will be delivered VISIT OF TheElectrical Experimenter.
to the Thread Mill Company owned

wood and metal. Also Mechanic's mills

by the Marshall-Field's interests, with the

Falls. Mass. voltage maintained continuously at normal TRICITY BY READING IT

value. "EVERY" MONTH.
b'ou benefit by mentioning "The Electrical Experimenter" when writing to advertisers.
: .


Edited by H. GERNSBACK.
In Department we publish such matter as is of interest to inventors and
particularly to those who are in doubt as to certain Patent Phases. Regular inquiries
addrest to "Patent Advice" cannot be answered by mail free of charge. Such inquiries BOOK- BULLETINS & ADVICE
are publisht here for the benefit of all readers. If the idea is thought to be of im- REGISTERED, ATTORNEYS
portance, we make it a rule not to divulge details, in order to protect the inventor as
far as it is possible to do so. LANCASTER^lALlWl
Should advice be desired by mail a nominal charge of $1.00 is made for each
question. Sketches and descriptions must be clear and explicit. Only one side of 2SS OURAY BLD'G, WASHINGTON, D. C.
sheet should be written on.
Don't Lose Your Rights
BELL SOFTENER. the device are very ingenious indeed and We publish form' called "Evidence of Con-
ception'* by which you can establish your rights
hold out a possibility of a good invention.
(152) E. T. Jones. New Orleans, La., before sending the invention to anyone. It is your
We, however, would advise our corre- best protection. We
issue up-to-date bulletins of
writes as follows improvements wanted; aid inventors to promote
spondent to simplify the idea, as at pn
"I, a subscriber t" your wonderful maga- their rights; render reliable opinions free of charge
it seems too complicated, having too mam- and secure valuable patents and trade-marks on
zine, would greatly appreciate your opin-
ion iin the following 'phone-attachment,
parts. We
would also advise our corre- reasonable terms. Personal service assured by our
Service Guarantee Contract. References:
spondent to submit the idea to a patent at-
printing same in your Patent Advice de- 2nd National Bank, Washington, The John P
torney with a view to obtaining copies of Roth Packing Co., Cincinnati.
partment in one of the following issues
this year, as soon as possible prior patents on this particular class of SIMPLY MAIL COUPON
work. LANCASTER ft ALLWINE, 255 Our»y Bld|f..H.iblnpto», D.C.
"Alter reading over your article on pat- Send me free book "Inventions Patenting and —
ents wanted. I devised a scheme by which Promoting." Bulletins of Improvements Wanted
any tone desired can be had instead of INTERRUPTER. and blank form "Evidence of Conception."
using bells. have drilled and tapt the
1 (155) Geo. Shaw, Talmage, Neb., has Name .

armature knob of the ringer and screwed conceived an idea for the improvement of Address .

thereon a certain device; on a protruding interrupters for small wireless sets and
stand, have a mandolin string, which is
I other outfits requiring the use of a small
adjustable (any note can be had): when transformer or spark coil. The idea is to
the 'phone (rinu;s) the device passes over use a certain form of interrupter in an
the string and I have attained a dull, air-tight chamber, under sufficient air pres-
soft-pitcht tone which is audible three sure to prevent the burning of the con-
rooms away. tacts. He thinks that a small hand air
"I would appreciate your opinion on the pump could be secured to the chamber to
above arrangement, and 1 highly recom- pump up sufficient pressure. Is the idea a
mend more suggestions on your part in a good one and is it patentable, and would
Morgan Elliott & CO.
magazine which 1 and a million or so there be a demand for it? PAT ENT attorneys
others cannot do without, as it is the only Ans. A scheme of this sort is decidedlv MECHANICAL. ELECTRICAL & CHEMICAL EXPEN
live one out to-day. I read it from cover
not satisfactory because it has been shown 716-724 WOODWARD BUILDING
to the last page and find old copies inter- that comprest air will retard an ordinary WASHINGTON, D. C.
esting even after they have been fully vibrator spring or, for that matter, any
read." moving part which is supposed to operate
Ans. The idea, while a very good one, under high speed. If instead of using
does not seem very practical for the rea- comprest air you use a vacuum, enorm-
son that the device would take up toe ously better results are obtained, as, for
much room. If an arrangement were ob- instance, in the Moore J'acuum Interrupt-
tained whereby the long string could be er. we have no faith in com-
done away with, we think a more practical
arrangement would he had. but we believe
a patent can be obtained on the idea.
prest air interrupters, as we have never
seen one work satisfactorily. PATENTS
Send Sketch or Model of Your Invention for

Free Opinion as to Patentability


(156) Charles Bicker, Salina, Kans., ity is Evidence of Conception
(153) Jose M. Moreira, Lowell, Mass., of your invention and may
submits a design of a glass periscope, his says that he has an idea in the construc- prove valuable to you. Our
idea being to make it invisible. tion of a device to moisten cigars and Credit System enables you to
Ans. While this is a good idea on tobacco in show cases. The idea is to file your application for Patent
make steam by heat developed from stor- and proceed without delay. Every
paper it does not work out in practise for case receives personal attention of
two reasons, one of which is that glass is age batteries, and to evaporize the steam one or both members of the firm.
in a certain manner. Patents wo secure advertised at «ur ex-
too dangerous a substance to be used for pense in Popular Mechanic* Magasin*
a periscope which has to stand enormous
Ans. While a patent might be obtained
strains due to rushing thru the water as it on a scheme of this kind, we do not know Write today for Free copy of 101-page book
•'How lo Obtain a Palenl and What to Invent"
speeds on. Furthermore a periscope stick- how valuable it will be without knowing
full details. There are some very good Talbert& Parker, Patent Lawyers,
ing out of the water can never be invis- 4287 Talbert Bldg., Washington, D.C.
ible, that is, while the periscope itself may
and cheap electric tobacco moisteners on
not be seen at a distance, it forms a white
zvakc as it runs in the water, which is
very noticeable.
It is not the periscope
that the enemy will see, but the
PATENTS WANTED Write for List of Patent Buyers who
desire to purchase patents and What
To Invent with valuable list of Inventions Wanted. $1,000,000 in prices offered for
water trail which the periscope leaves be- inventions. Send model or sketch for Free Opinion as to patentability. have a We
hind. As Iriuo- js nothing is found to do Special Department devoted to Electrical Inventions and are in a position to assist
away with this wake, it is usele c s to make and advise inventors in this field in the development of their invent inns.
the periscope itself invisible.
AUTOMATIC TUBE CLOSER. Write To-Day for our Five Books sent free to any address. (See attached coupon:)
(1541 James D.
Miller, Montreal, Que-
bec. Canada, submits to us several draw-
ings of collapsible tubes such as are used
VICTOR J. EVANS & CO., Patent Attorneys
NEW YORK OFFICES: 1001-1007 Woolworth Bldg. PHILADELPHIA OFFICES: 1429 Chestnut St.
with tooth-paste and shaving creams, the
idea being to do away with the annoyance Main Offices: 779 9th Street, N. W., WASHINGTON, D. C.
of unscrewing and screwing on the cap Gentlemen: Please send me FREE OF CHARGE your FIVE Books as per offer.
which so often exasperates us. Name Address
Ans. The drawings submitted to us of
)',>:/ benefit by mentioning "The Electrical Experimenter' 1 when writing to advertisers.


the market to-day and we have one in JOE'S EXPERIMENT.

mind which seems to have the greatest (Continued from page 101)
sale, whereby an electric incandescent
lamp is plunged in a basin filled with forming the circle which surrounded the
erect and alert chief, his pale face drawn
water, which owing to the heat of the
and anxious as he eyed the watch he held
lamp, is made to evaporate.
in one hand.
"Do you think they'll stand it?" he
ONLY kind Wanted and
—the AMPLIFICATION TRANSFORMER. asked in husky, worried tones.
BOUGHT by Manufacturers. 157)
( A. J. Camile, New York, N.Y., "Sure, there isn't much load on," Pete
Send 8c. postage for new book of Foley assured him.
Extraordinary Interest to Inventors.
sends in a sketch and description of a
transformer which is supposed to amplify It was just a minute before twelve. The
R. S. & A. B. LACEY alternating current ten times or more generators below were purring smoothly,
63 Barrister Building, Washington; D. C
without any other means. He proposes in filling the whole building with a vibrant,
a sketch and description, that it will trans- steady hum.

Inventions Wanted!
form 110 volts 2 amperes into a current Fixe seconds past
ten —
twenty —the —
of 110 \olts 31 am feres! group grew watching the chief, Mr.
mufacturers constantly writing us Ans. No matter what a scheme of this Robertson, as he squared himself in front
for patents. List of inventions actually
requested and book "How to Obtain a Pat- kind may consist of, it is absolutely im- of the main control panel. Twenty-five
ent" Bent free. Send rough sketch for free
report refrarding patentability. Special assist-
ance given our clients in selling patents.
possible. You cannot obtain energy for —
seconds past thirty forty. —
Write for details of interest to every inventor.
nothing and you might just as well try to At ten seconds before twelve Mr. Rob-
yourself by your own boot straps. ertson reached for the push-button in the
Chandlee &
Chandlee, Patent Attorneys
simply cannot be done.
center of the panel marked, "Main Switch."
Est. 21 Years 950 F St, Washington, D. C.
His hand rested on the metal disc for a

PATE NTS PATENT ATTORNEYS. moment and then as the watch field in his
Edmund von left hand marked five seconds before
(158) Szuppiny, Pater-
twelve, he prest the button.
son, N.J., writes as follows
There was a purr of mechanism behind the
THAT PROTECT AND PAY "Wishing to find out thru whose services
marble panel as the big main switch fell into
Edison, Maxim, or Lewis obtained their
Books and Advice Free patents, I sent for the literature of a
place. The generators dipt a note or two in
Ifwantyou through myto sell your patent, take it out theirhum, and then rallied as more water
orflce.HIGHEST REFERENCES. BEST RESULTS. good many patent attorneys.
came thru on their turbines. The group
WATSON E. COLEMAN, Patent Lawyer "Many of them list a considerable num-
watched the voltmeteron the panel
624 F. Street, N. W. Washington. D. C. ber of names and addresses of their clients
anxiously, and as the seconds past and
who, however, are almost all unknown to
it did not waver, Air. Robertson heaved a
the world at large, and no matter how I
^ We
secure your patent or return our fee. ^~~
tried, I failed to find the names of Tes-
great sigh of relief and satisfaction.
"It works! It works!" he shouted, in
la, Hammond, etc., in any one of their
Send sketch or model for free search of Patent
sudden released exuberance. "They've got
Office Records and report on patentability.
their power and we've got our franchise."
"This makes the impression upon me that
J Manufacturers are writing for patents secured through u Awhite-linened, diamond-pinned director
(Write for free book, "How to Secure Your Patent," and I i
inventors of this magnitude do not care
of patents wanted. We assist in selling your patent to intrust their inventions to the adver-
reached for the chief's hand.
P. R &
PATT1SON CO, U. S. Patent Attorney.
tising patent attorneys.
"Don't congratulate me," Mr. Robertson
42? Barrister BIdg, Washington. D_C
"Will you kindly inform me what means hastened to forestall him. "We're saved

or what agencies this say Edison or Tes- because some one thought of a very simple
la —
uses when wishing to patent one of expedient. Here, I'll show you."
He stept to a panel at his right, followed
their inventions."
The answer is a simple one in-
Ans. by the interested group. He paused before
deed. We
have good reasons to believe a rheostat, glittering in bright metal. From
are Writing for patents pro- its connections two wires led down to a
that several of the greatest inventors of
cured through me. FREE: 72- coil of wire on the floor.
pagt* guide book, "Successful Patents"; "Stepping Stones" this country patronize the advertising pat-
(containing hundreds of inventions wanted) and "Patent ;
ent attorneys, but they usually restrict at- "This coil," he said, indicating it, "is a
Promotion" (tells how to sell your rights; chief causes of resistance coil. It is connected in series
failure, etc.). "Patent Buyers" publishes over 400 letters torneys from using their name for obvi-
from those who desire to buy Often Patents. Send for
ous reasons, as it is naturally to their in- with the field windings of the exciter. In
them. Free manufacturing facilities. Advice free.
RICHARD B. OWEN, 164 Owen Bldg., Washington, D. C terest not to disclose who does their work this way the voltage of the exciter has been
for them. Personally, we think you will lowered, thereby reducing the strength of
get cheaper and better service from ad- the alternator's field, which in turn lowers
Upon electricalap-
vertising patent attorneys than from those the voltage of the machine itself. As a
pliances are in de-

