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A. The Unitary State of Indonesian Republic
1. The song "Indonesia Raya" created by W. R. Soepratman.
2. Rodi is forced labor carried out during the Dutch colonial era.
3. The motto of the Three A Movement is expressed by Japan which
means "Japan the Light of Asia, Japan Protects Asia, and Japan
Asian Leader."
4. Forced labor carried out by Japanese invaders was known as
romusha or economic soldier.
5. Proclamation of Indonesian Independence, proclaimed on August
17, 1945.
6. Proclamation of Indonesian Independence is a legal source for the
formation of Unitary State of Indonesian Republic.
7. As for the ideals of the nation and the aim of the state is to form a
just and prosperous society based on the Pancasila.

The birth of Unitary State of Indonesian Republic was marked by

the Proclamation of Independence on 17 August 1945. According to
the 1945 Constitution Article 1st Paragraph. Indonesia is a country
based on law. That Indonesia is a unitary state in the form of a
The government system in a republic-shaped state is run by the
President. The president is the highest organizer of the country's
government after the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR).

1|Civic 5th Grade

The state is: An area inhabited by a large group of people in which
state power applies fully as sovereignty and obtains recognition from
other countries.
Sovereign government means; the institution is recognized by the
community, has full authority and is able to enforce the law in the
Sovereignty means that the government is same and equal to the
government of other countries so that it can establish good
Indonesia is the largest archipelagic country in the world.
Imagine, the vast ocean of Indonesia is even wider than the land.
Indonesia has another name, the archipelago. Nusantara can mean
islands. Islands in Indonesia are approximately 17,508 islands. While
the inhabited islands are approximately 13,700 islands.
Geographically, Indonesia is located between two continents.
Continent of Asia and the Continent of Australia. Indonesia is also
between the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean.
Astronomically Indonesia is located at 6 degrees North Latitude
(LU) - 11 degrees South Latitude (LS) and 95 degrees East Longitude
(BT) - 141 degrees BT. Indonesia is surrounded by the South China
Sea, the Sulawesi Sea, the Pacific Sea in the north, and the Indian Sea in
the south and west.
Indonesia is crossed by latitude 0 degrees, known as the equator.
The city in Indonesia that passed the equator is Pontianak, West
B. The sea area or Indonesian marine waters are divided into 3
parts based on the 1982 International Sea Law Conversion,

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1. Territorial sea boundary. Measured from 12 miles outside of an
island to the free sea.
2. The continental sea boundary of a country is measured from the
farthest distance 200 miles from the baseline to the free sea.
3. Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) is drawn from the outermost
point of an island's coast which is 200 miles away.

C. Maintaining the integrity of the Republic of Indonesia

Threats to the integrity of the Republic of Indonesia. Threats to
the integrity of the country can come from the outside and from
Threats that come from outside, for example:
1. The case of Sipadan and Ligitan. Malaysia, our neighboring
country claims that the two islands near Kalimantan are theirs.
After going through diplomatic channels, Sipadan and Ligitan
finally left Indonesia.
2. The behavior of other neighboring countries such as Singapore.
They dredged and bought lots of sand from Sumatra to increase
the area of the small country. This case is evidence of threats from
Internal threats, for example:
1. Cases of injustice felt by the Papuan people for example can be an
example of a threat from within their own country.
2. Separatism or the desire to separate from the unitary state of the
Republic of Indonesia if the root cause of the problem is unknown
and is dealt with as soon as possible will endanger the integrity of
the Republic of Indonesia.

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D. Efforts to Maintain the Integrity of the Republic of Indonesia

Our motto of the Indonesian people is "Unity in Diversity" which

means different but still one, and "united we are firm, our divorce
1. 1. The Indonesian National Army (TNI) is a state defense tool that
is tasked with maintaining the integrity of the unitary state of the
Republic of Indonesia from external threats. The Army, has the
authority to protect the Republic of Indonesia's land territory.
The Indonesian Air Force has the authority to protect the
country's airspace. The Navy also has the authority to protect the
territorial sea of the Republic of Indonesia.
Citizen Behavior in Maintaining the Integrity of the Republic of
Indonesia, namely:
1. mutual respect and respect for differences among the entire
2. With a gentle attitude, always be diligent in helping those who
need our helping hand.
3. Be wise and wise in looking at a problem that occurs in the
community, our nation and our country. If there is a problem,
always consult and look for consensus words
4. Make friends with everyone without discriminating between
ethnic groups, religions, socio-economic conditions and education
5. Support the government's efforts to defend the unitary state of
the Republic of Indonesia
6. Learn and work, or work honestly and earnestly so that the future
of Indonesia can improve
7. Commemorating the big days of the country such as
independence day, oath of youth and others with happy hearts

