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Ironmaking & Steelmaking

Department of Metallurgical & Materials Engineering

Indian Institute of technology Kharagpur

Spring, 2023-2024

World steel scenario

 World crude steel production: 2 billion tons
 Largest producer: China -1 billion tons
 Second Largest producer: India -230 million tons
 Per Capita steel consumption(kg): India-70, China-600, World average-250
 Largest consumer: China =840 million tons considering 1.4 billion population, India-100 Million tons, second
largest consumer with huge potential for expansion. India is aiming 300 million tons by 2030.
 Major concern today: GHG/ CO2 emission. Fossil fuel based steel production with such large production
constitute around 30% of industrial CO2 production
 World climate conference (COP) decided to restrict emission to restrict the global warming by 2oC from pre-
industrial age. Based on remaining carbon budget, the CO2 emission for steel industries should be curtailed
to 0.6 tCO2/tcs from its present value 1.8 tCO2/tcs.
 In carbon based economy like India, attempts are being made to supplement the conventional BF-BOF route
by low carbon ironmaking technologies.
BF-BOF has the largest share in steel production(70%). BF is also an efficient reactor. But, it is fossil fuel based
with large emission 2tCO2/tcs. It has unmatched high productivity (10,000 tons/day, with 98% availability).

Second largest producer (20%) is Scrap-EAF process with minimum emission 0.3 to 0.5 tCO2/tcs.

The third largest (10%) and growing route is DRI-EAF. DRI/sponge iron are the solid state iron produced by
coal/gas(Midrex, Rotary Kiln), which is subsequently melted in EAF to produce crude steel. Depending on
reductant, it has emission ranging from 1 to 2.5.

The fourth route is SR-BOF, but its share is minimal today (<1%). SR-Smelting reduction technology
(COREX/FINEX). They produce BF grade liquid iron without requiring the coke. Conversion of coal to coke by
coking process (energy intensive and polluting process) is essential in BF process.

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