INGLES Examen Extraordinario de Regularización

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English II Exam

Name_____________________________________________ Roll number_________

1.- Order the conversation.
( 20 points)
____Man: Mr. Bean? Really?
____Woman: You look exactly like Mr. Bean, you could be brothers!
____Man: Oh, yes!! Many people say I look like Brad Pitt.
____Man: Really? I wonder who I look like.
____Man: No? Who do I look like then?
____Woman: People say that everyone has a double somewhere in the world.
Someone who looks just like them.
____Woman: Do you want me to tell you who you look like?
____Woman: Oh My God, NO! You don’t look like Brad Pitt.
2.- Read the anecdote and answer the questions using indirect speech.
(20 points)
Let me tell you what happened to me when I was six years old…
We were on holiday with my family. We went to the hotel pool, and it had a safety fence
around it. I was too young to go into the pool and had to wait for my mom. While I was
waiting for my mom to get ready, my brother and sister were teasing me from inside the
pool… “Little baby can’t come in.” “You’ll be out there all day!”
I was mad at them and wanted to go in, so I put my head through the bars and… Yes!
My head got stuck, and I couldn’t get it out. I had to stand there with my head stuck in
the fence until my mom came back and got the security guard to cut the fence and get
me out.
1. What did he say they did at the hotel?
He said that they____________________________________________.
2. What did his brother and sister say from inside the pool?
3. How did he set free?
3 Match to complete the sentences.
( 20 points)

1. I used to drink a lot of coke but a) I always used to go to the USA.

2. I used to live in Mexicali but b) now I’m on a diet.
3. I used to ride my bike to school but c) now she plays golf.
4. When I lived in the border, d) I prefer to walk now.
5. She used to play tennis but e) I moved to Chihuahua.

4 Match the frequencies to the percentages they represent.

(20 points)
a) Sometimes 1) 100%
b) Always 2) 80%
c) Never 3) 40%
d) Usually 4) 0%

5 Complete the sentences using the words in the box.

(20 points)
whereas nevertheless as however in the same way
while both in contrast also
1. __________________of my grandmothers aren’t very young.
2. I love them ________ if they were my mother.
3. One of them lived a very relaxed life, _______________the other one
4. They live close to our home, ________________I don’t see them every
5. We love them both __________________________.
6. They are both 76 years old, __________________ they look like 60.
7. One of them had only one child, ________________the other one had 6.
8. They are ________________ very active women.
9. They both have computers._______________________ none of my
classmate’s grandmothers do.

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