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8. Be fair to all your friends, and always help if there are friends in
need (although different ethnic or religious)
9. Feel proud of your own ethnic group. However, it should not be
degrading to other ethnic groups. Do not discriminate between
tribes so that the differences are used as an excuse not to unite.
10. Must uphold your own customs. However, do not look down on
the customs of others.
11. Be respectful and respect each other among religious people. Our
attitude should not offend other people of the religion.
12. Using Indonesian language that is good at communicating.
Especially communicating with people of different ethnic groups.
13. Keep yourself from hostility with anyone.
14. Establish friendships with relatives, neighbors, and people who
are close to our family.
15. Love goods made domestically.

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A. Legal regulation in Indonesia

Legislation is a law that is made in writing that regulates all the
joints of people's lives in the country.
The law is divided into two types, namely:
1. Law in the formal sense
Laws in the formal sense are laws and regulations made by
the President together with the House of Representatives (DPR).
This is contained in Article 5 paragraph 1 and Article 20
paragraph 1 of the 1945 Constitution.
2. Law in the material sense
Law in the material sense is the legislation itself, so that the
law in the formal sense is part of it.
1. The laws and regulations in Indonesia are divided into two.
Legislation that applies at the central level. And legislation at
the regional level.
1. Legislation at the central level is made by the state apparatus
and applies to all regions of Indonesia as well as state
institutions domiciled in the center of the country.
2. Laws at the regional level are made by the regional head by
requesting approval from the Regional Representative
Council (DPRD). This regulation applies to citizens who
reside or migrants in the area.

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2. Benefits of Legislation
1. For the life of the nation and state to be orderly, safe and
2. Maintain order in the community
3. Ensure the rights of citizens
4. Regulate citizen obligations
5. Provide guidance and limitations for state institutions
6. Securing the territory of the Republic of Indonesia
7. Providing legal certainty for citizens
8. Providing security to citizens
9. Give fear and deterrent effects to violators of the rules
10. Providing justice for all citizens

B. Examples of Regulations in Indonesia

1. Source of Law and Order of Legislation
The order of regulations, according to MPR Decree No. III / MPR /
2000 are as follows:
a. 1945 Constitution
b. Law
c. Substitution Government Regulation (Perpu)
d. Government Regulation (PP)
e. Presidential Decree (Presidential Decree)
f. Regional Regulation (Perda)
Examples of legislation
a) Legislation at the central level For example:
1. Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia No.
29 of 2005 concerning Financial Aid to Political Parties.

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2. RI Law No. 14 of 1992 Article 26 Paragraph 1
concerning Traffic Regulations and road transportation
3. RI Law No. 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of
Corruption Crime
4. Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 22 Year 1997
concerning Narcotics Chapter XII, Articles 78 to 99.
5. Regulations concerning taxes can be seen in the Law of
the Republic of Indonesia Number 19 of 2000.
6. Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 23 of 2002
concerning Child protection
b) Regulations at the Regional Level Examples:
Examples of regional legislation, for example:
1. Regulation of the Governor of DKI Jakarta No. 75 of
2005 Chapter IV concerning No Smoking Areas
2. Bandung, namely the Regional Regulation of Bandung
City No. 03 of 2005 concerning the Implementation of
Order, Cleanliness and Beauty
3. Regional Regulations of Tangerang Municipality No. 8
Series E of 2005 concerning Prohibition of Prostitution.

c) Legislation at the central level For example:

1. Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia No.
29 of 2005 concerning Financial Aid to Political Parties.
2. RI Law No. 14 of 1992 Article 26 Paragraph 1
concerning Traffic Regulations and road transportation
3. RI Law No. 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of
Corruption Crime

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4. Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 22 Year 1997
concerning Narcotics Chapter XII, Articles 78 to 99.
5. Regulations concerning taxes can be seen in the Law of
the Republic of Indonesia Number 19 of 2000.
6. Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 23 of 2002
concerning Child protection
d) Regulations at the Regional Level
Examples of regional legislation, for example:
1. Regulation of the Governor of DKI Jakarta No. 75 of
2005 Chapter IV concerning Areas No Smoking
2. Bandung city, namely the Regional Regulation of
Bandung City No. 03 of 2005 concerning the
Implementation of Order, Cleanliness and Beauty
3. Regional Regulations of Tangerang Municipality No. 8
Series E of 2005 concerning Prohibition of Prostitution.

