Research Proposal - Bornilla

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University of the Philippines-Open University

Associate of Arts

September 2023

Prepared by:
Joshua Angelo B. Bornilla

Submitted to:
Anna Liza Barcelona


The new flare-up of the Covid pandemic expanded the holes in the schooling area all around the
world. However, the Covid pandemic is novel, it as of now harmfully affects mankind.
Coronavirus flare-up has made instructive disturbances, and worldwide wellbeing worries that
demonstrated truly challenging to oversee by worldwide wellbeing frameworks. At this point, no
country or race across the world is resistant from the Covid pandemic, and the whole world
appears to be overpowered by the speed of the spread and the overwhelming impacts of
Coronavirus. The Covid pandemic has no limits, and the impact is enormous and quick. Just in
around a couple of months of the flare-up of the sickness, it has definitely changed the ways of
life of the whole world with billions of individuals being compelled to 'remain at home', 'notice
self-segregations', and work and gain from home. It has restricted the opportunity of individuals
to move, exchange or partner.
In the Philippines, from the new update, there are as of now an all out 451, 839 affirmed cases.
This involves 54% male, with the most impacted age group 20-29 years (26%) trailed by 30-39
years (23.8%). Out of 8, 812 affirmed passouts, 60% are male with the most impacted age bunch
matured more than 70 (34.8%) trailed by 60-69 years (27%). With this the Branch of Wellbeing
(DOH) and WHO constantly stressing the requirement for consistency to, and legitimate
execution of, public rules at LGU level.

The impacts of the pandemic have developed dramatically for as long as months upsetting the
various areas in our administration. Rolling out a fast improvement to what has been the typical
to every one individual and driving them away from the existence of dread and vulnerability.
One of the areas that face this incredible decimation is the area of training. Specifically,
Advanced education Foundations (HEIs), both public and private, have likewise conform to the
new circumstance where up close and personal collaboration and mass social affairs are
disallowed. From the limits of their homes, educators and managers are put to the errand of
reconsidering and adjusting course prospectuses and prerequisites as they move to option or
remote showing modalities, both coordinated and nonconcurrent. Where understudies and
educators approach electronic gadgets and solid web associations, learning the executives
frameworks like Moodle, Material, and applications like Google Home bases, Zoom and Skype.
Oppositely, with the understudies who have restricted admittance to the web, they use cell
phones to trade messages with the instructors, or notes and materials, email, Messenger, and
even Twitter.

This proposed research tries to investigate the scholarly presentation of English understudies of
UP Open University in the midst of the current year's pandemic. In order to accomplish this, the
researchers will conduct a comprehensive study of the aforementioned students and propose
solutions to the difficulties and pressures they face while studying and adapting to the new
learning methods.
Research Questions

The Research aims to determine the most important aspect of implementing new
learning styles in today's rapidly changing education.

1. What is the connection between academic performance and the input dimension, which
includes learning styles of Visual or Virtual?
2. What is the relationship between academic performance and the understanding
dimension, also known as learning style?
3. What are the learning barriers that affect academic learning style?

Significance of the Study

The aftereffect of the review will benefit the following:

School Admin-In the event of a pandemic, this research will be of assistance to the school
administrator in soliciting and evaluating educational programs that can meet the emerging
educational requirements.
CHED- The aftereffect of this study will assist them with evaluating the current instructive
projects that will meet the current and advancing requirements of the understudies in light of the
current circumstance.
Facilitators-It will be clear from this study that not all students are adapting to the new
educational system changes. In this manner, giving them a more escalated technique that will pay
all due respects to the issues of the present learning framework.
Students-This study will assist the understudies with figuring out their circumstance within
reach. During the pandemic, the goal of this study is to help them become innovative and
creative students. Hence, permitting them to work actually and productively alongside the
restricted instructive sources and limited climate.
Future researcher- The consequence of this study can be an expected reason for additional
concentration on the various issues in the education system in the midst of pandemic. This could
serve as a guide for future research into how this pandemic affects students' academic

