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MANDANGA DE RAZZMATAZZ - 30 de noviembre 2023

Razzmatazz Clubs Time Opening doors

Thursday, 30/11/2023 23:59 00:30h

Entrada General + 1 consumición

(16.50€ + 0.50€ fee)

Mayores de 18 años. 1
consumición incluida. Entrada
válida para todas las salas
abiertas. Acceso limitado al aforo
de cada espacio. Prohibida la
Esta entrada es nominativa,
recuerda llevar el DNI, pasaporte
o carné de conducir original y

físico, se te solicitará para
acceder a la sala.

Nominative ticket. Attendee Nata Fartsvania - 30-11-2023 20:05

Razzmatazz Clubs
Almogàvers, 122, 08018, Barcelona

You must save the ticket until the day of the event. This ticket is nominative, remember to bring your ID or driving license in case you
are asked to access the room. If minors are allowed to enter, you must request the authorization sheets at the venue, go in advance.
You must know the access conditions of the venue. The room reserves the right of admission in any case. Returns or exchanges are
not accepted.

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Miles Away Promotions SL
B64212533 Nominative ticket. Attendee Nata Fartsvania - 30-11-2023 20:05

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