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Describe something you did that made you feel proud

One experience that made me feel proud was when I participated in a community service project during my
college years, which was a significant accomplishment for me. The project involved renovating and painting
a local school that had been damaged by a storm.

As a team, we spent several weekends working on the project, which included repairing the walls, replacing
damaged furniture, and painting the classrooms. We faced several challenges along the way, such as dealing
with limited resources and coordinating with different stakeholders.

Despite the challenges, I was proud to see the progress we made each day and the impact it had on the local
community. We received positive feedback from the school administration and the students, who
were thrilled to have a fresh and colorful learning environment.

What made me even more proud was the sense of teamwork and camaraderie we developed throughout the
project. We worked together to overcome obstacles and make the most of our resources. It was a
truly rewarding experience to see our collective efforts come to fruition and make a difference in the lives
of others. It made us gain more confidence and opened up many opportunities for us to take part in more
works for the community.

Overall, this experience taught me the value of giving back to the community and the power of working
together towards a common goal. It also gave me a sense of personal fulfillment and pride in knowing that I
contributed to something meaningful and impactful.

 participate (v): tham gia  obstacle (n): trở ngại

 renovate (v): cải tạo  rewarding (adj): đáng giá
 deal with (phrasal verb): đối mặt với  collective (adj): (thuộc) tập thể
 resource (n): nguồn lực  fruition (n): đơm hoa kết trái (nghĩa bóng)
 stakeholder (n): các bên liên quan  fulfillment (n): đầy đủ, vẹn toàn
 thrilled (adj): vui mừng, phấn khích  pride (n): niềm tự hào
 camaraderie (n): tình bạn thân thiết  impactful (adj): có sức ảnh hưởng
 overcome (v): vượt qua

Which is more important, personal goals or work goals?

Both personal and work goals are important in their own ways. Personal goals help individuals to define their
purpose and aspirations outside of work and can contribute to overall well-being and fulfillment. Work
goals, on the other hand, are important for career development and success, and can also provide a sense
of accomplishment and satisfaction. Ultimately, striking a balance between personal and work goals is key
to leading a fulfilling and successful life.”

 aspiration (n): khát vọng  accomplishment (n): hoàn thành

 well-being (n): hạnh phúc, đầy đủ  satisfaction (n): hài lòng
 fulfillment (n): trọn vẹn  ultimately (adv): cuối cùng
 strike (v): đạt được, tìm được

Have your life goals changed since your childhood?

“Yes, my life goals have changed since my childhood. When I was younger, my goals were mostly related
to academic and career success, such as getting good grades, going to a prestigious university, and landing
a high-paying job. However, as I've grown older and gained more life experience, my goals
have shifted toward personal fulfillment and happiness. I now prioritize things like spending time with
loved ones, pursuing hobbies and interests, and making a positive impact on the world.”

 academic (n): học vấn  shift (v): chuyển sang, thay đổi
 career (n): sự nghiệp  prioritize (v): ưu tiên
 prestigious (adj): danh tiếng  pursue (v): theo đuổi

Does everyone set goals for themselves?

Not everyone sets goals for themselves, but having goals is important for personal growth and achievement.
People who set goals are more likely to have a clear sense of direction, motivation, and a plan for how to
reach their desired outcomes. However, setting goals requires self-awareness, discipline, and the ability to
prioritize and manage time effectively. Some people may feel overwhelmed or uncertain about what they
want to achieve, while others may prefer to live in the moment and enjoy the present without worrying about
the future.”

 motivation (n): động lực

 desired (adj): đam mê
 self-awareness (n): tự nhận thức
 discipline (n): kỷ luật
 overwhelmed (adj): choáng ngợp
 uncertain (adj): không chắc chắn

What kinds of rewards are important at work?

Different kinds of rewards can be important at work. While financial rewards, such as bonuses or salary
raises, are often valued by employees, non-financial rewards can also be important. For
instance, recognition and praise for a job well done can boost employee motivation and satisfaction.
Opportunities for personal and professional development, such as training or mentoring, can also be
rewarding. A positive work environment, work-life balance, and benefits such as health insurance or paid
time off can also contribute to employee satisfaction and well-being.”

 reward (n): phần thưởng

 financial (adj): thuộc tài chính
 non-financial (adj): phi tài chính
 recognition (n): sự ghi nhận, công nhận
 praise (n): khen thưởng, tán dương
 boost (v): thúc đẩy
 health insurance: bảo hiểm y tế

Do you think material rewards are more important than other rewards at work?
While material rewards such as salary, bonuses, and perks are important motivators for many people in the
workplace, they are not necessarily more important than other rewards such as recognition, personal growth,
and job satisfaction. In fact, studies have shown that non-material rewards can have a greater impact on
employee engagement and retention. Ultimately, the ideal reward system depends on the individual's
values, needs, and goals, as well as the organization's culture and objectives.”

 bonus (n): tiền thưởng

 perk (n): phúc lợi
 motivator (n): nhân tố thúc đẩy
 engagement (n): cam kết
 retention (n): sự duy trì
 ideal (adj): lý tưởng

What makes people feel proud of themselves?

People feel proud of themselves when they achieve something meaningful or significant to them. This could
be anything from completing a challenging project at work to overcoming a personal struggle or obstacle to
reaching a long-term goal. Pride often comes from a sense of accomplishment and recognition for one's
efforts and abilities. It can also be influenced by cultural and societal norms, as well as personal values and

 meaningful (adj): có ý nghĩa

 significant (adj): quan trọng
 struggle (n): khó khăn
 obstacle (n): trở ngại
 pride (n): niềm tự hào
 norm (n): chuẩn mực, quy tắc

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