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A. Definition of Organization
An organization is a group of people who are regulated and work
together in order to achieve a common goal.
1. Characteristics of the organization
a. a group of humans
b. Common goals
c. Cooperate
d. Regulations
2. Organizational Legal Basis
The Republic of Indonesia guarantees the freedom of its
citizens to organize. It is guaranteed by law through Article 28 of
the 1945 Constitution which reads ‘Freedom of association and
assembly, issuing thoughts with oral and written articles and so
forth stipulated by law."
B. Organizational Examples
1. Examples of Organizations in the School Environment
a. Schools also include an organization.
b. School Committee
c. Student Council
d. Scout
e. UKS
f. Class
2. Examples of Organizations in the Community Environment
a. The family is the smallest organization of the community.
b. RT
c. RW

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d. PKK
e. Youth organization
f. Posyandu
h. BPD

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A. Joint Decision
Everyone is given the right and freedom in the deliberations. This
is in accordance with the 1945 Constitution article 28 of the 1945
1. Definition of Joint Decisions
A joint decision is a decision on something that is done
together (many people) involving many people.
2. Forms of Joint Decisions
a. Family environment
The family is the smallest community environment.
Family is the main place to foster the personality of family
b. School environment
In the school environment, you will face different
conditions and problems with your family environment. At
school you will meet and hang out with other students who
have different personalities.
c. Community Environment
Society is every group of people who have lived and
cooperated for a long time, Society is a social environment
among humans who have various differences, such as
religion, ethnicity, ethnicity, language, and customs.
3. How to Make a Joint Decision
a. Deliberation to reach consensus
Deliberation to reach consensus is a form of joint
decision making that promotes togetherness.

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b. Voting
If the deliberation does not succeed, then vote or vote.
The goal is to get a joint decision. In voting, the opinion that
gets the most votes becomes a joint decision.
c. Acclamation
There are times when a joint decision is not taken by
consensus or voting, but by acclamation. Acclamation is a
verbal statement of agreement from all group members.
4. Attitudes in Complying with Joint Decisions
If the results of the joint decision are violated, then there are
applicable sanctions. The following are the attitudes in complying
with joint decisions, including:
a. Be respectful
b. Be obedient
c. Be wise
d. Be tolerant and tolerant
e. Carrying out joint decisions must be carried out sincerely,
not by force.

13 | C i v i c 5 t h G r a d e
1. Why has the founder of this nation chosen Indonesia as a unitary state
2. Why does Indonesia, which consists of 13,700 islands, prefer the form
of government of the Republic
3. Compare land areas with marine areas in terms of geography and
4. How to maintain the integrity of the Republic of Indonesia
5. What are the laws and regulations in Indonesia so that they can be
implemented effectively
6. Why does each country form legislation
7. Compare legislation at the regional / municipal, provincial and central
8. Why in making our decisions is more concerned with deliberation
than voting

1. Create an activity about maintaining the NKRI.
2. Make an explanation of Article 1 of the 1945 Constitution.
3. Create counseling events for the younger generation about 4 pillars.
4. Make a detailed explanation of article 28 of the 1945 Constitution with
the rise of hoax news.

1. What is the effort of the nation's founders to unite the archipelago so
that it becomes a unitary state of the Republic of Indonesia
2. Compare between federal states
3. Compare the duties of the TNI / Polri with civilians in maintaining the
integrity of the country.

14 | C i v i c 5 t h G r a d e
4. How can the existing laws and regulations in Indonesia not overlap
between regional and central regulations.
5. How youth organizations can contribute to the integrity and integrity
of the nation.

1. How to protect islands in Indonesia so that they are not recognized by
other countries such as our two islands that are now owned by
2. What is the concept of development adopted by the president's
administration, Joko Widodo, which began to build massively in
border regions or countries in terms of geographical and astronomical
location of Indonesia?
3. How can young people contribute to the preparation of legislation
4. How can the 1945 Constitution be implemented purely and
consequently by state administrators.
5. In every decision maker we must ignore personal and group interests.
Why in this reform era, every decision making always tends to pay
attention to the interests of the group.

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1. The fundamentals of a country are extracted from the soul of the

nation or country concerned.
2. The sound of the basic text of the Pancasila state as it is now is
formulated through various stages and processes.
3. The first stage of the Pancasila formulation process began since the
first session of BPUPKI (Investigative Investigation Agency for
Indonesian Independence) on 28 May - 1 June 1945.
4. The first figure who discovered / put forward the term Pancasila was
Sukarno, in his speech on June 1, 1945. We commemorate June 1 as
the day of the birth of the Pancasila.
5. After Sukarno's speech on June 1, the chairman of the BPUPKI ended
the (first) session and formed a Small Committee. The Small
Committee is tasked with preparing and formulating the
fundamentals of the country based on Sukarno's speech. This Small
Committee became known as the Committee of Nine.
6. In the formulation process many important events occur. These
events contain important fighting values that we should emulate in
everyday life.

