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Hola, mi nombre es Hèctor Olvera morán, actualmente me dedico a estudiar la carrera

de finanzas voy cursando el segundo semestre, no tengo trabajo estable pero trato de
trabajar de manera irregular para ayudarme un poco con los gastos.

En el pasado no he tenido la oportunidad de estudiar inglés por factor tiempo

La mayor parte del fin de semana paso viendo series o caricaturas, cuando puedo salgo a
lugares con zonas verdes para apreciar un poco la naturaleza

En lo personal no soy alguien que tenga dependencia a objetos, rutinas ni personas para
poder decir que no podría vivir sin algo

Me gusta bastante la música, la lectura, la cocina, la tv y la naturaleza.

Lo primero te ayuda a distraer la mente, lo segundo a abrir tu mente, lo tercero te ayuda
a controlar la ansiedad y a la vez que aprendes algo de disciplina, lo cuarto es un
distractor, pero todos necesitamos un poco de ello en nuestras vidas y por ultimo el
quinto te ayuda a apreciar esas pequeñas cosas de la vida.

Hi, my name is Hèctor Olvera Morán, I am

currently studying finance and I am in my second
semester, but I try to work irregularly to help me
with expenses.

In the past I have not had the opportunity to study

English due to time factor

Most of the weekend I spend watching series or

cartoons, when I can I go to places with green
areas to appreciate nature a bit.

Personally, I am not someone who is dependent

on objects, routines or people to be able to say
that I could not live without something
I quite like music, reading, cooking, tv and nature.
The first helps you to distract your mind, the
second to open your mind, the third helps you
control anxiety and at the same time you learn
some discipline, the fourth is a distractor, but we
all need a bit of it in our lives and finally the fifth
helps you appreciate those little things in life.

Hi, my name is Hèctor Olvera Morán, I am currently studying finance and I am in my

second semester, but I try to work irregularly to help me with expenses.

In the past I have not had the opportunity to study English due to time factor

Most of the weekend I spend watching series or cartoons, when I can I go to places with
green areas to appreciate nature a bit.

Personally, I´m not someone who is dependent on objects, routines or people to be able
to say that I could not live without something

I quite like music, reading, cooking, tv and nature.

The first helps you to distract your mind, the second to open your mind, the third helps
you control anxiety and at the same time you learn some discipline, the fourth is a
distractor, but we all need a bit of it in our lives and finally the fifth helps you
appreciate those little things in life.

Hello, my name is Hèctor Olvera Morán, I am currently studying finance, I am in my

second semester.
I don't have a stable job but,
I try to work irregularly to help me a little with expenses.

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