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Second Periodic Examination

SY 2023-2024

Name: ____________________________ Date: ________________

Section: _________________________

Direction: Read each question carefully and choose the letter of the BEST
answer. Write your answer before the number.

1. Which of the following is/are good habits to keep our reproductive

organs healthy?

I. Take a bath daily.

II. Change your underwear always.
III. Clean your private parts thoroughly.

A. I B. II and III C. I and III D. I, II, and III

2. Which of the following BEST describes human ovary?

A. birth canal
B. passageway of eggs
C. female sex organ that produces egg cells
D. muscular tube where the fetus is developed

3. Boys and girls undergo physical changes during puberty stage. Which
of the following are some of the physical changes happening among girls?

I. enlargement of hips
II. enlargement of breast
III. penis growth

A. I B. I and II C. I and III D. I, II, and III

4. What serves as the female’s ‘signal’ that she is already ready and
capable to reproduce?

A. Debut C. Menopause
B. Enlargement of breasts D. Menstruation

5. Which of the following organisms develop their offspring internally?

A. dog B. parrot C. turtle D. insect

6. Which of the following animals undergoes external fertilization?

7. Which parts of the flower is considered its male reproductive part?

A. Petal B. Pistil C. Sepal D. Stamen

8. Which parts of the flower is considered its female reproductive part?

A. Petal B. Pistil C. Sepal D. Stamen

9. What mode of reproduction in plants made use of different parts like

stem, roots, and leaves to produce new plants?

A. Sexual Reproduction C. Vegetable Propagation

B. Self-Reproduction D. Vegetative Propagation

10. Which part of a plant cannot undergo vegetative propagation?

A. flower B. leaf C. stem D. root

11. What type of pollination happens when pollen grains from anther is
transferred to the stigma of a flower of the same plant?

A. Across-pollination C. Cross-pollination
B. Auto-pollination D. Self-pollination

12. What type of pollination happens when pollen grains from anther of a
flower is transferred to the stigma of another flower?

A. Across-pollination C. Cross-pollination
B. Auto-pollination D. Self-pollination

13. What kind of water ecosystem is formed when fresh and sea waters

A. Estuary C. River
B. Lake D. Swamp

14. Which of the following can damage life in an estuary?

I. land development
II. industrial wastes
III. improper waste disposal

A. I B. I and II C. I and III D. I, II, and III

15. Which of the following is the importance of protecting the estuaries

and intertidal environments?

A. to attract tourists
B. to give people work to do.
C. to be used for recreation/leisure activities
D. to provide places where variety of plant and animal species can live
16. Cora and her friend went to the beach. She suddenly found that she
forgot to bring extra underwear. Is it advisable for her to borrow underwear
from the other and why?

A. Yes. She really needs it.

B. No. Her friend’s underwear is expensive.
C. Yes. If she can return it once she got back home.
D. No. This is to prevent transfer of harmful microorganisms that might
be present.

17. Which of the following parts of female reproductive system is

commonly referred to as the ‘mother’s womb’ that holds the fetus during

A. Cervix B. Ovaries C. Uterus D. Vagina

18. Which of the following parts of female reproductive system is

responsible for the transferring of sperm cell to the female’s reproductive organ?

A. Epididymis B. Penis C. Scrotum D. Testes

19. Which of the following changes are observed on both male and female
during puberty?

A. broadening of shoulders C. widening of hips

B. hair growth in private parts D. deepening of voice

For question numbers 20-21 refer to the menstrual cycle diagram below.


20. The follicular phase starts on the first day of menstruation and ends
with ovulation. Based on the diagram, for how long does this phase takes place?

A. 10 days B. 12 days C. 14 days D. 16 days

21. Which of the following statements characterizes the Luteal phase?

A. Endometrium does not change its thickness at all.

B. Endometrium vanishes and returns when menstrual cycle once begins.
C. Endometrium becomes thin getting ready for fertilized egg to be
D. Endometrium thickens getting ready for fertilized egg to be implanted.
22. Animals may also reproduce asexually. Asexual reproduction only
needs one parent. It is commonly done through budding and binary fission.
Which of the following animals can produce asexually?

I. Hydra II. Sea anemone III. Sea star

A. I and II B. I and III C. II and III D. I, II, and III

23. Which of the following diagrams BEST describes the budding process
in asexual reproduction?

24. Why are flowers important to plants?

I. They protect the ovules.

II. They become fruits.
III. They can be sold for income.

A. I and II B. II and III C. I and III D. I, II, and III

25. How does sexual reproduction among plants occur?

A. through the transfer of pollen grains from the anther into the style
B. through the transfer of pollen grains from the anther into the pistil
C. through the transfer of pollen grains from the anther into the stigma
D. through the transfer of pollen grains from the anther into the

For question numbers 26-27 refer to the illustration at the right.

26. How is C adapted to receiving

pollen from male flowers? (see figure at the
A. It is sticky.
B. It is attractive.
C. It is small and cute.
D. It produces nectar and egg.