PATENTS! are writing for patents

secured through me.
mand ; manufacturers who do not advertise, for the simple rea-
son, that the former do a larger business
result we have the voltage of the high
tension line lowered to such a point that
Send sketch or model for advice; I assist you market and consequently can work cheaper. The we are sending current directly into the
your invention. Prompt personal service. Booklet and
advice free. quality of a patent obtained certainly does Merwin service lines without any inter-
VV1 Y 740D vening step-down transformer. A very
I - Woodward Bldg.
D. C
not make a lot of difference whether it is
turned out by an advertising attorney or cleverand simple expedient, which will
work until the transformers arrive. And
by one that does not advertise.
The editor, who is the owner of some so I congratulate the man who suggested
Get up-to-date inHouse Wir- eighteen patents, might state that nearly it Mr. Peter Fo
to me,
ing Save Time, Money.
all of these were obtained from advertis- "No, you don't. Not me," Pete inter-

Labor and Material. by usinor

our 98 Genuine Blue Print rupted, as Mr. Robertson turned to him.
Drawings, containing all the ing patent attorneys.
latest diagri andc
and connection UD-to-the-
__ house wiring---every diagram

d by first class electricians for

"Here's the boy you want to thank. He
wirinK Bells. Burglar Alarms. Lights, Annunciators. Fire larms saved your plant and not me," and he
ami Electric (.as LIGHTING. These drawing are bound in the form of
a flexible book <9xl2i for convenience in using on the job. Send for
them, and if they don't make you more efficient as a wireman and save
TOY ELECTRIC HAMMER. pushed forward Joe Benson from the shel-
vi m many times their coat as a contractor, return them and money
will be refunded —
you can't afford to be without them. One Dollar
(159) R. DeWitt Dufneld,_ Van Wert, ter of the post where he had been standing.

PATENT SPECIALTY COMPANY Ohio, has submitted to us a simple design "He told me about this trick and asked
462 Sanchez Street San Francisco, Cal. of a toy electric hammer and wants to me to tell you. So just give him the thanks
know if such an article is on the market and the reward," Pete went on, eyeing in
already and if it is worth while patenting. triumph the astonished faces of the group
SMALL ENGINES Ans. This indeed is a very excellent
idea and one of the best schemes for a
about him.
"It wasn't much. Any electrical man
Perfected Gasoline Engines
h.p-— for Farm and Shop
— H. 1 an d
use. Price cheap electric toy that we have seen late- could have thought of it," Joe said mod-
$19.50 and up. Also ly. While there is 11.. tiling particularly new estly, blushing happily in sudden confusion.
WASHING MACHINES in the principle, we are certain that a "And anyhow I couldn't have done it, if
We Send
patent may be obtained on the construc-
ship on trial. for Booklet and Special Offer
Pete hadn't showed me things so well the
Sieverkropp Engine Co., 1401 19th Street
tion of same. day I was here looking around."
.Wis. Starter for Ford Cars htr correspondent also submits to us a
"Yes, that was the day he was in the
sketch of an electrolytic interrupter on
way," Pete said, with a significant glance
scientific stunts galore which he desires our advice. toward Mr. Robertson.
\ are fully Illustrated in Edelman's 256-page book Ans. Nothing new is shown in this de-
"EXPERIMENTS." $1.50 and 2 lbs. postage. sign, and similar interrupters are in use But the chief had recovered from his
I Qts : Research, Invention, Private Labora- surprise and had stept forward to the blind
tory, etc < 'frcular Free. all over the world and a patent can cer-
P. E. EDELMAN, Pub.. 1802 Hague Ave., St. Paul, Minn. tainly not be obtained on this device. (Continued on page 152)
You benefit by mentioning "The Electrical Experimenter" -when writing to advertisers.

8c in

then have everything in wireless and electrical supplies worth while at

prices that mean a substantial saving to you. Our catalog is recognized by

all experienced and advanced amateurs as the Beacon Light on what to buy.
Ask your wireless friends. Great cost of catalog and low prices prohibit
distribution unless upon receipt of 8 cents, which you may deduct on first
dollar purchase.

TUNER FOR I.ON(; WAV I- IINCTMN ductance of the winding la varied bj ;v is 8

This tuner la designed especially foi ail Bllders being eliminated., 1 In i ctlve tuning. Tin*
net ins
i'.from the lonj wave length un- rai led In steps of two turn- each and U i
damped transmuting BtaUons In this country ondarj is c i a L5-polnt tube,
ami European countries Stations in Germany giving vers close tuning. finished In a
and si] Impoi tant lovermn< m stattoni usp
rhe advantages ol vertical monntine -.iid rubbed mahogany finish. All
apparatus obvious and Inspection ol the cut will parts nk-kel plated ah connections are
This tuner Is of thi .ill that this is the ideal construction, mourn- :

iimi finish throughout It I The Instrument occupies l Inches squar

* i This instrument is in a class by
length! rrom 2, I 16,000 meters
to on the ('limiting table, while the old style Were
The windings are of Silk Covered Wire, ma- n Quires three feet. tive merits and advantages of all
chine winmti mi stihsiiiiitial unshrinkable The secondary is counterbalancecd and the . (50.00 would not
tubes. The primary tune is s in \ touch of s finger moves it to anj position. blbltlve pri< e to -J; for tliis Instru
The secondary tubo Is 7 in. I 12 In. The in- When raised tu its extreme height the coup- No. A 1 776 Tuner $27.50
Shippitig Wvight 30 lbs.

THE WILLIAM B. DUCK CO., 230-232 superior St., Toledo, OHIO

WIRELESS RECRUITS NEEDED directing the Armies and Navies in this great World War
The work of
is being done by Wireless. The Wireless Operator is absolutely indispensable
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Wireless Sections are now one of the largest and most important factors in
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Vessels need Operators.
To meet this demand the Xational Radio School will open a Special 8
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begin in June. Price $60 in advance or $66 on the installment plan. Men
and women are in demand for this Service.
The School is located in the Heart of the Xational Capital where one may
feel in close touch with the needs of Our Country at this Crisis. Several
of our students have just passed the Tests for the Navy and are now in
service at the large Arlington Wireless Station. Our Correspondence
Courses have helped many, who could not attend our school, to get a Com-
mercial License. Enroll now in one of our Courses so you may be prepared
to serve when the call comes. Send stamp for catalog which gives full
14th and U Streets, N. W. WASHINGTON, D. C.


We have been telling you for years of the merits of THE OMNIGRAPH
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graph, connected with a wireless Buzzer, will send you unlimited Continental
messages at any speed and at any time.
Now that your wireless outfit is temporarily abandoned, you MUST keep
up your code practice, and you surely need an OMNIGRAPH.
If you are already an operator, it will increase your speed and make you
a better one. If you are only a beginner, it will make you an operator in the
shortest, easiest and least expensive way.
In addition there is nothing to compare with THE OMNIGRAPH for
quickly learning the Morse Code or for practice with the Morse Light.
THE OMNIGRAPH has been adopted by the U. S. Government and lead-
ing Universities, Colleges and Telegraph Schools. Send for free Catalog
showing four models ranging in price from $2.50 to $18.00, or order direct
from your favorite Electrical House. THE OMNIGRAPH is sold under the
guarantee if not as represented, your money back for the asking.
This cut shows an Omnigraph aluminum disc
with message milled around the edge. It is

THE OMNIGRAPH MFG. CO. 41 Cortland St., N. Y. only one of hundreds of different styles of
discs we make.

mentioning "The Electrical Experimenter" when writing to advert


JOE'S EXPERIMENT. tremely pronounced. The machine has the

added advantage that there is no trouble-
{Continued from page 150)
some spark gap to adjust, the strength of
boy, before the circle of directors could the current being regulated by a many-
close in on him. stept rheostat in the primary transformer
"Shake," he cried, gripping his hand. circuit.
"Any boy who can think of a thing like Much has been done in adapting high-
that deserves a chance to learn more, frequency currents to the treatment of
whether he can see or not. So if the com- disease, but much remains 3'et to be done
pany doesn't out of gratitude, I'll see to before we shall be able to avail ourselves
it myself that you go to the best technical
of the wonderful healing and vitalizing
school in the country.'' powers which these currents undoubtedly
possess. The writer hopes to be able to
ELECTRICITY AND LIFE. continue his studies along this line, be-
(Continued from page 105) lieving that when we can scientifically apply
to our patients pure undamped waves of
culosis and other pulmonary troubles often definite form, frequency, amperage and
yield to the "effleuve" treatment. voltage, we will obtain results far surpassing
3. Perhaps the most remarkable therau- anything that we have dreamed of up to
the present time, and that in the future
peutic effect of heavy high-frequency cur-
rents is their power to liberate heat in the the scientific use of high-frequency cur-
For this purpose the rents will become the greatest method ever
tissues of the body.
so-called "D'Arsonval current" is used. discovered for the healing of disease, the
This is a secondary current of .high promotion of health and the maintenance
amperage derived from the heavy coil of of a "More Abundant Life!"
copper strip shown in Fig. 6. The lower
BEFORE they .started to coast terminal of this coil is connected with the
this hill they knew from past condenser pad on which the patient is EXPERIMENTAL PHYSICS.
experience that they were taking seated the tubular metal electrode is held
(Continued from page 106)
no chances— they knew that they in both hands and connected thru a Milli-
could rely absolutely upon, the pow- amperemeter with the upper turns of the . goes out solidly, so that now our siphon
erful grip of the famous coil. The clip is moved to different turns has its "arms" filled and acts the same as
as in wireless tuning, until the meter shows the ordinary siphon.
the highest reading for a given amount of
exciting current. The patient's circuit is EXPERIMENT 28— The following is an
in thi:T way tuned in perfect resonance interesting and amusing experiment. It can
with the primary oscillations. After a few be made to appear mysterious, and
is im-
moments the patient's wrists become hot, portant because in it lies the principle of
DUPLEX COASTER BRAKE the heat rapidly extending up the arms and
the submarine. In Fig. 24-A, 3 is a jar or
other cylindrical glass vessel about two-
into the body until profuse perspiration
Ordinarily we do not carry thirds full of water. 2, is a small, light
There can be no improvement on is produced.
glass bottle, or better, a small glass vial.
this brake. It is powerful, it is dura- the treatment as far as this: the safe
1, is a piece of sheet rubber stretched over
ble, it is simple, it is reliable. dose for an average patient being not
over 700 milliamperes for twenty minutes. the top of the jar. Before placing 1 in
With a Corbin Duplex on your hub you position, vial 2 is partly filled with water
are in a position to handle quickly and con- This is "D'Arsonval Autocondensation",
yinumlv any situation that might arise on and is applied with great benefit to patients and inverted so that it just floats upright.
road or street. Elbow turns, dizzy hills suffering with Arteriosclerosis ("harden-
On pushing down on the sheet rubber the
and traffic laden thoroughfares present not vial (Cartesian diver) sinks and on releas-
the slichtest difficulty. It gives you com- ing of the arteries"), and in a variety of
plete mastery over your bicycle, a freedom other diseased conditions involving mal- ing it rises again. When we push down
ami control that doubles the pleasures and nutrition. on the sheet rubber, we compress the air
possibilities of riding. It has no equal.
in the jar and hence it forces more water
"Corbin Control Means Safety Assured" 4. In diseases in which we wish to in-
Since it was originally ad-
into the vial.
Sold and equipped by all
duce a regenerative inflammation, promote justed so that it just floated, the addition of
Specify it.
Catalog on request. circulation and absorption, and increase cell
dealers. more water into the vial makes it heavier
activity, the method known as '•Diathermie"
Instead of the hand electrode
and hence it sinks. On releasing the sheet
is emploved.
THE CORBIN SCREW CORPORATION rubber the pressure in the jar becomes nor-
The American Hardware Corp* Successor
and condenser-pad the D'Arsonval current
is applied thru two small sheets of block-
mal again, and hence the pressure in the
216 High Street, New Britain, Conn.
2x4 These are applied vial causes the excess water to come out
Branches: New York Chicago Philadelphia tin about inches.
to the skin on either side of the affected and the vial returns to its original position.
Makers of CoTOin-Broirn Speedometers
part and a current employed which gives Fig. 24-B, shows a more mystifying form
the patient a decided sensation of penetrat- of the same experiment. 3, is a Florence
ing heat. Average treatments use from flask, while 2, is the same vial adjusted
1000 to 1600 milliamperes. In treating con- exactly as in Fig. 24-A. 1, is an ordinary

