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In economics

1. ___________Are essential or basic requirements for an adequate standard of living

a. Want
b. Need
c. necessary
2. one of the factors of planning our meals is _____________
a. money available
b. Types of meals
c. daily meals
3. ___________ Is the first meal of the day
a. Dinner
b. Launch
c. breakfast
4. explain the method of preparing groundnut soup
5. Buffet service is the process whereby plates, napkins, servietter foods and
____________ are arranged on the table for people to serve themselves
a. Fruit
b. Drinks
c. food

Section B
explain buying and spending
Mention five sources of income
What is meal planning new line list and explain the major meals of the day
Mention the types of food for each meals
English language
read the passage carefully and answer the following question
At one time, the leopard was coloured like a lion, and he had no dark markings. so he was
pursued by Akiti, the Renowned Hunter, and feared that he might be
To avoid this, he ate the roots of a certain magic plant, which had the effect of making
him invulnerable to any of the hunter’s weapons.
Soon afterward, Akiti saw him as he slipped through the dense undergrowth of the forest, but
though he shot his poisoned arrows, the leopard escaped. But where each arrow stock him,
there appeared a dark mark, and now, though hunters still pursue him, he is rarely caught, but
his body is covered with the marks of the arrows, so that as he goes among the trees he looks
exactly the mingling of the sun and shadow.

1. What was the color of the leopard
2. Who is Akiti
3. Why did the leopard eat the root of a magic plant
4. Who ran after the leopard
5. What lead to the marks on the leopard’s skin
Fill in the gap with the correct words from the list below.

Who. But. And. Because.

If. Or. Which. Whose. Whim

6. My father ________________ my mother went for a stroll

7. The girl lost her money _____________ she was careless
8. The man ____________ is with the head master is my father
9. __________ can I buy some salted fish ?
10. ___________did she carve the carrot .

Re arrange the words in the correct form

11. teraughd
12. Vertionsacon
13. Gomentvern
14. Rousthunlyder
15. Ciationreppa

Write a composition about a first and box
Basic science
1. The washing or blowing away if the top soil is called ________________
a. Weathering
b. Erosion
2. Which of these is not caused by polluted air
a. Catarrh
b. Bleeding
3. What is the name given to things that pollute air or water
a. Pollutant
b. Pollution
4. Waste is a ______________ material
5. Biogradables wasted are also called _______________ wastes.
a. Wastepaper basket
b. Tool box
Section B
1. What are wate
2. Mention 3 Human activities that may result in the production waste
3. Mention 4 ways to control air pollution
4. Mention 4 effects of pollution on human health
5. Name 5 things that can pollute our surroundings
1. Why was Bob a willful child ?
2. Who was mad at Bob?
3. What was the dog seller doing beside the bush ?
4. Where was Bob heading to ?
5. What did Blake did when Bob come back form school
6. How much did the dog seller want to pay in exchange of Blake?
7. Why did Mr James dislike dogs around his family?
8. Who burst into Bob with good news?
9. Whi was the school best dancer
10. Why did Bob make a copy ?

1. In the beginning, God created the ____________ and ___________
2. On the third day, God created _______________
3. Abraham had only one son called __________________
4. Daniel was a Jewish man who server the _______________ of Babylon
a. Man
b. King
c. God
5. In the _____________ God provided manner and quails as food for the the Israelites
a. Garden
b. Port
c. Wilderness

Section B
1. List 6 things created by man
2. List 4 things created by God
3. Name three people God delivered from danger
4. Narrate the story of Daniel in the lion's den (7 lines )
5. Mention 5 things God provided for you
Social studies
1. The _____________ is basically made up of father, mother and their children
2. One of the obligation of members of the family is ____________
a. Fighting
b. Care for one another
c. Arguing
3. __________ refers to oneness of being and staying together
a. Unity
b. Culture
c. Arguing
4. Marriage is the joining together of two people, usually a man and a woman to
become _____________
5. _________ marrriage practices should not be encouraged
a. Trial marriage
b. Healthy marriage
c. Right marriage
6. The full meaning of STD is _______________________
7. A woman who lost her husband to death is known as ____________________
8. ______________ marriage is when people who are not old enough to get
married end up getting married.
9. _____________ simply means when things are not the same
a. Unity
b. Culture
c. Diversity
10. One of our customs and traditions is ______________
a. Hairstyles
b. Fighting
c. Culture.
Section B
1. List 6 members of the family and how they are related
2. What is culture
3. Mention 10 Nigeria language you know
4. Mention 5 types of STD
5. Mention the steps in the steps in selecting a marriage partner.
Computer studies
1. A computer can ____________ data
a. Reject.
b. Accept
c. Turn
2. Our forefathers used _____________ for counting
a. Money
b. Calculator
c. Stone
3. The most popular counting machine made was called ___________
a. A computer
b. Abacus
c. Calculator
4. The evolution of computer can be traced to the time of our _____________
a. Four- fathers
b. Fore-mothers
c. Fore-father
5. The first generation of computer used ___________ as its technological
a. Integrated cycle
b. Vacuum tube
c. Internet
6. The fifth generation started and ended between ________ and ________ year
a. 2000 to date
b. 1965 - 1970
c. 1900 - 1905
7. Computer thinking ability is not superior to human ___________
a. Speed
b. Brain
c. Calculations
8. __________ communicates by sending pictures to the computer for processing
a. Scanner
b. Keyboard
c. Mouse
9. __________ displays or shows the information on the screen
a. Monitor
b. Printer
c. Keyboard
10. Another device we used to communicate with the computer is ___________
a. Camera
b. Electronic
c. Digital camera
Section B
1. Explain computer programming
2. List and explain the types of programming languages
3. Write short note
a. Fourth generation
b. Second generation
4. Explain how computer communicates with you
Security education
1. _________ means to protect, defend and safeguard oneself from dangerous situations
2. __________ is the number to call during an emergency situation
3. We empty _________ to secure and protect our environment
a. Body guard
b. Friends
c. All of the above
4. We should always switch ________ all electric appliance at home
5. We should keep our ___________ in front pocket
a. Wallet
b. Watch
Section B
1. Mention 4 security while traveling
2. Mention 4 home security while you are away
3. What is security
4. Mention 4 Security agents
5. Mention 3 things that create unsafe or unproducted environments
Verbal reason
1. The word MONTHLY has ______________ consonant
2. How many vowels are in the word CATATOMB ? ______________
3. In the word STEADFAST, vowels are ______________ than/ to consonants
4. The word MART is from MARKET. What is position of R in both word ? ______________
5. In the word MOUNTAIN, the vowel that comes after the first consonant is ___________

