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The issue of abortion is a controversial topic in the Philippines, despite being a Catholic
country. This is because liberal ideas such as feminism, have reached our shores, I see that, at
present, there are some women rights group In the Philippines that are pushing for the
legalization of abortion. They point out that abortion Is already rampant in the Philippines,
although unbeknown to the general public. These abortions are usually done in make-shift
clinics by people who often have no professional medical background.
This puts the mother in a dangerous and life- heartening situation. With these findings,
pro-choice groups believe that if abortion would be legalized, abortion will now take place in
medical settings, ensuring the safety of the mother. They also emphasize that victims of rape
and sexual trafficking who become pregnant because of the abuse should be given the right for
abortion since they did not plan on having a baby in the first place.
Abortion deprives the unborn of the life and experiences It should have undergone if it
were delivered alive. They suggest that if the baby is unwanted, why not give it up for adoption.
I feel conflicted about this issue since I am both a Catholic and a woman.
It is easy to say no to abortion because it is wrong according to my religion. As a woman,
l, too, live that I should be given the right to my own body. Life, in all Its forms, must be
respected and protected. Everyone must be given an opportunity to experience life. In an
emotional sense, every pregnancy is different from each other. Some women have planned It
for years while others get pregnant by “accident”.
In sad cases though, pregnancy can occur from rape and sexual trafficking. For many,
they believe that getting an abortion can solve the suffering that these women must have
undergone. However, I can say that if there is someone that must be punished because of the
abuse, it must be the perpetrators. The unborn child must not be harmed since it did not
choose to be made. It never inflicted pain towards its mother.
It is Just a product of an unfortunate event. If the mother does not want to keep the
baby, she should just give it up for adoption where the child is given a chance to live and
experience life. I think that abortion should not be legalized in the Philippines.

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