sumption (pulmonary tuberculosis) one cork stopper. After the vial is adjusted,
electrode is placed on the back and the the stopper is put in carefully. (It may be
other on the chest over the affected lung. necessary to adjust the vial so that it floats
One Tuberculosis Hospital in which this almost upright so that on pushing in the
treatment was given daily to a number
stopper, a little more water enters the vial
of patients reported 85 per cent of cures'
The author is working on an apparatus and it just floats upright.) On holding the
make possible the use of Dia- flask in the hand it is found that one can.
which will
thermic treatment in the homes of patients by squeezing it, compress the air and make
suffering from this disease. the diver perform. Thus one can make the
Convert Your Bicycle Into diver obey one's command to rise or sink,
For office use and for the Electro-medi-
a Motorcycle cal specialist ("Electrotherapeutist") the without the audience perceiving the cause.
writer has recently designed an apparatus Obviously a thin flask which will yield to
Motor fits any wheel. Best,
most reliable. Best hill climber. More from which remarkable results are being squeezing is necessary for this experiment
STEFFEYS tn use than all others. A fine
motor for running small Dynamos, Lathes and obtained Fig. 6).
(see The Tesla and and the ordinary Florence flask answers
the purpose very well. The real submarine
email .-.lii'iis Motors only as low as S16.95. coils are excited by a wireless
Sleffey Mlg. Co., 5025 W. Brown St., Phila, Pa. transmitting set of the well-known "Hy- boat is so constructed that no water can
tone" tvpe. The rotary quenched gap with enter it, even if it is wholly submerged, ex-
its exceedingly high-spark frequency
cept at the will of the occupants. It is
MOTORCYCLES duces an almost sustained wave in the able to float like any other ship just as
and BICYCLES at cut prices. High-frequency coils. Both for the Tesla
and twins $2o To $100.
SlDg.es vial can float. If the occupants wish the
New Motorcycle Tires $3. and D'Arsonval treatment the writer be-
Automobile Tires S3. Best boat to submerge, water is allowed to enter
this apparatus superior to any that weight
Motorcycle Belts $5. Carbur-
into special compartments until the
etors $6. Spark coils J6. S*corj«i- he has used up to the present time. The
Tandems New
of the boat slightlv exceeds the weight of
bandBicyclea *&. $15. Bicycles at Factory Prices.
Denlnger, The Price Cutter, Rochester, Mew York vitalizing and exhilarating effects are ex-

Experimenter" when writing to advertisers.

You benefit by mentioning 'The Electrical


the water it displaces. When they wish Machine Shop (bench work).
to rise again, some of this water is forced Magnetism and E lei tricity.
out. Alternating Currents.
are all familiar A. C. and D. C. Instruments.
with the fact that objects weigh less in liatteries.
water than in air and that some things Motors and Motor Control.
float in water. No one who has ever taken kadi' i I 'i .« er ' Circuits.
,i bath has failed to notice this, and as a Primary Circuits
matter <>f fact the great Archimedes, who Sei ondary Circuits.
first formulated the- law oj bu
noticed the buoyant effect of water while
taking Ins daily or yearly bath (I do not
know which). If a block of wood, a piece
of stone or marble, or a brick and a piece
of cork of the same size and shape are
weighed in air, they are found to have
first Condensers and Oscillating Currents.
Radiating Currents.
Transmitting Sets.
Recen ing
Receiving Sets.

Service Radio Sets and Rom

Wave Meters and Measuremi
'it cuits. ^i

fallacy of "doping
Advanced Science
the day of druglesa healing! The
and dosing" has been ex-
Science has triumphed again! Treat-
of Spinal Adjustment

different weights. If then each is weighed Radio Regulations and Fleet Work. ment by spinal adjustment is the thing of the hour!
You can now become a Doc-tor of Chiroprac-
in water (see Fig. 25-A) they are again Radio License Booth. tic through home study during spare time!
found to weigh differently but they all Review and Examination. You can know wealth, honor, prestige and
To the above course is added several position! Makes no difference where you live
weigh less, and as a matter of fact it is or what you do— you can qualify easily, rapid-
noticed that the LOSS IN WEIGHT
is in weeks of practical work and special details. ly for this great profession.
each case the same, except in the case ol Students enter the Electrical School at any
the cork which floats and does not weigh time and commence the course on the
Earn $3,000 to $5,000 a Year
Many of our graduates earn much more—some op-
anything. If next we fill a can until it Monday following their date of entrance. wards of a year. Dr. M. D. Moore, oi Ken-
tucky, reports an income of $9,000 a year. Dr. L. H.
nearly overflows and immerse one of our Each week corresponds to a class or grade Roche, New Jersey, $5,500. Dr. Hanna. Florida, over
objects (except the cork) in it, and catch and shows the subject which the student $5,000 yearly. We could name hundreds of more who
are making big incomes. See the facts in our Free
tin- overflow water in another can and is studying, and the lapse of time since Book. It'B only a question of preparation on your
subtracting the weight of the entrance to the school. part, to enter a profession that is paying others
weigh it (
$3,000 to $5,000 or more a year. Think whatitwould
can), we find that 111,' weight of the water The first eight weeks of the radio course mean to you to have this money rolling in and to be
your own boss with your own office and your own
displaced is equal t<> the weight Inst when are devoted to subjects pertaining chiefly hours. Truly this is a glorious chance for youl
tin- bodies were immersed in the first part to general electricity and serve as the
of the experiment. In Fig. 25-1'.. abed,
represents the cross-section of the body
ground work for the study of radio. Text
books used in the first eight weeks are 20 LESSONS FREE
used. The pressure at ad, is equal to the "Swoope's Lessons in Practical Electricity" Also $15 Set o! 8 Anatomical Charts and
weight of the column, eoad. The pressure and "Enllard's Naval Electricians' Text $16.50 Set of Nerve and Pain Area Charts
ai cb, is equal to the weight of the column, Book." Yes, free to you without a cent, now or later. As
ceob. Tin' difference between the two is Both the Continental and Morse codes an extra inducement to secure quick action, we will
give absolutely free, our big, 6i-page book; a $15 set
the resulting buoyant force at cb, and is are taught. Two operating tables, each of 8 Anatomical Charts, beautifully lithographed in
lifelike colors, and alsoa complete Bet of Nerve and
equal to the weight of a column of water with a capacity of twenty men, are fitted Pain Area Charts, regular value $16.50.
adeb, which of course is the amount of with head 'phones, sounders, and trans- Our Lessons Teach You How to Make
water displaced. The cork being lighter mitting keys. The instructors are Chief Spinal Adjustments For Speedy Relief of
than water, if it were immersed the buoy- Radio Electricians. Each instructor is as- Headache Neuralgia Constipation Pleurisy
ant force would he greater than its weight signed an operating desk having control Indigestion
Neuritis Dyspepsia
Catarrh Asthma,
and therefore it is forced to the surface. over a certain number of tables. The stu- Epilepsy Fevers Paralysis Etc.
Hence the cork will sink only until enough dents are assigned to tables according to
water is displaced so that the buoyant force skill in receiving and are advanced to
Learn at Home In Spare Time
Wetrainyoubymail. We make everythingso clear, so
equals its weight, i.e.. only fart of it will faster tables whenever necessary. Final simple, so easy to understand that you can't help but
learn. Give us a portion of your spare time, and we
sink. The ordinary ship floats because it is examinations are held after the comple- will soon have you a Doctor of Chiropractic, ready to
constructed so that if it were immersed, tion of the twenty-second week. The av- step out and take a position of prestige in the world.
a f*rj* %T^^TITI Why slave your life away
the buoyant force would be greater than
its erage operating ability of the students
completing the course is 25 words per
*»^* * 11 IN I J VW
' in work that you don't like
WW. - W ork thatdoesn't fit with
your ambition? Here's the chance you've been look-
(To be continued) minute. A
great many of the students, ing for. Here'B the opportunity your ambition bas
been yearning for! Write today and Bee the suc-
however, approach a speed of 30 words cess that is awaiting you as a Doctor of Chiroprac-
THE NAVAL RADIO OPERATOR. per minute. tic Act now. Don't delay.
It is believed that men completing the Manterre Building Dept. g©^ Chicago, HI.
(Continued from page 109)
radio course at the Electrical Class suc-
Members the Electrical Class are
cessfully have obtained an excellent gen-
quartered on the receiving ship at either
eral knowledge of radio and have fitted
Mare Island, or New York. The school themselves for rapid and sure promotion

buildings are situated in the Navy Yard. Physical Perfection at-
in this branch of the Naval service. tracts men and women, for
Outside of the regular school hours a we all admire a well-de-
course of instruction is contemplated veloped person. Have
you noticed that it is the
whereby they will be instructed in the regu-
lar duties of a man-o'-war's-man; this is

chesty fellow whogetsthc

Infact he seems
necessary, as every man aboard ship, irre-
APPARATUS. best job?
togctahcad in every way.
(Continued from fage 113) I mil give you a straight
spective of rating, is a member of a mili-
back, a full chest and an
tary organization. Shore leave is granted chanical pressure can be exerted axially clastic stride, three of the
in accordance with the regular Navy cus- upon them, in order to make the gaps thoro- best signs of vigor; be-
sides, I guarantee to in-
tom, usually from 4:30 p. m. to 7:30 a. m. ly air tight. For outputs above one-half .
iut weight 10 to
every other day. Leave of absence is K.W., the gap often becomes unduly heated, 30 lbs., by buik
granted after completion of course. and it is common practise to place a small up scientiBcally, ratur-
ally, without apparatusor
The course at the Electrical School com- motor-driven blower or fan beside the gap, drugs, in the privacy ol
prises twenty-two weeks of advance work in order to cool it by carrying off heat from your own room. Write today for information.
and three weeks of examination. The the cooling flanges. EDWARD J. RYAN, Martin Bldg., Uticn, N.Y.
schedule of marking is based on 4 as per- At Fig. 4, we have what as a is known
fect and a final average of 2.8 is neces-
rotary-quenched spark gap. This particular
sary in order to obtain the rating of elec-
design of gap has met with considerable
trician upon graduation. Each man is favor, especially for small radio transmit-
assigned a mark upon daily oral recitations
ters, of from one-quarter to several kilo-
and weekly written examinations. The watts output. This gap possesses the dis- big pay In short hour-.
final examination is in writing. In the
radio course the greatest emphasis is placed
tinct and remarkable quality of producing TRAFFIC INSPECTOR I"
a high-tone in the telephones at the receiv- We train you in '•
to J months f™*1
upon the ability to send and receive the
ing station, even tho it is used on a low
to till tins rtesirahli.' position *-rw^B^l*Jgg
Morse and Continental codes, also radio Learn railroading fi — '-'

frequency or 60 cycle transformer at the experienco of travel ^^jr^ V^f.