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1. In general, the formulation of Pancasila reflects the value of

togetherness, which is to realize the ideals for living together and
self-determination through the establishment of an independent
2. The value of togetherness in the process of formulating the Pancasila
from the beginning (the first trial of BPUPKI) to the final stage (the
PPKI trial) has developed.
3. The value of the togetherness of the Pancasila formulation process at
the earliest stages was realized in the initiative of all BPUPKI session
participants in delivering ideas about the state foundation.
4. The value of the togetherness of the process of the formulation of the
Pancasila as the basis of the state was also apparent in the small
team commonly referred to as the Committee of Nine. The value of
togetherness at the Committee of Nine is reflected in the
formulation of the Pancasila which is well-known as the Jakarta
Charter which is the way in the middle of differences of opinion
between Islamic groups and nationalities.
5. The value of the togetherness of the Pancasila formulation process at
the final stage before the PPKI session on August 18 looks at the
write-off of the first seven words of the Jakarta Charter. The write-
off of the seven words was because there were objections from
envoys acting on behalf of representatives of Protestant and
Catholic groups from Eastern Indonesia.

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6. The values of togetherness in the process of formulating the
Pancasila, we should make lessons in everyday life.

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1. The figures who play a role in the process of formulating the

Pancasila as the basis of the state are people who are knowledgeable
and broad-minded.
2. Many important events that occurred simultaneously the process of
formulating the Pancasila as the basis of the state. These events need
to show important fighting values that we should emulate.
3. Various attitudes of leaders who play a role in the process of
formulating the Pancasila as the basis of the state, we also need to
emulate in everyday life.
4. The attitudes of the leaders who play a role in the Pancasila
formulation process show a lot of fighting values that need to be
5. Some examples of the fighting values of leaders who play a role in the
process of formulating the Pancasila, for example hard work, big soul,
humble, willing to sacrifice, prioritizing the interests of the nation
and the state, and others.

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1. Elections are the implementation of popular sovereignty in the system

of government.
2. In Indonesia elections are held to elect people's representatives who
sit in the government, and also to elect the president and vice
3. Election participants consist of two types, namely: political parties and
individuals. Participants in the political party election are to elect the
DPR and DPRD. Individual Election Participants to elect DPD (Regional
Representative Council).
4. Election stages include:
 Voter registration
 Campaign
 Voting
 Vote counting and
 Determination and announcement of election results
5. Supervision of the implementation of the election is carried out by the
Oversight Committee with its members from the elements of the
Attorney, Police, Higher Education, and community leaders.
6. Election observers are conducted by Election Observers whose
members are from non-governmental institutions, as well as
representatives from foreign governments.
7. Local elections are held to elect the head / deputy head of regional
government both at the provincial and district / city levels. The
election of head / deputy regional head is direct election.

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8. The Election Implementation, also the Election is based on Luber and
Jurdil (Direct, General, Free, Secret, and Honest and Fair).
9. Election Supervision is carried out by the Election Supervisory
Committee with responsibilities under the Election Commission.
10. Monitoring the implementation of the elections is carried out by
Election Observers formed by the Election Commission.

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1. State institutions are bodies that form a system of state power.

2. In the amendment to the 1945 Constitution there are several state
institutions which are new to the Indonesian constitutional system.
3. In terms of authority, the position of state institutions must consist of
at least three types, namely legislative state institutions (legislators),
executive (implementing law), and judiciary (law enforcement for
violations of laws).
4. The MPR is the incarnation of the power of all the people of Indonesia,
because the MPR members consist of all members of the DPR, and the
DPD is directly elected by the people.
5. MPR, DPR, and DPD include state institutions that hold legislative
6. The President / Vice President holds executive power, and in the
system of government the Republic of Indonesia has the position of
head of state and head of government. In his term of office, the
President / Deputy can be dismissed if he is proven to have committed
treason to the state of gross violations at the suggestion of the DPR to
the MPR.
7. MA (Supreme Court), MK (Constitutional Court), and KY (Judicial
Commission) are judicial power holders, MA and MK as judicial power
8. Members of the Supreme Court have a maximum of 60 Supreme Court
Justices, while the members of the Constitutional Court have 9 people,

22 | C i v i c 5 t h G r a d e
each of which: 3 are submitted by the DPR, 3 are submitted by the
President, and 3 are submitted by the Supreme Court.