Definition of Terms

The key terms used in this study have been defined for clarity's sake.
Academic Performance- refers to the end result of education—the degree to which a student,
teacher, or educational establishment has accomplished their educational objectives (Annie,
Howard, and Mildred). 1996). It alludes to the understudy's conduct in achieving instructive
Asynchronous-Alludes to a descriptor portraying items or occasions that are not facilitated in
time (Stir, M. 2019). It refers to events that do occur simultaneously but do not interact.
Covid Pandemic. refers to the greatest challenge the world had ever faced and the most
significant global health crisis of our time (UNDP, 2020). It alludes to the wellbeing emergency
looked by the general public that enormously influences assortment of areas particularly the
school system.
Synchronous-refers to an adjective that describes time-coordinated objects or events (Rouse, M.
2019). It refers to events that work together within the same framework, such as conferences and
online events.

Review of Related Literature

This study assumes that the target students' academic performance is linked to the new learning
system and the pandemic's onset. The hypothesis on which the research questions are based is
supported by this section's overview of recent studies that demonstrate this relationship.
According to VOA News (2020), UNESCO Director-General Andrey Azoulayals issued a
warning that "the global scale and speed of the educational disruption due to coronavirus is
unparalleled" and that "if prolonged, could threaten the right to education." Azoulayals was cited
in the report. No questions, spontaneous school terminations can lead to serious issues for
understudies, teachers, guardians and the general public at large. It could have a negative impact
on students' academic interest and performance. Students may become idly if they are not
engaged in a productive way, which could lead to youth involvement in crimes, a loss of interest
in learning, and poor academic performance. The consequences of school closings were also the
subject of concern from the CDC in the United States. "Longer closures may result in more
students congregating outside of schools," states the CDC. Quentin (2014), states that school
shutting is exceptionally dubious, and it can have overflow consequences for countless
understudies in getting schools. It can influence the nature of educating and learning and
scholastic accomplishment especially for understudies with unique necessities or those with
learning hardships that frequently require additional actual consideration and direction from the
instructors. However, while technology can mitigate some of the effects of school closures, it
cannot take the place of face-to-face interactions between students and teachers. In addition,
during school closures, it is more difficult to maximize the potential of learning technology
because many students lack access to supportive technologies.
School conclusion implies the shutting down of schools because of the pandemic, crises, work
strikes, debacles or purposeful endeavors to reposition a school or control violations in a given
grounds or climate. This implies that school terminations are for crises or pandemics, yet
additionally a conscious approach to tending to a few distinguished holes in a given school. In
Nigeria, for instance, the government or school authorities frequently shut down schools to deal
with security concerns like cultism, terrorism, or violent campus protests. Ben, Mathew, and
Kristen (2010) cited Gewertz (2009) as saying, "During Obama's regime, Obama's
administration endorsed closure as part of an array of strategies to turn around 5,000 failing
schools in the United States." Despite the fact that, school terminations in some cases might be
for good reasons, yet the new school terminations for Covid are hindering numerous schooling
systems across the world. According to Wikipedia, 2020b, school closures as a result of
COVID-19 had kept over 1.3 billion students out of school as of March 23, 2020. Erika and
Nicholas (2020) state that school closures can be proactive or reactive. Erika and Nicholas
further expressed that responsive conclusion schools happen upon the revelation of Covid case
among the understudies, staff or guardians. While proactive school conclusion happens before
the illness even arrives at the entryways of the school. Madeline (2020) thought that school
terminations due to Covid has presented new issues like how to make progress on the web and
at-home learning, and how to cater for the people who depend on school for food and lodging
security. School terminations for Covid will in general increment pressures on understudies,
educators and guardians particularly those with restricted computerized abilities, training and
assets for proceeded with training. Not only do parents struggle to provide for their families, but
they also have to supervise their children to ensure that they learn at home. Unrivaled school
terminations press clinics since they need to cook for whatever number wellbeing circumstances
as would be prudent that conventionally might have been gone to by school wellbeing focuses.