-^^- ^^
regulations. InfluenUaJ men gel In
transmitting station. r sure promotion. Every r 8. railroad and
capable traffic men
OUTLINE OF THE RADIO COURSE. In the first place, this gap operates with bio positions.

a remarkably small clearance between its j ,,M the


Today writ.- f.r | f U information.

I U»ra how
The our employment bureau hclpa Kr».1u*tf« to trood position*.
outline of the radio course is as two semi-circular fixl spark electrodes and
follows its rotary electrode, or having « gap about

entioning "The Electrical Experimenter" when writing to advertisers.

— :


three-thousandths of an inch in length. to have the sparking distances constant and


The gap operates in an air-tight chamber
formed by a heavy metallic casting, which
carries suitable cooling vanes, and besides
similar. A
typical gap of this class has the
sparking surfaces and the copper on both
stationary and rotary elements milled with
"THAT'S which there are provided a number of aux- thirty-six radial slots, so that when rotated
iliary cooling vanes as shown in Fig. 4, at by a small motor at 1,800 R.P.M., the re-
1 Standard and Special Shapes, Regardless
of How
We Illustrate one hard

shape we make.
the rear of the gap. Being air-tight at the
start, this gap operates in the same manner
as the design shown in Fig. 3, known as
sultant tone corresponds to that of a 540-
cycle alternator. It is necessary that the
width of the spark segments are so propor-
A pair of rolls 7H" long and 1^" in the Telefunken gap. To obtain a high tioned that sparks will occur during not
diameter with 8t»oles on ends and middle.
They must be perfectly straight and we spark note with the rotary quenched gap of more than one-half of the total time, as
make them so. It's hard but not for us. Fig. 4, the two fixt and also the rotary elec- otherwise the telephone diafram at the re-
We can make your difficult! designs also. trodes have their faces accurately machined ceiving station is retarded in its excursion
Send US blue print for quotations.
or milled-out at equal distances, resulting away from the magnet, thereby resulting-
in a number of teeth, between which the in a decrease in the sound intensity.
Union Electrical Porcelain Works ]Tlw3f interested in this spark gap "ci'i
spark occurs. These gaps have to be built
3 TRENTON, N. J. very accurately of course, as the gap itself
measures about .003 inch, and it is desirable
do li'fl/ to look up the matter in the excel-
lent paper by Mr. Melville East ham, entitled
"The High Tone Radio Telegraph Trans-
mitter" in the December, 1914. issue of the
proceedings of the Institute of Radio En-
gineers. —
Editorial Note.]
Be Prepared. Chemists Are More in
Afford Not To Know About The AND EXPERIMENTS.
Wonderful Science of Chemistry, {Continued from page 117)
Send for Chemcraft. it is just what you need start
to so rapid that it will not produce an audible
ymir chemical laboratory. You will learn thousands of
sound in the receivers, so that the discharge
valuable and interesting things, besides having all kinds
of fun. of an Oudin coil cannot be used for the
PRICE $1.50,
transmission of wireless messages, altho
tains fourteen chemicals. Test Tubes, Glass tube. Measure, who can say, if it is properly conducted to
etc., and a valuable instruction book telling how to work
36 wonderful experiments in Chemistry and Chemical Magic. the aerial, that it does not travel as far or
CHEMCRAFT NO. 3. PRICE S5.50. DELIVERED EAST farther, than an undamped wave.
OF THE MISSISSIPPI. WEST OF THE MISSISSIPPI It is very probable that high frequency
OR TO CANADA. $6.00. Contains 4S chemicals and lots
of extra apparatus, such as a Blow-pipe, Test Tube Holder, current of a periodicity which is not de-
Test Tube Brush, Alcohol Lamp, etc.. in addition to the
apparatus contained in the other outfits. With Chemcraft tected by the senses, will play an important
No. 3 you can work more than 200 fascinating experiments. part in radio thought transmission.
This picture shows Chemcraft No. 2. which con-
CHEMICALS AND APPARATUS FOR THE EXPERI- If experimenters will build apparatus,
MENTER. We have just completed a price list of chemi-
tains 32 chemicals with complete apparatus and nid apparatus for experimenters. Send 10c in coin similar to that described, they will never re-
Instructions for working 85 experiments In Chem- or stamps for a copy of this list- It will be valuable to you.
istry and Chemical Magic. Price, postage paid. gret the little amount of time required for
$2.50. West of the Mississippi and to Canada. $3.00.
Dealers: Write for Discounts on the Chemcraft
THE PORTER CHEMICAL CO. its construction.
Line. Dept. B- Hagerstown, Md.
{Continued from page 127)
be a closet, or some place else for
left in

STORAGE BATTERIES FOR ALL PURPOSES a week, or until the water has disappeared.
The reaction for this experiment is
8HNO3 = 3Cu[NO s ] 2

Better Batteries for Less Money 3Cu
Nitric Copper
4- 4H.O
+ 2NO
Acid Nit rat Monoxid
Backed by An Exceptional

The Mark-o'Quality
;*> G« Quality
Put 5 or 10 grams of marble chips into

8*° a wide test tube and add about 10 cc. of

dilute Xitric acid. [HXOa] [half acid and

half water]. Apply the splint test by ap-
plying a lighted splint to the mouth of the

«l V* FOR EACH MAKE OF AUTOMOBILE test tube, after the action has progrest for
a short time. After the action has stopt,
PAULM.MARKO & CO., Inc., 1191 Bedford Aft., Brooklyn. N.Y. N. Y. Depot—974 8th A*e., N. Y. City and if not clear, filter, and evaporate most
of it.

Factory Rebuilt, Like New, at $65.00

The word "rebuilt" has been abused and misused until it has become a meaningl
trade term.
When we rebuild a Fox Typewriter we take it alt to pieces, re-nickel the nickel
parts, re-enamel the frame and replace all worn parts with new ones. The same

s men who originally built the typewriter do this rebuilding and do the work
just as good.

50% New Parts and Three Years* Guarantee

We offer a rebuilt Fox Typewriter. Model No. 24 — Just like new — for $85.00. These
have standard carriages, taking paper 10 *A inches wide, any kind of keyboard,
any kind of type, rubber, covers, tabulators, back spacers, two-color ribbons, com-
plete with Instruction books and cleaning outfits, and are guaranteed for 3
years, the same as new ones, and have not less than 40% of new parts.
Send any amount you ran spare, from $5 up, as a first payment, arid par the balance
JS-OO monthly. 5*& discount for all cash, Purchaser must pay transportation.
Ot in. ire is sen I with order we will include FREE a verv fine Metal Case. In
Mition to the rubber cover, together with a hieh-cla<^ bran padlock for locking case when tvpe-
! not in use Please order direct from this offer and inclose any amount you can
ire and mention The Electrical ¥.\
spare $5.00
r June :

Experimenter" when writing advertisers.
You benefit h\< m Electrical to
— — !


KXPI MM I I. XT NO. 62— chloric acid will act. The carbonat

I 'mi 2 or 3 grams of Ferrcus sulfid I
aCOs, limestone, or marhlcj, is plenti-

[FeS] in a test tube and cover it with ful, and hydrochloric acid attacks it with

water, open window,

i'l.uc this near an great vigor. The reaction would he:
or in a place where a draft of air can be I aCO, + 21li l
CaCl n < >

created to carry away the escaping fumes.

I alcium Hydroi hloric I alcium Watei
n.,1 Acid CI
Add 5 cc. of Hydrochloric acid |ili'll II. nil. I

[keeping in a draft of air | . Winn the Or Marble]

action stops, filter and evaporate. Equa- Insoluble substances, salts and bases, are
tion :
prepared in, the laboratory almost wholly
FeS + 2HC1 FeClj + IIS by one process, Precipitation. An insoluble
I .us Hydrochloric Ferrous Hydrogen salt or base may he made by mixing two
Sulfid Acid Chlorid Sulfid solutions, one of which contains a com-
EXPERIMENT XO. 63— pound of the metal, the other a compound
Put ID grams of line salt [Sodium oi the non-metallic part of tin- insoluble
salt, which will appear in the mixture as
Chlorid] [NaCl] in a large test tube, and
add Hi cc. of concentrated Sulfuric acid a precipitat. Lead sulfat [PbSCh] is made
Don'l villi a small, underpaid job all
[HaSOi]. tarry on this experiment near by pouring a solution of lead nitrat <>W to Get the Big Job
l'b| XO.|...| upon a solution of Sodium Meter Englni The profession
a window or where a draft of air can
-i 1
trie Light a
— thousands

be created. Heal the solution oxer a I'.nu- sulfat |Xa,SO,l . Plants need men ol them .it hbch salaries.
We have trained bin
sen burner very cautiously, and moderately. PbfNOj], 4- NajSOj PbSO< 2NaNOa 1"

Alter the action has progrest for 5 or 10 Lead Nitrat Sodium Sulfate Lead Sulfate Sodium ifltable employment all the fear rutin d.
Lprecipitatsj Nitrat You Can Qualify. Write today
minutes let the tube cool, then pour in 15 EARN $1200 to Special
Acids arc usually made by acting with
or 2ll cc. of water, to dilute or dissolve the
a less volatile acid, as Sulfuric acid
$3000 A YEAR 1
If the liquid is not clear, filter

and evaporate the liltrat [the liquid [H«SO«], on a salt of the acid required. 1

it, and ex-

We have seen that salts can he made by

.v. is the supply many ien to start

which passes thru the filter paper].

