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Schlumberger Analytics Solutions | Engagement Model

Analytics Solutions
How do we deliver the next generation solutions consistently and credibly?

The world is experiencing a data revolution, and the E&P industry is by no means exempt. The digital revolution comes at a time in
our industry where there is an unprecedented drop in E&P activity and there is a focus on financial performance and taking action
to ensure our long term survival. The rapid instrumentation of rigs and well sites, the increased drilling of horizontal and deep-water
wells, and the advances in seismic, drilling and hydraulic fracturing technologies have resulted in an explosion in the volume and
frequency of generated data. As a result, big data analytics is garnering greater attention as the means to solve the current industry
At the same time, we now have the technology to capture millions of data points in real-time, store them, analyse them and gain
meaningful insights that will change the way we live and work. With data at the heart of the E&P industry, we stand at the forefront
of this data revolution. By harnessing real-time data from drilling and production operations and combining it with historical
operational and geoscience data, we can reduce costs, improve efficiencies and enhance the predictability of operations. The
problem is that traditional data analysis methodologies are not built to handle such enormous datasets - big data requires a new
breed of analytics.
What is analytics?
Analytics is the discovery and communication of
meaningful patterns in data. It uses a combination of
mathematics and statistics, descriptive techniques
and machine learning to gain valuable knowledge
from data, in order to drive decisions and actions. It
isn’t a new notion, indeed we have been doing
analytics for decades with statistical software
packages, production forecasting, uncertainty
analysis, simulation and so on. However these
historical techniques work with samples of data. Big
data analytics allows us to use all of the data for
Figure 1. The four analytic types and their varying levels of human input, and decision and building and training models, enabling us to draw
action responsibilities. Source: Gartner
fresh insights.
Big data analytics can be classified into four categories:
Descriptive analytics, the simplest and most common form of analytics, helps us to figure out what happened by looking at the
data in any visual form (e.g. historgrams, graphs, charts, cross-plots, maps etc.). Descriptive analytics tells us that the pressure in
a well is increasing, for example.
Diagnostic analytics looks at the past performance to determine why something happened, and the results are typically visualised
in a dashboard format. Using diagnostic analytics, we can understand that the pressure increased because the mud weight is
Predictive analytics tries to predict or forecast what is likely to happen in future. It predicts that if the mud weight is not corrected
within the next 2 hours, the well will likely fail.
Prescriptive analytics suggests and/or executes actions to maximize the probability of positive outcomes, as well as to minimize
the probability of negative outcomes. It is the most valuable type of analytics, and has two levels. The decision support level would
advise, for example, that the mud weight be corrected to a given recommended value within the next hour. At the automation level
it would automatically correct the mud weight to balance the pressure and reduce the risk of the well failing.
Schlumberger's focus is on predictive and prescriptive analytics, as we believe this will help our customers most. By using big data
analytics methodologies and technologies, we aim to automate or semi-automate the decision-making process, thereby allowing
companies to make cost savings, improve efficiency and enable operational predictability.

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Schlumberger Analytics Solutions | Engagement Model

What is Engineered Analytics?

In order to provide business outcomes that are relevant to our unique
Classic E&P Data Big Data
(wells, seismic, …) (public wells, lease, …)
industry, available E&P data requires a different approach when it comes
to big data analysis. Schlumberger aims to combine its E&P industry
experience, knowledge, expertise and technology with big data
methodologies to deliver automated data consolidation and quality
Interpretation & assessment or forecasting models that ultimately reduce production
losses, optimize AFE allocations, optimize infill drilling plans or optimize
well workover programs.
A typical E&P approach is to import E&P data (well and seismic data)
into an application for modelling and simulation. A big data approach on
the other hand, utilizes a methodology which combines mathematics,
The “engineered” The analytics statistics, descriptive techniques and machine learning to gain valuable
approach approach
insight from data. Our approach is to combine these two - the rigorous
domain science and the data science - to create forecasting and advisor
solutions that reduces the risks and costs associated with exploration,
development and production decisions. In Schlumberger we call this
Figure 2. Engineered Analytics – a combination of standard approach "Engineered Analytics" and the use of our domain technology
data analytics methodologies and geoscience workflows
is a key differentiator from the pure statistical and machine learning
services offered by Analytics vendors and service providers.

What is Analytics Solutions?