School closures caused by the coronavirus have the potential to disrupt educational program
schedules, increase student debt, and extend students' graduation times. Due to a lack of interest
and resources, prolonged school closures may increase the rate of dropouts. School closures can
also increase the rate of crimes if they are not well managed. This is because prolonged school
closures can cause youth to become idle, which in turn encourages negative peer influences and
criminal behavior. Jobs in education were also affected; During unplanned school closures, many
workers run the risk of losing their jobs or even losing their pay.
Andreas Scheicher says that the COVID-19 pandemic has also had a big effect on higher
education. As a result of lockdown measures, universities closed their doors and countries closed
their borders. Even though online learning quickly replaced in-person lectures at higher
education institutions, these closures had an impact on learning, exams, and international
students' safety and legal status in their home countries. Perhaps most significantly, the crisis
raises concerns regarding the value of a university education, which includes both educational
content and opportunities for socialization and networking. Universities will need to rethink their
learning environments to incorporate digitalization into their relationships with students,
teachers, and other stakeholders in order to remain relevant.
Students and the economy as a whole will unquestionably benefit from school and university
reopenings. Families will also benefit financially if schools are reopened because it will allow
some parents to return to work. Those advantages, be that as it may, should be painstakingly
weighed against the wellbeing gambles and the prerequisite to alleviate the cost of the pandemic.
The requirement for such compromises calls for supported and successful coordination among
instruction and the general wellbeing specialists at various degrees of government, improved by
neighborhood investment and independence, fitting reactions to the nearby setting. Managing the
risks and trade-offs can be accomplished in a number of ways, such as investing in employee
training on the best ways to deal with the virus, establishing hygiene protocols, revising
personnel and attendance policies, and taking physical distance measures.
All through this emergency, schooling systems are progressively looking towards global strategy
reactions. By developing and analyzing quantitative, internationally comparable indicators that
are particularly relevant to comprehending the context in which the sanitation crisis has taken
place, the OECD publication Education at a Glance contributes to these endeavors. This
brochure places these indicators in the context of the pandemic, even though the indicators in
Education at a Glance date from before the crisis. It gives bits of knowledge into its monetary
ramifications for schooling, yet additionally the elements of accommodating general wellbeing
with keeping up with instructive arrangement. The approach reactions introduced in this
pamphlet cover key estimates reported or presented before the finish of June 2020 .
One of the issues of those zeroing in on scholastic efficiency is to characterize the determinants
of scholarly efficiency and to decide the impacts of scholastic efficiency on the foundations and
people (Abramo, D' Angelo and Costa, 2009). In the explores, the variables influencing
scholastic/logical efficiency are partitioned into three gatherings; personal characteristics (such
as the size of the faculty, technological and hardware/IT infrastructure, and institution
characteristics) and environmental characteristics (such as business policies, funds, and so on)
Costa, D'Angelo, and Abramo, 2009). In a similar vein, Rushton and Meltzer (1981), who
consider academic productivity to be multifaceted, classified it into three categories: individual
highlights (naturals capacities like insight, age and orientation and individual/ecological factors
like the nature of postgraduate training and hierarchical culture), institutional and departmental
variables (authoritative design and initiative, degree of the program, job of private area,
monetary capability of the college, innovative potential outcomes of the college, the limit of the
library, and so on.) culture and working conditions within the department (workforce policies,
travel funds for research, institutional funds, etc.)

The study looked at English students' academic performance during the pandemic at UP Open
University. According to previous research, the global spread of this pandemic had a negative
impact on education. Hence, the fundamental target of this study was to survey the presentation
of English students , and how this exhibition could go towards greatness and additionally the
opposite of it. There is no denying that these effects have an effect on any educational system at
an educational establishment.

Limitation of the Study

The study will be carried out at UP Open University at Los Baños, Laguna. The participants are
English students For Associate of Arts students for the school year 2023-2024.

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