If 1
the union of an acid and a base, and we ult, big .

concentrated sulfuric acid is present, it will being offered for cod rig, right away.

destroy the filter paper.

now learn that an acid can be obtained 11.. 11. Dm Writ- for full par-
from representative salt.
its Sulfuric acid state in the union are hold- _ticular)!
Ing responsible positions and earning $1200 to $3000
Equatioii : a
is generally used, for making acid, he- ai i ou can do the same. Bend your nan

2NaCl 4- II-..SO, Na~SO, + 2110 cause it is one of the less volatile acids,
addresf for tuli particulars —FREE
inn Sulfuric Sodium Hydrochloric WRITE TODAY FOR FREE LITERATURE
t'hluri.l Acid Sulfate Acid and thus it readily parts with its hydro- Just your name
address on i posl card and Is
gen and takes a metal in its place. A enough. We will Bend you absolutel) I

Soluble and Insoluble Substances. naul, complete Information on Electrical Met

salt of the acid desired must be put with gineering and full details of the special scbi I

All the ci .union acids arc soluble. Some offer we an- now making. Write now
the sulfuric acid for example, if Hydro- ; Tins offer Is Limited.

of the bases are soluble, some insoluble. chloric acid [HO] is wanted, Sodium FORT WAYNE CORRESPONDENCESCHOOL
An insoluble substance is one which does chlorid [NaCl] or some chlorid is used. Dept. A -244 Fort Wayne, Jndi<
not dissolve, or which dissolves very slightly If Xitric acid [HXOi] some nitrat, as Po-
in water. Besides water there are many tassium Nitrat [KNO.iJ, should be used.
other solvents, as, alcohol, chloroform, Soluble bases, especially the alkalis, may
ether, carbon disulfid, and the various be made by acting with calcium hydroxid
alkalis, and acids, and unless a certain sol- on certain salts of the base required.
vent is mentioned, water is the one re- Other bases, for example Sodium or Potas-
ferred to. To he able to distil fuish clearly
between soluble and insoluble substances,
is the basis of chemical analysis.
sium Hydroxid, may be used in place of
Calcium hydroxid. Ammonium hydroxid
[NH.OH] is prepared from a salt of
Soluble salts, are usually prepared by Ammonium, as, Ammonium Chlorid
[1] neutralization, as in experiments 54, 55 Ammonium Nitrat [XH,N0 ],
[NH..C1], 3

and 56; [2] by the action of an acid on Ammonium Sulfat [NH.J-SO., etc., by
a metal, as in experiments 58, 59 and heating it with a mixture of calcium hy-
60; [3] by the action of an acid on a salt, droxid [Ca[OH] 2 ] [slaked lime].
as in experiments 61, 62, 63. 2NH 4 C1 4- Ca[OH],. =
CaCL. 4- 2NH.OH
In experiments 54, 55 and 56, we pre- Ammonium Calcium Calcium Ammonium
pared a soluble .salt by Neutralization. Chlorid Hydroxid Chlorid Hydroxid
[Slaked lime]
Upon making a mixture of the acid and
base [in solution) a reaction took place Sodium hydroxid is made from Sodium
Carbonat [Na-COa] and Calcium Hydroxid.
and a salt was formed. As a salt usually
gives a neutral reaction, a point is reached, Insoluble bases are made by mixing two
solutions, one of which contains a base
in the mixing, if it is done very care-
fully, at which the whole mixture was
and the other a compound of the metal YOU CANNOT SUCCESSFULLY
neutral to litmus. If the solvent water of base required.
was evaporated at this point, the salt [Fe[OH] 2 ] can be prepared by adding So- COMPLETE SET. SHOWN ABOVE. FOR
should he obtained as a solid, which in dium hydroxid solution to a solution of
some cases may break up owing to ex- Ferric chlorid [FeClj]. Any other soluble
ferric [but not ferrous] salt would do as
cessive heat.
In experiments 58, 59 and 60, we pre- well, and any other soluble hydroxid. PENSEE ASSOCIATED LABORATORIES
pared a soluble salt by dissolving a metal Ferrous hydroxid [Fe[OH*] s ] requires a 1221 FIRST ST EVANSVILLE, INDIANA
by an acid. The result which we obtained soluble ferrous [not ferric] salt.
is called a chemical solution and consists
of two stages; [1| the metal combined
In Experiment
S [August, 1916, issue of
Cents Day
with the negative part of the acid, and Par* for Thi »

The Elicctrical Experimenter] we illus- An astounding; offerl <$n|y

formed a salt; [2] the salt dissolved in Jay boy* U-ia iapari) Tni-lo Silver

the liquid, the larger part of which is trated Solution by experiment. We found » j
Oom.t. Fr*o Trial before you
W rite for bur.
decide to buy. v> bur oiler.

water. Thus it is clear why a salt which that by dissolving the sugar in water, we WURUTzEP. big
Free Band Catalog J™;
formed a Solution. Sugar is said to he Band 2&0-p«,g«j Catalog. Bock-bottom
is insoluble in water is not usually made airect-lrom-nxAinit&sturnr'a prieia on all
kinds of itiBtnimt/ntd. t>ay at rate of a few
in this manner. Soluble in water, and the water is termed Carrying Caie Free cente a dny. Gcnerove allowance for eld

In experiments 61, 62 and 63, we made the Solvent. The sugar is the Solute. A with this Buperb
triple silver plated
Initrumanta. r rro trio).
I wTnment. Write todav
au D ply the
The Rudoloh Wurlltxvr Co.. D.pt
substance is said to he in solution in a Lyric Comet, £ -744
a soluble salt by the action of an acid 4th SI .Clnclnnatt.O. S.Waoaati Av-Chleaao

on other salts or compounds. Metallic given liquid, when it is evenly distributed

oxids, carbonats, and sulfids are the most tlvruout the liquid in such tine division
common of these. Suppose we wish to that its particles cannot he seen, and which
in, ike some calcium chlorid [CaCls]. We do not settle or precipitate upon stand- WOULD YOU BE UP-TO-DATE?
know that it is soluble, and suppose that ing.
1 1\ .h ochloric acid |H('I| will probably dis- The most important property of water This is the Age of Electricity
solve the calcium. But we also learn that is its ability to large number
dissolve a
of substances. Liquids which do not sepa-
Read "The Electrical Experimenter"
calcium is not a common metal in the
laboratory, so we look for an inexpen- rate but form uniform mixture
a when everv month
sive compound upon which the Hydro- (Continued on page 156)
you benefit by mentioning "The Electricai Experimenter* when writing to advertisers.

brought together, such as alcohol and water, gas from a liquid in which it is either
Learn Wireless Under or glycerine and water, are said to be generated or has been held by pressure.
If a crystal of washing soda is exposed
Marconi's Chief Instructor An insoluble solid, like starch-powder to the air in a dry place, it will lose its
or can be dispersed thru water by
clay, water of crystallization and become covered
shaking, but the mixture will be Turbid with a fine powder. This is called Efflo-
Serve Your Country like muddy water. A turbid mixture of rescence. Copper Sulfat [Bluestone
in an important trained capacity. Several thousand
operators will be needed for our new njerchant marine a solid and liquid is called a Suspension. CuS0.5H;0], retains its water in ordinary
and supply snips. If preferred, men who hold com- In time the suspended matter will settle, air but in very dry air it turns white and
mercial licenses, by entering the Naval Reserve, can
enter the Electrical school of the Navy Department leaving the liquid clear. Dissolved matter Effloresces rapidly.
without enlisting for four years.
Men and Women will never settle.

SOLUBILITY FACTORS :— When saturated liquid is cooled and

will now be accepted in limited afternoon class.
h to members of any T. M. C A. most substances the solid the latter is quite
A. The licensed Employment Department
C The solubility of is de-
or T. U".
Solids likely to form crystal's, especially if the
finds temporarv dav employment for those who must cidedly affected by the temperature.
earn while learning. Beginners can be prepared for cooling is slow. Evaporating the liquid
emergency certificates (telegraphic skill only) in two are usually, but not always more soluble
months; first grade commercial licenses six months' in liquids at high than at low temperature.
from a saturated solution precipitates the
evening stu-ly. Ask for folder "B." solid, often in crystalline form. These
In Experiment 5, we found that sugar
EASTERN DISTRICT Y. M. C. A. are crystals from solution. They may also
Marcy Ave., near Broadway Brooklyn, N. Y- was more soluble in hot water than in cold.
Calcium Hydroxid, used in the preparation be obtained from Fusion, i.e.. melting a
crystalline substance and allowing it to
of limewater, is more soluble in cold water
cool slowly. Another method of obtain-
WIRELESS than in warm water.
The solubility of gases decreases as the
Ammonia and Carbon
ing crystals is to make an insoluble com-
pound in the usual way, by mixing two
for the College or Prep. School man. temperature rises.
solutions. Generally precipitates obtained
High School graduate, etc. The U. S. dioxid are less soluble in hot water than
Different sub- in this way are Amorphous or indistinctly
iv't needs you in its Xaval Reserve.
.. they are in cold water.
crystalline, as time is not given for the
Naval Militia and Signal Corps. stances vary very much in their solubility
forces of crystallization to arrange the
Attractive openings. Special three in a given solvent, and different solvents
same molecules in crystalline form. Crystals
months' Summer course starting June differ in their power to dissolve the
may also be obtained by the sublimation
25th prepares you for either Gov't or substances.
Endorsed by from a vapor. Some substances do not
Commercial Service.
U. S. Gov't and Marconi Co. Day and
SATURATION :— crystallize at all and are termed Amor-
If a small portion of salt is dissolved phous, meaning without crystalline form.
Evening classes.
in a large quantity of water, such a solu- EXPERIMENT NO. 63—
Send for special literature. The- sub-
tion is then said to be Dilute. Fill an evaporating dish half full of
EASTERN RADIO INSTITUTE stance is uniformly distributed in all parts water, heat it [using asbestos pad on tripod
899 B Boylston St. Boston of the liquid in a dilute solution, as it is or ring stand support], and add to it alum,
in one containing a much larger propor- either powdered or in small pieces, until
tion of the dissolved substance. the liquid shows a tendency to become
By slowly adding' salt to a measured thick. Stir it, and remove the flame, and
Prepare volume bf water, it can be shown that there stretch across the dish a narrow piece
To Serve Your Country as a is a limit to the quantity which the water
of calico or cotton cloth so that the middle
will dissolve. One liter of water at 20° C. portion will hang in the solution. Set
Wireless Operator will' take up any quantity of salt up to 360 aside to cool. It may be well to allow
and at the same time learn a grams, and no more. to stand a week before examining. This
VALUABLE PROFESSION At this point the solution is said to be experiment illustrates crystallization from
In this crisis the demand for competent Saturated: or in other words, the water a supersaturated solution.
operators is enotmous and very urgent. has dissolved all the salt it can under
courses in Radio Elec- given conditions. If any more salt is
Day and Evening Cautiously boil about 5 grams of copper
tricity, Radio Engineering, Radio Laboratory thrown into such a solution it will simply
Work, Codes, Traffic and Laws preparatory sulfat [CuSOt], pulverized, in 10 cc. of
fall to the bottom and form a layer which,
for License. water a test tube until it is dissolved.
Laboratory —
expert no matter how thick, does not increase the
Instruction — equipped
Dormitories — Employment. amount dissolved.
Then place the test tube in an oblique
It should
Write for catalogue position and let the liquid cool.
EXPERIMENT XO. 64— be allowed to stand for some time. The
Y. School
M. C. A. Radio New Take 100 water and saturate it
cc. of crystals obtained can be dried between
York City
It will take up 200
145 East 86th Street with sugar at 20°. filter or blotting paper and preserved.
grams. Xow heat the liquid to 100° and This experiment illustrates crystallization
dissolve more sugar in it. It would prob- from solution.
WIRELESS OPERATORS ably take up 300 grams additional, but only EXPERIMEXT XO. 67—
SEE THE WORLD add about 20 grams. Allow the liquid to Melt IS or 20 grams of brimstone (Roll
Positions always open. Good again cool to 20°. This solution must be Sulfur) in a short, wide test tube. Cover
salaries.Dayand event rig sessions- allowed to cool without any disturbance
Correspondence cou rses. Wireless its mouth now and then with cardboard
apparatus for home Use. Send and kept perfectly quiet in a clean bottle: if the sulfur should take fire. After com-
6c in stamps for catalog. the separation of the extra 20 grams of plete fusion let it stand still till it starts
PMIa School of Wireless Tele?.
sugar may not occur for a long time. to solidify on the surface then pour off
10 Parkway Bids., Philadelphia, Pa.
This liquid contains more sugar than the half of it into a dish of water and set
saturated solution contains, at the same the rest aside to cool. Examine the part
temperature, and when in such a condition
Healthy Men