Sample: admire. aim. address. air

address. admire aim. air

Bray Brave Bleat Bolt

________ _________ _________ _________
Cash check Care chew
________ _________ _________ _________
Grunt grin grant get
________ _________ _________ _________
Trust Trunk Tunnel Tribunal
________ _________ _________ _________
Bump film Album clock
________ _________ _________ _________

ach ack att -> attack attach

11. Tor fac trac -> _________ ___________

12. Or gan slo -> _________ ___________
13. Ter swea sif -> _________ ___________
14. Ble bin ca -> _________ ___________
15. Board per clip -> _________ ___________

Sample : reckoner -> rec - ko - ner

16. Collector ->

17. Tribunal ->
18. Settlement ->
19. Ceramic ->
20. Federation ->
Agricultural science
1. What is soil
2. Mention 3 types of soil
3. Mention 5 agents of soil
4. What is monocotyledon
5. Mention 4 fruits of dicotyledon
6. Mention 10 classes of crops according to their uses and types
Section B
7. There are ___________ major types of soil
a. 4 b. 2 c. 3
8. ___________ soil is reddish in color
a. Clayey. b. Loamy. c. Sandy
9. The physical process of soil formation is caused by agents of ____________
a. Rock. b. Plants. c. Climate
10. When the ___________ begin to grow, they have long leaves with parallel veins, an
unbranched stems.
a. Dicotyledon. b. Monocotyledon. c. Diclofenac
11. ___________ are crops that grow and complete their life cycle in one year
a. Annuals. b. Bennials c. Premature
12. Legumes crops are used as a source of ___________
a. Vitamins. b. Minerals c. Protein
1. What is marching
2. Give an example of two animal that hops
3. List 4 basic skills in long jump
4. List 4 basic skills in high jump
5. Explain takeoff
6. Volleyball contains two ___________ teams of players
a. 12. b. 13 c. 10
7. The first volleyball association was formed in the year ___________
8. The volleyball court is ___________ to ___________ in total
a. 18cm by 9cm. b. 9m to 10m
9. A standard court in basketball is 28cm long and ___________ m wide
10. A ___________ is a large board for publicly displaying the score in a game of or match
a. Scorepost b. Scoreboard. c. Score goal
11. State facilities and equipment used in basket ball
12. ___________ was brought to Nigeria by British missionaries
a. Basketball. b. Volleyball. c. Football
13. The football pitch is ___________ in shape
a. Rectangular. b. Triangle. c. Triangle d. Square
14. The goal post is made of ___________ vertical post joined at top by a horizontal bar
a. 2. b. 3. c. 4
15. In what year did Nigeria join the confederation of Africa football.
Answer all the questions

Increase the following by 100

1. 528476
2. 1830476
3. 3054163
Write the following in words
4. 896,217
5. 1,925,715
6. 68,819,425
7. 7004
Write in Arabic numerals
Write the place value of 7
13. 164,317.56
14. 1,719,313
Approximate to the nearest whole number
15. 15.257
16. 7.6
Convert to improper fraction
17. 7
Civic education
1. Loyalty means devotion and dash to a cause
a. Peaceful b. Faithfulness c. disobedient
2. We must dash our parents and older siblings
a. Disobey b. Disrespect c. Respect
3. dash means unfaithfulness to an individual or a nation
a. Loyalty. b. Disloyalty. c. respect
4. dash is a government programme which encourages young graduate of higher institution
of learning to render selfless service to the nation for a duration of one year
5. Law enforcement agencies ensure the law of the dash are obeyed
a. Community. b. Station c. Country
6. Example of voluntary organization are
a. NEPA b. Military. c. Boy scouts
7. A dash person who is in position of directing the affairs of others toward achieving the
affairs of others
a. Leaders. b. Teacher. c. Organiser
8. dash is the manner and approach used in providing direction, implementing plans and
motivating people
a. Leaders. b. Leadership. c. Teacher
9. dash leadership style allows the followers to make the decisions while the leader hands
a. Autocratic. b. Democratic. c. Laissez - faire
10. One of the roles of a family leader is to dash
a. Lead by example
b. Be partial
c. Disrespect
11. Most dash leaders are not elected but are selected.
a. Family leader
b. Local government leaders
c. Community leaders
Section B
1. Mention 4 roles of the state government leadership
2. Mention 4 forces that can influence the style of leadership
3. List three problems that can result from disloyalty
4. State four national service that show loyalty
5. Explain military service

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