27. Which part may develop into a fruit?

A. part B B. part C C. part D D. part E

28. Flowering plants can be pollinated in many ways. How can Gumamela
(Hibiscus) flowers be pollinated?

A. wind B. water C. human D. birds and bees

29. How do nonflowering plants like ferns, mosses, and pine trees make
their seeds?

A. cones & spores C. plants & cones

B. flowers & plants D. spores & flowers
30. How are the seeds of the conifer like pine trees
dispersed/scattered? (see figure at the right)

A. through production of fruit

B. through birds and insects eating them
C. through their wings then float and carried by
D. through floating on the water of streams and

31. How is an ‘intertidal’ zone characterized?

A. It is an area where the presence of water depends on the movement of
B. It is an area where the ocean water meets land between high and low
C. It is an area where the presence of water depends on the earth’s
D. It is an area where the presence of water depends on the amount of
For question numbers 32-33 refer to the estuary illustration below.

32. Which of the following non-living things serves as the primary source
of energy of plants?
A. clouds B. Sun C. water D. wind

33. How do the nonliving things affect the living things in an estuary?
I. food II. energy III. shelter IV. breeding ground
A. I and II B. II and III C. I, II, and III D. I, II, III, and IV

34. Why is estuary important?

I. Filters dirt from rivers to seas

II. Serves as an exit point for floods
III. Houses different living and non-living things

A. I and II B. I and III C. II and III D. I, II, and III

35. Which of the following statements shows proper way of protecting and
conserving resources of estuaries and intertidal environment?

A. Build houses near these areas.

B. Don’t hunt endangered animals.
C. Put dynamites to clear the areas.
D. Leave garbage and household chemicals there.
36. Which of the following practices shows proper care of the reproductive

A. Sydney makes sure toilet bowl is clean before using it.

B. Maria Ana likes to wear tight underwear and clothing.
C. Wilson enjoys eating junk foods and drink soda every day.
D. Glenda borrows underwear from her friend during an outing.

37. Which part of the male

reproductive system produces the sperm cell
and the male sex hormone? (see figure at the


38. When you reach your puberty, how will you behave if you begin to have
body changes?

A. I will feel ashamed. C. I will think it as normal change.

B. I will stay at home. D. I will stay away from my friends.

39. Why is menstruation important to females?

A. It releases stress from workplace.

B. It prepares for possible pregnancy.
C. It gives females extra glowing skin.
D. It provides them time to leave work.
For question number 40 refer to the statements below.
I. Takes more time and require two parents.
II. Takes less time and requires only one parent.
III. New animal with a set of unique characteristics is produced.
IV. New animal from the parent animal with similar characteristics is
40. Which do you think is/are the advantage/s of sexual reproduction
in animals?
A. I B. III C. I and II D. III and IV
41. Which do you think is/are the disadvantage/s of sexual reproduction
in animals?

A. I B. III C. I and II D. III and IV

42. How is a flower considered to be ‘perfect’?

A. Flowers contain only stamen.

B. Flowers contain petal and sepal.
C. Flowers contain pistil and stigma.
D. Flowers contain pistil and stamen.

43. You observed that the ovary of the wilted flower is becoming bigger.
What does this show?

A. The ovary is going to drop. C. A seed is developing in the ovary.

B. The ovary is going to break. D. More ovules are produced in ovary.
44. Which of the following statements best describe mosses?

A. They produce cone-bearing seeds.

B. They are woody plants and mostly big.
C. They don’t grow flowers, wood, or true roots.
D. They are small plants that produce spores for reproduction.

45. Jeric went to Mount Banahaw to observe a certain plant. He took his
notes and described the plant as follows:

In what group of angiosperms did the plant belong to?

A. Monocotyledon C. Tricotyledon
B. Dicotyledon D. Multicotyledon

46. Read the riddle below:

“In a cold and mountainous place, I grew with my crawling stem,

Most tourists freshly picked me or turned me to a jam for them.”

What do you think is the plant being described on it?

A. Ginger B. Potato C. Strawberry D. Sweet potato

47. Which of the following statements will BEST describe the estuary
ecosystem? (see figure at the right)

A. Plankton is eaten by animal

plankton, freshwater mollusk,
mussels, and shrimp.
B. Heron eats crabs and mussels.
C. Salmon eats plankton, mussels,
and small crabs.
D. Shrimp may be eaten directly by
small fishes.

48. Consumers get their energy by feeding on plants and other

organisms. Which animal will receive the least amount of energy? (see figure

A. Heron B. Plankton C. Salmon D. Snail

49. What would probably occur to estuaries and other bodies of water if we
do not dispose toxic products properly?

A. It may increase the synthetic fertilizer.

B. It may pollute coastal rivers and estuaries.
C. It may increase the amount of salt water in an estuary.
D. Improper disposal of toxic products can make the environment cleaner.

50. As a Grade Five pupil, how can you contribute on the preservation and
conservation of our estuaries?

A. Do not go the estuaries alone.

B. Keep more fishes alive by not eating them.
C. Advise your town mayor to conduct an orientation.
D. Join safely in a cleanup drive in your community or in school.

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