iable Must be on the job every hour!
They must be dependable is said to be a Super-saturated Solution.
in the water, pulling it to note its elas-
ticity, etc. When the part left in the tube
— t A*v
of the day And every day Wo
We harp
nervous wrecks-
have nn timp for physical
no time TjhYSical
At the best they are uncer-
Drop a crystal of sugar into the above is solid, break the tube and look for crys-
tain quantities —
So say the captains of Industry everywhere super-saturated solution, and if the ex- tals.
to-day. Can you meet these rifild requirements of our mod- periment has been performed correctly, this
ern strenuous life? If not you are already
foredoomed to failure in the race. The cr\ stal will precipitate, or throw down, the
doors of opportunity are closed to you Put 3 or 4 crystals of Iodine into a
The relentless hand of unsentimental busi extra 20 grams of sugar in crystals, and Have a
wide, perfectly dry test tube.
- everywhere turned against
the saturated solution will be formed. right hand, and
S roll are the undesirable citizen. dry stirring rod in the
How About You Young Man?
haTe wrecked your future by di
DELIQUESCENCE :— with the left hand, hold the tube contain-
Potassium Carbonat is exposed to the ing the Iodine in the flame of the Bunsen

I habits, not realizing the conse- If

you know that the STRONG air, absorbs the moisture from it. be-
it burner. As soon as dense purple fumes
FORT METHODS can lift you out of th
depths and bring you back to the hloon o tines damp, and finally forms a solution. begin to rise in the tube, remove the tube
and vitality of Real Manhood and Suc- This, if substances absorb sufficient mois- from the flame, and thrust the stirring rod
cess. Tour 1. shows plain it
your face and the world loves healthy peo ture to dissolve them, or become wet, the into the tube, nearly to the bottom, be-
pie. So be Healthy— Strong Vital. That's
long; send 4 cents
— name deliquescence is applied to this be- ing careful not to touch the sides of the
living. Don't think tco
in stamp9 to covpr mailing of mv book. havior, and the substances are said to be tube with the rod. Keep it there until
"Intelligence In Physical and Health Cul-
ture." written by the strongest physical In Deliquescent. Substances which so absorb the Iodine vapor has settled, and examine
I In the world, and leam how to fit
moisture from the air are also said to be both the rod and tube by means of a lens.
to command the D6SI positions.
This experiment is the same as Experi-

Write a short history of your condition Hygroscopic.

vliH'hI will treat In the strictest confi-
dence, and advise you without charge. EFFLORESCENCE:— ment 12 [Electrical Experimenter, Sep-
LIONEL STRONGFORT This term should not be confused with tember, 1916, issue], and illustrates the for-
Physical Culture Expert
130 Park Building WFWARK. W- J | Effervescence,which is the escape of a mation of crystals by sublimation.

You benefit by mentioning "The Electrical Experimenter" when writing to advertisers.


EXPERIMENT NO. 69— Statement

Circulation, etc.,
of the
required by the Act of Con-
Ownership, Management,
Place a piece Ferrous
of Sulfat gress of August 24, 1912, of The Electrical
[FeSO«5H»0], some place where it may Experimenter, published monthly at New York,
be exposed on a piece oi paper for a week
or so, after which time examine for white
N. Y., for April 1, 1917.
"i N ew
State York, County ol ''.'. \
Before me, a .Notary Public in and for the State
powder. This experiment illustrates Efflo-
and count)

to « 1

appeared Hugo
Gernsback, who having been duly sworn according
law. id

thai i I
foi-Your Home
EXPERIMENT NO. 70— Tin Electrical Experimenter and that the following The Uni-Lcctric is a complete electric
is to the best ot his knowledge and belief, a true service station in home size. Genemt'-s
Expose a piece of Calcium Chlorid statement oi thi p, management, etc., of
standard UO-VOlt direct current. Bi^ ca-

-operates one to 50 lights, electric

|CaCl=] on a paper for a week or more. the aforesaid publication lor the date shown in '
motors up to I h. p., electric irons, electric
Note any phenomena. This illustrates the ahn\, caption, required by the Act of August vacuum cleaners, force pumps,
24, 1912, embodied in section 4*U, Postal Laws churns, separators, wanning machine*, etc.—
Deliquescence. and Regulations, to wit: 2A hours a day, everyday in tho year if you
The laws of precipitation state: wish. Uses standard lamps and fixtures, \|
1. That the names and addresses of the pub-
[1] That when two substances are mixed lisher, editor, managing editor, and business i

in solution, a new compound can be formed ager are: Publisher,

The Experimenter Publishing
233 Fulton St., New York City; Editor,
No Belts-No Batteries
that is insoluble in the solvent employed, Hugo Gernsback, 233 Fulton St., New York City.;
Our pat'-ntird, h(irh-9n«A<J, rotary alecro valve erurine
operate* tho modern, htirh'ftponl frenr-ratar with «uch
such compound will he formed and will Managing Editor, Hugo Gernsback, 2ii Fulton St., smoothness that all ntceaaUv for storage battatfea Is
appear as a precipitate. Ntu York City; Business Manager, Hugo Gerns- eliminated. Thus the renewal of batteries and batterr
Up-ltMp emit In entirely done away with. Outfit eomea la
back, 233 Fulton St., New York City.
\1\ When, on mixing different sub- one amall compact unit. PSSd* for quick Installation.
2. That the owners arc: The Experimenter Simple, dependable and economical. The entire outfit
stances, a new substance that is volative Publishing Co., Inc., 233 Fulton St., New Yurk (ruaxantaed for five years. Write today for free copy of
oar new catalog- on farm Utchtins plants.
can he produced hy the rearrangement of City; Hugo Gernsback, 233 Fulton St., New York
the atoms of the partaking substances, City; S. Gernsback, 233 Fulton St., New York
City; Mrs. K. Hymes, 233 Fulton St., New York
Waterman Motor Company J
such new substance will be produced and City; H. W. Secor, 233 Fulton St., New York City. 112 Mt Elliott Ave. Detroit, Mich. /
will appear as a gas.
3. That the known bondholders, mortgagees, V
Tht nrM) home
lighlina plant
and other security holders owning or holding 1 operate* without
EXPERIMENT NO. 71— per cent or more of total amount of bonds, mort- elornQ» batter-

Suppose we wish to prepare Silver gages, or other securities are: None.

Chlorid [AgCl], We know that this com- 4. That the two paragraphs next above, giving
the names of the owners, stockholders, and security
pound is insoluble. Therefore we must bidders, if any, contain not only the list of stock-
select a soluble salt of silver, and also In, Idei 5 .ind security holders as they appear upon
the books of the company but also, in cases where
a soluble chlorid. Silver Xitrat (AgNOa] the stockholder or security bidder appears upon
being the only soluble silver salt in com- the books of the company as trustee or in any other
mon use, we make a solution of it. We fiduciary relation, the name of the person or cor-
poration for whom such trustee is acting, is given:
may also take most any chlorid, because also that the said two paragraphs contain state-
they are mostly all soluble. Sodium ments embracing affiant's full knowledge and be-
Chlorid [common table salt] being one lief as to the circumstances and conditions under
of the cheapest, we shall use it. Take a which stockholders and security holders who do not NJ'.'l-H:H«V.eV
appear upon the books of the company as trustees,
little Sodium Chlorid and dissolve it in hold slock and securities in a capacity other than
water. Pour one of the solutions into
the tube containing the other, and the
that of a bona tide owner; and this affiant has no
reasun in believe that any other person, association,
or corporation has any interest direct or indirect cKNAPPm4.IWJIJIU.llM
precipitat of silver chlorid which we wanted in the said stock, bonds, or other securities than
is thus obtained. Save the precipitat for as so stated by him. The Big Power Motor for Boys $
5. That the average number of copies of each
the next experiment. This experiment also issue of this publication sold or distributed, through
illustrates a substance which is insoluble in the mails or otherwise, to paid subscribers during
A compact, highly
efficient reversible
water. the six months preceding the date shown above is
mot or, perfect in every
EXPERIMENT NO. 11— detail. 1 he reducing
(This information is required from daily publica- gear, easily adjusted,
Prepare some Silver Chlorid [AgGl as tions only.)
in Experiment 71. taking not over 5 cc. of H. CERNSPACK, Editor. transforms the high
each solution and using for one the silver Sworn to and subscribed before me this 16th speed to more power
day of April, 1917. at slower speed. This
salt prepared. Let the Silver Chlorid sub-
side and pour off the upper supernatant (Seal.) E. D. JUNIOR. motor is guaranteed by us to be exactly
portion of the liquid, leaving the solid (My commission expires March 30, 1919.) as represented.

with some liquid. Add a little Ammonium

Hydroxid [NHiOH], cover the mouth of ELECTRICAL
— — demand.
with training are always in
Having trained over
At All Live Dealers
20U0 young men in the naat 23
the tube with the thumb, and shake well. eara in tho fundamentals of Applied Elcetncity Thk Bliss Electbi- .
Insist ,on your dealer showing you the KNA.°P
If the solid does not all disappear, add line —
KNAPP goods arc best. Ifynurdealcrcannot
supply you, order direct. Send for FREE illustrated
more Ammonium Hydroxid. Upon the catalogue showing a complete line of Electrical
addition of Ammonium Hydroxid, the pre- ENGINEERING Motors and Novelties ranging in price from 10c up.
cipitat should be dissolved and a clear including Mathematics, Strum and Gas En.