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1. The territory of the Republic of Indonesia is divided into provincial

2. Each province is divided into regency and city regions.
3. The central government is the device of the Unitary State of the
Republic of Indonesia, namely the President who is assisted by a Vice
President and state ministers.
4. Regional government is the apparatus of the regency / city regional
government is the regent / mayor.
5. Every regional government has mandatory and optional authorities.

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1. Southeast Asia is an area on the Asian continent that includes island

countries and land around the Malay Peninsula and Indochina.
2. Cooperation between countries in Southeast Asia is important,
because geographically these countries are close together and
3. ASEAN is a form of regional cooperation organization in Southeast
Asian countries.
4. ASEAN is a cooperative organization that is cooperative, not
5. The existence of cooperation between countries in the Southeast Asia
region, is expected to occur new developments that are mutually
6. Cooperation of countries in the Southeast Asia region needs to be
improved continuously, so that the benefits that are felt become more
numerous and broad.

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1. Aside from being a member of the Southeast Asian region, Indonesia is

also part of the international community.
2. The role of Indonesia in the Southeast Asian countries sometimes
through ASEAN membership, but sometimes also outside ASEAN
3. Indonesia is one of the countries that has become an important
contributor to the idea of implementing a stability program in the
Southeast Asia region.
4. Indonesia is involved in creating a Southeast Asia region that is
peaceful, free and neutral.
5. Indonesia often appears to be a mediator of conflict, and becomes a
peace force on behalf of the United Nations in the Southeast Asia

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1. The foreign policy of a country is an "extension of the hand" of its

foreign policy.
2. The nature of Indonesia's foreign policy is free and active.
3. Although Indonesia's foreign policy does not change, often its
direction depends on the ruling authority.
4. Indonesian foreign policy is devoted to national interests.
5. The situation of the global and all-changing era quickly influences the
foreign policy of a country.

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1. Indonesia has complete freedom in terms of the views and attitudes of

its country's international relations, because its foreign policy is free.
2. The free nature of Indonesia's foreign policy does not mean neutral,
but is accompanied by an active nature. The active nature of
Indonesia's foreign policy means not standing idly by all the tensions
and conflicts that occur in the international world.
3. The role of Indonesia's free and active foreign policy is quite diverse.
These roles eventually returned to the national interests of the
Indonesian nation.
4. With free foreign policy, Indonesia is heavily involved in various
international cooperation organizations.
5. With active foreign policy, Indonesia plays many roles in efforts to
realize world peace.

28 | C i v i c 5 t h G r a d e
1. Why does every country need a state foundation
2. Why is the spirit of the Pancasila formulation always considering the
condition of its people
3. Why together in compiling the Pancasila values is needed togetherness
4. Why did the founders of this nation have high fighting values
compared to the current generation
5. Why do every country carry out elections and regional elections
6. Why was the 1945 constitution amended
7. Why should high-level institutions be formed
8. What is the relationship between the central and regional
9. Why do we need cooperation with countries in the Southeast Asian
10. Why Indonesia has a big influence on Asian politics
11. Why does Indonesia do foreign policy

1. Write examples of behavior that are in accordance with each principle
in the Pancasila
2. Write examples of behavior about harmony and togetherness in
maintaining the unitary state of the Republic of Indonesia
3. Write examples of behavior so that the spirit of the young generation
can resemble those of the founding fathers of the nation
4. Create a student council presidential election model in a style such as
elections or regional elections

29 | C i v i c 5 t h G r a d e
1. Compare the Pancasila formulas made by the characters.
2. Compare the Pancasila formula contained in the Jakarta Charter with
the opening of the 1945 Constitution.
3. Compare the basic tasks and functions of PPKI and BPUPKI.
4. Compare between elections and regional elections.
5. Compare the duty between the constitution and the Supreme Court.
6. Compare the MPR's duties with the DPR.
7. Compare the duty of the central government with regional

1. Compare bilateral relations between Indonesia and Malaysia and
between Indonesia and the Philippines.
2. What is the role of Indonesia in helping ASEAN countries in facing
horizontal conflicts?
3. What is Indonesia's foreign policy on the UN security council
4. What is the policy of Indonesia's foreign policy in the eastern countries
in the midst of conflict?

1. Describe about BPUPKI!
2. Describe the PPKI!
3. Describe the formulation of Pancasila and Charter Jakarta!
4. Describe about Indonesia's foreign policy!
5. Describe about ASEAN!
6. Describe the role of the Pancasila formulator figures!
7. Describe the role of the Garuda army!

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8. Describe the duties of the judicial power!
9. Describe the duties of the DPD!
10. Describe the judicial commission!

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