Analytics Solutions includes but is not limited to the delivery of
automated or forecasting solutions using Data Science and
Machine Learning. The service begins by establishing a client
technical or business objective (“the question”) – the client facing
service delivery teams are critical to the process of defining
technical and business outcomes that can be sucessfully delivered
to a suitable platform (Software, Web, Cloud or a combination of
these “packages”) using Engineered Analytics.
The next step varies depending on whether the objective is an
automated solution or a forecasting solution. The objective of an
automated solution is to improve employee productivity by reducing
cognitive overload or manual repetitive tasks (for example quality
assessment, data correction, data validation and data transfers).
The objective of a forecasing solution is to detect anomalies and
exception items that can improve employee productivity but also
provides decision support in the form of actionable insight. To
Figure 3. Analytics Solutions Consultative Engagement Model create the forecasting model, the process is: learn historical
behaviour from the data, apply engineering principles using domain
software and finally incorporate data science and machine learning to create an analytical model that can be packaged in domain
software, web interfaces or “apps” that will allow the end user to take action based on the information presented.
At the start of an engagement, once the client objectives are clear, the first phase is to determine if “the question” can be answered
from the available data with a (maximum) 6 week fixed cost “Proof of Concept – Phase 0” engaement. The goal of Phase 0 is to
demonstrate that the technical and business outcomes can be met using Engineered Analytics. Phase 0 serves as a feasibility run
and staging ground for future deployments and does not mean great and accurate results. The broad trends related to “the
question” are proven, which can later be refined based upon the successful completion of the Proof of Concept towards a bespoke
Engineering Analytics solution for the client.

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Schlumberger Analytics Solutions | Engagement Model

The Analytics Solution Delivery Process

Analytics Solutions are delivered consistently using the standard Service Delivery Process. The process is illustrated in Figure 4
and depicts the high level descriptions and stakeholders at each stage of the process. The “Consume” stage represents the client
acceptance and utilization stage following which there should be opportunities to extend our solution into other related areas of the
business in order to build upon the value generated by the deployed solution.

Figure 4. Analytics Solution Delivery Process

Analytics Solutions employs the use of a variety of Open

Source tools along with Schlumberger Platform and
Foundation software. The Open Source tools include Python, Phase Number Expected Activities
R and Octave, Mathlab is also utilized and is a licensed Define Problem Statement
software that is utilized for more detailed analyses. These Can Engineered Analytics solve the
tools are combined with Data Science and Machine learning problem?
techniques that are enabled by the computing power of cloud Phase 0: Assess business impact of the solution
or cluster providers like Google, Amazon, Cloudera and IBM. Proof-of-Concept Define the requirements (data, success
criteria, platform etc.)
Conduct Data Discovery and prototyping
Produce written report & Presentation
Further R&D as required
Phase 1: Develop prototype application
Prototype Test prototype in-house
Test prototype in the field

Deploy model in its final form

Phase 2: Workflow Advisory
Field Deployment Model Management
Support and Maintenance Services

Table 1 Analytics Solutions Solution Phases

Figure 5. Analytics Service Delivery Process

The phases of the engagement are illustrated in the following

table along with a list of key activities that are performed as
part of the Analytics Service Delivery Process.

© Copyright 2016 Schlumerger. All Rights Reserved.

Schlumberger Analytics Solutions | Engagement Model

What support is available? Conclusion

Support is available from the Analytics Business Owners at With data analytics we can discover new insights into
the Geomarket, Area and HQ level. Additionally, a challenging problems. By using engineered analytics, we can
collaborative approach among the Area and Geomarket utilize the domain expertise as well as leverage new data
Business Owner(s) for the respective domain(s) of the analytics methods to achieve predictive and prescriptive
Analytics opportunity can lead to a solid client centric use workflows that not only answer these challenges, but
case that will have high probability of a successful outcome. transform the way we work.
The HQ team consists of a Solution Design and Assessment Schlumberger understands that this is the first step of a
team in Houston and a Project Delivery team in Pune. The collaborative engagement, ultimately aimed at solving
team is utilizes the skills of Data Analysts (Information specific drilling, reservoir and production challenges. We
Management Engineers), Data Scientists and Subject Matter would like to engage with the oil and gas industry to leverage
Experts (SME) within the Portfolio and the Area. our 100+ years of technical understanding and engineering
software platforms and technologies to reduce costs,
In some cases, the use of cross-segment resources at the increase efficiency and improve operational predictability.
HQ level can provide additional value to the solutions and
yield a result with significant value to the client and

Additional Resources
For more information please visit the Hub page.

HQ Contacts
Analytics Solutions Manager: Henry Martinez (
Analytics Global BDM: Duane Imambaksh (

Area Contacts
Olivier Brousseau (EAF)
Sau Then Chin (MEA and ASA)
Sabih Asghar (NAM)
Guillermo Enrique Guzman Chaves (SAN)
Figure 6. Key workflows for Analytics Solutions Tatiana Vasilyeva (RCA)

© Copyright 2016 Schlumerger. All Rights Reserved.

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