(tinea. Mechanical Drawinjr. Shop Work and

translucent solution formed. Thus we Theoretical and Practical Electricity, in all
branches. Students actually Construct dyna-
have a solid from
prepared two clear mos, install wiring and test efficiency of 523 West 51st Street, N. Y. City
electrical machinery. Coarse, with diploma,
liquids,and then dissolved the solid with complete
another liquid. This experiment shows that
substances which are insoluble in water,
IN ONE YEAR Electric Row Boat Motor
are made soluble in various other liquids. Row Boat
(7*0 be continued. )
260 Takoma Avenue, Washington. D. C. :i n Electric Launch.
Buy a Jewel l>etuehable
Eton Boat Motorrunt
i tv. No odor c

Handy Binder dan?" roua

Simple, nola

Attaches to any

Row Boat and

for the Electrical Experimenter ilt
runs on two six
Batteries. TUls U our 5th
successful year.
Holds and preserves 12 issues, each of which can be
inserted or removed at will, without tools. Will keep
Look Inside your storago battery through tho
THE your magazines perfectly for all time or just preserve
them like new till you bind them permanently. Made of
window. Sco condition of
and height of electrolyte. If you need a
new automobile starting Battery buy a. jewel
ELECTRIC^; heavy material, extra strongly reinforced »* f\r* and save money. tl-tlO Special S8. 50.
Motorcycle Electric Lighting System
at the back and covered with handsome I l*" "^ The Jewel Generator Motorcycle Storage Battery nd

green cloth, suitably lettered in gold %J \J complete lighting system
wanted. Write tor ririrrs
Is in great demand.
and catalog K.
EXPERIM Shipping weight lbs. Add sufficient postage, other-
wise we will have to send binder by express,

Order a BinderTo-day and Preserve Your Magazines. STROMBERC CARLSON <CQ.25

Experimenter Pub. Co., Inc., 233 Fulton St., N. Y. RADIO HEAD SET

Stromberg - Carlson Telephone Mfg. Co.
Book Dep't. Rochester, N. Y.

I '.-if benefit by mentioning "The Electrical Experimenter" when writing to advertisers.



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Subscribe to THE
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I ^T' 6-17

the above books. If you subscribe for two years, BOTH BOOKS r^v, ' ^^rQ Gentlemen:
Please enter
Ifvou are a subscriber at present, take advantage of this w my eubecrlptlon
/ to THE ELEC-
wonderful opportunity anyway. If you do, we will extend 'X ,' TRICALEXPERI-
your present subscription for one year. '\Y M ENTER for the
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This Offer Limited. Act Now TO,'

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MENTER make a book 9" x 2" and 4" thick.
This book will weigh 7 lbs.

It is the greatest 233 FULTON STREET, rtV

Electrical and Wireless reference tf*1 CA NEW YORK CITY Name.
work in the world. And all for «P*.iW
Address. . .

You benefit by mentioning "The Electrical Experimenter" when writing to advertisers.
— ! !



Scientific Exchange Columns

UNDOUBTEDLY you have at the present time some things for which you have no further use. Do you Vish ur exchange them for something,
There is no surer and quicker way to do this than, by advertising your articles in these columns.
for which you have immediate use?
The very people, the Only people, who could possibly have a use for your things read this journal. More t

will sec your ad. It is furthermore thx cheapest advertising medium for you in the country. Dealers* advertising accepted in Opportunity
Ex< hange Columns only.
The rates are: Three cents per word (name and address to be Counted) i minimum space 3 lines. Count about 7 words to the line.
Remittance must accompany ati orders. No advertisement for less than 50c. accepted.
We reserve to ourselves the right to refuse any advertisement which we consider misleading or objectionable. Advertisements for the
July issue should reach us not later than May 25.
The Classified Columns of "The Electrical Experimenter*' Briny Positive Results.
Subscribers experiencing trouble in dealing with any advertiser should notify the publisher very promptly.

stop! look: FOR SALE— Silicon Detector without cat EXCHANGE — Complete set of parts for a Ford
A y
" Spark Coil, $1.50; large accurate Voltam- whisker wire, 50c; 1.000 ohm Receiver, 75c;
Galvanometer. 25c Telegraph Set, 50c Leather-
engine, with exception of crank shaft and flywheel
for a panel type receiving set, typewriter or wire-
meter, $3; large Static Machine, 17" plates, oper- ; ;

ates large X-Kay tubes, worth $40, for $15; Load- covered headband, 50c. Remittance must accom- less supplies. J. Yates Van Antwerp, 35 South
ing Coil, $1.25. All rest E. I. goods. $1.25 Fixed pany order. Write Harry Layman, Davidsville, Perry St., Johnstown, N. Y.
Variable Condenser, 75c; $2. Rotary Potentio-
meter, £1.10; 2,000 ohm headset, $3. Call or SALE OR EXCHANGE— B-Flat cornet, $12;
write, all answered. Satisfaction guaranteed. C. shotgun, $3; incubator, $3. John Enos, "A'ellneet,
Krummenackcr, 1034 73rd St., Brooklyn, N. Y. UKULELE— Koa wood, $10, or trade for Mass.
camera. Give size, lens, style, make, etc., or
WANTED — Tents, Scouting and Gym supplies. guitar. Clyde B. Marx, Kaskela, Oregon. FOR SALE— iy2 H.P. Gas Engine, 500 watt 110
Have Wireless Instruments to swap. Dean Wil- volt *D.C. Generator, small lathe, H.P. 110 %
son, Alpha, III. FOR SALE—Otis Clapp Static Machine in first- volt D.C. motor, Jeweler's Foot Wheel. Write
class condition. Two 19 plates on hand operated for description. J. H. Clemmer, Blue Creek, W.

FOR SALE Receiving Set, consists Arlington end. Ten 29" plates on power operated end. Ya.
Coupler, H-C 3000 ohm Phones, Murdock Con- Several Leyden
jars and various discharging de-
denser, Perikon Detector, Switches and large vices to with machine.
go Cabinet measures FOR SALE— Motor, $10; Headset, $4; 1-inch
quantity Crystals. All new. Only $14. J. Smith, 66"x66"x30* wide. All enclosed in glass, $75, Detector, $2; Spark
Coil, $3; a Potentiometer, $3;
T rout Run, Pa. Gap, $1; Sending Condenser, $2. Paulding, Can-
f.o.b. Mattapan, Mass. Cost $450. Fritz Henrici,
terbury School, New Milford, Conn.
Mattapan, Mass.
FOR SALE—One Junior Cyclecar at $6S. A FOR SALE — Alternating Current Electric
bargain. Jacob Uau, Bathgate, N. D. Sewing Machine Motor, $15; new condition cost

tires, fine running
order, $45.
chain drive,
Also parts
mil $30. H. N. Richmond, 1628 Washington Ave.,
Colorado Springs, Colo.

for cyclecar, twin engine with magneto, wheels,

WANTED— Second-hand generator suitable for
H. Murdock,
3315 Stettinius,
TALK ABOUT RESULTS charging storage batteries.
Must be in first-class
Archie E. Banks, Delmar, Ya.
WANT TO TRADE- Bicycle and wireless FOR SALE — 5,000 mile Audion Receiving Set,
goods, for motorcycle in running order. All let- complete, $40. George Leonard, 1 Hamlet
1 St.,
ters answered. Roy Phillips, Hartford, Michigan. 17 PRYER LANE, Uphams Corner, Mass.

WANTED—Trade foot-power lathe. Post drill.

Larchmont Manor, N. Y. EXCHANGE— 6 volt, % horse-power motor;
25-20 Mailin pump rifle for wireless goods. Write 110 volt, horse-power motor,
1/16 110 volt
for particulars and state what you have to selJ ammeter. Want
audion, 1 K.W. <|uenched gap, or
or trade. Lee Jones, 706 Lillmore, Amaillo, Texas. The Experimenter Pub. Co. other apparatus. Ira Wright, Closson St., Me-
thuen, Mass.
FOR SALE — Amateur receiving set, good con- New York City FOR SALE OR 28 EXCHANGE— ft. Curtiss
dition. Write Dock Stuart, Troy, N. C.
aeroplane, without motor; crated; will sell ch ap;
WANTED— Battery Rotary 2-inch Spark Coil, Dear Sir: want $100 rash. Make offer. V. G. Gustafson,
for instruments I have. Write for list. August Joliet, 111.

< >tta, Moweaqua, 111. Talk about You've

results! HAVE—Oliver Typewriter, Model 3. Want
Make offer. All let-
WANTED—Omnigraph and dials. Also got to give it to the "E. E.""
cash or receiving apparatus.
ters answered. Herbert Richter, Collegeville,
"Smith" Flyer or motor wheel. Must be cheap. Minn.
Cash only. E. Wilson, Gwynedd Valley, Pa. to reach the right people. On BARGAIN —Complete new Blitzen Receiving
FOR SALE—Two 3l AxSy? film cameras. the day after "E. E." came set with extra equipment. Holtzer-Cabot Phones.
Ansco, $10; Eastman, Smith Premier Type-
$6. In perfect condition. Write for particulars. Chas,
writer, $15. Automobile magneto, $5. Dvnamo- out I received a reply and Bayliss, 68 Peterboro St., Detroit, Mich.
motor, $1.50. Lawrence Johnston, Fairfield, 111.
they have been coming in at FOR SALE Complete Audio-Tron on panel — Panel
QUICK— FOR SALE— Oscillation transformer, with all controls and 4-40 storage battery.
has 2 D.P.D.T. mineral change-over switches
regenerative set, navy type coupler, audion panel, the rate of one a day. If I wired on. Used 10 hours. $10. Also "Arlington"
age battery. Extremely low prices. Lester
4,000 M. Coupler, cost $9, for $6.60 and $4.
Fawcett, Independence, Iowa. ever have anything else that Murdock Oscillation for $3. George R. Ham-
I want to sell I will send my
mond, OeKvein, Iowa.
AUDION and Amplifier cabinet set, including
tuning equipment, $50. Audion detector broken WILL EXCHANGE my Twin-Cylinder, 6 H.P.
bull), $8. Want Blitzen coupler; pair undamped ''ad" to you every time. Merkle motorcycle, in perfect condition, for good
coupler coils, $2.50. McMurdo Silver, 264 West wireless apparatus. Francis Joannini, 3326 17th
57th St., New York City. Yours truly, St.. Washington, P. C.


Cycle Engine, $12. 2 FOR SALE— Set Cyclopedia of Applied Elec-
12 volt 8 ampere generator, $8; physicians micro- tricity. Send for description. All letters an-
scope, Bansh and Lomb make, $20; cost $65. swered. J. N. Boyington, South Galena Ave.,
Clarence de Witt Rogers, Jr. Freeport, III.
B. Roehling, 3705 N. Hermitage Ave., Chicago,
111. FOR SALE — Three undamped wave loading
coils less sliders, $5. Brand new Chambers Xo.
FOR SALE— A first-class violin and bow (less lllllllllllllll Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 749 loose coupler, bargain. Write H. A. Guenzel,
bridge and strings) A-l condition. Cost $20, 410 Buttonwood St., Philadelphia, Pa.
sell for $15. Marcus Harbs, Wilton, Conn. WANTED— Brandcs or Murdock J "u TTZ\ 1

BARGAINS— Leaving home, must sell. New headset for $3. A. Taylor, 105 East 1 02nd St,
OMNIGRAPH WANTED—Will pay cash for
Electron Relay, $3; slightlv used, $2. Loose Coup- X e w York.
niunigraph in first-class condition. B. Cochran,
ler. $1. 500 volt D. C. 1/3 horsepower Holtzer WILL EXCHANGE wireless for
Box 55, Palmetto, Georgia.
Cabot motor and rheostat equal to new, $15.
first-class set
'Sniith'* motor wheel, or Motorcycle. Bernard
FOR SALE— 200 Steps 110
D P. 1,000 ohm phone, headband, cord, $1.23.
ivn, T roy, N. C.
watt transformer. Telephone magnetos,

Electrolytic detector, 75c.

to 10, 20, 30 or 40 volts, $10; 40 watt dynamo or solid armature, 50c, laminated, $1.. .$10 Remv 6 SLIGHTLY used printer's type for sale cheap.
1/12 H.P. motor, $7; Inch Spark coil; fine fat volt automobile mautu-to, good condition, $3. Six- Geo. Wasserberger, Neillsville, Wis.
Spark, $4; Testing magneto, $2.50; 20 ohm sensi- inch parabolic reflector, 50c; new bulbs, 20c.
tive pony relay, $1.50; 20 ohm giant sounder and High resistance ringer coils, 15c each; telephone $75 Chicago University advertising course. 6
steel kev, $2.50; Portable Voltmeter, 1-20 range, volumes with questions for sale for $8 Write
transmitters, 50c; receivers, 50c; induction coils,
$1.50; Filings coherer, $1; 75 ohm wireless re- 20c; 2 y
lb. 22 German Silver wire, 35c; 2 lb. it interested Geo Wasserbexger, Neillsville, Wis
ceiver with headband, H.P. $1.25: 1/12 water antenium wire, 40c; quantity 2 strand steel guy EXCHANGE— Keystone
motor, $1.50. C. M. Adams, Milford, Ohio. wire cheap. Premo Junior No. 2 Camera, new, FOR Bli lit- voltmeter,

Mechanical, electrical magazines cheap, Pri llcnt for research work and isure-
motor, wire. Stamps or ther small 1M V. 60 cycle
SELL—40 lesson Taxidermy Course, magnetos,

$0. Trade paid except

money order, or write foi further information. \ motor, opera glasses, or «diat have you ?
Youth's Companions for Al, 2

3 yrs. slide tuner.

