Shudras - Didn't - Build - Design, - Thread - by - Ramainexile - Sep 17, 21 - From - Rattibha

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7 Tweets • 2021-09-17 •  See on 

Shudras DIDN'T build Design, Architect etc of HINDU


Sthapaka,Sthapati, & Main Silpi-s didn't belong to

SUDRA. SHUDRAS were only small silpins & mostly

Rigid Caste Appologist shout daily that shudra-s built

temple as if no-one else involved.

Who is Sthapaka? (chief Architect Priest-Who works in
accordance with religious priest)

• Brahmin of High born family.

• Master of Vedas & Agamas
• Undergone all 16 Sanskars
• Tapaswi & Aastika....

In clear words, the mastermind behind Temple

Architect can never be SUDRA
Who is Sthapati?

(Sthapati,Shutragrahin,Takshka& Vardhakin works

under Sthapaka)

• Well versed in All Shastra ( Impossible for Shudras)

• Well born ( ofc ≠ Shudras)

Sutragrahin is either disciple or son Of Sthapati.

Almost NILL chance for SHUDRA

Again, In Manusāra Silpa Shastra,
śilpi-lakṣaṇa( Qualification for Sthapati) is described &
It's mentioned that Sthapati should know VEDAS +
sciences of Architecture.

Sudra-s aren't allowed to learn Veda-s.

Even the Sutragrahin> Vardhakin> Takshka all should
know Vedic Literature.
Rest for Lowest silpa work (non- intellectual) &
Sudra-s were appointed (mostly).

Low Silpa works were caste neutrals , it's open for all.
Think the mindset of these TRADs, they created new
afeem of "proud Shudra" but to show proudness they
never tell the reality. They themselves are seeking
proudness in things which are not prescribed for
Sudras in Smritis instead they are seeking proud in
Swadharm Vimukh karyas.

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