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I, _____________________the parent/ legal guardian of_______________________,

who is under 12 years old. I hereby acknowledge the terms and conditions outlined in this
waiver and release of liability for my child’s participation in Sombrero Youth Association
Winter League’s Basketball activities.

I understand that basketball involves certain inherent risks and hazards, including but
not limited to physical contact, falls, collisions, and other injuries. I acknowledge that these
risks exist and that my child's participation in basketball activities may expose them to such
I understand and agree that the Released Parties will take reasonable measures to
provide a safe environment and proper supervision for my child during the basketball
activities. However, I acknowledge that accidents and injuries can still occur despite these

I further understand and agree that Sombrero Youth Association and its
representatives have the right to administer help in first aid and seek emergency medical
Treatment if ever these incidents happen.

I acknowledge that I have read this waiver and release of liability carefully and fully
understand its contents. I voluntarily agree to its terms and conditions and intend to be legally
bound by them.

By signing below, I indicate my acceptance and agreement to this waiver and release
of liability.

Parent/Guardian's Signature: __________________________

Date: __________________________

Printed Name: __________________________

Child Athlete's Name: __________________________

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