William Litwitler, Hopedale, 111. Kenneth Bard, Manawa, w ia Samuel Cohen, 1936 Pitkin Ave.. Brooklyn, N. Y.

"The Electrical Experimenter" when writing to advertisers.

You benefit by mentioning
— :


Opportunity Exchange
\70TJ probably find more opportunities and real bargains in these columns than anywhere else in the country.
will Most good things in

* life are hard to find and worth going after these little ads illustrate that point; you alone will be the real loser if you don't take the
time to scan through these columns.
Advertisements in th.s section 4c. a word for each insertion. Count 7 words per line.
Name and address must be included at the a!.ove rate. C;.sh should accompany all classified advertisements unless placed bv an accredited
advertising agency.
Ten per cent, discount for 6 issues, 20 per cent, discount for 12 issues from above rate. Objectionable or misleading advertisements not
Advertisements for the July issue should reach us not later than May 25.
EXPERIMENTER PUBLISHING CO., INC., 233 Fulton Street, New York, N V.

BOOKS BOYS!— Funny blotters, 10c per bunch. Other IDEAS WANTED — Manufacturers are writing
samples included with order, with wholesale for patents procured through me. Four books
TO GET BETTER PICTURES— Read the prices. The Noveltv Distributing Agency, Box with list hundreds of inventions wanted, sent
Amateur Photographer's Weekly; illustrated 382, Marshalltown, fowa. free. I help you market vour invention. Advice
weekly prize competitions; print criticisms; many Free. R. B. Owen, 130 Owen Bldg., Washington,
unique features, $1.50 per year; three months'
trial subscription, 25c; Abel Publishing Company,
401 Caxton Bldg-, Cleveland, Ohio.
One young man made $1,800.00 in two months.
Sells to every automobile and motorcycle owner. PATENTS ON EASY PAYMENTS— Send
"BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE"— An interesting Representatives wanted everywhere. Be first in model or sketch for Free Search and Certified
book revealing valuable trade secrets, new and
scientific discoveries and old mysteries. Send 25c

your territory write quick for free sample and Registration of your Invention for your Pro-
particulars. Everhold Fabric Patch Co., Chanute, tection. Free book tells what to invent and bow
in coin to H. J. Kunow, 2246 N. Tripp Ave., Kansas. to obtain a patent on easy payments. C. C. Hine-
Chicago, 111. & Co., 593 Loan & Trust Bldg.. Washington,
DO YOU WANT back numbers of THE ELEC- FOR SALE— Tents, one 40x80 ft., round top,
TRICAL EXPERIMENTER? Send for bound four 20 ft. center poles, 9 ft. wall; bargain; $°-0.
volume No. containing issues from May, 1915,
3, One 16x24 ft. hip roof, square end, 7 ft. khaki
drill wall, $20. One 12x19 ft. square end, 6 ft. t
PATENTS — Without advance attorney's fee-;
to April, 1916. Price, $1.25. Postage on 7 lbs. Not due until patent allowed. Send sketch for
extra. Experimenter Pub. Co., 233 Fulton St., 8 in. wall, $14. All tents complete ready to set free report. Books
is free. Frank Fuller, Washing-
New York up. V. G. Gustafson, Joliet, 111.
________ ton, D. C.
BOOKS — Scientific
and wireless supplied. Let BARGAINS — Selling out music. Over $3
us l_iow what you want and we will quote you. value for Sample 10c. B. Scholz, Majestic
Experimenter Pub. Co., 233 Fulton St., New York
Theatre Co., Sheboygan, Wise.
( ity.


A BINDER for THE ELECTRICAL EXPERI- Coat and Hat Holder. Can attach anywhere and
manufacture them for profit. Drawings, instruc-
MENTER will preserve your copies for all time.
remove instantly, nickel plated. Sample 10c. Big
tions, twenty-five cents.
etc., Satisfaction guar-
Price, 50c. Postage on 3 lbs. is extra. Send for anteed. Circular free. Associated Phonograph
one todav. Experimenter Pub. Co., 233 Fulton seller for agents. Wedge Mfg. Co., "Km" Bing- Co., Dept. E., Cincinnati.
St., New" York City. hamton, N. Y.

CHEMICALS 25c Diminishing card trick, apparatus included STAMPS COIN'S—CURIOS

for 5c, just to introduce big free catalog. Aladdin,
CHEMICALS FREE for growing
chemical Neillsville, Wis.
plants. To introduce our chemicals and appara- 50,000 coins, medals, notes, Indian relics: 35,-
tus to Experimenters, we will send free, the neces- 000 antique firearms, daggers. Catalogue, 4c.
sary chemicals to grow trees, grass, etc. Send WANTED— Second-hand drafting instruments. Antique Shop, 33 South 18th St., Philadelphia.
10c coin (refund on first order) for postage and Highest prices paid. Send complete description
Chemical Laboratories, 307 and we will make offer. Deutsch, 2358 Pitkin
catalogue. Zenith
West Second St., Duluth, Minn. Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. STAMPS— 75, all different, free. Postage 2c.
Mention paper. Quaker Stamp Co., Toledo, Ohio.
MARCONI We have a limited number of
I can supply you with any chemical known, pictures of Guglielmo Marconi, Nikola Tesla and
tn any quantity, dirt cheap. Also formulas. Write Charles P. Steinmetz that are done in sepia on WIRELESS
for price list. The Swimmer Chemical Co., 1904 fine India paper. Fine for decorating your wire-
Park Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. less room. 10c each postpaid. Experimenter ELECTRON RELAYS, Moorhead tubes, Len-
Publishing Co., 233 Fulton St., New York Cit; zite detectors, Racine motors. Authorized repre-
EXPERIMENTERS— Are interested in you sentative. & Sales Co., 69 Freeman Ave.,
novel chemical experiments? Send 10c for large PATENT ATTORNEYS East Orange,
collection. Merel Sager, 44 Apple St., Tiffin, Ohio.
PATENTS— R. Morgan Elliott & Co.. Patent
HELP WANTED Attornevs, Mechanical, Electrical and Chemical FDR SALE—
$35 R.A.-6, $28. Special $42.50
Experts, 716-724 Woodward Bldg., Washington, R.A.-6, genuine polished mahogany Formica panel,
THOUSANDS MEN, WOMEN— 18 or over, D. C. $33. $15, 3,000 meter coupler, $0.75. Regener-
WANTED for U. S. Government jobs. $75.00 ative panel with vacuum bulb, variometer, con-
to $150 month. War means many vacancies. densers, rheostat, etc., $14. 1,000 meter coupler,
Steady work; short hours; rapid advancement. special for above panel, $5. 5,000 meter loading
Common education sufficient. Write immediately coil, switch and 12 points on hard rubber panel
for list of positions now obtainable.
Institute, Dept. C 27, Rochester, N. Y.


— -
151 LAKE AYE..
to be used with above coupler, $5.
high grade, brand new instruments.
All above
Also one
used electron relay cabinet, damped andi undamped
hookup with bulb, $8. Y. G. Gustafson, Joliet, III.
Lancaster, N. Y.
ELECTRICIANS— Send 5< for 1U Blue Prints
of Motor and Generator Connections. 28 for Feb. 22, 1917. FOR SALE—To dispose of the following in-
$1, 10 A. C, 4 D. C. Motor Winding Diagrams struments, I am offering same far below the orig-
for $1 or 20 A. C, 4 D. C, and 4 Rotary Con- inal cost. Three sections, Murdock Moulded Con-
verter Drawings, $1.60. * Winding made easy. Gentlemen densers, $4. One K. W. Oscillation Transformer,
Martin Electric Co., 329 Irvington PI., Denver, $4. Sayville Rotarv Spark Gap, $o. E. Co.,
I wish to tell you that my ad. in

Colo. Transatlantic Phones (2,000 ohms) $4. The

the E. E. was a great success, and above-mentioned instruments are in first-class con-
Wi >KN < iUT DRY BATTERIES CAN BE exceeded all expectations I had re-
dition. If interested, write for particulars.
RECHARGED for less than one cent. Send Charles W. Havlena, 934 18th Ave., E., Cedar
twenty cents for formula to E. Bohner, 1009 Rapids, Iowa.
plies before I had received a copy of
South Wabash, Chicago.
the issue myself. This goes to show AMATEUR BENCH Austin make, LATHE—
WE WANT HUSTLERS to handle fast sell-
that every issue looked for with
8" between centers, 3 spedd pulley, very strong,
ing household necessities. Big profits, beautiful neat and efficient. Price only $3, worth double.
premiums, free particulars. Variety Supply, :i great interest, and the wide field your Limited supply on hand. Louis E. Schwab, 3708
East St., Providence. R I
Brooklyn Ave., Cleveland, Ohio.
FOR SALE — Cameras, 400 Exposure Kodak paper covers. I certainly will recom-
with stereopticon enlarger; cost $56; sell for $30. mend it to the amateurs that have WANTED—One K. W.—
Have Willard Storage
One 5x7 Seneca folding camera, 3 plate holders, Batteries to exchange. Large Tesla and Oudin
tripod, carrying case, etc., cost $2, $2.50, sell for something to trade or sell.
coils,$3.24 and $2.75. Panel loose coupler, $4.25,
$12. One 4x5 magazine camera, aluminum plate Yours respectfully, etc. Telephone ringers, 60c; coils, 3 for 25c.
holders, carrying cas« eti cost $15, sell for $6.
, .

G. W. r.RAHFOPD. Stamp for pictures. Garden City Radio Club,

V. G. Gustafson, Joliet, 111. Garden City, Kansas.
Secret ink; invisible when written, and can Ci IILSI COILS! ("oil S'
nnlv be seen by our special process. Price 10c. 4" spark coils, excellent condition, $1.50.
The Swimmer Chemical Co., 1904 Park PI., Brook- isfaction guaranteed. Jacob Eisgran, 1520 St.
lyn, X. Y. mIIIUMI M.trks Ave., Brooklyn, N, Y.

You benefit by mentioning "The Electrical Experimenter" -juhen writing to advertisers.

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